Antonov Oleg Konstantinovich biography. Father of transport aviation

(1906-1984) Famous Soviet aircraft designer, academician, active participant in glider competitions in Crimea

Oleg Antonov was born on January 25 (February 7), 1906 in the village. Trinity is now the Podolsk district of the Moscow region. Already the place of birth firmly connected Oleg Konstantinovich with aviation: “I was born in the village of Trinity - now Domodedovo is there (one of the largest Moscow airports. - Author). My father worked as a foreman. In 1911 we moved to Saratov,” says one of the interviews with academician O.K. Antonov. In 1924, Smena magazine placed a drawing of the first Antonov glider on the cover of its August issue. This “aircraft” had not yet flown, but fame had already come and inspired the young man. Then he “made his way” to the Crimean meeting of glider pilots.

O. Antonov came to Crimea for the first time in 1924, arriving at the Second All-Union Glider Design Competition, held in the village of Koktebel. From Saratov, where the future academician lived at that time, it took thirteen days to get to Feodosia. “Finally,” O.K. later recalled. Antonov, - the smell of rotting algae smelled: we were approaching Sivash... We peered in surprise at the clouds that had been crowding on the southern side of the horizon since the morning. Kharkov residents believed that these were the first spurs of the Crimean Mountains, visible from afar... So we rode standing (on open freight platforms with gliders. - Author), until the last peaks of the unknown land disappeared behind the red back of the nearest hill.”

But here is the last stop: “Unloading! — Oleg Konstantinovich continued to recall. — Quiet Feodosia is flooded with glider pilots. The small railway yard is crowded with mazhars (large carts - Author), drawn by gray oxen, hired from the surrounding villages.” Oleg was then an 18-year-old boy, but he brought to Crimea a real flying glider, assembled with his own hands (with the help of his friend Zhenya Brovarsky)!

Oleg Antonov successively went through all levels of education, which gave him the right to work in the aircraft industry: real school, school, Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (graduated in 1930). In a short time, the 24-year-old certified design engineer became an authoritative glider pilot and creator of new models of non-motorized aircraft, and immediately after graduating from the institute he was appointed chief designer of the Moscow Glider Plant. This enterprise lasted eight years. Until 1936, all newly designed glider models were tested or sent to “break the record” exclusively in eastern Crimea, on Mount Uzun-Syrt near the village of Koktebel. During the First Glider Competition (1923), naval aviation pilot P. Klementyev crashed: he flew a glider in an unacceptably strong, gusty wind. Mount Uzun-Syrt, in memory of this pilot, for a long time was called Mount Klementyev. By the way, it was I. Aivazovsky’s grandson, pilot K. K. Artseulov, who proposed holding the competition here.

The flights were carried out from the southwestern protrusion of the plateau, called the “Koklyuk Peak”. From here O. Antonov in 1927 made his first independent flight on the OKA-2 glider (“OKA” means “Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov”). Then there were the gliders OKA-3, “Standard-1” and “Standard-2”, “City of Lenin”, tested by K.K. Artseulov with the permission of the famous aircraft designer S.V. Ilyushin, training "OKA-7", "OKA-8" and "OKA-9". Finally, it was Antonov’s models that formed the basis for the first, truly mass-produced Soviet glider US-3, created in 1932 and tested in Crimea.

The glider plant located in Tushino, whose chief designer was O.K. Antonov produced up to a thousand gliders a year: at that time, youth’s passion for aviation became widespread. Oleg Konstantinovich, showing miracles of perfection, creates new series gliders - "Rot Front". In September 1934, the elegant, “Antonov-style” long-winged “Rot Front-5”, which was part of the first glider train, was delivered from Moscow to Crimea for the anniversary - the Tenth All-Union Glider Competitions in Koktebel. That year, Rot Front-5 was recognized as one of the best gliders in the world - its flight performance was so high.

The entire history of gliding in Crimea is inseparable from the creative and scientific biography of O.K. Antonov. Here, at the competition, Oleg Konstantinovich met the future Chief Designer of rocket and space technology of the USSR Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, here he met with many outstanding aircraft designers (A.S. Yakovlev, A.N. Tupolev, S.V. Ilyushin, etc.). Since 1936, glider competitions were moved from Koktebel to Krasnaya Pakhra near Moscow. But if there had not been a glider Uzun-Syrt in the Crimea with Antonov’s non-motorized aircraft, Oleg Konstantinovich would not have been able to construct his “A-7” (an improved “Rot-Front-8”), on which the famous test pilot S. Anokhin managed to During the Great Patriotic War, take a group of wounded soldiers out of the partisan forest...

Having already become the author of the An-2, beloved by absolutely all agricultural, civil and sports aviation pilots, and the world-famous An-10, An-24 passenger aircraft, An-12 transport aircraft and the giant An-22 “Antey” (carrying capacity from 80 to 90 tons) and An-124 “Ruslan” (capable of lifting up to 150 tons of various cargoes), O.K. Antonov continued to design his favorite gliders from childhood. The latest model of Antonov's non-motorized aircraft, with a butterfly-shaped tail unit, was the A-15 glider, tested by S.N. Anokhin in March 1960. And quite rightly, in the 1970s, a monument was erected on Mount Uzun-Syrt - the A-13 glider designed by O.K. Antonov. Ruthless winds once tore the car off its pedestal, but the caring hands of glider pilots restored this relic. Nowadays, Mount Uzun-Syrt has again been given over to the power of glider pilots, hang gliders and lovers of other types of modern mini-aviation.

On O.K. planes Antonov An-12, An-22 and An-124 repeatedly set world records and were awarded medals at prestigious International Industrial Exhibitions and Air Shows. For the creation of the An-2 aircraft, Oleg Konstantinovich and the group of designers led by him were awarded the USSR State Prize (1952); in 1964, O.K. Antonov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor (for the creation of the wide-body An-22 Antey); in 1981, the aircraft designer was elected a full member (academician) of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Design thinking O.K. Antonov was distinguished not only by his originality and eccentricity, but also by some technical audacity, a special understanding of the benefits and convenience of the arrangement of parts, assemblies, mechanisms and devices. It is no coincidence that the Antonov “heavy truck” An-22 set 15 world records in just one day, October 26, 1967.

It so happened that the An-2, which was welcomed by testers, was received with hostility by the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry: double-winged (biplane), a return to the past, etc. But members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine liked this rural aviation aircraft, and therefore its production was established in Kyiv , although its project was developed in Novosibirsk. It is worth recalling that until 1946 O.K. Antonov worked in the design bureau of A.S. Yakovlev as deputy chief designer. Here he participated in the development of famous fighters - from the Yak-1 to the Yak-9. Then Oleg Konstantinovich was appointed chief designer of the Novosibirsk aircraft plant. The decision to produce the An-2 in Kyiv meant the emergence of Ukraine's own aircraft production.

To Kyiv O.K. Antonov moved with his design bureau in 1952, and already in 1958 his 100-seat passenger airliner An-10 was awarded a gold medal and a diploma at the World Exhibition in Brussels. The designer repeatedly came to Crimea on business and vacation.

Airplanes with letters on the fuselage "An" flew out of KB 70 years ago. Release date FIRST airplane Antonov Design Bureau, "An-2", August 31, 1947 year. An-2 entered Guinness Book of Records How the only one V world aircraft that is being produced serially already more than 60 years ! In total, more than 18 000 cars, including the number An-2, manufactured in Poland And China! During existence USSR aircraft "An" transported more than third of passengers And half air cargo in the country ! According to work aircraft designer is NOT EASY. Every aircraft designer your own destiny. Appearance aircraft designer Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov passed completely NOT under applause. However, he was attractive And bright personality ! Antonov wrote books on gliding And children's stories, loved painting and played well tennis. He loved communicate With youth and wasn't afraid criticize those in power structures. Aircraft designer Antonov lived incredibly rich life ! Correspondents who spoke with Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, claimed that he was a person who was interested ALL! But main passion and business all my life Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov became AVIATION. He was able to create such the machines that put him in rank one of the best aircraft designers TRANSPORT aircraft in PEACE!!!

Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov was born February 7, 1906 years in the village Trinity Moscow provinces. His father worked civil engineer and wanted my son to become electrical engineer Father strongly was surprised when the son stated what he wanted FLY. When Antonov turned 4 year, he came to him dear uncle and told about flight Louis Bleriot across the strait English Channel. Later Antonov said that uncle so Interesting told about this flight, that I was completely in complete delighted, got sick aviation and decided to become too A PILOT. Example Louis Bleriot incredible inspired Oleg also because Blériot flew over English Channel on an airplane made BY OWN HAND. For one day designer-enthusiast Frenchman Blériot became world famous. Start your journey to aviation helped grandmother. She gave grandson kit For aircraft modeling, from which he made glider models. IN fifteen year old age, the young man decided that he had already ready become pilot and served application V aviation school. But I got it refusal. For admission Necessarily was necessary commander's experience. Then Antonov decided build it yourself to myself glider And learn to fly.

The first glider of Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov “Dove”

IN 1920s years of passion aviation it became real TO THE NATIONAL!!! Airplanes and gliders were built by people of different ages, professions And education. IN 1924 year Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov created my own first glider. This was when Antonov still studied at gymnasium. There he formed a group enthusiasts, which built glider "Dove". Group Antonova participated in Second All-Union gliding competitions in Crimea V Koktebele. Glider Not took prize money place, but got Certificate of Honor. This award inspired young designer, and he is proud named glider "OKA" in their own way initials. Initial Antonov glider school Very gave a lot, for everyone participants this groups! Despite the small size of the glider "Pigeon" and subsequent gliders of Antonov Design Bureau had very perfect aerodynamics. In Koktebel, where he took off first glider Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, he will visit again more than once. In these southern mountains came true for the first time his cherished dream - to FLY!

Glider by Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov “City of Lenin”

IN 1930 year Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov graduates aviation department Leningrad Polytechnic Institute. At this time he continues build and myself test their gliders. Next at the next meeting glider pilots Antonov met S.V. Ilyushin, which was chairman of the technical committee. Ilyushin straightaway appreciated successful design Antonovsky glider "City of Lenin". By offer S.V.Ilyushina young specialist appoint chief designer to the aircraft factory in Tushino. At this factory Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov many built gliders, experienced brought them to flight condition. Also in Tushino many experiments with gliders on the subject alignment, wing configuration etc. for the purpose studying actions of various options.

Glider of Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov “Rot Front”

IN late 1920s early 1930s years, competing in speed And range flight , cars appeared in the sky aircraft designers A.N. Tupolev, N.N. Polikarpov, A.S. Yakovlev, S.A. Lavochkin, S.V. Ilyushin ( see articles “Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev”, “Nikolai Nikolaevich Polikarpov”, “Alexander Sergeevich Yakovlev”, “Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin”, “Sergei Vladimirovich Ilyushin”). Then the name Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov in big there was no aviation. To Great Patriotic War he created wars gliders, who installed records. Gliders Antonova had excellent aerodynamics. IN mid 1930s the series came out sports gliders "Rot Front". Many gliders from this series turned out to be extremely successful! IN 1939 year on one of them was installed World record range flight. Aged 23 years Olga Klepikova flew by Antonov glider 749 km !!! This the record stood more 12 years ! Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov tried to bring every mine aircraft to perfection. In character Antonova harmoniously combined clarity And mental alertness With pedantry. In general he was very organized person. He found time for everything and was very systematically organized. Clearly came to work clearly left for lunch, came back from lunch. Acted according to clearly organized system.

IN 1938 year glider plant in Tushino was closed. Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov transferred to Design Bureau of A.S. Yakovlev. Soon he was assigned to develop project, which passed under the bar "top secret". Big Soviet delegation to 1938 visited the Germany and got acquainted with German aviation technology. Everyone really liked it German easy staff liaison airplane « Schtorch» ( Storch in translation stork ). Triple airplane Storch literally struck delegation with their takeoff and landing characteristics. Length Storch run amounted to 50 meters ! Mileage there was also less! IN USSR such a car Not was, therefore create similar car, and in shortest deadlines, assigned Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov.

New airplane externally it turned out very similar on Storch, Moreover, it was difficult to create such an aircraft Stalin's wishes. But when designing it, Antonova there were no technologies manufacturing German plane, so new the car turned out own And when Antonov dealt with drawings, then I noticed that Storch profile something reminds and then we realized what it was profile, developed to emergence TsAGI (December 1, 1918 year ). Respectively Germans somehow borrowed we have it. Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov Great coped with the task. New airplane short takeoff got the name "OKA-38 Stork". He passed, state tests V 1940 year and was launched V serial production. However, for a long time survive to him Not succeeded because in the very the beginning of the war factory on production OKA-38 was destroyed.

Remembering my life of an aircraft designer, Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov said that it was in it struggle And painful search much more, how holiday days. In every airplane need to invest Part his souls. Fate each aircraft own, different from other aircraft . Alone planes are accepted at "hooray" and with their implementation, the aircraft designer Not experiences special difficulties, A other with great labor accepted in serial production and it takes a lot of effort great effort in order to prove, that this plane necessary. It happened that struggle for new the plane was stretched by months, or even years.

It was the same with multi-role biplane« An-2". Despite his more than successful destiny, advancement An-2 passed with very great labor! IN 1940 year Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov decided to design an airplane - all-terrain vehicle, all-terrain vehicle. Antonov traveled a lot USSR, and to competitions gliding, and on exhibitions and saw that in the country of airfields with concrete very striped few. That's why it arose idea build a plane unpretentious, capable of taking off and landing unprepared airfields, and in any climatic conditions. But the experts who were offered evaluate car Not even wanted to hear about biplane. They said what is needed now speed And speed, and also range. A Antonovsky An-2 only had peaceful specialties And Not fit in military concept airplanes. Their Not convinced even by the fact that An-2 can sit on ANY CLEARING. In general, with the biplane is over - dot ! Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov was forced postpone project An-2 for several years . He's hard worried this refusal.

In such a situation, even strong a person needs support. And he got it. Together with Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov in the same KB worked female aircraft designer, whose name was Elizaveta Shakhatuni. She became his faithful companion on all my life. They got married in 1938 year. Through year They together worked on a project OKA-38. IN beginning of the war they also together developed landing gliders. The most famous of them was glider "A-7". Load capacity this transport airframe was 1 ton or 7 Human. A-7 was built 720 things. This glider was used for delivery ammunition, medicine And removal of the wounded, for example, parts caught in environment, and also partisan When under Stalingrad decisive offensive, on gliders A-7 drove antifreeze For tanks.

On the fuselages military airplanes names aircraft designers they don't write. The name was not written Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov and on military gliders, who carried goods to the partisans. Not it was written on fighters. But behind the name "Yak" stood and participation Antonova as Deputy Chief designer A.S. Yakovleva. Big role Antonov played in the creation of one of the best Soviet combat vehicles, fighter "Yak-3". Engineers who worked with Yakovlev, noted that he was tough leader, and sometimes even cruel. Some KB he's just closed, killed many good projects aircraft, while giving priority, first of all his airplanes. But despite this Yakovlev related to Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov carefully And supported his .

Antonov believed that the designer should do what REQUIRED. And here is the real one constructor, despite complexity, must fit in V requirements customer. But what about that plane, designed back to wars ? His the drawings burned V 1941 year. Throughout the war Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov stealthily in the evenings restored drawings An-2 By memory, did calculations, improved design. IN 1945 year by persistent at Antonov's request was carried out re-examination. She did conclusion, what to build this plane WON'T we??? However, sometimes an aircraft designer LUCKY and his hard-won project becomes exactly what REQUIRED. An-2 saved resolution by A.S. Yakovlev, who said : « This interesting airplane ! It's necessary build." The car, rejected before the war, in the second half 1945 became the year more needed than a fighter! Only KB for development An-2 was created in Novosibirsk. But Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, without hesitation, I went to Novosibirsk because he finally had opportunity to create what he's been talking about for so long dreamed and besides, build a plane like this necessary country.

IN 1946 year Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov arrived in Moscow with package ready-made documents. A.S. Yakovlev approved project. At that time Yakovlev held the position Deputy People's Commissar By Experienced aircraft construction, and his word had a corresponding weight. Next Yakovlev ordered the deputy of the aviation industry to pick up documents By An-2 V PRODUCTION. From now on started long, nice life of An-2. IN 1947 year On August 31st, the An-2 took off for the first time in the air in the sky Novosibirsk. Shortly thereafter it was shown on air parade V Tushino. There he flew into accompanied airplanes Yak-12.

When designing multi-purpose biplane An-2 Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov conceived this plane as a real one "workhorse" In fact it turned out that An-2 surpassed expectations ! He pollinated agricultural fields, transported cargo, extinguished forest fires, helped geological exploration, actively used for transportation passengers. He transported for one flight 12 Human. In total the machine mastered 18 specialties! The pilots spoke about An-2 how about simple in management, reliable And comfortable for an airplane pilot. During the reign N.S. Khrushchev, An-2 got a nickname "Corn grower." It is difficult to even calculate how many areas corn fields processed An-2! The biplane became famous Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov and in Arctic, V Arctic and in Antarctica. This is where the irreplaceable quality comes in handy An-2 - “hang” in the air. Often due to blizzards cargo dumped straight from sides airplane. Polar pilot Mikhail Kaminsky he said in his memoirs : « Do you know what it is cultural revolution on North? This Soviet power plus aviation. A northern aviation without An-2, How left-handed without left hand." For more than 60 year old history of existence An-2 he transported almost the entire population our countries! Biplane became FIRST car on the list TRANSPORT planes, which loudly declared on the whole world Name

Summer 1950 year for All-Union competitions in gliding Antonov presented his new glider " A-9". Thanks to its outstanding aerodynamics, A-9 beat me right away All-Union speed record flight. For Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov gliders became forever the most beloved aircraft. But in early 1950s years, the equipment required was completely another sphere aviation. At this time it flared up "cold war" and in connection with the emergence new military strategies there was a need for powerful TRANSPORT airplanes. New military the doctrine required to large military divisions were literally thrown into in a matter of hours. First tried for this purpose redo under transport aviation bombers And passenger airplanes, but they didn't answer new transportation requirements dimensional equipment and oversized cargo. USSR rivalry And USA became a rivalry two aviation firms – American already known brand Lockheed and still little known

IN 1952 year Antonova transferred to work in Kyiv. On the rich talented people Ukrainian he will create on earth new design team and new famous aircraft. Workers Antonov Design Bureau remember this one tradition which they had. After graduation Kharkov Aviation institute young specialists, having worked YEAR V Antonov Design Bureau, received a specially designed document - “crust”, in which it was recorded first on my own work done and Name this young specialist. This document was TRAVEL V design activities for young people specialist Handed over the document myself personally Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov. This is certainly very strong inspired the young specialist to work in Antonov Design Bureau and talked about in many ways O Main designer, that is, despite all his employment, he still found time come and personally hand over the “crust” and shake hands young specialist.

IN 1956 year at the aviation festival in honor of Air Fleet Day V Tushino was for the first time presented to the audience at that time powerful turboprop transport aircraft "An-8". Journalists immediately nicknamed his "whale". It was FIRST V USSR specialized transport airplane. Before that none aviation USSR Design Bureau created transport airplanes. "Flying Whale" Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, could take on board 11 tons cargo

As cargo could be technique and division paratroopers to 40 man with full combat gear. An-8 was equipped spacious cargo compartment, comfortable for loading equipment and paratroopers folding ramp. To be able to take off and land on unprepared airfields WING An-8 placed TOP OF THE FUSELAGE, and also did chassis all terrain. There was even EXPERIENCED copy "Kita" which was equipped rocket booster For shortened takeoff. Created An-8 determined further SPECIALIZATION OF Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov Design Bureau. For "An-8" followed by more big transporters. The leaders themselves American aviation company Lockheed they said that in the world there is only two companies with your appearance, and good know how do transport And military transport aircraft this is a company Lockheed And Antonov.

Next car Antonova took off into the sky just after YEAR! From the airfield Irkutsk aircraft plant December 16, 1957 took off "An-12". His lifting capacity was already 20 tons cargo Cargo dimensions compartments were designed not only for equipment that was already existed at that time, but also at perspective. For 20 subsequent years An-12 was BASIS military transport aviation USSR. When creating An-12, Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov suggested doing it on one database and transport and passenger airplane. New PASSENGER the plane was named "An-10". In case war An-10 it would be possible without special costs refurbish V military transport airplane. But history An-10 turned out to be NOT so successful like An-12.

Passenger An-10 had a rare combination, he had at that time higher speed and the ability to take off from not equipped with concrete strip of airfields. This led to the fact that liner steel use With GROUND airfields. As a result An-10 too much quickly spent mine resource in part glider airplane. This happened because when takeoff run And mileage By GROUND from increased vibrations, quickly appeared in metal FATIGUE CRACKS. IN 1972 year under Kharkov happened catastrophe one of An-10. Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov very hard worried this tragedy and felt carrying a load responsibility. In the same year the whole park this airliner removed With airlines.

After this incident the problem FATIGUE STRUCTURE began to be seen as HOME at design airplane. Despite the flight incident, Antonov Design Bureau NOT lost its position in aviation. Cars Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov were still among the most reliable Soviet airplanes. Cars Antonova stood out and one more sign. Everyone celebrated great harmony designs Antonovsky models. Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov believed that the plane was Not just a piece metal, A a work of art. A person's ability to see beauty V different situations– this is quality a real artist. Antonov and really very loved to draw. He could for hours stand by easel. In their memories he said that often it was during inspired drawing he had the right idea solution By design of the new airplane.

IN mid 1950s years Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov resumed work on small aircraft "all-terrain vehicles" type An-2. The result was "An-14" Bee. An-14 performance ended up in two times more, A cost price cargo transportation in two times less, than An-2. Thanks to powerful mechanization wing Bee had such low speed when landing, which was capable of landing not only on priming, but also on sand and even on snow. In order to loading cargo in An-14 was comfortable instead of a door they made it on the side spacious sunroof at the rear of the fuselage. Despite everything advantages, the Bee was in no hurry launch into production because the customer still didn't suit some characteristics airplane. In order to eliminate disadvantages and run An-14 V serial production Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov it took 5 years.

In the very early 1960s years in Soviet passenger airlines small And average range prevailed piston airplane S.V. Ilyushina, Il-14 ( see article "Sergei Vladimirovich Ilyushin"). But in 1962 year he developed a serious competitor faster turboprop "An-24". When creating this plane key became the principle RELIABILITY. During production An-24 for the first time applied GLUED WELDED connections structural elements that were developed jointly with Institute of Electric Welding name Paton. IN 1959 year An-24 successfully passed, state tests and his implementation on passenger airlines took it literally mass character. On An-24 base were created transport "An-26" airplane aerial photography of An-30. Despite performing different tasks, they confirmed everything quality mark Design Bureau of Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov.

Job Chief designer always associated with enormous moral burden. He answers not only for design aircraft, but also for negotiation With by the customer, for establishing work with subcontractors, organization production and much more. Besides strength all this is required time, which has Chief designer always in sawn-off shotgun But Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov managed organize creatively your job. He arranged his desktop so that he became something akin to A MODERN COMPUTER. Antonov himself designed and drew drawings his desktop, which was manufactured at his own enterprise.

For example, in this table in table top was built in NICHE With LIGHTED FROM BOTTOM and opening transparent lid. This table top arrangement allowed quickly copy drawings or promptly drawings change. In the upper left corner the table had CRITCH to send to it signed documents. After lowering into gap, these signed documents ended up in a special box, who then took out secretary without distracting the designer from his current job. Another example of high organization Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov were special BOOKMARKS of different colors. He used these bookmarks when reading something literature and wrote on them instructions about what was needed do with this information. For example, when familiarizing yourself with foreign made an article bookmark in this article , on which he wrote the word "translate" according to him NOT had to additionally ask to complete this task.

Also for OPTIMIZATIONS work on the right edge of the desktop Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov there was a special box with special FOLDERS in the form thin boxes, on which with end first and last names were written heads of departments. In these folders Antonov stored on special leaflets for notes , production QUESTIONS, which were associated with by this manager department or designer from this department. If there was meeting with these workers Antonov previously looked through written down on pieces of paper notes from folders and thus didn't forget even small ones nuances. Subordinates, Bye didn't know the purpose of these folders, were surprised how Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov remembered even minor ones details their work if they themselves O his work was remembered not everything especially since his subordinates Antonova So many!?

And yet on aircraft designer sometimes it fell on me fatigue, just not from hundreds drawings, and from confrontation With bureaucratic by car. In such cases Antonov left his office and picked up tennis racket Oddly enough, he believed that tennis sport is similar on his work because in tennis is also necessary quick thinking depending on the situation. Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov really thought that REST - This CHANGE OF ACTIVITY. When he tired from work, he could, for example, start write some article or was studying sports, could go do some work V garden or in your carpentry workshop or study drawing. All in all, changed occupation and perhaps, including That's why managed do So many.

In history Soviet aviation the only one by an airplane made specially on EXPORT, became light transport airplane "An-32". The point is that by this time India already had operating experience An-12. But Indians asked to do transport airplane less weight and with greater speed. And among the aircraft designers there were no people willing to design transport worker For HIMALAYAN HIGH MOUNTAINS. For this not simple task took on Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov. When designing An-32 he applied non-standard decisions that airplanes made Antonov famous. As already stated, new idea could come to Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov while doing something a simple occupation, for example during work V garden.

So to create An-32 for basis was taken An-26, just put it on An-32 engines V two times more power violating while all aviation design laws. It turned out new airplane. Deserved test pilot Hero of the Soviet Union Yuri Vladimirovich Kurlin, tester An-32, stated: “In first while flying on this machine I had a problem feeling, What An-32 took off like fighter. Power was so many, that I just didn’t want to fly and that’s why I flew it twisted the barrels. And really for the conditions Himalayan highlands airplane Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, An-32, turned out to be the best V world! IN 1976 year An-32 passed the tests customer conditions actually alpine world airfield altitude 4,200 meters above sea level ! Later 25 years the Indians announced a new contest to create new an even better aircraft for them high mountain conditions, and around the world NOT found no type better plane than An-32. Only now it has been refurbished new aviation instruments.

IN 1962 year Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov was awarded the title General designer. By this time he Name became known in all over the world! Antonovsky there were cars RELIABLE, and them brand distinction was the location wing at the top of the fuselage. Such fuselage type called "PARASOL". When Antonova they asked why on all his cars wings located above, he answered jokingly : "Birds With wings located it doesn’t happen from below!” Real triumph waited Antonova V 1965 year. At the air and space show in Le Bourget All newspapers published photos Soviet aircraft designer Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, KB which was presented to the public biggest at that time in world, transport airplane "An-22" Antey. The effect was stunning, the audience was in delighted! Test pilot KB Antonov, Yuri Kurlin remembered two such notable moment : « I especially remember one american general, who literally had "square eyes" when he saw An-22. He never didn't expect from these Russian "savages" what are they can such "to concoct" And other jokers are not jokers I don't know, but they took me a long time couldn't understand what are they knocking By the belly of the plane? It turns out that someone let me in hearing, that the plane half wooden!?”

Aircraft designer Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor in 1965 for creating the largest transport aircraft in the world at that time, the An-22.

An-22, Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov became FIRST V WORLD the plane that took to the sky load weighing 100 tons ! British newspaper « Times» ( Times ) wrote that thanks to the plane An-22, the USSR was ahead in the aircraft industry all World at least by two year. For this car General constructor Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor! However, even being world famous aircraft designer Antonov, never forgot dream all my life - FLY. He spoke : « This one of yours dream for a long time I, in general, constantly I am implementing. I've flown a lot gliders, and as for airplanes, I am directly involved in everyone's trials his airplane as CO-PILOT. No such my plane on which I would didn't fly! This gives me great moral satisfaction, but other than that I have to say that constructor Necessarily must fly on your own on airplanes, well at least co-pilot. You can't be the first. Passenger – This not enough. Here's to feel the car feel it tempers, guts, her behavior, fly on it necessary!"

IN late 1970s released light military transport "An-72". On this machine the engines were located on top of a high wing. Because of this peculiarities the pilots nicknamed the plane "Cheburashka" Like All aircraft Antonova, An-72 has excellent takeoff and landing characteristics. Takeoff run of this aircraft is only 420 meters. The pilots said : "An-72 literally "jumps" to the sky Highly located engines, powerful mechanization wing and specially designed chassis gave the opportunity very much effectively use An-72 With ground sites and from short runways, located on the extreme North.

Cars Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov capable of performing any tasks that must be performed transport aviation. Last aircraft, the creation of which he led General constructor Antonov, became a giant "An-124 Ruslan" ( see article "An-124 Ruslan"). It is this aircraft that is still leader V world aviation transportation super-heavy large-sized cargo on distant distances. An-124 was conceived as an aircraft that was supposed to be in a long-standing rivalry surpass technical characteristics American transport company aircraft Lockheed, "C-5 » Galaxy. This giant new generation was created in late 1960s years. In order to surpass it was necessary increase the payload capacity of the An-124 to 150 tons .

To create a machine of this class of effort Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov's design bureau alone is not enough. In design and construction An-124 many participated research institute and enterprises USSR. To develop such an aircraft it was necessary to create new engines, electronics And new materials. Most significant novelty in design An-124 has become an application SUPERCRITICAL WINGS With SMALL RESERVE OF STATIC STABILITY. At that time it was unheard of especially on this huge on an airplane ! There were a lot problems related to the fact that it was difficult prove correct such solutions. There were even "well-wishers" who wrote complaints up to Central Committee of the CPSU, that this is wrong. But Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov DEFENDED such wing design, and in the end everything worked out and the plane flies great!

Development An-124 gave powerful impulse for the development of all aviation industry of the USSR. Appeared tens absolutely new materials, applied unique technologies. IN 1982 year was manufactured first experienced sample An-124. Just like when launching new sea ship in the presence of a huge collective, December 24, 1982 year , Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov broke a bottle champagne about Ruslan's board! Name "Ruslan" I also came up with this Antonov, in honor of power Russian heroes. IN 1985 year An-124 was presented at air show V Le Bourget. In the same year Ruslan for two weeks installed 21 World record. One of his phenomenal records he raised cargo weighing 171,219 tons per height 10 750 meters. Journalists dubbed Ruslan "Russian miracle". With the advent An-124 our troops achieved high quality new level strategic mobility.

"Cold War" went to past, but also in peaceful time Ruslan is INDEPENDABLE. He biggest V world serial airplane carrier of heavy and bulky cargo. Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov passed away April 4, 1984 year. Famous KB headed Antonov's student, Pyotr Vasilievich Balabuev. Under the leadership Balabueva was created THE BIGGEST V AN-225 Mriya PLANE IN THE WORLD ( see article "An-225 Mriya") With lifting capacity 250 tons !!! Translated from Ukrainian language, "Mriya" means "dream". IN 1989 air giant An-225 transported from Moscow region airfield Zhukovsky to the cosmodrome Baikonur spacecraft "Buran" ( see article "Buran spaceship").

First production plant Antonovsky aircraft was simply called "Kyiv Mechanical Plant". Then "ANTK named after Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov." Now the plant is called simply "Antonov". Today the team KB "Antonov" tries to save ideology and in general attitude To business, To aviation as such, which were Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov. Name and fame Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov today at equally belong Ukraine And Russia. His students work in both states promoting The main thing, what the master left them – design school, which allows you to create FIRST-CLASS WINGED MACHINES.

February 7, according to the new style, marks the 107th anniversary of the birth of Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, an outstanding aircraft designer whose name occupies an honorable place in the history of aviation. Doctor of Science, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR and the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize and State Prize of the USSR, creator of the legendary AN-2 (“maize plant”), as well as the creator of 74 (!) models of diverse aircraft (52 types of gliders and 22 types of aircraft), founder and head of the famous Soviet experimental design bureau.

The designer’s works made his name one of the most famous in the world. During the Great Patriotic War, he participated in the creation and development of the Yak fighter, one of the most popular and sought-after aircraft of that period. Together with his design bureau, Antonov shocked the world with the creation of the heavy turboprop transport aircraft An-22 “Antey” with a maximum take-off weight of 250 tons and the An-124 “Ruslan”, which had a take-off weight of 402 tons.

O. Antonov was a multifaceted and comprehensively developed personality - he was actively involved in sports and painting (“if I had not become a designer, I would have become an artist”), wrote works on airplane gliding (“On wings of wood and canvas,” “Ten times first” , “For everyone and for yourself” and others), poems and even stories for children. D. S. Kiva, general designer and president state enterprise“Antonov” since 2005, spoke about his outstanding predecessor: “Everyone admired his knowledge, vast experience, amazing intuition with a rare combination of purely human qualities - the ability to attract the hearts of people, captivate them, unite them, inspire confidence that they can handle any complex tasks."

Oleg Antonov was born on February 7, 1906 in the village of Trinity, Podolsk district, Moscow region, into a family of hereditary nobles - Konstantin Konstantinovich and Anna Efimovna Antonov. When the boy was six years old, the family moved to Saratov.

The Antonov family at the beginning of the twentieth century

“I began to dream about aviation early,” Antonov recalled, “I was in my fourth year when my cousin came to us from Moscow and began to talk about the fantastic flight across the English Channel made by Louis Blériot. All this made a very strong impression on me. Sixty-four years have passed, but I remember that evening and my brother’s story to this day! I decided that I would fly like Bleriot (...) And I started building gliders to fly. I had no other way to heaven then. That's how he became an aircraft designer. All my life I built and built... True, I flew a little myself. On all of your cars. We, designers, need this: not a single tester, not even the most detailed report, or instrument records will tell about the aircraft what you yourself will feel when you take the helm in your hands. (…) The sky is beautiful. If I started all over again, I would become a pilot!”

Monoplane "Blériot XI", on which the Frenchman Louis Blériot flew across the English Channel

Parents did not support their children's desire to fly. His father worked as a civil engineer and predicted a future for his son as an electrical engineer; his mother believed that a person had nothing to do in the sky. And only the grandmother supported children’s dreams by giving him a model airplane with a rubber engine.

There was virtually no information about aviation in Saratov. Oleg had to get information from newspapers and magazines. Which, according to him, served him well - he was able to consider a variety of aircraft from the angle of their development. The enthusiastic boy even published a handwritten magazine, “The Aviation Lovers Club,” and distributed it among his peers, with whom he designed kites and model airplanes.

After graduating from labor school, a fifteen-year-old purposeful young man applied to the Red Air Fleet aviation school, but was refused. Then it was possible to study only as a pilot and only with command experience. Antonov was not at a loss, he organized the “Circle of Aviation Lovers”, where he designed more serious models. Soon, he took part in the first glider design competition in the USSR, where he sent his amateur drawings. “One day I was walking around Saratov, and suddenly I saw: in the window of a kiosk the 8th issue of the magazine “Smena” for 1924 with drawings of my glider! At that time, I still knew little about the rules of drawing, and I drew many knots in perspective and even painted them with watercolors. On the cover of the magazine, a young aviator was rushing with a dashing bank over the Clouds. His large scarf fluttered in the wind and gave the whole design a romantic elation.”

Cover of the magazine “Smena” for 1924.

A branch of the Moscow Soaring Flight society was then opened in Saratov, which had its own glider section and design bureau, headed by O. Antonov. In this design bureau, the young men developed the OKA-1 “Golub” glider, which was presented for public display at the Second All-Union Congress of Glider Pilots in Koktebel in 1924. OKA-1 and its creators received certificates of honor for the originality of the idea - the design was extremely complex, but they were used in production exclusively available materials. In the same year, two books by the 18-year-old designer were published with illustrations by the author: “The simplest models of paper gliders” and “Why do we need gliders.”

In 1925, O. Antonov entered the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute at the hydroaviation department of the naval department. During his studies he created six types of gliders. Some of them were released in small series. The release of the City of Lenin glider, which received the approval of the famous designer S.V. Ilyushin, was a record-breaking one.

After graduating from the institute, Antonov was sent to work in Moscow to create a glider design bureau. Soon, when the construction of the plant in Tushino was completed, Antonov was appointed chief designer there. During his work, he assembled more than 30 non-motorized aircraft for various tasks. Some models have set world records. For example, Rot-Front 7 set a record for flight range, flying 749.2 km. The record lasted 30 (!) years.

Glider "Rot-Front 7"

In 1938, O. Antonov took the position of leading engineer for training aircraft at the A. S. Yakovlev Design Bureau, at the personal invitation of the chief designer. Within a year, Antonov developed a small-sized aircraft, the Stork, which was put into mass production in Kaunas.

During the Great Patriotic War, Antonov received the task of launching mass production of the A-7 landing transport glider, which he developed in 1940. More than 500 of these gliders were used in military operations. For this, the designer was awarded the medal “Partisan of the Great Patriotic War.” In 1942, Antonov developed the A-40 - for transporting light armored vehicles or light tank. However, he spent most of his time refining and improving the Yak fighter, which was widely used in combat.

After the war, Antonov went to Novosibirsk to head the design bureau at the aircraft plant. The result was not long in coming. On August 31, 1947, an experimental model of an agricultural aircraft, which a year later received the name AN-2, carried out its first test flight. On September 6, 1949, the aircraft went into mass production. “The Russians are excellent pilots,” wrote the Canadian pilot E. Brown, “The AN-2 is an amazing airplane. He can even land on the roof of a barn and take off from a bell tower.”

Legendary AN-2

Domestic pilots nicknamed this plane “Annushka”, and civilians called it “maize”. The device could perform various tasks - from irrigating fields to extinguishing fires, from training paratroopers to participating in Arctic research. Several thousand different modifications of the AN-2 were produced.

Since 1952, O. Antonov’s life has been closely connected with Ukraine. He and a group of leading specialists moved to Kyiv and founded the aircraft design bureau (now it is the O.K. Antonov Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex). Most of the new team were graduates of the Kharkov Aviation Institute (where O. Antonov worked as the head of the department since 1977).

The first project of the new design bureau was the AN-8 transport aircraft, with two turboprop engines, launched into series production in 1958 in Tashkent.

The development of the An-10 and An-12 aircraft began in 1955 after a visit to the design bureau by N. S. Khrushchev. In a conversation with the head of state, Antonov proposed creating a single 4-engine aircraft in passenger and cargo versions.

Experts believe that the An-10 had a rare combination of properties for a passenger airliner: high flight speed, a relatively short required runway length and the ability to take off and land on unpaved and snow-covered airfields. Taking these features into account, Aeroflot operated the An-10 on short interregional routes with poorly prepared and unpaved runways. Off-design operating conditions, frequent takeoffs and landings led to the rapid consumption of its resource. This caused the formation of fatigue cracks in the structural elements of the An-10. Antonov was having a hard time with the disaster of 1972 and shared with his Kyiv friend, the famous surgeon N. Amosov: “No, I will not build large passenger aircraft. I will not survive the simultaneous death of many people. After the accident with the “ten”, I more than once woke up from a night call in a cold sweat and picked up the phone with a trembling hand - was there really an accident with my plane again?

In the fall of 1960, O. Antonov received an order to develop a giant aircraft for transporting large loads. The huge, unprecedented flying machine was named AN-22 “Antey”. The design solution for the super-lifting aircraft came to the designer in a dream. The giant's first flight took place in February 1965.

AN-22 "Antey"

In June of the same year, "Antey" was exhibited in Paris at the international air show. French journalist Gerard Favard spoke about the most gigantic aircraft that existed on the planet at that time: “When the huge shadow of the Antaeus flew like a whirlwind over the Le Bourget airfield, even the most ardent pessimists burst out into a cry of admiration. This is fantastic! Flying tanker! Train in the air! Whatever epithets they came up with these days! But not one of them could express the impressions that the Soviet supergiant made even on experienced salon participants. This is, of course, the number one sensation, before which the rest of the exhibits pale. And I will take the liberty of declaring on behalf of all visitors to the salon that not one of them passed indifferently past the Soviet “Antey” - “the main sensation of the salon.”

Antey set 41 world aviation records.

Antonov's most powerful development was the supergiant aircraft AN-124 "Ruslan", during the creation of which very daring for that time were found technical solutions. In particular, on an aircraft of this class, a swept wing with a supercritical profile was used for the first time in the world. The Ruslan set 30 world records.


“Ruslan” was the last aircraft created under the direct supervision of O.K. Antonov, who died on April 4, 1984. The outstanding aircraft designer of our time was buried at the Baikovo cemetery in Kyiv. The Kiev Mechanical Plant and the design bureau, which he led, bear his name.

Further management of the project was carried out by General Designer P.V. Balabuev, student and successor of O.K. Antonov. The world premiere of “Ruslan” took place at Le Bourget in May 1985, where it, like “Antey” before, aroused great interest. The Ruslan was serially produced at aircraft factories in Kyiv (17 copies) and Ulyanovsk (34 copies). Currently, Ruslans are operated by the Russian Air Force, Volga-Dnepr, Polet and Antonov Airlines.

AN-124 "Ruslan" over the Kremlin domes

Today, the creators of Ruslan are trying to increase the commercial and consumer attractiveness of Ruslan; the problem of joint Ukrainian-Russian production of the airliner is becoming more and more urgent. IN recent years new civil versions of the An-124-100 have been certified: An-124-100M, An-124-100-150 and An-124-100M-150.

In the interests of military transport aviation, it is proposed to resume serial production of the Ruslan in the An-124-200 variant. They are talking about the possibility of operating this airliner for another half century.

Over the entire period of existence of the Antonov Design Bureau, 483 world records were set on its aircraft (by the end of 2005), 378 of which have not yet been broken.

In 1999, Antonov’s name was inducted into the International Aerospace Hall of Fame in San Diego, California, for his achievements in aviation.

Grave of O. Antonov

As Oleg Konstantinovich said in one of his last speeches: “You can only go further along a revolutionary path, mastering new ideas. And, as we know, there are no limits to new technology.”

Indeed, it doesn't exist. The Antonov Design Bureau has developed an even larger aircraft, the AN-225 Mriya. If “Ruslan” lifted 150 tons of payload, then “Mriya” - 250. “Mriya” carried out its first flight in 1988, and in May 1989 it carried out flights with “Buran” at Baikonur.

AN-225 "Mriya" carries the space shuttle "Buran"

Now the AN-225 is in flight condition and is used by the air transport division of the ASTC named after. O.K. Antonov - Antonov Airlines.

Since 2009, the famous association, which includes several large enterprises in different cities, has been called the State Aircraft Concern Antonov.

In 2011, the Ukrainian short-haul passenger aircraft An-158 (An-148-200), designed to carry from 86 to 99 passengers, was certified. In 2012, the Russian leasing company Ilyushin Finance Co. signed a contract for the sale of 15 An-148 and An-158 with a Panamanian leasing company South American Aircraft Leasing S.A.

I. Weisberg, who visited the aircraft plant in Ulyanovsk in August 2012, in his article “For Ruslan, 30 years is not age!” notes: “The huge half-empty hangars seemed to freeze in anticipation of the giant aircraft for which they were built. The plant still employs specialists who have mastered the serial production of Ruslan. New modifications of Ruslan, taking into account the installation of the most modern equipment, are airliners of the 21st century. The main thing is not to “talk” the issue and not miss the time to implement all the decisions made to modernize and resume serial production of a unique aircraft.”

Let us add: this would be an excellent continuation of the main work of the outstanding domestic aircraft designer O. K. Antonova.

February 7, 2006 marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, a man whose name has remained with us for more than two decades since his death. Years have not been able to erase his unusually bright and attractive image from memory. “Outstanding aircraft designer”, “extraordinary leader”, “ bright personality", "a man with a capital P", "artist", "writer", "athlete" - this is not just a listing of individual aspects of Oleg Konstantinovich’s personality, these are epithets that amaze us with their diversity and together provide a rare example of exceptional rich life. The outstanding surgeon Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov said: “Oleg Konstantinovich was... multifaceted, he intertwined a deep knowledge of technology with art.”

However, aviation has always remained the most important aspect of Antonov’s life. He created 52 types of gliders and 22 types of aircraft, including the largest and most load-lifting ones in the world, devoted a lot of effort to the development of dozens of other aircraft, founded an original school of design, and trained a team of worthy successors to his work. The design bureau created by Oleg Konstantinovich, undergoing structural changes, being successively called the “mailbox”, the Kyiv Mechanical Plant and, finally, the Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex, was invariably associated with the name of its founder, remaining in the everyday speech of millions of people simply “Antonov Design Bureau”, because the very name of this man forever entered the history of aviation and became symbolic.

Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov was born on February 7, 1906 in the Moscow province, into the noble family of Anna Efimovna (photo) and Konstantin Konstantinovich Antonov.

In 1912, the Antonov family moved to Saratov, on the Volga. There, little Oleg first heard about airplanes from his cousin’s stories. At that time, there was practically no literature on aviation in Saratov. Oleg cut out all the information about her from newspapers and magazines, compiling a kind of reference book. “This meeting did me a great service,” he later wrote, “by teaching me to consider aircraft from the angle of their development.” Together with his peers, Oleg created the “Aviation Lovers Club” and published a handwritten aviation magazine. The passion for flight drew the obsessed children to the military airfield, where they became acquainted with the design of aircraft, studying their wreckage on the outskirts of the airfield, and to the book market in search of random books on aviation.

Since 1923, Oleg actively worked in the “Society of Friends of the Air Fleet,” creating gliders of his own design, in particular, a training apparatus called “Dove,” for the successful design of which he was awarded a diploma. His indefatigable creative nature and his tenacious memory, which contained the designs of almost all aircraft known by that time, allowed the creation of the young Antonov, a student in the hydroaviation department of the Leningrad Naval Faculty Polytechnic Institute, training gliders OKA-3, "Standard-1", "Standard-2", OKA-7, OKA-8 and the first record glider "City of Lenin".

At the end of 1930, after graduating from the institute, Oleg Antonov was sent to Moscow to organize the Central Design Bureau for gliders. A glider factory was being built in Tushino, a suburb of Moscow. In 1933, when construction of the plant was completed, Antonov was appointed chief designer. Antonov's Rot-Front series gliders achieved record flight ranges (photo).

In the late 1930s, Antonov was invited to his design bureau by chief designer A.S. Yakovlev and offered him a job as a leading engineer for training aircraft. But the Great Patriotic War began. Antonov received a government order to organize the production of the multi-seat airborne transport glider A-7, which he developed in 1940. In October, the plant was evacuated to Tyumen in Siberia, where over 500 transport gliders were manufactured. During the same period, Antonov created a “winged tank” - an original glider for transporting a light tank. Piloted by S. Anokhin, he flew in tow behind the TB-3 heavy bomber designed by A.N. Tupolev. Unfortunately, the heavy losses of the TB-3 in battles led to the fact that there was soon nothing to tow the “winged tank”, and the tempting idea had to be abandoned.

Best of the day

In 1943, O.K. Antonov returned to the design bureau of A.S. Yakovlev, who offered him the position of his deputy. Oleg Konstantinovich devoted a lot of effort to improving the Yak fighters - one of the most popular aircraft of the Second World War. Recalling his work with Yakovlev, he said: “I have learned the credo of this wonderful designer for the rest of my life - you need to do only what is needed.” At the same time, Antonov did not lose his dream of his plane for a peaceful sky. After the war, Antonov turned to Yakovlev with a request to let him work independently, and in October 1945 he left for Novosibirsk to manage a branch of Yakovlev’s design bureau at an aircraft plant. On May 31, 1946, the USSR government transformed the branch into a new design bureau. OK. Antonov was appointed chief designer and entrusted with the creation of the CX-1 agricultural aircraft, known today throughout the world as the An-2. In September 1946, O.K. Antonov, in addition to the leadership of the design bureau, was assigned the duties of head of the Siberian Aviation Research Institute. Antonov’s energy and efficiency allowed him to cope with all matters, and the first-born of the new design bureau first took to the skies on August 31, 1947.

Three years passed in intense work to organize the team and introduce the An-2 into production. At the same time, its modifications were created for various types of applications. This aircraft became the only aircraft in the world that was in mass production for more than 50 years. He gained fame as an exceptionally reliable car. Over the years of operation, it has transported several hundred million passengers, millions of tons of cargo, and cultivated more than a billion hectares of fields and forests. He visited almost every corner of the globe. For the creation of the An-2, O.K. Antonov and his associates were awarded the USSR State Prize.

In 1952, O.K. Antonov and the leading specialists of the design bureau moved to Kyiv, where they practically had to create both the team and the production base from scratch. At the end of 1953, the design bureau received an order to create a transport aircraft with two turboprop engines. The plane was designed and built in two years. In 1958, the aircraft under the designation An-8 was put into mass production at the Tashkent Aviation Plant.

The development of the An-10 and An-12 aircraft began in 1955 after the head of the USSR N.S. Khrushchev visited the design bureau. During a conversation with him, O.K. Antonov proposed creating a single four-engine aircraft, but in two versions: passenger and cargo. The concept was approved, and the team began to solve this complex problem. The An-10 aircraft had a rare combination of properties for a passenger airliner: high flight speed, relatively short required runway length and the ability to take off and land on unpaved and snow-covered airfields. Taking these features into account, Aeroflot operated the An-10 on short interregional routes with poorly prepared and unpaved runways. Off-design operating conditions, frequent takeoffs and landings led to the rapid consumption of its resource. This caused the formation of fatigue cracks in the power elements of the An-10 structure, and in 1972 a disaster occurred. Oleg Konstantinovich had a hard time surviving what happened. He shared his experiences with his friend Nikolai Amosov: “No, I will not build large passenger aircraft,” he said. “I can’t survive the simultaneous death of many people.” After the accident with the “ten”, I more than once woke up from a night call in a cold sweat and picked up the phone with a trembling hand - was there really an accident with my plane again? Since then, the problems of fatigue strength have become one of the main issues in the work of designers. In the interests of reliability and durability of structures, all manufactured aircraft are subjected to repeated load tests.

After the creation of the An-10 and An-12, the Antonov Design Bureau firmly took its place among the leading aircraft manufacturing companies in the country. Its own “Antonov” school of design was created, a new generation of talented team leaders was formed, industrial and housing construction, social and everyday issues were resolved.

In 1962 O.K. Antonov became General Designer. Earlier, in 1960, he successfully defended his dissertation, and the Academic Council of the Moscow Aviation Institute awarded him the title of Doctor of Technical Sciences. In the same year he was elected corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Oleg Konstantinovich paid equal attention to both large and small works carried out under his leadership: all creative tasks were equally important to him. At the same time as airplanes, he created a series of all-metal gliders A-11, A-13, motor glider A-13M, and the record-breaking A-15. For the creation of gliders, O.K. Antonov received a special award from the International Aeronautical Federation - “Paul Tissandier Diploma”. “The navy has been developing for a long time,” said Antonov. - There were frigates, cruisers, battleships, now nuclear ships have appeared, but sailing yachts remain. So are gliders. They will be built and flown as long as there are updrafts and there are people striving to fly. And they will always be.”

Antonov always understood that in the vast expanses of the Soviet Union there was a great need for a small aircraft that did not need airfields. This is how the SKV arose - “short take-off aircraft” (now this term is widely used in world practice). The small car, later called the “Bee,” in the course of successive modifications, changed from a four-seater to a seven- and then an eleven-seater. The birth of the “Bee” and its subsequent modifications An-14M and An-28, perhaps, showed Antonov’s firmness as a designer and his determination to achieve his goal to the maximum extent.

In the period 1957-1959. The creation of the An-24 passenger aircraft was underway with the widespread use of glue-welded joints of structural elements. Implementation challenges new technology, were overcome thanks to the firm position of Oleg Konstantinovich. Based on this aircraft, 14 modifications have been developed, including the transport An-26 and the aerial photography An-30. Reliable vehicles of this family still play an important role in the transportation of passengers and cargo and perform many special functions.

The next brainchild of the team headed by Antonov was the An-22 “Antey”, which marked new step in aircraft construction - it became the world's first wide-body aircraft. In size, it surpassed everything that had been created in world aviation by that time, and required the solution of a number of design and technological problems, as well as a large amount of experimental work. In Paris, at the 26th International Aerospace Show, the aircraft immediately became the center of everyone's attention and became a major sensation. The English Times wrote: “Thanks to this aircraft, the Soviet Union was ahead of all other countries in aircraft construction...”. Foreign correspondents spoke about Oleg Konstantinovich himself as follows: “The designer is elegant, with the good manners of a real artist, has a refined mind, inclined to analyze, speaks English and French.”

The very first flights of Antey confirmed that aviation had taken a new step forward. The aircraft proved this by delivering gas turbine stations, bucket wheel excavators, trucks and other large cargo to the Far North. And the country’s armed forces received a powerful weapon that significantly increases their mobility.

For many years, Oleg Konstantinovich persistently sought the creation of economical gas turbine engines for small aircraft. And when such engines appeared, he set about developing a deep modification of the An-14 called the An-28 and the An-3 agricultural aircraft - new version the famous An-2.

A characteristic feature of Oleg Konstantinovich was to defend his point of view on the feasibility of creating this or that aircraft. As a rule, his position was based on deep knowledge of the situation and its comprehensive analysis.

Keeping pace with progress, in the 1970s Antonov set up the team he led to create transport aircraft with bypass turbojet engines. The first such machine was the An-72, and a little later its modification, the An-74, appeared, which today are indispensable in uninhabited areas where there are no concrete airfields. Under the leadership of Oleg Konstantinovich, the extremely difficult task of creating a heavy long-range transport aircraft An-124 “Ruslan” was solved. To achieve this, the General Designer made very bold technical decisions for that time. In particular, on an aircraft of this class, a swept wing with a supercritical profile was used for the first time in the world. One of the techniques that made it possible to achieve high weight perfection of the aircraft was the widespread use of composite materials. "Ruslan" turned out to be an extremely successful aircraft. It set 30 records, and in total, as of the end of 2005, the design bureau had 483 world achievements, of which 378 have not yet been broken (photo).

"Ruslan" was the last aircraft created under the direct leadership of O.K. Antonov. After his death, the plans of the general were brought to life by his followers. Orienting the OKB team towards solving new problems, O.K. Antonov said in his last speeches: “We can only go further along a revolutionary path, mastering new ideas. And, as we know, there are no limits to new technology.”

The years that increasingly separate us from Antonov, at the same time make his image more complete and vibrant. After all, he was not only an outstanding designer, but also a special person. He, who received an excellent upbringing, had his own style - original, graceful, confident. He had a special charm, combining great seriousness with gentleness and natural grace; he united a powerful mind and a noble soul.

Oleg Konstantinovich was a figure who did not fit into everyday ideas about a major leader of the Soviet period. He was a brave and determined man. He spoke freely on any topic. The basis of O.K. Antonov’s creative activity was his multifaceted engineering knowledge. He knew almost all the major advances in technology and, of course, everything about aviation. His amazing memory stored all the information about aircraft of the past and present. All you had to do was ask him about something like that, and you heard a fascinating and detailed story about airplanes, past events, forgotten sensations (photos).

Everyone saw O.K. Antonov as restrained and balanced. He had absolute authority among his subordinates. “The team is not created by orders, although they are needed,” Oleg Konstantinovich liked to repeat. - It is not created only by collecting and rearranging people. The team is not united by the building in which it works. The main thing, without which a team cannot exist, is unity of purpose... Creating a friendly, efficient team is special work, work of the highest order.”

Elizaveta Avetovna Shakhatuni, a Lenin Prize laureate, one of Antonov’s closest associates, who worked with him for more than 40 years, recalls: “The main thing that characterizes Oleg Konstantinovich is his unconditional talent, exceptional love for his work and, of course, intelligence. These qualities primarily determined his relationship with the team. Everyone who came to work for Oleg Konstantinovich immediately became infected with his obsession. He knew how to arrange people so as not to push them in their work. The employees themselves became carriers of his aspirations, his ideas... Oleg Konstantinovich could admit his mistake: “I was mistaken - I have to get over it...” - he sometimes admitted with ease that was unexpected for everyone” (photo).

Interesting views of the General on the personality of the leader in modern world: “... a leader must be cultured and educated... He, in my deep conviction, must be extremely tolerant, even a gentle, yes, a gentle person. After all, gentleness in handling does not at all exclude firmness of will. Such a leader must have a huge gift of persuasion, based on extensive experience and knowledge, and never resort to a bare team... And, of course, he himself should not be a stupid performer. When doing even the smallest thing, he must remember the fundamental tasks, the ultimate goals.”

Antonov drew beautifully himself and knew the intricacies of painting. “If I had not become a designer, I would have become an artist,” he once admitted. The sense of beauty did not fail him when he wrote his books: “On wings of wood and linen”, “Ten times first”, “For everyone and for himself”, numerous articles, lectures and speeches. The book “The Muse in the Temple of Science” widely presents the poetic creativity of scientists. Among them is the poet Oleg Antonov. “In aviation,” wrote Oleg Konstantinovich, “the relationship between technical excellence and beauty is especially noticeable. Even at the dawn of aviation, aircraft designer Captain Ferber said: “A beautiful plane flies well, but an ugly one flies poorly”... As work progresses, the conceived aircraft each time, right before our eyes, becomes slimmer, more elegant, and more harmonious.”

O.K. Antonov paid a lot of attention to amateur designers and inventors. He understood these restless people, helping them to the best of his ability. O.K. Antonov said: “An amateur is a person who will never allow marriage; he is a person who works inventively, with love.”

All his life Oleg Konstantinovich was athletic. He skied, flew gliders, played tennis and ping-pong: “In old age, sports are especially necessary - believe my life experience,” he said.

Oleg Konstantinovich was one of those who were not created for old age, and this can be understood - such a temperament, such a creative frenzy cannot come to terms with the constraints of age. It burned down in just two weeks, burned out as it lived - quickly, violently. His creative nature seemed to have chosen death to suit itself - a leisurely and humiliating withering was unthinkable here.

It is no secret that Soviet industry has always been famous for the presence of highly qualified personnel, which even Western capitalist countries wanted to have in their ranks. Many engineers then worked not for money, but only because the activity to which they devoted themselves was the meaning of their life and great love. One of these historical characters, who at one time managed to make a colossal breakthrough in aircraft construction, is Oleg Antonov. This man with an amazing destiny will be discussed in this article.


The future “father” of many aircraft was born in 1906 in the Moscow province (the village of Trinity). His great-grandfather spent his life in the Urals and held a high position - he managed local metallurgical enterprises. The grandfather of the future aircraft designer was an engineer by training. He devoted his entire working life to the construction of various bridges. It was he who moved to the village of Trinity and married the daughter of retired General Bolotnikov. The wife's name was Anna Alexandrovna. Their family had three sons: Sasha, Dima and Kostya. The latter eventually became the father of our hero. Konstantin Konstantinovich married Anna Efimovna Bikoryukina, who bore him a daughter, Irina, and a son, whose name is known to the whole world today. Of course, this is Oleg Antonov.

I will fly!

These were exactly the thoughts that were in the head of six-year-old Oleg when in the evenings he listened to his cousin Vladislav’s stories about aviation. At that time, my cousin was studying in Moscow. According to Antonov himself, it was then that he decided that he would connect his life with airplanes.

But his parents did not share his hobbies. Mother believed that people should not fly at all, since it is unnatural. And my father argued that a man should do more serious things in life than dreaming about heaven. The only family member who supported the guy was his grandmother. It was she who gave him a model airplane equipped with a rubber motor. After such a presentation, Oleg Antonov began to collect into a collection everything that was related to aviation: photographs, various drawings, newspaper clippings, literature, small models. It was this approach to business that subsequently helped him to study the history of aircraft construction well.

Family tragedy

To study exact sciences Oleg Antonov entered the Saratov Real School. However, he was far from the first student. But he managed to master the French language perfectly, which after a few years bore fruit, since the knowledge he gained helped him communicate without problems with foreign colleagues. Soon the First struck world war, and his mother, as befits representatives of the Russian intelligentsia, went to work as a nurse. Unfortunately, her work ended tragically. While dressing the wounded in the hospital, she received an infection through a scratch on her arm and died of blood poisoning in the prime of her life. This happened in 1915. From that moment on, Oleg began to be raised by his grandmother.

First independent work

At the age of thirteen, Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov and his friends founded the Aviation Lovers Club. After some time, the circle began to publish its own magazine, of which Antonov became the editor-in-chief, artist, journalist and publisher. This edition contained everything necessary information for people interested in airplanes. Even poems about pilots were published.

At the age of 14, the young man found himself outside the walls educational institution. His school closed. Since children were accepted into the unified school only from the age of 16, the road there was closed to him. But he found a way out. His sister Irina already studied at this university. Therefore, he began to go to classes with her, sitting at the back desk and absorbing all the information given to the students. He spent two years like this. And in the end I received a certificate. The young man tried to enroll in a flight school, but failed due to his health. However, this did not bother the guy. Then he submits documents to Saratov University, but after a while he is again left with nothing, since his department was disbanded. Antonov categorically refused to enroll in the construction department.

Work in the "Society of Friends of the Air Fleet"

Since 1923, Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov has devoted himself entirely to this club. The head of the society was Comrade Golubev, who very cordially received the young enthusiasts. He even helped them with supplies and space, allocating a small room for classes in an industrial technical school. It was within its walls that Antonov created his first brainchild - the OKA-1 “Dove” glider. Such an optimistic start, coupled with excellent memory and knowledge, helped Oleg (at that time a student at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute) create the OKA-3, Standard-1, Standard-2, OKA-7, OKA-8 gliders.

First fall

Tests of the "Dove" in Crimea did not bring Antonov the desired result - the car never took off. But the pilot who was assigned to fly it instilled optimism in the young designer. And he didn’t let me get discouraged. Although Oleg did not solve the task set for himself, he still received something that no amount of money can buy: an acquaintance with the guys who were present at the rally with the names Pyshnov, Ilyushin, Tikhonravov, who today are already historical figures modern aviation.

Appointment to post

The biography of Oleg Antonov says that in 1930 he graduated from the institute. And just three years later he became the chief designer of the design bureau of a glider plant located in the capital. The management set him a task: to develop various light-wing aircraft and put them into mass production at the Tushino plant. But while the enterprise was being built, the specialists were quartered in the basement along with a group of reactors led by Sergei Korolev.

Work during the Great Patriotic War

Oleg Antonov, whose photo is given in this article, with the outbreak of hostilities received an assignment from the government to produce the A-7 multi-seat airborne transport glider, which he developed in 1940. After some time, the plant was evacuated to Siberia. There, the designer creates an exclusive model of a glider for transporting light tanks. But its practical application showed that joint work with the TB-3 bomber was impractical and unproductive. In 1943, Oleg returned to Yakovlev and became his deputy. But at the same time, Antonov continues to dream of creating an aircraft for peaceful skies.

Life after the war

In the second half of 1945, engineer Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov became the head of the Yakovlev Design Bureau branch in Novosibirsk at the Chkalov plant. Here work began on creating agricultural aircraft. The state urgently needed machines capable of taking off both from the airfield and from the field. To work together, Antonov took on graduates of the local aviation technical school. And they did not let their master down. In the summer of 1947, the first An-2 was already in the assembly shop. The car has proven itself to be excellent. Therefore, it was decided to build it in Ukraine.

Moving to Kyiv

The aircraft designer immediately liked the city of chestnuts. Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, whose family by that time was also very tired of endless moving around the country, even physically felt better in Kyiv. But difficulties also arose: we had to re-form the team and the material base of the design bureau. A year later (in 1953), the bureau received an order to create a transport aircraft equipped with two. The task was completed in two years. And in 1958 it was put into mass production and received the name An-8.

New project

After a visit to the Khrushchev Design Bureau in 1955, the creation of a new machine began. Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, whose photo was then published in all newspaper publications, proposed to the General Secretary to create a four-engine aircraft. The ship, according to his idea, could be in two versions: cargo and passenger. As a result, the An-10 was created, capable of quickly flying, landing and taking off from a snowy strip. In 1962, Antonov defended his dissertation at the Moscow Aviation Institute and received the title of Doctor of Technical Sciences. During the same period, he became a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Creation of "Bee"

Engineer Oleg Antonov was a good specialist. Photos of the designer presented in the article demonstrate his enormous achievements in the field of air transportation. As a professional, he was always aware that such huge country, like the Soviet Union, is in dire need of a small aircraft that can take to the skies in the absence of a runway. This idea ultimately gave rise to the creation of a machine called the “Bee.” She subsequently had modifications: An-14 and An-28. The plane had only 11 seats.

A new step in aircraft manufacturing

The next brainchild of Antonov Design Bureau was the now well-known An-22 “Antey”. It was this aircraft that at that time became the world's first wide-body aircraft. In its dimensions, it significantly exceeded everything that was created on the planet at that time. Therefore, its creation required the introduction of innovative technological and design solutions, as well as the implementation of a huge number of experiments.

The work of the Soviet team was highly appreciated at the international exhibition in Paris and was called a sensation in the world aircraft industry. The first flights of the new product confirmed its exclusivity. The vessel has repeatedly proven its uniqueness, easily delivering various equipment for the oil and gas industry to the Far North. The military were also pleased: they received a powerful aircraft that helps solve many of their problems and issues. Antonov's last lifetime development was the An-124 Ruslan. More than 30 world records were set with this machine. In total, the design bureau beat world achievements in aircraft manufacturing more than 500 times.

Personal life

Antonov Oleg Konstantinovich, for whom his wife was hope and support, was always liked by women. The aircraft designer never allowed himself to look untidy, was emphatically intelligent and courteous with representatives of the opposite sex, led healthy image life and was young at heart. Largely because of this, he had three marriages behind him. All of them left behind children. Surprisingly, he was able to maintain friendships without problems, warm relations with all his spouses, and his heirs never sorted things out among themselves. By the way, a remarkable fact: his third wife, Elvira Pavlovna, was 31 years younger than him.

The legendary engineer died on April 4, 1984. The funeral took place on the 6th. Carry out in last path legendary person a huge number of ordinary people came. Antonov was interred on