Selena Gomez and Justin have great love. The history of the relationship between Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

The couple of Selena (25) and Justin (23) can truly be considered one of the most unpredictable in Hollywood. Gomez seemed happy with The Weeknd (27), but the other day she was in the company of who? That's right, Bieber! And every day we are becoming more and more convinced that there is more than just friendship between Justin and Selena. Let's remember their relationship history.

Justin and Selena met in 2010 through their managers. At first, it looked like PR (popular teenagers start an affair, why not?), but soon everyone was convinced that there were really serious feelings between them. For a long time, the couple did not comment on their relationship. But in June 2011, Selena said that she was very happy with Justin and then introduced him to her mother. The first time Bieber and Gomez officially announced their relationship was at the Oscars in 2011.

Problems in the relationship appeared in the spring of 2012. Everyone started talking about their breakup after Justin was seen several times in the company of unfamiliar girls. Later, the singer was spotted with model Barbara Palvin (24), after which Selena’s representative stated that they broke up on Selena’s initiative. Gomez was having a hard time with the breakup, but tried not to dwell on thoughts about her ex.

A year later, the couple began to be noticed together again, and then Justin posted cute photo with Selena and no one else had any doubts - they got back together. But in the summer of 2013, the singer announced that she was free. Although already in the winter a photo with Bieber appeared on her Instagram. Do you have time to follow?

In 2014, little was said about “Jelena” (from the first letters of the couple’s names) - probably everything was fine with them, and they enjoyed each other. But in the fall of the same year, problems began again. The couple went on vacation to France, where Bieber secretly met with (21), after which Selena immediately flew to Los Angeles. The singer did not forgive either Justin or Kendall for this prank.

Then Gomez dedicated the song Heart Wants What It Wants to her ex and decided to move on.

At the end of 2015, the couple appeared together again, but at official events they avoided each other. Then Bieber and Gomez for a long time didn't communicate. And in August 2016, a scandal broke out again. The former lovers quarreled in front of millions of their Instagram followers. The cause of the altercation was Sofia Richie (19), whom Justin was dating at that time. Jelena's fans didn't like Richie and the fact that the singer posted photos with her. They attacked him with criticism, after which he deleted his page altogether, and that’s where Selena got involved. The girl sided with the singer’s admirers. As a result, Bieber disappeared from social networks for several months.

The relationship between Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber was built under the close attention of millions of fans, hundreds of onlookers and dozens of paparazzi. At this time, they undergo severe trials and often go out as brightly as they lit up. But no one knows how difficult it is to build love - when both are teenage pop stars - they are surrounded not only by temptations big world, but also the difficulties of growing up.

One great example of such a relationship is Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber. The beautiful couple won the hearts of thousands of people, but the story of Selena and Justin ended in a complete breakup a few years later. Some wanted Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber to break up, while others worried and cried along with the stars. But be that as it may, now both partners move on and look for their soul mate in other people.

How did the star couple's relationship begin?

Back in 2009, they began to appear together in public. But there was nothing romantic about it. And both insisted that they were just friends introduced by their managers. Due to their age (two years) and other things, Bieber and Selena in the photographs looked more like a sister and younger brother than lovers.

But time goes by. The guy matured noticeably, and their friendship began to look more and more frank. And in 2011, the paparazzi were able to take extremely provocative photographs of the couple - they were relaxing together and holding hands. No one has any doubts - they are dating.

A few months later, Selena and Bieber officially announced their romance. In profiles in social networks the couple began to publish more and more often joint photos, A social events literally drowned in their cute appearances.

For a whole year, the whole world was discussing whether these young lovers were suitable for each other or not. Their couple was named Jalena and they made bets on when the wedding would take place. But circumstances were such that at the end of 2012 Selena was left alone. No one named the reasons then, and the press did not have time to find out, since the lovers began publishing joint photos again in January 2013. Everyone decided that these were just minor quarrels. After all, what kind of relationship exists without conflict?

And then a series of interviews began with both stars, where Selena and Bieber talked about how they cried and laughed in their relationship, were depressed and found themselves happy. Only in April the couple stabilized and again wrote and talked about love everywhere.

They are beautiful, young, famous and full of emotions and passions. This means that as soon as everyone decided that they were together again, the couple actively began posting messages about loneliness on Instagram. Fans were at a loss - what was going on between the lovers? One minute they add photos together, and a week later they tell journalists that they are completely free. Here the paparazzi post photos of them in a restaurant, and a couple of days later Justin writes on Twitter how lonely he is.

Problems in the couple were created by Bieber's fans - constant threats rained down on Selena. The girl tried to treat the situation with understanding and turn a blind eye to numerous negative reviews. Added to this was something personal - more and more often in her interviews, the girl began to say that she was suffering because of her boyfriend, and he was bringing her mental pain.

Selena Gomez began her career on the Disney children's channel and, as a role model, began wearing a purity ring. The relationship with Justin immediately discredited the girl, and she abandoned her vow of virginity before the wedding. It’s hard for any young lady when all the newspapers flash articles not about her new film, but about her sex life. The public has long come to terms with the Canadian’s erotic novels, so the blow of discussing intimate moments fell on Gomez’s shoulders.

The rest of 2013 and all of 2014, all the media were full of headlines “Selena Gomez Justin Bieber together”, “Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber broke up”. No one doubted that the crack in the relationship was getting bigger. The guy gave her huge bouquets, made expensive gifts and incredible dates, peace and love came to the couple, and then again - pain, sadness, loneliness.

In the end, this young star couple finally broke up in 2015. But they are connected by several years of wonderful relationships, common friends, careers and fans. All this does not make it so easy to let go of the situation and call it a day. And after each of their joint appearances at a party, the public begins to discuss the couple’s possible reunion.

Reasons for a couple's separation

All fans of young stars are wondering - why did Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber break up? Of course, there are official versions, but there are even more conspiracy theories that are built on bits of information obtained from different sources. But the fact remains that the couple broke up.

There are several main theories about how Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez broke up, but why this happened and who is to blame:

  1. Justin is two years younger than Selena. His immaturity and childish behavior irritated the girl all the time, which is why they quarreled so often.
  2. The guy cheated on Gomez. Paparazzi often caught Justin with various beautiful and sexy girlfriends. And, perhaps, he was not connected with all the girls simply by friendship.
  3. The girl had another boyfriend. Perhaps it was because of him that the young people constantly fought.
  4. They couldn't stand the test of glory. No matter how talented Selena Gomez is, Justin Bieber is more popular than her. There may be two options here - either it was difficult for her to live in the shadow of her boyfriend, or he wanted a more successful girl.
  5. The couple ended their relationship due to the environment. His friends, relatives and managers did not support such a long-term romance. Exactly like her close society.

Is there a future for Selena and Justin?

Jalena had real love. But did she remain in the present? All the fans are wondering - will Selena and Bieber get back together or not?

After the breakup, both had other relationships with no less famous people. But, according to sources close to Justin, this spring he tried to arrange a date with Selena. And they even performed together on the same stage.

At the same time, many argue that now young people treat each other as close friends.

Only time will tell if they will get back together. And everyone can only watch the couple Selena Gomez and Bieber and hope that with each other or with others, they will be happy.

Now relationship star couple began to decline, if not to say outlived its usefulness, the duration of the Hollywood love of the beautiful Selena Gomez lasted almost three years with the Canadian macho Justin Bieber.

Now there is a variety of information about the singers’ relationships, either Selena seems to have found a new boyfriend, or Justin himself is having an affair with some long-legged beauty, and with the next piece of news about celebrities we find out that the stars of the pop scene are back together.

For this reason, in 2013, fans of these guys and their love cannot say for sure what the state of the relationship between Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber is, maybe they finally broke up, or maybe there was a happy reunion.

However, when the love of young stars was at its peak, the show business community was seething, vigorously discussing the most beautiful couple in the city of angels.

After all, their relationship was a demonstration of youth, ardent love, high romance and, of course, the beauty of both celebrities. There was envy and a lot of admiration, which meant that the relationship between Selena and Justin really worried people, and their discussion was not in vain.

At that time, a blooming participant in the popular show from Disney and interesting tales, as well as an even more youthful Canadian singer, an ardent handsome man, what could be better to create fabulously deafening love relationship.

Gomez and Bieber dating stage

Acquaintance young stars the Hollywood scene was organized by their managers, it seems banal, but it’s a fact. So Justin Bieber, recognized from a young age as a great talent, but in the world of show business the most bright star will go out without a good manager.

And the manager, the Canadian celebrity can thank that, in addition to creative career, he took care to organize a meeting with Selena Gomez, who became the singer’s other half, his first great love.

Naturally, such an acquaintance was conceived by Bieber’s manager as something that would become a novel, which would be “trumpeted” throughout the entire star world, as an event, if not of the century, then certainly of the decade. However, everything turned out just super successful, as a new passionately in love couple was born.

The initial stage of the acquaintance was negotiated by the managers of the young celebrities themselves; by the way, Selena’s mother is in charge of her management, so the promotion project turned into true feelings.

The world learned about the seriousness of their feelings at the Oscar ceremony, at the same time, both Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez herself admitted that they were in love, and the love of the young people began to form from their first meeting.

Needless to say, beautiful, gaining wild popularity, and at the same time very kind, Selena simply could not help but “catch” the handsome man from northern country. But Justin with his talent, unusually attractive and possessing incredible charm, also could not help but charm Gomez.

So, the PR move gained momentum, young people appeared together at the ceremony, lunches in cafes, cinemas and other public places, which made the paparazzi incredibly happy, as did the fans of Bieber and Gomez.

And within two years, everything from a PR stunt developed into a serious love relationship, which Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were able to maintain for quite a long time, despite the fact that this is Hollywood and they are quite young, all this does not contribute to maintaining the relationship.

The singer was able to create a semblance of paradise for the girl while their romantic relationship, constant gifts, amazing dates, fabulous vacation trips, everything spoke of the passionate love of Selena and Justin, we could no longer talk about any PR move.

However, the matter was not without evil tongues; there were also those who stubbornly argued that all this was just for the sake of popularity, and mostly on the part of Justin Bieber.

But the Canadian discovery of YouTube, and immediately picked up by Scooter Braun, who became the manager of the young talent, was in no way inferior to his girlfriend, at the age of 17, in terms of “star” recognition. But still, we will not describe in detail the achievements of the performer within the framework of this article.

Still, the fan camp of Selena Gomez, as well as Justin Bieber, is also not united, some love the other half of their idol, while others are disliked and believe that Justin should not have chosen Selena and vice versa, which is quite natural.

Another point that Selena is not indifferent to Bieber is her song – I Love You Like A Love Song, here everyone knows for whom and what this composition is about.


We will continue to follow the vicissitudes of the love ball of young stars, because if now, in mid-2013, it is unclear what is going on with their relationship, this does not mean the end of their love.

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are one of the most famous and unpredictable couples in Hollywood. Young people keep fans in suspense, either announcing a breakup or appearing together in front of the paparazzi. So what's the matter?

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber: how they met

The star teenagers met in 2010 thanks to their managers. This was a tactical move to attract public attention and increase the popularity of Selena and Justin. Who knew that love would make adjustments to a well-thought-out plan?

It turned out that Bieber really fell in love with Gomez, making the managers' task easier. The couple did not have to act out fiery feelings, because they really experienced everything. Although Selena and Justin began appearing together on social events, both stubbornly convinced the public that they were only friends.

According to Selena Gomez, she perceived the Canadian singer as younger brother(in fact, Justin Bieber is two years younger than the girl). But soon the truth came out.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez: relationship history

The couple officially announced their relationship at the Oscars in 2011. Selena stated that they were happy. Soon the singer introduced her chosen one to her mother.

Growing up and the enormous popularity of teenagers took a toll on relationships. Bieber's ardent fans began threatening Gomez with violence on Twitter. This happened in 2011, immediately after pictures of Justin and Selena kissing appeared on the Internet.

Fans of the couple are divided into two camps - those who are for their union and those who are against. At the end of 2011, the world saw a photograph of celebrities posing surrounded by six children. They were immediately nicknamed the second “Brangelina”.

Already in 2012, Selena and Justin announced their separation. However, popular publications increasingly published photos of them together.

In 2013, the star teens announced that they remained friends. There are several versions of the breakup of “Jelena” (the first letters of the couple’s names). Someone said that the issue was Bieber’s betrayal and immaturity, the test of fame or the influence of society. But no one gives a definite answer.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez 2018: news

It is known that after breaking up, they tried to avoid each other, although Selena and Justin often collided at joint events.

In 2017, Gomez appeared in public with her new boyfriend, The Weekend. But at the end of the year they broke up.

Justin didn't waste any time either. The guy managed to start a relationship with Hailey Baldwin, but in 2016 they separated.

In November 2017, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber appeared together again. So when is the wedding? It turned out that the singer attended the hockey match for the second time ex-lover. In addition, the couple kissed in public. To the disappointment of fans, there is no wait for a reunion.

Bieber got back to his old ways and started communicating with Hailey Baldwin. As a result, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber broke up completely. In 2018, the star's favorite became engaged to Hayley. The engagement took place in the Bahamas.

Here's how the couple's relationship developed over the course of several years. Unfortunately, not all alliances withstand the test of strength.

Selena and Justin are young, beautiful and popular, so fans will hear more than once interesting facts from their lives.

In the spring of 2018, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber delighted fans with a reunion at the singer’s birthday, who turned 24 years old. Currently, the restless sweet couple is back together. All quarrels and disagreements are forgotten and left in the past. To regain the affection of her beloved, the girl quarreled with her mother, who was against this relationship. But, as they say, love requires sacrifice.

The romantic relationship between Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber began eight years ago, when their careers were just beginning, but in 2014 the young people quarreled and resumed it only in 2017, so the news of the continuation of the relationship in the spring of 2018 delighted fans. True, before returning to Bieber, the girl had a fight with her mother and did not hide this incident on Instagram, unsubscribing from her news feed.

Mom is sincerely convinced that the relationship with Justin Bieber will not bring anything good, and hopes that it will end in 2018. The singer, who regularly gets involved in scandalous stories, does not suit the woman as a candidate for a future husband for her daughter. In the past, the youth favorite repeatedly found himself in unpleasant situations and often offended his girlfriend, bringing the girl to tears.

Currently, Selena Gomez admits that in 2018, Justin Bieber changed his behavior, transforming into a real gentleman. The young man realized that neglect was the reason for the breakup. Therefore, he makes efforts to prove to the girl how dear she is to him. In addition, the singer learned to show feelings publicly, without hesitation to declare love in front of the press. It was this moment that made the girl change her mind about Justin and give her beloved a second chance.

In years past, Bieber could afford to disparage Selena. The singer regularly disappeared for several days, did not respond to SMS and phone calls, and then created a scandal to prove independence and defend freedom. Now he has radically changed his behavior, turning into a caring and loving guy, who respects Selena's feelings. Thus, Justin shows that he is capable of learning from own mistakes, and do not intend to repeat them.

This is very important stage in the development of the personalities of young people who learn not only to maintain long-distance relationships. If Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber in 2018 can learn to respect each other's feelings during periods when promotion career ladder requires constant travel around the country, in the future it will be easier for them to build relationships.

New guy for a year

In January 2017, journalists published shocking news. Selena, tired of enduring Bieber's antics, left again young man. Then the popular show diva began a relationship with the famous musician Abel Tesfaye (THE WEEKND), not shy about showing feelings in public places. This news was shocking for Selena's fans. The new boyfriend, who recently dated model Bella Hadid, wasted no time. And the girl who broke up with Justin Bieber tried to quickly find a replacement for the singer.

The newly formed lovers met at the world-famous Victoria's Secret 2015 event, where they were invited as musical performers. But fans of the singers claimed that Abel Tesfaye has repeatedly commented on Selena's beauty on social networks. Therefore, it is not surprising that as soon as he learned about the girl’s breakup with Bieber, he hastened to break off relations with Hadid and managed to win the favor of his new passion.

Gomez chose not just a handsome guy, but also a rich man. In 2016, Tesfaye managed to earn about 55 million, independently breaking through the career ladder. The beginning of the path to fame and wealth of the musician was marked in 2010 in the recording of tracks that appeared on Youtube channel. Abel did the same with his first mini-album, which he posted on his own website, giving small fans the opportunity to download them for free.

Thanks to this advertising move on creative activity The unknown THE WEEKND was noticed by rapper Drake, who published a post on his blog. Thanks to such serious advertising, Abel Tesfaye became famous as a musician, whose song Earned it appeared as a soundtrack to the film “50 Shades of Gray” (2015). True, Selena Gomez soon realized that she was not experiencing strong feelings to a new boyfriend. She still loved Justin Bieber, and gradually began to build a relationship with him. But Abel, at a certain moment, could not stand it and decided not to continue the farce, deciding to break off the relationship, which would not bring happiness to both.

Confused relationship with Bieber

For the first two years, Selena and Justin tried not to advertise that they were a couple, choosing places least visited by journalists. True, the secret did not remain so for long, and soon the lovers admitted that their relationship began in 2010 almost immediately after they met. In May 2012, when fans were accustomed to perceiving Gomez and Bieber as a stable couple, they broke up.

In 2012, the loving couple broke up

Then the musicians reconciled again and began a complex and confusing relationship, ending with regular quarrels on social networks and breakups with further reconciliation. In January 2017, Selena began an affair with the popular THE WEEKND, but after some time she returned to Bieber. But in September 2017, Justin again showed coldness towards Gomez, and the girl hastened to break off the relationship.

During this period, Selena temporarily disappeared from the field of view of journalists, hiding in a private clinic. As is already known from the news of past years, the singer was diagnosed with lupus in 2014 (otherwise a type of skin tuberculosis). Therefore, from time to time the girl is forced to interrupt tours and performances in order to undergo a rehabilitation course. Then the beauty returns to the stage to delight fans with new songs.

On his birthday, Justin Bieber staged a grand celebration, which was accompanied by numerous congratulations from fans, but best gift Selena Gomez presented him with it, making the 2018 holiday the most enjoyable for the romantic in love.

The celebration, which began on March 1, ended with exciting news on Instagram, where the girl and the singer captured the moment of reconciliation in a photo.

Experts' opinion

Although fans of the young talented couple really want everything to settle down for the musicians, more experienced music lovers are not at all sure that this will happen. People familiar with the laws of the world of show business know very well that scandals tied to the amorous pages of a celebrity’s biography are best way draw attention to the star.

Therefore, there is a version that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez will soon break up again. Some particularly sarcastic individuals even argue for this prediction by saying that THE WEEKND also requires advertising in anticipation of the new album. Therefore, Selena Gomez may well again change one boyfriend to another after Justin Bieber insults her again, forgetting about the new role of a respectful and loving gentleman.