Daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk - Anna Stryukova: biography, facts from life and photos of the young star. One face! Anastasia Zavorotnyuk with her daughter What's new now

Anna Zavorotnyuk - Russian model, actress, TV presenter.

Family and childhood of Anna Zavorotnyuk / Anna Zavorotnyuk

Anna Zavorotnyuk born into a family Russian actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and businessman Dmitry Stryukov. Parents, Anna and her younger brother Michael lived for several years in Los Angeles, where they opened a luxury real estate agency. Anna Zavorotnyuk studied at a private school in England and admitted more than once that she would like to become an actress.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk tried to protect the children from meeting with the media for as long as possible, but at the premiere of the film “Moms” the family appeared in in full force first time: actress, husband Peter Chernyshev, daughter Anna and son Michael.

U Anna Zavorotnyuk great sense of humor, she writes about her family on a social network like this:

“Yes, you can’t sit quietly at home! In a festive mood, MOTHER and PETYA had a fight, now we have a military training ground! Petya called MOM a liar, it’s so funny, she beats him!”

The beginning of the career of Anna Zavorotnyuk / Anna Zavorotnyuk

Anna Zavorotnyuk followed in her mother’s footsteps: the girl is interested in the field of activity of actors and TV presenters. She starred in the fifth season of “Closed School”, where she plays one of the students (approved without casting), and hosts the program “Get a Star” on the Domashny TV channel. Anna went through a difficult competition to become the host of the program, and she succeeded. - - Anna won the competition. And my mother’s big name has nothing to do with it. Anya is photogenic and knows how to speak in the youthful manner we need. She is also very popular on the Internet: she actively communicates on social networks, young people already know her well... - the producers of the program explain their choice.

The girl even hired a press attaché in order to have time to accept all incoming offers. She was invited to participate in the reality show “Top Model in Russian”, but Anna Zavorotnyuk had to refuse filming due to entrance exams at Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics. But in the end she entered High school modern social sciences at the management department at Moscow State University.

Anna Zavorotnyuk in his at a young age managed to make a splash in the media thanks to various publications about her personal life and photographs from candid photo shoots. Often children of famous or rich parents strive for fame. For example, Irina Saltykova’s daughter Alisa presented her debut video and starred in a candid photo shoot. Immediately after Alice, she published her photographs and Anna Zavorotnyuk. Personal photographs where she appears in the image of the seductive Marilyn Monroe helped the aspiring artist gain popularity. Before the pictures as Marilyn Anna Zavorotnyuk Already published photos on social networks where she posed in underwear in front of a mirror. Photos from photo shoots also appeared, where she is in the image of a gentle forest nymph and in the image of a rock diva in torn shorts and a leather jacket.

"Modesty is my middle name, but sometimes I'm a devil in a skirt."

The girl’s mother, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, was upset by the increased media attention to explicit publications and events privacy her beloved daughter, so she personally threatened her daughter to delete her account.

“My mother comes in very rarely and rarely writes. And after gossip, her rating is growing quickly, wait, there will be a tick soon. Yes, my mother defends me publicly, but the first time she saw a photo in her underwear, I didn’t think much, so the media are crazy! Mom is angry! Mom is angry about the hype in the press, but I’m not surprised that it’s only to her advantage!”

Also underage Anna Zavorotnyuk published her photos in the club, attaching the text:

“Tonight we had a blast at the club, I was at zero! People, don’t mix vodka and bern!”

Anna Zavorotnyuk is a model, actress, blogger, daughter of a Russian actress. The girl managed to appear on television, starring in the 5th season of the series.

Anna Zavorotnyuk belongs to the category of people who are rightly called “darlings of fate.” This girl was born on January 14, 1996 in the family of millionaire Dmitry Stryukov and theater actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

The girl spent the first years of her life in Russia, but then the family moved to the USA. There, the Stryukov-Zavorotnyuks opened a real estate agency, and in 2000, Anna’s younger brother, Michael, was born. Until 2004, the family remained in Los Angeles, where the girl went to school. But after Anastasia was approved for the role in the project, all four family members returned to Moscow again.

The girl lived in Moscow for several years, until the marriage of the actress and businessman began to burst at the seams. Then, in order to protect Anna, the parents decided to send the child to study in an English private school. There the girl completed her studies and, as an adult, moved back to Russia, where she entered the Higher School of Modern Social Sciences at Moscow State University.

Anya, unfortunately, did not last long at the university and was expelled for absenteeism. For some time there was information that young Zavorotnyuk was studying in the USA to become a producer, which was confirmed in 2017 from the lips of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. The actress, speaking on television, admired her daughter’s mathematical abilities and her success. Happy mom shared with fans the news that her daughter is going for a diploma.


For the first time, Anya found herself under the guns of cameras at the age of sixteen, when Anastasia took her family to the premiere of the film “Moms.” Young beauty instantly attracted the attention of media representatives and became widely known in the Russian-language media space. The girl’s popularity was greatly facilitated by the fact that Anna wrote a lot about herself and her family on social networks, and therefore quickly became a thousand-strong blogger.

Anna Zavorotnyuk in the show "Get a Star"

In 2012, the girl successfully auditioned for the role of a TV presenter in the “Get a Star” project. Initially, the producers were pleased with the choice: Anna, according to them, was not afraid of the camera, was beautiful and photogenic, and behaved simply and naturally with the audience. In addition, the already existing popularity of young Stryukova-Zavorotnyuk played into her hands.

However, after some time it turned out that the management of the program did not expect from the girl exactly what she did. They needed more sexuality and brightness, and Zavorotnyuk was not ready for such a bold step. Therefore, in 2013, the show stopped airing on television, and soon closed altogether.

Anna Zavorotnyuk in the series " Closed school"

In 2012, Anna Zavorotnyuk began filming the fifth season of the series “Closed School.” The girl played the heroine Valeria, a high school student who, after contracting the virus, ends up in an isolation ward. During filming, Anna monitored her diet, not allowing herself high-calorie foods. The girl switched to diet salads to keep yourself in shape.

Anna's model parameters were evoked in children who played the roles of students junior classes, admiration. Anna Zavorotnyuk was called Barbie on the stage. The actress joined the acting ensemble, which included stars of previous seasons - and others. The film became a bright page in creative biography Anna Zavorotnyuk.

The beautiful girl was also invited to the “Top Model in Russian” project, but daughter Zavorotnyuk refused the offer.

In 2013, photos began to appear on Anna Zavorotnyuk’s microblog in which the girl looked excessively thin. Anna, whose height is 175 cm, and whose weight by that time had reached 50 kg, was accused of anorexia. But Anastasia Zavorotnyuk denied rumors about her daughter’s passion for losing weight.

Personal life

Despite her openness, the girl is not inclined to show her personal life to a wide range of the public. The first relationship in which Anna was noticed was with rap artist Yegor Bulatkin () did not last long: the couple broke up, and the young man gave an interview where he called Anya too small for serious relationship.

At the end of 2014, Anna published photographs on social networks in which she posed with a gorgeous bouquet of roses. The images were accompanied by a quote from Romeo and Juliet. For some time, the girl fueled interest in her personal life by publishing photographs, but without revealing the name of her mysterious boyfriend.

At the beginning of 2015, Anna finally opened up to the public. The chosen one of Zavorotnyuk Jr. turned out to be the son of the Latvian millionaire Mansur Dzhamaldaev. The young man’s father, a businessman of Chechen origin Bislan Abdulmuslimov, settled in the Baltic states and began manufacturing forged items, as well as selling meat and dairy products. Mansur himself studied in London, where he remained to live.

The media claim that the young people met in one of the US nightclubs in the fall of 2014. Zavorotnyuk’s daughter herself refutes the information, indignantly declaring that they have known the young man for seven years and both lately do not like to visit noisy nightlife establishments.

Later " Instagram» Anna Zavorotnyuk was inundated joint photos with Mansur. The young people vacationed at seaside resorts and spent time together in England, the USA and the resort of Courchevel. Anna was planning a joint trip to Moscow to officially introduce Mansur to her family.

However, at the end of the year, misunderstandings began between the young people, and the couple soon broke up. The girl deleted all photos together with Mansur from Instagram. And in 2017, rumors appeared about Anna’s secret wedding. The reason for the gossip was the ring that appeared on ring finger right hand Zavorotnyuk Jr. And again the girl’s mother had to make an official denial of this information.

Anna Zavorotnyuk now

Now Anna Zavorotnyuk lives in two cities - New York and Moscow. In May 2018, a girl came to congratulate her brother Michael at his school graduation. Holiday photo Anna posted it on her Instagram. Fans of actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk noted how her son has changed. Michael appeared in the picture in a velvet black suit, while Anna wore an elegant suit with mini shorts.

The microblog of daughter Zavorotnyuk is replete with photographs from different corners planets. The girl loves to spend time in tropical countries; Anna also visits Hollywood, where she spent her childhood years. The girl demonstrates impeccable taste. Anna's wardrobe contains pastel-colored items and elegant outfits. Anna often matches her everyday clothes with sports accessories.

Fans of the actress note the incredible resemblance between Anastasia and her daughter, which both Zavorotnyuks demonstrate in joint photographs.

Is it true that the daughter of the famous “beautiful nanny” secretly got married? Anastasia Zavorotnyuk herself commented on rumors about this.

Why were there rumors about the wedding?

The daughter of the famous actress Anna has long been dating Mansur Jamaldaev, the heir to the oligarch. However, according to the girl’s mother, the young people are not yet talking about legitimizing their relationship.

Then where do the rumors come from? It’s simple: the reason was Anna’s photo from Instagram, in which the girl has a ring on her ring finger, very reminiscent of a wedding ring.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk: “The wedding may take place, but not now”

According to the celebrity, her daughter is now keen on studying at the directing department of one of the universities in New York. “Anya recently passed math with 100 points out of 100! — Anastasia shared with fans. “I don’t know if this gives me the right to call her a genius, but it’s a fact.” She really loves what she does now and she strives to get best education. I hope she succeeds on this difficult path.”

Anna, however, does not comment on rumors about herself. Moreover, not so long ago she deleted all photos together with Mansur, and this leads her subscribers to believe that the young people have broken up.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk despite successful career actresses and permanent employment in different projects is caring mother two adult children - 20-year-old daughter Anna and 16-year-old son Michael, whom she gave birth to ex-husband, businessman Dmitry Stryukov. The celebrity tries to provide his heirs with the best. That is why she decided to give them foreign education - Michael will go to study in Switzerland, and her daughter has been living and studying in New York for several years.

It is worth noting that foreign education requires large investments. As it turned out, Zavorotnyuk spends one and a half million rubles a year on Anna. But the young heiress justifies the money spent on her and studies with excellent marks. Due to the long distances, the star mother rarely sees her daughter. However, the actress tries to come to Anna whenever possible. When Anastasia and her heiress meet, they often share joint photographs online, in which it is difficult to distinguish which one is the mother and which one is the daughter.

Fans of the actress each emphasize that with age, Anna becomes more and more like Anastasia. And on last photo, which the girl published on her page, many subscribers mistook her for a star mother. And only thanks to attentive users it became clear that the picture shows not 45-year-old Zavorotnyuk, but her 20-year-old daughter.

Model Date of birth January 14 (Capricorn) 1996 (23) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @anna_zavorotnyuk

Anna Zavorotnyuk-Stryukova first experienced popularity while still a teenager. This spectacular blonde, who is so similar to her mother, is known throughout Russia and abroad. The girl's mother - famous actress and it was quite difficult to get out of her shadow. But the girl grew up and began to attract attention not only with her beauty, but also with her ability to behave in public. This allowed the future star to break into big show business.

Biography of Anna Zavorotnyuk-Stryukova

Anna was born on January 14, 1996. Her mother was an aspiring actress; Zavorotnyuk mainly played in theaters. Dad - Dmitry Stryukov - had his own business. And although the girl was born in Moscow, almost immediately the family moved to America.

The young family quickly settled in the city of Los Angeles. We started to establish own business, which was based on the sale of luxury real estate on the US coasts.

Despite the fact that things were going uphill, the girl’s mother did not want to sacrifice her career, which is why Anastasia often traveled to Russia. In 2004, the well-known series “My Fair Nanny” was released, which became turning point in Anna's family. Due to a busy filming schedule, the girl’s mother had to return to Moscow, Anna also came to Russia.

Discord began in the family; for various reasons, the future star rarely saw her mother and father. When the parents decided to divorce, their daughter changed noticeably, it was hard for her to understand what was happening, and she was sent to England for a while. After finishing school abroad, the girl returned to her homeland. The biography of Anna Zavortnyuk changed when she returned to Moscow. The career of a young lady started in this city, and she became one of the most talked about personalities.

At the age of 16, she received her first invitations to take part in the filming; the girl received a role in the series “Closed School”. The number of fans increased when Anna accepted the offer to participate in the show “Get a Star.” She became the host of the program. After participating in this project, the number of invitations to filming increased. The girl hired a press attaché who monitored all commercial proposals for filming.

Like two drops: mothers and daughters who are phenomenally similar to each other

Anna Zavorotnyuk showed her boyfriend

One after another: star children who step on the heels of their parents

Daughter Zavorotnyuk: “I’ll get married after twenty-five!” Anna Zavorotnyuk showed her boyfriend

Personal life of Anna Zavorotnyuk-stryukova

There are rumors about the personal life of the young star, since Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s daughter, model Anna Stryukova, is not used to putting her on public display. She was noticed in the company of Yegor Creed, but this romance did not last long. The rapper himself said in an interview that Anna is not yet ready for a serious relationship.

In 2014, the reason for the discussions was that the young lady began to publish photographs from which it was clear that the girl’s heart was not free. The star lifted the curtain of mystery; it turned out that Anna was dating Mansur Jamaldaev, the son of a millionaire from Latvia.