How to get rid of a Pisces man. Does a Pisces man return to his ex-woman? Psychology of men

Concluding the series of articles on how to strengthen relationships with men of different zodiac signs after meeting them, let’s consider the last one them- sign Fish. What do astrologers advise when they are asked how to keep a Pisces man? What should you pay attention to when communicating with him? What mistakes should you not make? You will now learn all this from the material below.

Surprisingly, men of this sign often return to a previously abandoned woman! Proverb: “You can’t step into the same river twice!” obviously not about them, because sometimes a new relationship with an old partner becomes stronger and stronger than before! So if you mess up something when communicating with a Pisces man, you shouldn’t give up - there is a very high probability that he will return to you with a bouquet of new feelings. Well, to prevent separation from happening at all, follow the simple rules of communicating with him.

Keep him believing in himself

The Pisces man is in dire need of outside support, so become that person for him! Encourage him, support him in all his endeavors and projects, do not skimp on compliments and praise. These men are subject to doubts about their abilities and the correctness of their choices, and if faith weakens or is completely absent, he may refuse to act at all.

Be very tactful

Pisces men are very touchy and vulnerable. What other people ignore can seriously hurt and ruin your partner’s mood for a long time. Keep this in mind as you carefully monitor your speech and behavior.

Don't criticize him

How to keep a Pisces man? We must forever forget about any criticism of him! There should not be any comments or negative feedback addressed to him from your lips. Do you think he is doing something wrong? Just offer him another solution, telling him about its advantages, but without mentioning the man’s wrong (from your point of view) actions. After some time, he will do everything exactly as you suggested, but at the same time he will be sure that he himself made the right decision.

Learn to admit your own mistakes and failures

If you were the reason for your disagreement, sincerely apologize to your partner and admit that you were wrong, and only then offer to make peace.

Be vulnerable and defenseless in his eyes

Seeing your vulnerability, the Pisces man will definitely feel the desire to come to your aid and protect you. Even if he doesn’t feel a strong love attraction towards you. Love may “cover” him later, when you begin to strengthen your relationship with him.

Be faithful to him

The Pisces man (as, indeed, most men of other signs) dreams of a woman faithful to him and finds it difficult to tolerate betrayal. But at the same time, do not strive to legitimize the relationship, being content with civil marriage. There is no need to drag it to the registry office by force; there is a high probability that you will live happily and long without a stamp in your passport. A cozy homely atmosphere in your family will bind him to you much more strongly. delicious dishes prepared by you and the joyful laughter of your common children. Surround him with tender care and affection.


Now you know how to keep a Pisces man near you. The most important thing is to sincerely love him and do not forget to show that you really need his protection.

This article closes the topic of how to maintain and strengthen relationships with men of different zodiac signs.

Ahead of you awaits no less interesting and hot topic about what to do when your feelings have cooled down and you need to end an outdated relationship, but you yourself don’t want to take the first step towards breaking up. We will look at how to make a man give up on you or how to restore a broken relationship and get a man back in the following articles.

In the meantime, smile:

“Women want a lot from men. But a man doesn’t need anything from a woman! Only to love! And may she be faithful! And to cook. And so that the house is always clean. And to take care of yourself. And to look after him. And so that it works. And to help his mother. And to be great in bed. And so that she always lets go with friends. And so that it doesn’t drip on your brains. Well, in general, so that she doesn’t get it. Just something...”

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How to communicate with a Pisces man to keep him

This zodiac sign is so unique and contradictory that recommendations on how to communicate with a Pisces man in order to keep him always close cannot be unambiguous.

There is no point in trying to keep your Fish in an aquarium - it is attracted by the vastness of the World Ocean, where there are practically no boundaries for it. It is best to give this man complete freedom, but gradually build a relationship that he does not want to get rid of.

Pisces are a kind of mirror reflection of the behavior of those around them; their reaction to other people's actions is very sensitive. If at the same time they feel discomfort, they will try to change the environment. Every rude word, manifestation of outright indifference or consumerism becomes a source of suffering for men of the zodiac sign Pisces, which they will most likely want to avoid by changing their partner.

To keep a Pisces man, you need to devote a lot of time to him, sometimes sacrificing personal interests. On the other hand, you cannot turn into an obsessive person - he will not tolerate this. Such a man periodically needs to retire in order to dream freely. Having dreamed, Pisces men prefer to return to real places, where a stable life awaits them.

For men of the Pisces sign, manifestations and proofs of love are very important, regardless of the number of days, months or years spent together. Your union with this person will last the longer the better you penetrate into his desires and aspirations, you feel what mood your life partner is in and you correspond to it. This is the key to emotional intimacy, which plays an extremely important role in the life of a Pisces man. The mission of the woman next to him is support, a shoulder on which he can always lean, a wise word that will restore his peace of mind.

It is better, if possible, not to swear or engage in heated debate with these people, defending your position at any cost. It is advisable to adapt to such a unique partner without remaining aloof from his interests. At the same time, you need to be able not to lose your own individuality and self-sufficiency, and also to remain a mysterious person in the eyes of your partner for as long as possible, and not turn into an open and long-read book for him.

How to get rid of a Pisces man

To break up with a Pisces man, you should portray an indifferent person who does not know what sympathy and pity are. It is very unpleasant for this man to listen to ridicule of his ideals, hobbies, plans, to see in his companion complete absence romantic aspirations, listen to accusations of excessive femininity, lack of business qualities and that he needs a nanny who will lead him everywhere by the hand and teach him everything. It wouldn't hurt to laugh at his belief in premonitions and all kinds of mysticism.

It is important for him to feel a sense of unity with his beloved. For the sake of which he can endure a lot. But don't test his patience. It may end sooner or later. His patience is usually due to the power of his imagination. He tends to endow a woman with the desired qualities of character, not paying attention to the fact that these qualities are not so noticeably manifested in reality, but instead behave in the opposite way. But this does not prevent him from loving, humble himself, and endure until his imagination is strong enough and his fantasies are broken into reality. Therefore, there is no need to break his images, fantasies and it is advisable to correspond to his ideal. Don't test his patience. He will not be offended for a long time if a woman shows softness, tenderness, kind words, and talks about emotions and feelings. It is to emotional conversations filled with tenderness and sentimentality that he will react most quickly.

The Pisces man was offended.

You may have to retake those steps when you wanted to conquer him. You may have to change, work on your character.

If the reason for his departure is precisely the woman’s behavior. As already mentioned, men of this sign will not tolerate callousness, secrecy, or rudeness. Try to become his soulmate, surround him with attention, care, tenderness.


Give him support so that he can talk to you. So that he can see in you loved one, who understands him like no one else and accepts him for who he is.

It is important for him to feel warmth, inner world women, affection, tenderness, care. See also How a Pisces Man Loves It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described.

How to keep a Pisces man?


Pisces can rightfully be called the most ambiguous and mysterious representatives of the zodiac signs. A person born under the sign of Pisces is never in a hurry to let in own world outsiders.

In most cases, they calmly observe those around them, taking a wait-and-see position, gradually allowing the person closer to them. Pisces don't like to show off their inner selves.


Based on this, you should understand that Pisces do not show any initiative, so you will have to wonder how to return a Pisces man and establish a relationship with him. How to Make Peace with a Pisces Man In order to loudly quarrel with a man of this zodiac sign, you need to try hard, because Pisces hate swearing and active showdowns.

If you make a complaint, he will answer you with a smile or silence, full of remorse.

He will not pursue a woman if she has chosen someone else, return her, or bother her; he prefers to take the position of an observer and submit to fate. Therefore, it is useless to provoke his jealousy in order to return him. If the woman left on her own and decided to return to him, then the situation is ambiguous. He can forgive if he loves her very much, but trust will be undermined and he will begin to treat her with caution.

The most best place to communicate with him, to make peace and return him - where there are few people, and it is best for you to be just the two of you. It is desirable that it reminds him of past, pleasant moments spent together.

Romance, sentimental songs, lyrical instrumental music - everything that can influence his emotions, what he likes. Here it is necessary to act on his emotions and feelings in order to resurrect what is lost.

How to get fish back after a quarrel, betrayal or breakup?

Don’t force him to do what he doesn’t like, otherwise your loved one will soon disappear from your horizon; To the Libra Woman The Libra girl is not afraid to express to her partner’s face everything that she doesn’t like, often doing it too rudely and harshly. Of course, this offends the vulnerable Pisces. He silently listens to all the accusations and endures it as long as he can, then he simply leaves.
To regain the trust of the Pisces man, the Libra girl needs to become softer, more affectionate, and delicate; Scorpio woman To return her beloved, Scorpio must learn to put less pressure on her partner; sometimes she tries to bend the man under her so much that he is ready to run away from her headlong. This is not possible with Pisces. With this man you need to be an affectionate cat, and not a panther that knocks you down; For a Sagittarius woman If a Sagittarius girl wants to return a Pisces man, she needs to learn to give in, make compromises, and stop pulling at her loved one.

How to get a Pisces man back

Belka © (27.04.2002 14:04) Direct link I do not agree, I have long noticed that people of the same sign really, in general, have similar character traits and behavioral manners. Alena © (04/27/2002 2:04 pm) Direct link yes, I’m trying to understand what is from upbringing and what can be corrected, and what is innate, from the sign, so to speak.

Martha © (27.04.2002 14:04) Direct link From the sign - the inner depth and subtlety of the mental organization, they do not like rudeness and vulgarity, they are very vulnerable, but they can carry resentment within themselves for a long time, they like to worry, to feel sorry for themselves and to be pitied, in in general - very delicate with fish! YF © (27.04.2002 14:04) Direct link yes! Martha © (04/27/2002 14:04) Direct link They go into the depths 🙂 They need to swim there, think, and then they swim out and everything is fine:0 Although sometimes psychos happen, but only if they are unfairly offended.

Pisces man. how to behave with him to win his heart?

He will certainly appreciate your concern, especially when he really realizes that he is feeling better.

  • Funny. A sense of humor is an excellent quality of a Pisces man. He is able to quickly remove negativity, direct the conversation in a different direction, change a negative to a positive by making a good joke.
    But he often uses humor to hide his true feelings. Be attentive to your loved one, guess his condition.
  • A thing in itself.

    When a Pisces man doesn’t want to share something, tell you a story, he won’t do it. Don't pressure him or demand answers. Such behavior irritates Pisces; he will immediately become defensive and withdraw into himself even more.

    You need to act carefully, unobtrusively, but in any case find out the reason if your loved one is upset or depressed.

How to get a Pisces man back

Only one trait of Aquarius can repel Pisces - the desire to tell everyone the truth to their face, without thinking about the consequences. To return love, Aquarius should watch what she says.

Sometimes the truth can be too unpleasant; Pisces Woman Two Pisces are good together, they understand each other perfectly. If disagreements happen, they are for trivial reasons and separation usually does not last long.

The Pisces girl will return the Pisces man if she becomes less despondent and takes more care of her beloved. A man of this sign loves coziness, comfort and silence. Fish just needs to give it to him.

How to return a Pisces man if we don’t see each other? To return such a complex person as the Pisces man, you will need to think carefully and in detail about your plan of action. There is no need to make any appointments or arrange dates.

Try to arrange everything so that your meeting is spontaneous.

What to do to make peace with a Pisces man As already mentioned, he has a peace-loving character, he cannot stand quarrels, scandals, or showdowns. If they start to make trouble with him, then he can remain silent, answer briefly, and make excuses.

Or, in extreme cases, he will completely avoid the controversial conversation. It’s not his style to find out who is right and who is wrong. But on the other hand, being very impressionable, emotional, vulnerable, he himself can escalate the situation, dramatize events, which is why things can happen conflict situations. The main mistake in behavior with him is that a woman cannot accept his character as he is. He doesn't fit the stereotypical description of men, as many women believe, that a real man must be able to restrain emotions, be resistant to stressful situations, morally strong, able to support.

How do Pisces men behave in a quarrel?

The sluggish, inactive Pisces of the first variety will have to be pushed and hurried all his life; he himself is not a fighter and will always wait for manna from heaven, not relying on his own strength. All men of this sign are kind, gentle, very vulnerable people.

They often live in their own illusory world, fantastic and unreal. By nature - romantics and dreamers, lovers of building castles in the air.

They dream of making a career, buying luxury house, prosper, live in luxury and contentment. However, things often do not go further than dreams and fantasies. Pisces are quite lazy and do not want to work hard. Of his own free will, the Pisces man will rarely overwork or stay late after work, only if an urgent need arises. The rare Pisces man is hardworking and energetic; usually these are rather inert, lack of initiative people.
The energetic Sagittarius is sure that if Pisces is bothered more, he will come to his senses and become active and active. However, this does not happen. In reality, Pisces only becomes even more lazy.

Pisces will be able to find an approach to a man using affection and tenderness; For a Capricorn woman, in order to return a Pisces man, a Capricorn girl needs to stop urging her lover to organize his life, build a career, and achieve heights. Pisces cannot live according to plan, thinking through everything in advance; they are also usually of little interest in career achievements.

Capricorn needs to accept the Pisces man for who he is, and not try to re-educate him; For an Aquarius woman, the Aquarius girl will easily return her beloved Pisces. They are both spontaneous, inventive and rather carefree people living in an imaginary world where everything is beautiful and wonderful.

How do Pisces men behave in a quarrel when they are worried?

He is able to forgive and will not remember evil for a long time. However, Pisces reacts quickly to pathogens - you may simply not have time to restrain him when he, offended, runs away from you, slamming the door. It’s better not to let the situation come to this. After a quarrel, have you wondered how to keep a Pisces man? Remember that your loved one is a very gentle, emotionally fragile creature. Any carelessly thrown word can seriously hurt him. It seems to you that this is a trifle, but for him your harsh phrase is the end of the world. Do not increase the level of conversation, never offend your loved one, do not criticize him or allow mutual insults.

  • The soul of the company and the “emotional sponge.”

An astrological one that came from time immemorial horoscope interesting and to modern man. Astrology has had a great influence on the study of human relationships. During difficult periods of family and love crises, many turn their gaze to the stars.

The advice you receive helps you find a way out of the most difficult situations.

The couple broke up: the Pisces man ran away

Recovery relations- a common problem that can be solved with the help of an astrological horoscope.

Our astrological task:
- the Pisces man “deserted”;
- characteristics of the deceased;
- is it possible to return it?

Left behind woman We assure you: it is possible to return the fish.

But you need to be sensitive and wise, become truly loving and give support to a strong “fish” shoulder.

First you need to understand who we get it back. To do this, you will have to delve into the characteristics of the Pisces man.

Psychological characteristics of Pisces men that contribute to their return

The fish is not Casanova at all: Frequent changes of partners are not his destiny. And even in the event of a complete break, he consoles himself with the thought of reviving his usual relationships and established way of life.

Pisces - "led" and vulnerable creatures. No matter how much the poor fellow suffers, he does not will go first for reconciliation. Don't waste your time waiting for the man of this sign to return. The initiative must come from the woman. The main rule here is delicacy and tact. A man should not feel pressured. You can involve your immediate surroundings to help. Try to let him know with what tenderness you remember the relationship.

Sense of ownership. A man of this sign does not want to share even his ex-woman with his rivals. We use “heavy artillery” - an injection of jealousy. But don't overdo it! This should be a hint of interest on the part of the stronger sex and nothing more. Otherwise... The fish will flash the silver of its fin and disappear into the abyss of life forever.

Need for love and admiration. This quality stems from the self-doubt characteristic of. Your partner’s awareness of your love will help you return the fugitive even if you are to blame for the breakup.

Subtle mind and insight. This “fish” quality obliges you to be extremely sincere and honest. In addition, by dotting all the i's, you can build harmonious relationships in the future.

Thrift and thrift. If carelessness is your quality, you will have to “reshape” yourself. A man needs to demonstrate his homeliness, ability to manage a household and convert “a penny into a ruble.” Such a metamorphosis of his chosen one will be a compelling argument for restoring the relationship.

Kindness and tolerance. Pisces love everyone around them. They forgive the weaknesses and shortcomings of their loved ones and will find a thousand and one reasons to explain the mistakes of their affection. “They are respected for their virtues, loved for their shortcomings,” the Pisces man will say in this case.

Psychological characteristics of Pisces men that prevent their return

The ruler of this sign is Neptune, which is capable of both directing and disorganizing. Astrologer Adams, characterizing Pisces, noted their eccentricity and multidirectional motives.

Contradictory character Pisces men conceals qualities that may prevent his return.

Detachment from reality. The reality of Pisces is often intertwined with the illusory world, dreams and fantasies. And if Pisces forms his own negative opinion about past relationships, it will be extremely difficult to dissuade him.

Low critical thinking coupled with weak will. A man can easily confuse the moral assessment of what is happening. With equanimity, he will turn everything upside down, mixing good and evil, swapping low and high. If there are “well-wishers” nearby who are interested in breaking off relations, then you will easily become enemy number one.

Exaltation of the Pisces man. You've probably noticed that your Pisces reacts vividly to the proposed circumstances, be it love or hate. A timid and indecisive man is characterized by emotional outbursts that can completely absorb him. And he can simply drown in overwhelming resentment and hostility towards the woman he recently loved.

Intuitive assessment of what is happening. Due to the weak Mercury, the Pisces man's intellect is peculiar. Logical establishment of cause-and-effect relationships is not it strong point, therefore, they are not able to give an objective assessment of the situation. Because of this, hasty decisions are possible that interfere with the restoration of relations.

Laziness and passivity. The fish can slowly swim with the flow without trying to change anything. And if you don’t take active steps, the relationship may remain in the past forever.

Reasons for leaving, because of which the Pisces man will not return

There are two main reasons, which can forever break off relations with a Pisces man.

Female infidelity. Pisces, like no other sign, values ​​fidelity. They simply cannot bear betrayal. And even if you continue to love a woman in your soul, you will never go back.

Woman is a tyrant. A close relationship with a Pisces man is just that case. in which a woman should act as an inconspicuous “neck” controlling a large and smart “head”. Insults, abuse, women's shrill hysterics, total pressure and uncontrollable jealousy for no reason can destroy the feeling of creative and sublime Pisces for you.

What should I do to get my fish man back?

If you have carefully read our adviсe, then there is not much left to do:

The power of a woman- in her weakness. During the decisive meeting, you need to show the Pisces man how much you need his support and protection.

For men of this zodiac sign, a woman is truly a representative of the weak and beautiful half of humanity, which needs to be looked after and protected.

Don't try to call Fish a feeling of guilt, and one must admit one’s mistakes even if they were invented by a man.
So love - and you will be loved immensely.

How to break up with a Pisces man or woman? This can be difficult, because representatives of this zodiac sign are extremely emotional, they can make scenes, be sad, angry and apologize, because a breakup is also a feeling, and they like to feel and worry. Therefore, you should not succumb to such provocation and show determination and firmness. Here are some tips on what a breakup with a Pisces might look like.

Children of Neptune are the embodiment of feelings, in this area they have access to ocean depths and the heights of love. This is incredible sensitive people, so if you are loved by a Pisces, breaking up will be difficult.

You have to know that you are going to break their heart no more and it will be a painful goodbye. In their case, it is more important than with many other signs to frame the breakup in such a way that they are the ones who come to the conclusion that it is necessary. How should you behave?

How to break up with a Pisces man or woman so that the initiative comes from them?

  • Let this person know that freedom and independence are your fundamental needs. Show at every step that you are self-sufficient and that you love to roam the world surrounded by a whole bunch of friends. Pisces is sensitive, delicate, needs a “subtle” relationship, where there will only be him and her. So if you present yours or your Pisces with a model of life in which your circle of acquaintances will directly participate, they will back down. This is not their story.
  • Representatives of this zodiac sign are extremely sensitive, impressionable, and sharp-tongued; rude comments will hurt their delicate nature and can scare them away forever. Do not praise them and poke your nose into omissions and shortcomings more often, find fault with every little thing.
  • Keep your distance from this person, deliberately do not let him get close to your soul. They are romantics, and intimate rejection is also almost a guarantee that Pisces themselves will break off the relationship.
  • Ignore the point of view of a man (guy)/woman (girl), do not pay attention to them, especially when you are together in some company, do not give the opportunity to freely and fully express your opinion.
  • If you want to leave Pisces, show the man or woman that you are tight-fisted, show that you consider nice pleasant surprises (including material ones) to be an excess.
  • Focus mainly on practical matters, worries, troubles, do not leave room for fantasies, dreams, and imagination.
  • Show more severity, restraint, and dryness in words and actions. Callous, self-confident other halves repel Pisces. After all, in their dreams, their partner looks delicate, soft, kind, understanding, and sympathetic, which is extremely important to them.

There are two important rules, which should be followed when parting with these children of Neptune. First, reassure them that you will be okay after this, that they will be okay, and that you will always love them—just in a slightly different capacity. Second, don’t force her to return to this relationship. You need to break up with Pisces, and not pull the cat by the tail. You can still love these mysterious ones in your own way, beautiful Pisces, but by delaying separation, you only prolong the pain. It may seem that Pisces will not survive this breakup. There is nothing sadder than pain that they cannot and do not want to hide. But give them time, let them go. Healing is a process, and in this case it can be quite long. If you can’t let these people go and move on, then, of course, they won’t be able to either. And if it’s all over, if the decision to break up with a Pisces man or woman is not subject to revision, then quickly and completely get out of their way - and let the process of their healing begin.