What to give for English Teacher's Day. What to give to an English teacher

A gift for a teacher largely depends on his preferences, what he likes, as well as your financial capabilities. In many classes, gifts are given collectively and individually. This determines not only the cost of the gift, but also its nature.

Before you go to the store, you need to answer the following questions: What is the teacher interested in during non-school hours? Does he like to read literature in English or not? Is he interested in the culture of other countries, does he like to travel and how does he feel about astrology and mysticism? The answers to this question will help you choose a gift. Also hint at what the teacher needs. English language, the following points may occur:

1. If this is a woman, what kind of jewelry does she wear? Does she like gold or regular jewelry? How often does she change them? It is customary to give gold as a gift to the whole team, as it is expensive. Usually chocolate, coffee or alcoholic drink, but, of course, not beer, vodka or moonshine. It is not customary to give jewelry to teachers, as this gift is considered personal or too cheap for those who teach at school. But if you have established a warm, informal relationship with the teacher, you can give the teacher gold jewelry or a beautiful silver brooch. If, of course, a woman likes a strict style of clothing. If the teacher looks young and doesn’t really like status things, a beautiful leather bag would be a good gift. Or glasses with expensive sun frames.

2. Does she like to wear perfume and what scents does she like? You can please her with the perfume that she loves very much. If you are her student, then you can ask her on occasion what perfume you can give to your mother. Tell her that she likes a perfume scent similar to yours. The teacher can tell you the brand of perfume or show you a bottle, but then it’s up to you. You can go to the store and give her your favorite perfume in a large bottle, or if you choose a collective gift, but in a set with soap, shower gel, lotion and deodorant.

3. Do you know what the teacher collects and does he collect anything? You can ask his close friends or just high school students about this. Many teachers like to collect books, coins or figurines. A new copy for his beloved collection would make a wonderful gift for an English teacher.

4. What kind of literature does he like to read in free time? You can find out if you suddenly come to his office or just look at his desk. Usually teachers like to read while they are giving a written assignment, and based on what the teacher likes, you can guess what to give him. There are teachers who like to read classical literature or works of English and American authors in the original without translation in English. For them, a good gift could be a work by Shakespeare or any other author, which can be ordered from an online store and given as a gift. Men like to read literature about travel, history, politics or economics, while women prefer fiction or mystical literature.

5. How to find out the mystical preferences of a teacher? You can tell this by looking at her jewelry and the books she reads in her free time. Those who like to wear clothes in bright colors often choose models with zodiac signs or with certain amulets and hieroglyphs, some wear mysterious pendants with zodiac signs or mysterious mystical signs. Sometimes such teachers keep a dream interpreter, an interpretation of names, or something similar on the table. If an English teacher has a positive attitude towards magic, then you can give her Tarot cards in English, an English-language book on mysticism by an advanced author, as well as an interpretation of dreams by an American author in the original. This gift will appeal to everyone who loves mysticism and is related to magic.

6. Coffee, expensive alcohol. Typically, such gifts are given to older teachers, especially men, as a group, as well as individually. The drink should be very expensive and presented in beautiful packaging, but you should not give alcohol separately, as this may be misinterpreted by the teacher himself. Alcoholic gifts are given only by parents, not by children, and certainly not by students. Coffee or tea is a good gift for those who can congratulate the teacher inexpensively and in a way that she will like the gift. Such drinks are available in various price categories and can please any teacher, especially if the set includes a set of expensive chocolates or a cup with a beautiful spoon. And tea, given in an iron box, can be a useful gift for those who love jewelry and cosmetics.

7. Collectible silver coin. A very good gift for a teacher of any age and gender, which can become not only a beautiful addition to a bouquet with color, but also a useful investment. The coin can be made in various themes. Most often they are made with names, symbols of the year, animals or icons. The coin is usually given as an addition to a collective gift or, on the contrary, as a personal gift along with flowers and beautiful postcard, which can be signed in English.

8. To give or not to give equipment? Often the parent committee gives the teacher a coffee grinder, mixer or bread dryer. Some people choose a laptop as a gift. In this situation, it is better to directly ask the teacher or his relatives what to give him, since many teachers complain that from year to year they are given a coffee grinder, blender or set of dishes, which have nowhere to put in a small apartment. To avoid such a situation, some teachers themselves say that they would like to be given a gift (knowing that there will be a gift), but since this can be interpreted by some parents as extortion, many do not say anything at all on this topic. And again they receive an unnecessary gift. Therefore, equipment should not be given to teachers unless they need it. It is better to find out from other teachers or friends what you need to give to the teacher, but there is no need to show initiative in this situation.

Hello friends!

My pace of life has now become very dynamic. Spending time shopping in stores is no longer such a pleasure as it used to be. Therefore, for a long time now I have fallen in love with shopping online, via the Internet.

Moreover, the choice is usually wider there. And for me, as a teacher and tutor, it is important to have a choice to make my work even more productive and interesting! Besides, I can always find something special for learning English and my hobby!

You can say that I am experienced in this matter. Clothing, goods for children, books, tickets - all this can now be bought without leaving home. And with the advent of my daughter, it became much more convenient!

Today I will tell you about my purchases, purchased and ordered on different sites, mainly since I have not bought in stores for a long time. I like to calmly choose everything at home. If you are for online shopping, then you will understand how convenient, thoughtful and cheaper it is!

It’s interesting to take a look at what I purchased, then read on!


Last year I discovered the Aliexpress website. Chinese goods are sold there. Everything that is sold here in Russia. BUT!!! Much cheaper.

I passed by all this for a long time, but my students, with whom I tutor, kept talking about Aliexpress. I asked them everything about how and what was done there and decided to place my first order.

As I remember now, these are colored tapes for my postcrossing hobby! The selection of products on this site is so large that sometimes you just hang there and want to put everything in the cart.

In addition, you can get more discounts up to 80-90% on AliExpress offers

The only downside to all these Chinese sites is the delivery. It is free, of course, but you have to wait a long time from 15 to 50 days. Sometimes I even forget that I ordered it and only when the notification arrives do I begin to remember. But if you don’t need it urgently, then you can wait.

So, what interesting things can you order? I am interested there, first of all, in goods with English symbols. These can be different office supplies and various items for arranging your office.

My children are stunned when they see such stamps in their notebooks!

All kids love stickers! Even my 11th grade USE student constantly asked me to give him credit for a good job!

Online store Ozone

On my favorite website, I ordered cards from the “Looking” series. I'm playing. I'll find out. I'm teaching english words" About a year ago I bought the same ones, but only in Russian. Now they have released it in English.

Good cards, beautiful natural drawings and, most importantly, on the other side there is correct (not Russian) transcription and translation!

Educational cards

In set No. 1 “I’m looking. I'm playing. I'll find out. Learning English words" categories are presented:

In set No. 2 “I’m looking. I'm playing. I'll find out. Learning English words" categories are presented:

I mix them, and she inserts. It develops motor skills and repeats letters!

Amina at work! She must complete the entire alphabet in three minutes! There is a time tracker nearby!

I made a lot of purchases for preschoolers, since this school year I took two little students Amina and Sabina, five and six years old. Since this was my first experience, it was difficult, but interesting.

I think I'll talk about this later. And there I will already share my results and materials that helped me. I won't repeat myself now. Follow my newsletter and those who have not yet subscribed to the news, there is a subscription form at the end of the article.

Online store Labyrinth Purchases from the “Technology for Teachers” series

I bought a booklet maker or a bookbinding machine, also called it, and it comes with accessories in the form of covers for future books and plastic springs in two sizes.

Great if you type a lot and want to bring all your printed materials in order

True, I didn’t try it right away, but only six months later. Don’t ask me why I endured it for so long, it really seemed difficult to me. Until my student suggested we do it together, and she and I made a book. This is how we did it! And it turned out to be very easy!

We bound a book printed on a computer. Now it’s convenient to read and flip through!

The laminator was also a useful thing for me.

Laminator and special film

Laminates everything very high quality! Colors are brighter and the document is protected. You can also laminate cards. They will stay alive for a long time!

Useful technique for teachers!

Shopping from Amazon

The products from this site are very cool, but the shipping is terribly expensive. Therefore, it is advisable to order through an intermediary or joint purchases, for example in contact. I ordered through

What to give for Teacher's Day? Options for successful gifts for a school teacher.

The work of a teacher undoubtedly deserves respect and encouragement, because these are the people who teach our children something new every day. Therefore, it is extremely important that they know and understand that both students and their parents value what they do to educate the next generation.

The best way to show your gratitude for their titanic work is to congratulate them on their professional holiday. But in order for your gift to evoke your child’s favorite teacher exclusively positive emotions, you need to give him things that he will be happy to use.

Gift options for teachers

A watercolor floral card will replace the standard bouquet

The best gift is flowers. But since you will be congratulating the teacher, it is not easy for you to start or finish academic year, it will be better if you present your son or daughter’s mentor with an exclusive bouquet.

You can find out which flowers the teacher likes most and order him a painting or wall panel made of fresh flowers. If you want, you can try to play up the theme of plants even more and present some beautiful indoor flower as a gift to the teacher.

Top best gifts:

  • Photo album in leather cover. And in order for the teacher to understand how well you treat him, make a personalized engraving on it and invite the children to write a couple of touching wishes in it

  • Briefcase for notebooks. Buy a high-quality and preferably roomy bag in which the teacher can carry all his things. When choosing the color and style of a surprise, be sure to take into account the gender of the teacher

  • Personalized medal. You can order a medal with a comic inscription “To the best and most patient teacher of the school” and present it to the accompaniment of solemn music. In addition to this gift, you can present chocolates.
What to give your class teacher for Teacher's Day?

Original chocolate present

  • Usually class teacher everyone knows much better than other teachers, so choosing a gift is always much easier for him than for others. But in this case, you definitely need to take a more responsible approach to how you present the gift.
  • Since this person spends quite a lot of time with your children, it will be better if you prepare in advance a touching congratulatory speech or a poetic congratulation in the form of a school wall newspaper, made by the hands of all the children and parents
  • The class teacher will definitely remember such a surprise for a long time. Another gift that will definitely warm the soul of your children's mentor is a flip calendar made from photographs from the life of the class

In addition, you can give the class teacher:

  • Handle with telescopic pointer
  • Yogurt maker, toaster or mixer
  • Handmade diary
  • Beautiful set for stationery
  • Wooden jewelry box
  • Room mirror in original frame
  • What to give an English teacher on Teacher's Day?

    Mug with Big Ben for an English teacher

    Most English teachers are progressive people and always try to keep up with the times. Therefore, such people will definitely be pleased with computer gadgets and everything connected with England. You can try to order several types of high-quality English tea in advance, complement it with a beautiful porcelain tea set and please the teacher with all this.

    If you think that such a gift is too expensive, then simply order a personalized mug that depicts the British flag or the world-famous Big Ben. It would also be a win-win option interesting book in English or an annual subscription to the magazine, thanks to which the teacher will be able to improve his professional skills.

    You can also give your teacher the following gifts:

  • Wall clock
  • Delicious cake for tea
  • Retro phone
  • Set of soft towels
  • Interesting shaped piggy bank
  • Small home fountain
  • What to give to the director for Teacher's Day?

    An ideal teacher's day gift for a school principal

    Sometimes parents at the very last moment remember the school principal, and in their haste they buy him some useless thing. In fact, with such behavior we greatly offend a person. After all, although he does not read lessons to our children every day, he still does a lot for them.

    Therefore, his gift should also be original, thoughtful and, if possible, sincere. Since this man has his own personal account, then you can buy him a huge painting in a beautiful frame, stylish hourglass or a couple of small figurines.

    In addition, the director may like:

  • USB-hab for simultaneous work on several USB devices
  • Case with removable keyboard for tablet
  • Collectible coins
  • Set of scarves
  • Decorative statue
  • What to give to a Russian and literature teacher?

    Presents for the Russian language teacher

    • If a person teaches children Russian language and literature, then the main companion of his life, of course, is a book. Usually such people read quite a lot, so they will definitely be pleased with any new publication. And in order for your gift not to gather dust somewhere on a shelf, try to find out in advance what genre the teacher likes best and what authors he likes
    • If possible, then buy the entire series of books at once. If you know that the teacher loves cooking, then find him rare book with recipes or pay for a master class on cooking any exotic dishes
    • A good option would be a portrait painted from a photograph or a funny cartoon based on some funny event in the class. But for such gifts to look festive, they must be framed and, if possible, beautifully packaged

    Gifts for a teacher of Russian language and literature:

  • Chocolate figurine with fruit filling
  • Fountain pen and colored ink
  • Handmade aroma soap set
  • Feng Shui talisman “Wind Music”
  • Bright wall plate with wishes from students
  • Gift for a teacher on Teacher's Day?

    Bouquet of sweets for the teacher

    • If your teacher is a woman, then her gifts should be as practical as possible. Of course, she will also like flowers, candies, paintings and books, but it will still be better if you present her with something more original. For example, a certificate for a trip to a cosmetic store or a paid relaxing massage course. If you are not short on funds, then order the largest possible picture embroidered with beads
    • It will be better if it is done in a calm pastel colors. These colors will help the teacher calm down after a difficult day. working day. Another win-win option is an umbrella. But don't buy a standard monochromatic item that lacks individuality and originality. Choose a beautiful ladies' umbrella with a carved wooden handle and a delicate autumn print
    • If you are very strapped for money, then arrange for each child to bring a bright greeting card and one flower to school. Gather in the classroom in advance, and as soon as the teacher comes in, give her your little gifts together. Believe me, this inexpensive and simple surprise will cheer up the teacher for the whole holiday.

    A good gift for the teacher it will be:

  • Stylish wallet
  • Original key holder
  • Business card holder
  • Set of sofa cushions
  • Kitchenware
  • Concert tickets
  • What to give a man on Teacher's Day?

    Preparing a surprise for the male teacher

    It is always more difficult for male teachers to choose gifts than for female teachers. But still, in this case, there is a way out of the situation. You can always give gifts related to the subject they teach. A historian will definitely like the biography of any famous person.

    A geographer will love a large floor globe, and a labor worker will love a high-quality set of tools. You can also give checkers, chess, books of charades, or just board games for adults where you need to think a lot and use logic.

    In addition, you can please the teacher with the following gifts:

  • Soccer ball
  • Boxing gloves
  • Dumbbells
  • Photo collage
  • Music CDs
  • Car accessories
  • What to give a young teacher for Teacher's Day?

    An original gift for Teacher's Day - a vase with flowers made from pencils.

    • If a very young teacher has become your child’s class teacher and you don’t know her tastes yet, then give her something that might be useful in her work. If she is a first-grader teacher, then give her a drawing set consisting of paints, colored pencils and markers
    • All these things will definitely help her create vivid visual pictures with which she will introduce children to the world around them. She will also definitely love the bead embroidery or knitting kit. Another win-win option is a makeup kit
    • But in this case, you definitely need to know which color scheme suits the teacher best. You can buy an original pen stand or if you have minimal skills, then make this thing yourself

    Gift options for teachers:

  • Fruit basket
  • Coffee set consisting of high-quality coffee, a Turk and a special spoon
  • Case for glasses
  • Set of decorative decorations for home
  • Cookware for spices
  • Decorative pendant in the form of a book, globe or simple flower
  • Food tray made from wicker
  • What to give a teacher on Teacher's Day?

    Teacher's Day gift for preschool worker

    • The teacher is the very first mentor of our children. It is these people who help children settle into society, teach them to make friends and instill the first skills of behavior in society. Therefore, they, like school teachers, must be congratulated on Teacher’s Day
    • In this case, you also shouldn’t forget about flowers and, if possible, complement all your gifts with flower arrangements. If you think that your surprise does not have to be personal, then take a beautiful general photo and print it on canvas
    • Such a gift can for a long time hang in your group and with your appearance please not only the teacher, but also you. A feminine set of a knitted beret, scarf and gloves will help your child’s mentor brighten up cold everyday life. All these things will keep the teacher warm when she walks outside with your children.

    Original gifts for the teacher:

  • Sushi set
  • Bouquet of sweets
  • "Cake" from stationery
  • Wall organizer
  • Anti-stress pillows
  • Bed linen with 3D effect
  • Interesting original gift for teacher's day

    Original gifts on Teacher's Day

    As you probably already understood, if you want to surprise a teacher, it’s quite easy. After all, any, even not very expensive, gift given from pure heart, will leave an indelible mark on the soul of the teacher. But still, if you want your surprise to exceed all expectations, then give your teacher gifts that are not quite standard. For example, you can present an electronic aquarium.

    This thing looks no worse than live fish, but does not require any attention. This type of gift may also have additional options, for example, a clock, a calendar, and even a built-in radio. You can also give your teacher Newton's table balls. They will look great on his desk and will help him relieve fatigue after a hard day.

    Interesting gifts for Teacher's Day:

    • Globe levitation squared
    • Photo frame in the form of a tree
    • Original book holder
    • Bookmarks
    • Inflatable hammock for a summer house
    • Scratch poster
    • Magnetic chalk board
    Inexpensive gifts for Teacher's Day

    DIY teacher's watch

    If you are tight on finances, but the teacher still wants to celebrate, then try organizing a festive tea party in the class. In this case, you can even bring baked goods from home. Moms can bake delicious muffins, make homemade sweets and cookies with pleasant wishes.

    At the end of the school day, all you have to do is set the tables and invite the class teacher to the celebration. And to make the tea party truly festive, you can also prepare a small concert program. Both the teacher, the children, and you will enjoy this pastime.

    Examples of inexpensive gifts for teachers:

  • Set of handles
  • Several large notepads
  • Belt with a beautiful buckle
  • Anti-stress ball
  • Kaleidoscope
  • Bathroom accessories
  • Beautiful pocket mirror
  • A lot of balloons
  • Video: Bouquet of photographs for the teacher. DIY gift

    The new school year has begun, and parents have more and more different worries and responsibilities. One of them is preparing for traditional school holidays and choosing a gift for the teacher. This is especially of interest to those parents who are part of parent committee. Gifts for teachers should be useful and pleasant. It will be unusual and interesting if it is of an individual nature, even if we're talking about about a common holiday. For example, a gift for an English teacher may be related to Foggy Albion or the teacher’s favorite hobby. Of course, each holiday has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account.


    Gift for September 1st

    September 1 is the very first holiday, from which all school life begins, and is celebrated throughout the country. On this day, all teachers are congratulated, so it is not necessary to single out someone with a separate gift. But sometimes you want to give something else besides the standard bouquet of flowers. What to give to an English teacher on September 1? This could be one of the following gifts.

    USB flash drive or flash drive. The teacher will always use this useful gift. He needs to use it in class large number documents, photographs, video files. Therefore, such a gift will come in handy.

    Notepad or diary. A beautifully and unusually designed diary will symbolize the start of the school year with a clean slate. And if the teacher has already purchased this necessary item, the diary will be used for other, extracurricular activities.

    Book. Perfect as a gift for an English teacher classical literature in the language of the author of the work. For example, it could be Shakespeare, Robert Burns, Dickens or other famous authors.

    Gifts related to the subject taught or educational activities generally.

    Gift for Teacher's Day

    On Teacher's Day, they usually congratulate all teachers. Gifts must be the same or similar if they are presented from the entire class. Usually they don’t give expensive things, it should just be a sign of attention.

    On Teacher's Day you can give:

    • Candy or candy bouquets.
    • Tea or coffee in beautiful packaging.
    • Business card holders.
    • Gift certificates to a cosmetics store.

    Or you can add individuality to your congratulations and give items such as:

    • Engraved pens. An interesting inscription that will remind you of the giver. A gift for an English teacher on Teacher's Day will be different from a gift for a mathematics teacher.
    • Mugs with photo and inscription. If you approach the choice of photos and come up with inscriptions for the mugs creatively, then this gift will be remembered for a long time. Students in the class can also do this fun activity by designing mugs for all their teachers. They will be happy to take the missing photographs.
    • Photo albums. Such gifts can also be themed, for example, with images of the Tower or other British landmarks for an English teacher.

    Birthday gift

    Choosing a birthday gift is perhaps the most difficult thing. On this day it is more personal than on other holidays. A gift for your favorite English teacher for birthday greetings should be chosen with soul. The teacher’s tastes, hobbies, interests - all this must be taken into account.

    Gold jewelry. At first glance, this is a win-win category, but choosing such a gift has its own nuances. It is better to buy earrings and rings after trying them on, which means they are not suitable as a gift. Gold chains or bracelets can be given without trying them on; pendants are also suitable. If you don’t know what type of decoration your teacher prefers, it’s best to give classic options for your birthday.

    Vases. A large floor vase will be a wonderful interior decoration. But if the teacher has pets, such a gift will not be suitable. It is best to find out this question in advance.

    Household appliances. Microwaves, yogurt makers, fondue makers, deep fryers, waffle irons - all this will become completely useless in everyday life if the teacher already has all the necessary household appliances at home. And the waffle iron may be missing not because they didn’t have time to buy it, but if the teacher doesn’t like making these waffles. Good way out there will be no purchase household appliances for a birthday, and a gift certificate for the same amount.

    Tablecloths, towels. If the choice is difficult, and you’ve already lost your head trying to decide what to give your English teacher for his birthday, traditional gifts can help out. Towels or a tablecloth may not be as original as other gifts, but they will definitely come in handy in any family.

    Gift for New Year

    New Year is a magical holiday, which means that you can temporarily forget about the usefulness of a gift and give pleasant little things. What is so interesting to give to an English teacher for the New Year? Let's give a few examples.

    New Year's Christmas tree toys. Beautifully painted glass balls, various figures animals and fairy tale characters Perfectly decorate any Christmas tree.

    Small tabletop tree. Such a gift will most likely decorate the classroom and delight not only the teacher, but also all the students. The New Year will feel closer when the classroom is decorated for the holiday.

    Set of chocolate or fruits. A delicious gift will cheer up the teacher and decorate him. New Year's table at his home or in the staff room.

    New Year's souvenir. The image of the New Year symbol can be anything: a figurine or a soft toy in the shape of an animal, beautiful towels with snowmen, a warm scarf with deer or a lot of other New Year's souvenirs.

    Graduation gift

    Graduation is an exciting holiday when you want to somehow celebrate all the teachers without spending a lot of money. Everyone receives traditional bouquets, but there can be a nice addition to it. What is a memorable gift to give to an English teacher for graduation? The following options may be considered.

    Certificate or medal. Great gift There may be comic certificates or medals. Captions for them are made individually for each teacher and should be funny and bright. They are invented by the students themselves.

    A wall or table clock can be a wonderful decoration for your office. The clock can be made in different styles, it is better to choose a classic one or choose a watch reminiscent of England.

    Interior items. This can be a beautiful table lamp that will be convenient to use at work or at home. Unusual gift, but very useful - a comfortable work chair for the teacher, in which it will be pleasant to relax or work on documentation.

    Large flower in a floor pot. Beautiful plant will become good option gift, if you first think about where to put it in the classroom.

    Each person is individual, so when looking for an answer to the question of what to give an English teacher, you can come up with something unusual. The main thing is to show imagination and take into account the tastes of the person you want to congratulate. In this case, the gift will be remembered for a long time.

    In the Linguistics section, to the question What to give to an English teacher? The best answer given by the author, Tatyana Nikolaeva, is a book. better than Russian. for example, fairy tales in a gift edition or about culture

    Answer from Eleni [guru]
    Interesting magazines in the language - for me personally this is the best gift!

    Answer from Gesine Tschatter [guru]
    uchitelja jazykov vsegda hvastajtsja, chto u nih podveshennyj jazyk. Podari prepodu bytylku konjaka. Puskaj posle neskolko rjumok pokaget, naskolko u nego/nee jazyk podveshennyj. 🙂 Tolko ne darite slovari--eto very primitivno i banalno.

    Answer from Murzilka Koshkin [guru]
    Take him to a restaurant and give him an unforgettable evening.
    (At the same time, you’ll check in practice whether it’s true that Americans don’t pay for girls)

    Answer from PanteRRa [guru]
    delicious Russian chocolate (set of sweets)! they love it (tested in practice!) and some souvenir associated with Russia, with Russian traditions of celebrating the New Year. Santa Claus with a Snow Maiden in the form of a figurine, for example

    Answer from Erosya [guru]
    a trip to France, let him study their language

    Answer from Zhanna Aliyeva [guru]
    Something from Russian music, but not all nonsense, but classics like Zykina, you can compile a collection yourself and arrange it beautifully. And attach a postcard, the text of which you yourself will compose in English, of course. You could also use some other famous Russian film, preferably with English subtitles, if you find it, of course. the choice is yours