How to fold a bath towel. How to learn to fold towels beautifully, like in hotels

Folding a towel beautifully is an art that is akin to origami. Such an element can successfully decorate the bedroom interior space, as well as create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

How to make a swan from a towel?

A towel folded in the shape of a swan is a sign of good taste in hotels. You leave your room, and when you arrive, you see a beautifully folded towel on your bed. In this way, the hotel staff expresses respect for the guest. Sometimes you want to create an unusual and welcoming interior in your bedroom, complementing it with an element such as a swan folded from a towel.

You will need:

  • 2 white towels

What to do?

  1. Lay out a large bath towel horizontally in front of you.
  2. Visually find the middle of the towel and conditionally consider it the starting point for your design.
  3. Press the middle of the towel (the top point) with your finger, pull one of the corners of the product up and fold it into the middle, do the same with the other end. The end result should be the top of the envelope.
  4. You begin to twist tight strands from both ends of the towel towards its middle. The denser the flagella, the more stable your swan will be.
  5. Turn over the resulting structure, which will be the base for the swan.
  6. Take a second towel of a slightly smaller size, visually measure the middle and roll the ends to this middle on both sides.
  7. Turn the resulting product over, place it on the back of the swan base for better stability, arch the back and neck of the swan, forming its curves.

Voila! Nothing complicated, you don’t need any special skills for this. With a little practice, you'll be making towel swans pretty quickly.

How to fold a bear from a towel?

A towel folded in the shape of a bear will be a harmonious addition to any children's room at home. In addition, this method of decoration can also be used when preparing a gift - giving a towel in a package is quite boring, but rolling it up beautiful shape not only interesting, but also sincere. Who doesn't love a homemade gift?

You will need:

  • Towel,
  • Several stationery erasers

What to do?

  1. Take a towel and place it vertically in front of you, measuring the middle of its length.
  2. From both ends you begin to roll tight strands, in the end you should get two tubes.
  3. Twist the resulting tubes one turn to the right side, placing the upper right part on the lower left. Wherein top part should reach the middle of the bottom. This way you will form the arms and legs of the bear.
  4. Spread the conditional arms of the teddy bear so that they are on the side of the body.
  5. Take a rubber band and form a head on the product by tying the rubber band several times around the top.
  6. After that, take two more elastic bands and make improvised ears on your head.
  7. After the teddy bear is ready, you can complement its image with accessories - for example, a ribbon or a bow.

How to fold a rose from a towel?

One of the fastest and most simple options for folding towels. Even a child can easily repeat this “towel origami”

So, you will need a small square face towel and an elastic band that matches the towel. Fold your towel in half to form a triangle. From the base of the triangle, start twisting the rope until about halfway through the product, then the resulting structure should be twisted across. The product you receive will look like a rose. At this moment, you need to arm yourself with a rubber band and form a bud. The lower part must be straightened out and used as a base to keep the rose on the surface.

Beautifully folded towels can only cause positive emotions. On a closet shelf, bed or in the bathroom - everywhere they will look aesthetically pleasing and harmonious. Don't know how to fold a towel beautifully? Read this article!

How to make a swan out of a towel?

Swans are beautiful, noble birds that are associated with devotion and love. By folding a couple of these proud birds from towels, you can arrange a romantic surprise for your loved one. Take two large bath towels white. You can use material of a different color, but the result will not look as impressive.

Lay the fabric horizontally on the bed and mentally divide it into two equal parts. Fold the lower side corners towards the center. Roll the folded sides towards the center using rollers. You will end up with two rollers with a common sharp end. The sharp end is the swan's nose. Carefully fold the composition into the shape of a bird. If desired, use a second towel to form wings. An original folded towel can be supplemented with details: rose petals, candles. Or you can create two birds, turn their heads towards each other. The curves of their necks will create the outline of the heart. It looks very gentle and romantic.

How to fold a towel in the shape of a hare?

A small square-shaped textile product can be placed in something that will greatly please the child. How to beautifully fold a towel in the shape of this funny animal? Twist it into a tight rope and fold it in half. Fold one of the edges and tie it with a bright ribbon at the base. These are the head and ears of the animal. Decorate the towel if desired. Glue the hare's eyes and mouth (or embroider them with colored threads). The hare can be made in the second way. Make a double strand, bend the edge and tie it (as in the first method). Such a bunny can be made for a child and even presented as a gift.

You can also please children with an elephant, a mouse or a monkey made from towels. The flight of imagination is limitless, you just need to put in a little effort! It's so easy to please a child.

How to fold a towel into a rose shape?

A towel in the shape of a rose can decorate a bathroom, surprising household members and guests, or maybe a great gift. Take a small towel (preferably red, pink or white). If the textile product has a beautiful border, then fold it with the border facing out. If there is no border as such, or it is a regular seam, roll the towel into a rope.

Take a towel, fold it in half like a scarf and roll it into a rope. Now you need to twist the resulting bundle like a snail and turn the product out. All you have to do is bend the petals and the rose is ready! Now you know how to beautifully fold a towel into a flower shape. Experiment with the color and number of towels, and you will create a real masterpiece. Decorate the terry product with beads and rhinestones, then it will sparkle with completely different colors.

How to fold a towel into a heart shape?

Your significant other is taking a bath and you can't wait to surprise her? Fold your bath towel into a heart shape on your bed and you're sure to get a standing ovation!

Lay out a towel on the bed. Carefully roll its two edges into a cone shape. The end of the roller should rest against the middle of the towel. Fold the edges until they come together. Now carefully place the rollers in the shape of a heart.

Folding a towel as a gift

Don't know how to beautifully fold a towel for a gift? Use our tips and everything will work out! If you give a lot of small towels, make a cake out of them. It's quite simple. Roll each towel into a tight roll and secure. Place towels in round tiers on top of each other. The bottom tier is the widest, the top is narrow. If you don't give many towels, don't be upset. You can create a cute cake even with two towels. How to fold a towel beautifully?

Fold the product into a ribbon and then twist it. A large and small towel will allow you to create a cake. Decorate it as desired. Beads, rhinestones, stickers, buttons, ribbons and textile flowers are suitable.

You can also give towels in the shape of roses. Wrap up more roses and pack them in a cute basket. Add soap, shampoo, jewelry - a gift that will be memorable for a lifetime is ready. It can be presented to relatives and friends, as well as colleagues.

Do you want to give glasses to your friends? You can put tightly rolled hand towels in them. You can also roll the products in the form of ice cream or cake.

How to fold a towel beautifully and compactly?

Not only cute animals and flowers can please the eye. Many housewives are more interested in the question: how to beautifully fold towels in the closet? The most popular method is the American roller. Storing towels in this way is very convenient, since you can put many products in one drawer, and you can easily get them out. Many housewives organize space in their linen closet this way. How to beautifully fold a towel with a roller?

Fold the towel in half horizontally, then in half again. Now roll this rectangle tightly into a roller. Tie the roller with a ribbon if you want luxury in your closet. Folding towels in this way takes very little time (classic folding will take no less time). A closet with rolls of towels will always be in order, and at the same time it looks very cozy and cute.

Now you know how to beautifully fold a towel for a gift, a surprise for your loved one and for Everyday life. Before you lay out your towel beautifully, be sure to make sure it is completely dry. Even slightly damp fabric can become a breeding ground for nasty mold.

When I was studying at , at the same time they showed me what is called for general education, how to fold towels correctly from the Thai point of view. For example, in Europe or Russia it is enough to simply fold towels in a massage parlor, or in a hotel in Thailand this is not done. Everything should be Suai, that is, beautiful and beautiful. I had seen towels folded into swans more than once before, but I had no idea how they folded and did not ask this question at all. Here you can see in detail in the photographs how it is all done.

In order to make such swans out of towels, you first need to press the towel in the center with your finger and start twisting the towel on one side, then on the other side as shown in the photo below.

Having completely twisted the towel in this way, you need to bend it in the shape of a swan’s body, as shown in the photo below; the improvised head and neck of the swan are easily fixed in this position.

Then twist the second towel in the same way and make so-called wings from it.

Having twisted the second towel, you need to bend it in half, and then move it slightly apart on the sides as shown in the photo below.

And as we see, the second missing part of the future swan has already been created.

After which the second part is placed on top of the first part and you get such a wonderful swan.

Agree, the towels look much more beautiful than if they were simply folded. In Thai this is called Suai.

You can also fold towels in the shape of a flower. To do this, you first need to fold the towel in half.

After you get a square, the corners of the towel must be folded towards the center. As shown in the photo below.

Then carefully turn the towel over and fold it again in the same way.

Then the corners of the towel are bent outward and you get something similar to petals. When bending the corners with one hand, you need to hold the center where the corners of the towel are folded with the other hand. Everything is as in the photo below.

And this is what happens after that.

Sometimes it happens that you just put a towel in the closet, and it’s already a real mess. A particularly large towel can be difficult to roll into your bag when you're packing for a trip. It is best to stack several towels together. This way they will be more compact on shelves or in a bag. Below are three simple ways folding towels. They are suitable for both long (bath) and short (face or hands).


This method is usually used to fold towels in hotels.

1. Lay towels horizontally on the table.

2. Fold them in half so that their ends are parallel.

3. Next step will be a repetition of the previous one: you need to fold the towels in half again.

French (that is, in French)

Everything here is almost the same as in the previous method. The only difference will be the order in which the towels are folded.

1. Fold the end of the top towel towards the center.

2. The same action with the lower towel.

4. And again in half.


Spa rolls are very convenient to store in the closet one on one

So this is a swan. To do this, spread it out and fold the two upper edges into the middle to form a triangle. Curl the outer edges toward the center. Top point given triangle will become the head of a swan, and hide its tail under another towel, which should be laid out in waves in a circle. You can decorate your composition with various decorative leaves and. Your guests are shocked at the sight of such a “terry statue”.

A square towel can be folded into the shape of a hare. Take a previously prepared towel and twist it into a tight rope. Next, fold it in half and fold one edge. Tie it with a ribbon at the base. This way you will get the head and ears of a hare. Attach the eyes. You can use various buttons and decorative Velcro for them.

You can also fold the hare in another way. Twist the towel into a double rope. Then fold one edge and tie it with a ribbon in the same way as in the previous method. Tie a cute bow for the bunny and attach some eyes. The muzzle can be embroidered with colored threads. This figurine can be made as a gift for your loved ones.

You can also fold an elephant just as easily. Spread a towel on a flat surface and fold its edges at the bottom and top, measuring 15 centimeters from them in advance. Then fold the edges again to the same length. Start rolling the towel on the left, gradually moving towards the middle, then roll exactly the same “roll” on the right. Holding the towel flat side up, fold it in half. You have the legs and body of an elephant. Now put them aside for a while and take another towel.

Lay it horizontally with the long side, press the top of the towel in the middle with something so that it does not move at the wrong moment. Roll the towel into a tube on both sides so that it looks like the airplane we all used to make out of paper. The “tubes” should be as tight as possible. Curl the edges towards the center as far as possible. Turn the towel flat side up. Fold its bottom edge so that the sides look like ears. Pull the pointed part in and bend it slightly so that it resembles a trunk. And one last thing. Place the head of your elephant on the previously made body. That's all, the elephant is ready. You can also decorate it with eyes, bows, etc.