Drawing of a pistol made of wood. How to make a gun from wood? Create a great gift for your children

How to make a shooting pistol?

It is absolutely possible to make a shooting pistol in different ways and from all kinds of materials. A lot depends on the time you are willing to spend on work and on your imagination. It will be easier to follow these instructions if you have an understanding of the pistol's design. You can learn about the main components of a pistol from our article. Below are several ways to make a gun that will shoot rubber bands, paper or bullets.

A gun that shoots rubber bands


You will need:

  • 3 wooden barbecue skewers or plywood stick 200*10*5 mm;
  • 3 wooden clothespins;
  • 2 plastic clothespins (can be replaced with wooden ones);
  • stationery erasers;
  • scissors or knife;
  • glue gun or wood glue.

Gun manufacturing process

The technology for making a gun that shoots rubber bands is shown in this video.

Pistol that shoots bullets

This original toy can be done in a few minutes, and you can use crumpled paper, plastic balls, and even pieces of marshmallows as bullets.


To make such a pistol you will need:

  • polyvinyl chloride pipe - 55 cm, diameter 2 cm;
  • 2 PVC corners of suitable diameter;
  • 2 PVC tees of suitable diameter;
  • 2 PVC plugs of suitable diameter;
  • scissors for cutting PVC pipes or sharp knife;
  • tape measure or measuring tape;
  • soldering iron for PVC pipes.

Build process

A special soldering iron is used to solder pipes, but some craftsmen heat the ends of PVC products over an open fire and then connect them. The disadvantage of the latter method is that if it is not calculated correctly and overheated, the edge of the pipe will melt, and this can reduce the internal diameter of the workpiece. Therefore, it is better to practice a little beforehand.

The gun is ready. The bullet is inserted through the barrel. To fire a shot, grasp the pistol by the handles and blow into the “trigger” hole. The firing range from such a pistol can reach several meters.

If you are going to the country or going on a trip, it is not always possible to buy a toy weapon for your child. However, paper is often at hand, and you can make a gun yourself using the tips from our article. In this short tutorial we will answer the question of how to make a gun out of paper.

Even a small child can handle making a paper gun school age. You can pick up interesting option from several methods proposed in this article. Videos and photos will help you in implementing the project.

Origami style paper gun

Materials needed

You won’t need glue or tape for such a simple craft; you only need to take paper and pencils/markers for coloring it. Origami is a fun pastime that helps develop fine motor skills hands and attentiveness, however, you need to carefully understand the technique, following the step-by-step instructions.

Try making a paper gun with your child - we are sure you will get great pleasure from the process.

Step by step instructions

How to make a gun out of paper? First, cut a square from an A4 landscape sheet, then bend it in half. Carefully iron the fold line in the middle, unfold it, tear off 1 part. Fold it in half, then in half again. Then bend the leaf crosswise. Put it aside and take the next one.

Fold one edge inward, now you can fold this sheet in half lengthwise twice, as with the previous one. Fold it in half again.

Fold the 2 parts together, place them side by side with single sides, fold the top one under the bottom one to create a fold. Fold the strip along the line, turn the figure over, do the same with the 2nd strip, you get the letter “G”.

Unfold the product and fold it in half again. Carefully insert the second part into the resulting holes, do this carefully so that the paper does not tear. The gun is ready.

Let's look at another way to make toy weapons. Take 2 sheets of paper. Fold the first sheet in half lengthwise, then again. Fold it in half, smooth the fold line so that it is clearly drawn. Unfold and fold towards the middle of the edge. Please note that the distances from the bend line in the middle to the corners at the edges are equal.

Fold the product in half along the fold line you marked. This part will be the handle.

Roll the 2nd sheet of paper into a tube. Pass the tube into the handle, after folding it in half. You will get a double-barreled pistol.

Materials needed

You will need a sheet of thin cardboard, tape, scissors, an elastic band and rough bullets.

A model made of thin writing paper will be very soft, quickly deform when the elastic band is compressed, and will quickly become unusable, therefore it is recommended to use thin cardboard or thick paper intended for.

Step by step instructions

How to make a paper gun that shoots? The A4 sheet must be folded into 2 equal parts and cut along the fold line. Both halves need to be folded horizontally, you will get rectangles in which one side will be much narrower than the other.

Now you should unbend the sheet. You should press the edges to the fold, fold it in the center, getting a narrow strip of 4 layers of paper. On the second half of the paper, you need to bend it vertically in the center, and bend the corners of the rectangle at right angles. The edges of the product must be bent inward to create an angle of less than 90 degrees.

To make a handle, the resulting triangle should be folded in half and then rolled to form a blank in the shape of the letter L. Fold the 2 parts to form an obtuse angle: spread the handle a little, thread the paper through the resulting holes. Secure the model with paper clips and pull the formed tongue at the bottom to make a trigger.

Cut a triangle above the handle to match the groove on the top of the barrel. A notch is required on the front of the barrel for an elastic band. Pull the elastic so that it covers the entire model - from the front of the barrel to the handle.

A bullet can be made from a ball of paper, making shooting a safe activity: glass and fragile objects will not be damaged, and there will be no bruises from such shooting. When you pull the trigger, the rubber band is released and the gun fires, hitting the ball of crumpled paper.

You can modify the product to make it seem more realistic - decorate it with drawings or appliques, as your imagination tells you.

Three-dimensional model of a paper pistol

Materials needed

You need to take several sheets of A4 paper, tape, a pencil, 1 rubber band, and a ballpoint pen (thick).

Step by step instructions

To make a barrel, place a ballpoint pen on an A4 sheet of paper and twist it to make a tube. Push the pen out by pushing it out of the tube with a pencil. Glue the ends of the product together with tape.

To make a piston with a smaller diameter than the barrel, place a pencil on a sheet of paper, roll it into a tube, and seal the ends with tape. Take the pencil out of the tube.

Trim the piston a little so that it is a little more than 1/2 of the barrel, seal the edges with tape. Glue a rubber band to the edge of the tube.

To make a handle, wrap the handle with paper to make a tube, remove it by prying it with a pencil, loosen it so that the diameter is larger. Tape the edges and fold the handle in half.

Thread the barrel into the handle. Make sure that it does not bend the barrel; seal 2 parts of the product with tape. Seal the edges with tape.

To make a scope, make a paper tube using a pencil, securing the edges with tape. Cut 2 pieces of tube, cut the rest in half.

Glue the first 2 pieces with tape to the 1st part, and the sight to the pistol. Insert the piston into the barrel and put a rubber band on the handle. From the tubes that are left, make cartridges by cutting them into small pieces so that they go into the barrel or take paper, crumpling it into lumps. To make the shot more powerful, take not 1 rubber band, but 2 or more. The gun is ready.

  1. The more realistic the model, the more labor-intensive the work ahead; it will require patience, accuracy and time from you. Often parents try to make copies at a 1:1 scale, like works of art; they are not suitable for playing with children.
  2. To make crafts, it is recommended to use thick Whatman paper or thin cardboard (in all options except origami, it is better to use office paper for this technique).
  3. When working, carefully iron the folds and follow the markings.
  4. You should devote a sufficient amount of time to details and color design. An ordinary pistol made using the origami technique will look more impressive when it has inscriptions on it.
  5. If you are making a gun using a template, print it on thick paper, fold the sheet in half and cut out the model along the contour.


In the article we tried to describe how you can make a pistol at home from scrap materials. We hope you found it useful.

Create and play with your children!

Select a piece of wood that fits the body of the gun (barrel and butt). The wood should be soft enough that you can cut grooves into the barrel of the gun. Regular wood is the cheapest and most readily available material, although bamboo or other materials can also be used for the body of the gun.

  • The length of the butt should be about 60 centimeters.
  • Suitable wood for the body can be cut from some fairly hard branch, strip or board.
  • Wooden tool handles, sold in hardware stores, are also perfect.

Assemble the remaining parts needed for the gun. In addition to the barrel and stock, you will need a trigger mechanism and something to attach it to the body of the gun. So you will need:

  • Clothespin (as a trigger)
  • Pencil
  • Glue (for wood, superglue, etc.)
  • Rubber
  • Attach a clothespin to the body - this will be the trigger mechanism. Best place for the clothespin is determined by the type of gun you want to make. To make the gun more powerful, you should attach the clothespin closer to the rear edge of the body. For a regular shotgun, attach a clothespin ⅔ from leading edge trunk Do it like this:

    • Mark the future location of the clothespin with a pencil or knife.
    • Glue the clothespin to the body using wood glue, superglue, or hot glue.
    • Wait until the glue is completely dry.
    • Note: The farther from the front edge of the barrel you place the clothespin, the tighter the elastic will be. If you stick the clothespin too far down, it may not be able to hold the elastic and it will slip out.
  • Make a cut on the front of the trunk. Using a knife or other cutting tool (such as a small carving file), cut a groove at the front end of the barrel. This is the groove you will insert the elastic into.

  • Load your gun. Take the rubber ring and insert one end into the groove you cut in the front of the barrel. After this, pull the free end of the elastic back all the way to the clothespin. Open the clothespin and:

    • Pull the elastic a little more until the end is behind the front teeth of the clothespin.
    • Snap the clothespin into place by holding the rubber band in it.
  • Check that the elastic is well stretched and securely fastened. Pull the rubber band back slightly with your fingers to make sure the cutout in the barrel is deep enough to prevent the rubber band from slipping out. Then check the clothespin to make sure it is held securely in place.

    • If the rubber easily slides out of the groove in the barrel, deepen it a little.
    • If the clothespin moves under the action of a stretched elastic band, secure it more securely with glue or tape.
  • How to make a weapon from wood?

    Gone are the days when homemade pistols and slingshots made of wood were almost the only entertainment for children. Today, more and more parents prefer to buy a toy in a store, but the more valuable the experience is for a child when he creates a weapon simulator with his own hands with your help. Our article offers a simple method for making a homemade wooden machine gun that shoots special bullets.

    Materials and tools

    You will need

    Devices and tools

    • saw;
    • hammer;
    • pliers;
    • sandpaper;
    • small screws;
    • nails;
    • PVA or instant glue.

    The process of making homemade weapons from wood


    You can make an automatic machine without creating preliminary drawings. Using a saw, prepare 3 parts of the future machine from wooden blocks of the following sizes:

    1. 300*50*15 mm - receiver.
    2. 150*40*15 mm - handle.
    3. 200*40*15 mm - magazine.

    The receiver will remain rectangular in shape, but the remaining parts along the short side need to be cut off at an angle. The cutting angle of the handle should be slightly greater than that of the magazine. Glue or nail both elements to the receiver with the beveled part. You need to attach the magazine in the middle, and the handle, stepping back a little from the left edge. Moreover, the handle should be directed to the left, and the magazine to the right.


    The stock is made of chipboard or a piece of board. Give it to him characteristic shape. To do this, make one of the long sides of the rectangle beveled. You need to attach the butt to the receiver on the side where there is already a handle, using a hinged loop and self-tapping screws. This way you will have a collapsible stock.

    How to make a mechanism for shooting and bullets

    Make a trigger and firing mechanism.

    The final stage of weapon manufacturing

    • give the receiver a slightly rounded shape and paint the entire unit black;
    • Attach a latch to the left side of the machine with self-tapping screws, this will be the shutter.

    You can watch a video about making weapons on this page.

    Weapons made in this way should not be pointed at people or animals, as metal bullets can cause injury. Make sure your child understands this well.