Dymkovo toy - the history of the craft for children, how to sculpt, how to paint. Dymkovo toys

Dymkovo toy is one of the oldest Russian folk clay crafts. It first appeared 400 years ago and has not yet lost its relevance. During this time, the appearance of the Dymkovo toy changed, but the peculiarity of its manufacture, which makes it unique, remained the same. Our story about the Dymkovo toy is intended primarily for children and primary schoolchildren, but interested adults will also find it interesting to read.

The history of the creation of the Dymkovo toy

This craft originates from Dymkovskaya Sloboda, which is now part of the city of Kirov (formerly Vyatka).

Exists interesting legend, associated with the creation of the Dymkovo toy. According to it, one day, many centuries ago, two friendly troops met near the walls of the city, but because it was dark, they decided that they were facing an enemy and a battle began. Many soldiers died in the battle, it is believed that they evil spirits They still fly over the battlefield to this day. And after that tragic event It was customary to celebrate a funeral feast every year in the spring.

Gradually this incident was forgotten, and instead of funeral feasts there appeared folk festivals, which were called “pandemoniums”. On this day, women sculpted from clay various figures and balls, which were beautifully and carefully painted. They whistled merrily at the figurines, and it was customary to throw colored balls, with peas inside, at each other, which created additional noise.

Of course, not only the tragic incident contributed to the formation of the holiday and the creation of the Dymkovo toy. It was also important that near Dymkovskaya Sloboda there were deposits of clay that could be used in ceramics. A special method of modeling and original painting made Dymkovo toys in demand not only in Kirov, but also far beyond its borders.

Features of the Dymkovo toy

A characteristic feature of the Dymkovo toy, which distinguishes it from other figurines and figurines, is that they could all whistle, crackle, rumble and make other noise. This feature is due to the fact that evil spirits do not like noise, and the toy is designed to disperse these spirits. In the spring, with the beginning of agricultural work, their presence was not at all necessary. It was believed that they appeared in the fields in winter and one of the ways to combat them was spring holidays, which were characterized by noisy fun. The task of the Dymkovo toy was to drive out spirits with the help of whistling and roaring.

Thus, first of all, the figures had to make noise and whistle. Currently, this is not a necessary attribute of the Dymkovo toy, however, the methods of its manufacture and painting have remained the same.

The process of making a Dymkovo toy

The entire journey of creating a unique and inimitable Dymkovo toy is akin to magic and is divided into several stages. The main ones are:


How to sculpt a Dymkovo toy

The sculpting process is carried out manually and therefore no two Dymkovo toys are identical, each of them is unique and contains a piece of the soul of the master who made it.

To create the craft, bright red clay mixed with fine river sand is used. The toy is created in parts, and then all the parts are fastened together using liquid red clay, and the joints are smoothed with a wet rag for a smoother transition.

Modeling can be divided into several stages:

1. Create the foundation.
2. Making appendages.
3. Connection of appendages with the body.
4. Adding decorations.

The basis for sculpting a Dymkovo toy is the body. First, a ball is rolled out of a piece of clay. Then from this ball they pull the required form body, and the smoother this process is, the more correct and beautiful the shape is.

The appendages are also made from a clay ball, but of a smaller size. By appendages we mean limbs, head, neck, etc. They are attached to the body, and the joints are held together with clay and water to make the transition smoother.

As decorations, you can create balls, rings, grooves, sausages from clay, and then attach them to the figurine.

For example, to make a young lady, you first need to fashion a cone-shaped skirt. Then, a body with an elongated neck is attached to it. The next step is to attach the head and hands, after which it is time to dress the young lady in a beautiful scarf, put a hat on her head and place a pet or child in her hands.

Male figures are sculpted a little differently. The torso and heads are attached to the legs, which are two thick sausages, the lower parts of which are bent to form the legs. Headdresses and hair also differ from women's images.

The body of the animal resembles a cone in structure, to the sharp part of which the head and neck are attached. The limbs are usually large, slightly tapering downward. The tail and horns are attached to the body last.

An interesting point is that all Dymkovo toys are made to expand downwards. For example, ladies always fluffy dresses, gentlemen most often sit on a horse, and the animals have short legs. This is due to the fact that the fragile bottom may not be able to withstand the weight of the entire toy after the drying process.

Drying and firing of Dymkovo toys

After the modeling process is completed, the toy is dried and then fired. The drying time depends on the size of the figurine and the indoor climate. Humidity, temperature and other indicators must be taken into account. Depending on these values, the drying process takes from 3 days to 3 weeks.

After drying comes the moment of firing. Previously, toys were fired in a village kiln. They were placed on a metal tray and placed directly on top of the firewood. After the toy was heated, it was cooled in the same oven. Currently, modern ovens are used, which save time and make the process of calcining toys safer.

Whitewashing (whitening) of the Dymkovo toy

After drying and firing, the Dymkovo toy acquires red-brown color, therefore, before applying patterns, it is bleached. To do this, the figurine is coated with a special solution consisting of chalk powder and milk. After the milk sours, the solution becomes solid and an even white layer is created on the surface of the toy. Whitening the figures allows you not only to make their surface smoother, but also to give the applied paints a special vibrant brightness.

Despite numerous attempts to change the composition of the solution, they were unsuccessful. As a result, the figures turned out yellowish or the surface looked uneven. Therefore, now, like many centuries ago, whitewashing of Dymkovo toys is carried out precisely with the composition indicated above.

Features of painting the Dymkovo toy

In order to give a unique image to the Dymkovo toy, he uses a combination of bright, contrasting colors and geometric shapes. Thanks to this, the figures acquire a festive coloring.

Initially, tempera paints diluted with vinegar, kvass or ground in eggs were used for painting. Eight colors were most often applied. The painting was done using sticks with rags wrapped around them, and to draw the eyes and eyebrows they used stick splinters. Currently, special paints for ceramics are used, acrylic paints, ground on an egg, or gouache paints. They are applied to the toy with ferret or kolin brushes.

The classic painting of Dymkovo toys consists of a combination of large geometric patterns and smoothly painted parts. When applied, contrasting colors are used, interspersed with white and black, as well as small sheets of gold leaf. All this allows you to create a unique color scheme and emphasize the richness of the shades. Animal figures and skirt designs were the most vividly painted. Squares of gold leaf were applied to military epaulets, ladies' hats, and turkey tails. Most often, when painting toys, the following colors were used: blue, green, red, crimson, orange, light blue, emerald, brown, black.

The peculiarity of the drawing was and is its consistency. First, hair, eyes and eyebrows were drawn, then the headdress and skirt were painted. To give the pattern additional shine, pieces of gold leaf were glued in some places.

The pattern itself is a varied combination of different shapes geometric shapes and color solutions that give a special flavor to the Dymkovo toy and help create a huge variety of compositions. The most commonly used geometric shapes are circles, stripes, rings, snakes.

It was important to start coloring with light shades, to which more dark color. A true master should have known what the primary colors symbolized. For example, green is a symbol of nature, arable land and earth, red is beauty, health, fire, white is kindness, truth, honesty, black is grief, evil, and blue is the color of the sky.

When applying patterns, they first tried to apply those that symbolized truth, beauty, healthy life. Such toys became a kind of amulet.

For each figure there were certain painting techniques. The most brightly colored ones were roosters, turkeys, horsemen, ducks, and goats. The pattern was often not only original, but also fantastic. Figures of rams, pigs and cows were created somewhat less frequently.

Small squares of gold leaf served as additional decoration for the pattern. Its use was characteristic and distinctive feature Dymkovo toys. Squares cut from gold leaf leaves were applied to the toy using a brush dipped in egg white and straightened using a dry brush.

Are there any masters of Dymkovo toys now?

The traditions of creating Dymkovo toys are still alive. This process never became automated and serial. The figurines are still painted by hand, according to the rules that existed 400 years ago when this folk craft. However, not all young masters have the patience to complete the learning process, but those who comprehend it completely become real professionals. They create with their own hands fascinating images of Dymkovo toys, each of which is individual and unique.

The creation of Dymkovo toys was and remains a woman's profession. Flights of fantasy and knowledge of ancient traditions and customs help the fair sex to create incredible images and convey them in a whole range of rich colors.

Thanks to the Dymkovo toy, which has existed for over 400 years, rich history Russian people and their cultural heritage. These bright and unusual figurines delight the eye and lift your spirits; they immerse you in an exciting fairy tale, the unique and original plot of which each person comes up with for himself. And, although the Dymkovo toy has now lost its ritual meaning, it continues to be a symbol of the generosity of the soul, good spirits and boundless kindness of the Russian people.

Municipal preschool educational institution No. 11 " Kindergarten"Bell" Tutaevsky district, Yaroslavl region

GCD for decorative drawing "Merry Haze"

compiled and conducted by teacher Semenova Elena Vladimirovna

Program content: Develop the emotional sphere through the perception of musical and works of art. Improve memory, speech, fine motor skills hands, well-coordinated teamwork. Continue to teach children to paint three-dimensional toys with patterns based on Dymkovo motifs, using different elements Dymkovo painting. To develop aesthetic perception and creative abilities of children. Continue to improve the technique of performing the Dymkovo pattern. Foster a love of folk crafts.

Equipment and materials: Laptop, presentation “Dymkovo Toy”, on the tables are Dymkovo toys: turkey, water carrier, lady, etc.; For each child: silhouettes of paper toys, gouache, brushes, pokes, napkins, jars of water. Cockerel mittens for the theater.

Children with cockerel mittens (Dymkovo and Filimonov) are lined up separately in two corners of the art studio, with a craftswoman (teacher) in each of them. Children hold trays with Filimonov and Dymkovo toys.

Craftswomen. WITH different corners We came to Russia for a holiday. 1st craftswoman. We are from Dymkovo, and you? 2nd craftswoman. We are from Tula region! The village of Filimonovo, We hope, is familiar to you! (Bow.) Craftswomen (together). Our craft is ancient, we sculpt toys from clay. But the toys are different and unique.

1st craftswoman. This Dymkovo pattern will surprise your miraculous eyes. Wavy lines, frills, checks, dots, here are all sorts of rings, here - different circles. Multi-color paints, and a piece of gold on white clay to make them more beautiful. All the toys are lush, festive, bright, just a wonderful sight for sore eyes, real gifts! With a brush we skillfully draw out our pattern boldly. What a wonderful beauty, Dymkovskaya Sloboda!

2nd craftswoman. Our toys are a little more modest, they are taller and slimmer. We paint not with a brush, but with a quill pen (shows the pen), We put paint on paint with love. A rhombus, a triangle, a circle of the sun are here, Lines, stars, Christmas trees are there, In our patterns there is the beauty of nature... Craftswomen (together). And the toys of the year will not grow old!

Child (with a Dymkovo cockerel). Like from the Dymkovo settlement...

Child (with a Filimonov cockerel). Filimonovskaya side...

Children (together). Our miracle cockerels have come to please you.

A dance-game is performed.

1. Our miracle cockerels have come to amuse you. Even though we look different, everyone is famous for something.

(Children sing together.) Chorus. Ku-ka-re-ku, ko-ko-ko, Ku-ka-re-ku, ko-ko-ko. Clap-clap-clap, clap-clap-clap. (They do four stomps and circle around themselves. Children with Filimonov cockerels hide them behind their backs!)

2. I am a Dymkovo cockerel, with a bushy tail and a comb. (Dymkovo cockerels sing and show their tail with their hand, then their comb.) Dots, cells, circles. The colors are rich and bright. Chorus.

3. Filimonovsky's friend, the same tail and comb (Filimonovsky cockerels sing, show), Sun and Christmas trees, stripes and stars. Chorus. Groups of cockerels turn to face each other, sideways to the audience.

4. Once there was a hue and cry, who is the more beautiful of them? (The hand with the mitten goes up and down.")

5. Cockerel friends are arguing, you can’t behave like that. (They shake the finger of their free hand.)

6. Chorus. 7. To lose, they go one after another in their groups, forming circles.

Educator: (conversation)- Guys, do you want to become Dymkovo masters? D: - Yes! - Today we will paint patterns for Dymkovo toys. But first, let's remember the stages of making Dymkovo toys. Watch the presentation “Dymkovo Toy” and talk about what you saw. :- What paints do craftsmen use when painting Dymkovo toys? D: - Red, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange. Q: - What elements are included in the Dymkovo pattern? D: -Stripes, cells, wavy lines, circles, rings, dots. The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that both colors and pattern elements are combined with each other and repeated in a certain sequence.

Educator: -And now I invite everyone to our art workshop, where toys are waiting for you. Today we will paint the Dymkovo horse. Each Dymkovo toy is sculpted and painted by a master according to his own taste, so they are not similar to one another, but each is beautiful in its own way. Today you will each draw your own horse as you wish. I suggest thinking a little about what pattern you will paint your toy with. (Gives children the opportunity to think about the work ahead.) We thought, now start drawing: we draw stripes and dots with the tip of the brush, we make circles with pokes. Try to keep your work neat, do not take too much paint, blot excess water from the brush on a napkin.

When the work is completed, invite the children to leave them on the tables to dry and perform ditties. (Musical belly).

1. Our hands are like pretzels,

Cheeks like apples.

Have known us for a long time

All the People are at the Fair.

2. Dymkovo ladies

More beautiful than anyone in the world,

And the hussars are darlings -

Our cavaliers.

3. We are painted toys -

Vyatka laughter,

Suburban dandies,

Town gossips.

4. With ribbons and bows,

Yes, arm in arm with the dandies

We walk in pairs

We pass by peahens.

5. We are noble toys,

Folding, okay.

We are famous everywhere

You'll like us too.

Analysis of work: Educator:- Guys, look at your horses. How beautiful they are. And you like your work. Which horse did you like best? Tell me why you liked the work... (Answers from 2-3 children). B: - Well done, guys. Today in class we once again met with Dymkovo toys, visited Dymkovo craftsmen and you did a very good job with this work.

Summary of a drawing lesson in senior group“Dymkovskaya Sloboda (village)” (Collective work)

Program tasks

Develop aesthetic perception, figurative ideas, sense of color and composition. Strengthen children's knowledge about Dymkovo toys, O Dymkovo painting. Consolidate emotionally positive attitude to the people's decorative arts. Develop a sense of beauty. Continue to develop skills teamwork.


Show children different Dymkovo toys(young lady, horse, goat, duck, etc.). Ask what these beautiful products are called. Offer to paint a figurine cut out of paper in the same beautiful way, and then make an overall picture" Dymkovskaya Sloboda" (village, village where they create clay toys) . Offer more complex toys for painting to children who are good at Dymkovo painting(2-3 houses, 3-4 young ladies and smaller figures).


Silhouettes Dymkovo toys cut from white paper, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child). A large sheet of paper for decorating a picture.

Connecting with others classes and types of activities

Expand children's understanding of Dymkovsky painted products. Look at albums of arts and crafts.

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part: Hello guys, today we will have something interesting with you class, where you will find out what it is Dymkovo toy.

1. Main part.

Do you know what it is Dymkovo toy, what is it made of and where did this craft originate? Such toys as Dymkovskaya no longer exists, she's the only one. Bright, elegant Dymkovskaya the toy became a kind of symbol of the Vyatka land. Pictures with elements hang on the board Dymkovo painting. Dymkovskaya the toy is painted (elements): circles, rings, stripes, snakes. IN Dymkovsky toys colors bright: red, orange, yellow, crimson, blue, cyan, emerald, green and very more brown and black. What did the elements that I showed you mean (in the pictures? Guys, what do you think the circle (the sun) could mean? What do you think the wavy or broken line (water) could mean? And what could the cell (field) mean? ?

2. Conversation with children:

What colors are there? Dymkovo toys? (Always white only)

What patterns are on Dymkovo toys? (Straight line, wavy line, dot, circle, ring, cage and grid)

Which color is more? What colors are used?

What techniques are used to make patterns? (By dipping, the end of the brush, brush flat on the pile)

3. Physical education minute

We tried to draw(arms to the sides)

It was hard not to get tired (torso bends to the sides)

We'll take a little rest (sit down, arms forward)

Let's start drawing again(stand up, put your hands down)

4. Practical activities

Now I will give you sheets, and you prepare paints and we will paint on the silhouettes Dymkovo patterns. On this class you and I will paint and use the elements Dymkovo painting in our work. Now we will try draw the haze elements separately. Children draw patterns Dymkovo toys(Dymkovo silhouettes) . Now finish yours work, complete the patterns. And then we'll look at the drawings.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group “Dymkovskaya Sloboda”


Continue introducing the Dymkovo toy: pattern elements, color combinations, composition;

Develop aesthetic perception, sense of rhythm, color, creative abilities.

To cultivate respect for the work of folk craftsmen.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations about the Dymkovo toy, about the features of the pattern and composition.

2. Organization of an exhibition on the theme: “Fun Fair of Dymkovo Toys.”

3. Examination of decorative and applied arts products.

Material: arts and crafts products, drawings of Dymkovo toys, pictures with elements of the Dymkovo pattern; stencils of Dymkovo toys, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizational moment.


I am the lady madam!

I came to visit you.

I'll tell you a riddle,

And guess it, friends!

All toys are not simple,

And the magically painted ones:

Snow-white, like birches,

Circles, squares, stripes -

Simple. It would seem that the pattern

But I can’t look away.

( Dymkovo toy )

That's right, well done! Today I invite you to an exhibition of wonderful craftsmen. Look how many beautiful, bright, elegant objects there are around. These things delight us with their beauty. What are these toys called?

( Dymkovo toy )

Let's look at them. (Look at toys).

Why are they called that?

Far, far away, behind dense forests, behind green fields, on the banks of a blue river stood a large village. Every morning people got up, lit the stoves, and blue smoke curled out of the chimneys of the houses. There were many houses in the village. So they called that village Dymkovo. Cheerful and mischievous people lived in that village. They loved to sculpt funny, bright, colorful toys and whistles. They will make a lot of them in long winter. And when the golden spring sun rises in the sky, the snow runs away from the fields, cheerful people bring out their cheerful toys and, well, whistle - drive away winter, glorify spring.

Funny toys were sold in different cities and villages. And after this name, the village and toys began to be called Dymkovo.

Please listen to what beautiful poems they wrote about these toys! (Children read).

1.Through the mountain spurs,

Over the rooftops of villages

Red-legged, yellow-horned,

A clay deer rushes.

2. Here is a smart turkey,

He's all so good

The big turkey

All sides are painted.

Look, bushy tail,

He is not at all simple,

Just like a sunny flower

Yes, next is the scallop.

3. The Dymkovo young lady is all in orange, gold, scarlet and green patterns.

Look how good she is

This girl is a soul

Scarlet cheeks are burning,

Amazing outfit.

4. Even the horses are in festive outfits.

(collective composition)

Objectives of the lesson: to arouse interest in the products of Dymkovo masters, to supplement children’s knowledge about Dymkovo toys, to continue to form an understanding of the manner and technique of Dymkovo painting, its characteristic features, cultivate a positive attitude towards folk art, develop teamwork skills.

Materials and equipment for the lesson: interactive board for displaying photographs depicting the Dymkovo village, electronic media with audio recording of folk songs (at the teacher's choice), Dymkovo toys, cut out paper figures of Dymkovo goats, young ladies, deer, brushes, paints (gouache), cups of water, individual napkins.

Preliminary work: conversation about Dymkovo toys, preparing a large sheet of paper (drawing on the topic, toning) for teamwork.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: - Guys, today we will go back in time and look into the trans-river settlement of Dymkovo, which is near the city of Vyatka (and today it is called the city of Kirov).

On the screen (interactive whiteboard) children are shown a selection of photographs depicting the Dymkovo settlement and Dymkovo toys. Each photo is accompanied a short story teacher on the topic: about the history of the emergence of the Dymkovo craft, about the continuity of the tradition of making toys from clay through the female line, about the painting process, about the fair "Whistling and Whistling" , about the oldest craftswomen and their students. We should dwell in more detail on the technique of creating Dymkovo toys in our time. Together with the children, draw a conclusion about the uniqueness and great cultural significance of this phenomenon of Russian folk art.

Well done! Were you interested in looking into the past? You were very attentive and learned a lot of new things. Now is the time to get some rest.

Physical education minute: "Fingers Draw"

We write on the palm with the index finger, then the middle finger, then the ring finger, then the little finger.

Draw a circle with your finger
And then the oval.
Letter A and letter B
The finger was drawing.

Can O draw,
Maybe the number 5.
Will never get tired
Finger draw.

(Ulyeva E.A. “ Finger games for children 4-7 years old)

Educator: Guys! Do you want to act as craftsmen and try to create such a Dymkovo village with toys with your own hands? Previously, we have prepared a large sheet of paper on which each of you will place your toy.

To the sound of folk songs, children begin to paint figures of Dymkovo toys cut out of paper. Children should be reminded of diversity color range And various elements pattern when painting figures.

After drying, everyone participates together in laying out the figures on large sheet paper. Offer to admire the resulting collective composition.