How to close feijoa for the winter. How to store feijoa for a long time and effectively

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Feijoa is an oblong dark green berry that appears on sale with us late autumn. The expression “small spool is expensive” is very suitable for this berry. Of course, not because of the price (in our country it costs 100 rubles per kilogram), but because of the beneficial properties it contains. How to stock up useful vitamins feijoa and stock it up for the winter, read the recipe:

I love you very much feijoa in fresh , it has a very interesting flavor combination: it has the aroma of strawberries and kiwi, and it also has a sour taste.

One of the most beneficial properties of feijoa is its iodine content, so it should be consumed by people with thyroid diseases, as well as those who suffer from kidney disease and inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Feijoa berries contain vitamin C, fiber, and pectin, so they are useful for consuming atherosclerosis of blood vessels and for strengthening and maintaining the immune system. The peel of feijoa has a tart taste, but it contains antioxidants that prevent the aging of the body and the occurrence of cancer.

When cooking, make sure that the feijoa pulp is white or transparent; feijoa with brown pulp is a spoiled product.

Feijoa should be consumed very carefully fat people and those who suffer from diabetes.

And I offer a simple and useful recipe: raw feijoa jam

For cooking jam First, wash the feijoa, wipe it off or let it dry.

U feijoa cut off the tails, grind the berries in a meat grinder through the finest grill and mix with sugar in the following proportions:

Feijoa - 1 kg.

Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Someonemakes feijoa jamwith sugar in a smaller proportion: 1:1 and adds 100-200 grams per given portion. walnuts or hazelnuts.

The jam will sit for a bit and thicken.

You can seal the jam in jars.

You need to boil it for 5 minutes, pour it into sterilized jars and roll up the lids. To prevent the jam from burning during cooking, you can add half a glass of water per intended portion of jam. First you need to prepare sugar syrup: boil water, add sugar and let it simmer until the sugar dissolves. Then add the twisted berries and boil for 5 minutes.

But I prefer raw feijoa jam, since everything is stored in it beneficial properties.

Raw feijoa jam store in the refrigerator with the lid closed.

Bon appetit!

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In addition to the fact that feijoa has an amazing taste, this berry is a unique source of iodine and vitamins, so it is no wonder that many housewives want to make preparations for the winter from it. Recipes for jam from mashed berries with sugar without cooking, as well as compote and tinctures presented in this article will help them cope with this task.

Feijoa: features and advantages of the berry

Inconspicuous-looking oval fruit dark green Slightly larger than a walnut, it has a rich aroma and excellent taste, at the same time reminiscent of pineapple, strawberries and kiwi. It is used to prepare:

  • jam or jam;
  • marshmallows;
  • compotes and other drinks;
  • salads;
  • sauces.

Feijoa contains more than 90 bioactive components, among which iodine, vitamins K and C, and antioxidants are especially valuable. Its use has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect, helps to cope with diseases of the thyroid gland, digestive organs, atherosclerosis and other diseases.

Feijoa contains large number vitamins

Attention! Feijoa contains a small amount of calories - only 24.5 kcal per 100 g, which allows us to recommend it for inclusion in diet menu. In addition, it almost never causes allergies.

Due to the huge amount of benefits obtained from its use, preparing vitamin preparations from feijoa will be more than relevant.

Making feijoa jam

In order to preserve the vitamin and mineral composition of the berry as much as possible, it is better to prepare feijoa jam in a cold way, choosing one of the presented recipes. To prevent the jam from oxidizing from contact with the lid during storage, it is recommended to package it in jars, cover it with sugar in a layer of at least 1 cm, and then just close it with the lid.

Feijoa jam

1. From feijoa and sugar. To prepare a tasty and aromatic preparation, you will need fresh feijoa berries and sugar, taken in equal proportions.

Attention! Some recipes contain recommendations to use a reduced or, conversely, increased amount of sugar. It should be borne in mind that sugar in this case is used as a preservative, and its deficiency will affect the shelf life - such jam will quickly ferment, even when stored in the refrigerator. An increased amount of sugar will increase the calorie content of the product, thereby reducing its value.

The sepals of the washed berries should be removed, then passed through a meat grinder or crushed with a blender or food processor. Add sugar to the mixture and leave the mixture in a cool place for 12-24 hours so that the added sugar can dissolve. To speed up the process, the mixture should be stirred periodically.
During this time, prepare the jars by washing and sterilizing them. Fill them with the settled jam, seal and put in the refrigerator for storage.

2. From feijoa and berries. A real vitamin bomb will be a preparation of feijoa with the addition of cranberries, blueberries, sea buckthorn or any other berry.

The feijoa ripening season falls at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, when the choice of fresh berries is already small. For jam, you can use berries harvested in season, freezing them or grinding them with sugar.

Feijoa jam with lemon and ginger is not only healthy, but also delicious

The cooking method is the same as in the previous recipe.

3. From feijoa, lemon and ginger. Pass by this most fragrant and delicious jam It will be simply impossible, but how much benefit there is in it! To prepare you will need:

  • feijoa – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 2 pcs.;
  • ginger root – 50-100 g.

All components should be ground (feijoa and lemon along with the peel), add sugar, let it settle and, packaged in clean jars, store in the refrigerator.

4. From feijoa and walnuts. The berry-nut mixture not only has a piquant-pleasant taste, but is also quite nutritious. Taken in equal proportions, mix ground feijoa and sugar, add chopped nuts - 200 g for each kg of feijoa.

Attention! You can add walnuts not only chopped, but also minced. And to make the resulting product even more healthy, sugar should be replaced with honey, using the proportion of 1 part honey - 4-6 parts ground feijoa.

Feijoa season - late autumn - early winter

Flavored feijoa drinks

If you are lucky enough to get a large amount of feijoa, then you can safely use it for making compotes and alcoholic drinks type of tincture.

Advice. Sometimes when preparing dishes, it is recommended to use peeled feijoa. But you still shouldn’t throw away the peeled peel; it’s better to dry it and use it as an aromatic and vitamin supplement when making tea and other drinks.

1. Compote – option No. 1. To prepare 3 liters of drink you will need:

  • feijoa – ½ kg;
  • water – 2.5 l;
  • sugar – 2 cups;
  • citric acid – 1/3 teaspoon. spoons.

Feijoa compote

Boil sugar syrup, dip peeled feijoas into it, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes, add citric acid. Place the berries in a sterilized jar, pour in the syrup in which they were boiled, cover with a lid and roll up. After turning it over and wrapping it warmly, leave the jar of compote to cool slowly during the day.

2. Compote – option No. 2. For 3 liters you will need the same ingredients and in the same proportions as in the previous recipe.

Attention! Unpeeled feijoa should be used in this recipe. It is enough to cut off the sepals of the berry and the place where the stalk is attached.

Place clean feijoas in a jar, add boiling water and cover with a lid and leave for 1 hour. Then drain the water and add sugar to it, boil the syrup. At the end of cooking, add citric acid. Pour hot syrup over the feijoya, cover with a lid and roll up. After this, the jar should be turned over and wrapped warmly, left to cool slowly during the day.

Advice. The compote will be even tastier if you add dried rose petals, tangerine, orange or apple slices, mint leaves, and pomegranate seeds to it.

Feijoas for making compote do not need to be peeled

3. Feijoa tincture. Those who like drinks stronger than compote can be advised to prepare an aromatic tincture from feijoa fruits. To prepare it, it is better to use well-ripened and even overripe berries (but without signs of spoilage), as well as high-quality vodka or highly purified moonshine. If desired, you can additionally add a handful of strawberries or cranberries to the tincture. In the first case, the drink will acquire a rich strawberry aftertaste, in the second - sourish-tart.

The technology for preparing the tincture is as follows:

  1. Cut the washed but unpeeled berries and place them in a glass container.
  2. Pour in alcohol so that the feijoa is covered by 2-3 cm.
  3. After shaking the poured mixture, cover with a lid and place in a dark, cool place.
  4. Shake the berry-alcohol mixture every day for 2 weeks.
  5. Upon expiration specified period, strain the contents of the container, squeeze out the remaining pulp through cheesecloth.
  6. Pour into bottles, seal, use within 1 year.

Feijoa juice

To reduce the strength of the resulting tincture, you should add sugar to it and leave for another 5-7 days.

Using the recipes presented, you can prepare a lot of delicious and useful preparations, and also use them to invent your own proprietary recipes.

Feijoa jam - video recipe

Feijoa preparations - photo

Cooking time: 30 minutes + 2-3 hours standing time

Output - 2 kg

Calorie content - 205.8 kcal

Below is information on how to prepare feijoa with sugar for the winter, how to store it and use it correctly, and the benefits of preparing feijoa. With these recommendations, preparing feijoa for the winter with sugar will be easy and simple.

What are the benefits of feijoa with sugar?

Feijoa fruits contain vitamins, micro- and macroelements, organic acids and essential oils, easily absorbed iodine in large quantities, proteins and fats. Therefore, feijoa and its preparations are used in dietary nutrition and in medicinal purposes for iodine deficiency diseases of the thyroid gland and high mental stress, in the treatment and prevention of diseases such as gastrointestinal inflammation, gastritis, atherosclerosis, vitamin deficiency, hypovitaminosis, pyelonephritis, gout, colds, acute respiratory infections and influenza, and also as an immunomodulator. The peel of the fruit contains powerful antioxidants that have a preventive effect on cancer.

Feijoa practically does not cause allergies. The composition and beneficial properties of feijoa fruits make them equally useful for both children and adults. Pregnant women can use both fresh berries and various blanks of them.

Those who know about the beneficial properties of exotic feijoa berries and preparations made from it involuntarily wonder how to prepare them so that they are tasty and healthy for everyone, and preferably with the least labor costs.

The classic recipe for feijoa with sugar for the winter is very simple. Since this preparation is prepared without cooking, it retains all the beneficial elements of the feijoa fruit. Along with the benefits and ease of preparation, feijoa mashed with sugar, a recipe with step-by-step photos of which is presented in this article, is very tasty and aromatic. Anyone who tries this delicacy once will love it. delicate taste and the aroma is forever.

How to properly cook feijoa with sugar - step by step recipe with photos

If you want feijoa preparations for the winter to be tasty and healthy, it is preferable to use ripe berries. You can distinguish them from unripe ones by touch or by cutting the berries in half. Ripe berries are softer, as there is juicy pulp inside. There are different varieties. feijoa. They are distinguished by the smoothness of the skin and its color. For preparations, berries with smooth skin of a bright salad color are usually used. They differ from berries with rough brown-green skin by a more intense aroma and juicier pulp.

First of all, the berries must be sorted and washed. The sepals and tails on both sides of the fruit are removed. Dark spots on the skin are also cut off. Damaged berries can be used for compote.

How to grind feijoa with sugar

Feijoa fruits must be ground to a puree. This is done using a blender, meat grinder or grater.

How to make feijoa with sugar using a grater

If the volume of the workpiece is small, you can use a grater with large holes. When doing this, care must be taken not to damage your fingertips. The ground berries are mixed with granulated sugar in equal proportions until it is completely dissolved.

How to make feijoa with sugar through a meat grinder

If a meat grinder is used to grind feijoa, it is preferable to use a manual grinder. Using an electric meat grinder is not advisable. This is due to the structure of the berries. Feijoa fruits have a hard skin and juicy pulp. When scrolling fruits in an electric meat grinder, the internal space of the meat grinder quickly fills with hard peel, which leads to dulling of the knife, which is not designed for such a load. In this case, the abundant juice released from the pulp does not have time to spin and pours out of the upper hole of the meat grinder.

If the use of a manual meat grinder is excluded, then when using an electric one, it is necessary to select a mesh with the maximum size of throughput cells and scroll the berries in very small portions.

In this case, the rolled mass will be heterogeneous, and the crushed pieces of berries will be larger in size.

Many people find this jam even tastier than the one made from a homogeneous puree-like mass. Next, the crushed feijoa fruits and sugar in a 1:1 ratio are thoroughly mixed. The resulting mass should stand for 2-3 hours, you can leave it overnight until the sugar is completely dissolved.

The finished feijoa preparation with sugar without cooking has a greenish-salad tint.

How to make feijoa with sugar using a blender

Using a blender is preferable if you like your jam to have a uniform consistency. In this case, chopped feijoa berries are covered with granulated sugar and the mixture is scrolled using a blender until the berries are completely crushed. This is about 20 minutes. The mixture processing time can be increased, then granulated sugar dissolves better. The mixture of feijoa with sugar in a blender turns out whipped and airy and a little sticky..

Feijoa tastes and aroma resembles both strawberries and pineapple. Therefore, when preparing feijoa ground with sugar, there is no particular need for various flavorings and additives to enrich the taste. However, some people like preparations with various additives. Therefore, we will give other recipes for preparing feijoa with sugar.

How to cook feijoa with sugar and orange

One large orange must be washed and grated along with the peel. The orange seeds must be removed from the grated mass, as they have a bitter taste. Add the resulting mass to the mixture of feijoa grinding with sugar, mix well until the orange is evenly distributed throughout the mass.

How to cook feijoa with sugar and lemon

One medium-sized lemon must be washed and grated along with the peel. The bitter-tasting lemon seeds must be removed, then the resulting mass must be added to the prepared mixture of crushed feijoa berries and sugar. Then this mass must be mixed evenly and left for 2-3 hours until the sugar is completely dissolved.

How to cook feijoa with sugar and walnuts

Add 200 g of finely chopped walnut kernels to the mixture of feijoa and sugar. Those who like the homogeneous mass of the workpiece can grind the nuts using a meat grinder or blender, combining the grinding of nuts with the process of grinding feijoa berries. However, the jam tastes and looks much better when the nuts are simply chopped.

How to cook feijoa with honey

If, when preparing feijoa for the winter, you replace granulated sugar with an equal amount of honey, you will get a valuable food additive for the treatment of the thyroid gland with hypothyroidism.

How to sterilize jars for storing feijoa pureed with sugar

To store feijoa with sugar for the winter, you need to prepare jars. Cans can be sterilized using hot steam from a regular kitchen kettle. Well-washed jars are carefully treated with steam coming from the spout of a boiling kettle. Plastic lids can be used to seal jars of feijoa jam. To sterilize the lids, pour boiling water over them for 10-15 minutes. After sterilization, the jars and lids are laid out on a dry towel.

The prepared feijoa with sugar is placed in prepared, sterilized jars up to the neck and tightly closed with a lid. There should be minimal space between the lid and the mass of jam. In this case, the tightness of the lid is enhanced if the neck of the jar along the edge of the lid is wrapped with a ribbon of ordinary stationery tape.

How long can feijoa with sugar be stored at home?

If you store the feijoa preparation with sugar at a temperature of 5-8 o C, it will retain its taste and beneficial properties for the entire winter season. Therefore, store jars in the refrigerator. In winter, the jars can be exposed to the cold. There is no need to store the product in the freezer.

Why does feijoa jam turn dark?

Over time, the grinding surface acquires a brownish tint. This is normal - iron and iodine oxidize when exposed to air, but everything is very edible. It is important that when filling the jar with jam to store it on, between the lid and the mass of jam there is as little space as possible. In this case, the surface of the feijoa workpiece will have less contact with air and, accordingly, will darken less.

How to eat feijoa with sugar

Above is information on how to properly prepare feijoa jam. Since exotic feijoa berries are not familiar to everyone, not everyone knows how to use them correctly. Here we will talk about how and with what this jam is eaten.

First of all, feijoa jam is delicious to drink with tea. Also, 2-3 tablespoons of jam can be diluted with boiling water, you get a hot drink, like compote.

But most often it is used for breakfast or as a snack, spread on bread covered with a layer of butter. This sandwich can be eaten with hot unsweetened tea, or you can cover it with another slice of bread and lightly bake it in a flat toaster over low heat until crispy, so that the butter and jam are absorbed into the bread, but in no case leak out. This toast should be eaten hot.

Feijoa ground with sugar is not very suitable for filling when baking pies or other baked goods, since during the baking process the sugar heats up, liquefies greatly and flows onto the baking sheet and burns. When heat treated, feijoa also loses its nutritional value.

The heat-loving and unusual feijoa berry pleases us with a pleasant taste with sourness and high content useful substances. Many people like to treat themselves to fruit puree as an addition to porridge or fresh desserts, but they don’t know how to store this unusual berry. Keep in mind a few important tips to enjoy healthy sweets longer.

Features of feijoa

Feijoa is a very whimsical plant. For the growth and ripening of fruits, it needs tropical climate and moderate humidity. Feijoa fruits are harvested in late autumn - from mid-October. Only ripe fruits that have already fallen from the tree are selected. When the fruits ripen they fall off naturally, the same ones that still hang on the branches are green. But when collecting fruits from the soil, you need to make sure that they are dense, whole and free from bruises.

Considering these features, it can be understood that the period when the plant is suitable for food is very short. When the fruit hits the ground, it breaks internal structure, and due to the high sugar content, fermentation may begin. That is why fruits must be quickly collected and sent for processing or to stores.

How long does feijoa last?

Ripe fruits last at home for about a week. Juicy and soft fruits must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of +3 to -3 degrees. To do this, the berry needs to be placed in a paper or porous bag - this plant needs oxygen to stay fresh. In stuffy plastic packaging feijoa will spoil faster.

If the fruits are green and firm, they need to ripen. To do this, they are left at room temperature for 4-8 days. For optimal ripening, the fruits should be laid out on thick paper in a ventilated room with an air temperature of about 22 degrees. As the starch in the berries turns into sugar, the fruit will become softer. During this period, fruits should be immediately put into the refrigerator.

Do not keep fresh berries raw for long - delicate fruits quickly lose their beneficial properties and can cause intestinal upset.

How to extend the shelf life of green berries

With such strict restrictions, every experienced owner and gardener has a question: how to preserve the harvest and get the maximum benefit from the tropical feijoa fruits. Convenient way- making jam.

There are two options: for those who like to preserve the natural taste and vitamins - “live jam” - without heat treatment, as well as classic jam, which can be rolled into jars for the winter. The “live” mousse will be stored in the refrigerator for about three months, and sterilized hermetically sealed jam - like other canned fruits - up to several years.

There is no point in freezing feijoas, nor in drying the fruits. They will lose their beneficial properties and pleasant taste. Compotes are not made from these berries either. For variety, you can try adding berries to marmalades or jellies with other ingredients rich in pectin for good thickening.

Delicious preserves should be moderately sweet, but at the same time reliably “fixed” with sugar. Therefore, to make feijoa jam, take berries and granulated sugar in a one to one ratio, and also add water to make syrup. For 1 kg of fruit (plus 1 kg of sugar) of water take 0.25 liters.

The fruits, washed and free of defects, are ground into a pulp using a blender or meat grinder. Sugar syrup is brewed in advance: mixed hot water with sugar, allow the crystals to dissolve, bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute. This will give the fruit mixture a caramel flavor. The fruit mass is poured into syrup and simmered over low heat for 10-15 minutes, after which it is poured into clean steamed jars and rolled up properly.

Store the brew in a pantry or basement - away from drafts, in the dark and cool. Opened jar should be kept in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Otherwise, the jam will no longer be aromatic.

How to make fresh feijoa jam

To preserve more vitamins and extend the “life” of feijoa fruits, they are preserved with sugar without cooking. To do this, the berries need to be washed thoroughly. warm water, grind in a blender or meat grinder into puree - and sprinkle with sugar.

Choose the degree of sweetness to your taste. The peculiarity of this preparation is that sugar interrupts the characteristic sourness of fruit, so for lovers of sweet and sour fruit mixtures, we can recommend a ratio of 0.75 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit. Those with a sweet tooth may like it thicker sweet dessert- 1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit part. Try making a sour mixture for the first time with the minimum recommended amount of sugar - and add sweetness to taste before freezing.

“Live” feijoa jam can be used as a filling for desserts, served with tea, added to porridge and protein bars for raw foodists and vegans. Store the mixture in the refrigerator all winter.

How to choose good feijoa fruits

Buying exotic berry in a store or greengrocer, please note that delicate fruits may be processed special compounds to extend shelf life. And since feijoa is consumed with a thick crust, wash the berry thoroughly with warm water.

There should be no slippery or sticky coating on the surface of the fruit. The fruits should be elastic, without softened areas or darkening, that is, signs of fermentation or rotting. Choose whole fruits that are bright green in color, with brown fragments and inclusions. Do not take berries with stalks - the fruits fall off, being torn off, and the presence of a petiole indicates that the fruit was not ripe.

Feijoa fruits ripened on a tree gain more vitamins than those ripened lying down - they will have a more intense and rich aroma.

Video: what are the benefits of feijoa berry?

Feijoa- These are evergreen small trees with juicy fruits, the taste and aroma of which are usually compared to strawberries and pineapple. The main value of feijoa is its high iodine content, which plays a vital role in maintaining the health of the hormonal system and immunity. In terms of the amount of this microelement, the green berry can compete with fish and seafood. Feijoa came to Europe from Brazil at the end of the 19th century, but many Europeans still do not know how to eat it.

If you are one of them, then this recipe will come in handy. feijoa with sugar- very fast, light and gentle, i.e. preserving all the properties of a valuable fruit. Not knowing the taste, we often avoid unfamiliar types of vegetables and fruits, and if you have never tried feijoa, then cast aside your doubts and prepare an emerald dessert for tea using this recipe. Feijoa with sugar will not only bring you the joy of new taste sensations, but will also bring invaluable health benefits!

How to choose feijoa?

Do not try to buy large fruits; as experience shows, they are not as fragrant as smaller ones. The main thing is that the feijoa skin is evenly green, without dark spots and damage.

To really taste feijoa, you should eat only fully ripened fruits. The trouble is that ripe feijoas are very soft, they are easily damaged and spoil quickly, so usually not quite ripe fruits are sold in markets. Ripe feijoa fruits soft to the touch, with transparent and juicy pulp. If the flesh is brown, the fruit is spoiled, and if it is white, the fruit is not ripe. It is better to buy a slightly unripe, hard fruit - at room temperature it will ripen in a couple of days. The ripe fruit should be soft and its pulp should resemble jelly. The riper the feijoa, the more beneficial it is.

You can eat feijoa by cutting it in half, scooping out the pulp with a spoon. You can dip it whole by dipping it in sugar, but the most popular way to consume this fruit is to chop it up and combine it with sugar.

You will need:

  • feijoa fruits 1 kg
  • sugar 1 kg

Step-by-step photo recipe for preparing feijoa with sugar:

Be sure to wash your feijoa well cold water and place in a colander to drain. Many people believe that the fruits should be doused with boiling water, but I think it is better not to expose them to heat.

Cut off the dry, hard inflorescence of each fruit; it will not be useful. The skin of the fruit is dense and tart, but also edible; it is in it that a large amount of pectin is concentrated, the content of which the product exceeds most fruits, so there is no need to peel it. But if there is damage or darkening on the skin, it is better to cut it off. Cut the feijoa in half - this way you can easily notice the spoiled fruit and throw it away.

Grind the feijoa using a blender or meat grinder.

Combine the crushed fruits with sugar and mix.

Place the finished, homogeneous green mass into clean, dry jars, close tightly and store in the refrigerator, where the “cold” jam can stay all winter. Don't be embarrassed if top layer The jam will darken, this indicates a high iodine content.

Favorite accompaniment for tea - homemade jam, including feijoa, grated with sugar. By the way, this unusual name The fruit comes from the surname of the scientist Joanie de Silva Feijó (port. João da Silva Feijó), who in former times headed the Museum of Natural Sciences in Brazil and made a significant contribution to the selection and dissemination of many famous modern world plants.

For lovers of sweet feijoa, grated with sugar, this is just a godsend - the combination of tasty and healthy is not found very often. Feijoa is recommended for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and its inflammatory processes. A very valuable property of feijoa is that its fruits do not cause allergic reactions and it can be given to small children.

there is more for every taste!
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