What should a 1.3 year old child know? Child development at one year and three months

At 1 year and 3 months (15 months), the child develops his own food preferences. During this period, it is important to accustom your baby to healthy and varied dishes in the diet. Diet, food quality, culinary processing and a smooth transition from pureed to solid food remain important.

Let's start with those that should appear on the children's table every day.

Milk and its derivatives

Source of animal protein, vitamins and.

Total volume of breast milk or adapted formula, kefir, yogurt and other dairy products: 500 ml per day.

  • Breastfeeding is not canceled. Mom can feed the baby 1-2 times a day early in the morning and at night. As the needs of the child's body change, the quantity and quality of breast milk change. Therefore, the child is not in danger of overeating.
  • Adapted mixture Allow only one feeding, which can be replaced with 200 ml of kefir or fermented milk mixture before bedtime.
  • Cottage cheese (the daily value does not exceed 50 g) is offered in its pure form or used to prepare steamed cheesecakes, puddings, and soufflés.
  • or yogurt give up to 200 ml per day. Choose products with live lactic acid bacteria and marked “for baby food.”


Sources of slow carbohydrates, B vitamins and minerals.

Gluten-containing representatives appear in the diet: wheat, oatmeal, millet porridge with milk or water (≈200 g).

For children with poor weight gain, you can also prepare semolina porridge 1-2 times a week, but without fanaticism: it contains phytins, which impede the absorption of calcium and vitamin D.


Meat products are rich in proteins and amino acids, B vitamins, and iron.

Lean pork, domestic chicken, rabbit, beef and veal are on the menu 4-5 times a week, 80 g per serving in the form of cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, soufflé.


Suppliers of vegetable protein, vitamins, fiber and minerals.

Used for preparing fresh salads, stewing, and added to soups.

Total amount per day: 200 g.

A 15-month-old child needs 100 g per day from a fruit and berry basket.


Dietary protein product, source of essential amino acids and vitamins.

Only chicken and after heat treatment are allowed on the children's menu.

Standard: ½ chicken egg (white and yolk) or a whole quail egg. It is allowed to give every other day, increasing the amount by 2 times.


Provides the growing body with vitamins A, E, D and valuable fatty acids.

The share of vegetable oil is a quarter of the total amount or 5–6 g per day, butter - 15 g.


In the children's diet, the leader is easily digestible white bread made from wholemeal flour (40 g per day). Up to 20 g of rye bread is also allowed.


Children's bottled water is offered unboiled. From other sources (well, water supply, borehole) requires boiling.

The child’s body itself regulates the need for water depending on the temperature and physical activity. Therefore, it must be given on demand.

Compotes, juices, fruit drinks

Prepared from fruits and berries typical of the place where you live, without adding sugar.

Fruits frozen for future use are also suitable for compotes.

Products that are given irregularly


A good option is a spoonful of homemade jam for cottage cheese, cheesecakes or porridge.

Please note!

Acceptable: 35 g per day, taking into account its content in other products (milk, cereals, fruits, vegetables, etc.).


  • Can be harmful: it causes fluid retention and increases the load on the kidneys.
  • yogurt, curds, ice cream;
  • packaged cupcakes;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • porridge with flavors;

spreads and margarine.

Is it possible to eat from a common table?

A meal at a common table opens up new horizons for the baby. The behavior of adults serves as an example for the formation of food culture and taste preferences, and stimulates interest in food.

If family members adhere to the principles of healthy eating, then the child can be offered a dish from an adult table to try. Initiatives are welcome

: drink from a cup independently, use a spoon, take pieces of fruits and vegetables, cutlet, cheesecake, etc. with your hands.

Do not feed your little one with food that the child’s digestive system is not yet ready for: spicy and sour, fried and fatty foods, generously seasoned with salt, spices and sugar.

Experts' comments Children's nutritionist, employee of the Institute of Nutrition RMAPO, L. Titova

  • indicates common mistakes that parents make when preparing a menu for a fifteen-month-old child. Selecting low-fat dairy products
  • . They are low in cholesterol, which at 15 months is necessary for the synthesis of hormones and bile acids. The best fat content for milk and kefir is 3.2%, sour cream - 15%, cottage cheese - up to 10%, cheese - 50%.. Its extractive substances lead to hypersecretion of digestive enzymes, which irritate the delicate mucous membrane, causing heartburn, belching and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Cook children's soups only with vegetable broth, followed by the addition of separately cooked meat. It's healthier.

Pediatrician, assistant at the Department of Childhood Diseases of the Medical Academy of St. Petersburg, O. Mayorova warns of the increasing incidence of cow's milk protein allergy. If the family has an artificial child, up to 2.5 years it is better to use partially adapted mixtures (with subsequent formulas).

New products

New foods are introduced into the diet of a child over one year old:

  • in a minimal amount (a teaspoon, a small piece, a pinch);
  • in the morning;
  • with a gradual increase in volume to age norms over 7–10 days.

This could be new berries and fruits, cereals, drinks, chicken egg whites.

When monitoring the reaction, pay attention not only to the skin, but also to the functioning of the intestines. Abnormal bowel movements and bloating will indicate that the child’s digestive system is not ready for a new product, and it should be postponed for at least a month.


Remains principled 5 meals a day. An interval of 4 hours allows you to digest what was eaten earlier and create optimal conditions for digesting the next portion.

Feeding at strictly fixed times stimulates the consolidation of the food reflex, the production of digestive juices at a certain hour and the appearance of appetite.

Acceptable error: 15–30 minutes.

During the day, the child should receive 1200–1250 kcal, which corresponds to 1100 g of food.

Breakfast and dinner account for 25% each, lunch - 35%, afternoon tea - 15%.

About not wanting

Appetite in childhood is not constant and decreases for various reasons:

  • inactivity;
  • high-calorie snacks;
  • malaise;
  • reluctance to eat what is offered.

Refusal to eat is not a reason to force feed your baby.

Children's doctor Komarovsky advises:

  • leave the child the right to choose;
  • temporarily replace what you don’t like with something of equal calorie content, but from other products (for example, porridge with pasta or mashed potatoes);
  • do not repeat during the day and, if possible, a week;
  • observe rituals: wash hands, arrange plates, tie a napkin;
  • offer delicious and beautifully presented dishes.

Binge eating

Another problem in baby food after a year, although it is less common.

Typically, overeating is associated with parents' attempts to get the child to eat more.

  • overweight;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • disruptions in the digestive system;
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • decreased immunity.


Experts believe that indiscriminate snacking is a reason for skipping main meals.

But it is sometimes difficult for a physically active child to take a break of 4 hours - he needs a snack to replenish energy costs.

What to do:

  1. To eliminate the feeling of hunger, give a few pieces of fruits, vegetables, a slice of cheese or 1-2 children's cookies with kefir.
  2. Reinforce the fidget 1.5 hours before the main meal.
  3. If your baby wants to eat 30–40 minutes earlier than the established schedule, meet him halfway.

It is important to learn to understand whether the child really wants to eat or is thirsty. The suggested water and unsweetened compote can be a quick solution to the problem.

Breast milk

Mother's milk after one year:

  • provides 95% vitamin C;
  • helps in digestion of food;
  • provides immune protection against infections.

Principles of Cooking

By the age of 1 year and 3 months, a child’s digestive system can already easily cope with many foods, provided they are properly prepared and processed.

The priority is steaming in a double boiler or multicooker. An acceptable option is boiling, an acceptable option is stewing.

Vegetables for fresh salads are grated and cut into small pieces before heat treatment. In stews and first courses, they can be slightly mashed with a fork.

The meat is passed through a meat grinder for steamed meatballs, cutlets, meatballs, and soufflés. Boil for pates, then grind in a blender, cut into small pieces for stewing.

For fish fillets, boiling, stewing, and baking in foil are suitable. It is also used to make minced meat for meatballs and cutlets.

Eggs are prepared only hard-boiled, without fat with the addition of milk, and are used for minced fish and meat, cheesecakes and casseroles, followed by heat treatment.

It is preferable to have porridges of uniform consistency, well boiled. You can buy: age-appropriate industrially soluble or instant-cooked flakes.

Butter and vegetable oil added to food at the end of cooking, without exposing it to high temperatures.

Fresh fruits are peeled, cut into small pieces or offered to the baby in a nibbler as a safer option.

To prepare milk porridges, you can use adapted mixtures. Whole cow's milk remains banned for up to 3 years due to the high risk of allergies to milk protein.

  • choose only fresh and environmentally friendly products;
  • cook food immediately before serving;
  • Do not give your fidget too hot or cold.

Making a menu

Porridge or vegetable dishes200 g
Curd, fish, meat or egg dish50 g
Tea100 ml
A fresh vegetable salad30 g
First50 g
Second (meat or fish)70 g
Side dish (vegetable or cereal)70 g
Compote or juice100 ml
Afternoon snack
Kefir or yogurt150 ml
Cookies, crackers or biscuits15 g
Fresh fruit or fruit puree100 g
Meat with vegetables, vegetable, cereal or cottage cheese dish180 g
Kefir or yogurt100 ml

Dear readers, today your child is already 1 year and 3 months old. Every day you notice that your baby is becoming more active and inquisitive. Observant parents can see how much his habits change and how new gestures appear. However, children at this age are not yet smart enough. They act first, only then think about what they have done. Therefore, you should pay great attention to your little one. Plan your baby’s day in accordance with all the features of his development. In this article we will talk about what the daily routine of a baby at the age of 15 months should be.


When the baby turns one year and three months old, it’s time to adjust his daily routine. It is most convenient to adapt to the rhythms that are generally accepted in your family. That is, try to teach your child to wake up at the same time as the rest of the family; meal times should be the same for all relatives. Thus, the child will be able to eat at a common table. Thanks to this, his social skills will develop, in addition, he will follow the example of his elders. And it will be more convenient for mom to cook and set the table for all family members at the same time.

Sample Mode Table


Daily regime

From 7 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. The little one wakes up. Wash yourself or with help. Mom brushes the toddler's teeth.
From 7:30 am to 8 am A time that is ideal for morning exercises.
From 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. The baby is having his first feeding of the day. You can offer your baby to eat porridge cooked in milk.
From 8:30 am to 9 am Devote time to the intellectual development of your baby. You can read books or do drawing or modeling from plasticine.
From 9 am to 11 am Take your baby outside.
From 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. You can play with toys with your baby.
From 12 noon to 12:30 noon Feed your little one the most nutritious food. Soup cooked in broth is good for this, and for the second course, for example, mashed meatballs. You can drink it with compote or juice.
From 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm The baby can sleep.
From 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm The child can play with toys independently.
From 3:30 pm to 4 pm Offer your baby a snack. Fruit puree or simply chopped fruit works well for this. For a snack, give your baby a couple of cookies. Invite your child to drink tea with his meal.
From 4 pm to 6 pm Time to hang out in the sandbox with other children and communicate with them.
From 6 pm to 7:30 pm Make time for educational games.
From 7:30 pm to 8 pm Ideal time for a family dinner. A child can eat cottage cheese or porridge and wash it all down with jelly.
From 8 pm to 9 am Time suitable for bathing and other hygiene procedures. You can also give your child a light relaxing massage.
From 9 am to 9:30 am You can offer your baby to drink a glass of kefir or milk.
From 9:30 a.m. to 7 a.m. Child's night sleep.

Please remember that this is just a guideline. And mom can only take it as a basis.

What should the diet be like?

By the age of 15 months, most children are no longer breastfed. However, there are also those who still drink their mother’s milk. In this case, breastfeeding is best left for the very first meal and the one immediately before bedtime.

Mostly children have four meals a day, although there are cases where at this age five meals a day are still maintained. The main thing is that the child’s diet contains all the essential vitamins, microelements, carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as other biologically active substances. In addition, the presence of all these elements must be balanced.

At 15 months, you can slowly expand the menu and introduce those products that were previously on the black list. Gradually, you can accustom your child to grapes and exotic fruits; sweets are introduced with caution, but it is better that for now it is only cookies. You should not overuse foods with a high fiber content; they can cause flatulence and even upset in a child.

The baby's diet must include cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat dishes, fish, fermented milk and dairy products, eggs, wheat bread and cookies, vegetable and butter, and limited quantities of salt and sugar.

It is recommended to drink at least 500 milliliters of milk per day, no matter breast milk or cow milk. You should not give your child fish more than once a week, or eggs more than twice a week. Smoked meats, pickles, canned food - still not worth giving to your baby. Nuts are introduced with caution and in very small volumes.

Baby's sleep

At 15 months, a child can sleep once, twice, or three times a day. But still, most children go to bed no more than 2 times a day. It is advisable to combine it with time spent walking. Daytime sleep takes approximately 4 hours.

During the day, the little one sleeps up to 13 hours. At this age, almost all children experience uninterrupted night sleep.

It is correct to observe certain rituals that foreshadow the early onset of sleep. For example, you can teach your child that before going to bed, he needs to carry out hygiene procedures and bathe. Or, after mom reads a fairy tale, it’s time to fall asleep.

When a child learns to fall asleep on time, most likely he will learn to wake up on time. If this is not the case, then the child can be woken up at certain hours. Over time, a habit will develop, and the baby will wake up at this time.

We must not forget about what the optimal temperature and humidity should be in the room in which the baby is resting.

It is important that the child is not present during the day during scandals and when the TV or computer is turned on around the clock. All this will negatively affect the baby’s healthy and uninterrupted sleep.

Games for development

  1. Daily gymnastic exercises, as well as walking, will be important for the child’s physical development.
  2. The baby should be given tasks to develop fine motor skills. For example, let the child put rings on a pyramid or play with small balls; you can also use a special bag containing small pebbles.
  3. It is necessary to accustom the child to the fact that there are cold, hot, rough and smooth things.
  4. When your baby goes outside, be sure to point him to different objects, animals, and plants. Name these objects to him and briefly tell him something about them.
  5. Pay special attention to developing your child's creative abilities. Practice drawing with him (using all kinds of tools), modeling from plasticine or salt dough. You can teach your child to dance, sing songs with him.

My son loved to paint with gouache most of all. It is worth noting that these works bore little resemblance to drawings in the sense to which we are accustomed. Not only was it impossible to understand what was depicted, but it also looked more like simple brush strokes. Although he tried very hard while drawing (it was evident from his facial expression).

  1. Learn the names of objects, geometric shapes, tell your child what colors are, explain to your child what day and night are.


It’s good to take walks with mom, dad, grandparents or other family members. The baby should see a friendly company. It is very important to take your baby to the playground when going outside. Communication with peers will not only improve social skills, but will also allow the child to actively develop his speech abilities.

Try to be in the fresh air for at least two hours a day.

My son really loved walking with his grandmother. She climbed into the sandbox with him and they built little beads together.

Bathing and general hygiene

  1. Send your child to swim three times a week. However, if your little one loves to splash around in the water, especially with toys, then why not spend time in the bath every day.
  2. The water temperature suitable for bathing a baby should be around 34 degrees. Don't forget about the importance of hardening procedures.
  3. Be sure to teach your baby to wash his hands before and after eating, as well as to wash himself. Even after waking up.
  4. It is important that the baby already knows how to sit on the potty independently. But don’t be upset if your little one still hasn’t learned to do this. Even a period of up to two and a half years is considered a variant of the norm. But, if you want to send your toddler to kindergarten at the age of one and a half years, then it is better if the baby learns to go to the toilet on his own before going to preschool.
  5. Don't forget about oral hygiene, which should be observed every day. And also about the need to clean your ears and nose. For these procedures, it is enough to devote time two or three times a week.

The celebration of the first birthday is behind us, exciting days ahead, full of new discoveries. The baby continues to actively develop. The period of infancy ends and the baby enters childhood. His main assistants in this will be the three basic skills that he already has: walking, talking and thinking. The time from one to two years is the age of endless discoveries and experiments.

Psychologists called the period covering the development of children after one year (up to three years) early childhood. Despite the fact that the baby grows further, the speed of this process decreases. So, for example, in the second year of life a child can grow by ten centimeters, and in the third - only eight. This time period is divided into three sub-stages.

  • From a year to a year and a half.

  • The period is from one and a half to two years.

  • The period is from two to three years.

Your parental task is to know the features of development at each stage and, as a result, use the educational tactics that are most suitable for your child.

What's new

At about a year old, babies begin to walk. Now they become more independent, this allows them to explore the surrounding space. The child needs to touch and examine all the objects that are around. Parents should help him master space, keeping this process under their vigilant control. So, for example, if a baby wants to climb into a closet, don’t forbid it, but climb there with him. But if he has a desire to play with a lighter, it would be much better if it did not come into his sight at all. The development of children after one year also includes learning the “wisdoms” of walking. There is no need to panic or worry if your baby often falls: his bones are so flexible and light that they are practically not at risk of fractures. Even during falls, the musculoskeletal system improves. Some psychologists are confident that the more the baby falls, the faster he will master the science of walking, the more dynamic the development of children will be after a year. Gradually, the understanding comes that you can get your fingers pinched by the door, and hitting the corner of the closet is very painful.

The development of children after a year leads to the emergence of more and more new words. The baby cannot yet utter a phrase, but his parents already understand what he wants to say.

During this period, it is worth talking about the crisis of the first year. Age crises in children mark each new stage in the child’s psychological development and becoming independent. 1 year, 3, 7, 12–14 years are the main crisis milestones that every child goes through. The last period, called adolescence, is the longest and most difficult to overcome, but neither children nor their parents will most likely be able to avoid it.

After nine and up to eighteen months, parents may encounter changed behavior in the child.

Until recently, a cheerful and affectionate baby begins to throw tantrums at the slightest provocation: this is how the 1-year crisis manifests itself. Not everyone understands what is happening to the baby. Many fear that he has a bad character or is too spoiled. In fact, this is just a stage in the development of a little person.

Such a sharp change in a person’s behavior is called a child’s 1st year crisis. The fact is that it was a difficult year, the baby has come a long way from a recumbent baby to an upright man, he has seen and learned a lot. Already now he is a small but mature personality with his own mood and gastronomic preferences. Such rapid activity of development puts strong pressure on the fragile psyche. Sometimes a child does not want to do what he is doing, but otherwise he does not know how to express his demands and emotions. Literally a little more than six months will pass, and the baby will learn to cope with himself, his character will change for the better.

Causes of the One Year Crisis
Until recently, the baby was content with what his mother offered him. But now his abilities are growing and he understands that he himself can achieve what he wants, for example, get to the right place. Or ask very persistently. It is not surprising that often the crisis of the first year appears in children after they learn to walk. They are aware of their capabilities. During this same period, the child begins to separate himself from his mother, with whom for a long time he was virtually one, physically and then mentally. But the boundaries of his “I” are still vague for him. The main reason for the crisis: children’s desperate desire for independence and at the same time the inability to do without the help of adults. And it’s not easy to cope with yourself: not everything works out the way you want. For example, you can’t reach a toy or you can’t stand on your feet. So emotions manifest themselves through crying and hysterics. In addition, the baby experiences social boundaries and boundaries of what is permitted. And growing teeth cause discomfort and aggravate bad mood.

How to survive a crisis period
The child's 1st year crisis passes: for girls - by 1.5 years, for boys - by 2, but how the baby will come out of it depends only on the parents. We must try to treat the child as an adult, listen, try to understand his mood and desires. Do not force him to do something against his will, of course, unless we are talking about taking important medications or putting on boots and a hat in the cold. But there is no need to try to feed your child soup if he wants porridge, or force him to play with blocks and cars according to your rules. If you properly organize the upbringing and communication during a crisis of a child in the first year of life, you can help him not only easily overcome all the difficulties of developing his character, but but also to acquire new knowledge and skills.

What does a child look like at 1 year 3 months?

Physical development of a child at 1 year 3 months

Walks independently, but can also fall. If your child is afraid to walk on his own, help him. It's better to let your baby hold on to your index fingers rather than just holding his hands. By 1 year 3 months he is able to walk at least 20 steps without sitting down. Most children at this age stand on their own, without holding on to surrounding objects.

The baby easily changes his body position - turns, backs away. Can walk and carry a ball; most children begin to do this at 13 months. Be very attentive to your child when he begins to walk independently. For his safety, check all possible routes of movement even more strictly than before and remove anything that could harm the child. On the other hand, if you spend all day, without taking your eyes off him, repeating: “Don’t touch, don’t take, don’t go,” then the child will become nervous, and your life will not be calm either. Climbs and climbs onto sofas and low chairs. Half of children aged 15 months can climb on and off an adult chair and back onto the floor. If given a pencil, he grabs it with his entire hand and can scribble with it.

Baby food at 1 year 3 months

He confidently holds the cup with both hands and drinks from it, almost without spilling. But he still can’t put the cup in its place; more often he gives it to an adult.

Tries to eat thick or half-thick food on his own with a spoon from a plate, even if he has not been specifically taught this. He holds the spoon in his fist, dips it into thick food, scoops up a little, brings it to his mouth, and eats. He can learn to use a fork, but an adult must supervise this process so that the child does not get hurt.

Household skills of a child at 1 year 3 months

Removes shoes if they are not fastened or tied. Upon request, he directs his hands under the stream of water. After washing, you can teach your child to dry his hands with the towel given to him.

Child's play at 1 year 3 months

By 15 months he no longer puts inedible objects or fingers into his mouth. Play activities become more varied, because after learning to walk, the baby begins to push and pull something with pleasure. We recommend buying a cart with a rope or a handle that your child can constantly load, unload and carry around. Following the demonstration, an adult can place one cube on top of another and thus build a tower house from two cubes. Show first and then let your child build the tower on his own. A child at 15 months of age does not put cubes in his mouth, does not throw cubes on the floor, but completes the task exactly.

Also, show your child how to remove the rings from the pyramid shaft and put them back on. Give him the opportunity to do this exercise as many times as the baby wants. At this stage, you should not demand that he assemble the pyramid correctly. The main thing in this lesson is to practice the skill of putting a ring on a rod. At 15 months, the child confidently removes 4-5 rings of the pyramid and can put on 1-2 rings (for some children, more) without taking into account their size. At 1–1.5 years old, children are very interested in all sorts of holes, strings, and laces. Safe games were invented for this age, especially various types of lacing. In order for complex actions with this kind of toys to bring pleasure to the child, certain conditions must be met. Firstly, lacing should not be in the same place as other toys. Give them out only for classes, and then hide them. This way the child’s interest will not dry up. Secondly, it should be remembered that at this age there is no activity that could captivate a child for a long time. Lacing is a joint game; it requires the participation and encouraging attention of an adult to the difficult process for a child of getting into a hole. And thirdly, if a child has not shown interest in a toy, then it is too early for him, because each baby has an individual pace of development. You should offer the toy a little later - in a month, in two.

The same applies to the age at which the child masters the ability to distinguish geometric shapes and insert objects into each other depending on their shape and size. In addition, this ability is associated with the availability of this kind of toys. Therefore, already at the beginning of the second year of life, it is necessary to buy one or more sets of insert games. Inserts are small items that need to be inserted into the corresponding holes. Depending on where exactly the item is inserted, insert games are divided into three main types: inserts in a frame, inserts inside one another, and pyramids. Frame inserts. Frames with slots of different shapes can be flat, in the form of a tablet board, or three-dimensional, representing toy boxes, in the walls of which these figured slots are made. The child needs to select a figurine of exactly the same shape to the slot and insert it into this hole. If the insert figure coincides with the silhouette frame, then it will sit firmly in its “nest” or safely fall into it.

Inserts one into the other. This type of insert includes the traditional Russian nesting doll. Currently, in addition to the matryoshka doll, there are many other toys of this type. The number of objects that are inserted into one another varies - from two or three to ten or more. By 15 months of age, 95% of children can insert a small cup into a larger one.

All inserts improve visual and tactile perception of the shape and size of objects, develop finger mobility, so-called fine motor skills, and coordination of hand movements. Some construction sets for young children also include figures that allow them to practice nesting.

Naturally, you first need to show your child how to play with these toys. Take a tablet board with slots for three geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square). In front of the child, remove three figures from the cells of the board and give one of the figures into the child’s hands with the offer to put it into the hole on the board. Please pay attention to the child that if the figure correctly falls into its niche, then the board becomes smooth. If the child performs this task incorrectly and tries to put the circle in another hole, move his pen along the figure on the board with the words: “You see, it turned out somehow uneven, but you need the board to become smooth.” Praise your child. At the age of 15 months, a child can cope with the task of nesting a circle. You can also demonstrate the relationship of objects to your child: for example, by pulling out a smaller cube from a larger one. However, at first the child tries to insert objects into each other, using primarily force.

For nesting training games from 1 year 3 months, it is also recommended to use a nesting doll with one insert, that is, from the entire set of nesting dolls, use only one large one and another smaller one, remove the rest for now. Teach your child to open and close a matryoshka doll. To do this, show a large nesting doll, shake it - something rattles inside. Help the baby open the nesting doll, show the second, small nesting doll. Close the large matryoshka doll and place it next to the small one. Pay attention to their size: one nesting doll is large, the other is small. Ask your child: “Where is the big matryoshka doll and where is the small one?” Now open the large nesting doll, hide the small one in it and invite the child to close it with the other half, tightly connecting both halves. You can combine the drawing, but usually during the second year of life the child is not yet able to correctly combine the drawing on the nesting doll. Help your baby open and close the nesting dolls.

From time to time it is necessary to limit the volume of toys in front of the child so that he can concentrate on playing with these figures. When choosing between random objects and toys, a child of this age gives preference to a toy for play. He begins to play for a long time on his own, without the presence of an adult. Independently, without the request of an adult, he performs learned actions with toys: he feeds a doll, puts a bear to sleep, rolls a car and makes a buzzing sound (“beep”, “drrrr”). However, until the age of two, a child is little interested in the emotional and semantic meaning of a toy. He is more interested in what can be done with this toy. It has been noted that children of this age like to repeat different actions with the same object for a long time. This is explained by the fact that they show interest in its different properties. It is interesting for the child to learn that the cubes can not only be placed one on top of the other, but also placed one next to the other, loaded onto a car, placed in a box and closed. However, sometimes a child needs to be guided in play, otherwise primitive, monotonous actions may be retained and reinforced for a long time: he can endlessly roll the car, take cubes in his mouth, transfer toys from one hand to another, etc. Show your child how to use a toy hammer, scoop, spatula, etc.

You need to buy your child a doll no larger than 30–40 cm in size. Scientists note that little boys and girls are equally interested in playing with a doll. There should be no fear that playing with dolls in the second year of life will somehow affect the boy’s future sexual orientation. The smaller the child, the simpler the doll should be. The first to buy is an inexpensive doll made of soft materials (fabric, rubber, foam rubber, etc.) without a wig, hair and sound effects. The doll must be on hinges that allow you to change the position of the limbs, which makes it possible to dress and undress, sit down, etc.

If by the age of one year the baby has already mastered feeding a bear and putting a doll to bed, then after a year, play actions with a toy gradually change from concrete to more abstract and abstract. The child not only performs the one typical action with a specific toy that he was taught, for example, feeding a bear with a spoon. Now, at your own discretion, of course, after your preliminary shows, the baby can feed both the doll and a completely alive cat. But he won’t spoon-feed the TV, because he knows: people don’t spoon-feed TV.

In games, he increasingly imitates the everyday actions of adults: “reads” and “talks on the phone,” like dad; “sweeps and wipes the floor” like mom.

Places toys and objects in a container (box or basket). If your baby still doesn’t want to do this, play with him as described in the “10 months” section. Remember that children of the second year of life imitate adults in everything. Therefore, take a closer look at yourself: do you yourself have a desire for order and discipline? It is difficult to cultivate those qualities that you do not possess yourself. If you yourself are very disorganized, but want your child to be different, then try to overcome your nature and clean up the apartment and kitchen more often. Many children at this age continue to throw one object after another onto the floor: throwing them off the table, throwing toys out of the crib. You should not support this game habit by constantly picking up the toy and giving it to the child so that he throws it again.

Actions with toys are accompanied by emotions. They manifest themselves in the child’s facial expressions and voice intonations.

He often looks at the adult, especially in new or difficult situations, including questioningly. By smiling, looking into the eyes or shouting, or by whims, he attracts the attention of a close adult. The gaze becomes more expressive and acquires different shades: joyful, interested, questioning, pleading, etc. Tension and a dissatisfied facial expression appear when the child’s movement is limited, discomfort is felt, or something is denied what is desired. He is surprised and frightened by the unexpected and new. Attracts the attention of a close adult with emotionally charged exclamations, facial expressions, movements or crying, and takes the hand.

Uses the pointing gesture more and more often.

Points with his hand and index finger at something in a variety of situations: in order for you to give him the thing he needs, in response to your request to show the item, to attract your attention. Shakes his head from side to side as a sign of denial - a “no” gesture. Nods his head in agreement - a “yes” gesture.

He likes to look at a book with pictures on his own or with an adult, but more often he just turns several pages at once. Listens longer and more attentively to fairy tales that you read to your child, showing bright pictures in the book. In the pictures, at your request, he shows familiar objects and some animals. She can, of her own accord, point her index finger at brightly colored objects on the page.

Speech comprehension by a child at 1 year 3 months

During this period, there is a rapid growth of passive vocabulary. The baby knows the names of close adults well, understands many of the names of familiar toys, surrounding objects, and the names of clothes. Upon request, he points with his hand or picks up objects named by an adult. The ability to generalize continues to develop and improve. For example, in response to a request to bring his mother a ball, a child can easily bring any of the balls available nearby, and not just the one with which he usually plays. “Bring the cars” - brings several toy cars. But since the child’s experience is still small and he does not yet know how to identify an essential feature in a group of objects, generalizations can be incorrect. For example, a child uses the word “ball” to designate all objects that have a round shape. Children of this age can make generalizations based on functional characteristics: a hat is a hat, a scarf, a cap, etc.

Understands words denoting actions and some everyday situations. By 1 year 3 months, he must follow at least three (according to the number of action-verbs used) standard instructions: find something, bring something, put it in its place. The instructions may be different: give it to your aunt, open and close the box. He also begins to follow more complex but familiar instructions: let’s go eat, etc.

It is important to note that the baby understands the verbal meaning of the instructions, since he carries them out without gestures or demonstration from an adult.

In the process of expanding the sphere of interaction of the child with surrounding objects, the number of necessary prohibitions increases. There is a need to distinguish between one’s own, which can be taken and used, and someone else’s, which cannot be taken. If such an understanding has not developed independently in the process of everyday communication, then a game can be used to cultivate this understanding. For example, when getting ready for a walk, you can simultaneously examine the belonging of things. The mother puts her hat on the child and says: “Sasha has my hat,” and the child laughs. Then she puts the child’s cap on her head, laughs and says: “Mom put on Sasha’s cap,” which, naturally, is even funnier, including for the child. Then you swap hats, to the satisfaction of the child, who gets his item back. Finally, you place your hat next to you, and the child’s hat next to him and say: “Mommy’s hat is with mom, and Sasha has his own hat.” Then you ask the child to put your shoes, gloves and other things next to your hat, and his boots and jacket next to his hat. After the walk, you can continue exploring things. You move around the apartment and show your child different things: “This is mom’s coat,” “These are dad’s trousers,” “This is grandma’s chest,” etc. The child remembers all this and, if grandmother takes mother’s bag, she becomes indignant and tries to restore order. So the child gradually learns which things and objects are his and he can dispose of them, and which things belong to other people and he cannot touch them without permission.

However, the implementation of prohibitions is complicated by the fact that at this age the child’s intractability becomes pronounced and children’s negativism appears.

Shows, at your request, 1-2 (or more) parts of the body, parts of the face of himself, another person and a toy.

Active speech of a child at 1 year 3 months

If you show a child a photograph of his mother, father or other close adult, he will recognize them. Half of children at this age can answer correctly the question: “Look who is it?” Calls the adult in the photograph by name.

By 15 months, he uses at least six simple words in his active vocabulary, but these are real words, not tag words or lightweight words: mom, dad, uncle, give, na, etc. These real words mean specific people or actions. As for the tag words often pronounced by children at this age, they are ambiguous. Due to the lack of words, the child is forced to use these babbling sound combinations or something resembling a moo. The sounds are complemented by gestures (pointing with a finger, pulling your clothes, etc.).

At the age of one to one and a half years, and sometimes later, he pronounces entire sentences from a large number of unintelligible words, which creates the impression of harmonious, although incomprehensible, speech. There is no point in asking your child to speak more slowly in hopes of understanding his words. In reality, this is a word game - practicing the pronunciation of words. Pronounced sound combinations are not real words. This is a lot of meaningless sequences of different syllables: “tya-tya-ti, ma-ti-tya,” etc. This is like a word game necessary for the development of this stage of speech.

How to feed a 1.3 year old child

The nutrition of children after one year becomes significantly different from the nutrition before one year. This is due to the fact that the little person’s body grows, its functions improve, the digestive system becomes more mature, motor and cognitive activity increases, requiring more energy. But still, the digestive functions of the liver, stomach, and pancreas do not yet work at full strength, as in an adult, which affects the child’s diet after a year, the composition of food, its quantity and quality.

A set of products that provide adequate nutrition for children after one year:

  • Meat - lean varieties are preferred, such as veal or beef. The liver is very useful. But it’s better to hold off with sausages and sausages.

  • Dairy products are necessary for a growing and rapidly developing child's body, but fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt - are especially useful. You can cook dumplings with cottage cheese and sour cream, cottage cheese casseroles.

  • It is necessary to choose creamy varieties of cheeses and check for the absence of harmful additives.

  • Fish contains vitamins and easily digestible proteins. It can be given up to twice a week. But caviar is not recommended due to its excessive fat content.

  • Eggs also contain a certain amount of useful substances. But at the same time, this product is a strong allergen, so its use for preparing omelettes and casseroles must be strictly regulated.

  • Porridges made from oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, and barley are very beneficial for a growing body. But pasta, which is rich in carbohydrates, should be limited.

  • Vegetables and fruits, if there is no allergy, can be included in the diet of children after one year.

  • It is better to give bread from rye or wholemeal flour. This way you will provide your baby with the necessary vitamins and will not disturb digestion.

  • Vegetable oil and butter will provide the growing body with the necessary fats and vitamins.

Good to know
Up to one and a half years old, a child can be fed 5 times a day, gradually eliminating the last feeding. As a result, you will have: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.

And a little about processing food for the baby: We chop fruits and vegetables, soups and cereals should be served coarsely pureed, meat and fish are prepared in the form of soft minced meat, meatballs, soufflés, and steamed cutlets. We prepare all dishes by stewing, boiling, steaming, without adding garlic, pepper or other seasonings. The baby should be given water from a cup and fed from a spoon.

Here is an approximate menu for a child after one year for one day

  • Breakfast: vegetable dish or porridge - 150 g; omelette - 50 g; juice or milk in the amount of 100 ml (less can be done, depending on the needs of the baby).

  • Dinner: soup - 50 g; fish or meat dish 50 g; cereal or puree 70 g; fruit juice approximately 100 ml.

  • Afternoon snack: jelly or milk 150–200 ml; cookie; fruit 80–120 g.

  • Dinner: porridge, vegetable dish or cottage cheese casserole in the amount of 150 g; kefir 100 ml.

More precise adherence to the established feeding regime contributes to the coordinated functioning of the entire digestive system: a good appetite is formed, enzymes and digestive juices are produced on time and in normal quantities.

Around this age, babies develop an active desire to feed themselves. While feeding, they reach for the spoon and try to scoop up food themselves. These first clumsy attempts often result in food falling out or spilling long before the spoon reaches the mouth. Despite this, the mother should support the child’s initiative - when there is interest, learning occurs faster and more efficiently.

It is best to start teaching a child to eat himself with thick food (porridge, mashed potatoes, etc.) This way, much more food will end up in his mouth than on his clothes. Once your baby begins to confidently handle thick foods, he can be trusted to eat soup. A child is quite capable of eating lunch completely independently by the age of one and a half to two years.

What is the daily routine of a child aged 1.3 years?


From 1 to 1.5 years, the child sleeps 2 times during the day: 1st nap lasts 2–2.5 hours, 2nd nap lasts 1.5 hours, night sleep lasts 10–11 hours;

Perhaps at this age the child will begin to move from two naps to one, and this transition can be difficult. Experts recommend alternating days with two naps with days with one nap, depending on how much the baby slept the night before. If the child slept once during the day, it is better to put him to bed earlier in the evening.

The baby's routine consists of daily hygiene measures, oral care, walks in the fresh air, and water procedures. Tempering procedures and gymnastics are also required in the daily routine.

Potty training

Perhaps at this age the child begins to approach his toilet more consciously; some children experience discomfort from wet and soiled panties, so there is a reason to start potty training the child. In any case, you should evaluate the child’s readiness, all children are different and the transition to control over body secretions only begins after a year, and this function matures throughout the second year of life. This skill will develop more steadily by 22–30 months.

Potty training rules

Good to know
If you are already determined to start potty training your baby at the age of 1 year. It is worth knowing that this process is difficult and not so fast. You need to be patient.

The main thing that parents must learn is that you should not start potty training if:

  • The baby has just had an illness or is sick.

  • The family changed their place of residence.

  • Another child appeared.

  • There are conflicts and quarrels in the family.

Parents should begin the potty training process in the warmer months, when the baby will need to learn what discomfort is. After all, in warm weather, you can let your baby run around in the pants he described without the risk that he will catch a cold. And the baby will begin to realize that his pants became wet not on their own, but as a result of actions that he performed himself and which he can control. This will be a real discovery for the little one!

Good to know

For potty training, you can buy special waterproof panties. After urinating or defecating, the inside of them will be damp and very unpleasant, causing the baby to feel discomfort. But at the same time, tights, panties and other outerwear will remain dry. These are the so-called reusable diapers, or panties for potty training.

How to choose your first pot

It is necessary to purchase a potty that is as comfortable as possible for the baby and is suitable in size.

Some pots may be too wide, and a one-year-old child will simply fall into the hole. A hole that is too narrow for a well-fed toddler will also not contribute to his desire to linger there. Therefore, you need to choose the optimal size.

Also of great importance is the high back of the potty, on which the baby will be comfortable to recline. For boys, it is imperative to select pots with a high front part (limiters), so that when urinating, the stream flows into the pot and not outside it.

The color of the pot is also important. It is desirable that it be bright, and perhaps with images of animals the baby already loves - a bunny, a bear, a dog, etc. Whether to buy a musical potty, an unusually shaped potty in the form of a throne, a car, or a toilet is a personal preference of the parents, the main thing is that the baby is comfortable and understands what is required of him.

Stages of training

First, you need to put a potty in the room and introduce it to the baby.

Then you should include the potty in everyday games. This doesn’t mean that you need to put cubes there or that dad needs to practice his accuracy in throwing balls at him. It will be enough to first place, for example, the doll Masha on the potty and comment to the baby that Mashenka is “peeing.” Then raise Mashenka and show that there is water there (you can add some water there from a syringe pulled from your pocket without the baby noticing).

Praise Mashenka and, together with the baby, empty the contents of the potty into the toilet. After some time, you can put Mishutka on the potty by doing the same actions or saying that Mishutka is “doing poop.” You can throw a toy “poop” into the pot, or you can paint a piece of foam rubber brown. And again praise the little ones’ toy comrades. You can also invite him to repeat the “feat” of his friends. You can do this without taking off your panties and diaper.

It’s even worth showing your baby that the contents of his diaper are intended for the potty. All you have to do is remove the used diaper and put it in the potty.

During the same period, you should give up disposable diapers during the daytime and observe for 2-5 days how often the baby relieves himself. It would even be better to write down your observations and, guided by them, drop off the child twice in the future within a certain interval. For example, a baby goes to the toilet once an hour, which means he needs to be dropped off every half hour.

A week after the appearance of a potty in the house, his friends relieving themselves in the potty, putting the baby on the potty in diapers and pants, and observing how often the baby goes to the potty, you can put him in the potty without a diaper.

If the baby is wary, constrained, and it is difficult for parents to put the child out every half hour, then you can start potty training 2 times a day.

It's worth knowing that babies usually don't mind going to the toilet about 15 minutes after they drink.

If the baby is no longer afraid of the potty, then you can put him on the potty immediately after sleeping, eating, or walking. You should definitely help your baby by encouraging him with the words “pee-pee-pee”/“ka-ka-ka”.

It is worth knowing that kids are often proud of their creations. But this underlies the main goal of parents - associating the potty with something good. Therefore, with “success”, parents should show that they are very happy when the baby went to the potty. Gradually, wild joy should be replaced by restrained praise, and after a while the child will learn that there is nothing unusual in this natural process.

Good to know

Signs such as the baby freezing during active play, concentrating, or looking at one point may indicate that the baby wants to go to the toilet. But you shouldn’t immediately grab the baby and pull him to the potty. It’s worth calmly showing him that the potty is waiting for him.

The potty should be allocated a certain place where it will always be in the baby’s field of vision and he can quickly reach it. You cannot follow your child around the house with a potty, but you need to bring the baby to it.

If the baby has not yet mastered the means of verbal communication, then you need to teach him gestures with which he can make it clear that he wants to go to the toilet. These same gestures need to be introduced to everyone who takes part in raising a child: grandparents, nannies.

But parents should be guided by the same principles

  • Get your baby interested in a bright potty and the processes of urination and defecation.

  • Do not express disgust at the contents of the pot.

  • Do not scold your child if “disasters” befall him. “It’s an everyday matter!” - as Carlson said.

Parents should always remember that their main goal is to associate the potty in the baby’s thinking with positive emotions, and also not forget that mastering any skill takes time.

Good to know

Unfortunately, there are setbacks in mastering toilet skills. This often occurs after illness or stress (which can occur after mandatory vaccinations). Do not despair, but gradually resume the training process again. Typically, potty training takes 6 to 12 months.

After this time, the kids are so dexterous that they get to the potty on their own, pull off their pants/tights and panties, sit comfortably, do “their business” and stand up so that they manage not to tip over the unstable structure. And then they put all the clothes back on.

Parents, only your patience and attention will help you potty train your child at 1 year old. We wish you good luck and dry pants. Before you know it, your baby will need an adult toilet.

How to play with a child at 1 year 3 months

Sometimes you can see such a picture. The child has a whole room littered with toys, but he shows no interest in them. And why all? Because toys should be selected taking into account the interests and age of the child. Young children very often like to copy the habits of an adult. Therefore, greater preference is given to household appliances, dishes, etc. in the game. After all, if you watch a child for a long time, you will notice that it is more interesting for him to play, for example, with a can, throwing beans into it, or with a colander, inserting sticks into the holes, than with the same sorter or different types of houses. Therefore, the choice of toys must be approached more thoroughly. If, for example, a one-year-old baby does not leave the drum day after day and does not know how to play pyramids, ring throws, cars, dolls, then you should think about his psycho-emotional behavior. And, accordingly, he will be very behind his peers in development.

Children at this age love to play active games. To play you will need: toys, a hoop, balls (large, small), a gymnastic stick, a box (box).

  • To improve the skill of independent walking, you can stimulate your baby with a bright toy. When the baby stands on his feet (he can hold on to some object), lure him with a bright toy, extend his hand, and let him try to take a few steps on his own.

  • Holding the hoop, you can squat with your child. At the same time, it is more interesting to do it on command.

  • To strengthen the baby’s musculoskeletal system, it is very useful to do various gymnastic exercises with him, so that they bring joy to the baby, do them in a playful way. At this age, the following exercises are necessary: ​​squats, flexion and extension of the body, crawling under and over an obstacle, climbing an elevated object, walking on a limited surface (board), stepping over an obstacle.

  • Kids at this age like to roll the ball, throw it into a hoop or basket.

It is also useful to play simple story-based and role-playing games with your baby, through which he learns self-service and communication skills (feeding dolls, bathing them, dressing them, rolling a car, visiting, going for a walk, and so on).

Options for games with a child aged 1.3 years

Getting to know the nesting dolls
You need 2-3 folding nesting dolls, convenient in size for a baby’s hand. Show your baby how one nesting doll hides inside another, rattle it. Show him how to tear off and close the nesting dolls. Hide a handkerchief in the nesting doll and draw the child’s attention to the fact that the handkerchief does not rattle. The game develops tenacity and strength of the fingertips.

Pictures and toys
You need pictures (4-5 pieces) of large size, depicting objects familiar to the child: “Dog”, “Doll”, “Cat”, “Ball”, “Bear”, “Car” and toys corresponding to the pictures. Place a picture next to each toy and place them in different parts of the room, and then take the child one by one to walk around all the objects, pronounce their names, and look at the pictures. Now collect the pictures and give them one at a time to the baby. Ask him to carry them to the appropriate toy himself. Praise the child.

Glove puppets
You can introduce your child to glove puppets. Put the glove puppet on your hand and hide it in your pocket. First the nose appears, then the head and arms. Be surprised and rejoice with your baby and introduce him to the doll. Let him say hello to her, play, show her his toys. A glove puppet can be your helper if your baby doesn't eat well. She can teach him new rhymes and songs.

At this age, the baby wants to be able to do a lot, but he doesn’t succeed in everything, so try to devote more time and attention to the child. Teach him through the game, tell him, show him, explain to him everything that interests him and then success will not keep you waiting.

Is it necessary to go to the clinic at 1.3 years old?

After a year, there is no need to visit the clinic and local pediatrician every month. There is no routine vaccination at 1.3 years of age.

At the same time, it increases sharply child's desire for independence. Of course, he himself had already gotten back on his feet and even learned to walk. Thanks to unprecedented freedom of action, the baby felt independent from his parents. And to their surprise: he begins to demonstrate his stubbornness and nervousness. Unexpectedly for you, he may turn from a calm and submissive angel into a capricious and uncontrollable imp. Calmness, only calmness – this is the crisis of the first year of life- the main event that occurs at the junction of infancy and early childhood. You can read about how to overcome the crisis of a child’s first year of life in the article: "The crisis of a child's first year of life - how to overcome it?"

Leading lines of child development

Responding to various situations in the world around him, the child shows curiosity, tries to orient himself, and explore them. He is interested in literally everything - an icicle falling from the roof, breaking into small pieces of ice, sparrows fussily chirping in the yard, a tractor raking snow, and much more. The baby enters a new world of human relationships, acquires new qualities, skills and abilities that will remain with him for the rest of his life - walking, talking and thinking. The leading lines of development are still cognitive, social, speech and motor development.

In speech development Not much progress is expected: the baby uses simple, short words, sometimes only vaguely reminiscent of the words of adults. How many words should a child be able to pronounce? There is no point in saying this, since absolutely healthy and normal children all speak differently, individually.

Of course, the baby understands much more words than he can pronounce. It is better and more fruitful to communicate with a child - based on an emotional sensory base - show a toy, play “Okay”, “Let’s go”, “Hide and Seek”. Folklore for the little ones will also help: nursery rhymes, songs, poems. The main thing is to sing and read them from memory, very emotionally, changing your facial expression, voice intonation and strength.

As before, sensory development (actions with objects) plays the greatest role in mental development. From 1 year to 1 year 3 months, the development of movements and improvement of the child’s walking acquires special importance.

Reflexes of curiosity!

Has your baby increasingly begun to resemble “Curious Barbara”? Scientists have proven that a child’s curiosity at this age comes from an innate reflex - a reaction to novelty, which is given to him by nature itself. Yes, this is the nature of childhood - in many ways, the baby’s behavior is based on reflexes and instincts: and he cannot behave differently!

It is very important to understand and take into account this feature of the baby: the world beckons the child with its uncertainty, so it is necessary to instill in the baby the concept of caution.

Your baby and society

The baby’s socialization, that is, entering the world of people, is in full swing. And entering society, the child begins to gradually understand himself, his own “I”, to feel his place in the social environment of his family and friends.

The time has come when the baby begins to feel more independent and discovers the “doer” in himself. And therefore it is difficult for him to sit still, he certainly needs to touch, feel everything, and certainly see the adult’s reaction to his actions. Communication with the mother and “business” contacts with her in games with toys are necessary conditions for the mental and physical development of the baby.

It is not difficult to notice that the child becomes especially attached and singles out the adult who plays with him most often and interestingly. You can find examples of educational games with a child aged 1 year - 1 year and 3 months in the article "Educational games with a child aged 1 year - 1 year 3 months."

Baby's object activity - game

In the first three months of the second year of life, the child experiences an increase in motor skills. He imitates an adult in everything, gradually mastering more and more new actions with objects.

The source of child development is games with educational toys: balls, cubes, pyramids, maters, insert toys, surprise toys, game logic centers.

Such toys develop his visual and effective nature of thinking. Moreover, analysis and synthesis, comparison and first generalizations in your child’s mind so far occur only in practical action: for example, connecting and disconnecting the rings of a pyramid, rolling balls, putting in colored caps, inserts, nesting dolls.

Does your child take everything apart, break it, tear books and paper? There is no reason for concern here - this is not hooliganism, in fact, such behavior indicates that the baby is conducting his own experiments - this is how he learns their properties in practice.

That is why the baby needs toys consisting of different parts. By disassembling and assembling them, the child improves and confirms this new knowledge in his memory time after time. An excellent didactic example of such toys are insert toys (more details - "Educational toys - inserts")..
The baby gradually builds “internal” connections between objects in his mind, uniting them according to some characteristics. Every day he develops his sensorimotor intelligence, or as it is also called - intelligence at his fingertips. Abstract thinking is not yet available to him, the baby reacts only to what is in his palms and in front of his eyes, or what he directly sees in your hands.

As before, the child shows great interest in the objects that are in your hands and which you discuss in his presence. But now he is keenly interested in other toys. Sound and musical toys are especially loved by children at the beginning of the 2nd year: these include bells, rattles, a drum, a metallophone, and a tambourine. The child quickly begins to recognize their timbre. He not only finds them at the request of adults, but also “plays music” on his own.

A child of the second year of life still requires “an eye and an eye,” so this is a very difficult year in the life of parents. Many objects have hidden and sometimes dangerous properties that the child is not yet aware of. But how can a baby know what is sharp - dull, cold - hot, prickly - smooth, if he doesn’t touch it?

About educational videos, techniques, etc..

But it is generally not recommended to buy “Developmental” videos and let a small child watch them – more on that in the article “Educational children's videos are the other side of the coin.” You also need to limit your child from TV and cartoons.

Secrets of education

This exciting word is “Crisis”. How to avoid the crisis of a child's first year?

The milestone of the first year of life is an important stage in the development of a child’s personality: he begins to recognize himself as an independent person. And now, with a scandal, he tries to defend his own gastronomic preferences; he doesn’t want to go to bed if it’s time to sleep, which confuses his parents. How to behave with your baby to avoid the troubles of the first crisis in his life? Read about this in the article "The crisis of the first year - how to overcome it? "

Education with love...

Raising a child with love- this means, in his own “language”, to prove that he is loved, that he is safe: confidence in mother’s love for a baby is a source of vitality, helping him to develop correctly, without fear of life. Based on maternal love, his own self-esteem, self-confidence and security are already laid in the subconscious...

How to say “no” to a child

What to do to have fewer restrictions - read

How to praise a child correctly

When to start potty training?

The Union of Pediatricians of Russia recommends that parents begin teaching their child toilet skills after reliably determining his signs of readiness for learning, such as motor skills and the ability to control the sphincter muscles. As authorities point out, these signs usually become apparent around 18 months of age.
At the moment, the most you can do is to refuse diapers during the daytime, wearing them only at night.

Physical development of the child


To find out how to properly harden your baby with air and sun baths and water treatments, read the section: "Toughening up children." . These articles are compiled based on the recommendations of professional pediatricians.