Is it possible to eat nuts from jam? Green walnut jam: benefits and recipes

When fruits and berries are ripening in your garden plot, you want to prepare some goodies for the winter. But there are gifts of nature that we use only for their intended purpose, forgetting about their beneficial properties. The benefits of walnut jam will be discussed further.

The usefulness lies in the fact that this product is considered an excellent preventive measure for vitamin deficiency. The indicated delicacy contains quite a lot of vitamin C. Approximately the same amount as in citrus fruits. Due to the presence of other vitamins in jam, it helps in strengthening the immune system, thereby helping to resist infections, especially during periods of high likelihood of colds.

And for diseases of the heart, central nervous system and genitourinary system. Along with this, the designated sweet product has proven itself well in the postoperative period.

By consuming jam you can:

  • cure gastritis or stomach ulcers
  • free the body from helminthic infestation
  • normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • improve the condition of blood vessels
  • protect against atherosclerosis

With regular consumption of nutty sweetness, women can improve the condition of their reproductive organs.

Composition of the dish, calorie content

The finished product contains quite a lot of:

As for calorie content, it is only 280 Kcal. This must be taken into account before preparing a dish to which green nut jam will be added.

Jam for pregnant and lactating women

The indicated delicacy will become an indispensable assistant for women during pregnancy. But if the expectant mother has no contraindications for the components contained in the designated product.

You are allowed to take a teaspoon with a cup of your favorite tea, but you should not neglect the recommendations so as not to cause unexpected harm to your own health and those of loved ones. The fact is that cooked sweets contain many components such as carbohydrates, sugar, and protein.

It is extremely undesirable for pregnant women to eat it in large quantities, and all because:

Is it possible for small children

Nut delicacy helps strengthen the immune system, since at an early age it is still quite weak. This is why young children are often exposed to various pathogenic infections and viruses. The finished product also contains iodine, which promotes not only the mental but also the physical development of children, and also contributes to the process of normalizing the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Use for weight loss

Those who want to lose extra pounds should stick to a diet. Often, giving up certain foods can cause changes in the body, and this in turn can lead to an exacerbation of various chronic diseases. The main burden falls directly on the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, ulcers, gastritis, and even liver problems can worsen.

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Due to changes in diet, the body begins to lack essential microelements and vitamins. Therefore, in order to provide the body with vital nutrients, you should treat yourself to a small amount of nut treats every day. Thanks to a dessert from the designated product, you can replenish the components missing in food and, accordingly, strengthen your physical strength. In addition, sweetness will relieve possible mood swings that may occur against the backdrop of strict dietary restrictions.

Rules of use

If a person tries this sweetness for the first time, it is best to do it in small quantities. This is due to the fact that nuts, even when ripe, contain components that can cause allergies, not to mention a completely new product for the body. Therefore, it is recommended to start trying 1-2 spoons a day, but you should add it either when preparing sweet dishes or in drinks, for example, tea.

You should not exceed the dosage, as the body may not accept this product at all, and more unpleasant consequences may also appear.

Collection and preparation of nuts

In order to prepare the delicacy, you must first prepare the main component; this should be done in June. It is desirable that the nuts are small or medium in size. If you come across large specimens of fruit, they will need to be cut into pieces. After harvesting the fruits you need:

It should also be said that when preparing nuts, you need to wear gloves, this way your hands will remain clean.

Cooking recipes

At first glance, it seems that nut jam is something extra extraordinary. In fact, this is not only tasty, but also a very healthy delicacy that both adults and children will enjoy. There are quite a lot of variations in the preparation of the indicated sweets, so you can choose any one at your discretion.

Simple recipe on video:

Classic recipe

The classic version is considered one of the easiest recipes. To prepare, you only need three main ingredients - sugar, green nuts and water. The recipe is simple, as is the method of creating the delicacy. So, the preparation procedure consists of the following steps:

The next step is making the jam. Placed nuts in syrup must initially be boiled for 15 minutes. After that, you need to leave it until it cools completely. The procedure must be done three times a day. After the third cooking, place the finished sweet into sterilized jars prepared in advance and seal them well.

Top products containing complex carbohydrates for weight loss and rules of consumption

Chocolate nut jam

The preparatory process for nuts is the same. But the preparation procedure is slightly different from the previous recipe. To make chocolate and nut jam, you need:

It should be said that cocoa also needs to be prepared initially. To do this, you need to dissolve it separately in a small amount of syrup in which the nuts are boiled, and then add the prepared chocolate to the jam. Upon completion of cooking, roll into sterilized glass containers.

Bulgarian recipe

An additional component is citric acid. The method for preparing this very healthy jam is not complicated, but it will take a lot of time:

After this, the jam must be placed in a sterilized container. The beneficial properties last for quite a long time, but this requires that the storage conditions be maintained - this is a cool room, but you can also put it in the refrigerator.

A rather interesting recipe is jam that uses walnuts with the addition of citrus fruits. The recipe components consist of:

  • initially prepared nuts in the amount of about 30 pieces
  • sugar you need 0.5 kilograms
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • plain water - 3 cups
  • spices can be added according to your preferences (vanilla, cardamom, cinnamon) - no more than 1 teaspoon

As for the preparation procedure, it will not take that much time. All you need is:

  • boil the nuts for 10 minutes
  • then drain the darkened water and cool the fruits to room temperature
  • then you need to make a syrup from the indicated amount of sugar, water and lemon
  • then put the nuts in it and simmer them in syrup for 30 minutes

At the end of the specified time, the jam should be cooled and then boiled again for no more than half an hour. The finished sweet must be transferred to pre-sterilized jars and rolled up.

Spicy nut jam

Initially, the nuts must be peeled from their green skins and then soaked for about 2 days in cool, or preferably cold, water. Next you need to follow the indicated steps:

Side effects

First of all, it must be said that a delicacy made from walnuts is a fairly high-calorie product. Therefore, you should be careful about the dosage of use.

Possible side effects:

Therefore, initially you need to try just a little bit of the product and monitor the body’s reaction.

How to store the product

After the jam has been preserved, it is recommended to use it within 9 months. After this period, it is better to throw away the contents of the cans. If the container with the treat has been opened, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 months.

Walnuts are the most popular in their family; they are used to prepare a huge number of different dishes. For example, there is an unusual recipe - green walnut jam.

The cooking technology is complex, which does not stop avid cooks. It has an unusual and interesting taste, a number of useful properties that need to be understood in more detail.

This article presents 5 recipes for jam from young green walnuts, information about its benefits, harm to health, and beneficial properties for weight loss.

How to cook

Jam is a wonderful way to enjoy the amazing aroma throughout the year and preserve all the beneficial properties of the fruit.

After preparing the nuts, you need to lower them into boiling water until it completely covers them, and cook for ten minutes, then put them in a sieve.

Mix the sugar with two glasses of water, bring to a boil, then skim off the foam. Dip nuts and cloves into the resulting syrup, add lemon juice. Bring the mixture to a boil.

When the jam has cooled, boil it again. Repeat three times, then cook until tender. Then pack into sterile jars.

Green nut jam - from picking to rolling:

Composition and calorie content

The peculiarity of the walnut is that its chemical composition changes as it ripens. All beneficial substances are also preserved during drying.

The calorie content of walnuts is 650 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of walnut jam is about 250 kcal/100 g.

Vitamin C is found only in unripe fruits, disappearing as they ripen.

Beneficial properties for the body

Walnut jam is very healthy. It helps fight various diseases and pathological conditions:

This delicious dessert helps fight insomnia, improves mental activity and immunity. It is also recommended for those who have recently undergone complex operations.

Walnut jam valued in both traditional and folk medicine. It helps with rheumatism, diseases of the bladder, heart, kidneys, urological and gynecological areas.

Having a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic effect, jam helps fight many pathologies.

Of the most useful substances Contains linoleic and oleic acid, vitamins and minerals.

Benefits for different groups of people

How does green walnut dessert affect certain groups of people:

Adult men and women. For adults, in the absence of contraindications and excess weight, boiled fruits will benefit if consumed in moderation.

Pregnant and lactating women. There is a high probability that the product will provoke an allergy, so expectant and nursing mothers need to be careful with it.

Children. It is contraindicated for small children, but school-age children can eat it in small quantities - the product will improve brain activity and improve academic performance.

Aged people. Having an anti-sclerotic effect, strengthening the heart and blood vessels, nut jam is useful for people of advanced age.

But it is quite difficult for the body to absorb.

Harm and contraindications

Walnut jam can be harmful only in exceptional cases. This applies to overweight people, as high-calorie and nutritious product.

Dessert is difficult to digest. Nuts are a powerful allergen, and jam can cause an unwanted reaction.

Once you have prepared the jam, you can use it throughout the year. You can eat it with tea, add it to cereals, and baked goods.

There are no daily norms for using the product, but due to high calorie content, it is important not to abuse it– a few spoons will be enough.

Experts give the following recommendations for preparation:

  • When cutting fruits, wear gloves;
  • To make the cooked dessert tasty and aromatic, cook it in three steps. If you wait until it cools completely after the first cooking, the jam will be thick;
  • you can give the dish an unusual piquant taste by adding zest mixed with vanillin and cinnamon;
  • it is stored in a dark place at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees.

Cooking options

There are many variations of green walnut jam recipes. The method of preparing the fruits and utensils will be the same as described earlier. We offer a few more of them.

With cardamom

Ingredients: 100 pieces of green nuts, eight glasses of water, two kilograms of sugar, 10 clove buds, five pieces, a couple of teaspoons of cinnamon.

Preparation: Pour eight glasses of water into a basin, add sugar, let it boil, and place the prepared nuts in it.

During the cooking process, a bag of ground spices is placed in a container: cardamom, cinnamon, cloves.

You need to cook until the nuts acquire a black shine. Add vanilla. Let the jam cool and put it into jars.

In Armenian

Ingredients: 100 pieces of green fruits, 400 ml of water, 1 kilogram of sugar, 10 clove buds, two lemons, 10 g of cinnamon.

Preparation: Prepare a syrup from sugar and water, let it cool. Put the nuts there, add the juice of two lemons. Boil and leave for a day. Do the same three times.

Then you need to cook until tender, so that the fruits become completely soft.

Transfer to sterilized jars, fill with remaining syrup, and preserve.

In Bulgarian

A recipe that takes time, but the jam should taste amazing.

Ingredients: for 1.1 kg of fruit – a glass of water, a kilogram of sugar, 10 g of citric acid.

Preparation: peeled nuts are placed in a 0.5% citric acid solution for an hour. You need to cook using the alternating method.

First immerse in boiling water for four minutes, then in cold water for 10 minutes. This procedure must be repeated at least seven times.

Preparation: Rinse the nuts thoroughly, pierce them with a thick needle, put them in boiling water for 20 minutes, then cool in cold water.

Boil syrup from sugar and water, add cloves and lemon juice. Pour the resulting solution over the nuts.

Cook them for five minutes, then leave for an hour and bring to the boil again, cook for five minutes - you need to do this three times.

The fourth time you need to cook until fully cooked, then cool and roll into jars.

Application for weight loss

Due to the high calorie content, green walnut jam not considered a dietary product. But it is more useful than many other sweets, so it can replace them.

A couple of spoons of healthy jam is a great alternative to chocolate or a piece of cake.

Green walnut jam - an unusual dessert, but very interesting and useful.

Experienced chefs have been practicing its preparation for a long time, and those who have not done it yet can try and appreciate all the delights of the non-trivial taste.

In contact with

Jam is a sweet dish for the winter table. Most often it is made from fruits and berries, but there are also many recipes for a sweet dessert made from nuts. Walnuts are rich in a wide variety of vitamins and minerals; they are useful both fresh and canned. Green walnut jam has a pleasant taste and delicate aroma. It can be eaten as a separate dish or served with pancakes and cheesecakes.

Walnuts for jam

Not all walnuts are suitable for canning. When selecting and processing you need to be extremely careful.

  1. It is not worth collecting nuts treated with chemicals for jam; they contain less useful substances, and if the rules were not followed when mixing chemicals, then the nuts can even be hazardous to health!
  2. If the nuts are preserved whole, with the peel, then they should be large and dense, but at the same time easily pierced with a needle. This nut has a formed kernel, but its outer shell can be easily cut with a sharp knife.
  3. If nuts for jam are shelled and only the kernel is used, then choose ripe nuts with a ripened core.
  4. For jam, you should take fruits of the same size so that they all cook evenly.

The taste of green walnut jam depends on many facts. If you take a simple version of the recipe - the classic one - the taste will be closer to prunes. But various additional components change it. So, there may be notes of citrus, various fruits, and berries. Sometimes nuts act as an additional ingredient, in which case their taste is secondary.

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Walnuts contain many beneficial nutrients. It is not surprising that since ancient times people have learned to store them fresh throughout the winter or simply preserve them. So, what are the benefits of walnut jam?

  • It contains a lot of iodine in organic form, so it is easily absorbed by the body.
  • There is a lot of iron and many other minerals and vitamins, so jam has healing properties. It improves blood composition, increases hemoglobin levels, and improves the functioning of the immune system.
  • This jam improves metabolic processes in the body and improves the functioning of internal organs.
  • Helps in the treatment of thyroid diseases.
  • Helps strengthen the nervous system.

Walnut jam is often prescribed for recovery after operations, fractures, and serious illnesses.

Despite its positive qualities, such jam can also cause harm.

  • People who are allergic to the nuts themselves or any other components in the dish should not eat it.
  • If there is already a lot of iodine in the body, such jam is also not worth eating.
  • The dessert is high in calories due to the fact that all recipes contain a lot of sugar. So people on diets can eat it more to prevent diseases, and not as a delicious dessert.

This dessert recipe is the simplest and most affordable. It is not difficult to make, and the taste is very pleasant.


  • Unripe walnuts – 50 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 500 g;
  • Water – 250 ml.


  1. The green skin of the nuts is peeled off, but so that the nut itself remains whole and round. Now the nuts are placed in water. They must be soaked for at least 2 days. This is done in order to remove bitterness, because unripe kernels and the upper casing can be very bitter.
  2. After 2 days, the liquid is drained and each nut is pricked with a long needle. One nail at a time is inserted into the resulting hole. Then the nuts are again placed in water and left for another 10 days. After about 3 days of soaking, you need to drain the water and pour boiling water over the nuts for a quarter of an hour. Then the boiling water is drained, cool water is poured in and the soaking procedure is continued for another 7 days.

Nut jam usually takes a long time to cook, because the kernels are not as easy to soak in sugar as, for example, cherries or apples.

  1. After soaking, the fruits are washed again and dried thoroughly.
  2. Syrup is made in a basin for cooking the dessert. When the sugar has dissolved, add nuts and the whole thing should cook for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. When the jam has boiled, turn off the heat and leave the dessert to steep for 7 hours. This procedure is carried out 4-5 times, allowing the jam to settle for 7 hours after 15 minutes of cooking.
  4. After 4 or 5 cooking times, the jam is laid out in sterilized containers and sealed with lids boiled in water.

The finished jars are wrapped in a blanket and left to cool for a day. Then you can remove them for the rest of the winter storage.

This recipe is also called Bulgarian green walnut jam. For this, early nuts are taken, but the kernel must already have formed in them!


  • Nuts – 550 g;
  • Sugar – 500 g;
  • Citric acid – 5 g;
  • Water – ½ cup.


  1. The nuts are peeled from green skins, washed and dipped in a 0.5% citric acid solution for one hour.
  2. After an hour, they are taken out, poured into boiling water and boiled for 4 minutes, then cooled in cold water for 10 minutes. The procedure is carried out 7 times. This will remove the bitterness from the nuts.
  3. Syrup is made in a bowl for cooking jam. When the sugar dissolves, add nuts to it.
  4. You need to cook the nuts until they are ready (you can taste them, they should be soft). Add citric acid 10 minutes before the end of cooking.
  5. Now you just need to pour the jam into sterile containers and seal with boiled lids.

Spicy jam contains many components. If you wish, you can not take all the spices that are in the ingredients, but only your favorite ones.


  • Unripe walnuts – 50 pcs.;
  • Carnation;
  • Cardamom;
  • Vanilla sugar;
  • Cinnamon – one stick;
  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Water – 400 ml.

While soaking walnuts, it is important to change the water 2-3 times a day. If you don’t do this, then the procedure will be of no use!


  1. The nuts are peeled from green skins and soaked for 2 days in cool water. After this time, the nuts are pricked with a knitting needle, one clove is placed in the holes and soaked for another 10 days. On the 3rd day of soaking, they are poured with hot water for a quarter of an hour, and then again with cold water and the procedure is continued.
  2. When the nuts are soaked, they are washed, the cloves are taken out and dried.
  3. Make syrup in a saucepan for cooking jam. When it boils and the sugar melts, add the nuts.
  4. All spices are wrapped in a gauze bag and placed in a container where the jam is cooked.
  5. Boil this jam over low heat until the fruits begin to shine. After that, vanilla sugar is added to them, and the whole thing is boiled for another 10 minutes.
  6. Containers for twisting are sterilized, the lids are boiled for 15 minutes. After turning off the jam, it is packaged in jars and sealed.

The preserved food is wrapped in a blanket and taken to the pantry after 24 hours.

Jam with citrus produces an interesting, refreshing taste and rich aroma.


  • Walnuts – 1 kg;
  • Lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Zest from one orange;
  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Water – 400 ml.

To prepare walnut jam, use an enamel basin or stainless steel container.


  1. The kernels are prepared as in the previous recipe. First, peeled from the green skin, they are simply soaked for 2 days in water, then another 10 days, but already pierced, with cloves in each nut. After 10 days they are taken out and dried.
  2. Syrup is made in a saucepan for cooking jam.
  3. Lemon juice is squeezed out, lemon and orange zest are cut into strips.
  4. When the sugar in the syrup has dissolved, add straws and nuts to it, and then cook for a quarter of an hour over low heat. Then the fire is turned off and the jam is infused for 7 hours. This procedure will be lost a total of 3 times.
  5. During the last cooking, lemon juice is added to the dessert.
  6. The finished dish is poured into sterile containers and sealed with lids boiled in water. After a day of infusion under a blanket, you can put the jam in the pantry.

Walnut jam is a unique delicacy. Its uniqueness lies not only in taste, but also in its benefits for human health. It is a great honor to have such a delicacy at home, as it is quite difficult and time-consuming to prepare. I propose today to get to know him better and learn the secrets of cooking.


In order to enjoy the taste and benefits of green walnut jam, you don’t have to buy it in the store, you just need to know the right recipe.


Cooking sequence:

Indeed, the process is quite troublesome and long, but the result and taste are amazing and pleasing.

What does jam contain?

The composition of walnut jam is amazing. Minerals, vitamins, trace elements and other substances contained in the composition have a lot of benefits for human health.

  • The composition contains quite a lot of iodine, which is a very good indicator for the product. After all, every person knows that iodine is simply necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. In this case, it is not even necessary to eat fish, seafood or seaweed. It is enough just to eat such a delicacy every day, and the balance of iodine in the body will be normal.
  • The content of tannins and glycosides in the product can help normalize the nervous system. This is especially useful for children in adolescence.

  • Proper consumption of this delicacy helps improve memory, increase brain activity and concentration.
  • Using jam, you can cleanse your blood of cholesterol. It helps lower blood pressure and increase oxygen saturation in the body.
  • The presence of vitamin E allows the body to quickly and easily remove toxins, waste and free radicals.
  • If you regularly eat this product, the risk of developing cancer tumors is reduced. It also helps those who are already undergoing chemotherapy.
  • It also contains many vitamins (A, C, B, K, F) and minerals that provide support and strengthen the immune system.

Healing properties of jam

It is important to know that 100 grams of this product contains 250 calories. This is quite a lot, so you shouldn’t abuse it, especially for people who are trying to lose weight or simply have a problem with being overweight. But even despite this nuance, the beneficial properties of walnut jam can overcome all the negative ones.

  • If you eat this preserved food in the winter, it can easily replace a lot of other products the body needs. For example, some fruits and vegetables.
  • In case of hypothyroidism, jam helps to support the body and bring its functions in order.
  • This delicacy helps the liver cleanse and regenerate.
  • If you eat the right amount of product per day, you can put your sleep patterns in order.

  • Excellent in the fight against colds and viral diseases.
  • Able to calm and strengthen the nervous system.
  • The content of active components helps the body remove “bad” cholesterol and slows down the process of formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels.
  • It is recommended to regularly include it in the diet for cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension.
  • It has long been proven that nuts and jam made from them can significantly improve memory and brain activity. This is especially useful for those who regularly face strong mental stress.

  • Scientists have conducted research and proven that consuming walnut jam can play a preventative role against prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women.
  • Helps improve reproductive function of both sexes.
  • Scientists say that walnut jam can help men overcome difficulties with potency.
  • Used in folk medicine to treat diseases of blood vessels, heart, kidneys, mouth, and bladder. It also effectively fights gout and rheumatism.

Is there any harm

The main and unquestioning reason for prohibiting the use of such jam is an allergic reaction to walnuts. This allergy can be very dangerous, so it should not be provoked.

In other cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor and establish individual dosage standards.

  • If you have a problem with diabetes, then when making jam, use a substitute rather than granulated sugar.
  • If you have a problem of excess weight, then you should not abuse it, thinking that it can bring you a lot of benefits. Jam is quite high in calories, especially if cooked with sugar.
  • Even if you have excellent health, you don’t need to think that nothing will happen after abuse. Sometimes even the smallest hidden problems can get worse.

  • While pregnant, women can afford this delicacy very rarely, otherwise the risk of “pregnant diabetes” increases.
  • Also carefully check the composition of the jam you buy in the store. Often a person gets harmed only because the product was of poor quality.

Is there a side effect?

Be sure to make sure that you do not have any health problems that make taking this product impossible. Do not use when:

  • individual intolerance;
  • excess iodine in the body;
  • allergic reactions to green walnuts and jam components;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;

  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • hives;
  • tendency to form blood clots.

How much jam can you eat?

It is important to remember that although walnut jam is very healthy, it is also quite high in calories. It contains glucose, which makes it also very filling. That's why It is important to know how to use this product correctly and what is the maximum dose.

  • Nutritionists recommend eating no more than four tablespoons per day. This is the daily norm for an adult.
  • It is also worth noting that it is often used in the preparation of pies, cookies and other sweets.

  • Replace sugar with this treat. For example, your body will thank you if you do not add sugar to your tea, but simply drink it as a bite with jam.
  • Ladies who are carrying a baby and those who are in the breastfeeding period can consume no more than one spoon of this sweetness per day.

How to store it correctly

In order for walnut jam to bring you only benefit and not cause harm, you need to know how to store it correctly.

  • Canned jam must be placed in a dark place at constant room temperature.
  • If the jam is already open, then you need to cover the jar with a silicone lid so that air does not get into it.
  • Store the opened jar in the refrigerator for a maximum of two months.
  • Canned jam can be stored in a closed jar for no more than 9 months.

What housewives say


The first time, of course, there was a lot of hassle, and I was afraid that nothing would work out. But my fears were in vain, and the jam turned out great. As it turned out later, it was also mega-useful. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which is very important in the autumn-winter periods. My son also periodically suffers from iodine deficiency, and jam also helps with this. In addition, the content of iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium and many other useful elements help not to get sick at all. Now the whole family collects nuts and rolls up this delicious dish. I can’t help but recommend at least trying it. I am sure that everyone will enjoy this unusual delicacy.


I found the recipe in the notes and got scared. The process was complex and lengthy. But it was necessary to take a risk. It was just nut season, and I was lucky in that regard. I collected the required amount and did everything according to the recipe. I would like to warn you right away that you need to wear gloves when working with nuts, as your hands get very dirty and are difficult to wash. In general, the first time I had to get confused, but the next times it was much easier. This way, you can get a lot of the product on your own, rather than buying it for a lot of money in stores.


Walnut jam is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted in my life. I recently went to visit another country and was treated to this delicacy. At first I didn’t understand at all what they gave me. It looks like an olive, but it tastes something sweet and unknown. I couldn’t even think then that these were ordinary walnuts. They explained to me that it is very beneficial for the heart and thyroid gland. Of course, I took the recipe and went home happy. But, as it turned out, walnuts do not grow in our region. I never thought about it before and never bought them. Therefore, such disappointment awaited me. But I definitely recommend everyone to try it. You will no longer be able to live without this incredible taste.

Video recipe for an exclusive dish

In this video you can see how to properly prepare walnut jam. You will learn all the intricacies of cooking at home and look at the results.