From Rostokino to the northern platform. The "northerner" platform is a convenient and fast way to get to the "Golden Babylon" shopping center

It's no secret that makes the most sense The MCC is in the north. This is due to the fact that the ring itself is farthest from the center in the north, and accordingly it becomes possible to shorten your journey and not take the metro to the center to the Circle Line. However, it is not only the distance from the ring that attracts passengers to the MCC in the north. As shown by the figures for passenger flows, the most popular stations are "Gagarin Square" - because the metro transfer there is the most convenient, followed by the "northern" stations "Vladykino" and " Botanical Garden". All because these stations are located right next to the new ring and the transitions there are as comfortable as possible. This concerns Muscovites users. And now another category of MCC users are people who live in the region, but come to work and study in the Capital. Here in the north, again, transfers from electric trains are made most conveniently. From the NATI and Okruzhnaya stations you can get to the MCC stations in a few minutes. Another station that has been added to the new ring is Severyanin. Over time, the platform is promised to be moved closer. MCC station and it will be even more convenient for passengers to transfer to the Rostokino station. We will go there today, let’s see how everything is done, and also whether there is a groundwork for integrating the MCC station and the Severyanin railway station into one transport hub.
1. The fact that the Rostokino station is focused specifically on a promising transfer from Severyanin is immediately clear. The platform is shifted towards the railway. If it had been decided to build a station for Muscovites, it would have been moved towards Prospekt Mira. Perhaps they even placed the station directly on the overpass above the highway with exits on both sides of Prospekt Mira. Accordingly, for users coming from nearby residential buildings, a rather long approach, an asphalt path, was made. The station's passenger terminal is located closer to the railway line, so it's quite a long walk to get there.

2. The road here, unfortunately, is still dirty, of course, work is still underway, all MCC stations were opened in a semi-finished state “Rostokino is no exception. I would like to believe that everything will be put in order soon.

3. The canopy over the platform is very unusual, it is not a typical Russian Railways one, like at almost all stations of the ring, it is of an original design. Although the original one could have been in the 60s or 70s. Nowadays this architecture makes me smile.

4. Overcoming the mud, we get to the pavilion.

5. The pavilion is original. Bright, red. Not bad.

6. Everything is assembled to a fairly high quality, but the complaint, as always, is about the panels that go to the very bottom. But then I see someone came up with the idea “how can we protect the lower part of the panels from damage” and installed wheel guards. A strange decision, to be honest. Why not make a normal, human base - simple and durable. Well, again, everything will be visible after several years of operation.

7. The ticket offices here are outside - not a very convenient solution, although this is the case at many Russian Railways stations; commuter train users won’t be surprised by this. By the way, the road to "Severyanin" leads from here to the left. And in the background you can see a fence blocking off the railway tracks.

8. Overall it looks good. Especially this visor.

9. Everything inside is simple, no frills. Although the ceiling is decorated with red panels, it is a color accent.

10. On the other side there is another exit, on the other side of the railway tracks. On the right are the doors to the lobby.

11. Everything inside is quite compact. Left entrance doors, ticket machines are visible in the background, and there are turnstiles across the lobby. An interesting artifact lies against the far wall. These are signs with the name of the Yaroslavskaya station. This is what the station was called when the ring was still the Moscow Ring Railway.

12. There is a staircase and two lines of escalators leading to the platform. There is no elevator for the disabled; there is a lift along the staircase. I don’t understand what prevented us from installing an elevator here.

13. We go up to the pavilion on the platform. For some reason the ceilings are very low here. Strange decision. You can reach the ceiling cladding with your hand without any problems.

14. The pavilion on the platform looks like this.

15. From the platform you can see another exit from the underground vestibule.

16. The design of the canopy and benches at the station evokes thoughts of the good old scoop. I don’t know who came up with this, but we are in the 21st century, it looks ridiculous.

17. Concrete pedestals painted red - Malevich would have been pleased.

18. Another view of the platform. I liked the lines of the lamps on the cover. And all around, look, there are industrial zones. At night it must be bleak here.

19. Here comes the train, it’s time to move on.

Botanical Garden<- Ростокино ->

How is the construction of interchanges on the MCC progressing July 7th, 2017

It has been almost 10 months since passenger service on the Moscow Central Circle was launched. During this time, the ring has transported more than 65 million passengers, and the monthly passenger flow exceeds 360 thousand passengers per day. Meanwhile, the launch of passenger service as such is only the first stage in the development of the project. It is followed by two more: integration of the MCC with the radial directions of the Moscow Railway (stage 2) and development of adjacent territories (stage 3). It is precisely the second stage that we will talk about today. Let's see how the construction of interchange hubs is being carried out at the intersections of the MCC with other railway directions.

Let's start with the Paveletsky direction
Here, in order to integrate with the MCC and organize a transfer to the Verkhnie Kotly station (I still want to complain about the complete topological illiteracy of the person who came up with such a name), a new stopping point is being built.

The project provides for the construction of two island passenger platforms, which will allow trains traveling along all main tracks to stop. It will be possible to schedule a stop here for Aeroexpress trains heading to Domodedovo Airport and for suburban express trains.

The facility is very large-scale; some of the platforms will be placed on overpasses, which requires their complete reconstruction. The axes of the main paths will also shift. The construction of retaining walls is currently being completed.

Next direction - Riga
Initially, the project for integrating the Riga direction with the MCC provided for the relocation of the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo platform to organize an interchange hub. But later, under pressure from the Moskomarkhitektura, another decision was made: to leave the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo in place, and to transfer the Leningradskaya platform to the MCC.

It's too late to say now, but this decision is a worsening condition for tens of thousands of passengers who use this platform every day (our opinion only). The existing location of the platform allows it to be used for transferring to the Voikovskaya metro station (albeit, this is not the most convenient transfer, but still), plus, in addition, stops for ground urban passenger transport are located nearby. Moving the platform will lengthen the route from the platform to the metro by 140 meters (from 400m to 530m). In addition, if previously the transfer route was obvious and passed along the sidewalks of the main Leningradsky Prospekt, then after the platform is moved, the route to the metro will pass through the 2nd Voikovsky Passage, which is more of a courtyard passage than part of the transfer hub.

However, construction is already underway in full swing. It is planned to build two side platforms with two vestibules. The western vestibule of the platform will be directly adjacent to both the northern end of the MCC Streshnevo station, thereby forming an interchange connection. The eastern vestibule of the platform will provide access in the direction of the metro and Leningradskoye Shosse.

The next direction for our inspection is Savelovskoe
Even though existing platform"Okruzhnaya" is already quite conveniently located for transferring to the MCC, a decision was made to build new platforms, also on overpasses. This decision was dictated by the need to bring the railway tracks onto the overpass, because Below it is planned to pass the North-Western and North-East Expressways.

After completion of construction, all transplants will be carried out entirely in a warm circuit.

Yaroslavl direction
Here, as part of integration with the MCC, work is underway to move the Severyanin stop closer to the Rostokino station. It must be said that the platform transfer project repeatedly moved from one title of work to another, as a result of which it did not fit well with neighboring projects. Although work on the construction of the platform began in the fall, in the spring part of the constructed platform had to be dismantled, because its location turned out to be within the clearance of one of the main tracks, the relocation of which is planned in connection with the laying of the V main track.

Another difficulty of this transport hub is the passage of the North-Eastern Expressway and the interchange with the Yaroslavl Highway near it. Thus, in one of the latest routing proposals, the road designers threw out the groundwork for the western vestibule of the Rostokino station (designed with access to Prospekt Mira). Of course, this is an unacceptable solution: the western vestibule is absolutely necessary to organize convenient interchange connections with transport running along Prospekt Mira, especially in light of the fact that the new location of the Severyanin platform will somewhat distance it from the existing interchange connections with ground transport stops.

Gorky direction
The construction of the Karacharovo transport hub continues here, which in the future should become one of the largest in Moscow. It is planned to include: the Nizhegorodskaya MCC station, two metro stations and the Karacharovo platform of the Gorky direction, which will be moved closer to the Moscow Ring Railway. In the future, in the Gorky direction it is planned to organize the so-called. “zone station”, when part of the train routes will not go to the center to the station, but will end here. This is, at a minimum, a very controversial decision that goes against the global trends in the development of intracity rail transport, when commuter trains, on the contrary, are made as transit as possible in order to create, in fact, a second circuit of off-street transport.

And finally, transfer to the Kursk direction. Near the Novokhokhlovskaya MCC station, work has already begun on the construction of a new stopping point in the radial direction. It is planned that the new platform will have an island platform connected in a warm circuit to the lobby of the MCC station.

Of course, integration with radial railway lines is only part of the 2nd stage of the MCC development. In addition, a decision has now been made to build additional vestibules at the following stations: “Lokomotiv”, “ZIL” and “Botanical Garden”. The issue of building second vestibules at the Vladykino and Baltiyskaya stops is being considered. Practice shows that it is the lobbies that are the bottleneck that limits throughput Moscow Central Circle: most lobbies use escalators of reduced width (80 cm versus the standard 100 cm in the metro), this does not allow two passengers to fully stand on a step, and also use the left side for passage, which significantly reduces throughput.

Have you already tried the MCC in a year? Will new transplants make the ring more comfortable for you?

Due to the need to build in a ramp camera for a new service connecting branch in the electric depot TCh-7 "Zamoskvoretskoye", the Kakhovskaya line "Varshavskaya" - "Kakhovskaya" section was closed at the beginning of morning traffic. The Kakhovskaya station has been temporarily withdrawn from passenger service. Total quantity operating stations of the Moscow metro have decreased to 222. The Kakhovskaya line continues to operate on the only stretch “Kashirskaya” - “Varshavskaya” with normal turnover behind both stations (train turnover beyond the Varshavskaya station is carried out on the park tracks of the Zamoskvoretskoye electric depot). The line operates 6-car trains consisting of 81-717/714 and 81-720/721 Yauza cars. At the station "Kakhovskaya" the western lobby is closed, and the eastern lobby continues to work for the passage of passengers to the station. "Sevastopolskaya" Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line.

  • 25.01.2019
    Moscow - At the station "Savelovskaya" Bolshoi ring line a second lobby opened, located next to the existing lobby of the station. “Savelovskaya” of the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line, with access to the existing underground passage near the Savelovsky station. The new lobby is connected to the station by an inclined passage, approach corridors and staircases in the middle of the central hall.
  • 30.12.2018
    Moscow - At 13:35 the first train with passengers arrived at the station. “Savelovskaya” of the Big Circle Line: the section of the BKL “Petrovsky Park” - “Savelovskaya” was put into operation. The 224th station of the Moscow metro has opened. The total number of operating stations of the Moscow metro is 223. There are two routes on the section: the Big Circle Line from the station. "Savelovskaya-ring" to the station. "Business Center" and Solntsevskaya line from the station. "Savelovskaya-ring" to the station. "Storytelling". At the same time, a transfer to the station opened. "Savelovskaya" Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line. Of the two large inclined passages built, one works with access to the lobby under Butyrskaya Street.
  • 20.12.2018
    Moscow - At 11 a.m., the 223rd station of the Moscow metro, Belomorskaya, opened on the existing section of the Zamoskvoretskaya line “Rechnoy Vokzal” - “Khovrino”.

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    Did you know that...

    The Lenin Library station of the Moscow Metro, the only single-vaulted station of the first stage, was built in a closed manner, without opening the day surface. Despite this, Mokhovaya Street still had to be closed: the pavement was damaged during mining operations, and in addition, it was not possible to waterproof it without opening it. Thus, after the construction of the station hall structures, the pavement above the station was removed, and a waterproofed concrete slab was laid on top over the entire area of ​​the station.


    September 10, 2016, as part of commissioning
    Moscow Central Circle,
    Art. opened MCC "Rostokino"!

    Situational plan of the platform. "Yaroslavskaya" with transport hub
    according to the original project.

    Rostokino station of the Moscow Central Circle (original design name, as well as working title during construction - "Yaroslavskaya", current name assigned in July 2016 and approved by order of JSC Russian Railways No. 74 dated September 9, 2016) - a stopping point (platform) of the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway, following the island. “Botanical Garden” village, located in the north-east of Moscow, on the border of the Rostokino and Yaroslavsky districts of the North-Eastern Administrative District, on the stretch between the Rostokino and Belokamennaya railway stations, west of the overpass over the Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow railway.

    The stopping point consists of one island landing platform with an underground vestibule located under the tracks at the eastern end of the station and having access to the intra-block passage. The lobby is connected to the platform by stairs and escalators. The construction of the second (western) entrance hall included in the project has been postponed for the future.

    A transfer to the Severyanin railway platform of the Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow Railway is declared. The total length of the pedestrian approach between the MCC station lobby and the turnstile pavilion of the platform is about 640 m, which does not exceed the standard length of the pedestrian approach of 700 m. As part of the development of transport hubs, it is planned to build new platforms on. Severyanin settlement with their shift against the picket line (to the south), with the simultaneous organization of direct communication through the underground passage between the railway platforms and the lobby of the MCC station.

    Construction work on the platform began later than other sections of the Okruzhnaya railway. Only by the summer of 2015 did the reconstruction of the overpass over the Yaroslavl passage begin. Before this, the warehouse of the Moscow Oil and Oil Plant was demolished at the construction site of the future transfer hub. In June-July 2015, the spans of the old one were removed, and in September the installation of the spans of the new overpass began in the winter of 2015–16. A passenger platform was built from monolithic reinforced concrete. In the summer of 2016, work was carried out in the lobby, including the installation of escalators, the finishing of the platform was completely completed, including navigation using the project name “Yaroslavskaya”, which had to be replaced with a new one. At the beginning of September, landscaping of the adjacent territory was carried out with the creation of two pedestrian paths: to the railway platform. Northerner and etc. Mira. The improvement work was not completed before the opening of the MCC and continued after the station was launched.

    Latest update in September 2016

    Moscow Central Circle (MKR) station diagram, interactive MCC station diagram on the map, detailed information, train schedule.

    Interactive map of the Moscow Circle Railway (MCC map) and metro transfer stations, MCC train schedule

    MCC fare

    Tariffs for travel on the Moscow Central Circle (MCC).
    Ticket to one and two trips to the MCC: the same as on the metro - 55 and 110 rubles, respectively.
    Directions for card users “Troika” on the MCC – 38 rubles.
    Single ticket for 20 trips – 747 rubles, 40 trips - 1494 rubles, 60 trips - 1900 rubles, Valid for 90 days, including the day of sale.


      Transfers from the metro to the Moscow Central Circle and back are carried out without charging an additional fee.
      The exception is transfers between stations Dubrovka MCC and Kozhukhovskaya metro station, as well as between stations Verkhnie Kotly MCC and Nagatinskaya metro station.

    MCC operating schedule and train intervals

    Trains operate on the MCC daily from 05:45 to 01:00 Moscow time.

    • Weekdays: during rush hour 5 min. – (from 7:30 to 11:30 Moscow time and with 16:00 to 21:00 Moscow time)
    • Weekends: during rush hour 6 min. – (from 13:00 to 18:00 Moscow time) and 10 minutes during off-peak times.

    In accordance with the new schedule of the MCC, Lastochka makes 354 flights on weekdays, and 300 on weekends. For the convenience of passengers, at 12 stop points with the highest passenger traffic, the stop time of the train has been increased from 30 seconds to 1 minute.

    These are the platforms “Andronovka”, “Lokomotiv”, “Rostokino”, “Botanical Garden”, “Vladykino”, “Okruzhnaya”, “Panfilovskaya”, “Business Center”, “Kutuzovskaya”, “Gagarin Square”, “Zil”, “ Avtozavodskaya". Thus, travel time on the MCC will increase from 84 to 90 minutes.

    MCC train schedule

    Detailed description of stations of the Moscow Central Circle.


    Train schedule at TPU Khoroshevo station

    – located in the Northern and Northwestern administrative districts of Moscow, within the boundaries of the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki and Khoroshevsky districts.

    The main planning and transport connections of the territory are the MCC, Marshal Zhukov Avenue, 3rd Khoroshevskaya Street and Khoroshevskoe Highway.

    The Khoroshevo transport hub is planned to provide a transfer to ground urban passenger public transport. It is planned to construct new stopping points with drive-in pockets for public transport on 3rd Khoroshevskaya Street and Marshal Zhukov Avenue.

    To the east of this site Polezhaevskaya metro station is within walking distance Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line.

    The transport hub includes the construction of northern and southern passenger terminals, an overground pedestrian crossing with service facilities and a stopping point, consisting of a coastal and island platform, while the platforms are partially located directly on the overpass over the Khoroshevskoe highway and structurally form a single whole with it


    Train schedule TPU Sorge

    TPU "Sorge"– located in the Northern and Northwestern administrative districts of Moscow, within the boundaries of the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, Shchukino, Sokol and Khoroshevsky districts.

    The main planning and transport connections of the territory are the MCC, Sorge, Berzarina, Marshala Biryuzova, 3rd Khoroshevskaya and Kuusinen streets. There is a station not far from the planned territory "October Field" Moscow metro.

    The Sorge transport hub will provide a transfer to ground urban passenger transport. For this purpose, it is planned to construct a settling-turning area, construct new stopping points, with drive-in pockets for public transport on Sorge and Marshal Biryuzov streets.


    • Buses No. 48, 64, 39, 39k
    • Trolleybuses No. 43, 86, 65

    Train schedule TPU Panfilovskaya

    TPU "Panfilovskaya" located in the Northern and Northwestern administrative districts of Moscow, within the boundaries of the Sokol and Shchukino districts.

    It is planned to organize a convenient transfer from the Moscow Ring Railway to buses and trolleybuses stopping on nearby streets - Panfilova, Alabyan and People's Militia. It is planned to install new stopping points with drive-in pockets for public transport along Panfilov Street. Three elevated pedestrian crossings, passenger platforms on the MCC, exits to the platforms, premises for ticket offices and turnstiles are also being built.
    The Panfilovskaya transport hub is located within walking distance from the Oktyabrskoye Pole station. Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line of the Moscow metro.


    • Buses No. 100, 105, 26, 691, 88, 800
    • Trolleybuses No. 19, 59, 61

    Train schedule TPU Streshnevo

    – located in the Northern and Northwestern administrative districts of Moscow, within the boundaries of the Sokol, Voikovsky, Shchukino and Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo districts.

    The main planning and transport connections are the Moscow Circle Railway, the Riga direction of the Moscow Railway, 1st Voykovsky, Svetly and 1st Krasnogorsky passages, Konstantin Tsarev Street and Volokolamskoye Highway.

    In 2017 a transfer to the Riga direction will be organized from the Streshnevo transport hub Moscow Railway, for which a new stopping point Streshnevo will be built. By the time passenger rail traffic on the MCC is launched, a transfer will be organized from the Volokolamskaya stopping point to ground urban passenger transport, settling and turning areas will be arranged, and new stopping points will be organized with the construction of drive-in pockets along the 1st Krasnogorsky Passage and Volokolamsk Highway.


    • Buses No. 88
    • Trolleybuses No. 12, 70, 82
    • Trams No. 23, 30, 31, 15, 28, 6
    • Suburban railway transport Pl. Streshnevo (Riga direction of the Moscow Railway, promising, 2017)

    Train schedule TPU Baltiyskaya

    – located in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow within the boundaries of the Voikovsky district. The main planning and transport connections are Leningradskoye Highway, Admiral Makarov, Klara Zetkin streets, Novopetrovsky Proezd, 4th Novopodmoskovny Lane and Zoya and Alexander Kosmodemyansky Street.

    The Baltiyskaya transport hub is located near the Voykovskaya station of the Zamoskvoretskaya line Moscow metro, and provides transfer to the metro. There will also be a transfer to city passenger transport (bus, trolleybuses and minibuses). It is planned to build settling and turning areas and install new stopping points for ground urban passenger transport along Admiral Makarov Street and Novopetrovsky Proezd. In the future, an overground will be built pedestrian crossing from Admiral Makarov Street to Novopetrovsky Proezd over by rail.

    From the pedestrian crossing there will be exits on both sides of the Baltiyskaya stopping point. The elevated pedestrian crossing will be connected to the Metropolis shopping center, from where it will be possible to access the metro. At the same time, a transition from the MCC to the metro and along the road network will be organized.


    Car parking: Number of parking spaces: 1000, year of construction: 2025

    Train schedule TPU Koptevo

    – located in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow within the boundaries of the Golovinsky and Koptevo districts. The main planning and transport connections are Koptevskaya, Mikhalkovskaya, Onezhskaya streets and Cherepanov passage. At the intersection of the listed planning connections in the Mikhalkovskaya interchange area there is a tram ring of routes running from the Voikovskaya and Timiryazevskaya stations.

    The transport hub project provides for the construction of a turnstile and ticket office pavilion, an elevated pedestrian crossing, providing access to the tram ring and public transport boarding areas on the street. Mikhalkovskaya.


    • Buses No. 123, 621, 90, 22, 72, 801, 87
    • Trams No. 23, 30

    Train schedule TPU Likhobory

    – located in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow within the boundaries of the Koptevo, Golovinsky, Western Degunino and Timiryazevsky districts.

    The main planning and transport connections are the MCC, Oktyabrskaya railway a, Cherepanov passage, October Railway Line street and Likhoborskaya embankment.

    By the time passenger rail traffic on the MCC is launched, a transfer will be organized from the MCC station "Likhobory" to the NATI platform, as well as to ground urban passenger transport: the construction of a settling and turning area, the construction of new stopping points along Cherepanov Passage.

    • Buses No. 114, 123, 179, 204, 87
    • Trolleybuses No. 57
    • Suburban railway transport Pl. NATI (Leningrad direction of Railways)
    • Car parking: Number of parking spaces: 200, Year of construction: 2017

    Train schedule TPU Okruzhnaya

    – located in the North-Eastern and Northern administrative districts of Moscow, within the boundaries of the Marfino, Otradnoe, Timiryazevsky and Beskudnikovsky districts. The main planning and transport connections are the MCC, the Savelovskoe direction of the Moscow Railway, Lokomotivny and 3rd Nizhnelikhoborsky passages and Station Street.

    TPU "Okruzhnaya" will provide transfer to the eponymous stopping point of the Savelovsky direction of the Moscow Railway and on promising station "Okruzhnaya" Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line of the Moscow metro (opening in 2017). It will also be possible to transfer to ground urban passenger transport.

    Train schedule TPU Vladykino

    – located in the North-Eastern administrative region, districts: “Otradnoye” and “Marfino”. The Vladykino transport hub will provide a transfer to the Vladykino station Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line of the Moscow metro, as well as on ground urban passenger transport. An elevated pedestrian crossing will lead from the MCC platforms, which will go to the southern and northern lobbies of the Vladykino metro station.

    The TPU project provides for the construction of an MCC station with the installation of ticket offices and turnstiles, an elevated pedestrian crossing over the railway, which will connect the southern and northern metro lobbies. It is also planned to build a settling and turning area for ground urban passenger transport.

    Train schedule TPU Botanical Garden

    TPU "Botanical Garden"– located in the North-Eastern administrative district of Moscow in the Sviblovo, Ostankino and Rostokino districts. The main planning and transport connections are the passage and Serebryakova street, st. Wilhelm Pieck, 1st Leonov Street.

    The Botanical Garden transport hub is located in close proximity to the Botanical Garden station. Moscow metro and will be connected to it by an underground pedestrian crossing. An underground pedestrian crossing will run under the railway and connect Serebryakova Passage and 1st Leonov Street.

    Train schedule TPU Rostokino

    TPU "Rostokino"– located in the North-Eastern administrative district of Moscow. The territory borders the Yaroslavsky, Rostokino and Sviblovo districts.

    The main planning and transport connections are Mira Avenue, Yaroslavskoe Highway, Severyaninsky Overpass.
    The Rostokino transport hub will provide a transfer to the Severyanin stop point. Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow Railway, as well as for ground urban passenger transport: reconstruction of existing and construction of new stopping points, construction of a settling and turning area along Mira Avenue towards Letchika Babushkina Street.

    • Buses No. 136, 172, 244, 316, 317, 388, 392, 425, 451, 499, 551, 576, 789, 834, 93
    • Trolleybuses No. 14, 76
    • Trams No. 17
    • Suburban railway transport Pl. Severyanin (Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow Railway)

    Train schedule TPU Belokamennaya

    TPU "Belokamennaya"– located: Eastern administrative district of Moscow, within the boundaries National Park"Elk Island" The entire territory is located within the boundaries of the Bogorodskoye and Metrogorodok districts.

    The main planning and transport connections are the MCC, Yauzskaya Alley, Losinoostrovskaya Street and Abramtsevskaya Clearing.

    The nearest metro station is the Rokossovsky Boulevard station Sokolnicheskaya metro line, which is located at the intersection of Ivanteevskaya Street and Otkrytoye Shosse. Transport services for the population and working areas of Bogorodskoye and Metrogorodok of the Eastern Administrative District are currently provided by ground public transport with delivery to the Rokossovsky Boulevard station.

    The Belokamennaya transport hub will provide a transfer to ground urban passenger transport. For this purpose, it is planned to construct a turning area for public transport on Yauzskaya Alley street.

    Train schedule TPU Rokossovsky Boulevard

    – located in the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow within the boundaries of the Bogorodskoye and Metrogorodok districts. The main planning and transport connections are the MCC, Otkrytoye Shosse and Ivanteevskaya Street.

    The transport hub "Rokossovskogo Boulevard" is located near the existing "Rokossovskogo Boulevard" station Sokolnicheskaya line of the Moscow metro, and provides for a transfer to the latter. A transfer to ground urban passenger transport will also be provided.

    For this purpose, it is planned to build a settling-turning area and construct boarding fronts for urban passenger transport along Otkrytoye Highway, 6th Podbelsky Passage and Ivanteevskaya Street.

    Train schedule TPU Lokomotiv

    – located in the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, within the boundaries of the Preobrazhenskoye, Golyanovo and Izmailovo districts.

    The Lokomotiv transport hub is located near the existing Cherkizovskaya station Sokolnicheskaya line of the Moscow metro, and provides for transplantation to the last one. There will also be a transfer to city passenger transport (bus, trolleybus and minibus). Pedestrian connections are provided with the southern vestibule of the Cherkizovo metro station.

    The transplant is carried out according to the “dry legs” principle. The construction of a turning circle for ground transport and the construction of new boarding fronts for ground urban passenger transport along Okruzhny Proezd near the pavilions of the Cherkizovskaya metro station are underway.


    Train schedule TPU Izmailovo

    – located in the Eastern Administrative District within the boundaries of the Izmailovo, Sokolinaya Gora and Preobrazhenskoye districts.

    The transport hub will unite Izmailovskoe highway, Okruzhnoy proezd(one of the sections of the North-East Expressway), station "Partizanskaya" Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line of the Moscow metro and Projected passage No. 890.

    The Izmailovo platform on the MCC and the Partizanskaya metro station will be connected by an overhead pedestrian crossing, which will stretch from Okruzhny passage over the roadway of the North-Eastern Expressway and connect the Izmailovo MCC station and the Partizanskaya metro station of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line. The two passage lobbies will contain ticket offices, sanitary rooms and elevators. An MCC terminal with turnstiles and escalators for passengers to exit to the platforms will be built at the transport hub.

    Train schedule TPU Sokolinaya Gora

    – located in the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. The planned territory is located within the boundaries of several districts: Sokolinaya Gora and Izmailovo. The metro stations closest to the transport hub are Partizanskaya and Shosse Entuziastov.

    On the eastern side of the transport hub there is a specially protected area of ​​the Izmailovo natural and historical park. On three sides, the territory is framed by existing streets and passages (Okruzhny Passage, 8th Sokolinaya Gora Street, Electrodny Passage and the overpass between them, located along the southern border).

    • Buses: No. 86
    • Car parking: Number of parking spaces: 365 Year of construction: 2016

    Train schedule TPU Shosse Entuziastov

    – located in the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, in the Sokolinaya Gora district, a small area is located within the boundaries of the Perovo district.

    The main planning and transport connections are the MCC, the North-Eastern Expressway under construction, Entuziastov Highway, st. Utkina. In the southern part of the projected area, on both sides of Entuziastov Highway, there are exits from the Entuziastov Highway metro station. Passengers will exit the MCC platform into an underground pedestrian crossing that connects Utkina Street and Entuziastov Highway.

    Train schedule TPU Andronovka

    – located in the South-Eastern Administrative District in the Lefortovo and Nizhegorodsky districts and the Eastern Administrative District in the Perovo district.

    The main planning and transport connections are Freser highway, Andronovskoye highway, st. 2nd Frezernaya, 1st Frezernaya st., ave. Fraser, st. 5th Cable, st. Pond-Klyuchiki.
    The Andronovka transport hub will provide a transfer to the Freser railway platform Ryazan direction railway and ground urban passenger transport with transportation to the Aviamotornaya station of the Kalininskaya metro line.

    • Suburban railway transport Pl. Frezer (Kazan direction of Moscow Railways)
    • Car parking: number of parking spaces: 60 Year of construction: 2016

    Train schedule TPU Nizhegorodskaya

    – located in the South-Eastern district of Moscow. Its main part is located within the boundaries of the Lefortovo and Nizhny Novgorod districts. The main planning and transport connections are Ryazansky Prospekt, Frazer Highway and Kabelnaya Street.

    TPU "Nizhegorodskaya" will provide a transfer to the stop point "Karacharovo" Gorky direction of the railway, as well as to ground urban passenger transport. In 2018 This transport hub will include the Nizhegorodskaya Street station Kozhukhovskaya line of the Moscow metro.


    Train schedule TPU Novokhokhlovskaya

    – located in the South-Eastern Administrative District in the Tekstilshchiki and Nizhegorodsky districts.

    Currently, the main planning and transport connections are: Third Transport Ring, st. Novokhokhlovskaya, st. Nizhnyaya Khokhlovka.

    The Novokhokhlovskaya transport hub, after the launch of traffic along the MCC, will provide a transfer to ground urban passenger transport. In 2017 from this transport hub there will be a transfer to the Kursk direction of the Moscow Railway, for which a new platform will be built.


    • Buses No. 106, new routes
    • Suburban railway transport Pl. Novokhokhlovskaya (Kursk direction of the Moscow Railway, promising, 2017)

    Train schedule TPU Ugreshskaya

    – located in the South-Eastern administrative district of Moscow. Its main part is located within the boundaries of several districts: Yuzhno-Portovy and Pechatniki. The main connection with the city, providing transport services to the territory under consideration, is Yuzhnoportovaya Street with access to the Third Ring Road.

    Along Yuzhnoportovaya Street organized bus routes transporting passengers (district, interdistrict) and transportation of the population to the Kozhukhovskaya metro station and in opposite direction along Sharikopodshipnikovskaya street to the Dubrovka metro station. Within the project boundary is the final turning circle of the tram line running along Ugreshskaya Street and then through the third transport ring along Sharikopodshipnikovskaya Street to the Dubrovka metro station.

    At the Ugreshskaya transport hub, 2 passenger terminals will be built for 1.5 thousand each square meters each and an overhead pedestrian crossing with an area of ​​10.9 thousand square meters. m. It is also planned to build a technological link from the northern passenger terminal of the Ugreshskaya transport hub to Volgogradsky Prospekt.

    • Buses No. 154, 33, 603, 71, 195, 134, 185, 61, 628, 789
    • Trolleybus No. 38
    • Tram No. 20,40,43

    Train schedule TPU Dubrovka

    – located in the South-Eastern administrative district of Moscow and is located within the boundaries of the Yuzhno-Portovy and Pechatniki districts.

    The Dubrovka transport hub will provide a transfer to the Dubrovka station Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line of the Moscow metro, as well as on ground urban passenger transport. The final turning circle of the tram line running along Ugreshskaya Street is located within the project boundary.


    Train schedule TPU Avtozavodskaya

    – located in the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, in the Danilovsky district. The main planning and transport connections are Avtozavodskaya Street, Third Transport Ring, 1st and 2nd Avtozavodskaya passages, 1st and 2nd Kozhukhovsky, st. Lobanova, st. Trofimova.

    Transport hub "Avtozavodskaya" will provide a transfer to the station "Avtozavodskaya" Zamoskvoretskaya line of the Moscow metro, as well as on ground urban passenger transport.

    Train schedule TPU ZIL

    – located in the northern part of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow in the Danilovsky district.
    On the territory of the ZIL transport hub there will be two terminals with ticket offices and turnstiles - southern and northern on the outer and inner sides of the MCC. In addition, it is planned to construct an administrative and business building with retail facilities, parking facilities, and above-ground and underground parking. For public transport, a settling and turning area will be organized on the western side of the MCC and a road network will be developed.

    The transport hub project provides for the construction of a northern technological connection with the installation of ticket offices and turnstiles, providing access from the northeastern terminal towards the Ice Palace territory (inner side from the MCC) and to the boarding fronts for ground urban passenger transport (outside the MCC); southern technological connection with the installation of ticket offices and turnstiles, providing access from the southwestern terminal to the public and business zone complex (inner side from the MCC) and to the industrial territory of AMO "ZIL" (outside from the MCC); dual-use flat parking with a total capacity of 120 cars for the needs of the ZIL transport hub and visitors to retail and office facilities; placement of settling and turning areas for urban passenger transport on both sides of the railway

    • Buses: new routes (clarification)

    Train schedule TPU Verkhniye Kotly

    – located in the Southern Administrative District in the Donskoy, Nagatino-Sadovniki and Nagorny districts.

    On Moskovsky central ring located between the Tulskaya and Nagatinskaya stations Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya metro line and the stopping point “Nizhnie Kotly” of the Paveletsky direction of the railway.

    After the launch of traffic along the MCC, the Verkhnie Kotly transport hub will provide a transfer to ground urban passenger transport. In 2017 From this transport hub there will be a transfer to the Paveletskaya direction of the Moscow Railway, for which a new platform will be built.

    From the north, the territory of the transport hub is adjacent to a residential microdistrict and enterprises of the industrial zone " Warsaw highway" From the south - coastal zone the Kotlovka River and the enterprises of the Varshavskoe Highway industrial zone.


    • Buses No. 25, 44, 142, 147, 275, 700
    • Trolleybus No. 1, 1k, 40, 71, 8
    • Tram No. 16, 3, 35, 47
    • Suburban railway transport Paveletskaya direction of the Moscow Railway (promising, 2017)

    Train schedule TPU Krymskaya

    TPU "Krymskaya"– located in two administrative districts, Southern and Southwestern, in the Donskoy, Nagorny and Kotlovka districts.

    The main transport connections are: Sevastopolsky Avenue, Zagorodnoe Highway, 4th and 5th Zagorodnye Proezds, Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya Street. The basis of the formed interchange hub is the designed railway station “Sevastopolskaya” (second stage of construction) and ground urban passenger transport serving this territory along Sevastopolsky Avenue. An overground pedestrian crossing with exits to the railway platform will be built between 4th Zagorodny Proezd and Sevastopolsky Prospekt. Also, as part of the preparation for the launch of traffic around the ring, a reconstruction of the surface urban transport stop along the 4th Zagorodny Proezd will be carried out with the construction of a drive-in pocket.

    From the north, residential areas of the Donskoy district adjoin the territory of the transport hub. To the south are the residential areas of the Kotlovka district, and to the west of Sevastopolsky Prospekt are the enterprises of the Varshavskoye Shosse industrial zone.

    • Buses No. 121, 41, 826
    • Trams No. 26, 38

    Train schedule TPU Gagarin Square

    TPU "Gagarin Square"– located in the Western administrative district of Moscow within the boundaries of the Academichesky district. The main planning and transport connections of this territory are the Third Transport Ring, Leninsky Prospekt, 60-Letiya Oktyabrya Avenue and Vavilova Street.

    The Gagarin Square transport hub will provide a transfer to the Leninsky Prospekt station Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line of the Moscow metro, as well as on ground urban passenger transport. “Gagarin Square” is the only station on the MCC located underground. The transition to the Leninsky Prospekt metro station will be via an underground pedestrian crossing.


    Train schedule TPU Luzhniki

    – located along the street. Khamovnichesky Val, in the Khamovniki district of the Central Administrative District. The stopping point consists of two shore-type landing platforms and a ground-based vestibule with access to the street. Khamovnichesky Val.

    Transport hub "Luzhniki" will provide a transfer to the station "Sportivnaya" Sokolnicheskaya line of the Moscow metro, as well as on ground urban passenger transport. The Luzhniki transport hub will become the main transport hub of the main arena of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.


    Train schedule TPU Kutuzovskaya

    – located in the Western Administrative District of Moscow within the boundaries of the Dorogomilovo district. The main highways providing transport services to the territory are the Third Transport Ring and Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

    The Kutuzovskaya transport hub will provide a transfer to the Kutuzovskaya station Filevskaya line of the Moscow metro, as well as on ground urban passenger transport.


    Train schedule TPU Business Center

    – located in the southwestern part of the Central Administrative District of Moscow in the Presnensky district. Presnensky district borders on the following districts: Khoroshevsky, Khoroshevo, Mnevnikovsky, Filevsky park, Tverskoy, Dorogomilovo, Begovoy district and Arbat.

    It will be one of the largest on the MCC. He will connect the Mezhdunarodnaya metro station and the Delovoy Tsentr stop point in a warm circuit on the MCC. Walking communication will be provided to the Testovskaya platform in the Smolensk direction.

    It is planned to build a parking lot, an underground passage from the Business Center transport hub to Moscow City, and an above-ground pedestrian gallery from the Business Center transport hub directly to the Moscow City building (above Testovskaya Street). The elevated pedestrian crossing will be built in the second stage.

    The transport hub includes the construction of an office center and parking areas (second stage). Total area building area is 151 thousand sq. m.
    A terminal with ticket offices and turnstiles is being built under the overpass of the Third Transport Ring, which will be connected to the northern pavilion of the International metro station. Thus, From the Delovoy Tsentr MCC station you can immediately go down to the metro lobby, and also go out onto Testovskaya Street to stops of ground urban transport, or through an underground pedestrian crossing to Moscow City. There will also be an exit to the opposite side of the transport hub to the Botanical Garden.


    Train schedule TPU Shelepikha

    TPU "Shelepikha"– located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow within the boundaries of the Presnensky district. The main planning and transport connections are the MCC, the Smolensk direction of the Moscow Railway, Shmitovsky proezd, Shelepikhinsky dead end and Ermakova Roshcha street.

    TPU "Shelepikha" will provide transfers, both to the Testovskaya stopping point of the Smolensk direction of the Moscow Railway, and to Shelepikha station The third interchange circuit of the Moscow Metro, which will have two underground lobbies with exits to Shelepikhinskoye Highway and Shmitovsky Proezd.

    A detailed description of transport hubs is available on the official website of the Moscow Central Circle (MCR).
    Official website: MCC
    Unified transport portal of Moscow: Moscow transport

    General information MCC

    Moscow Ring Railway (MCR) one of the largest infrastructure projects of the Moscow government, implemented in as soon as possible, allowing to significantly reduce the load on the Moscow metro and the city’s transport system as a whole

    The MCC is essentially the second ring metro line with a unified tariff ticket system of the Moscow Metro. 31 stations (TPU) were built on the MCC. From any transport hub it is possible to transfer to ground urban passenger transport.

    At 17 out of 31 stations it is possible to change to 11 metro lines. Also, at 10 transport hubs you can transfer to commuter trains.

    The rolling stock on the MCC is represented by high-speed electric trains "Lastochka" manufactured by Siemens AG. Trains consist of 5 cars.
    Operation of the electric train is possible at temperatures environment from −40°C to +40°C. The cars are equipped with double-leaf sliding doors, two on each side of the car.

    The electronics of the cars contain built-in lighting, loudspeakers, and digital information displays. For recharging mobile devices in storage shelves hand luggage Built-in electrical sockets designed for 220v AC voltage.

    The head carriages of the train have bathrooms with dry toilets.(one per carriage), the bathrooms are equipped with special equipment for people with limited mobility.
    There are 28 Lastochka high-speed electric trains running on the MCC. The train moves almost silently and can accelerate to 120 kilometers per hour. During peak hours, trains run every six minutes, at other times - at intervals of 11–15 minutes. The total duration of the trip around the ring is about 75-85 minutes.


    "Smart" escalators with motion sensors

    Energy-saving escalators have been installed on the Moscow Central Circle (MCC). Smart escalators start moving only when passengers approach them. Accordingly, if there are no passengers on the escalator, it automatically slows down and stops.

    Opening doors “On demand”

    Doors on trains open at the request of passengers. The doors open only when the train is completely stopped on the platform, and only when the doors are ready to open, and a special green signal lights up.

    There are special stickers on the outer and inner sides of the doors informing that before entering or exiting, you must press the corresponding button to open the doors.

    Thermal curtain / Climate control system

    IN cold weather electric trains on the Moscow Central Circle will include a thermal curtain on the doors. The thermal curtain turns on automatically at stops, when the doors are opened.

    “Warm air is exhausted directly in front of the doors in the car, creating a thermal curtain and preventing cold air from entering inside,” the press service of JSC Russian Railways.

    The thermal curtain will protect the carriage from sudden temperature changes and will be able to maintain a comfortable temperature for passengers at any time of the year.

    MCC cars are equipped with automatic system heating, which turns on when the ambient temperature drops below the air temperature in the train. An antibacterial air disinfection system is integrated into the climate control of trains, which will protect passengers from all kinds of infections and viruses in the carriages, which is undoubtedly a relevant technology. solution for public transport

    RIAMO - 8 Feb. Thanks to the construction of an underground passage and the relocation of the platform, the path from the Severyanin railway station to the Rostokino MCC station in the capital will be reduced by 31 times, to 20 meters, according to the official website of the Moscow mayor.

    “On two directions of the Moscow Railway at once, workers are going underground. Tunnels are being laid here for future underground passages. In the Yaroslavl direction they will connect the Severyanin platform, which will be moved 350 meters, and the Rostokino MCC station. As a result, the distance between stops of the two types of transport will be reduced from 620 to 20 meters,” the report says.

    During the construction of the crossing, the principle of “dry feet” will be followed: passengers will not have to go outside to change from one train to another.

    The Karacharovo platform of the Gorky direction of the Moscow Railway will also be moved closer to the MCC and an underground pedestrian crossing will be built, which will subsequently become part of the city's largest multi-level transport hub. It will unite the Nizhegorodskaya Street metro station of the Big Circle Line, the Kozhukhovskaya Line station of the same name, the Nizhegorodskaya MCC station and ground transport stops.

    The Varshavskaya platform will appear on the Paveletsky direction of the Moscow Railway. From here there will be a transition to the Verkhnie Kotly MCC station on the “dry feet” principle. This will relieve congestion at the Nagatinskaya station of the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya metro line and Paveletsky station. In addition, in the Paveletsky direction, three new overpasses will be built over the railway tracks and the overpass over the MCC will be reconstructed.

    In the Riga direction of the Moscow Railway it is planned to move the Leningradskaya platform. The new stopping point will be equipped with two terminals, one of which will connect it with the Streshnevo MCC station. The distance that passengers must travel to transfer from the train to the Lastochka will be reduced from 320 to 50 meters. After the launch of the section, the Tushinskaya and Dmitrovskaya metro stations will be unloaded.

    On the Kursk direction of the Moscow Railway, near the Novokhokhlovskaya MCC station, there will be a stop of the same name with a passenger terminal and a comfortable transfer between the Moscow Railway and the MCC, equipped according to the “dry feet” principle. The overpass will be built between the Likhobory MCC station and the NATI platform of the Oktyabrskaya Railway.

    In addition, the transport hub will unite the MCC, the Savelovskoe direction of the Moscow Railway and the Okruzhnaya metro station under construction on the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line. To achieve this, a railway overpass with the Okruzhnaya stop and a terminal below it will appear above the MCC tracks. As a result, the distance between the MCC and the railway station will be reduced from 260 to 50 meters. This will reduce the flow of passengers at the Timiryazevskaya and Savelovskaya metro stations.

    Construction work on six directions of the Moscow Railway is planned to be completed this year.