What is noise pollution? Let's consider the impact of noise on Varshavskoye Highway

An excess of various noises that create a certain noise pollution in our lives can lead to the development of quite wide range various diseases. But let's talk about everything in order.

Thanks to technological progress, such familiar and almost unnoticed sounds have appeared in our lives. This is the noise of a refrigerator, the movement of the second hand of a watch, or even the operation of a computer (the operation of computer coolers). If you are moving to new house We recommend that you do this to ensure that you are moving into an environmentally friendly home.

For everyone, noise is an individual concept. Some people do not perceive city noise at all as a source of noise pollution and are quite commonplace phenomena. And there are people for whom noise pollution is an intolerable problem, and they try to be in silence and in places where the noise level is quite low as often as possible.

With all this, scientists have proven that any anthropogenic sounds that reach fairly large sound limits can have a negative effect on the human body. But let's talk about everything in order.

What is noise pollution and what are its sources?

In order to correctly understand the problem, you first need to understand the question of what noise pollution is. So, noise pollution is a kind of acoustic pollution, which is irritating noise. This type noise has a so-called anthropogenic origin and usually noise pollution of the atmosphere has a detrimental effect on human life processes.

There are two types of noise that occur in nature:
  • abiotic;
  • biotic.

Some also refer natural noise to the concept of “noise pollution.” environment", but this is not true. Such pollution and its impact on humans and other living organisms is reduced to zero, and all living things have evolved and adapted to such noise.

Of course, one of the most important sources of any noise pollution is the noise from Vehicle. And these are not only cars, but also railway transport and even airplanes.

After the advent of the post-industrial era, more large quantity various sources of noise, which contribute to the fact that noise pollution in the oceans and around the world is only getting worse every year. In addition, human activity negatively affects not only noise, but also electromagnetic pollution that occurs inside a living space. This also affects noise pollution in the apartment.

Noise pollution in apartments and offices occurs due to various equipment, including household ones. IN major cities residential areas have increased levels of noise pollution. It is quite easy to explain this situation: this problem arises precisely because of erroneous urban planning. It may even be the incorrect location of the airport near residential buildings.

Sources of noise pollution are usually industrial enterprises, various construction works, vehicle alarms, animal sounds (barking dogs, screaming cats), noise from people (screaming, laughing, etc.).

In order to qualitatively investigate the level of noise pollution in your apartment or workplace, as well as to carry out testing, you can contact our independent research laboratory "EcoTestExpress". Specialists and experts who will conduct all research in as soon as possible, and will also give an extensive report with recommendations for improving this situation.

What is noise and noise pollution from a hygiene perspective?

What is noise pollution from a hygiene point of view? So, noise pollution or just noise is something we are used to physical phenomenon. Sound can be represented as various wave vibrations of an elastic medium. Sound propagates not only in air space, but also in various liquids, and it is also possible for sound to propagate in solids. You can study sound in our laboratory.

Scientists usually give a more precise description and say that noise is a collection of sounds with different frequencies and intensities that have a chaotic order.

We are concerned specifically with the topic “noise pollution and its impact on humans.” And of course, from this point of view, noise is any possible sound.

The same noise for two people and in different situations It can be both noise and ordinary sound, which does not harm health in any way. Let's assume the following situation: at night, the car security alarm went off. For the owner of this car, this information will be useful, and therefore will not be unnecessary noise. To the neighbor who was relaxing, this sound is noise pollution, and the sound intensity scale can determine how much it will affect a person's health. But in general, the alarm woke up the neighbor, which made him furious and angry, thereby affecting his nervous system.

In order to find out how much noise pollution in an apartment exceeds the norm or you need other research, for example, you can contact our research laboratory "EcoTestExpress", where within a few days you will receive a full-fledged research protocol, which was created and executed according to state model and is valid even in government agencies.

What kind of noise pollution in the atmosphere and premises is harmful to humans?

Before we talk about such a complex topic, we need to first note a few important facts. So, noise pollution such as the sound of rain or the rustling of leaves is quite difficult to consider as full-fledged noise, since noise that is in the range from 0 to 35 dB is not considered full-fledged noise and does not harm health. According to experts, the mildest harm to health occurs from noise with a level of 50 dB.

Various sources of noise pollution in to a greater extent affect residents of large cities. As mentioned earlier, the main sources of noise pollution in the city are large transport junctions, namely cars, trains and other vehicles.

It is worth noting that in addition to transport, there are other sources in the city that are no less dangerous than those previously described. For example, during major concerts in Moscow on the main square, or parades, the level of noise pollution exceeds all acceptable standards and becomes several times louder than from vehicles. But again, this happens quite rarely and there is an increased noise level in a specific part of the city, namely in the center.

Experts and scientists note that the most harmful and dangerous among all noise pollution is night noise. A person who was in the sleep stage or simply during relaxation will adapt to an unpleasant sound much longer than during the daytime.

Are there official statistics on urban noise pollution in Russia?

Australian scientists have surpassed everyone in their research into noise pollution. Just a few years ago, after conducting certain studies, they carried out experiments and proved that environmental noise pollution causes a number of health problems and reduces life expectancy by an average of 10 years.

In Russia, official statistics on the level of noise pollution for large cities are not kept. Perhaps this is even for the better. One can imagine how extensive and lengthy the Australian research was. Russian experiments would not be too different from the data obtained, understanding the pathogenesis of the effects of noise pollution on humans.

We know that any sharp, impulsive noise or industrial sounds that exceed the standards are in themselves harmful to humans. If the noise is constant, then the tendency for health to deteriorate will only worsen, which can subsequently cause quite serious problems.

In order to protect yourself in your premises or enterprise, you can order a service such as noise measurement in our Moscow independent research laboratory "EcoTestExpress", which has a fourteen-year history and has earned its reputation as one of the best private laboratories in Moscow and the Moscow region.

We carry out all the necessary studies of noise levels not only in production, but also in residential premises, and also study the noise level at night. In addition, a team of experts will conduct all the research, as well as a comparative analysis of the data obtained with the norms established by law, thereby informing you about how severe the deviation from the norm has been recorded and how to deal with it.

How do diseases arise and develop in the body due to noise pollution?

All diseases associated with noise originate in the cerebral cortex. Due to constant noise load, the allocated area of ​​the brain for receiving various information, processing a variety of sounds and signals, as well as modeling responses to received sounds, simply does not perceive them.

After such a problem has arisen, the brain, instead of forming responses, begins to reflect these functions on completely different parts of the brain that are responsible for other actions. All this leads to disturbances in the functioning of other organs of a living organism.

From all of the above, it should be understood that in order to protect yourself and your loved ones from the seemingly invisible effects of noise, you should periodically conduct research and measure the noise in the room. After the measurement, you can think about how to improve the situation and protect yourself from extraneous noise and noise pollution of the environment.

Several years ago, the concept of “noise pollution” and after it “noise disease” appeared in medicine. The disease can be triggered by noise from household appliances, traffic outside the window, constant sounds of music and mobile phones etc. The more often you come under sonic attack, the more the two suffer important functions body - sleep and digestion. The fact is that overvoltage of the auditory analyzer leads to an increase in inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex, and this changes reflex activity person. Possible results include hearing loss, vestibular dysfunction, hypertension, headaches, nervousness and depression. Even metabolic disruptions can occur due to excessive background noise. So before you unsuccessfully treat a weak stomach, fight intracranial pressure or try to lose weight, analyze the situation: what if you are in a zone of constant activity of sound waves.

The word "permanent" is key here. It is no secret that big cities never sleep, which means that noise phenomena have moved from periodic to continuous (residents of houses located along key highways or railways). For normal functioning, the brain must have several hours of complete rest, that is, silence. It is under such conditions that the body is restored, not only psychological, but also physiological functions.

The ear is one of the most complex and delicate organs; it perceives both very weak and very strong sounds. Under the influence of strong noise, especially high-frequency noise, irreversible changes occur in the organ of hearing. At high noise levels, hearing sensitivity drops within 1 - 2 years, at medium levels it is detected much later, after 5 - 10 years, that is, hearing loss occurs slowly, the disease develops gradually. It is therefore especially important to take appropriate noise protection measures in advance. Today, almost everyone exposed to noise at work is at risk of becoming deaf.

Eduard SINKOV, otorhinolaryngologist, candidate of medical sciences, assistant at the department of Moscow State Medical University: “Noise can cause persistent hearing loss - hearing loss. Medicine distinguishes two types of this disease: conductive hearing loss (occurs when there is a violation of the conduction of sounds to the inner ear) and neurosensory - a violation perception of sounds by damaged hair cells of the inner ear. Conductive hearing loss is usually corrected surgically, and sensorineural hearing loss is an indication for conservative treatment or selection of a hearing aid.”

Noise is one of those factors that you cannot get used to. It only seems to a person that he is accustomed to noise, but acoustic pollution, acting constantly, destroys human health. Noise, as a harmful production factor, is responsible for 15% of all occupational diseases. Acoustic pollution has an adverse effect on all body systems. There is a relationship between morbidity and length of stay in conditions acoustic pollution. An increase in diseases is observed after living for 8-10 years when exposed to noise with an intensity above 70 dB. City noise can be attributed to the causes of hypertension and coronary heart disease. Under the influence of noise, attention is weakened, physical and mental performance decreases. Constant exposure to noise (more than 80 dB) leads to gastritis and peptic ulcer stomach. As we see, noise provokes the emergence of all the most striking diseases of industrial society.

A person complains of feeling unwell for a long time. Symptoms: headache, dizziness, nausea, excessive irritability. All this is the result of working in noisy conditions. Until some time, the effect of noise on humans has not been the object of special research. Nowadays, the effect of sound and noise on the functions of the body is studied by an entire branch of science - audeology.

Olga ZAYTSEVA, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Vestibulology and Otoneurology of the Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinology: “Damage to hair cells most often occurs due to a constant sound stimulus of a certain frequency. Hair cells become so accustomed to the sound stimulus that they are in tension even in complete silence "Treatment in this case should be aimed at restoring blood circulation through massage, acupuncture, and in some cases, medication is prescribed."

The impact of noise also depends on the individual's attitude towards it. Thus, the noise produced by the person himself does not bother him, while small extraneous noise can cause a strong irritating effect. Lack of necessary silence, especially at night, leads to premature fatigue. Noises high levels can be good soil for the development of persistent insomnia, neuroses and atherosclerosis. Under the influence of noise from 85 - 90 dB, hearing sensitivity at high frequencies decreases.

Numerous studies confirm that noise pollution (this is the term experts increasingly use when characterizing living conditions in a modern metropolis) is a catalyst (and in 10% of cases the main cause) of myocardial infarction, hypertension, depressive states. The statistics are also not encouraging. It is believed that noise reduces the life expectancy of residents of large cities by 10-12 years (for comparison, smoking takes up to eight years from our life).

Noise pollution also quickly disrupts the natural balance of ecosystems. Noise pollution can lead to disruption of orientation in space, communication, search for food, etc. In this regard, some animals begin to make louder sounds, which is why they themselves will become secondary sound pollutants, further disturbing the balance in ecosystem.

One of the most known cases The damage caused by noise pollution to nature is the numerous cases where dolphins and whales have washed ashore, losing their orientation due to the loud sounds of military sonars (sonars).

So, noise has a destructive effect on the entire human body and on natural communities living in the city. Its disastrous work is also facilitated by the fact that we are practically defenseless against noise. A blindingly bright light makes us instinctively close our eyes. The same instinct of self-preservation saves us from being burned by moving our hand away from the fire or from a hot surface. But humans do not have a protective reaction to the effects of noise.

High levels of environmental noise are the sound scourge of today. This problem is close to soil, air, and water pollution. Level of noise pollution in Lately has increased greatly, negatively affecting human health, as well as flora and fauna. What it is? How to avoid its negative impact?

Noise pollution - a modern problem

High noise level is a type of physical pollution, which is characterized by the following features:

  • increased degree of noise in a certain place;
  • distorted sound characteristics - repeatability, sound strength, etc.

Almost every source of noise that does not have natural origin, can be considered as anthropogenic noise pollution. This is not just a harmless nuisance, but a problem on a deeper scale. Recent studies of British scientists were given a disappointing result - they found that prolonged exposure to noise has a negative effect on the human body, reducing life expectancy by about 8-10 years. The level of noise exposure in enterprises is controlled using special procedures, such as and.

Effect of noise pollution on the human body

The most dangerous noises are those to which humanity has become accustomed Everyday life and doesn't notice them. These are minor sounds household appliances, computers, laptops, faxes, printers and so on.

The effects of excessive noise levels on human health are devastating. Neurological diseases, dizziness appear, fatigue, irritability, and absent-mindedness increase. Increased level noise negatively affects a person’s hearing, reducing its sensitivity. Problems with the heart and liver may also occur. However, the nervous system is most depleted.

Effect of noise pollution on flora and fauna

Noise discomfort also has a negative impact on animals and plants. Its sources in the environment are trolleybuses, compressors and much more. Acceptable noise levels range from 30-60 dB, but in reality the figures often exceed these figures, reaching 100 dB.

Numerous tests have shown that plants that are constantly exposed to noise dry out. The reason for their death is the release of too much moisture from the leaves. This happens because noise pollution exceeds the permissible barrier. Thus, trees in big cities live much shorter, and bees at the sound jet engine lose the ability to navigate in space.

How to prevent the negative effects of noise pollution

Today, the noise level in a particular place can be easily measured using special instruments and equipment. Numerous environmental studies make it possible to determine with high accuracy how safe a certain area is. Thus, noise of 15 dB is a comfortable level for the human body, and the permissible limit is 55 dB in the daytime.

Noise level measuring device

Calculation of the cost of production control in your organization:

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Noise pollution

    Describe noise as a physical environmental factor.

    What is the impact of noise on the condition and functioning of the human body?

    What diseases can be caused by constant excessive noise? Who is most sensitive to noise?

Noise - This is a sound of any kind that people perceive as unpleasant, disturbing or even painful. Nowadays, noise has become one of the most dangerous factors that harm the environment. In large cities, over 60% of residents complain about excessive noise. Noise and vibration significantly affect the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, blood pressure, cause dizziness, numbness of the limbs, diseases of the joints and blood vessels. In 50 BC. e. residents

Ancient Rome complained that street noise kept them awake at night, and Julius Caesar was forced to prohibit the night movement of any carriages in the city. Queen Elizabeth I of England, who ruled in the 16th century, caring for the night peace of her subjects, banned night fights and loud family quarrels after 10 pm. In Paris, the fight against noise began in 1954. Then car horns were banned, truck drivers had to stow cargo so that it did not rattle, and they put

rubber tires

. And yet the noise load is increasing from decade to decade. City "symphony" Noise as a physical factor is a wave-like propagating mechanical oscillatory motion of an elastic medium, which is usually chaotic,

    random nature. The nature of industrial noise depends on the types of sources:

    mechanical- as a result of the operation of various mechanisms;

    shock- forging, riveting, etc.;

    aerodynamic- when air moves through pipes or due to stationary or non-stationary processes in gas;

Sound intensity is measured in decibels (dB). The sensitivity threshold of the ear to sounds is 0 dB, sounds with an intensity of over 130 dB cause a sensation of pain. The noise of leaves and the measured rustle of the sea surf corresponds to approximately 20 dB, a TV operating at moderate volume gives about 70 dB, a motorcycle hits you with 110 dB, and a jackhammer during road works- 120 dB.

Only in 1851 did the anatomist Alfonso Corti discover the auditory analyzer with which we perceive sound - the so-called organ of Corti - the auditory nerve apparatus, which is located in the cochlea of ​​the inner ear. When we hear a sound, we perceive two characteristics: pitch (frequency) and volume (intensity).

The lower perceived frequency is 16 Hz, and the upper one depends on age: in youth it is a frequency of 20 kHz, in old age it drops to 6 kHz.

Noise pollution

    The reaction to noise strongly depends on personality characteristics, age, gender, health, and profession. The effects of high-intensity noise on the body have already been fairly well studied. But little is known about how moderate-intensity noise affects humans—and this is what the majority of the population is exposed to. Scientists distinguish several gradations of the effect of noise. Interfering effect

    increases with increasing volume and does not depend on individual sensitivity or the specific situation. The interfering effect of noise may also be associated with the information it carries. As interference, noise can be perceived at a level of 25 dB. Activation, that is, excitation of the central and autonomic nervous system

    , sleep disturbance, ability to relax. But at the same time, pillows are sold in Japan with a built-in device that imitates the sounds of raindrops falling in rhythm with the human pulse. Such noise quickly induces sleep. Impact on performance.
    As a rule, noise worsens it, but scientists from a laboratory at the University of Cambridge (England) have discovered that sounds of a certain strength and frequency stimulate the thinking process, and especially the counting process.

    Interference with the transmission of information and disruption of general orientation in the sound environment. The occurrence of diseases.

Chronic exposure to noise can cause deafness due to damage to the sound-sensitive cells in the inner ear.

However, man has always lived in a world of sounds, and absolute silence is also harmful to him, it frightens and depresses him. When designing the design office in Hannover, the architects took all measures to ensure that no extraneous sound from the street penetrates the building: triple-glazed frames, soundproofing panels made of cellular concrete and special plastic wallpaper that dampens sound. Literally a week later, employees began to complain that they could not work in conditions of oppressive “dead” silence. They were nervous, their performance decreased. The administration had to buy a tape recorder, which would turn on from time to time and create the effect of “quiet street noise.” The working atmosphere in the bureau was not slow to recover. However, “curbing noise” is one of the most pressing problems of the 20th century.

Let us remember how sound is perceived by the human auditory analyzer. The origin of noise (sound) is based on mechanical vibrations of elastic bodies. In the layer of air immediately adjacent to the surface of the oscillating body, condensations (compressions) and rarefaction occur. These compressions and rarefactions alternate in time and spread laterally in the form of an elastic longitudinal wave

. The latter reaches our ear and causes periodic fluctuations in acoustic pressure, which affects the auditory analyzer.

The human ear perceives vibrations in the form of sound, the frequency of which lies in the range from 16 Hz to 20 kHz. From a physiological point of view, there are low, medium and high sounds. The vibrations cover a wide range of frequencies: from 1 to 16 Hz - infrasonic, from 16 Hz to 16-20 kHz - sound and above 16-20 kHz - ultrasonic vibrations. The range of audible sounds between the hearing threshold and the pain threshold ranges from 0 to 130 dB. Noises are usually divided into low-frequency (below 350 Hz), mid-frequency (from 350 to 800 Hz) and high-frequency (above 800 Hz). At a low vibration frequency, the sound is perceived as low, at a high frequency - as high. High sounds have a more unfavorable effect on hearing and on the entire human body than low sounds, which is why noise, in the spectrum of which is dominated by high frequencies

, is more harmful than low-frequency noise.

The damage that loud noise causes to hearing depends on the spectrum of sound vibrations and the nature of their changes. First of all, a person begins to hear high-pitched sounds worse, and then gradually - low ones. Exposure to loud noise can not only negatively affect your hearing, but also cause other- ringing in the ears, dizziness, headache, increased fatigue.

The noise “symphony” of a city is made up of many factors: the roar of railways and the drone of airplanes, the roar of construction equipment, the noise of factory floors and even household appliances - in a word, everything that surrounds a person. The most powerful chords in it are the movement of vehicles, which, against the general background, produces 80% of the noise. Traffic flows on regional highways in large cities during peak hours reach 2,000 cars per hour, on urban highways - up to 6,000 cars per hour.

Noise in big cities shortens human life expectancy; for example, according to Austrian scientists, this is
The duration ranges from 8-12 years. Excessive noise can cause nervous exhaustion, mental depression, autonomic neurosis, peptic ulcer, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Older people are most sensitive to the effects of noise; So, under the age of 27 years, ~ 46% of people react to noise, at the age of 28-37 years - 57%, at the age of 38-57 years - ~ 62%, and at the age of 58 years and older - 72%. Young people should take this circumstance into account when they listen to popular music at home, watch TV shows, videos, etc.

Noise is one of the forms of physical (wave) pollution of the environment. Noise is understood as all unpleasant and unwanted sounds or their combination, which interfere with normal work, perception of information sound signals, rest. It occurs due to compression and rarefaction air masses, that is, fluctuating changes in air pressure. There are noises: constant, intermittent, oscillating, intermittent, and impulsive. In general, noise is a chaotic accumulation of sounds of different frequencies, strengths, heights, and durations that go beyond the limits of sound comfort. It is now well known that noise has a harmful effect on people’s health, reduces their performance, and causes diseases of the hearing organs (deafness), endocrine, nervous, and cardiovascular systems (hypertension). Physiological and biological adaptation of humans to noise is practically impossible, therefore regulation and limitation of noise pollution of the environment is an important and mandatory measure.

The corresponding sound landscape has always existed on Earth, and people have always used the properties of the environment as a conductor, a carrier of sounds. Human life in absolute silence is impossible.

The unit of noise measurement is Bel - the ratio of the effective value of sound pressure to the minimum value that is perceived by the human ear. In practice, a tenth of this is used physical unit- decibel (dB).

The environmental noise level is 30-60 dBA. To this natural background modern conditions production and transport noise is added, the level of which often exceeds 100 dBA. / Noise sources include all types of transport, industrial facilities, loudspeaker devices, elevators, televisions, radios, musical instruments, crowds of people and individuals (Table 2.8).

Long known beneficial influence environmental noise (noise of leaves, rain, river, etc.) on the human body. Statistics show that people who work in the forest, near the river, at the sea are less likely than city residents to suffer from nervous and cardiovascular diseases. It has been proven that the rustling of leaves, the singing of birds, the murmur of a stream, the sounds of rain

Table 2.8. Noise intensity from various sources

healing effect on the nervous system. Under the influence of the sound waves of the waterfall, muscle work increases.

The positive influence of harmonious calm music has been known since ancient times. These are lullabies that are widespread all over the world - quiet, gentle monotonous tunes, and the healing of nervous diseases with the soothing murmur of stream water, soft noise sea ​​waves or singing. It has also long been known negative impact sound. One of the medieval punishments was the brutal murder of the victim with the sounds of a powerful bell, when the doomed person died in terrible agony from unbearable pain in the ears.

A hundred years ago, the noise level on the central highways of large cities did not exceed 60 dBA. Now in large cities there are areas where it exceeds 70 dBA ( sanitary standard for night time - 40 dBA). 60-80% of city noise is generated by vehicles.

The human body spends a large number of energy, the nervous system is overstrained, fatigue, nervous and mental disorders occur.

Sudden, sharp, high-frequency sounds are particularly difficult to bear. At a noise level of more than 80 dBA, hearing is weakened, neuropsychiatric diseases, stomach ulcers, hypertension occur, and aggressiveness increases. Very strong noise (more than 110 dBA) leads to so-called noise intoxication, and then to the destruction of body tissues, primarily the hearing aid. Women are more sensitive to the effects of loud noise, and in conditions of sound discomfort, signs of neurasthenia appear.

Noise is harmful not only to humans. It has been established that plants under the influence of noise grow more slowly, they exhibit excessive (even complete, which leads to death) release of moisture through the leaves, and cell damage is possible. Leaves and flowers of plants located near the loudspeaker die.

Noise has a similar effect on animals. From noise jet plane Bee larvae die, they themselves lose the ability to navigate, and the shells of eggs in bird nests crack. Noise reduces milk yield, weight gain of pigs, and egg production of chickens. The noise of fish is painful, especially during the spawning period.

In modern conditions, noise control is technically complex, complex, and expensive. It is important to reduce noise at its source, create silent or low-noise machines and technological processes, transport and industrial equipment, starting from the design stage.

At the same time, the expected noise level is calculated, and measures are developed to reduce noise to an acceptable level.

Hygienists consider the upper noise limit for hospitals and sanatoriums to be 35 dBA, for apartments and educational premises - 40 dBA, stadiums and train stations - 60 dBA.

There are two types of industrial noise regulation: sanitary and hygienic and technical. The first regulates the noise level taking into account its effects on the human body. The standard for residential noise is 40 dBA during the day, C dBA at night. Technical standardization standardizes existing or expected noise characteristics of facility equipment. The second must provide the requirements of the first. The human ear perceives sound waves with a frequency below 16 Hz not as sound, but as vibration. Vibrations are trembling or shaking of the entire body or its individual parts during various works (concrete laying, not in my case crushing rocks or road surfaces, working in mines with a jackhammer, sawing materials, etc.). Prolonged vibrations cause great harm to health - from severe fatigue and not very significant changes in many body functions to concussion, tissue rupture, cardiac dysfunction, nervous system, muscle and cell deformation, impaired skin sensitivity, blood circulation, etc.

Set to the limit valid values vibrations. They are determined on the basis that, systematically operating during an 8-hour working day, vibration does not cause illness or health problems in the worker during the entire period of his production activity.

The social nature of the problem of environmental noise pollution determines that the fight against it is not only a technical, but also a social task. In the problem of interaction between human society and nature, a conscious and active fight against noise pollution of the environment takes place.