✒ Jet engine. Jet engine operation diagram

In science jet propulsion call the movement of a body that occurs when some part of it is separated from it. What does this mean?

Simple examples can be given. Imagine that you are in a boat in the middle of a lake. The boat is motionless. But now you take a heavy stone from the bottom of the boat and forcefully throw it into the water. What will happen then? The boat will begin to move slowly. Another example. Let's inflate the rubber ball and then let the air come out of it freely. The deflating ball will fly in the direction opposite to that in which the stream of air will rush. The action force is equal to the reaction force. You threw a stone with force, but the same force made the boat move in the opposite direction.

It is built on this law of physics jet engine. Fuel is burned in a heat-resistant chamber. The hot, expanding gas formed during combustion violently escapes from the nozzle. But the same force pushes the engine itself (along with the rocket or airplane in the opposite direction). This force is called thrust.

Principle jet propulsion known to mankind for a long time — simple rockets were made by the ancient Chinese. But in order to rise into the sky modern aircraft and rockets, engineers had to solve many technical problems, and today's jet engines are quite complex devices.

Let's try to look inside the jet engines used in aviation. We'll talk about space rocket engines some other time.

So today Jet aircraft fly on three types of engines:

Turbojet engine;

Turbofan engine;


How are they structured and how do they differ from each other? Let's start with the simplest - turbojet . The very name of this device tells us keyword"turbine". A turbine is a shaft around which metal blades are attached. "petals" turned at an angle. If a flow of air (or water, for example) is directed at the turbine along the shaft, it will begin to rotate. If, on the contrary, you begin to rotate the turbine shaft, its blades will begin to drive a stream of air or water along the shaft.

Combustion is the combination of fuel with oxygen, a gas that is not very abundant in ordinary air. More precisely, it is quite enough for you and me to breathe it. But For "breathing" combustion chambers of a jet engine, oxygen is too much dissolved in the air.

What needs to be done to rekindle a dying fire? Right! Blow on it or wave it over it, for example, with a sheet of plywood. By forcefully pumping air, you "feed" The smoldering coals are supplied with oxygen and the flame ignites again. The turbine in a turbojet engine does the same thing.

As the plane moves forward, a stream of air enters the engine. Here the air meets the compressor turbines rotating at high speed. Word "compressor" can be translated into Russian as "compressor" Compressor turbine blades compress air approximately 30 times and "pushing" it into the combustion chamber. The hot gas produced during fuel combustion rushes further to the nozzle. But another turbine gets in his way. Getting on its blades, a stream of gas causes its shaft to rotate. But the compressor turbines are attached to the same shaft. It turns out so peculiar "push-pull". The compressor pumps air into the engine, the mixture of compressed air and fuel burns, releasing hot gas, and the gas rotates the compressor turbines on its way to the nozzle.

Arises interesting question— how to start such an engine? After all, until compressed air enters the combustion chamber, the fuel will not begin to burn. This means there will be no hot gas that will rotate the compressor turbine. But until the compressor turbine spins, there will be no compressed air.

Turns out, the engine is started using an electric motor, which is connected to the turbine shaft. The electric motor causes the compressor to rotate, and as soon as the required air pressure appears in the combustion chamber, fuel enters it and the ignition is triggered. The jet engine has started!

The design of a turbojet engine.

Turbojet engines are very powerful and weigh relatively little. Therefore, they are usually installed on supersonic military aircraft, as well as on supersonic passenger airliners. But such engines also have serious shortcomings- They make a lot of noise and burn too much fuel.

Therefore, on airplanes flying at subsonic speeds (less than 1200 kilometers per hour) so-called ones are installed.

Turbofan engine design.

Are different They are different from a turbojet engine in that in front of the compressor, another turbine with large blades is attached to the shaft - a fan. It is she who is the first to meet the flow of oncoming air and forcefully drives it back. Part of this air, as in a turbojet engine, enters the compressor and further into the combustion chamber, and the other part "flows around" camera and is also thrown back, creating additional thrust. More precisely, for turbofan engine the main jet thrust (about 3/4) is created precisely by this very air flow that the fan drives. And only 1/4 of the thrust comes from hot gases escaping from the nozzle.

Such an engine makes much less noise and burns significantly less fuel, which is very important for aircraft used to transport passengers.

The design of a turboprop engine.

The rotation of the turbine shaft is transmitted to the propeller - a propeller that pushes the aircraft forward. A propeller with huge blades cannot rotate at the same breakneck speed as a turbine shaft. Therefore, the propeller is connected to the shaft by a gearbox that reduces the rotation speed. And although the turboprop engine "eats" there is little fuel, which means it makes the cost of the flight cheaper, it cannot accelerate the plane to high speed. Therefore, these days such motors are mainly used in transport aviation and on small passenger aircraft operating on local routes.

For the experience you will need:

1. stronger thread;

2. wide straw for cocktail;

3. balloon oblong shape;

4. a roll of tape;

5. clothespin.

Pull the thread (can be at an angle), first threading it through the straw. Inflate the balloon, and to prevent it from deflating, pinch it with a clothespin as shown in the picture on the left. Now tape the ball to the straw with tape. The jet engine is ready!

Let's start! Unclench the clothespin. A stream of air will escape from the ball, and it itself, together with the straw, will slide forward along the thread.

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Jet engine

Early aircraft with jet engines: Me.262 and Yak-15

Creation ideas heat engine, which includes the jet engine, have been known to man since ancient times. Thus, in the treatise of Heron of Alexandria entitled “Pneumatics” there is a description of Aeolipile - the ball “Aeolus”. This design was nothing more than a steam turbine, in which steam was supplied through tubes into a bronze sphere and, escaping from it, spun this sphere. Most likely, the device was used for entertainment.

The great Leonardo did not ignore the idea either, intending to use hot air supplied to the blades to rotate a spit for frying.

The idea of ​​a gas turbine engine was first proposed in 1791 by the English inventor J. Barber: his gas turbine engine design was equipped with a gas generator, a piston compressor, a combustion chamber and a gas turbine.

Used as power plant for his aircraft, developed in 1878, a heat engine and A.F. Mozhaisky: two steam engines drove the propellers of the machine. Due to low efficiency, the desired effect could not be achieved.

Another Russian engineer - P.D. Kuzminsky - in 1892, developed the idea of ​​a gas turbine engine in which fuel burned at constant pressure. Having started the project in 1900, he decided to install a gas turbine engine with a multi-stage gas turbine on a small boat. However, the death of the designer prevented him from finishing what he started.

They began to create a jet engine more intensively only in the twentieth century: first theoretically, and a few years later - practically.

In 1903, in the work “Exploration of World Spaces by Reactive Instruments” K.E. Tsiolkovsky were developed theoretical foundations liquid rocket engines (LPRE) with a description of the main elements of a jet engine using liquid fuel.

The idea of ​​​​creating an air-breathing engine (WRE) belongs to R. Lorin, who patented the project in 1908. When trying to create an engine, after the drawings of the device were made public in 1913, the inventor failed: the speed required for the operation of the jet engine could not be achieved.

Attempts to create gas turbine engines continued further. So, in 1906, Russian engineer V.V. Karavodin developed and, two years later, built a compressor-free gas turbine engine with four intermittent combustion chambers and a gas turbine. However, the power developed by the device, even at 10,000 rpm, did not exceed 1.2 kW (1.6 hp).

The intermittent combustion gas turbine engine was also created by the German designer H. Holwarth. Having built a gas turbine engine in 1908, by 1933, after many years of work to improve it, he had brought Engine efficiency up to 24%. However, the idea has not found widespread use.

The idea of ​​a turbojet engine was voiced in 1909 by Russian engineer N.V. Gerasimov, who received a patent for a gas turbine engine for creating jet thrust. Work on the implementation of this idea did not stop in Russia and subsequently: in 1913 M.N. Nikolskoy designs a gas turbine engine with a power of 120 kW (160 hp) with a three-stage gas turbine; in 1923 V.I. Bazarov proposes a schematic diagram of a gas turbine engine, similar in design to modern turboprop engines; in 1930 V.V. Uvarov together with N.R. Briling designs and in 1936 implements a gas turbine engine with a centrifugal compressor.

A huge contribution to the creation of the theory of the jet engine was made by the work of Russian scientists S.S. Nezhdanovsky, I.V. Meshchersky, N.E. Zhukovsky. French scientist R. Hainault-Peltry, German scientist G. Oberth. The creation of an air-breathing engine was also influenced by the work of the famous Soviet scientist B.S. Stechkin, who published his work “The Theory of an Air-Jet Engine” in 1929.

Work on the creation of a liquid jet engine did not stop: in 1926, the American scientist R. Goddard launched a rocket using liquid fuel. Work on this topic also took place in the Soviet Union: from 1929 to 1933 V.P. Glushko developed and tested an electrothermal jet engine at the Gas Dynamics Laboratory. During this period, he also created the first domestic liquid jet engines - ORM, ORM-1, ORM-2.

The greatest contribution to the practical implementation of the jet engine was made by German designers and scientists. Having support and funding from the state, which hoped to achieve this way technical superiority V the coming war, engineering corps of the III Reich with maximum efficiency and in short terms approached the creation of combat systems based on the ideas of jet propulsion.

Concentrating attention on the aviation component, we can say that already on August 27, 1939, the Heinkel test pilot, captain E. Warsitz, took off the He.178 - a jet aircraft, the technological developments of which were subsequently used in the creation of the Heinkel He.280 and Messerschmitt Me.262 Schwalbe.

The Heinkel Strahltriebwerke HeS 3 engine installed on the Heinkel He.178, designed by H.-I. von Ohain, although he did not have high power, but managed to open the era of jet flights of military aviation. Achieved by He.178 maximum speed at 700 km/h using an engine whose power did not exceed 500 kgf spoke volumes. Ahead lay limitless possibilities, which deprived piston engines of a future.

A whole series of jet engines created in Germany, for example, Jumo-004 manufactured by Junkers, allowed it to have serial jet fighters and bombers at the end of World War II, ahead of other countries in this direction by several years. After the defeat of the Third Reich, it was German technology that gave impetus to the development of jet aircraft in many countries around the world.

The only country that managed to answer the German challenge was Great Britain: the Rolls-Royce Derwent 8 turbojet engine created by F. Whittle was installed on the Gloster Meteor fighter.

Trophy Jumo 004

The world's first turboprop engine was the Hungarian Jendrassik Cs-1 engine, designed by D. Jendrasik, who built it in 1937 at the Ganz plant in Budapest. Despite the problems that arose during implementation, the engine was supposed to be installed on the Hungarian twin-engine attack aircraft Varga RMI-1 X/H, specially designed for this purpose by aircraft designer L. Vargo. However, the Hungarian specialists were unable to complete the work - the enterprise was redirected to the production of German Daimler-Benz DB 605 engines, selected for installation on the Hungarian Messerschmitt Me.210.

Before the start of the war, work continued in the USSR to create various types jet engines. So, in 1939, rockets were tested, powered by ramjet engines designed by I.A. Merkulova.

In the same year, work began at the Leningrad Kirov Plant on the construction of the first domestic turbojet engine designed by A.M. Cradles. However, the outbreak of war stopped experimental work on the engine, directing all production power to the needs of the front.

The real era of jet engines began after the end of World War II, when in a short period of time not only the sound barrier, but also gravity was conquered, which made it possible to take humanity into outer space.

And what is its significance for modern aviation. From his very appearance on Earth, Man directed his gaze to the sky. With what incredible ease birds soar in the rising currents of warm air! And not only small specimens, but even such large ones as pelicans, cranes and many others. Attempts to imitate them, using primitive ones based on the muscular strength of the pilot himself, even if they led to a kind of “flight,” still there was no talk of mass implementation of the development - the designs were very unreliable, too many restrictions were imposed on the person using them.

Then came internal combustion engines and propeller motors. They turned out to be so successful that the modern jet engine and the propeller engine still coexist in parallel. Of course, having undergone a number of modifications.

How did the jet engine come about?

Majority technical solutions, the invention of which is attributed to Man, were actually spied on by nature. For example, the creation of a hang glider was preceded by observation of the flight of birds soaring in the sky. The streamlined shapes of fish and birds were also brilliantly argued, but within the framework of technical means. A similar story did not bypass the jet engine. This principle of movement is used by many sea ​​creatures- octopuses, squids, jellyfish, etc. Tsiolkovsky spoke about such an engine. Even more, he theoretically substantiated the possibility of creating an airship for flights in interplanetary space.

Underlies And rockets were known back in Ancient China. We can say that the idea of ​​​​creating a jet engine was “in the air”; all that was needed was to see it and translate it into technology.

Engine structure and operating principle

At the heart of any jet engine is a chamber with an outlet ending in a bell tube. A fuel mixture is supplied inside the chamber and ignites there, turning into gas high temperature. Since its pressure spreads evenly in all directions, pressing on the walls, the gas can leave the chamber only through a socket oriented in the opposite direction of the desired direction of movement. This creates What has been said is easier to understand with an example: a man is standing on the ice, holding a heavy crowbar in his hands. But as soon as he throws the crowbar to the side, he receives an acceleration impulse and slides along the ice in the direction opposite to the throw. The difference in the flight range of the crowbar and the displacement of a person is explained only by their mass; the forces themselves are equal, and the vectors are opposite. Drawing an analogy with a jet engine: a person is an aircraft, and the scrap is superheated gas from the bell of the chamber.

For all its simplicity this scheme has several significant disadvantages - high fuel consumption and enormous pressure on the chamber walls. To reduce consumption, various solutions are used: an oxidizer is also used as a fuel, which, by changing its physical state, more preferable than liquid fuel; another option is an oxidizable powder instead of a liquid.

But the best solution is a ramjet engine. It is a through chamber, with an inlet and an outlet (relatively speaking, a cylinder with a bell). When the device moves, air enters the chamber under pressure external environment, heats up and contracts. The supplied fuel mixture ignites and imparts additional temperature. Then it breaks out through the socket and creates an impulse, as in a conventional jet engine. In this scheme, the fuel is auxiliary element, so its costs are significantly lower. This is the type of engine used in airplanes, where you can see the turbine blades pumping air into the chamber.

Jet engines are currently widely used in connection with the exploration of outer space. They are also used for meteorological and military missiles of various ranges. In addition, all modern high-speed aircraft are equipped with air-breathing engines.

IN outer space It is impossible to use any other engines except jet engines: there is no support (solid liquid or gaseous), starting from which spacecraft could get a boost. The use of jet engines for aircraft and rockets that do not go beyond the atmosphere is due to the fact thatthat it is jet engines that can provide maximum flight speed.

Jet engine structure.

Simply based on the principle of operation: outside air (in rocket engines - liquid oxygen) is sucked intoturbine, there it mixes with fuel and burns at the end of the turbine to form the so-called. “working fluid” (jet stream), which moves the car.

At the beginning of the turbine there is fan, which sucks air from the external environment into the turbines. There are two main tasks- primary air intake and cooling of the entire enginethe engine as a whole by pumping air between the outer shell of the engine and the internal parts. This cools the mixing and combustion chambers and prevents them from collapsing.

Behind the fan is a powerful compressor, which forces air under high pressure into the combustion chamber.

Combustion chamber mixes fuel with air. After the formation of the fuel-air mixture, it is ignited. During the combustion process, significant heating of the mixture and surrounding parts occurs, as well as volumetric expansion. Actually, a jet engine uses a controlled explosion to propel itself. The combustion chamber of a jet engine is one of the hottest parts of it. She needs constant intensive cooling. But this is not enough. The temperature in it reaches 2700 degrees, so it is often made of ceramics.

After the combustion chamber, the burning fuel-air mixture is directed directly into turbine. The turbine consists of hundreds of blades on which the jet stream presses, causing the turbine to rotate. The turbine in turn rotates shaft, on which they are located fan And compressor. Thus, the system is closed and requires only a supply fuel and air for its functioning.

There are two main classes of jet engines bodies:

Jet engines- a jet engine in which atmospheric air used as the main working fluid in the thermodynamic cycle, as well as when creating engine jet thrust. Such engines use the energy of oxidation of combustible air taken from the atmosphere with oxygen. The working fluid of these engines is a mixture of productscombustion with other components of the intake air.

Rocket engines- contain all components of the working fluid on board and able to work in any environment, including in airless space.

Types of jet engines.

- Classic jet engine- used mainly on fighter aircraft in various modifications.

TO classic jet engine

- Turboprop.

Such engines allow large aircraft to fly at acceptable speeds and consume less fuel.

Two-blade turboprop engine

- Turbofan jet engine.

This type of engine is a more economical relative of the classic type. the main difference is that at the input it is placed larger diameter fan, To which supplies air not only to the turbine, but alsocreates a fairly powerful flow outside it. In this way, increased efficiency is achieved by improving efficiency.

Jet engines. History of jet engines.

Jet engines.

A jet engine is a device whose design makes it possible to obtain jet thrust by converting internal energy fuel reserve into the kinetic energy of the jet stream of the working fluid.

The working fluid of the object with high speed flows out of the jet engine, and, in accordance with the law of conservation of momentum, a reactive force is generated, pushing the engine into opposite direction. To accelerate the working fluid, both expansion of gas heated in one way or another to a high temperature (thermal jet engines) and other physical principles, for example, acceleration of charged particles in an electrostatic field (ion engine).

A jet engine allows you to create traction force only due to the interaction of the jet stream with the working fluid, without support or contact with other bodies. In this regard, the jet engine found wide application in aviation and astronautics.

History of jet engines.

The Chinese were the first to learn how to use jet propulsion; rockets with solid fuel appeared in China in the 10th century AD. e. Such missiles were used in the East and then in Europe for fireworks, signaling, and as combat missiles.

Rockets of ancient China.

An important stage in the development of the idea of ​​jet propulsion was the idea of ​​​​using a rocket as an engine for aircraft. It was first formulated by the Russian revolutionary N. I. Kibalchich, who in March 1881, shortly before his execution, proposed a design for an aircraft (rocket plane) using jet propulsion from explosive powder gases.

N. E. Zhukovsky, in his works “On the reaction of outflowing and inflowing liquids” (1880s) and “On the theory of ships driven by the reaction force of outflowing water” (1908), first developed the basic issues of the theory of a jet engine.

Interesting works on the study of rocket flight also belong to the famous Russian scientist I.V. Meshchersky, in particular in the field of the general theory of motion of bodies of variable mass.

In 1903, K. E. Tsiolkovsky, in his work “Exploration of World Spaces with Jet Instruments,” gave a theoretical justification for the flight of a rocket, as well as a schematic diagram of a rocket engine, which anticipated many fundamental and design features modern liquid rocket engines (LPRE). Thus, Tsiolkovsky envisaged the use of liquid fuel for a jet engine and its supply to the engine with special pumps. He proposed to control the flight of the rocket using gas rudders - special plates placed in a stream of gases escaping from the nozzle.

The peculiarity of a liquid-jet engine is that, unlike other jet engines, it carries with it the entire supply of oxidizer along with the fuel, and does not take the air containing oxygen necessary for burning the fuel from the atmosphere. This is the only engine that can be used for ultra-high-altitude flight outside the earth's atmosphere.

The world's first rocket with a liquid rocket engine was created and launched on March 16, 1926 by the American R. Goddard. It weighed about 5 kilograms, and its length reached 3 m. The fuel in Goddard’s rocket was gasoline and liquid oxygen. The flight of this rocket lasted 2.5 seconds, during which it flew 56 m.

Systematic experimental work work on these engines began in the 1930s.

The first Soviet liquid-propellant rocket engines were developed and created in 1930-1931 at the Leningrad Gas Dynamics Laboratory (GDL) under the leadership of the future academician V.P. Glushko. This series was called ORM - experimental rocket motor. Glushko used some new innovations, for example, cooling the engine with one of the fuel components.

In parallel, the development of rocket engines was carried out in Moscow by the Jet Propulsion Research Group (GIRD). Her ideological inspirer was F.A. Tsander, and the organizer was the young S.P. Korolev. Korolev's goal was to build a new rocket vehicle - a rocket plane.

In 1933, F.A. Zander built and successfully tested rocket engine OR1, running on gasoline and compressed air, and in 1932-1933 - the OR2 engine, running on gasoline and liquid oxygen. This engine was designed to be installed on a glider that was intended to fly as a rocket plane.

Developing the work they had begun, Soviet engineers subsequently continued to work on the creation of liquid jet engines. In total, from 1932 to 1941, the USSR developed 118 designs of liquid jet engines.

In Germany in 1931, tests of missiles by I. Winkler, Riedel and others took place.

The first flight of a rocket-propelled aircraft with a liquid-propellant engine was made in the Soviet Union in February 1940. A liquid propellant rocket engine was used as the aircraft's power plant. In 1941, under the leadership of the Soviet designer V.F. Bolkhovitinov, the first jet fighter aircraft with a liquid-propellant engine was built. Its tests were carried out in May 1942 by pilot G. Ya. Bakhchivadzhi. At the same time the first flight took place German fighter with this engine.

In 1943, the United States tested the first American jet aircraft to use a liquid-propellant jet engine. In Germany in 1944, several fighter aircraft were built with these Messerschmitt-designed engines.

In addition, liquid rocket engines were used on German V2 rockets, created under the leadership of V. von Braun.

In the 1950s, liquid rocket engines were installed on ballistic missiles, and then on space rockets, artificial satellites, automatic interplanetary stations.

The liquid-propellant rocket engine consists of a combustion chamber with a nozzle, a turbopump unit, a gas generator or steam-gas generator, an automation system, control elements, an ignition system and auxiliary units (heat exchangers, mixers, drives).

The idea of ​​air-breathing engines (WRE) has been put forward more than once in different countries. The most important and original works in this regard are the studies carried out in 1908-1913 by the French scientist Renault Laurent, who proposed a number of designs for ramjet engines (ramjet engines). These engines use atmospheric air as an oxidizer, and air compression in the combustion chamber is ensured by dynamic air pressure.

In May 1939, a rocket with a ramjet design designed by P. A. Merkulov was tested for the first time in the USSR. It was a two-stage rocket (the first stage is a powder rocket) with a take-off weight of 7.07 kg, and the weight of the fuel for the second stage of the ramjet was only 2 kg. During testing, the rocket reached an altitude of 2 km.

In 1939-1940, for the first time in the world, the Soviet Union conducted summer tests of air-breathing engines installed as additional engines on an aircraft designed by N.P. Polikarpov. In 1942, ramjet engines designed by E. Zenger were tested in Germany.

An air-breathing engine consists of a diffuser in which, due to kinetic energy The incoming air flow compresses the air. Fuel is injected into the combustion chamber through a nozzle and the mixture ignites. The jet stream exits through the nozzle.

The process of operation of the jet engines is continuous, so they do not have starting thrust. In this regard, at flight speeds less than half the speed of sound, air-breathing engines are not used. The most effective use of jet engines is at supersonic speeds and high altitudes. An aircraft powered by a jet engine takes off using rocket engines running on solid or liquid fuel.

Another group of air-breathing engines - turbocompressor engines - has received greater development. They are divided into turbojet, in which the thrust is created by a stream of gases flowing from the jet nozzle, and turboprop, in which the main thrust is created by the propeller.

In 1909, the design of a turbojet engine was developed by engineer N. Gerasimov. In 1914, Russian lieutenant navy M. N. Nikolskoy designed and built a model of a turboprop aircraft engine. The working fluid for driving the three-stage turbine was the gaseous combustion products of a mixture of turpentine and nitric acid. The turbine worked not only on the propeller: the exhaust gaseous combustion products directed into the tail (jet) nozzle created jet thrust in addition to the thrust force of the propeller.

In 1924, V.I. Bazarov developed the design of an aviation turbocompressor jet engine, which consisted of three elements: a combustion chamber, a gas turbine, and a compressor. The flow of compressed air here was for the first time divided into two branches: the smaller part went into the combustion chamber (to the burner), and the larger part was mixed with the working gases to lower their temperature in front of the turbine. This ensured the safety of the turbine blades. The power of the multi-stage turbine was spent on driving the centrifugal compressor of the engine itself and partly on rotating the propeller. In addition to the propeller, thrust was created due to the reaction of a stream of gases passed through the tail nozzle.

In 1939, the construction of turbojet engines designed by A. M. Lyulka began at the Kirov plant in Leningrad. His trials were interrupted by the war.

In 1941, in England, the first flight was carried out on an experimental fighter aircraft equipped with a turbojet engine designed by F. Whittle. It was equipped with an engine with a gas turbine, which drove a centrifugal compressor that supplied air to the combustion chamber. Combustion products were used to create jet thrust.

By the end of World War II, it became clear that further effective development of aviation was only possible with the introduction of engines using the principles of jet propulsion in whole or in part.

The first aircraft with jet engines were created in Nazi Germany, Great Britain, the USA and the USSR.

In the USSR, the first fighter project, with a jet engine developed by A. M. Lyulka, was proposed in March 1943 by the head of OKB-301, M. I. Gudkov. The plane was called Gu-VRD. The project was rejected by experts due to a lack of faith in the relevance and advantages of WFD compared to piston aircraft engines.

German designers and scientists working in this and related fields (rocket science) found themselves in a more advantageous position. The Third Reich planned a war, and hoped to win it due to technical superiority in weapons. Therefore, in Germany, new developments that could strengthen the army in the field of aviation and rocketry were subsidized more generously than in other countries.

The first aircraft equipped with a HeS 3 turbojet engine designed by von Ohain was the He 178 (Heinkel Germany). This happened on August 27, 1939. This aircraft exceeded the piston fighters of its time in speed (700 km/h), the maximum speed of which did not exceed 650 km/h, but it was less economical and, as a result, had a shorter range. In addition, it had high takeoff and landing speeds compared to piston aircraft, which is why it required a longer runway with high-quality pavement.

Work on this topic continued almost until the end of the war, when the Third Reich, having lost its former advantage in the air, made an unsuccessful attempt to restore it by supplying military aviation jet aircraft.

Since August 1944, the Messerschmitt Me.262 jet fighter-bomber, equipped with two Jumo-004 turbojet engines manufactured by Junkers, began to be mass-produced. The Messerschmitt Me.262 aircraft was significantly superior to all its “contemporaries” in speed and climb rate.

Since November 1944, the first jet bomber Arado Ar 234 Blitz with the same engines began to be produced.

The only Allied jet aircraft anti-Hitler coalition, which formally took part in the Second World War, was the Gloucester Meteor (Great Britain) with a Rolls-Royce Derwent 8 turbojet engine designed by F. Whittle.

After the war, intensive development in the field of air-breathing engines began in all countries that had an aviation industry. Jet propulsion opened up new opportunities in aviation: flights at speeds exceeding the speed of sound, and the creation of aircraft with a payload capacity many times greater than that of piston aircraft, as a result of the higher specific power of gas turbine engines compared to piston engines.

The first domestic production jet aircraft was the Yak-15 fighter (1946), developed in record time on the basis of the Yak-3 airframe and an adaptation of the captured Jumo-004 engine, made at the engine-building design bureau of V. Ya. Klimov.

And a year later, the first, completely original, domestic turbojet engine TR-1, developed at the A. M. Lyulka Design Bureau, passed state tests. Such fast pace the development of a completely new area of ​​engine building has an explanation: A. M. Lyulka’s group has been working on this issue since pre-war times, but the “green light” for these developments was given only when the country’s leadership suddenly discovered that the USSR was lagging behind in this area.

The first domestic jet passenger airliner was the Tu-104 (1955), equipped with two RD-3M-500 (AM-3M-500) turbojet engines developed at the A. A. Mikulin Design Bureau. By this time, the USSR was already among the world leaders in the field of aircraft engine building.

The ramjet engine (ramjet engine), invented in 1913, also began to be actively improved. Since the 1950s, a number of experimental aircraft and production aircraft have been created in the USA. cruise missiles for various purposes with this type of engine.

Having a number of disadvantages for use on manned aircraft (zero thrust at a standstill, low efficiency at low flight speeds), the ramjet has become the preferred type of ramjet for unmanned disposable projectiles and cruise missiles, due to its simplicity, and, consequently, low cost and reliability.

In a turbojet engine (TRE), the air entering during flight is compressed first in the air intake and then in the turbocharger. Compressed air is supplied to the combustion chamber, where liquid fuel (most often aviation kerosene) is injected. Partial expansion of the gases formed during combustion occurs in the turbine rotating the compressor, and the final expansion occurs in the jet nozzle. An afterburner can be installed between the turbine and the jet engine to provide additional fuel combustion.

Nowadays, most military and civil aircraft, as well as some helicopters, are equipped with turbojet engines (TRDs).

In a turboprop engine, the main thrust is generated by the propeller, and additional thrust (about 10%) is generated by a stream of gases flowing from the jet nozzle. The operating principle of a turboprop engine is similar to a turbojet (TR), with the difference that the turbine rotates not only the compressor, but also the propeller. These engines are used in subsonic aircraft and helicopters, as well as for the propulsion of high-speed ships and cars.

The earliest solid rocket motors (SRM) were used in combat missiles. Their widespread use began in the 19th century, when rocket units appeared in many armies. IN late XIX centuries, the first smokeless gunpowder was created, with more stable combustion and greater efficiency.

In 1920-1930, work was carried out to create rocket weapons. This led to the appearance of rocket-propelled mortars - Katyushas in the Soviet Union, six-barreled rocket-propelled mortars in Germany.

The development of new types of gunpowder made it possible to use solid-fuel jet engines in combat missiles, including ballistic ones. In addition, they are used in aviation and astronautics as engines for the first stages of launch vehicles, starting engines for aircraft with ramjet engines, and braking engines for spacecraft.

A solid fuel jet engine (SFRE) consists of a housing (combustion chamber), which contains the entire fuel supply and a jet nozzle. The body is made of steel or fiberglass. The nozzle is made of graphite or refractory alloys. The fuel is ignited by an igniter. Thrust can be adjusted by changing the combustion surface of the charge or the critical cross-sectional area of ​​the nozzle, as well as by injecting liquid into the combustion chamber. The direction of thrust can be changed by gas rudders, a deflector (deflector), auxiliary control motors, etc.

Solid fuel jet engines are very reliable, do not require complex maintenance, can be stored for a long time, and are always ready to start.

Types of jet engines.

Nowadays, jet engines of various designs are used quite widely.

Jet engines can be divided into two categories: rocket jet engines and air-breathing engines.

Solid propellant rocket engine (solid propellant rocket engine) - a solid fuel rocket engine - an engine running on solid fuel, most often used in rocket artillery and much less often in astronautics. It is the oldest of the heat engines.

Liquid rocket engine (LPRE) is a chemical rocket engine that uses rocket fuel liquids, including liquefied gases. Based on the number of components used, one-, two-, and three-component liquid propellant engines differ.


Pulse air jet;



Modern jet engines.

The photograph shows an aircraft jet engine during testing.

The photo shows the process of assembling rocket engines.

Jet engines. History of jet engines. Types of jet engines.