Road and earthworks, landscaping. Wood waste Classification of wood waste

Wood waste sawmills can be useful. The business idea is to build a plant for the processing and disposal of wood waste from the sawmill of the woodworking industry and the processing of low raw materials and old wood

Classification of secondary wood resources

The production of almost all technological operations during logging, processing or associated with the formation of wood waste. These wood wastes are secondary wood resources because... New products can be produced from them or with their additives.
The use of wood waste largely depends on the type and location of its generation.
Classification of secondary wood resources.
The classification of secondary wood resources is based on the following characteristics:
- size and quality characteristics of waste;
- place of waste generation and its concentration;
- type of production.
According to size and quality characteristics, waste is divided into lumps (boughs, branches, tops, etc.), soft (shavings), bark, woody greens (needles, leaves and non-woody branches).
The location of secondary wood resources can be a logging site, a loading point, a timber warehouse, a wood processing or wood processing enterprise.
Depending on the type of production, secondary resources are divided into logging, sawmilling, pulp and paper production.
From an economic point of view, secondary waste is divided into potential, real and economically available.
Potential resources are the entire volume of waste and losses generated during the development of the logging fund allocated for felling or the processing of wood raw materials and materials.
Real resources are defined as potential, minus the inevitable technological losses in the process of wood harvesting, its primary processing, transportation, as well as during the collection, transportation and storage of the waste itself, and processing of waste into final products.
Economically affordable secondary resources- this is that part of real resources that can be processed into final products with the appropriate economic effect.
Economically available secondary wood resources do not include waste used for fuel and sold to the population and institutions in unprocessed form.
The level of profitability of their processing is taken as a criterion for the economic availability of secondary wood resources. Obviously, the category of economically accessible secondary waste dynamic, since material and monetary costs and prices for the final products obtained from them are dynamic.

Classification of wood waste

Wood waste is classified by type and stage.

By type, all waste is divided into:

solid: stumps, slabs, trimmings, roots, branches, slats, tops;
soft: wood dust, leaves, bark and bast, shavings, woody greens - pine needles.

By stages, waste is divided into:

waste associated with logging - stumps, bark (partially), roots, branches, tops, non-business wood (firewood), trimmings;
waste from primary wood processing in sawmilling, plywood production - sawdust, slats, slabs, pencil, trimmings, bark, flaw, shavings;
secondary processing waste in furniture production - sawdust, trimmings, shavings.

Wood briquetting technology

A set of equipment for briquetting wood waste, sawdust, branches, wood scraps up to 60-80 mm in diameter.

The resulting products are wood briquettes - a type of biofuel that is produced by pressing dry materials under high pressure. sawdust(humidity no more than 12%), without adding any chemical binders. Briquettes produced by this method on mechanical impact presses have the highest density (1100 -1400 kg/m3) with minimally low energy costs for their production.

Wood waste and its classification

Industrial waste from logging sites
Depending on the type of production in which wood waste is generated, logging waste and wood processing waste are distinguished.

Wood waste from logging refers to the separated parts of wood during the logging process. These are leaves and needles, non-woody shoots and bark, twigs and branches, peaks, tops, butts, trunk cuttings, waste from the production of crushed pulpwood. Wood waste obtained from logging operations in its natural form are poorly transportable, and when used for energy purposes they are first crushed into chips.

Wood processing waste is generated during wood processing production. These are slabs and slats, short lengths and cuttings, sawdust and shavings, waste from the production of technological chips and wood dust, bark.

Depending on the characteristics of the biomass, wood waste can be from crown elements, stem wood, bark, as well as wood rot. The shape and size of wood waste indicates lump wood waste and soft wood waste. Lump wood waste includes scraps and cutouts, slabs and peaks, cuttings and laths, and short lengths. Wood shavings and sawdust are classified as soft wood waste.
The amount of wood waste is determined by the share of wood waste not used in a given technological process in the production of a specific type of product. The amount of generated wood waste is calculated as a percentage of the volume of wood raw materials that was used in the production of products. The type of product affects the amount of waste.

Numerous studies have found linear dependence between the volume of exported stem wood and the amount of waste during logging.

Wood waste from sawmilling is represented by lump waste, used in some cases for energy purposes. Sawmill lump waste is waste from the peripheral part of logs. Logs without preliminary debarking have an abundance of bark, which excludes the possibility of their use for the production of wood-based panels and pulping.

Depending on local conditions, the amount of sawmill waste may vary and depends on the volume of sawn raw materials. The amount of bark on wood depends on to a greater extent depending on the type and age of the trees. The growing conditions of the source material also affect the amount of wood waste. The diameter of the tree trunk also affects the amount of bark. On total number The bark obtained by debarking is affected by its loss during logging. Transportation of wood by rafting promotes the falling off of bark and reduces its total yield to 8–10% of the volume of debarked wood.

Taking into account practical calculations, the amount of bark is 10% of the volume of debarked wood. This is a considerable amount of bark on the wood, which determines the importance and possibility of using wood debarking waste. After all, wood debarking is mandatory in the production of ever-increasing volumes of pulp and paper products.

may be useful. The business idea is to build and recycle wood sawmills and recycle from low raw materials and old ones by producing new, environmentally friendly clean look fuel - wood granules (pellets). Thus, the idea of ​​a waste recycling business can bring good benefits not only to your financial situation, but will also serve a good role for the environment.

The businessman will need to deal with organizational issues, i.e. choose suitable equipment, thoroughly learn the technology for producing wood pellets, search for personnel, find transport for transporting raw materials. Also, you will need to know the capabilities of the raw material base, i.e. find out the possible volumes of supply of raw materials, negotiate the supply of raw materials with the owners of sawmills; make inquiries about competitors; calculate the most profitable volume of pellet production. Considerable cash costs will be required to start a business (depending on the chosen production volume) - this is one of the main disadvantages of this business idea.

In the technology for manufacturing fuel pellets, exhaust hot air with small wood particles is removed from the cyclone system by a fan into ventilation units, which provide filters with a purification degree of 99.9%. The purified air is released into the atmosphere.

When wood waste is burned in air heaters, emissions carbon dioxide is absent, and 1% of ash is formed, which is used as fertilizer. Pellets can serve as fuel for city, regional, rural, municipal and departmental boiler houses. Pellets can also be produced for export, because... Europe is already switching to this type of fuel. Pellets can be used as litter for pets. Some also use wood pellets to make charcoal.

The use of wood pellets as fuel, in addition to reducing financial costs, will make it possible to get rid of imported fuel through a minor reconstruction of boiler houses. And due to this, it becomes even much cheaper, because you can immediately eliminate transportation costs.

This business idea is also good because it simultaneously solves a whole range of problems: waste disposal, improving ecological situation, non-renewable energy sources are saved, new jobs appear.

"Cons" of this production are: the high cost of equipment, the need to re-equip boiler systems, or purchase new boilers operating on solid fuel in automatic control mode.

Currently, the development of resource saving technology is very topical issue, wood waste also falls under the category of materials requiring rational use. But despite this, forests continue to be cut down and sold in almost unlimited quantities.

Many wood processing enterprises leave about 25–40% of waste wood material after completing work, further fate which is unknown. Since the conservation of forests is not only a problem for the country, but also for the whole world, standards for handling and sale must be introduced, the distribution of which would also affect wood waste.

According to existing statistics, Russia has the largest forest reserves in the world, their approximate area occupies more than 800 thousand hectares in the country, this figure is approximately 25% forest plantations the entire planet.

Most of the forest plantations are located on Far East and in Siberia. The forest is a source of raw materials for all wood manufacturing or processing enterprises, but the forest is also considered a habitat for animals, birds and other mammals; without it, most of them will simply disappear. Entire populations of animals will die out, as we know, this can lead to a catastrophic outcome, which is why its use in production will not only preserve primary wood material, but also reduce wood waste, which will significantly reduce deforestation.

The forest is also a source of many types of berries, medicinal herbs and mushrooms, most of which are very useful not only for animals, but also for people, their disappearance can deprive the human body necessary vitamins. And in some cases even medicines, produced on an organic basis of forest herbs.

The existence of a problem integrated use the remnants of wood processing began with the development of the sawmill industry. At that time no one thought about environmental problems, which may occur due to a decrease in green spaces. Therefore, waste was simply destroyed by burning, so as not to occupy territory and not pose a threat to enterprises, as a highly flammable material.

For past period, woodworking technologies are developing, automated control and other innovations are being introduced that make it possible to extract maximum profits, but the attitude towards waste has remained virtually unchanged. This mainly applies to small and medium-sized wood processing industries, which do not want to spend money on the development of processing and recycling technologies, so wood processing waste simply surrounds such companies.

Types of waste materials from sawmilling and woodworking

Wood processing or sawmill waste is usually divided into groups depending on its origin or condition.

First group

  • tails;
  • hunchboards.

This is the first board that is obtained when cutting a log into boards; it can be sawn only halfway or not sawn at all. The thickness and width of the cut are standardized to obtain a more uniform next board.

Second group

This group includes:

  • piece trimmings;
  • longitudinal trimmings;
  • cross cuttings;
  • end cuts;
  • cuttings of dry logs;
  • blank cuts;
  • remains of wooden parts;
  • plywood logs;
  • pencils.

Also, wood processing waste can be defective and cut during the production of wood products.

Third group

These are scraps finished products, such as:

  • plywood;
  • veneer;
  • glued plywood;
  • MDF.

And others wood materials, made from primary or secondary raw materials, but completely ready for use. As a rule, they occur during the repair or reconstruction of buildings.

Fourth group

The fourth group includes wood processing waste such as:

  • wood dust obtained by sanding the surface of a board;
  • sawdust;

A similar type is used for the manufacture of wood panels using glue and special press equipment.

Also, all of the above groups are divided into two types:

  • business;
  • non-business.

Businesses are typically larger sawmill or woodworking residues such as slabs and lump trims. Such wood processing waste can be easily recycled by major processing companies and used to manufacture products requiring such raw materials.

The smaller fraction is considered non-business; sawmill residues are mainly the third group or lower. Such recyclable materials require the creation of certain conditions, as well as technological processes that would be adjusted to their properties. Non-business waste is considered less desirable due to its more costly production process.

Technological application of wood processing and sawmill residues

Larger waste belonging to the first group is used for the manufacture of bulky or voluminous products, such as:

  • shields;
  • parquets;
  • barrels;
  • pallets;
  • box containers;
  • pallets.

In the furniture industry, wood processing waste is often used to make small components that do not require first-class material and are only a component part. This is even more profitable than using expensive, first-class raw materials for the manufacture of such inconspicuous parts.

In the construction industry, wood waste is also partially used; as a rule, it is used to make roofing materials or thermal insulation elements.

Unsuitable wood waste for the manufacture of any products or parts is used in industrial organizations as fuel. By burning these, you can get:

  • electrical energy;
  • thermal energy;
  • a couple;
  • hot water.

Lump waste is used as a raw material for the production of pulp and paper products at industrial enterprises in this area.

And wood shavings are used as a filter, in wastewater treatment plants, for cleaning waste water from industrial zones, from oil residues.

In some industries, wood processing waste is even used to obtain chemical products, such a result, of course, requires complex technological processes, but still this is another niche for using recycled material. Taken together, all such methods make it possible to save hundreds of hectares of forest annually from deforestation.

The most difficult processing process relates to tree bark, since it is obtained by wet debarking, it has a high percentage of moisture capacity, which requires its pre-drying before processing. However, bark can also be considered an important raw material, since it is used in pharmaceutical production and is used to make:

  • tannins;
  • ethanol;
  • medicinal tinctures;

Also, the bark is an indispensable component of such building materials, How:

  • insulation boards;
  • wood plastic.

It is worth noting that wood waste has many uses, in industries such as:

  • construction;
  • paper;
  • furniture;
  • wastewater treatment plants, etc.

One fact is, only a small percentage of all manufacturing and industrial enterprises in the country are interested in using recycled material. This is because there is no encouragement from the state, no interest-free loans for the development of technologies for processing wood chips, bark and wane. The purchase of special equipment will cost a large sum, but whether it will pay off or not is not known, since in Russia a very common material is primary raw materials, which are already fully prepared for use by sawmills and processing organizations.

The current situation in the country with wood processing waste materials

Despite the usefulness of developing such an industry as preparation for reuse wood residues, in Russia on at the moment Only large enterprises use it. Medium and small enterprises, of which, by the way, there are much more in the country than large ones, consider it unprofitable to process and use wood waste. This is because it is much easier to purchase new wood, use it in production and get financial profit with a minimum of technological actions.

At large enterprises the picture is different, due to the volume of raw materials processed, since after the purchase of each batch of timber and its processing, a certain amount of waste remains. Over time, this waste forms into voluminous mounds. To obtain additional profit, such enterprises establish a process for using the waste generated on the territory of the organization; in the production chain they are used as a material for the manufacture of additional products, depending on the direction of the enterprise, they can produce:

  • pressed slabs;
  • pallets;
  • seals;
  • insulation materials;
  • fuel for own furnaces or for generating electricity.

Small and medium-sized enterprises do not develop such technologies, as the small volume of residual material does not allow this industry to be profitable.

As a percentage, processing wood at a sawmill gives the output of raw materials about 60%. The remaining 40% is waste, they contain 14% - slabs, 12% - sawdust, 9% - cuttings and small items, the rest is bark or end trimmings.

Solving the problems of using waste woodworking materials

Not the only one, but optimal solution problems of using sawmill waste in small and medium-sized enterprises, there is the creation of cooperative units in maximum proximity to the sources of secondary wood material. As well as establishing close ties and developing technology with energy companies that are interested in the supply of fuel products.

You may be interested in briquetting sawdust at home

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Wood waste is generated in large volumes during logging and wood processing. They do not pose a threat to human health, but they are still recycled. After all, sawdust, shavings, wood chips, etc. – this is a valuable raw material that is used to make new materials and more. The article describes the areas of use of wood waste.

Wood waste is waste obtained during the processes of harvesting, processing, processing wood and after using wood materials and products.

The main suppliers of wood waste are various branches of the forest industry and wood processing plants. Wood waste generated at such enterprises can be used in the manufacture of various types of products.

Wood waste also accumulates during so-called sanitary felling (large branches, tops, low quality wood, etc.). They are also formed when caring for plants outdoors. populated areas, in parks, recreation areas, etc.

Among other things, quite large quantities Wood waste is generated from the demolition and dismantling of buildings in cities, and similar waste is also contained in household waste.

All wood waste can be divided into types and types in accordance with slightly different classifications. There are two main types:

  1. Waste obtained from the sawmill process and after cutting down trees. This type includes branches and bark, needles coniferous trees etc. In this case, when harvesting wood for logs, there is practically no sawdust. The resulting above-mentioned waste is poorly transported and is therefore first crushed.
  2. Wood processing waste (obtained as a result of processing trees). This type of wood debris consists of slats, sawdust, wood dust, shavings, etc.

Based on the nature of the biomass, they are divided into the following types waste:

  • branches and leaves of trees;
  • remains of tree trunks;
  • bark waste;
  • rotten wood.

In addition, depending on the shape and size, the waste can be lumpy (cuts, strips, etc.) and soft (shavings, sawdust). Also sawdust, chips, shavings, scrap wood, bark, etc., obtained from different sources, differ in such characteristics as the density of wood waste.

The waste in question, depending on its type, can belong to either IV (low-hazardous) or V (almost non-hazardous) class. So, for example, fiberboard and chipboard sawdust are classified as hazard class IV, and wood chips, sawdust, and shavings from pure natural wood are classified as hazard class V (according to FKKO). Moreover, such garbage should not be contaminated with toxic substances. More detailed information on the issue of assigning waste to a particular hazard class, as well as the rules for handling them, can be found in Federal Law No. 89 of June 24, 1998, as well as in GOST 12.1.007 - 76.

What can be produced from wood waste

Sawmill and wood processing waste in our country has been used for quite a long time to manufacture new products and materials. However, competition in this industry is still low. Therefore, using waste as raw materials for production is a promising business idea.

What can be produced from wood waste? Let's look at the most popular destinations.


One of the most promising industries is the business of producing fuel briquettes. This is due, first of all, to the fact that when burning these briquettes, almost the same amount of heat is released as when burning coal.

When burning coal, wood briquettes and simple firewood, 22 MJ/kg, 19 MJ/kg and 10 MJ/kg of heat are released respectively.

In addition, as a result of the combustion process, no briquettes remain large quantity ash and a relatively low volume of carbon dioxide is released.

The briquetting line consists of a crusher, a drying apparatus, a mechanical impact press, a loading unit and a briquette cooling unit.

It is believed that the production of fuel briquettes is a business that pays off in a short period of time.

The technological process for producing fuel briquettes and the equipment used in this process are described in the following short video


Fuel pellets are used for heating not only private sector homes, but also production premises. The most popular material for making pellets is sawdust. This production will require equipment, including filling and packaging units, coolers, granulator presses, drying machines, and crushers. You can purchase devices from Europe, which are initially focused on the production of pellets from sawdust. Moreover, in this case, the sawdust can be wet, because installations carry out their simultaneous drying. To operate such devices, diesel fuel and gas are used.

In the fuel pellet production business, you can use straw and grain waste, but the quality of the product will be reduced. Pellets without impurities are used for heating private houses, while pellets with impurities are used for heating industrial premises. Also, pellets with a high content of additional components are sold in the form of cat litter.

Fiberboards are found wide application during construction, during finishing work and in the manufacture of furniture. The process of producing fiberboard from waste consists of the following stages:

  • purification and crushing of raw materials;
  • steaming;
  • re-grinding;
  • drying;
  • molding;
  • carrying out pressing, grinding and decorative finishing.

To start a business, you can purchase both Russian and foreign equipment.


To implement a business idea for fuel production, you will need a pyrolysis plant. It consists of three main units: a unit where wood is prepared, a boiler for pyrolysis and a gas piston power plant. The production of such installations has been carried out in our country for about 80 years.

Other products

Pay attention! For successful business You can use not only sawdust.

For example, bark and needles coniferous plants can be boiled to obtain useful and valuable condensate. The presence of many biologically active substances, vitamins, organic acids, etc. determines its use in the production of cosmetics, medicines and animal feed. Also, the remaining needles themselves can be processed into feed additives in the form of flour, the value of which lies in its bactericidal properties.

Among other things, wood waste can be used in the fertilizer business. For this purpose, they resort to a method of destroying organic residues such as composting. As a result of the decomposition of raw materials placed in compost trenches, a fertilizer similar to humus is obtained.

Power plants using wood waste

Wood waste can be used as biofuel for mini-CHP. On the domestic market you can find offers for the sale of autonomous, automated power plants operating on raw wood waste. Thus, one of the Ural companies develops projects and manufactures thermal power plants with highly reliable boilers, with efficient and high-quality combustion chambers, with hydraulic fuel supply for burning wood residues, as well as with steam turbines for the production of inexpensive thermal and electrical energy. The cost of such installations is from different manufacturers varies between 7 – 7.5 million rubles.

The use of wood biofuel at thermal power plants to generate its own energy is economically more feasible compared to the use of traditional fuels, because It is much more profitable to burn cheap wood waste than fuel oil, coal, etc.

Briquetting sawdust at home

You can make briquettes from wood waste at home. However, for this venture to be profitable, you will have to use fairly simple equipment made by yourself (unless, of course, the goal is to produce briquettes for sale).

When making wood briquettes at home, they use wallpaper or other (cheap) glue, clay, paper, and corrugated cardboard to mold them.

At home (in the absence of special equipment), the following technology is used to obtain fuel briquettes:

  1. The sawdust is soaked in water and mixed with clay in a ratio of 1:10. You can also add (instead of clay) glue or wet cardboard.
  2. The workpiece is transferred into the molds of a hand-made press and the mixture is pressed using it.
  3. Next, the briquettes removed from the molds are dried, simply placing them on the street.

Most simple model The press for producing briquettes at home has a design with a screw manual drive. A container with numerous holes is filled with sawdust and placed on a stationary base, after which pressure is applied to the mixture by screwing. Such presses are simple in design, but ineffective. Therefore, craftsmen create other more complex installations. For example, a homemade press that uses a long lever to compress the mixture.

Wood waste can be used not only in the manufacture of briquettes to maintain heat at home. Production of products and materials based on these wastes - great idea for a business without fierce competition and which does not require the implementation of complex installations. Such a business will bring profit to its owner and preserve our environment.

The activities of the wood processing industry are accompanied by the generation of large amounts of waste. This word refers to the part of the raw material that is not used in the main production.

Non-format, “eating up” the areas adjacent to production facilities that use wood as a raw material, is almost a third of the total volume of material arriving for further processing.

In addition to branches and green mass, logs and stumps, bark, slabs, lump waste, wood chips, shavings and sawdust are sent to scrap. You can get rid of waste by burning it, but it is more rational to use it in practice, which will solve several problems at once:

  • increase profitability of the main industry and “open the door” to more competitive prices for processed wood;
  • rid from the costs of transporting waste to the disposal site, expenses for renting land for accumulation of raw materials “garbage”;
  • reduce harmful effects on the biosphere;
  • improve rational use of cut green spaces.

Branches, bark and green matter

By processing the crushed bark and green mass of coniferous trees (pine, fir, cedar), we obtain essential oils, then used to create healing rubs and balms, and pine extracts for baths and fir (taiga, Florentine) water, used both for medicinal and industrial purposes. The use of Florentine water when processing coniferous green mass helps reduce the cost of clean water required for the process.

Green mass deciduous trees, bark and small branches after grinding are suitable for use in the agricultural sector. It can be used as mulch - a component for compost pits.

After separation from the boiled green mass and small non-lignified oil fractions, the residual product - condensate (bottom residue) - is a valuable component for creating coarse, fiber-rich feed for livestock and poultry.

Ridges and stumps

Due to its non-standard configuration, this type of waste wood is suitable in industry only for processing into chips, which can then be used for needs identified in a given region (for heating, for agricultural tasks, for solving some issues of municipal and agricultural farms).


The volumes of bark removed are always significant, since debarking wood is a mandatory process for processing it before further use.

The bark of trees of any species is considered a biologically active substrate with a long period of decomposition, which does not prevent its use in compost pits (special additives must be added to accelerate the decomposition of the contents of the pits).

Being rich in fiber, the bark is a raw material that can be used in the production of feed mixtures and roughage for livestock.

Physical and chemical properties bark allows it to be used in the production of carolite - a slab building material.


Croaker - waste, considered the most voluminous group of waste material, appears during the secondary processing of wood.

Often, waste of this kind is of significant size (business slab), which makes it possible to further use it in the production of obapol (slab and plank) and small lumber (rough blanks, planks for making containers, staves).

Obapol is a product for lining the fastenings of mine workings.

If there is a demand for fuel pellets, slab (wood) is pre-crushed and used to form artificially created “logs”.

Lump waste

Lump waste, trimmings - waste wood, which is a product of carpentry and furniture production.

Relatively long pieces of waste are suitable for the production of middle elements of joinery panels, batten panels, and hollow panels used in the construction of panel buildings.

Small ones are used by manufacturers of re-glued panels. The veneer, fiberboard and chipboard left over from the manufacturing processes are used in the production of hollow pellets.

The short ones are used for lining “clean” blocks. Like slabs, lump waste is suitable for processing into industrial chips used for the production of cellulose, cardboard, for the needs of farmers, and for combustion.

wood chips

Chips are recyclable materials obtained from both sawmill and woodworking processes. Used in the production of fiberboard, chipboard, container board, cellulose, and hydrolytic alcohol. IN lately It is actively used by landscape designers for decorative mulching of personal plots, and by agricultural farms for mulching garden beds and trunk circles of fruit-bearing and ornamental trees.


Wood shavings are divided into two subtypes: those obtained specially and those formed during wood processing when performing carpentry and other tasks. The second type is suitable for increasing the volume of special chips required in the production of chipboards. Manufacturers of wood concrete, a lightweight concrete needed to create a thermal insulation layer on buildings, also need shavings.

In addition, farmers use shavings to protect the soil of planting beds from weathering and drying out. It is also used in greenhouse complexes to create the necessary temperature conditions. This type of waste wood is also used in farmyards as bulk bedding material. During thaws in winter, utility services use shavings as an absorbent material to rid station and market sidewalks of puddles and liquid mud.

Sawdust comes from most sawmilling and woodworking processes. They are used in the molding of additional slabs necessary for the manufacture of floors and decorative wall finishing.

Sawdust is required for the formation of gypsum sawdust concrete mixtures, compositions, sawdust concrete, thermiz.

Excellent absorbent properties make sawdust a good bedding material for farms where livestock or poultry are kept. Farmers also use it in gardening work, trying to protect the soil under plantings from drying out and weathering in the heat, and the dominance of weeds that are unable to grow through a layer of sawdust. They are also used in landscape design - if necessary, to increase the decorative appeal of individual areas.

Sawdust crushed in a special way is used in the production of wood flour, plastic, floor coverings (linoleum), explosives, clay and ceramic products.

Most wood waste can be used for the production of charcoal, obtained through pyrolysis without oxygen. Raw materials from hardwood are used for the production of grade A coal, soft and hardwood - grade B, soft and hardwood and coniferous - grade B.