Who is the butcher doctor? What Doctor Myasnikov says about panic attacks in the program “About the Most Important Thing”

If formerly Alexander Leonidovich was known only to his colleagues and numerous grateful patients, but after he became the host of the popular health program “About the Most Important Thing” on the Rossiya-1 TV channel, the whole country learned about him. He is a fourth generation doctor, in whose family there were doctors of various specialties, the chief physician of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 71, and Alexander Myasnikov’s wife Natalya is a real keeper of the hearth, trying to do everything to make her husband comfortable and cozy in their home.

Personal life of Alexander Myasnikov

Like many public people, he tries not to touch upon topics relating to his relationships with loved ones, so the personal life of Dr. Alexander Myasnikov is shrouded in secrecy, although he willingly talks about his famous ancestors, in whose footsteps I decided to follow myself.

It is known that the doctor’s family life did not work out the first time, but now he is happy and successfully combines professional activity and relaxation with family. Alexander Leonidovich is a passionate person. He is not averse to hunting with friends, despite the fact that he does not feel like a professional in this matter. Myasnikov tries to adhere to the advice that he gives to his patients and viewers of the “About the Most Important” program - he eats right and leads an active lifestyle. Including at least a kilogram of vegetables and half a kilogram of fruits in his daily diet, he tries to eat less red meat, but drinks coffee without restrictions, because he learned that this drink protects against liver cancer and also reduces the risk of myocardial infarction. In addition, he plays sports and loves to take a steam bath, because the bathhouse is an excellent physiotherapeutic procedure.

Doctor Myasnikov's wife

The doctor has been happily married for forty years, and he met his wife when he was married to someone else, but after seeing social events Natalya, who, by the way, came in the company of her fiancé, experienced this strong feeling that he decided to completely change his personal life.

The girl apparently also really liked him, because for his sake she decided to break up with her boyfriend, whom she was already planning to marry. Throughout family life Alexander Myasnikov’s wife is always next to her husband - she accompanies him not only when traveling, but also on business trips. The advice and support of his wife is important for Alexander Leonidovich, for whom family is the most important thing in this life.

The doctor admits that Natalya completely changed his lifestyle and helped him determine his goal, so that he could then go towards achieving it. Alexander Leonidovich’s wife graduated from the Institute of History and Archives and worked at TASS. Natalya never, even in the most prosperous times for their family, complained about the lack of money and was content with what they had, and was always a reliable support and support for her husband.

Are there children?

The children of Alexander Myasnikov are the son Leonid, named after his grandfather. Leonid is studying at school in France and dreams of continuing family tradition and also become a doctor. The son became their late child; during pregnancy, Alexandra’s wife experienced certain health problems, but she did not even think about getting rid of the unborn baby, for which Myasnikov is now eternally grateful to her.

Alexander Leonidovich tries to spend as much time as possible with Leonid, and especially for him he compiled an extensive genealogy, in which he spoke about numerous ancestors and relatives, among whom there were many wonderful people, including excellent doctors.

Brief biography of doctor Alexander Myasnikov

The first representative of the Myasnikov dynasty of doctors was Alexander Leonidovich’s great-great-grandfather, Leonid Aleksandrovich, who brilliantly graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University and returned to his hometown of Krasny Kholm, near Tver, to become a zemstvo doctor. Today in this city one of the streets bears his name. His wife was also a doctor. During the First World War, Alexander Myasnikov’s great-grandfather was involved in organizing hospitals on the Caucasian front, and after the 1917 revolution he organized the first eye surgical clinic in Russia.

Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov himself also did a lot for domestic medicine. After the end of the Second Medical Institute them. Pirogov, he completed his residency and postgraduate studies at the Institute of Cardiology named after his grandfather, a famous Soviet scientist, chairman of the All-Russian Society of Therapists.

After defending his Ph.D. dissertation, Alexander Myasnikov went to People's Republic Mozambique, where he was a doctor in one of the geological groups. Then he worked as a doctor in the Zambezi province, and in 1989 he became a consultant to specialists at a government hospital in Angola.

After returning to Moscow, Dr. Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov worked as a cardiologist in the All-Union Cardiological scientific center and at the same time was an employee of the medical department International organization on migration.

In 1996, Alexander Leonidovich completed his residency at the New York Medical Center state university, and in 2000 he received the title of physician of the highest category, awarded to him by the American Board of Medicine and became a member of the American Medical Association and College of Physicians. Then he returned to Russia, and in 2009-2010 he was the chief physician of the Kremlin hospital of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Around that time, he met his first wife and began to build his personal life.

Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Myasnikov is known to Russians from television programs about health, in particular, from the “About the Most Important” program, which he hosts. The former head physician of the Kremlin hospital, Myasnikov, pays great attention to the problem of vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as other diseases and fears associated with them. The specificity of his speeches is that he exposes myths about health that exist in the mass consciousness.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD), so popular now in Russia, as the disease is not included in the ICD ( international classification diseases). The doctor boldly says that there is simply no such diagnosis, and what domestic doctors consider signs of VSD are in fact symptoms of other diseases. A comprehensive examination is necessary to identify the true cause of the ailment.

Very often, doctors mistake thyroid dysfunction for dystonia. Fatigue, depression, tremors, weakness and other signs of panic readiness can also be causes of chronic infections. However, in practice, a patient with suspected VSD is never sent to identify them.

Alexander Myasnikov says that chronic fatigue caused by neuropsychic overload, leading to somatic diseases, is often mistaken for VSD. If you continue in the same spirit, you can get hypertension - a really dangerous disease...

In fact, the doctor refutes the well-established point of view in Russian medicine and psychotherapy that there is a certain VSD syndrome, which is the root cause of panic attacks.

What does the doctor associate with the fears, phobias, unmotivated anxiety and panic that so often arise “out of the blue” in approximately 15% of the adult population?

Alexander Myasnikov’s answer is simple: panic attacks are caused by anxiety about one’s health.

Anxiety and fear as the basis of health problems

Fear for one's life, which takes the form of panic, can often be found in hospital patients with serious illnesses. The doctor had to deal with panic among cancer patients. He wrote a book about it called “Vector of Fear.” According to Myasnikov, the very word “oncology” today evokes almost mystical, superstitious horror, despite the fact that modern technologies Almost 90% of patients with cancer survive. (The doctor defined “survivors” as those who went into five-year remission after an episode of illness). Now immunotherapy is coming to the fore, which, according to the doctor’s forecasts, should completely defeat oncology. But for this it is necessary to identify the disease at the first stage.

The doctor draws attention to the illogicality of fears, citing the example of people older than middle age with overweight, smokers, drinkers, with a sedentary lifestyle, with increased level blood sugar. Why are these people afraid not of hypertension, which is almost guaranteed for them, but of oncology - after all, they also die from hypertension? By the way, the doctor notes, smoking is bad physical fitness and not proper nutrition can equally lead to heart attack, stroke, and oncology. That is, people are “afraid” of cancer without doing anything to prevent it.

There is no logic to fears and phobias. Panic occurs as a response of the body to trouble, external or internal. Every person has a fear of death. If a patient suspects that he is terminally ill or may become ill, this gives rise to fear. And any fear gives rise to even stronger ones. It turns out to be a vicious circle. The doctor says that this circle needs to be broken, but to do this, you need to understand that all worries about health are normal, understandable, and that everything is fine with the patient.

During a panic attack, all fears and anxieties intensify and combine. Inside " vicious circle“There is also a fear of waiting for the next attack - and this attack will definitely happen! Therefore, panic must be treated at its first manifestations.

Drug and non-drug treatments for panic attacks

There are drug and non-drug treatments for panic attacks.

Medicinal methods include medications that can eliminate the symptoms of an attack. These are sedatives, including barbiturates, and tranquilizers. The most effective of them are sibazon, corvalol, diazepam and others. There are also adrenergic blockers (medicines of the third group), such as anaprilin. The doctor claims that all medicines act quickly, effectively and side effects they do not, unless you start taking them for a long period. But, the doctor believes, a patient with a panic attack will not need this, because they will explain to him the groundlessness of his fears.

The doctor includes in the list of ineffective drugs folk remedies, herbal preparations that do not give an immediate effect. Yes, they will take effect in about two hours, when the panic attack has passed. It is also necessary to exclude the use of antidepressants, the use of which is effective only with constant use. They will give results after a week or two, but in an acute state of panic they can have the opposite effect, only increasing the panic.

TO non-drug methods methods include psychological impact. The patient must receive correct installation to tune in properly. Fear is born in the head, emotions are caused by chemical processes, but with an effort of will they can be suppressed or transformed, giving them a positive connotation.

The doctor advises using distraction techniques, doing breathing exercises, for example, breathing into a paper bag until the attack passes.

Nutrition is the key to health

Finally, in order to improve your health and avoid the development of what is called vegetative-vascular dystonia in domestic medicine, you need to eat wisely. One of Dr. Myasnikov’s books is called “How to Live Longer than 50 Years.” It has a section on “proper” nutrition. There, myths associated with certain products are refuted.

Many people consider coffee to be a harmful product, and are sure that its frequent consumption will lead to a heart attack. Alexander Myasnikov believes that coffee for signs of VSD, on the contrary, is useful; it is also a means of prevention against heart attack and cancer. But sausages, small sausages, and sausages should be completely excluded from the diet to avoid increasing cholesterol. The doctor advises to be careful when eating red meat. Regarding fish, he warns: although they write about its usefulness, most water bodies today are polluted and contaminated.

A healthy diet includes consumption of vegetables and fruits, clean water. Juices and carbonated drinks contain dyes, emulsifiers, additives; they do not cleanse the body, but clog it. Kidney stones form partly because of them. If you drink up to two liters of water a day, your kidneys, liver and other organs will work perfectly. In addition, the pressure will decrease and go away overweight. And the risk of developing symptoms of what is commonly defined as VSD will decrease.

Doctor Myasnikov does not answer the question of where panic attacks come from in completely healthy people. However, patients with chronic diseases Having watched his programs and read his books, they can draw conclusions about the secondary nature of panic attacks and the curability of their illnesses. Health promotion and proper nutrition, the doctor believes, are the best remedies for panic.

Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich - famous cardiologist, family doctor, writer and also presenter popular programs on medical topics.

This is a doctor with a huge amount of knowledge and experience. His medical activity began with work in Mozambique and Angola, where Alexander worked as a surgeon for the geological party. For a long time Myasnikov practiced medicine in Russia, even managing to serve as the head physician of the Kremlin hospital.

Now Alexander Myasnikov successfully runs the City Clinical Hospital named after. Zhadkevich in Moscow. The main goal The doctor considers his life to be work to improve medical literacy among the population, as well as help in acquiring knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and achieving longevity.

Today our editors will share with you the opinion of a famous doctor about the most common myths of modern medicine. We hope you find these tips useful.

Myths of medicine

  • Tip #1
    Under no circumstances should you feel sorry for yourself! You need to move more and not spoil your stomach with a variety of pastries and sweets. You should forget about the elevator once and for all! If you live on the 18th floor, walk up to at least the third. The doctor claims that even with a knife in the back you can crawl to the second floor, so you should allow yourself to ride the elevator as little as possible.
  • Tip #2
    Don't trust drug advertisements! 95% of advertised drugs are completely ineffective.
  • Tip #3
    Don't worry about the future. After all stressful situations only aggravate the course of various diseases. You should live for today, but live correctly!

May health, luck and good mood. We wish you to deal only with doctors from God!

Recently I was struck by one book - “How to Live Longer than 50: An Honest Conversation with Your Doctor about Medicines and Medicine.” Its author is Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medicine of the USA, a hereditary Russian doctor. He is the grandson and full namesake of the doctor who treated I.V. Stalin.

Alexander Myasnikov practiced medicine in the USA, Africa, and France. Currently, he works as the chief physician of the largest Russian hospital. Which gave him the right to derive a formula for survival and preservation of health in Russia.

You probably know him from the TV show “About the Most Important Thing” and numerous videos on YouTube.

The book by A. L. Myasnikov is not a simple publication, but a whole revelation. The doctor in it talks about how to live to gray hairs without any serious illnesses in the conditions of domestic medicine.

The presentation of thoughts is a fascinating dialogue with an unbiased doctor, thanks to which the view on the possibility of curing the most common diseases changes. For example:

  1. Why the number of heart attacks is higher in our country and what preventive measures are being taken in the West.
  2. Why did they refuse to treat hypertension with special tablets abroad and what is the treatment now?

After such a frank conversation with a doctor on the pages of the book, you will be able to take the situation into account. health into your own hands no matter where you live. Be healthy!

As we have already said, Alexander Myasnikov is a candidate of medical sciences, a doctor of medicine in the USA, a hereditary doctor. He is a doctor of medicine and a physician of the highest category (certificate 200059, USA), former chief physician of the famous “Kremlevka” (FSI “Hospital with a Polyclinic” of the Presidential Administration of Russia), chief physician of the city clinical hospital No. 71, host of the television program “Did you call the doctor?” Alexander Myasnikov.

The Myasnikov medical dynasty is one of the most famous and numerous not only in Russia, but also in the world.

The great-grandfather of Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov is a zemstvo doctor who opened the first hospital in his city, his grandfather is an academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, a world-famous scientist, whose textbooks are still used by students of all medical universities.

Cardiologists, anesthesiologists, resuscitators - everyone in this family has been becoming doctors for two hundred years. And Alexander Leonidovich did not doubt for a minute which profession to choose.

As part of the Red Cross mission, he treated patients in Africa, was a doctor at a military hospital in Angola, the Soviet embassy in Paris and a geological expedition in Mozambique, in one of the medical centers in New York.

Having achieved the highest professional recognition in the USA, in 2000 Dr. Myasnikov returned to Russia and opened his own clinic in Moscow, operating according to international standards.

About the most important things: Rules against aging - nutrition, cosmetologist's advice, cholesterol

Here you will learn about:

  1. How to stay a real woman up to 100 years.
  2. Tips for those who want to live a long life.
  3. Useful products for longevity.
  4. How to control cholesterol levels.
  5. What are statins?
  6. Tips from a cosmetologist: 3 recipes that will help keep your skin toned.
  7. Retirement: where to start if you decide to take care of your health.

Scientists say that one hour a day spent taking care of your health can add 15-20 years to your life. The teleclinic “About the Most Important Thing” invites you to spend this hour together and take your health seriously. Be healthy!

Did you call the doctor?

Dr. Myasnikov hosts the program “Did you call the doctor?” on the third TV channel, which has become very popular. Why? Yes, because the presenter clearly and simply talks about the most important and current problems that we all face every day. About our health! He gives simple answers to the most seemingly complex questions.

Why does this happen that...

  • We don't know how to take care of ourselves.
  • We don’t know how to help ourselves and our loved ones in this or that situation.
  • We are afraid when the temperature or pressure rises.
  • We can't tell the difference between the flu and a cold.
  • We treat ourselves with all sorts of methods (most often incorrect) and...
  • We apply irreparable harm to your health.

The 21st century is an era of medical progress and diversity of healthcare services. It seems that today you can cure anything, anywhere. Clinics, hospitals, medical centers growing like mushrooms after rain. But as many problems as there are, so much money is required. The more you need the care of people in white coats, the more funds you should have.

Unfortunately, along with professionals, there are people who apparently have not taken the Hippocratic Oath. What do you need to know when choosing a doctor and clinic so as not to fall into the hands of charlatans and harm yourself?

The author of this book tells how to and how not to take care of yourself. When is it necessary to go to the doctor, and when can you help yourself? If we go to a doctor, we must know what to ask, what and how to react. Have an understanding of medical errors and misconceptions that we regularly encounter when we come to a medical facility.

Medicine has long become a business, so half of the recommended drugs or treatments are simply lies. The book describes in detail which recommendations from doctors you should pay attention to and which ones you shouldn’t. What medications can you take and what should you avoid?

If Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov decided to put together all his experience as a doctor in different countries, it would turn out to be a real encyclopedia of health. But this book is small in volume. The most basic things are collected here - the main thing: Dr. Myasnikov talks about the most current issues medicine and health. But at the same time they are immeasurably deep, like the Universe. And in addition - to be continued.

How are we being deceived and what are we falling for?

We are used to being constantly deceived - intentionally or not.

Deliberate deception is when a piece of meat is pumped with a saline solution to make it heavier, and an expensive label is attached to a third-rate Chinese product, passing off the product as high-quality. Accordingly, the price triples.

There are many such examples, and each of you knows them as well as I do.

Unintentional deception is when the seller sincerely believes that the vodka he is selling is really made from selected varieties of wheat. When he sincerely thinks that the perfume he sells is really made in France, that it smells exactly the same as French. Although I dare to assure you: living in two houses and two countries, I have repeatedly become convinced that the same perfume, bought in Paris and in Moscow, smells very different.

This has become the norm of today's life. But what is happening in medicine now is a disaster. The situation, in my opinion, is comparable to the problem of drug trafficking.

After all, the most dangerous thing is when they play on our health and deliberately deceive.

We have all encountered this situation many times. We go to one doctor. He prescribes medicine for us. And then, for some reason, we go to another doctor. The other one says:

“My friend, what did they prescribe for you? This is complete nonsense! We must accept not this, but this.”

Then we get to a third doctor, who says that the two previous doctors are idiots, because of their treatment you can plant your liver, and in fact you need to take something completely different.

This happens all the time in our country. There are so many doctors, so many opinions. But we don’t even understand what terrible consequences are hidden behind these words. We find ourselves completely defenseless in front of doctors. They treat us as they see fit, and no one can stop them. It turns out that you and I are guinea pigs for both competent doctors and, unfortunately, illiterate ones. And our lives are constantly under threat.

Look what is being done with the drugs. It is impossible to open a magazine, turn on the radio or TV without hearing about a new magical remedy that cures everything.

“Cancer is not a death sentence! Diabetes is not a death sentence! Take our pills and you will always be healthy!”

This is a huge business, whose participants are trying to make money from our illnesses and weaknesses. We are very convenient for such businessmen because:

  1. We are not ready to give up sausage and eat healthy for the sake of health.
  2. We are not ready to devote at least an hour a day to physical activity.
  3. We are not ready to quit smoking or give up alcohol.
  4. We are not ready to go to a medical facility for a preventive examination.

But we want a magic pill that will solve all our problems. “What would you eat to lose weight?” - most women dream. “What kind of injection could I give so that I never get sick?” - the dream of all people.

We all know: you should not drink coffee if you have high blood pressure or heart disease. But recently doctors found out: this is a myth!

I tell patients: to avoid getting the flu, you need to:

  1. get vaccinated
  2. lead a healthy lifestyle,
  3. don't wrap yourself up
  4. ventilate the room,
  5. do physical exercises,
  6. pour yourself over cold water, harden.

But my words are lost in the air! People nod and... do nothing. And if you read in the newspaper about a magic drug that strengthens the immune system, some kind of immudon or something else equally euphonious, people run and buy it, and even pay half their salary for it. All advertised medicines are expensive, look at the price tag: 500, 1000, 2000, 15,000 rubles. But these are useless drugs. It's good if they're harmless.

So, our infantilism and belief in miracles leads to the fact that we are constantly deceived. Indeed, ambiguous things often happen in medicine, and the effectiveness of many drugs remains unproven. What was prescribed yesterday is being called into question today, to put it mildly. And after conducting a retrospective analysis, you find out: many drugs are not only harmful, but also dangerous.

The same can be said about food. Here's a simple example.

We all know: you should not drink coffee if you have high blood pressure or heart disease. More than one generation has lived with this thought. But recently doctors found out: this is a myth! On the contrary, people who drink coffee get sick less myocardial infarction. In addition, coffee protects against liver cancer.

But let's get back to the drugs. Pharma companies lie to us all the time. For example, producing all kinds of dietary supplements, which, in fact, are one-day medicines. Or even no medications at all.

Another, not obvious deception, is when we use medications developed 20-30 years ago. For example, everyone knows analgin. After all, half the population knows that analgin has been banned in all countries for 20 years! Only in Russia and, it seems, even in Brazil they continue to use it with pleasure.

There are many drugs that are popular only in post-Soviet space. For example, all medications to improve digestion, blood circulation, “cleaning” the liver and blood vessels, as well as many, many others. But think about why European countries, where medicine develops quickly and effectively, are these drugs not in use? Yes, because studies were conducted, and as a result it turned out that they are not effective! Of course, they make you feel better, but this is a placebo effect, in other words, a dummy.

This also applies to new drugs. It has been proven that if a person uses a new medicine with beautiful name(there is no active ingredient in it, but buyers don’t know about it), then in 40% of cases he gets better at first. Cause? Yes, he just expects a good result and believes in the pill. And in the end he gets results, but only for one or two weeks! What's next?

What needs to be done to remove lies from medicine

  1. We need to enforce a standard by which we treat people better.
  2. So that everyone knows that the most effective medicine for inflammation is a simple drug derived from tetracycline, and not an expensive one that costs $600 and is absolutely useless.
  3. The best medicine for hypertension is a cheap diuretic, and not something unknown.
  4. The most the best remedy for angina pectoris - regular cheap aspirin.

80% of the drugs that are now prescribed are, in fact, not drugs. They are not recognized throughout the world. There are no so-called immunomodulators, no drugs that protect the liver. 80% of drug turnover in Russia is linden.

I remember, a long time ago, I worked as a young resident at the Institute of Cardiology. A. L. Myasnikov, founded by my grandfather. We treated patients with hypertension. There were seriously ill patients who needed to be given a complex of drugs. Our first task was to remove the excess in order to start treatment from scratch and choose the right complex. But since the person should not have known that he was left completely without medicine, the following was done. The patient was hospitalized, his blood pressure was measured every few hours, and then he was given a medicine called Antispasmin, but in fact it was just ordinary crushed chalk. The same was given to patients with angina pectoris.

For three to four days we observed the person - how many times an angina attack occurred without treatment, how many times the blood pressure rose and, based on this, we prescribed the necessary treatment. And very often, patients who received tablets that did not contain any medicine for three or four days said: “I felt much better after Antispasmin!” They didn't even realize they were swallowing a pacifier. That's how great the power of suggestion is! It’s just a pity that dishonest people are warming their hands on this.

Since childhood I knew that I would become a doctor. Yes, I never had a choice! I sometimes timidly stammered that I wanted to be a driver. To which my dad told me:

"You will good doctor“You will drive the car yourself.”

I definitely didn’t want to be a surgeon.

But in Africa, for example, I had to cut out my appendix, although I didn’t understand anything about it. But I had no choice - here he was, sick, lying in front of me. There is nowhere to go - we need to study urgently. I took the doctor’s reference book and used it to perform the operation. Or, as in America, where any doctor is obliged to take blood himself. And no one cares whether you can do it or not. Must! Wherever you want - in the neck, thigh, but you have to take it. Therefore, I can take blood in any condition - drunk, sober, sick or healthy, I won’t miss!

You will find the continuation of the conversation with the doctor in the following publication: ...

Alexander Myasnikov is not only a doctor and scientist, but also a popular showman. He has appeared in several television projects and has written more than 10 books on medicine. At the same time, Alexander is practicing in the capital’s clinic.

Dynasty of doctors

Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich was born in 1953 into a family of doctors. Before him, 3 generations of men gave their lives to this profession. The boy did not even imagine himself as an engineer or banker. He was always confident that he would continue the family tradition and save human lives.

The boy's great-grandfather was a famous zemstvo doctor. People from all over the Tver province came to him for help. The doctor was at the origins of the opening of the city's first hospital. Alexander's grandfather was not only a professional doctor, but also led scientific activity. Alexander Leonidovich Sr. was a famous academician and member of the Academy of Medical Sciences. During the Soviet era, he actively worked to develop tactics for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension.

His scientific data are still used in the medical literature, from which students of medical schools acquire knowledge. Myasnikov Sr. was in a group of doctors who last days Stalin's life helped him.

The boy's father was also a good doctor. He became a professor in medicine, but, unfortunately, died at the age of 45. Mom was studying the relationship healthy image life and longevity. Olga wrote several books on this topic and instilled in her son the rules of a healthy lifestyle.


The doctor's family had strict rules and regulations. In their dynasty, even the names of men alternate with stubborn constancy. If the father’s name is Leonid, then the eldest son will definitely receive the name Alexander. This tradition has been observed for several generations of men.

Doctor has two medical education. First, he graduated from the Institute. Pirogov. Then he studied at the University. L. Myasnikova. He completed his graduate studies there. This educational institution was named after his famous grandfather.

Despite his young age, Alexander successfully defended his dissertation in 1981 ahead of the expected deadline. Then the talented doctor is sent to Africa to accompany a geological expedition. In Mozambique, the young man worked for several hard years in different positions.

In Zambia, a doctor experienced wartime everyday life and saved many lives of the wounded. peaceful people and a soldier. Alexander Myasnikov was also the head of a group of doctors in Angola. In total, he spent 8 years in Africa.

Upon returning home, the doctor continued his practice at the All-Union Cardiology Center. Simultaneously with this position, he dealt with medical issues at the International Organization in the migration department.

Career abroad

For 2 years from 1993, Alexander worked in France at the Russian embassy. At this time, the doctor actively collaborates with famous clinics in Paris. In 1996, Myasnikov left for the USA. Here, according to the law, he confirms his medical diploma from the New York Institute. His further career is actively developing.

Despite career growth, Alexander was madly homesick for his country. He gained sufficient experience and knowledge abroad and returned to Moscow in 2000. Here he opens a private clinic that meets international standards for the provision and level of patient care. In 2009, he became the head physician of the hospital in the Kremlin. He worked here for only a year.

Working on television

Alexander Myasnikov decided to try his hand as a showman. The doctor did not take part in entertainment programs, but hosted programs exclusively related to his profession. As it turned out, he knows how to speak beautifully and correctly and feels free in front of the cameras.

IN short terms TV programs featuring doctors are becoming very popular. Hundreds of thousands of spectators carefully listen and watch the doctor’s speeches. All program topics were related to health and descriptions of diseases. Behind him, Alexander already has experience filming and participating in several television shows and radio broadcasts:

  • "Did you call the doctor?" (2007-2012);
  • "Vesti FM";
  • "About the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov."

The latest project continues on the Russia 1 TV channel to this day. This program has won many fans. In it on accessible language talks about internal structure body and all kinds of diseases.

In the program, Myasnikov’s oral story is replaced by a demonstration educational facts through short videos and stories. All kinds of graphs and diagrams are often used. To ensure that the program is not boring, it uses stories about experiments and practical advice from various medical specialists.

Alexander Myasnikov, using television, is trying to convey to people the need to visit hospitals if any symptom associated with poor health appears. He wants to increase the percentage of trust and respect for public medicine.

Writing activity

Dr. Myasnikov Alexander has written more than 10 books. They mainly talk about the prevention of dangerous diseases:

  • cancer;
  • vascular-cardiac;
  • infectious.

In his publications, the doctor tells how you can extend your life and fight the most terrible diseases. They also clearly show the connection between a healthy lifestyle and longevity.

In his books, Myasnikov presents ideas in accessible language, without large quantity correct terms and names of drugs. Therefore, the doctor won the hearts of millions of readers. The publications tell how to live a long and healthy life in the conditions of the modern world and our level of medicine.

One of the most popular books is “How to Live Beyond 50: An Honest Conversation with Your Doctor about Drugs and Medicine.” It easily conveys the idea that one thing is better than any piece of sausage physical exercise. The author ironically discusses lifestyle modern people and gives tips on how to correct the situation.

Alexander Myasnikov: wife

The doctor is constant in personal relationships. He has lived with his wife for more than 30 years. This is his second marriage. Current wife and was the reason for Myasnikov’s breakup with his first wife. It is known that the doctor met his second wife at another social event. She was accompanied by the groom, and he came with his first wife.

After this meeting, Alexander realized that his marriage was crumbling and he was in love with the girl from the party. A few months later, the doctor divorced and proposed to his current life partner. Now they practically never separate. His wife accompanies him on all his trips abroad. She started a business with him and supports him in everything.

The couple does not advertise their relationship and find a photo or detailed information about personal life is almost impossible. Married couple raises his son Leonid.

Alexander Myasnikov: children

Alexander has a son. Leonid is currently studying in France and plans to connect his future with medicine. He will certainly continue the work of all the men in the dynasty.

WITH early childhood the boy was interested medical literature and enthusiastically read the publications of my great-grandfather and father. Leonid studies well and spends a lot of time doing his homework.

Seeing your son as a successful doctor is a dream in which Alexander Myasnikov believes. The family often spends time together, they especially love gatherings at fresh air at his dacha near Moscow.

The doctor claims that the main reason for the increase in the percentage of diseases cardiovascular system- this is tobacco. Yes, smoking nowadays can drive you to hospital bed and even into the graves of young people.

Alexander also claims that daily consumption of half a kilogram of vegetables and fruits per day will help the heart muscle work much better and more smoothly. And limiting salt in the diet will help get rid of hypertension or mitigate its course.

The doctor claims that a person who moves a lot lives 5-10 years longer than his opposite. You should also avoid stress and not become depressed. Morning exercises for 5-10 minutes will help get rid of such unpleasant diagnoses.

Proper nutrition is the key to longevity

According to Myasnikov’s advice, the emphasis in the diet should be on vegetables and fruits. It should also contain natural meat and seafood. IN summer time The doctor advises eating as many greens as possible.

Sausages can be consumed very rarely and only good quality. It is much healthier to eat a piece of boiled or baked meat. Alexander is also an opponent of all sorts of modern inventions of food manufacturers. That is, artificial condiments and snacks harmful products strictly contraindicated for use by people of any age.

Oddly enough, just one clove of garlic eaten a day will help you forget about hypertension for many years. Nuts and dark chocolate are also very healthy. These foods contain flavonoids and help strengthen the heart muscle.

The doctor focuses on controlling your weight. After all, obesity leads to hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. In his works, Myasnikov describes in detail the effect of each product on a particular organ, both positive and negative.