Table name of international organization name of city. International organizations, their classification and legal status

The main international organizations and their role in the system of international relations.

To understand the essence of international political relations, it is necessary to identify the main subjects of world politics. In the political science literature, there are most often four main subjects that play a significant role in the system of international relations: national states, interstate associations, international governmental organizations and extra-state (non-governmental) organizations and movements. Let's briefly look at their characteristics.

National (sovereign) states act in the system of international relations as the main subjects of foreign policy activities. In the international arena they are among different relationships among themselves, determine the forms of specific relationships and interactions within the world community, on regional level, as well as on a bilateral basis. Often, certain aspects of international politics are even personalized with specific political leaders of individual countries: the Napoleonic Wars, the Monroe Doctrine, the Marshall Plan for post-war Europe, etc.

Interstate associations They are coalitions of states, military-political blocs (for example, NATO), integration organizations (EU), political associations (Arab League, Non-Aligned Movement). These are associations on interstate basis playing modern politics very important role.

International governmental organizations - a special type of association that includes representatives of most countries of the world, often having divergent political orientations and interests. Such organizations are created to discuss problems of universal importance and to coordinate the activities of the world community (UN, UNESCO, etc.).

IN modern world International organizations are the main organizer of communication between states. An international organization is an association of states, in accordance with international law and on the basis of an international treaty, for cooperation in political, economic, cultural, scientific, technical, legal and other fields, having the necessary system of bodies, rights and obligations derived from rights and obligations of states into an autonomous will, the scope of which is determined by the will of the member states.

Any intergovernmental organization must have at least six characteristics.

Firstly, it is created in accordance with international law. This is the most essential feature, which is of decisive importance. Any governmental organization must be created on a legal basis, namely, the organization must not infringe on the interests of an individual state and the international community as a whole.

In addition, any international organization is created on the basis of an international treaty (convention, agreement, treaty, protocol, etc.). The parties to such a treaty are sovereign states, and more recently, intergovernmental organizations have also been participants in international organizations. For example, the EU is a member of many international fisheries organizations.

The purpose of creating any international organization is to unite the efforts of states in one area or another: political (OSCE), military (NATO), economic (EU), monetary and financial (IMF) and others. But an organization like the UN must coordinate the activities of states in almost all areas. In this case, the international organization acts as an intermediary between member states. Sometimes states refer the most difficult issues of international relations to organizations for discussion and resolution.

It is very important for every international organization to have an appropriate organizational structure. This feature seems to confirm the permanent nature of the organization and thereby distinguishes it from numerous other forms international cooperation. Intergovernmental organizations have headquarters, members represented by sovereign states and subsidiary bodies.

The next important feature of an international organization is that it has rights and obligations, which general form enshrined in its constituent act. An international organization cannot exceed its powers. An international organization also has independent international rights and obligations, i.e. has an autonomous will, distinct from the will of the member states. This feature means that any organization in its field of activity can independently choose the means of fulfilling the rights and obligations assigned to it by the member states. Thus, an international organization that has the above characteristics is considered an international intergovernmental organization.

For example, the Council of Europe was founded by its Charter in May 1949. The purpose of this Organization is to achieve greater unity among its members in order to defend and implement the ideals and principles that are their common achievement, promoting their economic and social progress.

The activities of the Council of Europe are focused on issues such as legal support for human rights, promoting awareness and development of European cultural identity, and finding joint solutions social problems, development of political partnership with new democratic countries of Europe, etc.

The governing bodies of the Council of Europe are the Committee of Ministers, the Consultative Assembly, the Meeting of Sectoral Ministers and the Secretariat. The Committee of Ministers consists of the foreign ministers of the member states, and is the highest organ of the Council of Europe. He makes decisions about the organization's work program and approves the recommendations of the Consultative Assembly. At the ministerial level, it usually meets twice a year. There are also monthly meetings at the level permanent representatives member states of the Council of Europe. 40 states are members of the Council of Europe. The headquarters of the organization is located in Istanbul.

Modern international organizations are divided into two main types: intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations. The role of both is significant, and they all contribute to the communication of states in various fields life.

International non-governmental organization any international organization not established on the basis of an intergovernmental agreement is considered. Such organizations must be recognized by at least one state, but operate in at least two states. Similar organizations are created based on constituent act. They emerged in the early 19th century and currently number about 8,000. International non-governmental organizations (INGOs) play an active role in all aspects of modern international relations. And in a number of areas they are even leaders. For example, the Red Cross Committee, whose principles of activity are humanity, impartiality, independence and voluntariness, has made a great contribution to the interaction of states in various fields.

Non-state (non-governmental) international organizations and movements are also active subjects of politics. These include international associations political parties (for example, Christian, communist, socialist - Socialist International), trade unions (World Federation of Trade Unions, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, etc.), youth, students, pacifist movements, etc.

A special role in lately Informal international movements and organizations, such as “public diplomacy”, “greens”, etc., are beginning to play a role. Non-governmental international organizations in modern literature also include multinational corporations, church-religious associations and a number of others, which, while not being organizations of a political nature, nevertheless, they have a significant impact on international political processes.

Should be paid special attention on those subjects of international politics that play a destructive role and can pose a threat to the normal development of international relations and undermine both international and national security. These, firstly, are states that proclaim claims to world domination, and also build their own foreign policy based on aggressive and revanchist aspirations. Secondly, the destructive subjects of international politics are international terrorist groups and organizations, transnational drug trafficking associations, international mafia structures, Masonic organizations, and some international religious associations. Relations between political subjects in the international arena are built and developed on a different basis. These can be relationships of cooperation and struggle, mutual support and competition. Of particular importance in the peaceful resolution of international conflicts is the policy of reasonable compromises that take into account the mutual interests of states.

INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, their classification and legal status.

The United Nations as an example of an international intergovernmental organization.

1. Concept, characteristics and classification of international organizations.

2. The procedure for the creation and termination of the activities of international organizations.

3.Legal status.

4. Bodies of international organizations.

5.The United Nations as an example of an international intergovernmental organization:

History of creation;

Goals and objectives;

Legal status;

Organizations under the roof of the UN.

6.The importance of international organizations in the modern world.

1.In modern international relations, international organizations play a significant role. Since the 19th century, the desire to internationalize many aspects of society has necessitated the creation new form international cooperation. A new stage in the development of the world community was the establishment of the first international universal organizations - the World Telegraph Union in 1865 and
Universal Postal Union in 1874. Currently there are more than
4 thousand international organizations with different legal status. This allows us to talk about a system of international organizations, the center of which is the UN (United Nations).

It should be noted that the term “international organizations” is used, as a rule, in relation to interstate
(intergovernmental), and to non-governmental organizations. Their legal nature is different.

An international intergovernmental organization (IGO) is an association of states established on the basis of a treaty to achieve common goals, having permanent bodies and operating in common interests states
-members while respecting their sovereignty. MMPO can be classified: a) by subject of activity - political, economic, credit and financial, trade, health, etc.; b) in terms of the range of participants - universal (i.e. for all states
-UN) and regional (Organization of African Unity); c) according to the procedure for admitting new members - open or closed; d) by field of activity - with general (UN) or special competence (UPS); e) according to the goals and principles of activity - legal or illegal; f) by the number of members - world (UN) or group (WHO).

Signs of MMPO:

1. Membership of at least 3 states;

2. Permanent bodies and headquarters;

3. Availability of a constituent agreement;

4. Respect for the sovereignty of member states;

5.Non-interference in internal affairs;

6. Established decision-making procedure.

For example, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), founded in 1949, has the following characteristics of an MMPO:

1. NATO members today are Belgium, Great Britain, Greece,
Holland, Denmark, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Luxembourg, Norway,
Portugal, USA, Türkiye, France and Germany.

2. Headquarters - Brussels. NATO body - NATO Council, head -
General Secretary.

International non-governmental organizations (INGOs) are not created on the basis of an interstate agreement and unite individuals and/or legal entities. INGOs are: a) political, ideological, socio-economic, trade union; b) women's organizations for the protection of family and childhood; c) youth, sports, scientific, cultural and educational; d) in the field of print, cinema, radio, television, etc.

An example is the International Law Association,
League of Red Cross Societies.

International organizations are secondary or derivative subjects of international law and are created (established) by states.
The process of creating an MO includes three stages:

1.Acceptance constituent documents organizations;

2.Creation of its material structure;

3. Convening of the main bodies - the beginning of functioning.

The most common way to create an international agreement is to conclude an international treaty. The names of this document may vary:

Statute (League of Nations);

Charter (UN or Organization of American States);

Convention (Universal Postal Union), etc.

International organizations can also be created in a simplified form - by a decision of another international organization. This practice is most often resorted to by the UN, creating autonomous organizations with the status of a subsidiary body. General Assembly.

The concerted will of the member states of the International Defense Organization also constitutes the termination of its existence. Most often, the liquidation of an organization is carried out by signing a protocol on dissolution. For example, June 28
In 1991, the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance was liquidated in Budapest.
Bulgaria, Hungary, Vietnam, Cuba, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, USSR and
Czechoslovakia signed a Protocol on the dissolution of the organization. A liquidation committee was created to resolve disputes and claims.

It is currently recognized that states, when establishing international organizations, endow them with a certain legal capacity and legal capacity, thereby creating a new subject of law that carries out law-making, law enforcement and law enforcement functions in the field of international cooperation. However, this does not mean that the legal status of an international organization is identical to the status of the state, the main subject of international law. The difference between the legal capacity of organizations is the smaller and predominantly targeted (functional) nature of the powers.

One of the components of the legal status of an international organization is contractual legal capacity, i.e. the right to conclude a wide variety of agreements within its competence. It is fixed in general situation(any agreements) or in a special provision (certain categories of agreements and certain parties).

IOs have the ability to participate in diplomatic relations.
They may have representative offices in states (for example, UN information centers) or state representative offices are accredited to them.

MOs and their officials enjoy privileges and immunities.

As subjects of international law, IOs are responsible for offenses and damage caused by their activities and can make liability claims.

Each MO has financial means, which are usually made up of contributions from member states and are spent in the general interests of the organization.

And finally, MOs operate with all the rights of a legal entity under the internal law of states, in particular, the right to enter into contracts, acquire and dispose of movable and immovable property, and recruit personnel on a contract basis.

Ministry of Defense bodies - component MO, its structural link, which is created on the basis of the constituent or other acts of the MO. The body is vested with certain competences, powers and functions, has internal structure and the procedure for making decisions. The most important body of the Defense Ministry is the intergovernmental body, to which member states send their representatives acting on their behalf. It is not at all necessary that the representative be a diplomat; sometimes it is necessary that he be an expert in the field of the organization’s activities.

Based on the nature of their membership, bodies can be classified as follows:


Interparliamentary (typical for the European Union. Consists of parliamentary delegates elected in proportion to the population);

Administrative (from international officials serving in the Ministry of Defense);

Consisting of persons in their personal capacity, etc.

Recently, in the activities of a number of international organizations, there has been a tendency to increase the role of bodies of limited membership, for which composition is important (this is especially true for the UN). Bodies must be staffed in such a way that the decisions they make reflect the interests of all states.


On August 14, 1941, US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Winston Churchill signed a document pledging to “work together with other free peoples, both in war and in peace.” The set of principles of international cooperation in maintaining peace and security was subsequently called the Atlantic Charter. The first outlines of the UN were drawn at the Washington Conference in September-October 1944, where the United States, the United Kingdom,
The USSR and China agreed on the goals, structure and functions of the future organization. On April 25, 1945, delegates from 50 countries met in San Francisco for the Meeting of the United Nations (the name first proposed by Roosevelt) and adopted a Charter consisting of 19 chapters and 111 articles. On October 24, the Charter was ratified by the 5 permanent members of the Security Council and the majority of signatory states and entered into force. Since then, October 24 has been called UN Day in the international calendar.

The UN is a universal international organization created to maintain peace and international security and develop cooperation between states. The UN Charter is binding on all states and its preamble reads: “We, the peoples of the United Nations, determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and in the equality rights of nations large and small and to create conditions under which justice and respect for obligations can be observed and for these purposes to be tolerant and live together in peace with each other as good neighbors, to unite our forces to maintain international peace and security, to ensure that armed forces are used only in the common interest, have decided to join our efforts to achieve these goals.”

The UN principles are:

Sovereign equality of all its members;

Conscientious fulfillment of obligations under the Charter;

Resolution of international disputes by peaceful means;

Refusal to threaten or use force against territorial integrity or political independence of any state;

Ensuring that non-UN member states act in accordance with UN principles when necessary to maintain international peace and security;

Non-interference in the internal affairs of states;

Respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms;

Equality and self-determination of peoples;

Cooperation and disarmament.

The main organs of the UN are the General Assembly, the Council
Security, Economic and Social Council, Secretariat and International

Admission to membership of the Organization is open to all peace-loving states that accept obligations under the Charter and who are able and willing to fulfill these obligations. Admission is carried out by resolution of the General
Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council.

The General Assembly is a deliberative representative body in which all UN member states are represented.

Structure of the General Assembly:


2.Deputy chairmen (17);

3.Main committees: -by political issues and security issues; on economic and financial matters; on social, humanitarian and cultural issues; on Trusteeship and Non-Self-Governing Territories; on legal issues.

4.Committees: on administrative and budgetary issues; on contributions; on decolonization; on the issue of apartheid policy; on nuclear energy; by use outer space; on disarmament, etc.

5. Sessional bodies: General Committee and Credentials Committee.

6.Commissions: audit; international law; on human rights, etc.

The General Assembly holds annual regular sessions, which open on the third Tuesday in September, as well as special (convened on any issue if demands come from the Security Council) and emergency sessions, which are convened within 24 hours of receipt
by the Secretary General of a request from the Security Council and supported by the votes of any members of the Council in the following cases:

1) if there is a threat to peace;

2) there has been a breach of peace or an act of aggression and the members of the Council
Security has not come to a solution to the issue.

In accordance with the UN Charter, the General Assembly plays a significant role in the activities of the UN. She makes a significant contribution to the development and preparation of a number of important international documents and the codification of the principles and norms of international law.

The General Assembly is a democratic body. Each member, regardless of the size of the territory, population, economic and military power, has 1 vote. Decisions on important issues are made by a 2/3 majority of members present and voting
Assembly. States that are not members of the UN and have permanent observers at the UN may participate in the work of the General Assembly.
(Vatican, Switzerland) and those without them.

The General Assembly is headed by the Secretary General, who is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council for a 5-term term, after which he can be appointed again. First
The Norwegian Trygve Lie became the UN Secretary General in 1946. Currently (since 1997) this post is held by Kofi Annan. The Secretary General makes efforts to resolve conflicts between states and has the right to bring to the Security Council information about disputes that, in his opinion, threaten international peace and security. He also gives directive instructions to departments, directorates and other organizational units of the UN Secretariat and coordinates all activities of the system
UN. As the main official, the Secretary participates in all meetings
the General Assembly, the Security Council, and also performs other functions assigned to it by these bodies.

Security Council.

The competence of the Security Council is to consider issues of maintaining international peace and security, peaceful resolution of disputes, taking coercive measures, recommending admission to the UN and expulsion from the UN, as well as the appointment Secretary General, elections of members of the International

The Security Council consists of 15 members. Five are permanent (Russia, USA,
UK, France and China), and the remaining 10 seats are distributed as follows:

3 places - Africa;

2- Latin America;

2- Western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

1- Eastern Europe.

Decisions on procedural issues are considered adopted if any 9 members of the Council vote for them. Decisions on all other matters require at least nine votes, including the concurring votes of all permanent members. This means that it is enough for one or several permanent members of the Security Council to vote against any decision - and it is considered rejected. In this case, they speak of a veto by a permanent member. The abstention of a permanent member or his non-participation in voting according to the generally accepted rule is not considered a veto.

In accordance with the UN Charter, the Security Council has exceptionally great powers in preventing war and creating conditions for peaceful and fruitful cooperation between states. Recently there have been practically no important international events (the exception is the bombing of Iraq by US military forces without UN authorization in December
1998), which threatened peace and caused disputes between states, to which the Security Council would not pay attention.

The Security Council can adopt legal acts of two kinds: recommendations, i.e. acts providing for certain methods and procedures with which the state is asked to conform its actions, and legally binding decisions, the implementation of which is ensured by the coercive force of all UN member states. The main form of recommendations and binding decisions adopted by the Security Council are resolutions, of which more than 700 have been adopted. Statements by the Chairman of the Council have recently begun to play an increasingly prominent role (their number has exceeded 100).

1.2. Exercises control over the management of strategic territories;

1.3. Determines the conditions for the participation of non-UN member states in
Statute of the International Court of Justice;

2.In case of a dispute between states:

2.1. Makes demands for a peaceful settlement of the dispute;

2.2. Recommends procedures or methods for peaceful settlement;

3.In case of violation of peace, aggression:

3.1. Decides to classify actions as aggression;

3.2. Signs agreements with UN member states on the provision of armed forces;

3.3. Uses formed military forces for disengagement, surveillance and security;

4.In situations that pose a threat to peace:

4.1. Breaks diplomatic relations;

4.2. Terminates economic ties;

4.3. Stops air services;

4.4. Stops rail services;

4.5. Stops postal and telegraph communications;

4.6. Blocks ports;

4.7. Demonstrates armed force, etc.

For example, here are several current UN peacekeeping operations.

UN Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission: operational since April
1991 to present; current number - 1149 people; approximate amount of annual expenses: 70 million US dollars.

UN Interim Force in Lebanon - active since March 1978, current strength - 5,219 people; approximate amount for the year: 138 million US dollars.

UN Observer Mission in Georgia - since August 1993 approximate amount: 5 million US dollars current strength: 55 people.

The UN's peacekeeping costs are financed from its own separate accounts through legally binding contributions assessed to all member states.

Specialized institutions UN.

These are intergovernmental organizations of a universal nature that cooperate in special areas and are associated with the UN.
The connection is established and formalized by an agreement, which is concluded
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and approved by the General
UN Assembly. There are currently 16 such organizations. They can be divided into the following groups:

Social character (International Labor Organization ILO and
World Health Organization WHO);

Cultural and humanitarian nature (UNESCO - Educational, Scientific and Cultural Affairs, WIPO - World Organization
Intellectual Property);

Economic (UNIDO - on industrial development);

Financial (IBRD, IMF, IDA - International Development Association,
IFC - International Finance Corporation);

In the area agriculture(FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization, IFAD - Fund for Agricultural Development);

In the field of transport and communications (ICAO - civil aviation, IMO - maritime, UPU, ITU - telecommunication union);

In the field of meteorology (WMO).

The ILO is the oldest international organization. Created in Paris in 1919 as autonomous organization League of Nations. Its Charter was revised in 1946 and brought into conformity with the founding documents of the UN.
The UN headquarters is located in Geneva (Switzerland).

The purpose of the ILO is to contribute to the establishment of lasting peace by promoting social justice, improving working conditions and living standards of workers. The ILO has representative offices in the capitals of a number of member states, including Moscow.

WHO - created in 1946 by International conference in Health Care in New York. Its goal is that all nations can achieve top level health. WHO's main activities:

Fighting infectious diseases;

Development of quarantine and sanitary rules;

Problems of a social nature.

In 1977, WHO set the goal that by the year 2000 all people would achieve
Land of a level of health that would allow for a socially and economically productive lifestyle. To implement this program, a global strategy, requiring the combined efforts of governments and peoples.

There are 6 regional organizations within WHO: European countries,
Eastern Mediterranean, Africa, North and South America, Southeast
Asia, Western Pacific.

UNESCO - established in 1945 at the London Conference. The headquarters is located in Paris.

UNESCO's objectives are to promote peace and security through the development of international cooperation in the field of education, science and culture, and the use of the media.

UNIDO is the UN industrial development organization. Created by a resolution of the UN General Assembly in 1966. Since 1985 it has been a specialized agency of the UN. Location - Vienna (Austria). Goals
- promoting the industrial development of developing countries and assisting in the establishment of a new international economic order.

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) - established in
1944 at a conference in Chicago. Created to develop the principles and methods of international air navigation, ensure flight safety on international airlines, and promote the planning and development of international air transport.

The UPU is the first international organization (since 1874). The text of the founding convention was subsequently revised many times. Headquarters - Bern (Switzerland). The UPU aims to ensure and improve postal relations. All UPU member countries form a single postal territory, in which three basic principles apply:

1. Unity of the territory;

2.Freedom of transit;

3. Uniform tariff.

IAEA is the international atomic energy agency. Created by decision of the UN in 1956 in New York. Headquarters - Vienna.

It does not have the status of a UN specialized agency. In accordance with the Charter, must submit annual reports on its activities
General Assembly. The organization aims to promote the development of international cooperation in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear energy. One of the Agency's main functions is to implement a system of controls (safeguards) to ensure that nuclear materials and equipment intended for peaceful uses are not used for military purposes. Control is carried out on site by IAEA inspectors. The Agencies have voluntarily placed some of their peaceful nuclear installations Russia, USA,
Great Britain, France and China. In connection with sanctions by decision of the Council
Security against Iraq The IAEA, since 1992, has conducted inspections of Iraqi military installations to prevent the manufacture of nuclear weapons.


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Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) - international regional organization. APEC is the largest economic association (forum), accounting for over 60% of world GDP and 47% of world trade volume (2004). Formed in 1989 in Canberra on the initiative of the Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand. The main goals of the organization are to ensure a regime of free open trade and strengthen regional cooperation

Andean Community

The goals of the Andean Community are to promote the development of member countries through their integration and socio-economic cooperation; accelerating economic growth and employment; creation of a Latin American common market. The main directions of the Andean Group boil down to the development of a unified economic policy, coordination of ongoing projects, harmonization of legislation: monitoring the application of legal norms adopted within the Andean Group and their unified interpretation.

Arctic Council

The Arctic Council is an international organization created in 1989 on the initiative of Finland to protect the unique nature of the northern polar zone. The Arctic Council includes eight Arctic countries.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is a political, economic and cultural regional intergovernmental organization of countries located in Southeast Asia. ASEAN was formed on August 9, 1967 in Bangkok with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration, better known as the Bangkok Declaration.

African Union (AU, AU)

The African Union (AU) is an international organization uniting 53 African states, the successor to the Organization of African Unity (OAU). The course towards the creation of the African Union was proclaimed on September 9, 1999 at a meeting of African heads of state in Sirte (Libya) on the initiative of Muammar Gaddafi. On July 9, 2002, the OAU was officially transformed into the AU.

"Big Eight" (G8)

The G8 - according to most definitions, is a group of seven industrialized countries of the world and Russia. The same name is given to the informal forum of leaders of these countries (Russia, USA, Great Britain, France, Japan, Germany, Canada, Italy) with the participation of the European Commission, within the framework of which approaches to pressing international problems are agreed upon.

World Trade Organization (WTO)

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization created in 1995 to unite various countries in the economic sphere and establish trade rules between member states. The WTO is the successor agreement called the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The WTO headquarters is located in Geneva.

GUAM is an interstate organization created in October 1997 by the former Soviet republics of Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova (from 1999 to 2005 the organization also included Uzbekistan). The name of the organization is formed from the first letters of the names of its member countries. Before Uzbekistan left the organization, it was called GUUAM.


European Union (EU, EU)

The European Union (EU) is a unique supranational entity consisting of 25 European states that have signed the Treaty on European Union (Maastricht Treaty). It is noteworthy that the European Union itself is not an international organization as such, that is, it is not a subject of public international law, but it has the authority to participate in international relations.

League of Arab States (LAS)

The League of Arab States (LAS) is an international organization uniting more than 20 Arab and friendly non-Arab countries. Created on March 22, 1945. The highest body of the organization is the Council of the League, in which each member state has one vote; the headquarters of the League is located in Cairo.

MERCOSUR (South American Common Market, MERCOSUR)

MERCOSUR is the largest association in South America. MERCOSUR brings together 250 million people and more than 75% of the continent's total GDP. The organization's name comes from the Spanish Mercado Comun del Sur, which means "South American Common Market". The first step towards creating a unified market was the free trade agreement signed by Argentina and Brazil in 1986. In 1990, Paraguay and Uruguay joined this agreement.

Organization of American States

(OAS; Organizacion de los estados americanos), created on April 30, 1948 at the 9th Inter-American Conference in Bogotá (Colombia) on the basis of the Pan American Union, which existed since 1889.

Organization of the agreement on collective security(CSTO)

The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) is a military-political union created by the former Soviet republics on the basis of the Collective Security Treaty (CST), signed on May 15, 1992. The contract is renewed automatically every five years.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO, NATO)

NATO (NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, North Atlantic Alliance) is a military-political alliance created on the basis of the North Atlantic Treaty, signed on April 4, 1949 in Washington by twelve states: the USA, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Canada, Italy, Portugal, Norway, Denmark, Iceland. Later, other European states joined NATO. As of 2004, NATO includes 26 states.

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE, OSCE)

OSCE (English OSCE, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) - The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the largest regional security organization, which includes 56 states in Europe, Central Asia and North America. The organization sets itself the task of uncovering the possibility of conflicts, their prevention, resolution and elimination of consequences.

Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)

United Nations Organization (UN, UN)

The United Nations (UN) is an international organization created to maintain and strengthen international peace and security and develop cooperation between states. The foundations of its activities and structure were developed during the Second World War by the leading participants in the anti-Hitler coalition.

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

OPEC, or the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) is a cartel created by oil-producing powers to stabilize oil prices. Members of this organization are countries whose economies largely depend on revenues from oil exports. The main goal of the organization is control over world oil prices.

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARK)

North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA)

North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) is a free trade agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico, based on the model of the European Community (European Union). NAFTA came into force on January 1, 1994.

Arab Maghreb Union (AMU)

Union of the Arab Maghreb (Union du Maghreb Arabe UMA) - Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia. Pan-Arab organization aimed at economic and political unity in North Africa. The idea of ​​creating a union appeared with the independence of Tunisia and Morocco in 1958.

Commonwealth of Democratic Choice (CDC)

The Commonwealth of Democratic Choice (CDC) is a “community of democracies of the Baltic-Black Sea-Caspian region”, an organization alternative to the CIS, established on December 2, 2005 at the founding forum in Kyiv (Ukraine).

Commonwealth of Nations ( British Commonwealth, Commonwelth)

The Commonwealth, or the Commonwealth of Nations (English: The Commonwealth, or English: The Commonwealth of Nations; until 1946, the British Commonwealth of Nations - English: The British Commonwealth of Nations) is a voluntary interstate association of independent sovereign states, which includes Great Britain and almost all its former dominions, colonies and protectorates.

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS, CIS)

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is an interstate association of most of the former union republics of the USSR. Originally formed by Belarus, Russia and Ukraine; In the Agreement on the Creation of the CIS, signed on December 8, 1991 in Minsk, these states stated that the USSR, in conditions of deep crisis and collapse, was ceasing to exist, and declared their desire to develop cooperation in political, economic, humanitarian, cultural and other fields.

Commonwealth of Unrecognized States (CIS-2)

The Commonwealth of Unrecognized States (CIS-2) is an informal association created for consultation, mutual assistance, coordination and joint actions by unrecognized self-proclaimed state entities on post-Soviet territory - Abkhazia, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic and South Ossetia.

Council of Europe

The Council of Europe is the oldest international political organization in Europe. Its main stated goal is to build a united Europe based on the principles of freedom, democracy, protection of human rights and the rule of law. One of the most significant achievements of the Council of Europe is the development and adoption of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf is a regional international organization. The organization's English name does not contain the word "Persian" because Arab states prefer to call the Gulf "Arab".

Pacific Island

Schengen agreement

The Schengen Agreement is an agreement “On the abolition of passport customs controls between a number of countries of the European Union”, originally signed on June 14, 1985 by seven European states (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Portugal and Spain). It came into force on March 26, 1995. The agreement was signed in Schengen, a small town in Luxembourg.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

In 2003, the heads of government of the SCO member countries signed the Program of Multilateral Trade and Economic Cooperation for 20 years and a plan was drawn up. The plan includes over a hundred specific projects, topics and areas of cooperation, and also provides mechanisms for their implementation. The emphasis is on the following areas - transport communications, energy, telecommunications, agriculture, tourism, water management and nature conservation.

27. Give a description of Ukraine from a political point of view (regime, system, form of government, system, party and electoral system, type of political culture and political behavior).

It is quite problematic to classify the political regime in Ukraine in an unstable socio-political situation during the period of transformation. Rather, we can talk about mixing different types of regimes in the absence of any one that clearly dominates. On the one hand, there is a division of power, the Law on Parties, freedom of speech, voting rights, on the other hand, the dependence of judges, significant restrictions on access and dissemination of information, unspoken censorship, uncontrolled use of administrative resources during elections, rigging of voting results in favor of pro-government candidates. Examples of this kind indicate serious authoritarian tendencies of power with rather weak democratic institutions to limit it.

In accordance with the Constitution, Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, legal state. The constitutional structure of Ukraine is based on the principle of priority of human and civil rights and freedoms. The people exercise state power directly, as well as through the system of state bodies.

According to the state structure, Ukraine is a unitary state. It is a single, united state, the administrative-territorial units of which do not have political independence. In a unitary state there is a single legal system, a single system of supreme authorities, a single citizenship, etc.

The state structure of Ukraine is based on the principles of unity, indivisibility and integrity of the state territory, complexity of economic development and controllability of its individual parts, taking into account national and regional interests, national and cultural traditions, geographical and demographic features, natural and climatic conditions. The administrative-territorial units of Ukraine are: region, district, city, town and village council (one or more villages).

On politics, there are different points of view in determining the type of political system in our country, which is explained not only by different approaches, but primarily by the complexity and ambiguity of political processes in Ukraine associated with the transition from a totalitarian system to a democratic one.

Based on formational approach, the political system in Ukraine can be classified as post-communist, which combines both elements of the command-administrative and modern democratic systems. This is manifested, on the one hand, in the preservation of the structures and functions of the previous administrative apparatus, the adaptation of many forms and procedures of the Soviet legal system to market conditions, etc., and on the other, the constitutional foundations of the formation and functioning of government bodies, the development of civil and political organizations, legal ensuring the protection of citizens' rights, etc. Read in full:

On modern stage The political regime of Ukraine is characterized by the following features: 1) a cumbersome structure of government institutions with poorly developed public institutions of influence on the government; 2) paternalistic, guardianship functions of the state not only in the socio-economic sphere, but also in promoting the development of elements of civil society; 3) the mechanism of checks and balances is ineffective; 4) political unstructured state power; 5) the party system is financially, materially dependent on the government and financially dominant social groups; 6) weak interaction between parties and pressure groups; 8) the absence of clearly defined ideological orientations, civilized forms of ideological pluralism, and civilized centrism in politics.

State power in Ukraine is exercised according to the principle of its division into legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative, executive and judicial authorities exercise their powers within the limits established by the Constitution and in accordance with the laws of Ukraine.

Ukraine is a unitary parliamentary-presidential republic. Government - Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The highest legislative body is the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Judicial system – supreme and constitutional courts

Ukraine's regions have their own legislative and executive powers: regional Councils of People's Deputies and heads of regional administrations (governors), appointed by the president of the country.

On December 8, 2004, amendments were made to the Constitution (1996) aimed at transforming Ukraine from a presidential-parliamentary to a parliamentary-presidential republic.

The head of state remained the popularly elected President. He retained quite significant powers: the right to veto laws adopted by the Verkhovna Rada, the right to implement foreign policy, the right to dissolve parliament, the right to make a number of appointments, including ministers of defense and foreign affairs, the chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine, the Prosecutor General, etc.

However, the right to form the Cabinet of Ministers passes from the President to the parliamentary majority, which must be formed by the parties that won the elections. And the Cabinet of Ministers now bears political responsibility only to the Verkhovna Rada. In connection with this, the election system also changed: the mixed system was replaced by a proportional election system with a 3% entry barrier.

Thus, as a result of the constitutional reform, the powers of the President are reduced, while the powers of the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers, especially in the field of domestic policy, are expanded.

The following characteristics of the political system of Ukraine are distinguished:

    It is relatively stable (on the surface), but can easily transform into unstable due to conflicts between the main political blocs.

    It is distinguished by a relatively low pace of social processes and is not sufficiently receptive to innovations.

    The system does not have sufficiently effective modern traditions and experience of independent functioning.

    It is centralized, with some elements of regionalism and decentralization.

    Differs in weak reactive ability.

    It is a transitional type system (from the Soviet model).

A multi-party system is being formed in Ukraine. In 2010, more than 150 parties were registered in the country. Several dozen of them participated in the elections.

The last parliamentary elections took place in 2014.

Ukraine's proportional electoral system provides the opportunity to distribute seats in parliament according to the number of votes received by a party or bloc in elections. Therefore, many parties have a chance to get their representatives into parliament. But the parliamentary barrier (3%) limits these chances. To increase their chances of overcoming the rating barrier, some parties form election blocs.

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International relations have long occupied a significant place in the life of any state, society and individual.

The origin of nations, the formation of interstate borders, the formation and change of political regimes, the formation of various social institutions, and the enrichment of cultures are closely related to international relations.

The beginning of the 21st century indicates a significant expansion of cooperation between states in all spheres of political, economic, social and cultural life of society. Moreover, the role of international organizations and civil society in solving global problems has increased significantly.

We are all included in a complex information environment, and even more so in a variety of cooperation on a local, regional, international, transnational, supranational, global scale.

The purpose of this work is to study the fundamentals in the field of modern international law and political science.

In accordance with this goal, the following tasks were set in the control work:

1. Study the process of institutionalization of international political relations.

2. Consider the main international organizations.

3. Characterize the general democratic principles of international relations.

To achieve the set goal and objectives, scientific and methodological literature on political science and international law by domestic and foreign authors was studied.


From ancient times to the present day, international relations have occupied an important place in political life society. Today, world order depends on the relationships and interaction of about 200 states located on different stages historical, economic, political and cultural development. In the relations between them, various relationships are established, problems and contradictions arise. They constitute a special sphere of politics - international relations.

International relations are a set of integration ties between states, parties, and individuals, creating an environment for the implementation of international politics. The main subjects of international relations of the state.

Types of international relations:

Political (diplomatic, organizational, etc.);

Military-strategic (blocs, alliances);

Economic (financial, trade, cooperative);

Scientific and technical;

Cultural (artist tours, exhibitions, etc.);

Social (assistance to refugees, natural disasters etc.);

Ideological (agreements, sabotage, psychological warfare);

International legal (regulate all types of international relations).

Thus, all types of international relations can exist in various forms.

Levels of international relations:

Vertical - scale levels:

Global are relations between systems of states, major powers;

Regional (subregional) are relations between states of a certain region;

Situational are relationships that develop in connection with a particular situation. As this situation is resolved, these relationships also disintegrate.


Group (coalition, inter-coalition - these are relationships between groups of states, international organizations);


The first stage of international relations began from time immemorial and was characterized by the disunity of peoples and states. The guiding idea then was the belief in the dominance of physical force to ensure peace and tranquility, only possible military power. It was under these conditions that the famous saying was born: “Si Vis pacem- para belluv! (if you want peace, prepare for war).

The second stage of international relations began after the end of the 30 Years' War in Europe. The Treaty of Westphalia of 1648 established the value of the right to sovereignty, which was recognized even for the small kingdoms of fragmented Germany.

The third stage, which began after the defeat of revolutionary France. The Vienna Congress of the Winners approved the principle of “legitimism”, i.e. legality, but from the point of view of the interests of the monarchs of European countries. The national interests of monarchical authoritarian regimes became the main “guiding idea” of international relations, which over time migrated to all bourgeois countries of Europe. Powerful alliances are formed: “Holy Alliance”, “Entente”, “Triple Alliance”, “Anti-Comintern Pact”, etc. Wars arise between the alliances, including two world wars.

Modern political scientists also identify a fourth stage of international relations, which began to gradually take shape after 1945. It is also called the modern stage of international relations, in which a “guiding idea” in the form of international law and world legislation is intended to dominate.

Modern institutionalization of international life is manifested through two forms of legal relations: through universal organizations and on the basis of the norms and principles of international law.

Institutionalization is the transformation of any political phenomenon into an orderly process with a certain structure of relations, hierarchy of power, rules of behavior, and so on. This is the formation of political institutions, organizations, institutions. A global organization with nearly two hundred member states is the United Nations. Officially, the UN has existed since October 24, 1945. October 24 is celebrated annually as UN Day.

As for our country, at the present stage the Republic of Belarus is pursuing a multi-vector foreign policy and advocates strengthening the Commonwealth of Independent States, which is due to the community of common interests. Relations with countries that are members of the Commonwealth of Independent States have revealed both the complexities of the integration process and its potential. Approaches to the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus are based on mutual consideration of the interests of society and citizens, social harmony, a socially oriented economy, the rule of law, the suppression of nationalism and extremism, and find their logical continuation in the country’s foreign policy: not confrontation with neighboring states and territorial redistribution, but peacefulness, multi-vector cooperation.


The idea of ​​creating international organizations appeared in Ancient Greece. In the 4th century BC. The first interstate associations began to appear (for example, the Delphic-Thermopylaean amphictyony), which, without a doubt, brought the Greek states closer together.

The first international organizations appeared in the 19th century as a form of multilateral diplomacy. Since the creation of the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine in 1815, international organizations have become fairly autonomous entities, endowed with their own powers. In the second half of the 19th century, the first universal international organizations appeared - the Universal Telegraph Union (1865) and the Universal Postal Union (1874). Currently, there are more than 4 thousand international organizations in the world, more than 300 of which are intergovernmental in nature.

International organizations were created and are being created to solve a wide variety of problems - from solving shortages fresh water on Earth before the deployment of peacekeeping forces on the territory of individual countries, for example, former Yugoslavia, Libya.

In the modern world, there are two main types of international organizations: interstate (intergovernmental) and non-governmental organizations. (Appendix A)

The main feature of non-governmental international organizations is that they were not created on the basis of an international treaty and unite individuals and/or legal entities (for example, the Association of International Law, the League of Red Cross Societies, the World Federation of Scientists, etc.)

An international intergovernmental organization is an association of states established on the basis of an international treaty to achieve common goals, having permanent bodies and acting in the common interests of member states while respecting their sovereignty.

French specialist C. Zorgbib identifies three main features that define international organizations: firstly, the political will to cooperate, recorded in the constituent documents; secondly, the presence of a permanent staff that ensures continuity in the development of the organization; thirdly, autonomy of competencies and decisions.

Among the non-state participants in international relations are intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), non-governmental organizations (INGOs), transnational corporations (TNCs) and other social forces and movements operating on the world stage.

IGOs of a directly political nature arose after the First World War (League of Nations, International Labor Organization), as well as during and especially after the Second World War, when the United Nations was formed in San Francisco in 1945, designed to serve as a guarantor of collective security and cooperation between member countries in the political, economic, social and cultural fields.

There are different typologies of IGOs. And although, as many scholars admit, none of them can be considered flawless, they still help to systematize knowledge about this relatively new, influential international author. The most common is the classification of IGOs ​​according to the “geopolitical” criterion and in accordance with the scope and focus of their activities. In the first case, there are such types of intergovernmental organizations as universal (for example, the UN or the League of Nations); interregional (for example, the Organization of the Islamic Conference); regional (for example, Latin American economic system); subregional (for example, Benelux). In accordance with the second criterion, general purpose (UN) are distinguished; economic (EFTA); military-political (NATO); financial (IMF, World Bank); scientific (“Eureka”); technical (International Telecommunications Union); or even more highly specialized IGOs ​​(International Bureau of Weights and Measures). At the same time, these criteria are quite conditional.

Unlike intergovernmental organizations, INGOs are, as a rule, non-territorial entities, because their members are not sovereign states. They meet three criteria: international character composition and goals; private nature of the foundation; voluntary nature of the activity.

INGOs vary in size, structure, focus and objectives. However, they all have those common features, which distinguish them both from states and from intergovernmental organizations. Unlike the former, they cannot be presented as authors acting, in the words of G. Morgenthau, in the name of “interest expressed in terms of power.” The main “weapon” of INGOs in the field of international politics is the mobilization of international public opinion, and the method of achieving goals is to put pressure on intergovernmental organizations (primarily the UN) and directly on certain states. This is exactly how, for example, Greenpeace, Amnesty International, International Federation for Human Rights or the World Organization Against Torture. Therefore, INGOs of this kind are often called “international pressure groups.”

Today, international organizations are acquiring great importance both for ensuring and realizing the interests of states. They create favorable conditions for future generations. The functions of organizations are actively developing every day and covering ever wider spectrums of life in the world community.


The formation of the United Nations marked the beginning of modern international law. It is significantly different from the previous one. First of all, modern international law develops to a large extent under the influence of the UN Charter. If the main source of previous international legal systems were customs, then in the modern period the role of international treaties has increased.

The United Nations (UN) is a universal international organization created to maintain peace and international security and develop cooperation between states. The UN Charter was signed on June 26, 1945 at a conference in San Francisco and came into force on October 24, 1945.

The UN Charter is the only international document whose provisions are binding on all states. Based on the UN Charter, an extensive system of multilateral treaties and agreements concluded within the UN arose.

The founding document of the UN (UN Charter) is a universal international treaty and establishes the foundations of the modern international legal order.

To achieve these goals, the UN acts in accordance with the following principles: sovereign equality of UN members; conscientious fulfillment of obligations under the UN Charter; resolution of international disputes by peaceful means; renunciation of the threat or use of force against territorial integrity or political independence or in any manner inconsistent with the UN Charter; non-interference in the internal affairs of states; providing assistance to the UN in all actions taken under the Charter, ensuring the Organization is in such a position that states that are not members of the UN act in accordance with the principles set forth in the Charter (Article 2), etc.

The United Nations has the following Objectives:

1. To maintain international peace and security and, to this end, to take effective collective measures to prevent and eliminate threats to the peace and suppress acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace and to carry out by peaceful means, in accordance with the principles of justice and international law, the settlement or resolution of international disputes or situations , which may lead to disruption of the peace.

2. To develop friendly relations between nations on the basis of respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen world peace.

3. To carry out international cooperation in resolving international problems of an economic, social, cultural and humanitarian nature and in promoting and developing respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.

4. Be a center for coordinating the actions of nations in achieving these common goals.

The original members of the UN are the states that, by participating in the San Francisco Conference to create the UN or by previously signing the United Nations Declaration of January 1, 1942, signed and ratified the UN Charter.

Now a member of the UN can be any peace-loving state that accepts the obligations contained in the Charter and which, in the judgment of the UN, is able and willing to fulfill these obligations. Admission to UN membership is carried out by resolution of the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council. There are six main organs of the UN: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice and the Secretariat.

The General Assembly consists of all UN member states. The delegation of each UN member state consists of no more than five representatives and five alternates.

The General Assembly has the authority, within the framework of the UN Charter, to discuss any issues within the Charter, with the exception of those under consideration by the UN Security Council, to make recommendations to UN members or the Security Council on any such issues.

The General Assembly, in particular:

Considers the principles of cooperation in the field of ensuring international peace and security;

Elects non-permanent members of the UN Security Council, members of the Economic and Social Council;

Jointly with the Security Council, elects members International Court of Justice UN;

Coordinates international cooperation in the economic, social, cultural and humanitarian spheres;

Exercises other powers provided for by the UN Charter.

The Security Council is one of the main organs of the UN and plays a major role in maintaining international peace and security. The Security Council is authorized to investigate any dispute or situation that may give rise to international friction or give rise to a dispute, to determine whether the continuation of that dispute or situation is likely to threaten international peace and security. At any stage of such dispute or situation, the Council may recommend the appropriate procedure or methods of settlement. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) consists of UN members elected by the General Assembly.

ECOSOC is authorized to undertake research and compile reports on international issues in the field of economics, social sphere, culture, education, health and other issues.

The UN Trusteeship Council consists of: states administering trustee territories; permanent members of the UN that do not administer trust territories; such number of other members of the United Nations, elected by the General Assembly, as is necessary to ensure equality between members of the United Nations administering and not administering trust territories. Today the Council consists of representatives of all permanent members of the Security Council. Each Council member has one vote.

The International Court of Justice is the main judicial authority UN. The International Court operates on the basis of the UN Charter and the Statute of the International Court of Justice, which is an integral part of the Charter. States that are not members of the UN can also participate in the Statute of the International Court of Justice on conditions determined in each individual case by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council.

The UN Secretariat is responsible for ensuring the normal functioning of other main and subsidiary bodies of the UN, servicing their activities, implementing their decisions, and implementing UN programs and policies. The UN Secretariat ensures the work of UN bodies, publishes and distributes UN materials, stores archives, registers and publishes international treaties of UN member states.

The Secretariat is headed by the UN Secretary-General, who is the chief administrative officer official UN. The Secretary-General is appointed for a five-year term by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council.

In accordance with Art. 57 and Art. 63 of the UN Charter, various institutions created by intergovernmental agreements in the field of economic, social, culture, education, health and others are connected with the UN. Specialized agencies are permanent international organizations operating on the basis of constituent documents and agreements with the UN.

UN specialized agencies are intergovernmental organizations of a universal nature that cooperate in special areas and are associated with the UN. Specialized institutions can be divided into the following groups: organizations of a social nature (ILO, WHO), organizations of a cultural and humanitarian nature (UNESCO, WIPO), economic organizations(UNIDO), financial organizations (IBRD, IMF, IDA, IFC), organizations in the field of agriculture (FAO, IFAD), organizations in the field of transport and communications (ICAO, IMO, UPU, ITU), organization in the field of meteorology (WMO) .

All these organizations have their own governing bodies, budgets and secretariats. Together with the United Nations, they form one family, or the United Nations system. Through the common and increasingly coordinated efforts of these organizations, their multifaceted program of action to preserve peace and prosperity on Earth is being implemented through the development of international cooperation and ensuring collective security.

international law political democratic


The principles of international law are universal in nature and are criteria for the legality of all other international norms. Actions or agreements that violate the provisions of basic general democratic principles are declared invalid and entail international legal liability. All principles of international law are of paramount importance and must be strictly applied, each one being interpreted in light of the others. The principles are interrelated: violation of one provision entails non-compliance with others. So, for example, a violation of the principle of the territorial integrity of a state is at the same time a violation of the principles of sovereign equality of states, non-interference in internal affairs, non-use of force and threat of force, etc. Since the basic principles of international law are international legal norms, they exist in the form of certain sources of international law. Initially, these principles appeared in the form of international legal customs, but with the adoption of the UN Charter, the basic principles acquired a contractual legal form.

The principles of international law are generally recognized norms of international law of the most general nature. Basically, they are imperative in nature and contain obligations “erga omnes”, i.e. obligations towards each and every member of the interstate community. They combine the norms of international law at various levels, extending their effect to certain participants in interstate relations, into a single legal system.

In the second half of the 20th century, with the adoption of the UN Charter of 1945, the principles of international law were for the most part codified, that is, enshrined in written form.

International law develops on the same principles for all countries - basic principles. The UN Charter contains seven principles of international law:

1. non-use of force or threat of force;

2. peaceful resolution of international disputes;

3. non-interference in internal affairs;

4. cooperation between states;

5. equality and self-determination of peoples;

6. sovereign equality of states;

7. conscientious execution international obligations.

8. inviolability of state borders;

9. territorial integrity of states;

10. universal respect for human rights.

The principle of non-use of force or threat of force follows from the wording of the UN Charter, which expressed the common intention and solemn commitment of the world community to save future generations from the scourge of war, to adopt a practice in accordance with which armed forces are used only in the common interest.

The principle of peaceful resolution of international disputes requires that each state resolve its international disputes with other states by peaceful means in such a way as not to jeopardize international peace and security.

The principle of non-interference in internal affairs means that no state or group of states has the right to interfere directly or indirectly for any reason in the internal and foreign affairs another state.

The principle of cooperation obliges states to cooperate with each other, regardless of the characteristics of their political, economic and social systems, in various fields of international relations with the aim of maintaining international peace and security and promoting international economic stability and progress, the general welfare of peoples.

The principle of equality and self-determination of peoples implies unconditional respect for the right of every people to freely choose the paths and forms of their development.

The principle of sovereign equality of states follows from the provision of the UN Charter that the organization is based on the principle of sovereign equality of all its members. Based on this, all states enjoy sovereign equality. They have the same rights and responsibilities and are equal members of the international community.

The principle of faithful fulfillment of international obligations, unlike other principles, contains the source of the legal force of international law. The content of this principle is that each state must faithfully fulfill the obligations assumed by it in accordance with the UN Charter, arising from generally recognized principles and norms of international law, as well as from valid international treaties.

The principle of the inviolability of state borders means that each state is obliged to refrain from the threat or use of force for the purpose of violating the international borders of another state or as a means of resolving international disputes, including territorial disputes and issues relating to state borders.

The principle of territorial integrity of states assumes that territory is the main historical value and the highest material property of any state. All the material resources of people's lives and the organization of their social life are concentrated within its boundaries.

The principle of universal respect for human rights obliges each state to promote, through joint and independent action, universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the UN Charter.

General democratic principles of international relations express the fundamental ideas, goals, and core provisions of international law. They are manifested in the sustainability of international legal practice and contribute to the maintenance of an internally consistent and effective system of international law.


Politics is one of the most important spheres of people's lives. Isolating and studying the political world from the entire totality public institutions and relationships is a difficult but very urgent task. In the Republic of Belarus, political science has gained significant positions and has become an organic part of modern scientific knowledge.

The process of creation and development of international organizations considered in this work showed a mutually intersecting system of these organizations, which has its own logic of development and at the same time reflects the inconsistency and interdependence of international relations.

Today, international organizations are acquiring great importance both for ensuring and realizing the interests of states. They create favorable conditions for future generations. The functions of organizations are actively developing every day and covering ever wider spectrums of life in the world community.

However, the existence of a broad system of international organizations reflects the complexity, contradictions and interconnectedness of international relations. Availability huge number international organizations, of course, gives rise to certain difficulties.

To eliminate possible difficulties, it is necessary to fully use the potential of the UN with its systemic vision of global dynamics, reflecting the desire ordinary people and those in power to strategic stability and counteraction to all manifestations of violence that prevent Humanity from living in harmony.


1. Glebov I.N. International law: textbook / Publisher: Drofa,

2. 2006. - 368 p.

3. Kurkin B.A. International law: Tutorial. - M.: MGIU, 2008. - 192 p.

4. International law: textbook / rep. ed. Vylegzhanin A.N. - M.: Higher Education, Yurait-Izdat, 2009. - 1012 p.

5. International law. Special part: Textbook for universities / Rep. ed. prof. Valeev R.M. and prof. Kurdyukov G.I. - M.: Statute, 2010. - 624 p.

6. Political science. Workshop: textbook. benefits for students of institutions providing higher education. education / Denisyuk N.P. [etc.]; under general ed. Reshetnikova S.V. - Minsk: TetraSystems, 2008. - 256 p.

7. Theory of international relations: Textbook in 2 volumes / Under the general editorship. Kolobova O.A. T.1. Evolution of conceptual approaches. - Nizhny Novgorod: FMO UNN, 2004. - 393 p.

8. Charter of the United Nations.

9. Tsygankov P.A. Theory of international relations: Textbook. allowance. - M.: Gardariki, 2003. - 590 p.

10. Chepurnova N.M. International law: Educational and methodological complex. - M.: Publishing house. EAOI Center, 2008. - 295 p.

11. Shlyantsev D.A. International law: course of lectures. - M.: Justitsinform, 2006. - 256 p.


Some international organizations


League of Nations(1919-1939). American President Woodrow Wilson made a significant, if not decisive, contribution to its founding.

United Nations (UN). Created on April 25, 1945 in San Francisco, where representatives of 50 states gathered.

Other intergovernmental organizations (IGOs):

GATT(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade).

WTO(World Trade Organization).

International Monetary Fund (IMF). Intergovernmental organization created in 1945

World Bank. An international lending institution aimed at improving living standards in underdeveloped countries through financial assistance from rich countries.

Regional IGOs:

League of Arab States. An organization created in 1945. The goals are to protect common interests and form a single line of Arab states in the international arena.

NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Military-political organization created at the initiative of the United States on April 4, 1949. Main goal- countering the military threat from the USSR.

Organization of American States (OAS). Created in 1948 by States.

Warsaw Pact Organization (WTO)(1955--1991). Military-political organization created at the proposal of the USSR in response to Paris Agreements dated October 23, 1954

OAU (Organization of African Unity). Formed on May 26, 1963 in Addis Ababa and unites all countries of the African continent.

OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe). This regional organization currently includes the main countries of Western, Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the United States and Canada.

Organization economic cooperation and Development (OECD). Created on the basis of the Paris Convention establishing the OECD, which aimed to develop economically poor countries and stimulate international trade, and came into force on September 30, 1961.

Council of Europe.

Created in 1949. Founding countries: Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, France, Sweden. The main goal of the organization is to promote the development and practical implementation of the ideals of democracy and political pluralism.

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

Created on December 8, 1991. With the exception of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, the CIS includes all new independent states- former republics of the USSR.

OPEC- Organization of oil exporting countries.

Created at the Baghdad Conference in 1960. The main goals of the organization: coordination and unification of the oil policies of the member countries.

Regional integration associations:

Association of Southeast Asian Nations-ASEAN.

APEC-Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.

European Union (EU). Regional intergovernmental organization, the creation of which is associated with the Paris Treaty of 1951.

MERCOSUR -- Southern Common Market. The main goals of the organization: free exchange of goods, services and factors of production.

North American Free Trade Association. Created on the basis of a treaty between the United States, Canada and Mexico of December 17, 1992. The goal is to liberalize trade and economic exchanges between member countries.

Interregional IGOs:

British Commonwealth. An organization uniting 54 states - former colonies of Great Britain. The goal is to maintain priority economic, trade and cultural ties between the former metropolis and its colonies.

Organization of the Islamic Conference. Interregional international organization. Founded in 1969 at the first summit of leaders of Muslim states in Rabat. The main goals of the Organization are economic, political and cultural in nature.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private and informal associations:

Doctors Without Borders. International assistance organization medical care people affected by armed conflicts and natural disasters.

Davos Forum. Swiss non-governmental organization, the most known organization annual meetings in Davos. Leading business leaders are invited to the meetings, political leaders, prominent thinkers and journalists.

London club. An informal organization of creditor banks created to resolve issues of debt of foreign borrowers to members of this club.

International Red Cross (IRC). A humanitarian organization operating throughout the world.

Paris Club. An unofficial intergovernmental organization of developed creditor countries, the creation of which was initiated by France.

"Big Seven" / "G8". An international club uniting Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Canada, Russia, USA, France and Japan.

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    Resolution of international disputes under the UN Charter. The purpose of the International Court of Justice of the United Nations in resolving international disputes. Other international acts regulating the peaceful resolution of international disputes.

    report, added 01/10/2007

    The idea of ​​creating a global intergovernmental organization to prevent wars and maintain peace. Studying the history of the creation of the United Nations. Official preparation of such an international organization. The main directions of its activities.

    abstract, added 11/09/2010

    Study of the history of the creation of the United Nations. Characteristics of its role in maintaining peace and international security, developing cooperation between states. Ensuring the interests of justice, human rights and international law.

    abstract, added 06/22/2014

    Features of the Charter of the United Nations on the principles of settlement of international disputes, as well as international judicial and arbitration proceedings. Types of peaceful means of resolving disputes. Danger to international peace and security.

    test, added 02/14/2014

    Consideration of the types, functions, types and characteristics of international organizations. Conducting an analysis of the structure and functioning of the North Atlantic Defense Alliance, the United Nations, the European Union, the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

    course work, added 03/01/2010

    Creation of the United Nations, its legal nature and organizational structure. The problem of increasing the efficiency of the UN and revising its Charter. Activities of the UN General Assembly. Powers of the International Court and the Secretariat.

    abstract, added 09/05/2014

    Features of modern world politics and its basic principles. International relations, their subjects, features, main types and types. Activity World Organization Health, World Organization of Gastroenterology, Red Cross.

    presentation, added 05/17/2014

    Fundamentals of the activities of the UN - an international organization created to maintain and strengthen international peace and security. Functions of the General Assembly. Election of the Secretary General. Specialized agencies of the organization, member states.

Concept, classification and stages of development of INR

The integration of world economic relations, which cannot be resolved within the framework of one state or one national organization, contributed to the emergence of such institutional formation as international organizations. The unprecedented increase in their number in the 20th century, especially after the Second World War, is an indicator of the instability of the global economy. The search for predictability, relative controllability of international processes, the desire to prevent crises and direct conflicts of interests - these are common goals all international organizations.

International organizations- associations of an interstate or non-state nature, created on the basis of agreements to achieve certain goals. International organizations are divided into international intergovernmental (interstate) organizations and international non-governmental (non-governmental, public) organizations.

The generally accepted classification of international organizations according to a number of criteria (features) is given in the table:

International intergovernmental organizations(MMPO) are created on the basis of interstate agreements, their members are states (represented by senior government officials). They have permanent bodies and have international legal personality.

International non-governmental organizations are created without intergovernmental agreement. Membership is open to any person who agrees with the goals and objectives of the organization. Such organizations are non-profit and often have consultative status with the IMPO. An example would be International Association advertising (industry), based in New York, or the International Association of Translators (professional), based in Geneva. The International Chamber of Commerce is an intersectoral international organization.

Stages of development of international organizations

The development of international organizations is determined by the existing balance of power in the world and has an internal logic. Conventionally, we can distinguish such stages in the development of international organizations.

Post-war 1940-1950s. Unconditional US dominance V . The desire to consolidate and stabilize the existing balance of forces leads to the creation of the OECD and GATT. These organizations arise on the initiative or under the auspices of the United States and regulate international economic and financial relations according to liberal recipes, mainly in the interests of the most.

IN 1960s. ends restoration of the destroyed Western Europe , an economic miracle is happening in Japan, national liberation movements are growing in the former colonies. The world is becoming multipolar. Against this background, the composition is expanding. UNIDO was also created, designed to protect the interests, first of all, of countries freed from political dependence. Public independent non-governmental organizations are developing.

1970-1980s. are characterized energy and general economic crisis developed countries. In 1975, "" was formed as an attempt to resolve the pressing problems of international economic relations by the forces of the most developed countries dominating the world. Against the backdrop of increasing cross-border capital movement, including to developing countries, structures are developing World Bank. Lending activities are expanding. International organizations are trying to overcome the non-payment crisis.

IN 1990s. active integration is underway former countries Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) and in world economic relations through their inclusion in certain financial and economic international organizations that stimulate the irreversibility of market (liberal) transformations in the post-Soviet space.

IN early XIX V. There is a search for ways to improve the established regulatory mechanism, which clearly does not cope with its goals and gives rise to new contradictions.

Directions for improving the regulation of world economic relations

Key priorities for improvement international management were formulated in 2002 in Johannesburg:

For international institutions:

  • modernization of the UN system of institutions and programs;
  • close cooperation between , WB, ;
  • greater transparency, provision of information and access to negotiations for observers and participants of non-governmental international organizations.

For governments:

  • prepare and adopt national and local versions of the “Agenda for the 21st Century”;
  • implement Rio de Janeiro commitments on freedom of environmental information, public participation and access to justice;
  • ratify and implement environmental treaties;
  • comply with the financial commitments made in Rio de Janeiro.

For non-governmental organizations:

  • monitor government and corporate compliance with international norms and principles;
  • strengthen the transnational network of NGOs and their cooperation;
  • seek partnerships with business, governments and international institutions;
  • Advocate for strong environmental policies and transparent governance at the global, national and local levels.

For business:

  • participate in the UN Global Compact and other corporate codes of conduct, have independent monitoring of their implementation;
  • respect the provisions of international treaties in the field of protection environment, human rights, employment contracts and standards;
  • seek partnerships with NGOs, governments and international institutions.