Problems of life and death, attitudes towards death in different historical eras and in different religions. Objective time is measured by natural and artificial chronometers and is the same for all creatures

© 2006 S.V. Kovalenko, O.Yu. Mikhailova


Man, unlike all living beings on Earth, is aware of the finitude of his existence and the inevitability of death. Awareness of the temporariness and finitude of physical existence, in turn, makes him think about the questions: how and why do I live? Moreover, each generation answers these eternal questions in its own way.

For a long time Issues related to life and death were considered within the framework of philosophical and religious concepts. The psychological study of this issue began relatively recently, which is determined by the personal, individualized and deeply intimate nature of these relationships (especially the relationship to death). It is no coincidence that the discussion of these issues initially began in the context of a psychological analysis of the problems of human existence, the meaning of life, i.e. associated with awareness of the problem of human life.

Only in the second half of the twentieth century. active development of thanatological problems began. Moreover, interest in the problem of attitudes towards death in scientific literature so high that S. Ryazantsev proposes to consider thanatology as an independent science that studies the problems of death, its causes, processes and manifestations. In the context of the problem under study, several directions of its research can be distinguished.

The most developed area of ​​psychological research, within the framework of which a person’s attitude towards death is analyzed, is the study of the causes of suicide, patterns of formation of suicidal states and possible directions for suicide prevention.

A number of studies are devoted to the study of the psychology of terminally ill patients, attitudes towards death, its perception and their changes in different age periods. A direction related to research into the memories of people who have experienced clinical death is being actively developed. It should be noted that the available scientific psychological literature The research concerns the problem of attitudes towards one’s own death and the death of people close to one. Moreover, encounters with death are predominantly seen as a positive factor, one of the significant opportunities for personal growth. At the same time, they remain practically unexplored

Bathroom questions regarding the attitude towards the life and death of murderers, i.e. people causing death.

In this regard, issues of attitude towards the death of others are studied in the context of the problem of euthanasia - the intentional acceleration of death or the killing of an incurable patient in order to end his suffering. The question of its admissibility remains debatable. However, it should be noted that the most discussed issue within this problem is the issue of a person’s right to voluntary death. There is clearly not enough work on euthanasia as mercy killing.

There is a clear shortage of work dedicated to attitude to the death of the people who cause it, and in criminal psychological literature.

One of the few scientists who considered the attitude towards the death of another person was the representative of the anthropological trend in criminal psychology E. Ferri. He identified an anthropological type of killer with physiological insensitivity, which is determined by anatomical and physiological anomalies of the body and can be established using objective methods. The consequence of physiological insensitivity is mental (or moral) insensitivity to the suffering and death of the victim, his comrades and accomplices, and, finally, to his own suffering and death.

As is known, S. Freud did not specifically deal with the problems of crime, so criminal aggression remained outside his field of vision. However, he postulated the existence of an unconscious desire for death in humans, which he associated with the desire for destruction and self-destruction. Comparing modern man with primitive people, their attitude towards the death of others, S. Freud argued that we are “the same killers as our ancestors were.”

This issue is analyzed in more detail in the concept of E. Fromm. As part of his theory, he identifies necrophilia, which means a desire for destruction - the desire to make life mechanical, controlled, dead, as opposed to biophilia - love for all living things.

The basis of necrophilia as one of the forms of “unproductive character orientation” of a person is the mechanism of escape according to the type of destructivism. Unlike sadism, which is aimed at strengthening one individual by dominating another, destructivism is aimed at eliminating any potential threat from the outside. It is from such people, says E. Fromm, that executioners, terrorists, and torturers are recruited. It is to this category of people that he classifies murderers.

E. Fromm believed that necrophilia as a phenomenon of mental pathology acts as an inevitable consequence of developmental delay, mental “disability” and as a result of an unlived life. In his opinion, if a person “... cannot break out of the shackles of his narcissism and constantly feels isolated and worthless, the only way to drown out this unbearable feeling of insignificance and some kind of “vital impotence” is to assert himself at any cost, even at the cost of barbaric destruction life. To commit an act of vandalism, no special effort, no intelligence, no patience is required; all the destroyer needs is strong muscles, a knife or a revolver. biophilic orientation: each individual is a complex combination of characteristics found in a specific combination; the number of such combinations actually coincides with the number of individuals. Completely necrophilic characters are relatively rare, such people should be considered seriously ill, and one must look for the genetic roots of this pathology. In most people we can detect a mixture of biophilic tendencies and necrophilic tendencies, the latter being strong enough to cause internal personality conflict.

The influence of E. Fromm’s idea is clearly visible in the concepts of modern criminologists. For example, Yu.M. Antonyan also identifies necrophilia as a reason for murder. Moreover, unlike E. Fromm, who excluded the sexual meaning of this word, he considers necrophilia as an uncontrollable attraction to death, including pathological sexual desire. Considering the psychology of murder, he writes: “Murder is the denial of life and disgust for it, it is the most complete embodiment of hatred, very often unaddressed hatred, hatred in general, hatred of everyone, and it is the stronger the more a person or a social system is alienated from constructive values."

According to E.G. Samovichev, in the minds of the overwhelming number of people the problem of ontological

cultural foundations, the specificity of their “existential” status is not reflected. The confidence of the majority in their right to exist is confirmed for them by this very fact. At the same time, as the author believes, criminal killers represent a category of people for whom the right to their own existence is not obvious, but is proven solely by the fact of their criminal deprivation of the life of another person. As E.G. writes Samovichev, “murderers demonstrate a very specific way of human existence, which is based on the lack of subjective psychological certainty of this fact and, moreover, their right to exist.” Moreover, it is precisely this ontological status of the individual that has a powerful motivating potential: “Murder has no external motivation, it cannot be justified by any external circumstances (although such can almost always be found). It has a purely subjective motivation, the essence of which is not in achieving any specific objective result, but in overcoming one’s “unnatural” life position.” Thus, according to the author, in the minds of murderers, the value of one’s own life is confirmed by the death of another person.

It should be noted that in the scientific literature, attitudes towards death are considered mainly at a theoretical level. In this regard, the empirical study of the attitude towards death of persons convicted of committing various crimes by A.A. is very interesting. Bakanova. However, her sample included those convicted of both violent and nonviolent crimes.

We conducted an empirical study, the purpose of which was to study the attitude towards life and death of adolescents who committed homicidal acts. The object of the study was 43 juvenile male teenagers (15-17 years old) convicted of committing serious violent crimes: premeditated murder - Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, infliction of grievous bodily harm resulting in death - Art. 111, part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. As a control group, 45 minors convicted of committing mercenary crimes were studied: theft - Art. 158 parts 2 and 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The main hypothesis of the study was the assumption that such adolescents will have a specific attitude towards life and death. In the course of the study, we studied the content of ideas about life and death among adolescents of different groups and the personal determinants that determine their

digital attitude towards this. The preliminary results of the study generally confirm and specify the hypothesis put forward.


1. May R. Discovery of being. M., 2004.

2. Frankl V. Man in search of meaning. M., 1990.

3. Ryazantsev S. Philosophy of death. St. Petersburg, 1994..

4. Ferry E. Psychology of a premeditated killer // Legal Journal. M., 1888. T. 29. Book. 1.

5. Freud 3. We and death // Psychology of death and dying / Comp. K.V. Selchenok. Minsk, 1998.

Rostov State University

6. Fromm E. Anatomy of human destructiveness / Transl. from English M., 1994.

7. Fromm E. Über die Liebe zum Leben. Stuttgart; Zürich, 1983. S. 112.

8. Antonyan Yu.M. Psychology of murder. M., 1997.

9. Samovichev E.G. Psychological etiology of murder // Psychological journal. 2002. T. 23. No. 5.

10. Bakanova A.A. Resources of the existential crisis in places of deprivation of liberty // Ananyev Readings - 1999. To the 40th anniversary of the creation of the country's first laboratory of industrial (engineering) psychology at St. Petersburg (Leningrad) University. Theses for academic and practical studies. conf. October 26-28, 1999 / Ed. A.A. Krylova. St. Petersburg, 1999.

Perm “contemporary artist” Alexey Ilkaev made adjustments to the city landscape: in the plywood installation installed on the city embankment - the inscription HAPPINESS IS NOT SOAR - replaced the first word with the much more realistic DEATH. The reshuffle and change of emphasis alarmed local officials, resulting in a scandal. At the height of the investigation, the artist Ilkaev admitted his guilt in his crime by writing a letter of repentance. Almost came to the police and confessed. And so I’m wondering: is this just another artistic gesture of a conceptual auctioneer or is it all for real? If the latter, then to what degree of ugliness did the cultural inquisition reach in the once progressive city of Perm?? After all, this is exactly like under Stalin, when poets, writers and artists, some of them great, wrote humiliated repentances and petitions, confessing political myopia, petty-bourgeoisism and insufficient proletarian enthusiasm... Apparently, DEATH in Perm will again be replaced with HAPPINESS. So that no one doubts. But then I would advise dark night There’s no point in setting this entire structure on fire, as Pyotr Pavlensky did.

In St. Petersburg, meanwhile, film director Alexei Krasovsky (not to be confused with his namesake Anton, who fell in love with Putin like a man) set out to make the film “Poazdnik” - a “black” comedy, the action of which takes place under New Year in besieged Leningrad. As soon as this became known, a “hate group” was formed, mainly consisting of the ubiquitous deputies, who called the very idea of ​​​​the film blasphemy and mockery and demanded that the film be closed. I understand that those suffering from incontinence know little about cinema, so I remind you of a very recent and very famous precedent: the film “Life is Beautiful” (1997) by the Italian actor and director Roberto Benigni, which received all possible main prizes, from Cannes to Oscar, and became an absolute classic. This is also a comedy, and not even a black one, about the Holocaust and a death camp with gas chambers. The topic, you see, is no less terrible than the Leningrad blockade. However, neither the Italian parliament and the government, nor even the all-powerful and worldwide Jewish “behind the scenes” vetoed the film. I don't think this even occurred to anyone.

Among those who especially zealously attacked the renegade filmmakers was a Duma deputy named Sergei Boyarsky. The surname is rare, I decided to check it out - and alas! Son. Born in 1980. I was spinning... It’s like this: dad is a musketeer, daughter Liza is a lovely girl and a good actress, and nature rested on her son: a demagogue and a young fossil like a guardian fell out of the boyar’s nest. And a corresponding career. So much for “Dinosaurs”... Did you, Misha, really not let your child listen to the Beatles during his childhood and adolescence?!



Egyptian version of death


Ancient Greece and death


Death in the Middle Ages


Modern attitude to death







Attitude towards death has a huge impact on the quality of life and the meaning of existence of a particular person and society as a whole. In the history of human civilization, there are various ideas about death: mythological in archaic societies, courageously optimistic in the ancient Roman era (Aristotle, Epicurus), tragic-pessimistic in the Middle Ages, pantheistic in modern times (Spinoza, Hegel, Goethe), romantic (Schopenhauer , Nietzsche) and ethical (L.N. Tolstoy) in the 19th century. Attitudes towards death change depending on the level of socio-cultural development of society and its system of spiritual and moral values.

What is the reason that among the problems of the history of culture and worldview developed by modern historians, the problem of death occupies one of the prominent places? Until relatively recently, it hardly occupied them at all. They silently proceeded from the postulate that death is always death (“People were born, suffered and died...”), and, in fact, there was nothing to discuss here. Now the problem of people’s perception of death in different eras and their assessment of this phenomenon has emerged. And it turned out that this is a highly significant problem, the consideration of which can shed new light on the worldview and value systems accepted in society.

F. Ariès outlines 5 main stages in the slow change of attitudes towards death:

1st stage, which does not represent a stage of evolution, but rather a state that remains stable among large sections of the people, from archaic times until the 19th century, if not up to the present day, he denotes by the expression “we will all die.” This is the state of “tamed death.” This classification does not at all mean that death was “wild” before. Ariès only wants to emphasize that the people of the Middle Ages treated death as an ordinary phenomenon that did not inspire them with special fears.

The idea of ​​the Last Judgment, developed, as Ariès writes, by the intellectual elite and established between the 11th and 13th centuries, marked 2nd stage evolution of attitude towards death, which Ariès called “My own death”. Starting from the 12th century, scenes of the afterlife judgment were depicted on the Western portals of cathedrals, and then, from about the 15th century, the idea of ​​the judgment of the human race was replaced by a new idea - of the individual judgment, which occurs at the moment of a person’s death.

3rd stage the evolution of the perception of death according to Aries - “Death far and near” - is characterized by the collapse of defense mechanisms from nature. Both sex and death return to their wild, untamed essence.

4th stage centuries-old evolution in the experience of death - “Your death.” The complex of tragic emotions caused by the passing of a loved one, spouse, child, parents, relatives, in Aries’s opinion, is a new phenomenon associated with the strengthening of emotional ties within the family. With the weakening of belief in punishments beyond the grave, the attitude towards death changes.

Finally, in the 20th century, fear of death and its very mention develops. “Death inverted” - this is what Aries means 5th stage development of the perception and experience of death among Europeans and North Americans.

“For a long time, people have been afraid of death and at the same time interested in it. But she always remained mysterious and incomprehensible. Man cannot live forever. Death is a necessary biological condition for the turnover of individuals, without which the human race will turn into a huge, inert monolith. For the stability of any social education, a clear designation of moral criteria related to the phenomenon of human death is required. This ... helps to keep society in a dynamic balance of morality, preventing aggressive instincts, uncontrolled mass murders and suicides from coming to the surface.”

Egyptian version of death

Among the slave states that arose in the valleys big rivers after the collapse of the tribal system, Egypt was the first to achieve true power, to become a great power dominating the surrounding world, the first empire to lay claim to world hegemony - albeit on the scale of only that insignificant part of the earth that was known to the ancient Egyptians.

Once it was possible to create on earth such a power that subjugated everything to itself, is it really impossible to perpetuate it, that is, continue it beyond the threshold of death? After all, nature is renewed annually, because the Nile - and Egypt, as Herodotus wrote, is the “gift of the Nile” - overflowing, enriches the surrounding lands with its silt, gives birth to life and prosperity on them, and when it goes back, drought sets in: but this is not death, because then - and so every year - the Nile floods again!

And so a creed was born, according to which the deceased awaits resurrection. The grave is only a temporary home for him. But in order to provide the deceased with a new, already eternal life, it is necessary to preserve his body and provide in the grave with everything that he needed during life, so that the spirit can return to the body just as the Nile returns annually to the land it irrigates. This means that the body must be embalmed and turned into a mummy.

And in case the mummification turns out to be imperfect, it is necessary to create a likeness of the body of the deceased - his statue. And therefore in ancient Egypt the sculptor was called “sankh”, which means “creator of life”. By recreating the image of the deceased, he seemed to recreate life itself.

A passionate desire to stop and overcome death, which seemed to the Egyptians to be an “abnormality”, a violation of the natural course of life, a passionate hope that death could be overcome, gave rise to a funeral cult that left its mark on almost all the arts of ancient Egypt.

The funeral cult in ancient Egypt was not a cult of death, but rather a denial of the triumph of death, a desire to prolong life, to ensure that death - an abnormal and temporary phenomenon - would not violate the beauty of life.

Death is terrible when the deceased does not receive a dignified burial, allowing the soul to reunite with the body, terrible outside Egypt, where the ashes are “wrapped in ram’s skin and buried behind a simple fence.”

In the “History of Sinuhet,” a literary monument created approximately two thousand years BC, the pharaoh exhorts a nobleman who fled to another country to return to his home in Egypt with such promises: “You must think about the day of burial and about the last path to eternal bliss . Here is prepared for you a night with fragrant oils. Here the burial shrouds, woven by the hands of the goddess Tait, await you. They will make you a sarcophagus of gold, and a headboard of pure lapis lazuli. The vault of heaven (the canopy or the inner lid of the sarcophagus with the image of the sky goddess) will spread over you when they put you in the sarcophagus and the bulls drag you away. Musicians will go ahead of you and perform a funeral dance at the entrance to your tomb... They will announce the list of sacrifices for you. They will slaughter sacrifices for you at your funeral stele. They will place your tomb among the pyramids of Pharaoh’s children, and its pillars will be built of white stone.”

In a special ritual included in the funeral ceremony, the deceased was likened to Osiris himself, the son of heaven and earth, killed by his brother and resurrected by his son to become the god of fertility, the ever-dying and ever-resurrecting nature. And everything in the tomb, in its architecture, in its paintings and sculptures, in all the luxury items with which it was filled to “please” the deceased, was supposed to express the beauty of life, the majestically calm beauty, as the imagination ideally pictured it ancient Egyptian. It was the beauty of the sun in the eternal blue sky, the majestic beauty of a huge river giving coolness and abundance of earthly fruits, the beauty of the bright green palm groves among the grandiose landscape of boundless yellow sands. Smooth distances - and the colors of nature, full of sound under the dazzling light, without haze, without halftones... An Egyptian cherished this beauty in his heart and wished to enjoy it forever, having overcome death.

Egyptian texts indicate that the Egyptians' views on the nature and essence of man were quite complex. In their view, a person consisted of a body (Het), a soul (Ba), a shadow (Khaybet), a name (Ren) and, finally, Ka, which can perhaps best be expressed in the words: “double, invisible double.” Ka is born along with a person, relentlessly follows him everywhere, constitutes an integral part of his being and personality; however, Ka does not die with the death of a person. He can continue his life in the grave, which is therefore called the “house of Ka.” His life depends on the degree of preservation of the body and is closely connected with the latter. It is easy to see that the idea of ​​Ka formed the basis of all funeral rites. Thanks to him, the corpse was turned into a mummy and carefully hidden in a closed room of the tomb; the possibility of accidental destruction of the mummy was also provided for; in this case, statues that conveyed as closely as possible the features of the deceased could replace the mummy and become the seat of Ka. Ka's life did not depend on the integrity of the mummy alone - he could die of hunger and thirst; tormented by them, he could go so far as to eat his own excrement and drink his own urine. Regarding food, Ka was completely dependent on the voluntary donations of children and descendants; funeral services were performed solely for him; all the real estate was intended for him, which was placed along with the dead man in the grave. The deceased enjoys only conditional immortality; the part of it that remains after death is closely connected with the grave and continues to lead earthly life. This primitive idea caused the establishment of funeral rites in Egypt, which were preserved throughout Egyptian history.

Along with Ka, Ba also matters. Ba is already mentioned in the most ancient inscriptions, but given the current state of our knowledge, we cannot isolate the pure Egyptian ideas about the soul, since they early fell under the influence of the views about Ka. Initially, Ba was represented in the form of a bird, and in this one can see a hint of the role of the soul after the death of a person: obviously, it was not associated with the grave and could freely leave, rise from it on wings to the sky and live there among the gods. We sometimes meet Ba in the grave visiting the mummy; she also resides on earth and enjoys all earthly bliss; in contrast to Ka, the soul is not constrained in its movements. According to the pyramid inscriptions, the deceased flies into the sky in the form of a bird; he sometimes also takes the form of a grasshopper - the Egyptians considered the grasshopper a bird - and in this form reaches the sky or rushes there in clouds of incense smoke. There she becomes Hu - “brilliant” and rejoices, being in the company of the gods.

jealous Greece and death

Ancient culture is considered the greatest creation of mankind. At first it was perceived as a collection of myths, tales and legends. However, in the 19th century, views on the processes of antiquity changed fundamentally. It turned out that it was not at all by chance that in ancient Greek culture the problem of life and death became one of the key ones. Religious and philosophical movements in ancient Greece dealt with death dramatically. IN classical period Ancient Greek philosophy attempted to overcome the fear of death. Plato created the doctrine of a person consisting of two parts - an immortal soul and a mortal body. Death, according to this teaching, is the process of separation of the soul from the body, its liberation from the “prison” where it resides in earthly life. The body, according to Plato, as a result of death turns into dust and decay; after a certain period of time, the soul again inhabits a new body. This teaching, in a transformed form, was subsequently adopted by Christianity.

A different understanding of death is characteristic of the philosophy of Epicurus and Stoicism. The Stoics, trying to alleviate the fear of death, spoke of its universality and naturalness, for all things have an end. Epicurus believed that there is no need to be afraid of death, that a person does not encounter death. His words are known: “As long as I live, there is no death, when there is death, I am not.”

The ancient philosophical tradition has already come to consider death as a good. Socrates, for example, speaking before the judges who sentenced him to death, stated: “... it really seems that all this (the sentence) happened for my good, and it cannot be that we understand the matter correctly, believing that death is evil." “On the eve of his execution, Socrates admitted to his friends that he was full of joyful hope, because, as ancient legends say, a certain future awaits the dead. Socrates firmly hoped that during his just life, after death he would end up in the society of wise gods and famous people. Death and what follows is the reward for the pains of life. As a proper preparation for death, life is a difficult and painful business."

death in the Middle Ages

During the European Middle Ages, the dominant view was that death was God’s punishment for the original sin of Adam and Eve. Death in itself is an evil, a misfortune, but it is overcome by faith in God, faith that Christ will save the world, and that the righteous will have a blissful existence in paradise after death.

For the early Middle Ages, a person’s attitude towards death can be defined as “tamed death.” In ancient tales and medieval novels, death appears as the natural end of the life process. A person is usually warned about his approaching death through signs (omens) or as a result of internal conviction: he is waiting for death, preparing for it. Waiting for death turns into an organized ceremony, and it is organized by the dying person himself: he convenes his closest relatives, friends, and children. Aries specifically emphasizes the presence of children at the bedside of a dying person, since subsequently, with the development of civilization, children begin to be protected in every possible way from everything connected with the image of death. Hence the concept of “tamed”, chosen by the historian: death is “tamed” not in relation to ancient pagan ideas, where it would act as “wild” and hostile, but precisely in relation to the ideas of modern man. Another feature of “tamed death” is the strict separation of the world of the dead from the world of the living, as evidenced by the facts that burial places were moved outside the boundaries of the medieval city.

In the late Middle Ages the picture changes somewhat. And although even during this period it continues to dominate natural attitude to death (death as one of the forms of interaction with nature), the emphasis shifts somewhat. In the face of death, each person rediscovers the secret of his individuality. This connection was established in the consciousness of a person of the late Middle Ages and still occupies a strong place in the spiritual baggage of a person in Western civilization.

Along with Christian ideas about life and death in the Middle Ages, there was a very powerful layer of ideas and ideas inherited from traditionalist, patriarchal ideology. This layer is associated mainly with rural culture and is, as historical facts show, a fairly stable formation that has existed for centuries despite the strong influence of Christian ideology and practice and had a strong influence on Christian ideas themselves. What does this layer include? It embraces, first of all, a set of spells against death, predictions of the time of death, conspiracies to bring death to the enemy. All this is the legacy of the “magical death” of the era of patriarchal society. As for predictions of death, for example, in Germany the shadow of a headless man on the wall is considered a harbinger of imminent death; in Scotland, dreams in which the burial of a living person appears were used as a warning; in Ireland, it was believed that the spirit of Fetch takes the form of a person who is destined to soon leave this world and appears to his relatives, and another spirit of the dying person - Beansidhe - two nights before warns of death with a song. In European folklore, animals also play a significant role in predicting death: a black ram, a hen crowing as a rooster, etc. A lot of fortune-telling is common: in Naples it was believed that death was foreshadowed by certain outlines of pieces of wax thrown into water; in Madena they used ice crystals to tell fortunes; in Brittany, pieces of bread and butter were thrown into the fountain for the same purpose.

The process of Christianization of ideas about death does not mean the complete destruction of the magical world of pre-Christian beliefs. The process of interaction and mutual influence of both types of consciousness continues to deepen, leading to a radical change in both types. Thus, under the influence of the traditionalist image of death, a new image appears in Christianity - the passion of Christ, and then many holy martyrs. Ideas about afterlife: although images of heaven are still very rare and scarce, the image of hell absorbs a description of all the horrors accumulated in the popular consciousness over the previous centuries; The significance of purgatory is also increasing, although it is still weakly rooted in the popular consciousness. Aries calls the structuring of ideas about the afterlife “the most important phenomenon in the history of mentality,” reflecting the affirmation of individual moral consciousness.

The knight of the early Middle Ages died in all simplicity, like the Gospel Lazarus. A man of the late Middle Ages was tempted to die as an unrighteous miser, hoping to take his goods with him even to the next world. Of course, the church warned the rich that if they were too attached to their earthly treasures, they would go to hell. But there was something comforting in this threat: the curse doomed a person to hellish torment, but did not deprive him of his treasures. The rich man, who unjustly acquired his wealth and therefore ended up in hell, is depicted on the portal in Moissac with an unchanged wallet around his neck.

In a painting by Hieronymus Bosch in the National Gallery in Washington, which could serve as an illustration for some treatise on the “art of dying,” the devil, with obvious difficulty, drags a heavy, thick bag of gold coins onto the bed of a dying man. Now the patient will be able to reach it in his mortal moment and will not forget to take it with him. Which of us “today” would think of trying to take a block of shares, a car, diamonds with us to the afterlife! The man of the Middle Ages, even in death, could not part with the goods he had acquired: when dying, he wanted to have it near him, to feel it, to hold on to it.

The question of attitude towards death has always had an ethical connotation. But long before the late Middle Ages, a situation arose when the confrontation between interpretations of death in European civilization reached incredible tension (the struggle between traditional Christianity and Manichaeism).

The polarity in relation to the world manifested itself in these faiths in this way: the Manichaeans considered matter, the commodity world, human flesh to be evil, and the Emptiness to be good, in contrast to Christians, who argued that God's creations cannot be bearers of the Eternal Darkness, who did not deny the meaning of the joys of the flesh life for the human soul.

“The simplest way out for the Manichaeans would have been suicide,” writes L.N. Gumilyov, “but they introduced into their doctrine the doctrine of transmigration of souls. This means that death plunges the suicide into a new birth, with all the ensuing troubles. Therefore, for the sake of salvation souls were offered something else: exhaustion of the flesh either by asceticism or by frantic revelry, collective debauchery, after which weakened matter should release the soul from its clutches. Only this goal was recognized by the Manichaeans as worthy, and as for earthly affairs, morality was naturally abolished. - evil, then any destruction of it is good, be it murder, lies, betrayal... Everything does not matter in relation to the objects of the material world. The fact that the Manichaeans disappeared from the face of the Earth by the end of the 14th century is not surprising. for, strictly speaking, they strove for this. Hating the material world, they had to hate life itself; therefore, they should not even affirm death, for death is only a moment of change of states, but anti-life and anti-world."

contemporary attitude towards death

The revolution in attitude towards death, according to Aries, comes at the beginning of the 20th century. Its origins lie in a certain mentality that was formed in the middle of the 19th century: those around them spare the patient and hide from him the severity of his condition. However, over time, the desire to protect the last moments allotted to a person in this world from vain torment takes on a different color: to protect not so much the dying person, but his loved ones, from emotional shock. Thus, death gradually becomes a shameful, forbidden subject. This trend has been intensifying since the middle of the 20th century, which is associated with a change in the place of dying. A person now passes away, as a rule, not at home, among his relatives, but in a hospital, meeting death alone. The “main character” of the drama changes again: for the 17th-18th centuries, Aries notes the transition of initiative from the dying person to his family, but now the “master of death” becomes the doctor, the hospital team. Death is depersonalized, banalized. The rituals are preserved in their main features, but are devoid of drama; too open an expression of grief no longer evokes sympathy, but is perceived as a sign of either bad upbringing, or weakness, or a mental shift.

Today's attitude towards death includes the following traits and attitudes:

1. Tolerance. Death has gotten used to it and has become an ordinary and commonplace phenomenon in the games of politicians (Chechnya), among criminals (contract killings) and “scumbags” (killing a grandmother because she did not give her drug-addicted grandson a dose). Death, therefore, goes to the periphery of consciousness, becomes invisible, subconscious, repressed. Moreover, this happens not only in the consciousness of the above-mentioned “representatives” of the human race, but also in the ordinary consciousness of the average person.

2. Manufacturability. A tolerant personal attitude towards death pushes one’s own death as such into the background, but brings forward the issues of post-death technology: funerals, money spent on them, tombstones, monuments, obituaries, etc. factors of relatives' prestige. These technologies do not lose their importance after funerals and wakes: tombstones, slabs, and monuments take several months, sometimes even years, to make.

3. The phenomenon of immortality. “People are dying around me, others are dying, but not me, my death is still far away. Death is an invention of science fiction writers.” This immortal attitude is located in the subconscious of modern man. The words of Thomas Aquinas: “We live for others, but everyone dies for himself personally,” take on an ominous meaning, which is constantly pushed back “for later.” Have you ever seen people soberly reflect on their own death in the face of the death of another? This is not the case because there is no awareness of one’s own death.

4. Theatricality. There is no death as an event or empathy. As Epicurus said: “As long as we exist, there is no death, and when there is death, then we are not.” Thus death is played out according to literary scripts and is arranged according to the scenarios. As a result, death appears to us in the form of a performance in the theater. The theatricality of death makes life itself theatrical.

5. Game character. The games that people play: business, politics, cars, weapons, women, drugs, money - all this works for win-win or suicide. Any game aimed at winning at any cost “rehearses” death. Those. either winning, like a rehearsal for death, or losing, like a “little death,” a fall down the social ladder. That. a person's death becomes a stake in his "game".

6. No one is equal in the face of death. Inequality in dying is determined by the presence of capital - social, economic and political. The death of a lonely homeless person in a heating main and the death of the first president of Russia are different deaths. People die in accordance with the capital and hierarchy that they had before death.

We can say that at this time, a tolerant attitude towards death turns into an intolerant attitude towards people and their diversity (multi-subjectivity), as a result of which a person becomes depersonalized, leveled down to a simple representative of consumer society, an impersonal agent of mass culture.

Today's Western society is ashamed of death, more ashamed than afraid, and in most cases behaves as if death does not exist. This can be seen even by turning to Internet search engines, which give on average eight times fewer links to the word “death” than to the word “life.” One of the few exceptions is the popularity in the West of the ideas of natural death and the “correctly” lived previous period.

Today we live in a society that pushes away death, forcing people to die alone. Meanwhile, death is something that should prepare us, emotionally and spiritually, to see the world in our respective perspective. The dying person thus becomes the center of a necessary and useful drama, an important part of the study of life. Hospitals sometimes help to close the individual off from living connection with family and friends, making it more difficult to end a life due to the lack of expressions of love.

Alas, as the modern French chansonnier Georges Brassans sang: “Today, death is not the same, we ourselves are all not the same, and we have no time to think about duty and beauty.”

Today's death model is defined by the popular word "privacy", which has become even more strict and demanding than before. And next to this comes the desire to protect the dying person from his own emotions, hiding his condition from him until the last moment. Doctors are also invited, and in some countries even obliged, to participate in this loving lie.

Fortunately, the above applies to the so-called Western civilization, and some other cultures provide us with examples of a different cultural attitude towards death.

Over the modern civilized world there is a sentiment that death is a simple transition to a better world: to a happy home where we will again find our disappeared loved ones when our time comes, and from where they, in turn, come to visit us. Thus, the comfort of life in the West is simply projected onto the afterlife. In addition, every fourth resident of Central Europe believes in the transmigration of souls. This was recently stated by the German researcher Jutta Burggraf, speaking at the XXII International Theological Symposium.

Europeans readily believe in reincarnation, as if they want to give themselves “a chance to try again.” Over the past forty years, the doctrine of transmigration has spread throughout Western world, because it seems very attractive to those minds that refuse to look into the “eyes of death.” If we change our place of residence, profession, or spouse so easily, then why not assume that our lives will change? Although from the point of view of Christian theologians (both Catholic and Orthodox), salvation is possible for both body and soul, which is why Eastern doctrines about the transmigration of souls do not seem necessary.


If people die, it means someone needs it. But seriously, this is how the world works... Not only humans, but all living things on Earth are mortal. But when every living creature dies, it leaves behind a trace. This is exactly the way development occurs. I'm just curious - why is this needed? Who needs it? After all, there is no such thing as eternal... Probably every sane person has asked himself these questions at least once in his life. But the answer to them has not yet been found... It's a pity...

And therefore we just need to live, just do good, in order to leave at least something good for those who will come after us. Who knows, maybe this something can help someone and then we will be remembered kind words. Even though we won't hear him...


1. Aries F. Man in the face of death. M., 1992.

2. Lavrin A.P. Chronicles of Charon. Encyclopedia of death. M., 1993.

3. Anthology of world philosophy. T. 1. Part 1. M., 1983.

4. Fedorova M.M. The image of death in Western European culture. //Human. No. 5. M., 1991.

5. Kovtun A.V. Contemporary context of death. //Sofia: Handwritten journal of the Society of Devotees of Russian Philosophy. No. 3 (Ural State University). Ekaterinburg, 2002.

6. Schopenhauer A. Death and its relation to the indestructibility of our being.

Problems of life and death and attitudes towards death

in different historical eras and in different religions


1. Dimensions of the problem of life, death and immortality.

2. Attitude to death, problems of life, death and immortality

in the religions of the world.


List of used literature.


Life and death are eternal themes in the spiritual culture of humanity in all its divisions. Prophets and founders of religions, philosophers and moralists, figures of art and literature, teachers and doctors thought about them. There is hardly an adult who, sooner or later, would not think about the meaning of his existence, his impending death and the achievement of immortality. These thoughts come to the minds of children and very young people, as evidenced in poetry and prose, dramas and tragedies, letters and diaries. Only early childhood or senile insanity relieves a person of the need to solve these problems.

In essence, we are talking about a triad: life - death - immortality, since all the spiritual systems of humanity proceeded from the idea of ​​​​the contradictory unity of these phenomena. The greatest attention here was paid to death and the acquisition of immortality in another life, and human life itself was interpreted as a moment allotted to a person so that he could adequately prepare for death and immortality.

With a few exceptions, all times and peoples have spoken quite negatively about life, Life is suffering (Buddha: Schopenhauer, etc.); life is a dream (Plato, Pascal); life is an abyss of evil (Ancient Egypt); “Life is a struggle and a journey through a foreign land” (Marcus Aurelius); "Life is a fool's tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, but without meaning" (Shakespeare); “All human life is deeply immersed in untruth” (Nietzsche), etc.

Proverbs and sayings of different nations like “Life is a penny” speak about this. Ortega y Gasset defined man neither as a body nor as a spirit, but as a specifically human drama. Indeed, in this sense, the life of every person is dramatic and tragic: no matter how successfully life turns out, no matter how long it is, its end is inevitable. The Greek sage Epicurus said this: “Accustom yourself to the idea that death has nothing to do with us. When we exist, death is not yet present, and when death is present, then we do not exist.”

Death and potential immortality are the most powerful lure for the philosophical mind, for all our life's affairs must, one way or another, be measured against the eternal. Man is doomed to think about life and death, and this is his difference from an animal, which is mortal, but does not know about it. Death in general is the price to pay for the complication of a biological system. Single-celled organisms are practically immortal and the amoeba is a happy creature in this sense.

When an organism becomes multicellular, a mechanism of self-destruction, as it were, is built into it at a certain stage of development, associated with the genome.

For centuries, the best minds of humanity have been trying to at least theoretically refute this thesis, prove, and then bring real immortality to life. However, the ideal of such immortality is not the existence of the amoeba and not the angelic life in better world. From this point of view, a person should live forever, being in the constant prime of life. A person cannot come to terms with the fact that he will have to leave this magnificent world where life is in full swing. To be an eternal spectator of this grandiose picture of the Universe, not to experience “day saturation” as biblical prophets- could there be anything more tempting?

But, thinking about this, you begin to understand that death is perhaps the only thing before which everyone is equal: poor and rich, dirty and clean, loved and unloved. Although both in ancient times and in our days, attempts have been and are constantly being made to convince the world that there are people who have been “there” and returned back, but common sense refuses to believe this. Faith is required, a miracle is required, such as the Gospel Christ performed, “trampling down death by death.” It has been noticed that a person’s wisdom is often expressed in a calm attitude towards life and death. As Mahatma Gandhi said: "We do not know whether it is better to live or to die. Therefore, we should neither overly admire life nor tremble at the thought of death. We should treat both equally. This is the ideal option." And long before this, the Bhagavad Gita said: “Truly, death is intended for the born, and birth is inevitable for the deceased. Do not mourn about the inevitable.”

At the same time, many great people realized this problem in tragic tones. Outstanding Russian biologist I.I. Mechnikov, who reflected on the possibility of “cultivating the instinct of natural death,” wrote about L.N. Tolstoy: “When Tolstoy, tormented by the impossibility of solving this problem and haunted by the fear of death, asked himself whether it was possible family love to calm his soul, he immediately saw that this was a vain hope. Why, he asked himself, raise children who would soon find themselves in the same critical condition as their father? Why should I love them, raise them and take care of them? For the same despair that is in me, or for stupidity? Loving them, I cannot hide the truth from them - every step leads them to the knowledge of this truth. And truth is death."

1. Dimensions of the problem of life, death and immortality.

1. 1. The first dimension of the problem of life, death and immortality is biological, for these states are essentially different aspects of one phenomenon. The hypothesis of panspermia, the constant presence of life and death in the Universe, and their constant reproduction in suitable conditions, has long been put forward. The definition of F. Engels is well known: “Life is a way of existence of protein bodies, and this way of existence consists essentially in the constant self-renewal of chemical components these bodies", emphasizes the cosmic aspect of life.

Stars, nebulae, planets, comets and other cosmic bodies are born, live and die, and in this sense, no one and nothing disappears. This aspect is most developed in Eastern philosophy and mystical teachings, based on the fundamental impossibility of understanding the meaning of this universal circulation only with reason. Materialistic concepts are based on the phenomenon of self-generation of life and self-causation, when, according to F. Engels, “with iron necessity” life and the thinking spirit are generated in one place of the Universe, if in another it disappears.

Awareness of the unity of human life and humanity with all life on the planet, with its biosphere, as well as potentially possible forms of life in the Universe, has enormous ideological significance.

This idea of ​​the sanctity of life, the right to life for any living being, by virtue of the very fact of birth, belongs to the eternal ideals of humanity. In the limit, the entire Universe and the Earth are considered as living beings, and interference in the still poorly understood laws of their life is fraught with an ecological crisis. Man appears as a small particle of this living Universe, a microcosm that has absorbed all the richness of the macrocosm. The feeling of “reverence for life”, the feeling of one’s involvement in the wonderful world of the living, to one degree or another, is inherent in any ideological system. Even if biological, bodily life is considered an inauthentic, transitive form of human existence, then in these cases (for example, in Christianity) human flesh can and should acquire a different, flourishing state.

1.2. The second dimension of the problem of life, death and immortality is associated with understanding the specifics of human life and its differences from the life of all living things. For more than thirty centuries, sages, prophets and philosophers different countries and peoples are trying to find this watershed. Most often it is believed that the whole point is in the awareness of the fact of impending death: we know that we will die and are feverishly looking for a path to immortality. All other living things quietly and peacefully complete their journey, having managed to reproduce a new life or serve as fertilizer for another life. A person is doomed to painful lifelong thoughts about the meaning of life or its meaninglessness, tormenting himself, and often others, with this, and is forced to drown these damned questions in wine or drugs. This is partly true, but the question arises: what to do with the fact of the death of a newborn child who has not yet had time to understand anything, or a mentally retarded person who is not able to understand anything? Should we consider the beginning of a person’s life to be the moment of conception (which cannot be accurately determined in most cases) or the moment of birth?

It is known that the dying L.N. Tolstoy, addressing those around him, said,

so that they turn their gaze to millions of other people, and not look at one

lion An unknown death that does not touch anyone except the mother, the death of a small creature from hunger somewhere in Africa and lavish funeral world famous leaders in the face of eternity have no differences. In this sense, the English poet D. Donne is deeply right when he said that the death of each person diminishes all of humanity and therefore “never ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for you.”

It is obvious that the specifics of human life, death and immortality are directly related to the mind and its manifestations, to the successes and achievements of a person during his life, to his assessment by his contemporaries and descendants. The death of many geniuses at a young age is undoubtedly tragic, but there is no reason to believe that their subsequent life, if it had taken place, would have given the world something even more brilliant. There is some kind of not entirely clear, but empirically obvious pattern at work here, expressed by the Christian thesis: “God chooses the best first.”

In this sense, life and death are not covered by the categories of rational knowledge and do not fit into the framework of a rigid deterministic model of the world and man. It is possible to discuss these concepts in cold blood up to a certain limit. It is determined by the personal interest of each person and his ability to intuitively comprehend the ultimate foundations of human existence. In this respect, everyone is like a swimmer who has jumped into the waves in the middle of the open sea. You need to rely only on yourself, despite human solidarity, faith in God, the Higher Mind, etc. The uniqueness of man, the uniqueness of personality, is manifested here to the highest degree. Geneticists have calculated that the probability of this particular person being born from these parents is one chance in one hundred trillion cases. If this has already happened, then what amazing variety of human meanings of existence appears before a person when he thinks about life and death?

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  • Introduction
  • 1.1 Psychoanalytic theory (S. Freud, E. Fromm)
  • 1.4 Theory (G. Fechner)
  • 2. Stages of dying
  • 3. Psychological attitude towards death
  • 3.1. Fear of death
  • Conclusion


At the present time, there are a huge variety of different socially significant topics for study in the field of psychology, because absolutely everything that surrounds us is somehow connected with it. I will not hide that when choosing a topic, I relied not on social significance, but more on personal interests. I am not afraid to admit that I am very afraid of death and it seems to me that if I try to understand this topic and put everything into perspective, then perhaps I will stop being so afraid of death. I think not better motivation to study the topic and write a term paper as a personal interest. It is difficult to find in a person’s life at least a few more events of such enormous significance as the process of dying and death, except perhaps birth. How many of you are ready to die right now, expanding beyond your own limits, without changing or doing anything, just up and happily leaving, not holding on to anything or anyone?

Everyone has to experience the death of close relatives and, finally, face the fact of their own biological mortality. Considering the naturalness of death, a person’s desire to avoid problems and evade questions related to it is simply amazing. Aging, terminal illnesses and dying are not perceived as part of the process of life, but as complete failure and a painful lack of understanding of the limitations of our ability to control nature. From the point of view of our philosophy of pragmatism, which emphasizes the importance of achievement and success, a dying person is a loser.

The attitude of modern medicine towards the elderly and dying is an unwavering desire to overcome death and delay its onset by all possible means. In this struggle for mechanical prolongation of life at any cost, very little attention is paid to what the final days of the dying person are like. Almost all of them are surrounded by IVs, oxygen pillows, electronic devices for the heart, artificial kidneys, monitoring devices the most important functions body. Often, in an attempt to hide the real state of affairs from the patient, medical staff and family members stage labor-intensive performances that distract from problems specifically related to the situation, seducing the patient with unrealistic hopes. This further increases the sense of isolation and despondency experienced by the dying, many of whom subconsciously sense the lies around them. The view of the world developed by science, based on materialistic philosophy, increases the severity of the situation of the dying person. Since, according to this scenario, nothing exists outside the material world. Only living organisms with functioning sense organs can accept reality.

Understanding is considered as a product of the brain and, therefore, is entirely dependent on its integrity and normal functioning. The physical destruction of the body and brain is the irreversible end of human life. On at the moment Our social structure, just like philosophy, religion and medicine, is practically unable to offer anything to alleviate the mental anguish of a dying person. Therefore, almost everyone, being in a similar position, experiences the deepest and all-encompassing decline, immediately affecting the biological, emotional, philosophical and spiritual aspects of life. But psychiatrists, psychologists and people in related specialties, who are developing systems of intervention in the event of decline in various difficult life situations, surprisingly, until recently did not name this area among those in dire need of qualified help.

Based on the above, it is possible to judge the relevance of the chosen topic; it seems interesting and important to consider the mental difficulties of dying and death, since only by understanding the nature of these problems is it possible to understand the need and methods of helping a person in a serious life crisis.

The purpose of this course work is to study the psychological problems of dying and death. In accordance with the goal, the research task was formulated: to describe theoretical interpretations of the concept of death from the perspective of various conceptual approaches in psychology.

1. Psychological theories of dying and death

IN late XIX- early 20th century belief in scientific knowledge the world has reached its apotheosis. The newest rationalism has tried to decompose our phobias, motivations, emotions, etc. almost into atoms. However, the initial euphoria gradually gave way to disappointment - it turned out that death is not as difficult as they say it is - it is much more complex. In addition, a large number of schools and movements in psychology have made it impossible to have a unified interpretation of the concept of death from the perspective of this science.

1.1 Psychoanalytic theory (S. Freud, E. Fromm)

Long before Freud, many philosophers thought about what exactly determines human life and what role drives play in it. Freud also set out to define what he called the "primary drives." In his first publications, he considered only sexual desires as “primary”. He further comes to the conclusion that the “primary drives” constitute a polar pair of creative love and the drive to destruction. These reflections lead to the creation of the concept that human activity is determined by the intertwining of the forces of the “life instinct” (Eros) and the “death instinct” (Thanatos). These opposing forces are the main unconscious drives that predetermine all human life. And, if the “instinct of life” (Eros) is clearer as a life-giving force, then in relation to the “instinct of death” (Thanatos) additional clarification is required.

Freud derives the assumption about the existence of this instinct in man from the evolution of all living things. Having reached the maximum of organic existence, over time it begins the reverse path and, as a result of death, returns to the inorganic state. Within the framework of this hypothesis, the attraction to preserving life only provides the living organism with its own path to death. This was formulated by Freud in the form of the proposition “the goal of all life is death,” and life path is the arena of the struggle between Eros and Thanatos. Understanding the relativity of the argumentation in favor of this position, Freud himself emphasized that these thoughts are only a hypothesis. The disasters brought to humanity by the First World War prompted Freud to think about the individual's tendency to aggression and destructiveness. Social institutions, trying to regulate relations in society for the purposes of society itself, confront the individual as an alien and restraining force. The development of culture from this period is considered by Freud as the struggle of society against the destructive tendencies of the individual and the continuously ongoing confrontation between the “life instinct” (Eros) and the “death instinct” (Thanatos). Man: Thinkers past and present on his life, death and immortality. M.: Politizdat, 1991

From Fromm's point of view, getting rid of the fear of death is the same as getting rid of your own mind. In the book “Man for Himself” he writes: “Consciousness, reason and imagination have violated the “harmony” of animal existence. Their appearance has turned man into an anomaly. Man is a part of nature, he is subject to physical laws and is not able to change them; and yet he emerges beyond the boundaries of nature... Thrown into this world in specific place and time, he is expelled from it in the same random way. Realizing himself, he understands his helplessness and the limitations of his own existence. He foresees the end - death. He will never free himself from the dichotomy of his existence: he cannot get rid of reason even if he wanted to; he cannot get rid of the body while he is alive, and the body makes him desire life." Not only desire life, but fear death.

1.2 Existential approach (I. Yalom, V. Frankl)

Viktor Frankl believes that the question of the meaning of life, explicitly or implicitly, worries every person. It is evidenced by the tension between what “I am” and “who I should become,” between reality and ideal, between being and calling. A person’s spiritual quest reflects his level of meaningfulness in relation to life.

A person who considers his life meaningless is not only unhappy, he is hardly fit for life at all. If a person cannot come up with reasons in favor of life, then sooner or later he will have thoughts of suicide. Ask a person a question about why he does not think about suicide, and you will hear an answer about the meaning of his existence. Dr. Frankl writes “Suffering, guilt and death - what I call the tragic trinity of human existence - in no way detract from the meaning of life, but, on the contrary, in principle can always be transformed into something positive... each person discovers the meaning of his life for yourself." Frankl V. Man in Search of Meaning: Collection / Trans. from English and German YES. Leontyeva, M.P. Papusha, E.V. Eidman. - M.: Progress, 1990. - 368 p.: ill. -- ISBN 5-01-001606-0.

Each time requires its own psychotherapy. The classic question - “What is the meaning of life” - usually confuses modern man. And when the search for meaning becomes an end in itself, they sometimes end in dead-end life situations: depression, fears, loneliness, addictions, obsessive thoughts and actions, emptiness and the experience of loss and the finitude of existence.

Existential psychotherapy is designed to help cope with such cyclical problems, a holistic approach to which - from the theoretical structure to techniques- and is considered in his book by the famous American psychotherapist with extensive experience Irwin D. Yalom. The main feature of existential psychotherapy is its focus on a person as being-in-the-world, that is, on his life, and not on the personality as an isolated mental integrity. In simple and clear words, Dr. Yalom helps you take a fresh look at your own existence in this world, and determine your own meaning in life. According to Irvin Yalom, the main questions of human existence are: death, freedom, isolation and meaninglessness. At the heart of the problem is an existential dynamic conflict generated by the confrontation of the individual with any of these life facts. The emphasis is not on the meaning of life as such, or even the search for it, but on treating the lack of meaning in a certain period of life. 1980 Irwin Yalom Existential Psychotherapy ISBN 0-465-02147-6 Existential psychotherapy. -- 2000.

1.3 Humanistic approach (A. Maslow)

Fear of death is a problem according to Maslow. Each of us has tried to cope with the problem of fear. From about 7 years old, adult types of fears predominate - fear of death, illness, etc. The representative of humanistic psychology, Abraham Maslow, views the crisis in such an aspect that it is necessary to understand that small deaths are necessary and are an integral part of life. Fear of one's own old age can be present even in very young people. Abraham Maslow introduced the concept of the Jonah complex. Jonah is a prophet who was given the task of preaching in Nineveh by God. Jonah was afraid of this dangerous task because the inhabitants of Nineveh seemed extremely dangerous to him, and he did not believe that he could turn them away from the sin in which they were mired by his preaching.

And Jonah tried to hide, to run away from this city, so as not to fulfill the mission entrusted to him. He endured many ordeals on the paths of his escape - he was even swallowed by a whale. However, Mite cast Jonah out of his womb right off the coast of Nineveh. So Jonah had no choice but to fulfill the Lord’s instructions.

Maslow used the image of Jonah to clearly show that growth and self-actualization are like a task, a mission of a person in his life. Impulses to realize one's own inclinations never leave a person alone, pushing him to the heights of his capabilities.

Self-development as a manifestation of freedom requires a person to take responsibility for each of his choices. In the end, a person, in his free choice, is responsible for his own destiny.

In this regard, Maslow emphasizes that the process of self-actualization and becoming is very painful. He demands from a person constant readiness take risks, make mistakes, abandon old habits. The process of growth is always associated with uncertainty and the unknown, and therefore is often perceived by people as unsafe and causing anxiety. According to Maslow, it is the fear of death that is the source of much anxiety and stress. Maslow A. Motivation and Personality = Motivation and Personality / trans. from English A. M. Tatlybaeva. - St. Petersburg: Eurasia, 1999. - 478 p. -- 4000 copies. -- ISBN 5-80710016-6.

1.4 Theory (G. Fechner)

The founder of experimental psychology, G. Fechner, said that a person lives not once, but three times. The first time he lives for 9 months in his mother's womb, he is alone and he sleeps. And at this time, the organs of his body are created, which still belong to the biosphere. Then he is born, he experiences his birth as death, you understand why. The child is suffocating, he is torn away from his mother and, until his lungs open, something similar to agony happens to him. Lunev D.N. This side of death - , Psychological Support Center "Circle"

And now comes the second life. Here sleep alternates with wakefulness, here there is no longer loneliness, but communication with a certain circle of people. Here the physical biosphere element of man blossoms to the end and begins to fade quite quickly. But here it develops, reveals, enriches and grows, or, more precisely, its spiritual beginning can grow.

And then the third life comes. There is no sleep in it, it is eternal wakefulness. And it is open to countless spiritual beings. Prophets, clairvoyants, mystics, and every person at special moments in his life can experience for a second such moments when “I heard the trembling of the sky, and the flight of mountain angels, and the underwater passage of the sea, and the vegetation of the valley.” At such a moment, it seems that the whole universe fits into you. Contact with this experience of the future, cosmic consciousness - this is what awaits man. But he expects it not for nothing, but as a result of his hard work.

2. Stages of dying

When faced with death, a person experiences certain milestones. One of the first to trace the path of dying people from the moment they learned of their imminent end to their final breath was Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. She found out that all dying people go through 5 stages.

Stage 1 is the stage of denial and rejection of the fact that they will soon die. The dominant expressions in this period are: “But not me,” “It can’t be,” “It’s not cancer,” and so on. Other patients, having learned about a fatal illness, manifest themselves differently: they become phlegmantic and doomed. Then they start talking about their own quick recovery. But already at stage 1, psychotherapists report that in the dreams of these patients there is symbolism indicating a critical illness (the image of a dark tunnel with a door at the end).

Stage 2 - stage of protest. When the first shock passes, repeated studies recognize the presence of a fatal disease, a feeling of protest and indignation appears. “Why me?”, “Why will others live, but I must die?”, “Why so quickly, because I still have so much to do?” and so on Usually, this stage is inevitable, it is extremely difficult for the patient and his family members. During this period, the patient often turns to the doctor with a question about the time he has left to live. Typically, he has progressive signs of reactive depression, and suicidal thoughts and actions are likely. At this stage, the patient needs the support of a qualified psychologist who knows logotherapy; the support of relatives is extremely important.

Stage 3 - request for a deferment. During this period, there is an acceptance of the truth and what is happening, but “not now, a little more.” Almost everyone, including previously non-believing patients, turns their thoughts and requests to the Almighty.

The first three stages constitute the period of crisis.

The 4th stage is reactive depression, which is usually combined with feelings of guilt and resentment, pity and grief. The patient realizes that he is dying. During this period, he grieves over his own bad actions, about the grief and evil caused to others. But he is ready to accept death, he is serene, he has finished with earthly worries and has gone deep into himself.

Stage 5 - acceptance of one's death. A person finds peace and tranquility. With the acceptance of the thought of impending death, the patient loses interest in what is around him, he is morally focused and absorbed in his own thoughts, preparing for the inevitable. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross On death and dying = On death and dying. - New York: Scribner, 1969. - 260 p. -- ISBN 0-02-605060-9.

3. Psychological attitude towards death

One of the most common manifestations of our activity astral body is fear in general, and the fear of death, as one of its many particular manifestations. Fear is the most complex and most dangerous of all human sensations. He never lives alone in a person, but is always surrounded by a whole swarm of other dangerous reptiles, no less corrupting everything that is most valuable in him. spiritual world person.

Fear has the ability to very quickly “infect” everything around, filling the atmosphere with its “subtle vibrations”, each of which in its lethality is not inferior to the poison of the viper. Whoever is “infected” by these terrible vibrations is already suppressed as an active, intelligent and free-thinking being. Fear brings discord and disharmony into the Soul.

When analyzing the literature on this topic, I was most attracted to Irvin Yalom’s book “Mommy and the Meaning of Life.” Perhaps a quote from this book will occupy a worthy place in my work.

“We discussed other things: life and death, peace, the superiority of man over other people, spirituality - this was what worried Paula. The four of us met every week. Just the four of us: she, me, her death and mine. She became a courtesan of death: she told me about it, taught me to think about death and not be afraid of it. She helped me understand that our understanding of death is wrong. Although it is a small pleasure to be on the edge of life, death is not an ugly monster that carries us to a terrible place. Paula taught me to accept death as it is, as a definite event, a part of life, the end of possibilities. “This is a neutral event,” she said, “which we are accustomed to coloring in the colors of fear.” Irwin Yalom “Mommy and the Meaning of Life.”

Few people know that every time we experience fear, we, without knowing it, provoke in our Life such extreme mental situations, which subsequently further strengthen this feeling in us and, thus, create a true danger for our Life. Francis Bacon once said about this: “People are afraid of death, like small children are afraid of darkness, and just as in children this innate fear is intensified by fairy tales, so is the fear of death.”

Reasons for fear of Death:

The fear of the inevitability of Death has a multi-stage basis, but still its main reasons are:

1. horror of the unknown and uncertain;

2. horror of the final rejection from the Physical Plane;

3. doubts about your immortality;

4. reluctance to part with everything that was dear to the heart and with those whom they sincerely loved or to whom they were strongly attached;

5. identification of oneself with one’s physical body and horror of the possibility of losing it.

3.1 Fear of death

There is reason to assert that all the fears that have ever been identified in people are nothing more than the transformed hidden and repressed from consciousness of that very fear of death. People are afraid of the cessation of their life activity; they are unimaginably frightened by the prospect of being swallowed up by this “nothing” from which no one has yet returned.

By the way, all religions are based on an attempt to console a person suffering from the fear of his own mortality and explain the great mystery of the end of life. This gives rise to soothing images of resurrections, life after death, promises of a better life the afterlife or assurances that the soul is immortal and will definitely find its incarnation in another body on this Earth. It is not surprising that adherents of a religious view of things experience much less conscious fear as a result of believing in such promises. But, however, not a single person has yet been able to fully cope with the awareness of the prospect of his own death. If someone claims to be calm about their “life after life,” then this person has simply developed an effective strategy of denying reality; he has successfully pushed his primary horror to the margins of his mind.

This fear first manifests itself in early childhood. Some few, but no less reliable, studies confirm that children can encounter the fear of death at such a tender age that they do not even know how to express it verbally, nevertheless, they are aware of the finitude of the existence of all living things: be it a fallen dried leaf , accidentally seeing a dead animal, death of close relatives. If a child can already speak, he often puts adults in an extremely difficult position, demanding to explain such an injustice as death. At the same time, parents, implicitly experiencing the same horror before death, fall into confusion and cannot find suitable categories to explain to the little person that his turn will someday come. Here, the overwhelming majority have a distinct temptation to “embellish” the inexorable reality, especially if the child demonstrates an extreme degree of horror from the emerging awareness of the finitude of the existence of all living things. Parents come up with assurances that the dead are in heaven with angels and it is unimaginably good for them there, that their dear child will never die because he is exceptional. And the child, unconditionally trusting them, calms down, but only for a while. The next period of his life will come and the question of mortality will invariably arise again with a vengeance.

The next difficult segment with the renewal of the fear of death occurs in adolescence. Here the burden of the transition period from childhood to adulthood falls on a person, hitherto unknown problems arise, and new categories of thinking are formed. The explanations given in childhood no longer satisfy the teenager. He is left alone with the prospect of dying sooner or later and no one can promise him that this will not happen, because now he is not so easy to deceive. A teenager turns to drugs, falls into the hands of “caring” sects that promise him answers to all his questions, he moves away from a family that has already deceived him once, spends everything free time for computer games, because they give imaginary power over death.

There is another path, chosen under the pressure of society, which wants the teenager to become part of it. And this path is the denial of death in general. Indeed, if there is no death, then there is nothing to be afraid of, you can enjoy life, socialize, build your career, climb up. Who needs to think about death when life is in full swing around, the world offers many pleasures and each one needs to be experienced? All this will take a teenager for a couple of decades.

A visit from death. And here a man is already standing on the top of the mountain and looking around. Behind him is what he managed to do, and in front, what is ahead? Aging, decrepitude, in the future there is only withering and death. A person would be glad to stay at this peak longer, perhaps forever, but the rails of time are already taking his trailer to its final stop and it is impossible to slow down. A person understands that he has no control over his death, that against his will, a stop will happen sooner or later. And then his defense mechanisms developed over the years give a significant failure, he can no longer deny death, its prospect begins to have a noticeable impact on everything he tries to do, mortality moves from the periphery of consciousness, where it has always been, to the foreground, and strikes from the so-called “midlife crisis” with all its might.

But this does not happen for everyone; some successfully manage to escape from their own death until old age, but one can only sympathize with such people. Because they usually live without awareness of the finitude of existence and, therefore, waste their lives on trifles; in pursuit of momentary pleasures, they never manage to do the most important thing. Unfortunately, when this idea reaches their awareness, it is already too late to change anything, life has been lived, nothing can be returned. Such people usually experience an increased tendency to neuroses, phobias and compulsive manifestations of neurotic defenses throughout their lives.

Research results psychological state cancer patients, the information has become staggering. It would seem that no one else is afraid of imminent death, they often even know specific deadlines, but the vast majority of respondents note that after the diagnosis was announced, they experienced a “golden period”, they learned to say “no” to those matters that they considered unimportant, their priorities, values ​​and goals shifted from material accumulation and wealth creation to higher spiritual matters, they began to value time spent with family, finally got down to doing what they had wanted to do for so long, and became more peaceful and benevolent towards others. The only thing they mostly regret is that they did not realize this earlier. They are surprised that in order to feel the taste of life, they had to fall ill with a fatal disease.

So how can you live without fear of the inevitable outcome and without even pushing it to the back of your mind? First of all, you need to follow the example of those cancer patients, turn your whole life into the “golden period”, because, in essence, healthy person does not differ from the patient in this regard, the only difference is in the timing. Isn't it better to take what life gives you and use it for good, to appreciate every second to implement your wildest endeavors? Of course, this is absolutely necessary to do. The only time that is subject to us is the present time, the past no longer exists, the future does not yet exist, and the present slips away with every passing second, turning into the past.

You can turn your fear of death to your advantage by constantly remembering it and using this milestone as the final judge in your life. After all, it is noted that only those who define their life as empty are terribly afraid of dying, and those who are satisfied with their life and believe that they lived it with dignity and managed to do a lot of what they had planned, are not at all afraid of dying.

4. Problems of death and dying

Today it is considered established that death as a biological phenomenon is not a one-time act, but a process consisting of several stages or phases. Modern psychologists distinguish stages of the so-called psychological death, immediately preceding biological death and indicate the special significance of near death for the person himself who finds himself faced with a fatal disease. The results of medical and psychological studies of the psychology of terminally ill patients allow us to take a fresh look at traditional religious ideas about dying and death. Religion and medicine are the areas that initially occupied a leading place in resolving issues related to dying and death. However, recent advances in medicine and, in particular, biomedicine, have outlined a significant gap between these areas, revealing the contradictions that bioethics is designed to smooth out.

According to K.E. For Tsiolkovsky, absolute death is impossible because:

1. At the heart of the universe is a living, sentient atom, which cannot be destroyed by the forces of the universe

2. In a mathematical sense, according to Tsiolkovsky, the entire Universe is alive.

This thesis is explained from the point of view that the universe exists for an infinite amount of time and, accordingly, many things in the universe can be repeated an unlimited number of times. And if you look at life from this position, then the life of any living creature consisting of living atoms will also be repeated an unlimited number of times.

Thus, Tsiolkovsky encourages us not to be afraid of death, since in any case, life in the universe is endless, and absolute death does not exist in the universe.

However, relative death is possible in the universe, which is as follows:

1. Transition of an atom into more simple system. If we talk about the death of an entire being, then in this case it will affect all atoms of the body at once. That is, a creature dies when a certain organization of a given creature is lost and the atoms of this creature become chaotic.

2. Stopping subjective time.

In Tsiolkovsky's works, two types of time can be distinguished - subjective and objective.

Objective time is measured by natural and artificial chronometers and is the same for all creatures.

Subjective time is experienced by various living beings; it corresponds to the speed of processes occurring in these beings. If a creature has a faster organism, then it correspondingly has a faster subjective time. Those. In a single period of objective time, a larger period of subjective time will pass. Thus, the more active a creature is, the faster its subjective time is in most cases. With the death of an organism, the subjective time of the organism slows down to zero and thus, until the organism (or its atoms) is reborn again, it will not experience anything due to the fact that time has stopped, etc.

4.1 Death as a source of human morality

One of the many responsibilities that falls on the shoulders of a doctor and medicine in the modern world is the determination of the moment when a human life ends and we begin to consider a person dead. The conclusion that the doctor gives on this matter is not only an admission that family and friends have nothing more to hope for. At the same time, it also acts as a necessary legal document that gives rise, on the one hand, to those mourning rituals and actions that are associated with the funeral of the deceased, and, on the other hand, to new legal (including, by the way, property) relations when , say, children become orphans, a spouse becomes a widower, etc. The death of a person has not only socio-psychological and socio-legal, but also exceptional cultural significance. It is no coincidence that cultural scientists consider the attitude towards death as one of the defining characteristics of any culture.

4.2 Social and psychological problems of death

Regardless of religion or worldview, every person is on this side of death. Of course, if you omit metaphorical statements and thoughts. This fact does not depend on what awaits a person after death: hell or heaven, another life, emptiness and the unknown. Based on this, we can assume that death, when we think or talk about it, is a given concept and present only during life.

Knowing about the likely imminent death of your loved one forms an emotional experience based on the same positions: love of life and fear of death. In this case, the range of both positive and negative attitudes greatly expands due to an increase in the number of people involved in the dying process.

In this case, fears of death can be considered in two keys. The first is the projection of the situation onto oneself. Perceiving Death loved one like inevitability, you begin to think about your own. In this case, it is possible to experience the death of another person as if it were your own, with three types of reactions to this. Perception of the death of a loved one as external factor, can also be quite difficult to experience. Here a feeling of guilt, remorse, and anxiety for one’s future arises.

Three main types of culture can be distinguished in terms of their attitude towards death: The first group includes materialists. They consider life to be the short-term existence of a protein body, and with the destruction of this protein body comes inevitable death. Another group of cultures preaches that after death a person's soul will be assigned to either heaven or hell. The uncertainty of one's position after death makes one live in tension. The third culture claims that a person lives more than once. This culture has the calmest attitude towards death.

Many people, when faced with death, hide their fear very deeply, and spend a huge amount of energy throughout their lives not to let it out. Experience of conducting groups with people close to you probable death, and with relatives of such people showed that, as a rule, socially desirable forms of reactions to fear are released. But true feelings and emotions are experienced deep inside and become something forbidden. Often even the person himself does not admit to himself these experiences and the presence of these feelings.

death dying psychology fear


By tracking in yourself certain manifestations of feelings of fear, feelings of guilt, and helplessness, you can gradually move along the path of transforming the position of fear of death into a position of love for life.

We perceive life as a whole, not in fragments. We remember that we always have a choice: between peace and conflict, love and fear.

In addition to the models of life offered to a person by culture, each person builds his own model of life. In this case, it does not matter how close this model is to reality, but what is important is how constructive and positive this model is for the person himself and for his environment. A person himself can track this extremely rarely. Only sometimes one is struck by the discrepancy between one’s own behavior and thoughts, worldview and positions taken. The attitude towards death is one way or another included in any model of life, in any system of beliefs. A description of the relationship between life and death is inherent in all philosophical concepts.

Death and dying exist only in our lives. Without life there is no death. Everything that people are afraid of, speaking about the fear of death, also exists only in this life.

List of used literature

1. Almeder R. Reincarnation. Life after death. - M.:, 1991. - P. 230-248.

2. Aries F. Man in the face of death. - M., 1992. - 197 p.

3. Bayer K., Sheinberg L. Healthy image life. - M.: MIR, 1997 - 368 p.

4. Vaganov A.G. Eternal memory//Questions of psychology. - No. 1. - M., 2000.

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