When Bobby Singer died. Bobby Singer - character from the television series Supernatural, portrayed by Jim Beaver

Bobby Singer(Bobby Singer) is a character from the TV series Supernatural. Full name Robert Stephen Singer. In the series, the role of Singer is played by an American actor and playwright.

About the character Bobby Singer

To obtain information, Bobby and the Winchesters infiltrate the leviathans' secret gathering place, where Bobby is captured by their leader in the body of Dick Roman. Bobby wastes no time and writes down important coordinates from the table, and with difficulty the hunters still manage to get out of there. But not all is well - Dick Roman shoots and hits Bobby in the head.

Episode 7.01 "" (2011). Bobby Singer kneels before the "new God" Castiel.

Episode 7.06 "" (2011). Sam, Dean and Bobby Singer watch the news about the robberies and murders that the Winchester brothers are committing.

Episode 7.09 "" (2011). "FBI Agents" Sam, Bobby and Dean at a diner in Hammonton, New Jersey, where leviathans feed people "special" burgers.

Episode 7.10 "" (2011). Dying Bobby Singer hallucinates his wife Karen (actress Carrie Fleming).

Bobby is on the verge of death, lying in intensive care, but his soul is traveling through memories, he is trying to understand that he did not do something so important, and wants to find a way out in order to convey the coordinates to his brothers. His brain is gradually dying, but Bobby, with the help of his “imaginary” friend Rufus, was able to find a way out and transmit the coordinates to the guys. This is one of the most touching moments in the series - Bobby came to his senses for five minutes, wrote down the numbers on his hand and called the brothers, who became his adopted sons, “idiots.” Previously, when he was wandering through memories where he justified himself for killing his father, who was oppressing his family, he said that despite the fact that he does not have children, he raised and raised two real men.

Bobby later appears in episode 18, where he is a ghost, and it becomes clear who has been helping Dean all this time. But Dean doesn’t see him, Bobby swears in his heart.

Episode 7.18 "" (2012). Dean Winchester finds a flask with Bobby Singer's spirit attached to it.

Episode 7.19 "" (2012). The spirit of Bobby Singer is at a haunted house in Bodega Bay, California.

Episode 7.20 "" (2012). Dean and Sam Winchester summon the spirit of Bobby Singer.

Later, Bobby as a spirit becomes stronger and can already move objects and appear in the flesh as a ghost. Besides the fact that he became stronger. The Winchesters are frightened by the fact that Bobby has become obsessed with revenge and has become uncontrollable.

Episode 7.22 "" (2012). Bobby Singer eavesdrops on Emily's (actress Lacy J. Meili) phone conversation with her "daddy," the Alpha Vampire.

Episode 7.23 "" (2012). The spirit of Bobby Singer talks about his unbearable thirst for revenge, which torments him all the time.

However, when Bobby saw his killer, Dick Roman, he really became uncontrollable and pushed away the leviathan, who flew at Charlie and knocked her down, breaking her arm. Bobby knocked Dick down several times, but when Dean left with the flask to which Bobby's spirit was tied, the ghost disappeared.

Bobby later moved into the hotel maid's room, where he was left with the flask, and, taking a machete, went to RRI (Richard Roman Enterprises). However, at that moment the corporation had the Winchesters and when they saw a hotel maid with a machete, they realized that it was Bobby, and Sam tried to stop him, but Bobby begins to strangle Sam. After he came to his senses, the Winchesters and Bobby went to the hotel and, on Bobby's instructions, burned the flask, putting his spirit to rest.

Episode 8.19 "" (2013). Bobby Singer's soul is in Hell, where Sam Winchester finds it.

Even after his death and peace of spirit, Bobby again delighted us with his appearance in the series. This happened in episode 8x19 “Taxi Driver”. In this episode, Sam passed the second test, the essence of which was to save an innocent soul from hell and move it to heaven. Imagine his surprise when it turned out that Bobby’s soul needed to be saved, thanks to the efforts of Crowley, who ended up in hell. After so many years spent in hell (as we remember, there is 1 month in 10 years), Bobby initially mistakes Sam for a demon, because every day during this time he saw black-eyed Dean and Sam (this was Bobby’s torture). But Sam manages to prove that it is him. Then the younger Winchester tells why he ended up in Crowley’s domain in the first place.

During their journey to our world (which passed through Purgatory), Bobby learns that after his death the brothers changed a lot, which surprised him very much. Bobby got out of Purgatory in the same way as before (which in turn played an important role in this series). Unfortunately, Bobby was unable to meet Dean, and upon arriving on Earth, he began his journey to heaven. But he was prevented by the insidious Crowley, who tried to drag him back to hell. Naomi helped Bobby get to heaven.

Episode 9.01 "" (2013). The spirit of Bobby Singer takes Sam Winchester to the flattering hut where Death awaits him.

Bobby Singer appears in the first episode of season nine, "I Think I'll Like It Here". He appears to a comatose Sam Winchester in the form of a spirit, who takes him to a forest cabin where Death awaits Sam. Death offers a choice - go with it or suffer and fight for your earthly life after terrible trials.

An angel disguised as Dean (more precisely, an impostor angel disguised as the angel Ezekiel in the form of Dean Winchester) convinces Sam to stay on earth. Here we part with Bobby Singer, it seems, until the end of the series, which, as we know, has been extended for another season in 2014-2015.

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Beloved Supernatural character Bobby Singer died last Friday. He was shot in the head by a leviathan who took the form of Dick Roman. Jim Beaver, who played Sam and Dean Winchester's grumpy mentor, gave an interview in which he told TV Guide about Bobby's shocking death, about last days on film set and about her upcoming role in the TV series “Justice.”

I'm in mourning for Bobby Singer. When did you find out that Bobby was going to be killed?

Why do you think executive producers Sarah Gamble and Eric Kripke decided to kill off Bobby?

I'll answer the same as I did about Deadwood: I don't like it, but I think it's absolutely the right decision. In both shows, my character's death was the catalyst for major changes in the plot. As a writer, I know how important this is to attracting an audience, whether they like it or not. Drama is about conflict and putting obstacles in the way of the characters you care about. Of course I'll miss it, but I can't deny that Bobby's death added drama to the series.

You speak so well about the death of your hero. Did you like how Bobby left? Released in December, the tenth episode, "Death's Door," which chronicled what happened before Bobby died, was both moving and action-packed.

For a guest actor, which I've always been on the show, to be in an episode like this is a big deal. I only had two episodes of Supernatural and it was probably the most amazing thing I've ever done. I am very pleased that I had the opportunity to star in these episodes. When I turned the last page of the script and saw that the last word Bobby (for Sam and Dean) became The Goonies, I thought, “This is just great.” I was very, very impressed with the script and everything we had to do. The filming was very challenging, but fun. I was thrilled to work again with Carrie Anne Fleming, who played Bobby's wife. The only downside was that Jared and Jensen weren't in most of my scenes. I spent almost all the scenes with them on hospital bed, and at this time, off camera, Jared was twisting my toe. He always did this when I ended up in the hospital during the story.

What are your memories of your last day of filming?

They're more about the penultimate day of filming, because on my last day of filming, Jared and Jensen weren't on set. We were called to a safety meeting, which is held once or twice a season. The entire cast and crew is present, right down to the drivers and assistants. I immediately knew something was brewing when I saw that Jared and Jensen were already there - they had never arrived before me. Instead of showing a safety video, they played a video made in my honor about what I did for the show. I was moved to tears and said: “Now I know what will be played at my funeral.” It was an amazing moment. My time on the show had come to an end, and I knew I had to say goodbye to the cast and crew that I had come to love like my own family. Moreover, on this day we filmed very emotional scenes, in general, there were tears in my eyes.

What about Jared and Jensen?

They are simply wonderful. It's a pleasure to work with them. I'm crazy about them. Given our age difference, I didn't expect the rapport that we would have, and I'm happy I had the opportunity to work with them for seven seasons. They were always kind to me, even when I didn't deserve it. Plus they are amazing actors.

Will you be watching the series?

Well, no! (Laughs) I think yes. I have to find out who drank the beer after Bobby died.

Are we going to see Bobby's ghost?

I don't know! Reverse side That little video is that it marked the end of my work in the series.

You have many fans. How did they react to Bobby's death?

I knew that for the fans it would be like a bolt from the blue. But what I didn’t expect was that the reaction would follow only after the next episode. I thought everyone understood that the straight line on the hospital monitors in episode 10 meant death. But, apparently, everyone was hoping for something until the 11th episode. And when they showed Sam and Dean a couple of weeks later, and Bobby was clearly dead, I got a flood of fan mail that I didn't expect there to be.

Were they sad, angry, or grateful?

And this, and another, and a third. I was quite flattered when several people wrote: “I won’t watch the show again.” My salary may no longer depend on ratings, but I hope that people will not stop watching Supernatural. The audience reacts as if they have lost someone close. This is incredibly touching.

What can you say about your return to the Judgment series?

It's the right time. I did one episode of Judgment last season and they were hoping to continue working with me, but their schedule didn't work with Supernatural's schedule. Recently they called and said that it would be great to return storyline my hero Shelby, a mine security officer that Boyd Crowder tried to rob (Walton Goggins). After the robbery, Shelby was fired, and he slid to the very bottom, and then Boyd made a radical offer to him new way earn extra money (Laughs) I appear in the seventh episode and will probably remain on the show until the end of the season.

Are you aware that working at Justice quite often ends with a bullet in the head?

For me it will be something taken for granted.

Translation - rhapsody

Bobby Singer's house. Everything in the house was quiet until my father's loud voice was heard. - Brenda, did you hear what happened yesterday? - What happened dad? Oh, are you talking about this terrible accident? Yes, the hospital has already informed me that the victims will be delivered soon. Are these Winchesters? - Yes, they are the same. - And how do they still not know that you have a daughter? - I didn't tell them about it. Be careful with them, especially with that idiot Dean. - Don't worry dad, Dean isn't my type. Sam suits me better. - Well, Sam is normaler than his brother. Aren't you getting ready early? - No, it's time. See you dad, bye. - I told my father and left the house. She got into her car and drove to the hospital. I worked at a hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where I live with my father. Although I am a girl, I am a hunter, and from the age of thirteen I already learned to shoot, study Latin, all the demons and other creatures, how to kill them and so on, drive a car, repair everything, both cars and houses, etc., in general, to do everything my father Bobby Singer taught me. I know the father of the Winchester brothers and have heard a lot about them, but I am not yet familiar with them. Arriving at the hospital, I left my car in the parking lot and went into the building. They immediately came up to me and said that in a few minutes they would deliver the victims of the accident. - I'll take care of them myself. Prepare the operating room and wards. - She said and I put on a robe. The Winchesters were taken to the hospital and immediately Dean, since he was the worst hit, to the operating room, Sam and John to the wards. I spent about two hours with John, treating his wounds and putting a cast on his arm, then about an hour with Sam, treating his wounds and abrasions on his face and arms, and then with Dean. Dean was in a terrible state, it's simply beyond words. Traumatic brain injury, damage to internal organs, multiple fractures, and he almost died and fell into a coma. First I went into John's room, since he had already regained consciousness. - Hello Uncle John. How are you? Does something hurt? - I asked. - Brenda? Is it really you? Are you a hunter or a doctor? - John asked in response and sat down on the bed. - Yes, it's me. I am both a hunter and a doctor. While I was working here, when I heard that you were in an accident, I immediately came. Was it a demon? - I asked in a whisper. - Yes, it was a demon. Sam was driving, I was sitting next to him, Dean was in the back seat. I don’t remember how it all happened, but the blow was in the exact direction where Dean was. Is he alive? - Dean is alive, but he's in a coma. He has many injuries, but the most serious is the traumatic brain injury. But I'm sure he will survive. Although I only knew you, I didn’t know your sons. - It's okay, I'm sure you'll find common language. Brenda, can I ask you something? - Of course you can. - Stay with Sam, and keep an eye on Dean. By all means, be with them. - They don't know me. - Just promise me this. - Okay, I'll do as you say. I'll go see how Sam is doing. - Tell him to come see me later. Nodding, I left John's room and went into Sam's room to check on him. Sam was apparently asleep, I quietly sat down on the bed next to him, and brushed away a strand of hair falling on his face. He suddenly opened his eyes. - Who are you? - Quiet Sam, you still need to lie down. - How do you know me? Who are you? - Sam asked again. - Brenda Singer is Bobby's daughter. I am a hunter and a doctor in this hospital. - I answered him. - Does Bobby have a daughter? Why didn't he talk about you? - Well, as you can see, there is. So, there were reasons not to tell you. But I know your father, or rather, he knows me. And I knew it for a long time. I need to treat your wounds, take off your T-shirt. - I told him and got out of bed. - Is your father alive? Is he okay? How's Dean? What's wrong with my brother? - Sam asked questions. - Yes, your father is alive. Now I’ll process everything for you, and you can go see him. Dean in in serious condition , that's all I can tell you. Take off your T-shirt. - Help, I'm in a little pain. Brenda, you are beautiful for a hunter. - Sam said and looked at me. - Thanks Sam. - I said and helped take off his T-shirt. Oh, and Sam's body is just gorgeous. First, I examined his wounds and checked for other injuries. Then she took the necessary medicines, ointments, bandages and began to treat his wounds and abrasions, trying not to look at his gorgeous body. Sam watched my every move and sometimes winced in slight pain. - Well, that's all. - I said and helped him put on his T-shirt. Together we went into Dean's room, and the doctor was there. Everything was unchanged, Dean did not come to his senses. While Sam was talking to the doctor, Dean supposedly woke up, but it was his soul. He heard the doctor say he had serious injuries and didn't have much time left. Ghost Dean tries to tell his brother something, but Sam doesn't hear him. - Sam, come to your father, he asked you to come. - I told him. He nodded and went to his father's room. John's chamber. - Dad Dean is really bad. The doctor said he didn't have long left and he wouldn't make it. We need to help him, find a healer or someone else. But we need to save Dean. - I will save Dean, I promise you. Sam, take this and bring it to me. Go to Bobby, he'll get it all. - What is this? - This is for protection from the demon. How do you like Brenda? - Nice girl. How do you know her? - Bobby introduced us then. Sam, now go and bring me everything I ask. Sam nodded and went to Bobby. There was a wrecked Impala in the yard. - I brought her here just like you said. But there’s nothing to fix here, it’s all just broken into rubbish. - Bobby said. - Dean will rip my head off. He will recover and fix it. By the way, where did you get such a beautiful daughter? - From where, from where. Born from somewhere else. - A sweet girl, but you can immediately feel her strong-willed character. Yes, here your father asked you to get this. - Sam said and handed him a piece of paper. - Why does John need this? - Bobby asked in surprise. - For protection from demons. And what? - Yes, nothing. - Bobby answered. At this time in the hospital. Phantom Dean was sitting in his father's room telling him something. An hour later Sam returned and quickly went to his father's room. - This is not for protection, this is to summon a demon. You think I don’t understand what this is all for. A? – Sam got angry. - That's how it should be. I'm doing this for Dean. He's dying and this is the only thing I can do for him. And so I decided. While they were arguing, Dean's ghost screamed at them, but no one heard him, then he waved his hand and a glass of water fell and broke. All three immediately looked at him. -What was that? - Something is happening in the ward. Go and have a look. - John said to his son. Sam ran to his brother's room. The reaper came for Dean's soul, Dean's ghost grabbed him, and he was even thrown aside. - What's the matter, Brenda? – Sam asked me. - I don't know Sam, but I think something wanted to take Dean's soul. - Do you think Dean is here? - I think so. - I came up with something, I'll be right back. Sam went somewhere, I stayed with Dean. - Dean, although we don’t know you, you have to hold on. Come to your senses, Sam needs you, don't leave him. Your father seems to be up to something, I can guess what it is. Hang in there Dean, we need you here. Sam returned about an hour later, and I was still with Dean. - Where have you been? - I bought something for magic sessions. We can talk to Dean. He took out the ghost talking board. Ghost Dean rolled his eyes. Sam sat down on the floor and called Dean's name. Here, before our eyes, the mark moved to the word YES.- Did you see it? Have you seen it? Dean is here. Thank God, I was found. Dean, where are you? - Look Sam. – I said, reading the letters. – O H O T A- What? Hunting? Dean, what are you hunting? You're in the hospital. - Wow, so many questions at once. – The ghostly Dean said and began to show Sam the letters. - DEATH– I read the letters. - Death? Dean has death come for you? - YES - Ghost Dean answered.- Sam needs to save Dean. – I said. - It's okay, I'm not going anywhere Sammy, and I'll catch death. She won't take me. - Said the ghostly Dean. While we were with Dean, John did a special ritual and summoned a demon. And not just any demon, it was Yellow-Eyes. John made a deal, the Colt and his life in exchange for Dean's life. While Sam and I were sitting outside the room, the doctors quickly ran in. Without looking at each other, we ran into the room and saw that Dean had come to his senses. - The cerebral edema has subsided, internal organs are restored and you feel better. Probably there, at the top, if the one who stood up for you. – The doctor said and looked at Dean. - Thank you. “That’s all Dean answered.” The doctor left and Dean said. - So I escaped death? - Well, yes, it seems like that. – Sam answered. - And how did I do it? - I have no idea. I would like to know this myself. - And if I’m not mistaken, you are Brenda? – Dean asked me. - Yes, I'm Bobby's daughter. And yes, I'm a hunter. Then John came into Dean's room. - How are you, son? - Looks like he's alive. – Dean answered. - That's for sure. - John said. - Dad, are you okay? Where have you been? – Sam asked. - Yes, I'm just a little tired. I was sorting out some things. - But why don’t I believe you? - Sam, let's stop arguing already. Well, how much can you do? I have made mistakes more than once, but now everything will be different. We've had enough of this swearing already, son, let it be a thing of the past. I don't want to fight with you anymore. - Dad, what are you saying? Are you sick? - No, everything is fine. Sammy, can you get me a glass of coffee? – John asked. - Yes, sure. – Sam answered and left. For now, I also left the room and went to examine the patients. John said something in Dean's ear and went to his room. Sam returned fifteen minutes later to find his father on the floor. The glass fell out of his hands, he sank down next to his father and shouted, help. The doctors immediately ran into the room, I also ran there and saw that John was not breathing. Sam helped Dean to his father's room. After several attempts, the brothers only heard the time of their father's death. John died giving his life to Dean. I said that I would leave the hospital for now. I got paid good salary, and we got into my car and drove off to bury John, or rather, as expected, to burn his body. The brothers prepared everything and silently watched the fire burn. I stood next to Sam and gently took his hand. He just squeezed my hand in response. - Did he manage to tell you anything? – Sam asked. - No. Didn't say anything. But I feel that something is wrong here. - Dean said. When the funeral was over, I told my brothers. - Let's go home guys. You will live with your father for now. - Thank you Brenda. - Dean said. We got into my car and drove to our house. It was quiet in the car, all you could hear was Sam sighing quietly.

It turned out that the fans' hopes would be fully justified - Bobby Singer, “ foster father"The Winchester brothers and their hunting sensei will appear on the screens!

Actor Jim Beaver, who plays Bobby in the series, shared the photo on his Twitter:

"He's coming back!" - the portrait is signed, in which Beaver is dressed in a Bobby costume from a parallel universe.

Warning: possible spoilers for previous seasons!

As you know, Bobby, whom the Winchesters knew in their reality, died long ago, and for some time he was even a ghost haunting the brothers.

However, the existence of parallel universes in which events develop differently was confirmed in the famous episode “The French Mistake,” episode 15 of season 6, when Sam and Dean, by the will of the angel Balthazar, ended up in our world, the spectator world, devoid of the supernatural, where the adventures of the Impala and its owners - just a TV show.

The search term "Bobby Singer will rise again" is the most popular search term for the Beaver character. It's not surprising that the creators decided to make a cameo for him. However full return Bobby seemed impossible until recently.

At the end of season 12, Lucifer's son was able to open a portal to yet another universe - a world in which Sam and Dean were never born. Its post-apocalyptic landscape is more reminiscent of a scorched desert, and the angels and demons are to blame for this, making the Earth their battlefield. The few remaining people are forced to survive by fighting and hiding. Among them is Bobby, but only the Bobby who never knew the Winchesters.

It was in this parallel universe that Mary Winchester, the mother of the famous hunters, ended up along with Lucifer himself. But Lucifer managed to escape, sacrificing his grace - angelic power.

But how Mary will get out of there and whether she will take Bobby or other characters with her, for example, the prophet Kevin, we will find out very soon - “Supernatural” will return to the screens along with the pilot episode!

Let me know in the comments if you're looking forward to the spin-off, and don't forget to leave a "heart" if you're excited about Bobby's return!