The Duchess of Cambridge leaving the maternity hospital. The most touching moments of the Duchess of Cambridge's three discharges from the maternity hospital

A fresh and energetic look, curls blowing in the wind after styling, flawless makeup, high heels, a radiant smile and happiness in the eyes - are we now thinking about women who have just left the spa? But no - we’re talking about Kate Middleton, who just a couple of hours ago gave birth to her third child!

The incredible “trick” that the Duchess of Cambridge repeated for the third time in a row made women all over the world believe in the chosenness of Prince William’s wife.

But indeed, even a day after a natural birth, many new mothers see everything as if in a fog, and the reflection in the mirror shows them bloodless skin, swelling and an exhausted appearance. And we still don’t remember this caesarean section! But Kate, it seems, the problems of earthly women are completely unknown...

Well, judge for yourself - on June 22, 2013, she gave birth to her first child, Prince George, in ten and a half hours, and the very next day she was discharged home with perfect hair and makeup. Okay, many mothers still somehow believed that this was possible and was even considered the norm for European maternity hospitals. But…

On the morning of May 2, 2015, in just two and a half hours, the Duchess gave birth to Princess Charlotte, and after another five hours, with an equally blooming appearance, in full dress and in high heels, she cheerfully waved her hand to all fans royal family on the porch of St. Mary's Hospital, introducing the newborn baby! Do you also have doubts?

Well, when for the third time everything went without a hitch for Prince William’s wife, and at 11:01 a.m. on April 24, 2018, 36-year-old Kate Middleton gave birth to her third baby, and seven hours later she walked down the steps of the hospital after being discharged in stiletto heels and showing off her radiant Look, there are no more doubts - this is some kind of mystery! As you understand, the whole world has taken on the task of solving it.

Avocado, seaweed smoothie, swimming, yoga and hypnobirthing

You can talk about good genes as much as you like, but don’t gain excess weight in time of three Kate's pregnancy was helped by a special diet, which included traditional English oatmeal, lean meat and the main trump card - avocado.

It is known that every day the Duchess prepared special cocktails for herself from seaweed, cabbage and spinach.

From the first days until the birth of her babies, Prince William's wife regularly swam in the pool Buckingham Palace and did yoga with a personal trainer!

Well, what about birth? royal heirs The Duchess's cases occurred naturally and without epidural anesthesia. She replaced it with the “hypnobirthing” technique, in which pain relief occurs through self-hypnosis and relaxation.

Here comes royal baby #3!

By the way, Gisele Bündchen and Angelina Jolie will confirm that this method is the best!

Kate Middleton also prepared her first “outing” after the birth of her second son in advance - she liked a red dress with a white lace collar from Jenny Packham and 10-cm heels (!) from Gianvito Rossi. The Duchess's favorite hairdresser, Amanda Cook, created an impeccable hairstyle that was not disturbed even by the wind, and Arabella Preston's makeup emphasized the fresh and rested look.

But, as you understand, the rest of the planet’s mothers, who were about to give birth to a baby, could not come to terms with “their own imperfections” and today the Network is simply flooded with photographs with funny captions!

“A few hours after giving birth, I looked like a deflated balloon with jaundice!”

“Nooo, Kate, not to the same extent! A woman who has just given birth cannot wear transparent tights, heels and earrings!”

“Even 14 hours after giving birth, no force will force me to get out of bed and go down the stairs!”
“And this is me 18 hours after giving birth. And I look like someone who has risen from her bed!”
Prince William and Kate Middleton leaving St. Maria, April 23, 2018

It seems that the whole of Great Britain (and after it the whole world) was waiting for this moment with bated breath. Royal reporters and paparazzi began taking their places in front of the Lindo wing at the beginning of the month, and loyal fans of the Cambridge couple even a week before Kate's third birth set up tents nearby so as not to miss the important news.

Fortunately, the duchess’s birth went well, so that very evening the happy “thrice-father” Duke of Cambridge was able to go to Kensington Palace to pick up George and Charlotte so that they would be among the first to meet their new, youngest member of the family. Prince William's joy, as usual, was literally written all over his face.

“I’ll be back in a minute!” – he assured the reporters with a smile.

As after the birth of Princess Charlotte, the baby’s grandparents decided not to bother his mother again and, apparently, congratulated her privately. Let us remember that Prince Charles, Duchess Camilla, as well as Carole and Michael Middleton came to the Lindo wing only in 2013 to greet the future heir to the British throne ( read also:"Crown's Hope: Children who will become kings and queens in the future"). The next birth and Katherine's discharge went rather smoothly. family event(as far as possible under the camera's sights).

Princess Charlotte did not miss the opportunity to show off her magnificent manners:

Finally, by 6 o'clock London time, the Duchess of Cambridge herself appeared with a newborn in her arms and accompanied by her loving husband, who did not take his eyes off her.

It's impossible not to notice how good Katherine looked. The Duchess came out to the journalists with an impeccable hairstyle (apparently, she tried again here personal stylist Kate Amanda Tucker, wearing a red Jenny Packham dress and heels.

After a short photo call, the Cambridge family loaded into the car and headed to Kensington Palace. Note that the third baby of William and Kate went home in a special infant carrier from the German-British company Britax Romer, in which his brother and sister had previously left the Lindo wing. The peculiarity of this device is not only safety, but also ease of use: it does not need to be secured with the car’s standard seat belts, but can simply be secured in the seat using a special base.

Newborn Prince

Prince George (discharged July 23, 2013)

The first birth was not easy for Kate. The Duchess was admitted to the Lindo Wing of St Mary's Hospital in the early hours of July 22 and suffered through contractions for about 12 hours until her first child, the heir to the British Crown, whom the happy parents will name George, was born at 16 hours and 24 minutes.

As you know, the sons of Princess Diana were previously born in the same establishment. This clinic is expensive and elite in every sense. The Duchess gave birth in one of the best wards (price per night - about 10 thousand pounds sterling), and her health (and the health of her baby) was monitored by a team of 20 specialists - surgeons, anesthesiologists, obstetricians and nurses.

As much as the Duchess suffered, the public suffered just as much. From waiting. The thing is that, following tradition, Kensington Palace immediately announced to the press that Kate was taken to the hospital “in the early stages of labor.” Thus, we can say that the subjects of the British Crown actually experienced Catherine's birth with her.

Here's how it went:



Baby George was born at 16:24 pm, but the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge did not give their press service the go-ahead for the announcement good news until half past eight. As biographer Gill Nappett writes, Kate and William, “knowing that they would have no privacy once the baby’s birth became known to the public, wanted to spend the first hours only with him.” Of course, since the news only came out late in the evening, there was no question of the Duchess revealing her first child on the same day. It was decided to wait until the next day.

On July 23, 2013, Great Britain celebrated an unofficial, but still universal holiday. All eyes were focused on the doors of the Lindo wing, where employees of Buckingham and Kensington Palaces, happy grandparents: Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla, as well as Carole and Michael Middleton, came in and out in turns.

Finally, in the evening, the heroes themselves came out of the hospital building to reporters and fans. The Duchess of Cambridge, holding her baby, and Prince William stopped on the porch and, amid applause, began smiling and waving to everyone who had gathered to greet the heir.

However, the matter was not limited to protocol photographs alone.

It is worth noting that on that day the Duchess of Cambridge decided to make a kind of bow towards the legacy of her famous mother-in-law, Princess Diana. Catherine came out to her subjects in a blue polka-dot dress from Jenny Packham, giving rise to the warmest associations in the heads of her subjects, because in something similar at the end of June 1982, the Princess of Wales came out of the Lindo wing - just after the birth of Prince William.

The secular press was delighted, but some fashion editors and social media users, not so much. Many glossy publications that day uncivilly scolded the duchess for her appearance, which, in their opinion, did not correspond to the status of the princess. And this despite the fact that her stylist Amanda Tucker managed to work some magic on Kate’s hair. But, alas, the duchess’s critics did not find her hairstyle elastic enough, her stomach on the second day after giving birth was not flat enough, and her dress (together with wedge shoes) was a failure.

However, Katherine caught her main admiring glance. And she hardly needed the rest.

Prince William's emotions that day were worthy of a separate story. The newly-made father not only could not take his eyes off his baby and his beautiful wife, but also in every possible way demonstrated to his subjects how unusual the role of dad was for him, which greatly amused those around him.

According to the statement Kensington Palace, Prince George was born weighing 8 pounds, 6 ounces (about 3.8 kg), and it seems that this was too much of a burden for Prince William.

Very soon, her husband’s informal mood rubbed off on Kate. So the august parents headed to the car, and the Duke of Cambridge had the chance to demonstrate the main skill of all modern fathers - installing a car seat in the car. But, fortunately, this was not a big challenge for Prince William, since their child seat was equipped with a special base for attaching to seats.

Tired and satisfied, the Cambridge family went to Kensington Palace (here they spent the night before heading to the Middleton house in Berkshire), but London walked and celebrated the birth of the heir for many more days.

Princess Charlotte (discharged May 2, 2015)

For the second time, the duchess’s birth and discharge were many times easier than in 2013. Journalists and fans were waiting for news, as if according to a well-established pattern: the parking lot was again blocked, tents were pitched again near the hospital, bets were again accepted on the sex of the baby. It seemed that even the posters “It’s a prince” and “It’s a princess” were the same, two years ago.

Perhaps only one thing darkened the upcoming “show”: Kensington Palace assured that the second child of the Dukes of Cambridge would be born in April, and experts predicted Catherine’s birth on the 24th-25th. But now it’s May, and the long-awaited message still hasn’t arrived.

Catherine's contractions began early in the morning of May 2, and it is interesting that, despite the crowds of journalists on duty, the Duke of Cambridge managed to take his laboring wife to the Lindo wing incognito. The statement from the Kensington Palace press service that the Duchess was taken to the hospital at 6 am came as a real surprise to many.

Bets on the name of the Cambridges' second child

However, even more surprising was the second statement from Cambridge representatives, which appeared at 11 am. It turned out that the little princess was born two hours ago - at 8:40. And if everything was clear with the desire of the Dukes of Cambridge to stall for time before the official announcement of the news, then one question haunted fans: did Catherine’s labor really last only two and a half hours?

Newborn princess

Of course, as on George's birthday, the British celebrated the news all over the country. A ceremonial salvo was fired, citizens flocked to the gates of Buckingham Palace to look at the announcement, and the phrase “It’s a princess” shone on every second electronic board in London.

At about 4 pm, the Duke of Cambridge appeared at the door of the Lindo Wing, beaming with happiness. Without hiding a joyful smile, he headed to the car to pick up Prince George from Kensington Palace. The princess's grandparents did not come to Lindo's wing. However, taking another look at the first Cambridge baby was an even better alternative.

Kate Middleton's discharge from the hospital took place in front of a huge number of spectators. Several hundred enthusiastic Britons gathered outside St. Mary's Hospital. When the Duchess of Cambridge left the doors of the maternity hospital, the father and mother of the newborn began to loudly greet the father and mother of the newborn on the street. In the video made by the English media on the day Kate Middleton was discharged from the hospital, applause and screams can be heard, turning into squeals.

After being discharged, Kate Middleton came out outside, holding a baby wrapped in a white diaper. The wide smile never left the duchess's face. Prince William was a little shy in the first seconds, but then began to wave to the crowd, and the new mother also greeted the audience. At this time, they were actively photographed by journalists from the world's media.

Kate Middleton's discharge from the hospital

After Kate Middleton was discharged from the hospital told reporters just a couple of sentences. She said that she considers the birth of her son a special moment. “I think every parent can relate to what we're going through right now,” Katherine said. Prince William turned out to be more talkative: he immediately admitted that he changed diapers for the first time in his life.

Prince William also apologized to the press for the fact that his son turned out to be so “leisurely”. He promised that he would tell the child when he grew up about how long the media had been waiting for his birth. Some of the journalists and photographers waited for the appearance of the heir to the British throne, keeping watch outside St. Mary's Hospital for three weeks.

After talking with reporters Kate Middleton and Prince William returned to the hospital, where they retrieved the child's car seat. The boy's father sat in the front seat, and the mother and child sat in the back seat. Afterwards they went home to Kensington Palace.

Kate Middleton's discharge: photo

Kate Middleton's discharge

Kate Middleton gave birth to a boy on July 22, 2013 at 16:24 local time at St Mary's Hospital in London. The best British gynecologists attended the birth. It is known that Kate gave birth naturally, so the birth lasted several hours - she was taken to the maternity hospital at six in the morning. Prince William and Kate have not yet decided what they will name the baby. According to them, they are “working” on the name.

Kate Middleton visited before discharge her parents. The Duchess of Cambridge's mother, Carole Middleton, told reporters that her grandson is "absolutely wonderful." She also said that the child, like Kate, is doing well. Looking at the photo of Kate Middleton's discharge from the hospital, we can say with confidence that Prince William's wife went through childbirth without any problems.

Kate Middleton's discharge became a major event for the British and world press. On the day of her discharge, numerous journalists gathered at the hospital doors. One of best videos The American television channel ABC made a report from the duchess's discharge. In the frames of the video available on the YouTube website, visible and happy faces parents, and the joyful faces of London residents. Also in the video you can clearly hear the unimaginable scream of the crowd. It’s even surprising that Kate Middleton’s son didn’t start crying loudly from this noise.

The mystery of the Duchess of Cambridge's excellent postpartum shape has been tormenting women all over the world for many years now. For most of them, the first day, even after a normal natural birth, not to mention a caesarean section, most often passes in a fog. And if something goes wrong - a very long and painful period of contractions, complications, bleeding, emergency caesarean section and so on - then it’s scary to even think about just getting out of bed.

But from Kate, it seems, all these earthly women's problems far away. Everything goes without a hitch for her. She gave birth to her first child on July 22, 2013, in ten and a half hours, and went home with the newborn the next day, which was received more or less favorably by the world “mother’s” community.

Russian mothers, however, were surprised even then that Kate was discharged from the maternity hospital so quickly, but for European mothers such a quick discharge is the norm. True, about the grand entrance to the press in high heels, in a dress from famous designer, with perfect makeup and hairstyle, of course, we are not talking.

On the morning of May 2, 2015, in just 2 hours and 34 minutes, Kate gave birth to her second child, Princess Charlotte, and five hours later, radiating joy and energy, she appeared on the porch of St. Mary's Hospital in front of journalists and fans with the baby in her arms. The brilliant appearance of the Duchess made Russian mothers assume that all this was fake, Kate simply did not give birth. A woman cannot look so good and be so energetic having just given birth to a child.

But when the Duchess of Cambridge succeeded, even British mothers could not stand it. after all, everything again went like clockwork. was born exactly on the expected day of birth, and even on the Day of St. George, the patron saint of Britain, which was especially patriotic on Kate’s part. A healthy baby weighing 3800 grams was born at 11.01 am, the birth took place without any complications, and seven hours later, confidently walking down the steps of the hospital porch in heels with a baby in her arms.

Hypnobirthing, yoga and avocados

According to The Daily Mail, in response, the British segment of social networks was flooded with photographs demonstrating how women who have just given birth most often look. “I looked like a deflated balloon sick with jaundice,” “This is me 18 hours after giving birth. Massive postpartum hemorrhage, loss of several liters of blood, emergency surgery. I look like I've risen from my deathbed. Bloodless skin, swelling, general exhaustion”, “I am 14 hours after giving birth. Nothing could make me go up or down the stairs,” these are some of the captions under the photos.

And the famous British TV and radio presenter Katie Hill wrote with humor in her blog that with her unrealistically beautiful appearance Duchess Kate puts psychological pressure on other young mothers, making them suffer from their own imperfections: “I wanted to scream: “NOOO, Kate.” Well, a woman who has just given birth cannot wear transparent tights, heels and earrings. Of course, I understand that she is a duchess, and I did not expect her to come out in a cotton bag dress and flip-flops, but not to the same extent. On the other hand, if she had looked more modest, she would have been welcomed by women all over the world.”

It's clear that Duchess Kate has to follow royal protocol and look dazzling - it's her job, but that still doesn't explain how she manages to feel great and recover incredibly quickly after giving birth. Middleton behaves very naturally, and the strength and energy she radiates is impossible to fake.

As The Daily Mail columnist Sarah Raney writes, citing her own sources, Perhaps Kate's secret lies in the so-called. This practice was also used by such celebrity mothers as Angelina Jolie and Gisele Bundchen. All three times, Kate gave birth naturally and did not require any pain relief, Raney writes.

The essence of hypnobirthing is to keep the mother's body completely calm throughout the entire birth process. Special techniques relaxation and breathing help relieve stress, release the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates the muscles of the uterus and intensifies contractions, as well as endorphin hormones, which have an analgesic effect.

In addition, women in labor need to visualize everything that happens to the body during childbirth, mentally imagining the stages that the fetus goes through. As a result, childbirth is faster, less painful, does not require pain relief or medical intervention at all, and psychological and physical recovery after it is more effective.

In addition to hypnobirthing techniques, Kate also helps. During pregnancy, right up to childbirth, she devotes a lot of time to swimming and yoga, which helps relax and strengthen the muscles of the back and pelvic floor.

The Duchess also eats right. Her diet includes avocado, whole grain porridge, lean meat, fresh fruits and vegetables. Twice a day she makes herself a smoothie made from kale, spinach, blueberries and rich in protein and iron seaweed spirulina.