Jasmine admitted that she only gave birth to her third child herself. Good news: singer Jasmine gave birth to her third child When Jasmine gave birth

A joyful event occurred in Jasmine’s family - today, April 25, the singer gave birth to a son to her husband Ilan Shor. - in honor of my paternal grandfather. According to media reports, the child was born weighing 3350 grams and 54 cm tall. Both mother and newborn baby feel well, which Jasmine herself hastened to inform fans about in her blog.

“So what I’ve been waiting for for 9 long months has happened. Today our wonderful baby was born. It’s such a joy to hold him in your arms and admire this small, but such great happiness! There are so many discoveries ahead of us, so many new and interesting things! Thanks to everyone who supported me all this time. Everything is good, wonderful and wonderful with us!” — the artist wrote.

Remember, this is the second common child Jasmine and her husband Ilan Shor. The couple also have a 4-year-old daughter, Margarita. And from her first marriage, the singer has an 18-year-old son, Mikhail.

Jasmine and her billionaire husband Ilan Shor, who is 10 years younger than her

Jasmine with her son Mikhail

Singer Jasmine with daughter Margarita


I've been suffering for over a week now... Yesterday we booked tickets to Adler from June 20 to July 2. Arrival early in the morning, departure late in the evening. But more on that later... The apartment is no longer needed; they are very far from the sea. Of course there are, but the price there is one and a half times higher. Guest house... but those in my price category are 14-17 thousand for 7 days, very budget modest, but they have a shared kitchen... which means you can cook and save a little money on a cafe. (but here Of course there are inconveniences, they are all on the 1st floors, you need to go downstairs in the morning with groceries to cook and bring the finished food up again (if you suddenly get a room on the 3rd-4th floor) There are even a couple of hotels with breakfast up to 20 thousand, but they don’t have there’s even a kettle in the room. There’s also an apartment hotel... it’s certainly super... and the kitchen in the room and the rooms themselves are better... but the price tag is immediately higher by 6-7 thousand... so it turns out I’m paying for the presence of a kitchen 7 thousand, but I buy groceries myself.. or I give this 7 thousand to the hotel, but for this money I only get breakfast (yes, the average cost of breakfast in a hotel is 250-300 rubles)... and where is there 2 more times a day, with the condition that our child is 4 years old... and how much money should we budget for food... per day... entertainment? I looked at the prices a little... I realized that 10 thousand is not enough, you need to budget 15 (one trip to the aquarium 700+700 I don’t know how much for children it’s probably 500=1900, there’s also a dolphinarium, I’m also wondering if there’s any point in going to the water park...., also tell me, I want to leave 2 days at Krasnaya Polyana, so I don’t have to wander back and forth for 50 km. That's where I found a hotel with breakfast and dinner for 2000 rubles per day. You can even get lunch there for 450 rubles. I also add the amount for early and late departure, and this will most likely need to be paid for another 2 days... Tell us how you plan your vacation based on money.... Since we were only in Minsk as a family. but it’s 4 days, and I think that we spent a lot (about 30 thousand, but that’s with tickets and accommodation) I’ve never been to our south (well, only in childhood) When I was single, it was only abroad But this time we her We are not considering Yes, but...I won’t go deeper. Those who consider themselves poor.... you can count and pass by... Half of our country is like this.... Sunshine to everyone.... for those who don’t mind, I’m waiting for advice.


Daughter of a minister without portfolio

Hi all. A small preface: in January, succumbing to a spiritual impulse, I adopted a puppy from a shelter. We already had a dog before, I knew what a responsibility it was, there were no problems with it. In my rainbow dreams, I was walking with my wonderful obedient dog, watched TV, stroking him behind the ear, etc. etc.
And now about the problem. Now he is 7 months old, a little puppy, has turned into big crocodile, which chewed up all the walls. On the street he absolutely does not listen to me, despite the help of a dog handler, he does not stop going to the toilet at home, although the diapers have long been removed and he goes outside. I am well aware that this is my problem - I cannot find an approach to him, but I no longer have enough patience. And so I think: not to spoil his and my psyche and find new owners or continue trying to become a leader.


Mom sawmill

I adopted a cat from the shelter. He is only 1.5 months old. Despite his tiny age, he suffered a lot. He was planted on May 9 to the woman who was leaving him. The eyes were festered, bleeding, dirty, flea-infested.
I'm at home now. Goes to the tray. Incredibly affectionate and active. He purrs when he plays and eats. He slept with me and sang songs all night!)
We have an adult cat, Russian Blue. Strict aristocrat, spoiled. He despises the kitten, growls, hisses, but does not touch it.
Question for the experienced. I feed the kitten boiled breast and kefir. Doesn't drink milk. The kitten accidentally ate dry food from an adult cat and vomited. What else can you feed?
I begged my daughter for oatmeal, she was afraid to give it. She fed me chicken.
And one more thing, please recommend a name for the kitten.
Just not Ryzhik and not Peach.
Thank you.

157 I remained silent because... I’ve been silent for a long time about other people’s children
but I can’t forget
chat topic 91

Earlier this week, singer Jasmine became a mother for the third time. The star and her husband Ilan Shor had a son. The boy was born in one of the capital’s clinics. The child was named Miron in honor of his paternal grandfather. Jasmine was bombarded with congratulations from friends, acquaintances and subscribers of her microblog. The star thanked for kind words and showed the first photo of the newborn.

“Thank you, my dears, for your sincere congratulations, touching wishes and incredibly warm words! I reciprocate to all of you! My son and I are doing well, we are slowly mastering this new and interesting world", Jasmine wrote on her Instagram.

In the picture you can see how the star mom is holding the cute little heels of her newborn son in her hands. Fans of the pop singer wish health to the baby and happiness to the family.

“Family warmth, prosperity, good health and universal happiness!”, “Health to you, and more delicious milk for the baby,” “Congratulations on the birth of your son! May happiness and good luck be his faithful companions in life!” - such pleasant comments were left by the star’s fans on her page.

During pregnancy, Jasmine hid the sex of the child from the general public. She wanted it to be a pleasant surprise, particularly for her husband.

After the birth of the heir, Jasmine immediately shared the good news with the media.

“So what I’ve been waiting for for nine long months has happened! Today a wonderful baby named Miron was born! It’s such a joy to hold him in your arms and admire this small, but such great happiness! There are so many discoveries ahead of us, so many new and interesting things! Thanks to everyone who supported me all this time! Everything is good, wonderful and wonderful with us!” - Jasmine told StarHit.

The star's pregnancy was a little more difficult than the previous two. The singer faced severe toxicosis on early stages. Jasmine was tormented by weakness, she had a headache, and she was very hungry sauerkraut and cucumbers.

Let us remember that Jasmine and her husband are raising a four-year-old daughter, Margarita, and a nineteen-year-old son, Mikhail, born to the singer in her first marriage. The star's older children happily welcomed the new addition to the family. Even during her mother’s pregnancy, the singer’s daughter demanded that the baby be born as quickly as possible.


I've been suffering for over a week now... Yesterday we booked tickets to Adler from June 20 to July 2. Arrival early in the morning, departure late in the evening. But more on that later... The apartment is no longer needed; they are very far from the sea. Of course there are, but the price there is one and a half times higher. Guest house... but those in my price category are 14-17 thousand for 7 days, very budget modest, but they have a shared kitchen... which means you can cook and save a little money on a cafe. (but here Of course there are inconveniences, they are all on the 1st floors, you need to go downstairs in the morning with groceries to cook and bring the finished food up again (if you suddenly get a room on the 3rd-4th floor) There are even a couple of hotels with breakfast up to 20 thousand, but they don’t have there’s even a kettle in the room. There’s also an apartment hotel... it’s certainly super... and the kitchen in the room and the rooms themselves are better... but the price tag is immediately higher by 6-7 thousand... so it turns out I’m paying for the presence of a kitchen 7 thousand, but I buy groceries myself.. or I give this 7 thousand to the hotel, but for this money I only get breakfast (yes, the average cost of breakfast in a hotel is 250-300 rubles)... and where is there 2 more times a day, with the condition that our child is 4 years old... and how much money should we budget for food... per day... entertainment? I looked at the prices a little... I realized that 10 thousand is not enough, you need to budget 15 (one trip to the aquarium 700+700 I don’t know how much for children it’s probably 500=1900, there’s also a dolphinarium, I’m also wondering if there’s any point in going to the water park...., also tell me, I want to leave 2 days at Krasnaya Polyana, so I don’t have to wander back and forth for 50 km. That's where I found a hotel with breakfast and dinner for 2000 rubles per day. You can even get lunch there for 450 rubles. I also add the amount for early and late departure, and this will most likely need to be paid for another 2 days... Tell us how you plan your vacation based on money.... Since we were only in Minsk as a family. but it’s 4 days, and I think that we spent a lot (about 30 thousand, but that’s with tickets and accommodation) I’ve never been to our south (well, only in childhood) When I was single, it was only abroad But this time we her We are not considering Yes, but...I won’t go deeper. Those who consider themselves poor.... you can count and pass by... Half of our country is like this.... Sunshine to everyone.... for those who don’t mind, I’m waiting for advice.


Daughter of a minister without portfolio

Hi all. A small preface: in January, succumbing to a spiritual impulse, I adopted a puppy from a shelter. We already had a dog before, I knew what a responsibility it was, there were no problems with it. In my rosy dreams, I was walking with my wonderful obedient dog, watching TV, stroking him behind the ear, etc. etc.
And now about the problem. Now he is 7 months old, a small puppy, who has turned into a large crocodile that has chewed up all the walls. On the street he absolutely does not listen to me, despite the help of a dog handler, he does not stop going to the toilet at home, although the diapers have long been removed and he goes outside. I am well aware that this is my problem - I cannot find an approach to him, but I no longer have enough patience. And so I think: not to spoil his and my psyche and find new owners or continue trying to become a leader.


Mom sawmill

I adopted a cat from the shelter. He is only 1.5 months old. Despite his tiny age, he suffered a lot. He was planted on May 9 to the woman who was leaving him. The eyes were festered, bleeding, dirty, flea-infested.
I'm at home now. Goes to the tray. Incredibly affectionate and active. He purrs when he plays and eats. He slept with me and sang songs all night!)
We have an adult cat, Russian Blue. Strict aristocrat, spoiled. He despises the kitten, growls, hisses, but does not touch it.
Question for the experienced. I feed the kitten boiled breast and kefir. Doesn't drink milk. The kitten accidentally ate dry food from an adult cat and vomited. What else can you feed?
I begged my daughter for oatmeal, she was afraid to give it. She fed me chicken.
And one more thing, please recommend a name for the kitten.
Just not Ryzhik and not Peach.
Thank you.

157 I remained silent because... I’ve been silent for a long time about other people’s children
but I can’t forget
chat topic 91

Singer Jasmine was born in October in the glorious city of Derbent, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. It’s not worth specifying how old Jasmine is the singer, but at her age she already has three children.

Brief biography of the singer

Real name - Sara Lvovna Manakhimova. Jasmine - popular Russian singer, actress, TV presenter, model and designer. And also Honored Artist of Russia and Dagestan. Sarah married twice. The first husband was Vyacheslav Semenduev. In 1997, their son Mikhail was born. Jasmine and Vyacheslav lived together for ten years. Thanks to him, the singer reached creative heights. But happy and long marriage the end soon came. Rumors began to circulate in the press that the husband was beating his wife. He forced her to sign some documents that Jasmine knew nothing about. Semenduev denied all this, accusing his wife of treason. Then came the heavy trial divorce, in which Jasmine managed to defend the right to raise her son Mikhail.

Jasmine shared the events of a difficult period in her life in a book she called “Hostage.” But Sarah did not grieve for long. Soon she met businessman Ilan Shor, who became her support, a “friendly shoulder,” and then in 2011, Ilan Shor proposed getting married. Later, a beautiful daughter, Margarita, was born. She received her name in honor of the singer’s mother.

Soon, more rumors began to appear in the press that the singer’s second husband had robbed three large Moldovan banks of about a billion rubles, and in 2015 he was arrested. This case began to be investigated at the beginning of the year, and in May the businessman was taken into custody. He denied everything and claimed that the money had disappeared from the accounts earlier. This process received a lot of publicity. But this matter had a good ending.

Singer Jasmine gave birth to her third child

It recently became known that the happy couple will soon become young parents again. Dad Ilan and mom Jasmine said that they dream of a son. The singer admitted that her third pregnancy allowed her to understand for the first time what it was like to be truly pregnant. After all, with the first two, she did not experience all the “joys” - toxicosis, dizziness, weakness and others. During her pregnancy, Jasmine became very tired: her poor condition knocked her out of her usual everyday life. The singer often began to experience headaches, irritability and terrible mood. The young mother admits that she previously did not believe the stories of expectant mothers about how difficult it was for them to endure pregnancy, and thought that they were exaggerating. Before singer Jasmine gave birth to her third child, she did not know what poor health and mood swings were. The third baby brought many surprises. She even had to give up her favorite yoga classes, following doctors' prohibitions. The singer’s tastes also changed: she preferred sauerkraut and pickles to her favorite dishes of chicken and fish. The news of the baby made Jasmine's husband very happy. He began to care about her even more. True, he works a lot and cannot be around all the time. The artist is already used to the fact that they rarely see each other. Singer Jasmine gave birth to her third child in early spring. Now she and her husband are happy parents again.

Jasmine - singer: "Children are the flowers of life"

Now the singer’s family already has three children. The eldest son Mikhail is 18 years old. Daughter Margarita recently turned 4 years old. And now singer Jasmine has given birth to her third child.