Is it possible for pregnant women in the early and late stages to drink coffee? Can a pregnant woman drink coffee?

During your pregnancy, you are forced to be extra careful when it comes to eating and drinking. Your favorite drinks that made you so happy every day can no longer be drunk in such quantities. And some drinks, such as coffee, make you wonder: is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy?

And even if you pull yourself together by giving up the coffee drink, there may come a time when your body begins to demand it.

What to do in this case?

Me in recent months, wildly craving coffee. I know it's harmful, but I really want it. I don't drink strong. I buy instant, add cinnamon, milk and savor. The baby, of course, begins to push. And I know that it’s harmful for him, but I can’t give up coffee completely.


How does the expectant mother’s body perceive coffee?

  • The coffee drink is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. And during pregnancy, not everyone can drink it. For example, it is better for women with high blood pressure to avoid this drink, since drinking coffee can increase blood pressure even more and the mother will feel unwell during pregnancy;
  • Coffee for low blood pressure, during pregnancy, is allowed, but you need to drink it after breakfast (not on an empty stomach), without brewing it very strong and be sure to add milk.

The fact is that drinks such as tea and coffee wash away calcium from skeletal system body of a pregnant woman. And if we consider that the expectant mother already gives a lot of calcium to create the skeleton of the future baby, then what will happen to her health?

Calcium is very important for the body; it must be supplied to it daily with drinks (milk, kefir) and food.

Interesting! Is it possible to have coffee with milk during pregnancy? Yes, this will help dilute the drink itself (mom will drink only half a cup instead of the whole one), and the milk will also help compensate for some of the calcium loss during pregnancy.

What are the benefits and harms of coffee?

Why shouldn't you drink coffee during pregnancy? Drinking coffee in large quantities affects:

  1. The central nervous system, stimulating it. The body reacts to this stimulation in the same way as it would react to a threat:
  • The pituitary gland acts on the adrenal glands and they secrete the hormone adrenaline;
  • Adrenaline causes the heart muscle to contract more frequently;
  • The pressure in the arteries increases.
  1. Strengthening kidney function. Which leads to frequent urge to urinate, and accordingly, additional dehydration of the whole body occurs;
  2. Irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, as when drinking coffee, secretion increases several times of hydrochloric acid and secretion salivary glands, which is not very good during pregnancy;
  3. Impaired absorption of calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus by the body. Plus, coffee helps flush calcium out of the body.

There are still benefits from coffee, although at first glance they are insignificant - if a woman during pregnancy drinks no more than one cup a day, making it not very strong and diluting the drink with milk, there will not be such a strong effect on the body.

In which trimester of pregnancy is it better to abstain from aromatic drink?

Some women continue to delight themselves with a fragrant drink in the first trimester, explaining this by the fact that the pregnancy is still short (find out what happens in a woman’s body during this period in the article 1st trimester of pregnancy >>>). In fact, drinking coffee during pregnancy is early stages you need to be wary because he:

  • affects the kidneys, increasing the urge to urinate frequently;
  • increases salivation;
  • plus, early toxicosis may appear (for information on how to alleviate the manifestations of toxicosis, if it still overtakes you, read the article Nausea during pregnancy >>>);
  • We also remember that coffee washes away useful microelements, which, right now, are so important for building the baby’s musculoskeletal system (you can learn about how a baby should normally develop from the article Development of a child in the womb >>>).

Know! Drinking coffee and tea, due to the caffeine contained in these drinks, leads to a decrease in the size of the fetus.

Yes, this is exactly the conclusion that Irish experts made in one of their studies. They studied the stories of 941 mothers and it turned out that 100 mg. caffeine received daily in the 1st trimester led to a decrease in the weight of the newborn by 72 grams. The effect occurred not only on the weight of the fetus, but also on its head circumference and height.

Scientists say that even drinking caffeinated drinks in dosage less than 200 ml. in a day, still does not pass without a trace for the fetus and has a negative impact.

The second trimester is essentially the calmest period of pregnancy. It is during the second trimester that a pregnant woman may experience strong cravings for certain foods, such as caffeine. You shouldn’t deny yourself this, you can have coffee in the second trimester of pregnancy, the main thing is: remember the correct quantities and don’t forget to add milk.

In the meantime, you are enjoying a cup of coffee, find out what changes occur in the mother’s body at this stage from the article 2nd trimester of pregnancy >>>

Important! Women who abused coffee drinks in the second trimester of pregnancy were more likely to have babies with bone pathologies and anomalies.

It is quite difficult to identify a period of pregnancy during which coffee is extremely undesirable, but most doctors say that the third trimester is the most dangerous. This is explained by the fact that the fetal central nervous system may react too violently to the presence of caffeine. The vessels of a pregnant woman's placenta narrow, the baby does not receive enough oxygen, which can lead to an intrauterine state of hypoxia.

Attention! Coffee is a deceptive drink, even in pure form it is very filling, and if you drink it during pregnancy, with the addition of sugar and milk, you can saturate your body for one meal. The mother is full, but the baby has received absolutely nothing nutritious and important for his growing body.

Instant or ground - which coffee is safer?

  1. Let me remind you that coffee helps stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, and instant coffee is a drink with high acidity. This is why coffee should not be consumed on an empty stomach, especially instant coffee during pregnancy;
  2. Preservatives used in instant coffee negatively affect the overall metabolism, causing the appearance of cellulite;
  3. Instant coffee also has a strong effect on the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

The only thing pleasant about this type of coffee is the aromatic smell (this is what the manufacturers focus on), ease of storage and ease of preparation.

  • If we consider ground coffee, then it is better to choose it, because it does not have to be boiled, this type coffee can be brewed by pouring boiling water. But it does not contain preservatives or additional flavorings.

Interesting! To get maximum pleasure from your favorite drink, you can create your own unforgettable ritual. Set aside a certain time when you can treat yourself to aromatic grains, take a book, or turn on your favorite movie and try to slowly, savoring every sip, carry out such a pleasant ritual.

Alternative to coffee - chicory

If you are worried about the health of your baby and still decide to stop drinking coffee, know that during pregnancy you can replace it with chicory. This drink is very similar to coffee, but is made from the dried chicory plant.

Thanks to him healing properties, you can not only enjoy the drink, but also reduce cholesterol levels, help your body cope with heartburn and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hello! Today we will talk about coffee, namely its effect on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus. Now every second woman cannot live without coffee, so when pregnancy occurs, the expectant mother wants to know why coffee is not allowed during pregnancy.

Coffee is a strong drink made from roasted coffee beans. He has amazing and unique taste and an aroma that is impossible to resist. This is probably why there are so many coffee lovers who cannot live a day without drinking this invigorating drink. But still, during pregnancy it is worth thinking about the advisability of drinking coffee, and, if possible, giving it up altogether.

A few facts about how coffee affects pregnancy:

  • Coffee stimulates the central nervous system, which can affect a pregnant woman’s sleep, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, when insomnia constantly plagues her. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to drink coffee before bed. In addition, the heart rate and work rate increase internal organs and organ systems, which is also undesirable during sleep, since the body must rest.
  • Coffee suppresses appetite, and a pregnant woman constantly needs nutrients ah, that's why you can't suppress your appetite.
  • Regular consumption of coffee during pregnancy can contribute to the development of diabetes in the child.
  • Coffee is a tonic drink, it constricts blood vessels, increases arterial pressure and tones the uterus. In early pregnancy, uterine hypertonicity can cause miscarriage. In addition, through narrowed blood vessels, an insufficient amount of oxygen reaches the fetus, and, as a result, hypoxia appears.
  • Coffee interferes with the body's absorption of calcium. A pregnant woman constantly needs calcium, especially in the 2nd trimester, as the baby’s bone tissue is actively developing. It should be remembered that if the child does not have enough calcium, he will take it from the mother’s bone tissue, and the pregnant woman will suffer from tooth decay and seizures. The bones will become fragile, and God forbid that a pregnant woman in such a state should have an unfortunate fall.

It is known that the human body stores calcium for up to 30 years, then calcium is only consumed in the process of life. Calcium consumption per year is approximately 1%. Therefore, in order for calcium reserves in the body to be good, a dairy diet is necessary until the age of 25-30: milk porridge in the morning, fermented milk drinks before bed.

  • Coffee increases blood pressure. If a pregnant woman suffers from low pressure, then a little coffee will improve her condition, but if her blood pressure is already high, coffee will only harm her. Please note that you can increase blood pressure with coffee only if the pregnant woman suffers. If low blood pressure is normal for an expectant mother, then there is no need to increase blood pressure!
  • Coffee has a diuretic property, so pregnant women can drink a little coffee to combat swelling. If there is no edema, then coffee will dehydrate the body, which is very dangerous.
  • Coffee increases the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa. If a pregnant woman has a disease such as gastritis, or suffers from heartburn or nausea, then coffee will only aggravate the situation, since all of these ailments are due to excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  • It is very dangerous to take coffee in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, as nervous system child is sensitive to caffeine. But, if you carefully read the text above, we can conclude that coffee is contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy (causes uterine hypertonicity), and the 2nd trimester of pregnancy (prevents the absorption of calcium), and the 3rd trimester.
  • When a pregnant woman drinks 4-7 cups of coffee per day, the risk of fetal death is 33%.
  • If a pregnant woman has severe toxicosis (nausea and vomiting), calf cramps, then coffee is strictly contraindicated!
  • Caffeine, which makes coffee not recommended for pregnant women, is also found in black and green tea, cola, cocoa and chocolate. Therefore, it is also advisable to limit the consumption of these products during pregnancy.
  • Drinking 1 cup of coffee per day helps reduce weight in newborns. However, Danish scientists have refuted this fact, their research has proven that drinking up to 3 cups of coffee per day by pregnant women does not have the same effect on the fetus.
  • Drinking coffee in large quantities (more than 3 cups per day) acts as a contraceptive, as in humans the ability to fertilize is significantly reduced.

Is coffee with milk less harmful?

Coffee with milk is just as harmful as coffee without milk. Milk does not neutralize caffeine! There was as much of it initially as there was left after adding milk. Why is it recommended to drink coffee with milk? The answer is very simple: coffee interferes with the absorption of calcium by the body, many say “leaches calcium,” and milk in this case is a bonus. It’s just that you’re unlikely to drink it, so at least you’ll drink a little with harmful coffee. You'll see that a drop of calcium is absorbed.

In what cases can pregnant women drink coffee in limited quantities?

  • Pregnant women suffering from low blood pressure. In this case, coffee is allowed, and sometimes recommended by obstetricians and gynecologists.
  • Pregnant women who cannot give up coffee are already coffee dependent.

BUT! In these cases, the coffee should be weak, NOT consumed on an empty stomach and with milk.

How to replace coffee during pregnancy?

Since the disadvantages of drinking coffee during pregnancy are much greater than the advantages, it is better to give it up altogether and replace it with equally tasty drinks:

  • Herbal teas, infusions
  • Compotes, fruit drinks (“”)
  • Chicory is a drink made from the roots of chicory plants. It tastes very much like coffee, but is much healthier and is allowed during pregnancy.

In addition to processed coffee powder, instant coffee contains a lot of unnecessary chemical additives (flavors, dyes, preservatives, etc.). In general, instant coffee contains only 20% coffee beans, the rest is chemistry. Adding various chemical substances negatively affects human health. Therefore, people, having learned what instant coffee is made from, give preference to natural coffee, which it is advisable to brew it yourself in a Turkish coffee pot or coffee machine. Conclusion: It is not advisable to drink instant coffee during pregnancy.

I hope you have learned a lot of new things for yourself and found the answer to the question “Why can’t you drink coffee during pregnancy?” The right to make a decision remains with each person, but do not forget about the life that has arisen in your stomach! Let the baby grow and develop in accordance with his age, and I wish you an easy pregnancy!

Best regards, Daria!

Some expectant mothers can still afford a cup of coffee during pregnancy. Those who cannot wake up without a hot aromatic drink, as well as those who have low blood pressure, can drink coffee, but with certain restrictions. It is best to choose coffee with a low caffeine content, be sure to drink it with milk and, of course, not on an empty stomach.

Coffee has the ability to flush calcium from the body, so in a cup strong drink milk must be present. It helps reduce calcium loss and balance the drink. Calcium is a very important substance necessary for the structure of the skeleton of the unborn baby; it must be supplied to the body of a pregnant woman along with food. The best sources of calcium are cottage cheese, fish, milk, vegetables, cheese, etc. Lack of calcium is always transmitted from mother to child and can cause osteoporosis.

Unfortunately, not all pregnant girls eat properly and nutritiously. Fear of dialing overweight forces them to go on strict diets, which are contraindicated not only for mothers, but also for their future children. Doctors are sounding the alarm about this, because such irresponsible women doom the unborn baby to suffering. And they themselves can develop osteoporosis, bone fractures, metabolic problems, low immunity and even wrinkles. By the way, a person’s calcium reserve accumulates only up to the age of 30, then every year it begins to be consumed by approximately 1% per year. That is why young women 25-30 years old should have dairy products in their diet.

Rules of use and prohibitions during pregnancy

We found that pregnant women should only drink coffee with milk.

But besides this nuance, there are other equally important rules:

  • An expectant mother should not overuse coffee. The optimal daily norm is 1-3 cups, and in no case should you drink them at night, before bed.
  • If a woman has high blood pressure (and during pregnancy this problem often worsens), it is better to avoid coffee altogether. The caffeine it contains will only make the situation worse.
  • If the pressure is normal or low, but there is a tendency to edema, a cup of coffee may be useful. The diuretic effect of the drink will remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Expectant mothers suffering from severe toxicosis with nausea and even vomiting, headaches, and convulsions are strictly prohibited from drinking coffee.
  • For those who had stomach problems before pregnancy - gastritis, ulcers, increased acidity– You shouldn’t drink coffee either. It is especially dangerous to do this on an empty stomach.

Women over 35 years of age who drink a lot of coffee (5-6 cups a day) may experience increased cholesterol. This indicator is influenced by coffeestol, a substance contained in coffee.

What can you replace coffee with?

Advice: Coffee can always be replaced with drinks such as cocoa or chicory. They are more healthy, they contain vegetable protein and a large amount of calcium.

Video: Is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy.

The benefits and harms of coffee

Coffee will be beneficial if you drink it in moderation. Drinking the drink in excess can have a detrimental effect on the body, especially for pregnant women.

Positive influence coffee:

  • invigorates, provides energy and strength;
  • improves attention and concentration;
  • has a beneficial effect on the activity of cerebral vessels;
  • increases performance;
  • makes you more physically resilient;
  • prevents caries;
  • helps with stress and nervous tension;
  • useful for low blood pressure;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • improves memory;
  • effectively fights drowsiness;
  • has a diuretic effect (regular urine output prevents swelling).

Harm of coffee if you drink it often and regularly:

  • flushes calcium from the body;
  • increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid and can lead to irritation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the ability to increase pressure can increase the tone of the uterus during pregnancy;
  • forms plaque on teeth;
  • disrupts the absorption of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium;
  • Additional dehydration may occur due to the diuretic effect.

How does coffee affect the body of an expectant mother?

Coffee for pregnant women is contraindicated in large quantities, as this can have negative consequences. If you drink more than 200 ml of the drink per day, the risk of miscarriage and premature birth increases.

The effect of the drink on the fetus and the body of a pregnant woman shows why you should not drink coffee in excessive quantities:

  • impairs blood circulation in the placenta;
  • increases the acidity of gastric juice and can aggravate stomach problems;
  • promotes the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels;
  • increases the pulse and heart rate of the fetus;
  • washing away calcium disrupts bone development in the baby;
  • may cause iron deficiency anemia;
  • Long-term consumption of the drink in unlimited quantities leads to insomnia, anxiety, and headaches.

Pregnant women should drink coffee carefully, not only because of its harmful effects. The composition matters. Manufacturers can add flavorings, flavor enhancers, pesticides and other harmful substances that are dangerous to the fetus. Healthy natural coffee should not contain such additives.

Is coffee allowed for expectant mothers and for how long?

You should think about drinking an invigorating drink when you first decide to have a baby. You should not drink coffee when planning a pregnancy, because daily use more than three cups may cause difficulty conceiving.

To successfully get pregnant, not only women, but also men need to limit the amount of drink. For those planning to conceive, it is important to remember that excessive amounts of coffee can worsen ovulation and disrupt hormonal background women and reduce the quality of sperm in men.

Is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy at different stages:

Term To drink or not to drink
1st trimester It is dangerous to drink a lot of coffee in early pregnancy as it can interfere with the formation of important organs in the fetus. In the first trimester, the baby shows special sensitivity to external influence. It consumes all substances from the mother's body. Caffeine will also reach him through the placenta. If you want to drink coffee during early pregnancy, you can afford a small cup a day. The drink should not be too strong. It's better to drink coffee with milk
2nd trimester This period is the calmest, the risk of miscarriage is reduced to a minimum. You can drink coffee during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester only if there are no health problems. Permissible dose– a cup a day. Drink better in the morning, but not on an empty stomach. At high blood pressure in the second trimester of pregnancy you should refuse the drink
3rd trimester On later Coffee in large quantities can cause premature birth. In the third trimester, the fetal nervous system is very sensitive to caffeine. An excess of the drink flushes calcium from the body, which is harmful for the formation of the fetal skeleton. You can afford a little coffee in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, but no more than one or two cups per day. It's better not to drink every day

To prevent calcium from being washed out of the body, coffee for pregnant women can be mixed with milk or cream. This will make the drink less strong. If there are no health problems, coffee can be drunk in moderation during lactation. The famous doctor Komarovsky believes that an invigorating drink should be discarded if it has caused an allergic reaction, sleep disturbance, anxiety or excessive excitement in the baby. Coffee is prohibited for nursing mothers if the child is prescribed medical drug containing caffeine.

Which coffee to choose

When you want coffee, many people prefer to drink instant coffee. It's easy to make, delicious, and contains less caffeine. But despite positive sides, instant coffee should not be consumed during pregnancy. The reasons for this lie in the composition of the drink. It contains no more than 15% coffee beans, and the rest are flavors, taste enhancers and other chemical additives that can harm the expectant mother and baby.

It is better to choose natural, brewed coffee. It's not harmful healthy body, if consumed in moderation. It is recommended to drink coffee with milk or cream. This will prevent calcium from being washed out of the body. The amount of caffeine depends on the type of bean and preparation method. For example, 210 ml of espresso contains 100 mg of caffeine, and the same volume of Turkish coffee contains 80-135 mg.

Decaffeinated Coffee: Option or Not?

Due to the harmful effects of caffeine, coffee analogues began to be developed and produced. This may seem like a good alternative that solves the problem. In fact, those who drink decaffeinated coffee may also experience negative consequences.

Substances used in this drink may cause susceptibility to allergic reaction in the baby and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the expectant mother. Beans devoid of caffeine increase blood cholesterol levels. This can cause the development of atherosclerosis. Drinking decaffeinated coffee during pregnancy in unlimited quantities increases the risk of miscarriage by 2 times. Therefore, it is better to refuse the drink.

Contraindications and precautions

Negative influence caffeine for pregnant women manifests itself in the case of frequent use in large quantities. Taking precautions and following the rules for drinking the drink can reduce its harm.

How and how much coffee can pregnant women drink:

  • consume a cup a day;
  • drink in the morning;
  • add milk or cream;
  • do not drink coffee on an empty stomach.

It is necessary to take into account that in some cases you cannot drink coffee at all. These include:

  • stomach diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • liver diseases;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • nausea, vomiting, headaches, cramps and headaches with toxicosis.

Expert opinion

Certified nutritionist. 5 years of experience.

Nutritionist advice. Nutritionists have no consensus on drinking coffee during pregnancy. Some argue that if you drink one or two small cups of weak coffee a day, there will be no harm to the fetus. Others believe that caffeine outweighs the risk of miscarriage. Still other scientists have proven that caffeine does not affect fetal development and is not related to miscarriage.

But pregnant women should still abstain from coffee. Its use leads to the fact that the child is born with a lower weight than other newborns. According to the norms, pregnant women can drink coffee in a volume of 200 ml per day. It is not recommended to drink instant coffee, as it can lead to problems with overweight and provoke the appearance of cellulite. 85% instant coffee- these are not coffee beans, but powder from various nuts, preservatives and others chemical products.

To female body“didn’t miss” caffeine, he should get enough proteins and carbohydrates during the day, eat nutritious foods.

Chicory as an alternative to coffee

Those who don’t want to take risks can find a worthy replacement for the popular drink. Chicory is a good choice for pregnant women instead of coffee. The taste of the drink is not much different from coffee, but dried chicory is used to prepare it. When using this coffee substitute Negative consequences do not arise.

The drink improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins from the body, regulates blood sugar levels, reduces cholesterol, helps cleanse the blood, and normalizes the activity of blood vessels and the heart. It is also useful for stress and disorders emotional state.

It is useful for expectant mothers to know how to replace coffee other than chicory:

  • cocoa;
  • green tea;
  • Herb tea(choose only permitted herbs - rose hips, mint, chamomile, rowan leaves, currants).

Pregnant women can drink a small cup of coffee (maximum two) a day. The main thing is to choose quality natural drink without harmful additives. In the 1st and 3rd trimester you need to be especially careful. Those planning to start a family should also minimize the amount of coffee they drink. Drinking in large quantities is dangerous for the expectant mother. It is better for pregnant women to drink coffee with milk or cream. Chicory can be a useful substitute for the drink. Drinking decaffeinated coffee is not recommended. Harmful supplements that replace caffeine can negatively affect the health of a woman carrying a baby. The video below is dedicated to the topic of whether you can or cannot drink coffee during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is always a joyful event for a woman. A child is the most beautiful thing that nature can give us, therefore, only after learning that she will become a mother, a woman simply glows with happiness. Very often, even those who work diligently and for a long time to prepare for pregnancy treat themselves to a drink like coffee.

Coffee is a traditional drink that people drink all over the world.

Many people love him so much that they cannot imagine their life without him. This certainly applies to women as well. Therefore, when the test shows two cherished sticks, many pregnant women have a question whether pregnant women can drink coffee.

For some pregnant women, drinking coffee is not only possible, but necessary. For example, those who suffer from constant low blood pressure simply cannot do without this drink. Also, those who cannot wake up for a long time in the morning and force themselves to get out of bed will not be able to live without this invigorating drink. A natural question arises whether pregnant women can drink the same coffee as before.

COFFEE and pregnancy!! To drink or not to drink? Harm or benefit?

Is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy? Can pregnant women drink coffee?


Is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy?

Coffee and pregnancy

Can pregnant women drink coffee?

What is harmful during pregnancy

Can pregnant women drink coffee?

Can pregnant women eat rose hips?

  1. First, you should understand that you need to choose coffee that has a small amount of caffeine. These are mainly instant and granulated coffee.
  2. Secondly, you should significantly reduce the number of cups you drink per day. It is advisable to reduce the volume to one cup in the morning.
  3. Thirdly, you should never drink coffee on an empty stomach. If earlier you could afford this, now it is highly not recommended, since your liver suffers greatly from this.

Can pregnant women drink coffee with milk?

As you know, coffee and tea promote rapid removal of calcium from the body. During pregnancy, a woman shares all the vitamins and minerals with her baby, so if she doesn’t get enough of the elements she needs, this will significantly affect her health during or after childbirth.

By adding regular milk to coffee, a pregnant woman will be able to compensate for the amount of calcium that this cup of drink will take away. Also, with the help of milk, the concentration of caffeine in the drink becomes less.

What you need to know about coffee?

There are a few important facts about coffee that every expectant mother should know in order to avoid trouble when drinking it:

  • You can't drink coffee at night.
  • You can drink a maximum of three cups in one day.
  • Coffee increases blood pressure. Women who suffer from high blood pressure should completely exclude the aromatic drink from their diet during pregnancy.
  • It is not advisable to drink coffee for those who suffer from frequent nausea, headaches and cramps.
  • Pregnant women suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers should never drink coffee, as it increases the acidity of gastric juice.
  • Drinking more than 5 cups of coffee per day increases blood cholesterol levels.

Negative effects on the body

Despite the great popularity of this drink, there are a number of negative effects on the body that make themselves felt after drinking a coffee drink.

  • The first and most common disadvantage is the large amount of caffeine. If there is an overdose of this substance, it can lead not only to permanent addiction, but also to death. Coffee is loved because it improves general state person and gives energy. Usually this effect occurs an hour after taking the drink. But it is worth noting that there is also a negative side to the coin. Along with such good health, blood pressure also increases significantly. It is extremely dangerous for people who suffer from this disease to consume this drink with big amount caffeine, and even more so for pregnant women.
  • The second negative quality that coffee has is its strong diuretic effect. A pregnant woman goes to the toilet more and more often with each week of her pregnancy, as the baby puts more and more pressure on the bladder. Towards the end of pregnancy, trips to the toilet will become very frequent. If you also drink a lot of coffee, these trips will become much more frequent. In addition, doctors say that if a pregnant woman drinks only it, she may have problems with dehydration, and coffee itself removes all the beneficial elements from the woman’s body.
  • Third negative factor is that very often drinking a coffee drink leads to heartburn. Pregnant women often suffer from this ailment in the third trimester. Drinks contain substances that cause heartburn.

Is it possible for pregnant women to drink coffee in the early stages?

There are different opinions regarding the use of coffee by a pregnant woman in the first trimester. Some say that it is not dangerous at all, while others claim that it contributes to miscarriage. Doctors have conducted a number of studies that have shown that consuming large amounts of caffeine expectant mother provokes a miscarriage. They provided a list of reasons why this happens:

  • A sharp rise in pressure.
  • It promotes contraction of the uterus. During this process, the child does not receive the proper amount of nutrients. IN worst case scenario this can result in the death of the baby or hypoxia.
  • It significantly increases the tone of the uterus.
  • Violation of the normal water-salt balance.

Can pregnant women have coffee with milk in the early stages?

Of course, milk reduces a little negative impact on the woman’s body, but it is unable to completely eliminate it. Many doctors advise, if possible, to reduce the amount of coffee a pregnant woman drinks, and it is best to completely eliminate it during pregnancy.

For those who cannot imagine their life without this drink, many experts suggest replacing it with chicory or cocoa. These two drinks have large quantities protein and calcium in their composition, but do not contain caffeine. Of course, if you really want to, you can sometimes treat yourself to small cups of the aromatic drink.