Why can't men drink beer? Foam rules. Five mistakes we make when drinking beer The dangers of drinking beer every day

In this article I will present a concrete plan. Let's avoid common phrases. I will give step-by-step instructions on exactly what you need to do to stop drinking beer once and for all.

Let me make a reservation right away, the article gives it personally my opinion, and personally my beliefs on the topic. And they may disagree with the opinion of the majority, but this does not mean at all that these beliefs are not true.

On the contrary, thanks to these principles, I myself stopped drinking beer every day. And at the moment I haven’t drunk for more than 3 years, although I’ve been pouring beer with a bang for more than 10 years almost every day.

I think this fact deserves you to read the article to the end and try to glean valuable information for yourself.

I also wrote about how to stop drinking beer in my other articles:

So, let's get straight to the point.

Is beer a weak alcohol?

Many people justify their drinking by thinking that beer is a weak drink.

The fact that you drink beer and not vodka, for example, or cognac, does not in any way justify or protect you.

If beer - low alcohol drink, does not mean that you cannot develop a strong one!

And the main reason why it is difficult to stop drinking beer every day is precisely because beer is considered to be a light drink. There is a false assumption that we cannot become dependent on beer.

Guys, beer really destroys the psyche. And your denial of this fact only makes it easier for this destruction to continue.

I discussed this issue in detail in another article. I recommend reading it at your leisure.

Volume of beer consumed

Answer honestly: Personally, can you drink a glass of beer and stop?

Can you limit yourself to one bottle of beer and tell yourself “stop”?

I think the answer is no. I couldn't either.

It's all about quantity. We drink much more beer than other drinks: we drink liters of it. Therefore, beer can compete with any alcoholic drink in terms of developing addiction.

A person who sees 4% in beer and 40% in vodka forgets to multiply this by the volume of drink. I won’t do the arithmetic, do the math yourself, but I think the meaning is clear. The final figures will be comparable.

And 5 bottles of beer or 5 glasses of wine will be equivalent to half a bottle of vodka.

Awareness of this fact will make you think that it’s time to stop drinking beer every day.

Master of excuses. Why do I drink beer?

There are many other excuses that prevent us from quitting beer every day.

If at one time there was a nomination “ Master of Beer Excuses 2016“, I would definitely take first place on it.

How do you justify drinking beer every day?

Make your list of excuses " why do I drink beer” and kill every excuse in your own head.

As long as there is at least one false benefit in your brain that you think you get from pouring a foamy drink, you will not be able to stop drinking beer every day.

This is what my list of excuses looked like.

TOP excuses. Why do I drink beer?

  1. Beer helps me relax
  2. Beer relaxes me and makes me happier
  3. Beer helps relieve stress after a working day,
  4. Have a fun time with friends with beer,
  5. The beer is delicious
  6. Beer is a very weak alcohol and cannot become addictive,
  7. I drink beer, not vodka, so I can’t have any problems,
  8. Beer makes me happy.

I gradually destroyed these excuses. This was not easy to do because they seem so righteous that it seems absurd to question them.

They seem bold pluses, giving up which, it seems that your life may become meaningless. But this is a mirage that creates fear in which we continue to believe.

Your own excuses for why you can't stop drinking beer every day serve as a powerful weapon that alcohol uses against you.

While you're saying " This is not about me. I have no problem with beer", alcohol continues to successfully take over your psyche abroad, cooler than Hitler with his Barbarossa plan. You and only you voluntarily open the doors to your fortress for him.

If you have moved at least one brick in your own beliefs, then continue reading. Then even more discoveries will come.

If not, it’s better to close the site; in your case, self-deception turned out to be much stronger than I expected.

  1. The addiction control center is within us

Now you don’t choose how much and when you drink beer.

Addiction itself chooses when and in what quantity you drink beer. The psyche has long been controlled not by you, but by addiction.

I know it sounds crazy, but it's true.

The longer you deny your underlying problems caused by drinking beer, the harder it is to stop drinking beer.

You notice that in sobriety:

  • the colors of life are darkening,
  • an inexplicable constant fear appears,
  • feeling of anxiety,
  • it hinders your life activity.

The truth is not always pleasant, but it resonates with your soul. You understand that this is the fucking way it is. And maybe this is what made you look for the answer to the question, what’s going on with me? And how can you finally stop drinking beer every day?

The surprise that awaits you after you stop drinking beer every day

The second step is to learn to recognize the symptoms that drinking beer causes. They make you drink again and again.

These symptoms begin to act with particular force only after 4-7 days after you stop drinking beer. This delayed effect prevents you from seeing a direct connection between your bad mood and the fact that you drank beer 7 days ago.

The existence of such explains why a person who drinks beer cannot abstain for more than one or two weeks.

Even if, with incredible difficulty, you manage to hold out longer than this period, your psyche will still sooner or later force you to go to the store and buy beer again.

I wrote more in a separate article about. This is a kind of instruction on how to remove withdrawal symptoms.


  1. Try not drinking beer for a while;
  2. Soon you will see how your own psyche will force you to drink beer;
  3. You will be overtaken by a negative state of incredible strength;
  4. Drinking beer seems like the best solution;
  5. You will find a good reason to justify yourself and drink.

Only then, having convinced yourself of this, be sure to come back to find out what to do.

Recognizing the problem is an important step to stop drinking beer every day

Admit it, comrade, that you have lost control. Admit to yourself that addiction is controlling you. This is a necessary step towards further cleansing.

This is the only option that will help you stop drinking beer every day.

Having done this, you will see the enemy in the face.

  • Distinguish and recognize how addiction causes you to drink beer,
  • Recognize the inappropriate feelings that lead to drinking beer.

It sounds simple, but 96% of people attribute symptoms caused by addiction to external causes and circumstances. By making a fatal mistake, they continually return to their addiction again and again.

  1. Arm yourself with knowledge.

The next step to quit drinking beer every day is that you need to arm yourself with knowledge.

Don't downplay the enemy.

You need to gain a whole arsenal of knowledge that will be your weapon in the fight against alcohol.

You must understand how alcohol addiction deceives you and does not allow you to stop drinking beer.

You must have your own effective techniques and know how to fight.

  1. Quitting drinking beer every day is the easiest thing to do

And in general the very formulation of the question “ How to stop drinking beer every day" is a little incorrect.

Because anyone can stop drinking beer.

But what's the point if, for example, you stop drinking beer for 1-2 weeks, and then relapse again? Why such ostentatious heroism without results?

The focus should be shifted to the goal “How not to start drinking beer after you quit?”

And for this you need:

  • learn to avoid relapse, ( )
  • learn to stay sober ( )
  1. How much beer can you drink per day? Is there a norm?

No - there is no acceptable norm for drinking beer. If there is, then it is equal to zero.

  • zero liters of beer a day,
  • zero liters per month,
  • zero liters of beer in my entire life.


I don’t want to destroy now fictitious legends like “ Doctors say a glass of beer a day is good for you" If you are accustomed to believing the prejudices of society, fables and gossip, driven like a granite stone into the opinions of the majority, we are not on the same path. I still hope your IQ level is high enough to independently distinguish folk fiction from the truth.

Therefore, you need to understand that you need to stop drinking beer every day completely and irrevocably.

Brief abstract of the article

How to stop drinking beer every day

For those who have forgotten 90% of the information you just read, here is a short list of the main points of the article:

  1. Get rid of the main excuse that beer is a low-alcohol drink. Understand that beer can be more addictive than vodka.
  2. Destroy your other excuses and reasons why you drink beer every day. They are the ones who prevent you from taking even a step in the direction of sobriety.
  3. You need to distinguish between the inappropriate feelings that make you drink again and again. If a person does not recognize the symptoms caused by withdrawal from beer, he is doomed to relapse.
  4. Understand that you cannot drink beer in moderation. The only norm is zero!
  5. Before you stop drinking beer, prepare and educate yourself about your addiction. Don't downplay the enemy's strength.
  6. Find out the mechanism for maintaining sobriety for life in the video training Arsenal of Sobriety ( 59 votes, rating: 4,24 out of 5)
    Arseny Kaisarov

Beer is the most popular low-alcohol drink. Everyone loves him - both men and women. The craze for beer is understandable: the intoxicating drink relaxes well, perfectly quenches thirst, refreshes and tones. This is a mandatory attribute for men when watching football.

But what will happen if you drink beer every day, because it is still alcohol, albeit weak. Can regular consumption of a foamy drink provoke the development of alcoholism with all the ensuing consequences?

Beer alcoholism is a modern problem

Before delving into the negative aspects of beer addiction, let’s remember the benefits of the ancient intoxicating drink. Even in ancient times, beer was considered a healing agent that healed a person from many ailments.. The intoxicating drink saved many lives during the plague that raged in medieval Europe.

Robert Koch, a German microbiologist who discovered the tuberculosis bacillus, Vibrio cholerae and anthrax bacillus, proved that beer has a destructive effect on the causative agent of cholera.

Aromatic hops are really useful, because the amber drink has a multi-component composition. Let's study the beneficial properties of beer. It contains a lot:

Micro- and macroelements. In terms of the content of copper, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, the beer drink is similar to orange juice. But a glass of orange juice drunk at breakfast is considered a symbol of a healthy life.

What does beer consist of?

Vitamins. Especially group B. One of the special features of beer is the fact that all the vitamins present in the composition have a form that is most easily absorbed by the body. It has been proven that a liter of beer provides a person’s daily need for riboflavin (B2) and thiamine (B1).

Ascorbic acid. During beer production, ascorbic acid is added to the drink - this substance stops oxidative processes. A liter of intoxicating drink provides a person with a daily dose of vitamin C. And half a glass of amber liquid saturates the body with folic and nicotinic acids, which are important for health.

Beer acids. The intoxicating drink contains large quantities of oxalic, pyruvic, gluconic, citric and acetic acids. Organic substances work to prevent the formation of kidney stones by stimulating urine formation.

Interesting facts about beer

Phenolic compounds. The most valuable beer ingredients. Aromatic compounds of hydroxyl groups restore lipid metabolism and prevent blood clots. These are natural human protectors from strokes and heart attacks.

Beer is an aromatic and attractive drink that actually has a number of beneficial properties. It acts as a mild hypnotic and sedative, has a bactericidal effect, stimulates the stomach, improves blood flow and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

This drink will only be beneficial if consumed in moderation, but if you drink beer every day, the consequences will not take long to appear. And these consequences are negative and detrimental to health.

The Dangers of Beer Craze

So is it possible to get carried away with an intoxicating drink every day, because it is healthy and does not contain so many degrees. Narcologists, one and all, are firmly convinced that even a low percentage of alcohol in liquids does not at all reduce the destructive effects on the body. Beer should be treated the same as strong alcoholic beverages.

In terms of harmful effects on the body, beer is compared to moonshine.

Beer contains substances similar in composition to vodka components. Beer drink is just as harmful as vodka.

So, over time, pleasant daily gatherings over a glass of intoxicating drink can lead to disappointing consequences. Which ones? And what happens if you drink a lot of beer, you will encounter only a small amount of troubles:

  1. Death of brain cells. Beer contains one chemical compound - cadaverine. This substance is harmful to brain cells, it is responsible for the destruction of brain cells and provokes the development of dementia.
  2. The presence of large amounts of carbon dioxide and cobalt also negatively affects the functioning of the heart. Myocardial cells (the muscle layer of the heart) suffer. Gradually, the myocardium enlarges and weakens, which leads to heart failure.
  3. Beer addiction has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Beer is a powerful diuretic; its regular use simply “washes” microelements important for health from the body. Overworked kidneys also suffer.

So drinking beer every day is alcoholism with the same consequences as abusing vodka. And narcologists generally equate frequent consumption of beer drinks with drug addiction.

It has been proven that one drunk bottle of beer with a strength of 3.5% is equivalent in its effect to drinking 60 grams of vodka.

Memo to men

Beer liquid contains bioactive substances similar in composition to female hormones (estrogens). This fact has long been proven. How will the male body react when it constantly receives female hormones? Remember the famous “beer belly” - these are the consequences of estrogen.

Excessive beer consumption is very dangerous for men's health

Is it harmful for a man to drink beer every day? There is only one answer to this question: “Yes, it is not just harmful, but also detrimental to male strength.” In avid beer drinkers, over time, the figure begins to change according to the female type:

  • breasts grow;
  • hips expand;
  • the timbre of the voice changes;
  • hair growth decreases;
  • Fat is deposited on the stomach.

The male reproductive system also suffers greatly; testosterone and androgens gradually cease to be produced in the required quantities. What is the result? A man loses interest in the opposite sex and his libido disappears. Hormonal imbalance leads to outbreaks of aggression or severe depression, which also affects health.

Beer and woman

Once upon a time, beer was an exclusively male drink. But nowadays, even representatives of the fair sex are not inferior to men in consuming amber hops. What happens if a woman drinks beer every day – the consequences will not take long to appear:

  1. Hair. Under the influence of beer components, the once luxurious, rich hair will begin to thin out, the hair will become thinner and fall out.
  2. Leather. The appearance of the skin will also suffer. Beer drink is detrimental to epidermal tissue. The face of the amber hop lover is dry and flaky. Many wrinkles form as collagen fibers lose their elasticity. This is the fault of aggressive beer components.
  3. Weight. A sore subject for most women. Beer lovers will have to come to terms with steadily growing kilograms, but they will definitely come, this fact has long been proven.

But much worse than the external destructive effects are the internal changes that daily beer addiction brings with it. Such consequences are much more dangerous.

Beer is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman

Hormonal background. When a woman drinks refreshing beer every day, she gains weight, this fact is known. The cause of fat gain is global hormonal changes caused by beer. The reason is the high level of phytoestrogens contained in hops.

Although estrogens are considered female hormones, their excess completely destabilizes the female hormonal system.

In men, plant phytoestrogens provoke the development of feminization (feminine features), but in women, on the contrary, the appearance of male-type hair growth (mustache, chest, thighs) is noted. The voice changes, it becomes rougher and lower.

Difficulty conceiving. An excess of estrogens, generously gifted to the female body by beer, negatively affects the reproductive abilities of women. Hormonal excess provokes disruptions in the menstrual cycle. The walls of the uterus enlarge, which leads to obstruction of the fallopian tubes. As a result, it is impossible to conceive and bear a baby.

Pathological changes in internal organs. A woman’s cardiac and digestive systems are especially affected. Doctors have proven that drinking an intoxicating drink every day leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

How does beer affect human hormonal levels?

Psycho-emotional background. Serious changes in hormonal balance lead to global problems on the part of the psycho-emotional background of women. Moreover, the beer drink affects women differently (it all depends on their individual characteristics of the body).

More often, beer abuse leads to the emergence of uncontrollable sexual desire, when a woman does not bother choosing a partner and becomes indiscriminate in intimacy .

How often can you drink beer

The problem of beer alcoholism is becoming one of the most pressing for modern society. To understand the safe and acceptable dose of an intoxicating drink, you need to be able to identify the symptoms of beer addiction. How to understand that a person is suffering from beer addiction:

  1. A beer alcoholic has a peculiar breathing pattern. It is hoarse and strained.
  2. Beer addiction is also visible on the face. Puffiness, bags under the eyes, swelling, the body itself becomes flabby and loose.
  3. A beer alcoholic drinks every day, and each time he requires an increasing dose of intoxicating liquid to satisfy himself.
  4. There is a complete denial of one's own dependence. The person is confident that he does not have any problem, and if he wishes, he can easily stop drinking beer himself.
  5. Being in beer bondage, a person is constantly in a bad mood. The outlook on life improves briefly after taking another bottle of beer. But if there is no beer at hand, those around you suffer from outbursts of aggressiveness of someone thirsty for a drink.

Beer alcoholism is even more dangerous than alcoholism. Such addiction, according to the observations of narcologists, is very difficult to treat and progresses quickly (especially in women). Recently, the problem of beer alcoholism is increasingly affecting the younger generation.

Statistics on beer consumption among young people

Safe beer limit

How to determine your own norm of a refreshing and much-loved intoxicating drink? Each person is different, and the effects of amber hops vary in severity. Many people, trying to determine the acceptable beer limit, act through errors and trials.

Scientists have found that the body of a standard person weighing 70-75 kg is capable of processing and eliminating up to 150-170 grams of alcohol per day without harm to health.

But why risk your own health when you can use already tested and proven recommendations? Doctors, determining the permissible dose of beer consumption, came to the following conclusions.

Although scientists have previously reported a unique analgesic effect from beer, alcoholic drinks in large doses have a negative effect on the body and human health. Scientists have found out what will happen to the body if you drink beer every day.

Many beer lovers operate with the opinion that this drink is low-alcohol. This means it is absolutely harmless to human health. But that's not true.

As it turned out, if you drink beer every day, there can be serious consequences for the body.

24 hours after

20 minutes after drinking beer you begin to feel joy and pleasant emotions. However, after 1.5-2 hours, dehydration, drowsiness and the urge to urinate frequently occur.

After 12-24 hours, the body begins to suffer from a hangover - headache, thirst, tremors in the hands, dizziness and pallor.

If you drink beer every day

If you drink beer every day, in the near future you will experience irritation of the gastric mucosa and difficulty producing gastric juice.

As a result of this, the body will be “replenished” with diseases such as gastritis, constipation and a “burning” feeling in the pit of the stomach.

The liver will begin to malfunction with its antitoxic function. A variety of inflammatory processes can be expected here, from hepatitis to cirrhosis of the liver.

After many years of “friendship” with beer, the kidneys suffer especially acutely. Dysregulation of the excretion of water and water-soluble substances from the body is fraught with a decline in immunity, weakness in the legs, insomnia and kidney infarction.

The heart suffers no less. The heart muscle becomes covered with a layer of fat, the blood vessels become congested, and the heart becomes flabby. This is fraught with arrhythmia, hypertension, shortness of breath, ischemic heart disease, and stroke.

On the part of the pancreas, the “beer” diet threatens pancreatitis. As well as disorders in the endocrine system of the body. Since beer is rich in natural estrogens, men develop a “beer belly” and suppress testosterone production.

For women, the prospects are no better: cysts and ovarian dysfunction appear, including infertility.

Few people understand that addiction to beer can affect not only their overall health, but also their standard of living. You can often find women who complain about their men. They, in turn, deny that the foamy drink affects the well-being of the family. One way or another, after lengthy negotiations, people come to the conclusion that it is time to get rid of the addiction.

Consequences of drinking beer

  1. The modern world leaves its mark on society. Today, advertising activities are quite widely developed. On TV they play videos of young people quenching their thirst and enjoying the tart aftertaste. As a result, the issue of refusing to drink the drink is becoming increasingly relevant. This feature is reinforced by the fact that marketers unanimously insist on the absolute harmlessness of the product. Of course, the comparison goes along with vodka or cognac, but the essence remains the same.
  2. Many people prefer to perceive this misconception as truth: “I would rather drink a bottle of beer than 50 grams. vodka! Not everyone thinks about the fact that in 2 liters. foamy drink (average dose for a large man) contains the same amount of ethyl alcohol as 0.5 liters. vodka. Initially, a person does not attach importance to his addiction, as a result of which the amount of beer drunk increases significantly each time.
  3. Experienced specialists conducted a study and found that addiction to beer develops 5 times faster than to vodka and other strong drinks. Because foam is achieved by fermenting the components, beer loses all its beneficial properties. Yes, it contains vitamin B, but to get the daily dose, you will have to drink about 8 liters. alcoholic drugs at one time.
  4. As a result of frequent drinking of beer, the heart muscle is depleted, and a lack of nutrients develops, in particular potassium. Ultimately, a person begins to experience disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the brain often suffers, and memory deteriorates. Excessive estrogen production has a detrimental effect not only on women's but also men's health.
  5. Hormonal imbalances affect potency in men, and many women develop infertility. This feature is achieved due to the fact that the body stops synthesizing hormones, receiving them from the outside. Due to the availability of beer in terms of pricing policy, people from different segments of the population get used to the drink, regardless of gender, age, or sexuality.

Experts say that the most important thing in eliminating a bad habit is desire. Then the process proceeds quickly and without emotional shocks.

Step #1. Study the harm of alcohol on the body
First of all, realize how harmful drinking beer is to your health. In men, the belly begins to grow, the breasts become enlarged, and excess vegetation appears on the body. There are also malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system, and renal and liver failure develops.

You can often hear from beer lovers that the drink has a detrimental effect on the activity of the heart muscle and blood pressure. Fertility, in particular potency and the ability to have sex, is of no small importance for a man. For people who use foam in large quantities, sex happens less and less every month.

Step #2. Cut down on beer
Not all people can boast of excellent willpower. If you are one of these people, reduce your dose gradually. First, drink not 3, but 2 bottles at a time, then switch to just one. There is no need to put yourself in a state of stress by forcibly giving up beer. Try to act logically to eliminate the constant thought “I want beer!” from your head.

Maintain consistency in everything. If you are used to drinking beer after work, keep this tradition, but, again, reduce the amount. After a certain period of time, you will notice that the cravings disappear. It is at this moment that you need to give up the bad habit completely. If the phrase “quit drinking completely” scares you, replace the alcoholic drink with a non-alcoholic counterpart.

Step #3. Find a hobby
Many people, especially men, drink beer because they have a lot of free time in the evening. Instead of settling down with a bottle of suds, end your day on the right foot. You can sign up for a boxing class or jog for an hour before bed.

Some men prefer to spend time with friends who don’t drink; this recommendation will also come in handy. If you can’t relax in this way, look for other ways. For example, make it a habit to visit the sauna or barbecue outdoors.

Consider outdoor activities as an alternative. Absolutely everything is suitable: skiing, snowmobiling, skating, snowboarding, cycling, etc. Try rock climbing, wood carving, swimming. Gradually, the hobby will begin to occupy all thoughts, as a result of which the desire to drink will fade into the background.

Step #4. Replace beer with other products
Of course, there are many other drinks that are superior in taste to beer. Try to change your usual “diet”, for example, with freshly squeezed juice, strawberry smoothie, a mug of real coffee, cocoa, premium loose leaf tea and other pleasures of life. Milkshakes and yoghurts are considered no less tasty.

Many men are helped to get rid of their addiction to beer by eating seeds, nuts, and dried fruits. You should be careful when consuming these foods, as they are quite high in calories. Follow the rule: if you want beer, eat it or replace the foamy one with another drink.

Step #5. Make a plan
You can’t get rid of your addiction to foamy drinks without a specific deadline. Set a goal for yourself to quit drinking beer in 2-3 months. If the addiction manifests itself too strongly, keep a diary and write down your thoughts and achievements in it. Ask your family for support, agree that they will not drink beer in your presence. You can choose a period of about six months, the main thing is that you are constantly in a collected state. Otherwise, thoughts will begin to appear in your head: “I still have a lot of time, I’ll have time to quit. Today, I think I’ll drink two bottles, not one!”

Divide the selected period into four time intervals. The first of them says that you can drink beer no more than 4 times a week. The second reduces the amount to 2 times a week, the third - 1 time a week, and so on. Ultimately, you should come to the point where you are giving up beer completely. Strictly follow the schedule, do not violate the deadlines and the amount of foam you drink, no matter what.

Step #6. Reward yourself financially
The most common reasons for addiction to alcohol are a depressed emotional state, money problems, and discord in the family and at work. It is important to remember forever that problems do not disappear with drinking beer. Eventually you will sober up and realize the pitiful nature of existence. To encourage yourself throughout the quitting phase, start a tradition of monetary rewards.

Buy a large piggy bank, preferably transparent. Send in the amount you spend on beer every day. At the end of the month, open the piggy bank and calculate your savings. The amount will be impressive, and this will serve as an additional incentive for you. You will be shocked by the amount you spent on harmful alcohol. The same can be done when quitting smoking or other alcoholic beverages.

Once your piggy bank is full, take your savings and spend them on something worthwhile. This could be an exercise bike, a trip abroad, a fur coat for your wife, etc. The main thing is to use the money in a “useful” direction.

Step #7. Think about the future
It's no secret that craving for alcohol is harmful to health. Think about the future, you will probably want to have children (if you don’t have them yet). With frequent consumption of beer, there is a risk of infertility for both the male and female half of the population.

Psychologists have concluded that 45% of families fall apart due to the addiction of one spouse to alcohol. Such people are not interested in career and personal growth, their mental health suffers, and the person loses the desire for more.

People who regularly drink beer emit an unpleasant odor, which is felt by their interlocutors and work colleagues in particular. Try to analyze what is happening, draw for yourself a happy future with many victories. Strive to become better every day, develop financially and spiritually.

Step #8. Don't give up beer during the holidays
Psychologists have discovered an interesting fact that proves the connection between giving up alcohol and the desire to drink it even more. If you regularly deny yourself the usual “joys”, this will lead to the fact that one day your endurance will drop to zero. For this reason, make it a habit to pamper yourself during the holidays. It is not necessary to get completely drunk; one bottle is enough for complete satisfaction.

At the same time, it is important to observe the drinking culture: first you ate, then slowly drank (savoured) the foamy drink. If after celebrating you come to the conclusion that the habit is disgusting, give it up altogether. This fact indicates that the brain has already been rebuilt under other principles.

  1. First you need to love yourself. As practice shows, you cannot stop drinking beer on the orders of your wife or friends. It is important to do this for your own good.
  2. Start playing sports. Active physical activity eliminates the desire to smoke or drink. Ultimately, you will feel empowered and proud of your own achievements.
  3. To strengthen your fighting spirit, praise yourself even for small victories. Make it a habit to dine at your favorite restaurant after 5-7 days of abstaining from beer.
  4. Enlist the support of your loved ones. Ask them not to drink beer in your presence, and attend entertainment events together. Distract yourself from the obsessive thought of drinking by any convenient means.
  5. Find a group of like-minded people who are also trying to quit drinking. Support each other, spend your evenings with tea and cake, not a bottle of beer.

It's easy to quit drinking beer if you stick to a certain sequence. In order not to ruin your life and put your financial situation in order, you need to develop a plan and take a different look at familiar things. Love yourself, enlist the support of your family, find a hobby.

Video: top 10 reasons to quit drinking alcohol