What foods to eat in the fall to improve your mind. What foods improve memory and brain function? Natural drink for vigor and attention

For a normal life in society, study, work, recreation, building meaningful relationships, the human brain must work harmoniously. Feelings, emotions, desires are directly related to the work of this human organ. But this biological mechanism makes up 2% of a person’s mass. This does not prevent this privileged human organ from absorbing 20% ​​of the oxygen that the lungs receive.

In extreme situations, the brain takes the bulk of nutrients. Scientists have proven that the average person uses only 10% of the brain's capabilities, and by choosing the right food and nutrition for it, this percentage increases. This will automatically improve memory and increase concentration.

Memory is a complex process that occurs in the brain. It allows you to remember, save and reproduce experiences that were gained in the past. Connections between events, phenomena or objects that are preserved in memory are called associations by psychologists. They allow you to automatically perceive the necessary information. According to the time of storage of material, human memory is:

  • instant;
  • short-term;
  • operational;
  • long-term;
  • genetic.

Allocate memory:

  • motor;
  • emotional;
  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • olfactory;
  • taste;
  • tactile.

Researchers in the field of nutrition have proven that by changing your diet, you affect speed, the amount of information to remember, and the ability to concentrate, hold, and switch attention.

Concentration makes it possible to maintain attention on a necessary object or action. Stability allows you to maintain attention during active actions or moving objects. By expanding your attention span, you will learn to perceive more objects. What will have a positive impact on the level of education or quality of work.

Foods that affect brain function

Scientists have proven that there are foods that stimulate brain function and, vice versa, inhibit them. Nutrition has a direct impact on mental abilities. Eating healthy food for the mind has become fashionable.

Foods that improve brain function:

  • black natural coffee;
  • seasonings and spices;
  • black currant;
  • blueberry;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • walnuts;
  • tuna;
  • wild salmon.

Foods that slow down brain function:

  • alcohol;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • animal fats;
  • crackers;
  • chips.

There is no need to completely exclude such a favorite food from the diet, but if mental activity is planned, then it would be useful to limit its consumption. Ideally, the brain should receive complete and rational nutrition, the required amount of oxygen, and the required drinking regimen every day. As well as physical activity, spiritual practices, healthy sleep. This will automatically improve memory, attention, and influence thought processes.

Substances to improve brain function

To improve brain function, vitamins, minerals, acids, micro and macroelements are needed. They are found in food, dietary supplements or medications.

The brain needs the following substances:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C, K, D, E, P;
  • magnesium;
  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids;
  • carnosic acid;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • serotonin;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • adrenalin.

A prerequisite for use is compliance with the dosage and compatibility with each other. The amount of elements needed by the body, in particular the brain, is influenced by age, gender, degree of mental and physical activity, and climatic conditions. And individual preferences, tolerance of one or another component.

A balanced diet gives a person the necessary amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Then, during interaction, the necessary elements and compounds are produced in the body. It is useful to develop the ability to feel what product you need to eat, in this or that case and in what quantity.

Have you noticed that sometimes you really want a certain product, and after eating a piece you enjoy it. In this case, the body itself produced serotonin - the hormone of happiness. Therefore, this human characteristic should not be overlooked. Yogi Bhajan also said that food affects a person’s behavior, mood, temperament and mind. What dishes are good to eat to strengthen the mind, Nature tells us.

Foods that improve brain activity

Products to improve memory and attention:


A source of B vitamins, which are so necessary for brain activity. In addition, it contains phosphorus, silicon, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, potassium and sodium. Due to the fiber content, oatmeal allows you to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time.

This porridge is a source of carbohydrate, so nutritionists recommend eating it for breakfast. Another distinctive feature: a bowl of oatmeal helps rid the intestines of toxins, the arteries of excess fat, and neutralizes the negative effects of foods high in sugar.

Oatmeal is a diuretic. It is prescribed for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and restoration of the body after illness. Therefore, if you love yourself and want to be healthy with minimal investment, eat oatmeal for breakfast. To prepare oatmeal, use cereal, flakes or oatmeal. Of course, the most useful will be porridge made from cereals. Eating oatmeal will help your brain function and your overall well-being.

Nuts and seeds

To improve attention and memory, you need to eat nuts. They contain healthy fatty acids, folic acid, vitamin E. In addition, nuts and seeds are excellent antidepressants. A student's food containing various types of nuts or seeds will help prepare for exams and recover from stress.


With age, the brain can shrink as a result - senile sclerosis, dementia, brain atrophy. This process can be influenced by eating 2 eggs a day. You should not abuse this product in order to get a better result, because if there is an excess of the elements it contains, you can get the opposite process. Eggs (especially yolks) contain lecithin, choline, vitamin B 12. Therefore, you can improve your memory and mind by eating this unique product, which fills your diet with elements valuable for health.


It is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which allow you to better absorb and retain new information. The largest amount of beneficial acids is in herring, tuna, and wild salmon. Food containing fish and dishes made from it is beneficial for children and the elderly.

Green tea

The antioxidants it contains prevent aging and increase brain tone and human performance. They also speed up reactions and help recover from illness or stress. It has a beneficial effect on the brain if you add mint, pieces of apples, lemon, honey to tea, this will enhance the effect of green tea, relax, and improve blood circulation in the brain. To get the maximum benefit from this valuable drink, you need to drink up to 5 cups of green tea every day.


Peaches, apples, bananas, pears, apricots - contain nutrients necessary for the brain. Therefore, eat at least one fruit a day. Eating fruits is a natural food for maintaining the mind at any age.


  • Curry. Helps maintain mental clarity even in old age.
  • Saffron. Allows you to neutralize the negative activity of amino acids, has a positive effect on brain activity, and cures mild nervous disorders. Contains B vitamins and a large amount of minerals.
  • Cinnamon. Improves the ability to perceive information, analyze it and assimilate it.
  • Rosemary. Due to the high content of antioxidants and the presence of carzionic acid, it reduces brain fatigue and promotes cellular restoration.

These products help improve memory and concentrate attention for a long period. Therefore, they must be present in the human diet.

We must remember that only a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and adequate drinking will help us live a long time, without being distracted by illnesses and minor troubles.

A good memory is the key to success in school, career and everyday activities. The brain controls the entire body - from the beating of the heart to the memorization of information. It turns out that its performance can be improved if you plan your diet wisely. We will take a detailed look at products to improve brain function and memory.

What does the brain need?

In order for the brain to cope 100 percent with the assigned tasks, at any age it must receive adequate nutrition and be generously supplied with oxygen. Memory foods should be widely represented in the diet. It is important to increase blood flow.

Everything we eat affects the brain and body. What foods improve memory?

So, you should include in your diet:

  1. There are many products that speed up the blood. By stimulating blood circulation, vital oxygen is supplied to the brain.
  2. Antioxidants are another essential nutritional component. They prevent the brain from aging.
  3. Carbohydrates and amino acids nourish brain cells well and ensure their vital functions.
  4. Vitamins. Here you should lean on foods with vitamins B, C, E, K. Omega-3 fatty acids will help a lot. Their presence in the daily diet is an important condition for maintaining good memory performance.
  5. Microelements (phosphorus, selenium, iodine).

Diet features

For the brain to work properly, it is important to include enough fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in the diet. The menu should be balanced.

If your diet is poor, it contains few vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, the brain will not be able to work at full strength.

Proteins are very important. These are essential suppliers of amino acids. Fats saturate the brain with fatty acids. They make up a full third of its volume. In this regard, vegetable oils and fish are indispensable. They best supply the body with such important fatty acids. This is the key to the proper functioning of neurons.

About 70% of the total diet should be slow carbohydrates (porridge, vegetables).

Another important component is microelements and vitamins. They will help brain activity, preserve memory, and resist the action of free radicals.

Now let's look at products for the brain and memory in more detail.

Fish (oily)

We are talking about trout, salmon, sardines. They are a source of Omega-3 fatty acids. This is a direct path to excellent memory, because 60% of our brain volume is fatty acids. Nerve cells are produced from them.

If you eat enough fatty fish, you can protect yourself from mental fatigue and age-related decline. It will even protect against Alzheimer's disease. But with a deficiency of Omega-3, performance drops catastrophically, and depression may even develop.

Scientists conducted laboratory studies to find out which foods improve memory and brain function. It turned out that residents of countries where it is customary to eat a lot of fish have more gray matter in the brain than those who do without it. It is the gray matter that contains cells that control emotions, memory, and the ability to make decisions.

As you can see, fish is very healthy. If you are concerned about your health, treat yourself to fish at least a couple of times a week! Oysters, shrimp, and mussels are also useful. They contain a lot of iodine, iron, zinc.

If you prefer vegetarian food, your brain suffers from a deficiency of proteins that are so important for it. You should definitely eat chicken, lean beef, and liver (veal). They contain a lot of B vitamins. It is better to stew meat.

Lean beef has a lot of iron. Without it, memory quickly deteriorates.

A list of products to improve memory and brain function is unthinkable without the presence of nuts. In 2014, it was proven that nuts improve learning ability and support heart and brain health. This is a powerful protection against their degeneration.

The brain loves nuts, especially walnuts. They even visually resemble him. This is a source of vitamins B and E. If the diet is low in this substance, memory will deteriorate. Nuts also contain vitamin E. It protects cells from destruction. It is especially important to include nuts in the menu for those who engage in mental work. With age, the amount of nuts in the diet should increase.

Vitamin E is a natural defense against ubiquitous free radicals. This is a natural shield against total cell damage. All products that improve memory and brain function, in one way or another, affect its cells

Hazelnuts are also useful. It has a good effect on memory. Nutritionists have found that nuts contain a lot of fatty acids, magnesium and zinc. These are mild natural stimulants. It is useful to include nuts in the menu of schoolchildren and students. This is an effective way to better prepare for exams. Nuts also protect the liver.

Do you dislike garlic because of its characteristic smell? Have mercy on your brain! He desperately needs this product. It perfectly improves blood circulation. The brain receives much more oxygen. Cells that have received oxygen work much better and become active. A couple of cloves of garlic a day will protect adults and children from many diseases, stimulate blood circulation, and improve the functioning of internal organs.

Eat just a few cloves of garlic a day, and you will notice that you remember information much better. Well, if you absolutely don’t like the smell, then you just need to chew a sprig of fresh parsley. The smell will literally disappear.

Onions are no less useful for brain function and good memory. It perfectly stimulates blood circulation, protects against diseases and premature aging.


Do you love juicy, aromatic tomatoes? Then your brain is not at risk of the harmful effects of free radicals and dementia. They are high in antioxidants, which protect neurons from damage.


In the list of products for memory and attention, honey occupies one of the leading positions. It contains a loading dose of glucose. It is extremely valuable for memory and brain function. If you add a handful of dried fruits and a spoonful of honey to your usual porridge in the morning, your memory will serve you all day. This is delicious and healthy food.

It is important that the honey is natural.

This is a source of B12. This vitamin helps cells remember information. It has been established that it is best absorbed by our body from milk. Just a couple of glasses of milk a day will help replenish the reserves of this vitamin and ensure restoration of strength.

The exception is people who cannot tolerate lactose. Their body is not able to accept this protein.

From these, the body receives the most important B vitamins, choline, and folic acid. Don't know what choline is? This substance regulates mood. There is quite a lot of it in the yolk of chicken and quail eggs. 2-3 eggs will help you get a good enough dose of choline to last throughout the day.

But B vitamins are protection against aging.

Nutritionists are not inclined to encourage drinking a lot of coffee. In large quantities, it leads to increased blood pressure, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and even dehydration. But if you drink a couple of cups of the aromatic drink a day, you will provide mild brain stimulation. You will be surprised what your mind is capable of.

Coffee is a source of beneficial antioxidants, caffeine. It improves attention, concentration, and improves mood. It is not surprising that its connoisseurs cope better with their work and everyday affairs.

But neurologists have found that coffee helps prevent a number of neurological diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease). This is a good way to improve metabolic processes. Coffee helps you concentrate and improves vascular tone.

Green tea

The healing properties of green tea have long been known. There is no doubt that it helps the body maintain the health of many organs and systems. It contains quite a lot of caffeine, a brain stimulant.

Tea also contains a number of other beneficial substances. For example, L-theanine will help relieve anxiety, improve brain function, and relieve fatigue.

Green tea contains many polyphenols and antioxidants. They support mental activity and prevent diseases.

This vegetable contains many antioxidants and other beneficial substances. It is enough to eat only 100 grams per day. This small portion will help meet your daily requirement of vitamin K. Don't forget that it is involved in the formation of fats that make up brain cells (sphingolipids).

Recent studies have confirmed that broccoli will help improve memory and also help fight brain damage.

Sea kale

Everyone knows that it contains a lot of iodine. Without this valuable microelement, malfunctions begin in the brain. Doctors have long established a relationship between dementia, mental retardation and the presence of iodine in the diet. People living near the sea are provided with it. If you are not so lucky, you can use iodized salt and also eat seaweed.

It has been proven that iodine not only improves memory, but also increases IQ. It gives clarity to the mind and improves the ability to think. This is not just a necessary, but an indispensable component of the daily diet. The presence of iodine in a child’s diet is especially important. If you regularly feed your baby salads with seaweed, he will learn the school curriculum much faster.

It is recommended to include seaweed in a child’s diet only after three years. Due to excess iodine, it can negatively affect the thyroid gland of babies. It is also contraindicated during lactation, since iodine can accumulate in breast milk. Without knowing it, a nursing mother can harm her baby. His metabolism is not yet perfect and will not be able to handle the high iodine content.

For old people, seaweed will help slow down the processes of cell degeneration. It can stimulate their growth and increase intellectual activity. Try to regularly include seaweed in your meals. It is an excellent source of iodine, which supports brain cell development. You can make a lot of delicious salads from it.

It turns out that vitamin C can overcome forgetfulness and improve neuron conductivity. It is a brain stimulant. To make it work, just add a couple of slices of fresh lemon to your tea. This way you can improve not only memory, but also cell development.

Lemon fruits are included in a huge number of folk recipes to improve brain activity. It can also increase immune defense and help with weight loss.


Eat an orange a day and you will get your daily dose of vitamin C. It is tasty and healthy. This exotic fruit slows down degenerative processes in the brain, prevents aging, maintains mental clarity, and increases the ability to remember information. Vitamin C – protection against free radicals.

A glass of aromatic fruit juice will charge your body with energy.

Grapes (red)

If you're a fan of green grapes, it's time to reconsider your taste preferences. Red grapes contain many antioxidants. They are of natural origin and are perfectly digestible. Antioxidants help not only maintain health, but also look good. They renew skin and hair cells, increase neuron activity, memory, and attentiveness.

They are also found in other purple berries.

Antioxidants at any age improve the brain’s ability to retain information and process it. Thanks to them, cell nutrition becomes better. They are protected from destruction. During adolescence, antioxidants help normalize hormonal levels.

It is a source of anthocyanin, a plant antioxidant. It is also able to reduce inflammation, slow down aging, and prevent degenerative processes.

Antioxidants can accumulate in the body. They improve nerve conduction between brain cells. Experiments with animals have revealed the ability of blueberries not only to improve memory, but also to fight its loss and give a powerful impetus to cell renewal.

We recommend adding blueberries to your porridge or smoothie in the morning. This breakfast is useful not only for adults, but also for children and teenagers. And if an elderly person regularly consumes blueberries, he will delay the inexorable aging process for many years. Such nutrition will replace drugs to improve memory, vision, and metabolic stimulants.

Not everyone includes this herb in their diet. And in vain. It contains a loading dose of carnosic acid and antioxidants. If you add a sprig of fragrant rosemary to your dish, your blood circulation will soon improve and your blood vessels will dilate. The brain will receive the missing dose of oxygen. The productivity of his work will increase significantly.

Surprisingly, even the smell of rosemary itself improves the memory process. Rosemary is good in dishes with potatoes and meat.

This seasoning is included in curry. It consists of the active substance – curcumin. This is an excellent natural blood circulation stimulant. It has been proven that it can improve memory, eliminate amyloid plaques, and help overcome depression. It turns out that turmeric promotes the production of happiness hormones - serotonin, dopamine.

Curcumin stimulates brain cells to grow. This property helps fight age-related dementia and brain aging. Turmeric is recommended to be added to meat and tea. This is a powerful home antidepressant. Even a healthy person should regularly use it in dishes.

Pumpkin seeds

This is a powerful source of antioxidants. They protect the brain from damage, degenerative processes, and the harmful effects of free radicals.

Seeds are a source of copper, zinc, iron, and magnesium. These substances prevent neurological diseases, improve memory, learning ability, protect against migraines, depression, and help control nerve impulses. They cleanse the intestines well.

Chocolate (dark)

Those with a sweet tooth have reason to rejoice. It has been scientifically proven that cocoa powder and dark chocolate can be a source of a number of brain-healthy substances (antioxidants, caffeine, flavonoids). They improve learning, memory, increase cellular activity, and slow down aging. Chocolate will also help improve your mood.

As you know, the brain is mainly made of water. It makes up as much as 90% of its weight. With age, this figure decreases. This means that the brain literally dries out. Cells cease to cope with the functions assigned to them.

Dehydration is a recipe for slow brain function. This is very harmful! At critical levels of dehydration, it simply turns off. It is not surprising that with heat or sunstroke a person loses consciousness.

To avoid dire consequences, you just need to drink enough liquid per day.

It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters per day. We are talking about clean water. No drink can replace it. When calculating the amount of fluid you drink per day, neither tea, coffee, nor juices are taken into account. Only water. It is better if it is not boiled. Tap water may not be suitable because it contains too much lime and rust.

Energy drinks, drinks with sugar, gas, coffee, on the contrary, remove water from the body.


This is a list of essential foods for improving memory. As you can see, diet really helps improve memory. For greater effectiveness, it can be supported by sports exercises. They help increase blood flow. Every person can master the simple secrets of proper nutrition. Remember to eat wisely! Then your mental abilities will always be at their best.

Memory is the mental function of the human body, which is responsible for its mental activity and is aimed at preserving, accumulating and reproducing the necessary information. Modern human life moves at a fairly fast pace, so a person needs to be able to concentrate and have a good memory. But it is known that with age, memory becomes weaker, and in order to preserve it and maintain one’s health, a person needs knowledge about the rules of healthy eating.

A person’s memory is affected not only by his mental state, but also by the general hormonal background of his body. It is known, for example, that women become smarter with age not only as a result of the life experiences they receive. This is largely due to an increase in the level of estrogen in their blood, which has a direct impact on mental abilities.

If the functioning of a person’s thyroid gland is impaired, then he becomes forgetful and his memory is noticeably weakened. In addition, both science and medicine claim that the human brain also needs a balanced and rational diet, like the rest of the body.

If brain cells do not receive the vitamins and microelements they need, then its activity becomes weaker and this also significantly affects memory.

Scientists identify the following processes for which memory is responsible:

  • memorization;
  • reproduction;
  • recognition;
  • storage;
  • forgetting.

During their research, they identified a number of microelements, vitamins and nutrients that have a significant impact on memory and other mental abilities of a person. At the same time, food can both restore memory and improve its functioning, and have the opposite effect. For example, ethyl alcohol can cause poisoning and alcoholic memory paralysis (a severe disorder accompanied by amnesia), so abuse of this product, especially in high percentage concentrations, is strictly contraindicated. Vitamins A, B, C, E and K, as well as magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium and phosphorus, help improve memory.


Permissible daily dosage (g)

Buckwheat Vitamin B
Oatmeal Vitamin B
Flaxseed, cedar, pumpkin flour Vitamins A and E
Seafood, fish Vitamin B12, selenium, omega-3 (fatty acids), phosphorus
Nuts Vitamins A, B1 and E, magnesium, zinc, omega-3 (fatty acids)
Greens (parsley, green onions, cilantro, dill, celery, basil) Vitamin C
Broccoli, cauliflower Magnesium, vitamin K
Green pea Magnesium
Spinach Magnesium, vitamin C
Figs Magnesium
Brown rice Magnesium
Cereals Magnesium
Oranges, lemons Vitamin C
Pineapples, avocado, kiwi Vitamin C
Egg yolk Vitamins A, B and E
Seeds Vitamins A and E, magnesium, zinc
Bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, lettuce Vitamin C
Blackcurrant, strawberry Vitamin C
Onion, lettuce, parsley Vitamin C
Peas Vitamin B1
Durum wheat pasta Vitamin B1
Lean meat Vitamin B1
Milk and dairy products Vitamin B2
Sea kale Vitamins K and B12, iodine
By-products (liver, heart, kidneys) Vitamin B12
Green tea Vitamin K
Zucchini Vitamin K
White mushrooms Selenium
Garlic Selenium
Olive oil Selenium

Products that affect memory

The level of development of mental abilities and memory largely depend on the foods that a person eats. Scientists around the world have conducted many studies to determine which memory-improving foods are more effective and which are best avoided. Eating healthy foods and leading a healthy lifestyle not only helps improve your health, but also strengthens your memory. These foods include plant foods (that is, fruits, vegetables and herbs), which contain many vitamins, as well as fish, meat and honey.


Pasta made from durum wheat, wheat bran and cereals are recommended by doctors as products that improve memory and have a beneficial effect on human mental activity. Sprouted wheat sprouts contain the amount of beneficial vitamins necessary for the body.

Porridges are also considered useful for improving attention and memory. The most accessible of them are oatmeal and buckwheat, which contain many B vitamins. Macrobiotic porridges, which are produced in the form of flakes made from several cereals or grains at once, are also useful for maintaining mental activity. They are made from wheat grain with the addition of flax, pumpkin or cedar flour. Such porridges are rich in vitamins A and E; experts recommend preparing them every morning (for breakfast).


Seafood is also quite a healthy food for memory. If you have any problems with memory, it is recommended to eat red fish, fatty fish and red caviar more often. These products contain many substances that help maintain normal memory and clarity of thinking. Vitamin B12, found in large quantities in both fish and seafood (crabs, shrimp, seaweed, etc.), is very useful for reducing body fatigue and better memorability.

Nuts, seeds

Seeds and nuts are also foods that help improve memory. Walnuts and other types of nuts contain a lot of vitamins A and E, as well as zinc and magnesium. But those who are forced to watch their figure should be careful about eating nuts, since this product is high in calories (100 g of nuts contains more than 600 kcal). To improve memory, five to six nuts a day will be enough.


Vegetables are the basis of a balanced healthy diet and for many people they have become a necessary component of the daily table. Green fruits and vegetables (such as broccoli, spinach, lettuce and bean sprouts) contain quite a lot of folic acid, which significantly optimizes the functioning of the brain's cognition. Folic acid is known to prevent the early development of Alzheimer's disease.

Greens contain a lot of vitamin C, especially parsley, dill, green onions, basil, cilantro and celery. Beets, tomatoes, bell peppers and red onions are also quite useful foods for memory and improving attention. Doctors say that if you eat 400 g of vegetables or fruits daily, it helps to avoid memory problems, both in old and young age. If there are no foods containing magnesium in a child’s diet, he may experience problems with the nervous system and brain functioning, and memory and attention may almost completely disappear. To normalize the content of this substance in the body, both adults and children must eat cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, green peas, brown rice, cereals or figs.

Berries and fruits

Fruits are essential in every person's diet. Blue berries (mulberries, blackberries, blueberries and plums), as well as strawberries, black currants and cherries, which contain many different antioxidants, are very useful for memory and attention. It is also useful to include lemons, oranges, avocados, strawberries, kiwis and pineapples in your diet, which are a source of vitamin C for the body.

Herbs, water and honey

It is known that the human brain is 85% water. That is why nutritionists and other doctors recommend drinking at least one and a half liters of fluid per day to ensure adequate brain activity.

Honey, tea and herbs are also considered foods that improve memory and attention. Some scientists call honey “liquid gold for the brain,” because it not only improves memory, but also effectively relieves nervous tension, and it contains all the vitamins and microelements necessary for this organ.

Tea leaves contain thiamine, which has a calming effect, and antioxidants, which significantly improve memory. If you brew tea from rosemary or sage, this drink will be useful not only for memory, but will also perfectly restore energy and stimulate the removal of toxins from the body.

When trying to improve memory, it is very important not to exceed the permissible daily intake of a particular substance.


Letter designation

Maximum daily dose

Nicotinic acid, niacin
Pantothenic acid
Folic acid
n-Aminobenzoic acid, PAB
Orotic acid
Pangamic acid
Ascorbic acid
α-, β-, γ-tocopherols
Lipoic acid, thioctic acid
Polypherols, bioflavonoids
Methionine, S-methylmethionine sulfonium chloride

To maintain memory in working condition for a long time, nutritionists recommend creating a menu so that dinner consists of light dishes that will not interfere with sound sleep and proper brain rest. It is allowed to eat breakfast cereals fortified with vitamins, but in this case it is necessary to carefully ensure that they do not contain too much salt or sugar. For lunch, it is best to eat fish with vegetables or meat, and between meals there are fruits. In addition, it is imperative to do fasting days for the body at least once a week so that wastes and toxins are removed from the body.

Fedorov Leonid Grigorievich

The importance of diet for brain function can hardly be overestimated, since this organ is vital for humans. The operation of all systems depends on its functioning. Even today it still remains an incompletely understood complex structure, the speed of which far exceeds the speed of computer operations. Therefore, it is important to know which brain foods to include in your menu.

What is good for the brain

The function of this organ is to process information that comes to it via neurons from all parts of the human body.

In order for brain activity to function normally, the brain needs “feeding”. And this is possible if the diet is proper and balanced. All the beneficial substances contained in the products will eliminate malfunctions and improve the functioning of all structures of the body.

Anyone who wants to increase their mental potential needs to review their daily diet and highlight those foods that will be present on the table.

Of course, not all of the many products have a powerful effect on the functioning of this organ. It’s not even the products themselves that are important, but their composition. Therefore, nutritionists give preference to those that contain:

  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • glucose;
  • vitamins;
  • omega acids.

Each of these components brings its own benefits. The role of iron for the body and especially hematopoiesis is great. This trace element allows the brain to function normally. Neurons carry information to the brain, like current flowing through wires. All of them are interconnected by neural networks. To ensure that these connections are not interrupted, iron is needed. Its deficiency leads to:

  • slowing down the development of the child’s nervous system;
  • memory impairment;
  • inhibition of cognitive skills (at any age).

Magnesium is an invariable attribute of the diet of those people who care about the functioning of the most important organ. It serves as a protective barrier against stress. The brain's reaction to stress is different for all people: from cold calm to hysterics. In order not to “shatter your nerves,” you should eat foods containing magnesium. Then the central nervous system will adequately perceive all negative information.

  • helps brain cells become active;
  • improves memory;
  • fights the aging of nerve cells and gives them a new impetus to work.

Glucose, as a source of carbohydrates, is often called brain fuel. It is necessary for a person to:

  • coped with mental tasks;
  • remembered information better;
  • was attentive;
  • was capable of learning.

What benefits do vitamins provide? Vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) is of greatest value. It is indicated for both children and adults. For people of all ages, the role of this vitamin comes down to the following. He:

  1. A good antidepressant.
  2. Reduces the risk of catching a cold.
  3. Prevents pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors (in particular brain cancer in children).
  5. Helps with iron absorption.
  6. Increases learning ability.
  7. Improves memory and other cognitive functions.

Older people need vitamin C to protect the brain from age-related degenerative changes. It protects a person from the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, making it possible even in old age to think clearly and lead a normal lifestyle.

It is necessary to include B vitamins in the brain's nutrition. Thanks to them, red cells are formed in the blood cells, so that all tissues receive oxygen in the required quantity. In addition, food products entering the body are converted into energy, which is stored for a long time, under the influence of vitamin B.

Among omega fatty acids, there are those that the body is not able to produce on its own, but they are important for brain function, so they can only be obtained from the outside.

Product selection

Those who want to improve their health should consider the following products.

To smooth out the body's reaction to stress, the table should have:

  • beans;
  • buckwheat;
  • eggs;
  • liver.

From these products you can prepare a lot of dishes that will not only relieve nervous excitability, but also lift your spirits, calm you down, and improve the condition of your hair and skin. In addition, metabolic processes will be more active.

“You have such a short memory,” we often say to one of our friends who constantly forgets their promises, events, phone numbers or other information.

In fact, human memory is unique: we can remember the color of a car that passed us a week ago, but forget important family dates, we can record verbatim an anecdote read in a magazine without repetition, but have difficulty repeating a poem assigned to us for cramming at school.

But the person himself is not to blame for the weakness of his memory, because various factors influence the functioning of the brain - from heredity to nutrition. And if it is almost impossible to deceive genetics, then improving memory with the help of proper nutrition is quite possible.

SpecilFood.ru studied the properties of nature's gifts and their effect on brain function to determine which foods are good for memory.

Food for the mind, or how foods affect our memory?

Why do we sometimes fail to collect our thoughts? It's all about fueling the brain! Like all other organs, our brain needs minerals, vitamins and other useful substances to function fully and efficiently.

What vitamins improve memory:

This is interesting! The brain is only about 2% weight of the human body, with approximately 15% The entire volume of work of the heart is aimed at maintaining healthy functioning of the brain. In addition, it also consumes about 20% oxygen captured by the lungs. In a word, a big boss for whom a whole retinue of systems throughout the body works.

20 products to improve memory

So where can you look for vitamins and minerals that help improve memory?

Fact. 20% All the energy supplied to the brain comes from food.

20 most useful products for reliable memory:

  1. Cereals (especially brown rice and oatmeal), whole grain bread, sprouts – rich in B vitamins.

  2. Nuts and seeds
    – a storehouse of vitamins B, E, A, as well as essential oils, fatty acids and amino acids. The daily requirement for replenishing vitamins is only 5 young walnuts.
  3. Dried fruits, especially dried apricots – iron and vitamin C work in tandem to stimulate brain function.
  4. Beans– vitamins, fiber, minerals and proteins provide the brain with energy for the whole day.
  5. Lettuce, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach – are distinguished by a rich vitamin and microelement composition, namely they contain a lot of folic acid, iron, as well as vitamins C, E, K and carotenoids, thanks to which metabolism occurs in the brain, which affects easy memorization of information and excellent concentration.
  6. Salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and other fatty fish – sources of very healthy fatty acids, in particular omega-3. In addition, in sea fish and other seafood ( seaweed including) contains a lot of iodine, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus, necessary for the proper development of the brain. Just 100 g of fatty fish per day is enough for the brain to work efficiently.
  7. Beetroot and tomatoes - batteries for the brain. Fast information processing and easy sorting of memories are the merit of these two products.
  8. Olive oil– a source of valuable fatty acids.
  9. Hard-boiled eggs - this is not just high-quality protein, but also good fats, vitamins, microelements and, of course, choline (vitamin B 4) necessary for the brain, the deficiency of which leads to neurological disorders and atherosclerosis. By the way, spinach also contains choline. A sufficient daily portion is 1-2 eggs.
  10. Oysters and beef liver – rich in zinc.
  11. Purple and blue berries such as blueberries, blackberries, blueberries, as well as black currants and black grapes – storehouses of antioxidants. In addition, the listed products have a low glycemic index, so if you monitor your blood glucose levels, these are your berries!
  12. Lemon– rich in vitamin C. Pour lemon juice over fish, salads and other dishes – and your memory will always be long-lasting and your mind will always be clear!
  13. Apples– rich in nutrients that have a positive effect on vascular health. Vitamins B, A, C, E, K, PP and others in combination improve the elasticity of brain vessels and prevent their blockage, significantly reduce the risk of hemorrhages in the brain and refresh memory.
  14. Cranberries and pomegranates - storehouses of antioxidants, extremely powerful fighters against free radicals. Beneficial for blood vessels and the whole body.
  15. Garlic– perhaps the most unexpected product on the list of essential foods for the brain. However, garlic should not be underestimated: it accelerates blood circulation, which allows the brain to be fully supplied with oxygen and work faster. Eating just 2-3 cloves of garlic per day is the key to good memory.
  16. Milk– rich in vitamin B 12, which promotes better memory of information.
  17. Honey- a storehouse of useful glucose.
  18. Green tea– the secret of youth of the Japanese, a powerful antioxidant that relieves fatigue. Protects brain cells from destruction, helps maintain mental sobriety and excellent memory until old age.
  19. Cocoa and dark chocolate - rich in antioxidants that improve blood circulation and protect the brain from oxidative processes that inevitably lead to Alzheimer's disease.
  20. Rosemary– increases blood flow to the brain, thereby stimulating its enrichment with oxygen.

Remember that consuming only one of the listed products does not guarantee full brain activity. Just as a whole range of physical exercises is necessary for the health of the body, variety in nutrition and a rich vitamin and mineral composition in the diet are also important for the brain.