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The Maternity Capital program was developed to improve the demographic situation in Russia. The program is aimed at families in which a second and subsequent child was born (adopted).

We all know that with the advent of children comes not only joy, but also additional expenses from the family budget. IN lately Due to the unstable financial situation in the country, some social programs have suffered, but matkapital 2018 and lump sum payment including maintaining their positions.

Due to the crisis, indexation for many target programs is not provided. Of course, this state of affairs upsets the Russians. Prices for products, services, things are growing at an irresistible speed, and provided by law money remains at the same level. But thanks to the anti-crisis measures taken, a one-time compensation is made from maternity capital to all families in need.

Modern realities

As you know, the state program “Maternity Capital” involves a one-time payment in the amount established by law. Law No. 181-F3 dated June 23, 2016 stipulates that the amount of a one-time payment for families is 25 thousand rubles.

It is known that the right to receive these cash can be used by all families who submit standard application forms to the relevant authorities. Please note that financial assistance is provided to persons who received certificates no later than September 30, 2016 and have not spent the entire stock of maternity capital for targeted needs.

Of course, everyone is interested in the fate of the one-time cash benefit in 2018, but so far there have been no clear decisions from the government. It is likely that by this period something will change and the amount of the benefit will increase slightly, although in our time it is difficult to believe in such improvements.

In addition, the public is afraid that the payment may disappear altogether due to the deteriorating economic situation of the country. So, in 2017 they should consider extending this opportunity, but so far the deputies are not too concerned about this problem.

The Prime Minister of Russia instructed the Ministry of Finance and other financial departments to consider the possibility of further payments from maternity capital to families with two or more children. Officials must make a final verdict by April 2017.

Package of documents for receiving one-time compensation

First of all, everyone in need of a one-time payment must contact the local Pension Fund with an application, attaching a certificate for the right to receive maternity capital. In addition, the applicant must provide:

  • identification document (passport of the certificate holder, passport of the authorized person and power of attorney);
  • bank account details.

A more detailed list of all required applications and documents can be found on the Ministry of Labor website. At the same time, it is possible to simultaneously apply for both maternity capital and a one-time benefit.

Documents for obtaining a maternity capital certificate:

  • passport;
  • birth certificate of existing children;
  • if there are adopted children, an adoption certificate is required;
  • papers for the child confirming his Russian citizenship;
  • statement.

Maternity Capital program

This social target program was approved in 2006. Its implementation is associated with the provision of financial assistance to families with a second child and the next child. Please note that the child’s legal guardians do not receive the entire amount in their hands - they are provided with a certificate that guarantees and confirms receipt of funds.

A family in which the child was born no earlier than January 1, 2007 can apply for the designated certificate. The use of funds is possible only when the child reaches 3 years of age.

What needs does “Matcapital” go to:

  • Improving living conditions (purchase of new housing, major renovation in a private house).
  • Maintenance and training of a child in an educational or educational institution.
  • Social assistance and adaptation of disabled children.
  • Funded pension for the mother of a child.

Let us recall that initially the program operated until December 31, 2016, but it was successfully extended until December 31, 2018.

State payment amount

At the beginning of the program implementation, the amount of maternity capital allocated Russian families was 250 thousand rubles. Taking into account the level of inflation, parliamentarians indexed the cash benefit every year and by 2014 its size was equal to 429.50 thousand rubles.

As you know, indexation of maternity capital was not carried out in 2016, but already in 2017 the amount of social payments will be 480 thousand rubles, and by 2018 it promises to rise to 504 thousand rubles.

  • The family is granted the right to use family (maternal) capital only once.
  • If indexing occurs, then replacing the certificate is not required.
  • Parents can contact the Pension Fund authorities with an application for the issuance of a certificate for maternity capital after the birth of the second, third and subsequent children at any time. convenient time. The law does not provide a time frame.
  • not subject to personal income tax.
  • The certificate can only be cashed with proof of identity (passport).
  • The certificate is canceled in the event of the death of the owner, deprivation of the owner parental rights in relation to the child for whom maternity capital was issued, committing criminal acts towards a minor.
  • If the certificate has been lost, the owner can obtain a duplicate.
  • The funds provided by maternity capital can only be received by bank transfer. Schemes that involve receiving cash using a certificate are fraudulent. If the certificate holder agrees to such manipulations, he becomes an accomplice to the crime of misuse of funds allocated by the state.

As we see, the relevance of this social program is completely justified, so Russians continue to rely on the prudence of the modern authorities and on the fact that in 2018 this targeted program will continue to function. This will definitely be the best

The question of how to withdraw money from maternity capital in 2016 interests many Russians. In this article we will try to analyze in detail all the intricacies of this procedure.

The Maternity Capital program was founded in 2007. Then, at the beginning of her work, the amount due under the certificate was 250,000 rubles. As a result of annual indexing, by the end of 2015 it already amounted to 453,000 rubles.

The goal of the Maternity Capital program is, on the one hand, to encourage the desire to have more than one child in a family, and, on the other, to provide an opportunity to solve global family problems, including those related to housing, children’s education, and their socialization.

Funds of maternal (family) capital, or MSK , can be used exclusively by bank transfer and for very specific purposes, providing the necessary documents to the Pension Fund.

However, everything in life is subject to change, especially in conditions of a long-term, systemic crisis, which we are currently experiencing.

Times of crisis are characterized by deterioration financial situation population. The most vulnerable categories of citizens are most sensitive to it, which, of course, includes large families.

Therefore, the Russian government saw the need to support them financially, allowing them to receive some part of their maternity capital in cash, and use these funds for the current needs of the family.

As a targeted anti-crisis measure, it was decided to pay the amount of 20,000 rubles once a year. to the certificate owner, subtracting them from the total amount of MSC. In 2015, such lump sum payments were made.

There was already a similar precedent, when in 2009 and 2010 the right to cash out 12,000 rubles was granted twice. everyone who had a certificate for MSK.

Practice has shown that this money really helped families overcome financial difficulties, therefore, the current drop in household incomes, accompanied by rising prices, forced the Russian government to turn to similar measures.

At the end of 2015, in November, the government decided to re-pay families with children from MSC funds in the amount of 20,000 rubles. Law No. 88-F3 established such a one-time payment for 2016.

But already in March 2016, further events unfolded on the topic of MSK and cashing out part of it.

Before Prime Minister Medvedev had time to approve the updated anti-crisis plan for the current year on 03/01/2016, his deputy, Olga Golodets, already on 03/29/2016 announced a change in plans regarding one-time payments to families.

It turns out that the government has recently been considering different options anti-crisis payments in the form of assistance large families. One of the options even provided for monthly payments of 5,000 rubles, but not to all certificate holders, but only to especially needy families.

However, it was decided to abandon this, as well as the previously planned payment of 20,000 rubles.

The final decision was that all families holding a certificate for MSC and living in the Russian Federation should be paid an amount of 25,000 rubles.

Moreover, regardless of whether you had time this family receive 20,000 rub. at the beginning of 2016.

This measure was announced by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev during his report to State Duma deputies on 04/09/2016, and in early May the bill could be read on the official website of the Duma. The President of the Russian Federation signed the corresponding decree on June 24, 2016

The validity of the law is limited to December 31, 2016, and applications can be submitted until November 30, 2016 inclusive. This means that the family is subject to this law, provided that the second child was born before this date.

Back in 2015, the issue of a one-time payment of 20,000 rubles was being resolved. from MSC funds, a list of documents required for this was approved.

It included:

  • application for this lump sum payment;
  • document confirming the identity of the certificate holder;
  • SNILS;
  • certificate for MSK;
  • banking information about the details in the name of the applicant.

To receive 25,000 rubles. in 2016, the list of documents remained the same, but there were more ways to submit applications. Here they are:

The last type is the most convenient and fastest, especially since the application can be submitted either through the Pension Fund website, if open « Personal account insured person", or through the Federal portal of public services on the website

The period for consideration of an application for payment from the MSK is 1 month, the time is counted by Pension Fund employees from the date of registration.

If the decision is positive and the application is granted, then the money due for payment is transferred to the specified account within a month - as prescribed.

If payment is refused, then within 5 days (working days) from the moment the decision is made, information about the refusal is brought to the attention of the applicant. It arrives either to his postal address or in the form of an electronic notification.

That is, you have to wait 2 months for money, at least those are the rules. In reality, it turns out to be three months, or even one and a half, as evidenced by thematic forums. Events happen most quickly if the information was given in electronic form.

The payment will be either the declared 25,000 rubles, or the balance of the MSK, if it is less than this amount.

Will it be possible to withdraw money from maternity capital in 2017?

The President of Russia extended the validity of Law N 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 for another 2 years, for 2017 and 2018. This means that certificates will be issued in the same way as in the previous 10 years, while the amount of MSK will remain unchanged for this period, equal to 453,026 rubles.

As for payments in cash, those who applied for this in November (or maybe October) 2016 will receive them at the beginning of the year. There is no information yet about the possibility of receiving payments for 2017.

Education of a child is one of the main expenditures of maternity capital. In Russia school education officially considered free, but in reality the money is spent on textbooks and other things.

At the same time, the MSK program allows you to spend funds on the education of any child in the family, not necessarily the one in connection with whose birth (or adoption) a certificate was issued. And you can send him to study in anything educational institution Russia, be it a kindergarten, or a school, or a college, or a university.

As for the amount of MSC funds allocated for education, you can spend the entire capital on the education of a child (or several children), or you can spend only part of the funds, directing the rest to other purposes.

A child can study at the expense of MSK until he is 25 years old, no more.

In all these cases there are non-cash payments. Payments are made within the time frame and according to the current accounts specified in the relevant agreement concluded between the certificate holder and the institution within whose walls the child will study.

At the same time, not every educational institution can be suitable for financing training from MSC funds, but only one that fully complies with all the requirements of the program.

These are the requirements:

  • educational institution must be accredited by the state and work according to accredited educational programs;
  • he is allowed and has the right to provide educational services of the declared format and type;
  • it may be state or non-state, but must be located on the territory of Russia.

That is, educate a child abroad government account, namely, due to MSC, it will not work.

In order to attract MSK funds to pay for training, the relevant documents are submitted to the PRF. In addition to the main package, there must be an agreement for the provision of paid educational services; information about the accreditation of the institution and its compliance with certain requirements is determined without the participation of the applicant.

If the child will live at a school, college or university, then a rental agreement for a room in a dormitory and confirmation of the fact of residence is required.

In other words, if we talk about the school, its services can be paid for with MSC funds. This applies to music, art and others, but only on the condition that educational paid programs, implemented in the learning process, are accredited, and the school itself is licensed.

Educational programs that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard are subject to state accreditation (federal state educational standards). These include the main programs schooling:

  • from 1st to 4th grade is carried out initial training within primary school;
  • from 5th to 9th - basic education, or basic school;
  • from 10th to 11th - secondary, or high school.

Since education in the Russian Federation is considered free, paid educational services provided by the school include the following:

  1. In-depth study of subjects.
  2. Tutoring.
  3. Training in additional programs.

But not all of them can be attracted to MSK, for the simple reason that state accreditation is provided only for basic educational programs. And additional programs are not subject to accreditation, and it will not be possible to attract MSK to finance them.

Parents usually place the main emphasis on providing their children with higher education, since studying at a university really requires substantial expenses.

But even earlier, in kindergarten and at school, it is possible to give children more if they wisely use the capabilities of the Maternity Capital program.