How can you become a deputy of the State Duma? How to run for parliament? The procedure for nominating candidates for deputies


There are positions or entire areas that attract more with privileges than with ideas about something lofty. Therefore, at least once in their life, without even really wanting it and without seriously thinking about it, everyone asked the question: “How to become a deputy in your city?”

We showed you how you can do this and gave you some tips on how to get closer to your goal.

Who is a deputy?


You need to start by generally understanding who this deputy is: are you sure that you really understand?

A deputy is a person who is in a representative or legislative branch. We need to be aware of what both of these types of power represent.

Representative is public authority, one that allows the people to exercise their personal rights, and its implementation is carried out by representative authorities - both state and municipal. You most likely understand even intuitively what a legislative body is: a body that develops legislation.

Deputies, in essence, are engaged in representing the interests of voters and protecting their rights (which are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation).


You must be prepared for what this activity implies publicity, and your every step will, one way or another, be monitored by both the media and ordinary citizens. So, the inclinations of an introvert and the traits of a shy person will have to be hidden away and revealed to the whole world. More precisely, the country.

Moreover, from the moment you become a deputy, all your financial activity is monitored, so any unclean nuances can float to the surface and significantly undermine not only your new status, but also your entire life and the lives of your loved ones.

Who cannot become a deputy?

- A citizen who has not yet turned 21 years old;

- A citizen who has a criminal record and is wanted;

- Incapacitated citizen with mental disabilities (this must be confirmed by a document).

In addition, those who are inhibited, who cannot stand publicity, who are uncomfortable being among people, who are afraid to speak in front of the public, who are lazy, without firm life positions, principles, who are not straightforward and indecisive, are also incapable of becoming a deputy.

Who can be a deputy of the Russian Federation and local authorities?

If we say that anyone, then it will be more true than a lie. The formal side of the question is as follows. A deputy can become:

- A citizen who is already 21 years old and has the right to participate in elections;

- A citizen of the country in whose parliament he plans to be elected;

- The same citizen cannot be a deputy of the State Duma and a member of the Federation Council;

A citizen whose positive state of mental health is documented (but if you rush at people while having a certificate stating that you are healthy, then be prepared to be exposed);

- A citizen who has never been involved in criminal liability;

- A citizen who has completed higher or secondary education.

The formal side, among those who seriously want to build, is practically no obstacle for anyone, and few people do not meet these conditions. But the personal qualities that a deputy should have are a completely different story. You must understand that you are plunging into cruel world, where a person without a core simply cannot survive.

The desire to serve for the good of your country is also very important, but only because without being at least some percentage of a patriot, it is quite difficult to be surrounded by issues related to the state 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Sometimes, the presence of charisma, charm and a loud, convincing voice for a deputy are decisive and more important than education, erudition and plans to open charitable foundation. So, do not be upset if you do not meet some formal points - if you have a bright personality, then your chances do not decrease by a percentage.

Finally, what are the responsibilities?

The most important responsibility of deputies is to maintain contact with voters.

More specifically, the deputy participates in the consideration of absolutely any issues related to the interests of voters in local government bodies municipality.

He also has the right to check information about violations of citizens' rights, involving employees of the relevant bodies, and to hold meetings and gatherings with public organizations and voters of the region (circle). The deputy, of course, monitors the implementation of regulations of local governments.

Each deputy is obliged to provide tax authorities information about manipulations with your property and information about your income. It will no longer be possible to sell an apartment or a car and forget about it - millions of papers and declarations will follow you.

3 life hacks on how to become a deputy in your city

1. Be a businessman

“So-so” - most likely, you will think, and in vain! You've probably noticed that businessmen very often become deputies (and Donald Trump, for example, after earning his billions, went further and became president).

If you are a big businessman, then you have money, and this is your trump card. You simply choose the party that is closest to you and ask to be included in the list, offering financial support, as they say.

The condition is simple: if the party needs money (and the percentage that it is needed is always very high), then they will gladly accept you. The chances increase if you choose the least popular game, but if you are not satisfied with it, then you will have a rather difficult time. Is the game worth the candle then?

Each party puts forward its own monetary conditions, so it is impossible to say how much you will need in order to achieve your goal, but you can always find out this information from the party itself.

What if you weren't accepted into the party?

For example, there was not enough money or the party simply does not need you at all - such options are very likely. No problem - there is one more move. You can nominate yourself, a process called self-nomination.

The requirements for a self-nominated candidate are the same as for any person who wants to become a deputy. The disadvantage of this procedure is that it is much more complicated and many times more expensive. You will have to engage in high-quality self-promotion to get the required number of signatures in favor of your candidacy.

Now about something more pleasant. What could motivate you to retrain from a businessman to a deputy?

Firstly, another tick on the list of life goals. Thus, you can satisfy your ambitions: you have succeeded in business, now you are also a master in politics and influence the fate of your hometown/district/district;

The desire to receive immunity, which any member of the Parliament of the Russian Federation receives;

Pursuit in a certain way protect your property and activities from tax attacks;

A desire to change some area of ​​one’s state and make the lives of citizens better (nothing funny, we believe that such enthusiasts exist!).

2. The party is synonymous with your life

If you want to climb to the parliamentary Olympus, as they say, from the very bottom, without money or millionaire status, then know that this is also possible.

You need to join some (preferably pleasant to your soul) party, and from that moment the prospects for future parliamentary office will open up for you. The algorithm for joining is, in principle, the same for any party, but you need to keep in mind that each has its own nuances.

As a rule, before becoming a member of a party, you need to be a supporter for some time - a kind of probation lasting up to six months. To do this, you need to submit documents and undergo an interview. You can join some parties right away, and even online.

The party is paving the way to the position of deputy - this is the initial step in your career ladder. In addition, you can enjoy some privileges in the form of a full-time lawyer and other employees. From the party you have the opportunity to run for the city and regional Duma, but we won’t tell you about bright prospects - there really aren’t many of them.

Despite the fact that only the most active and strong in character party supporters begin to build real careers, only a rare few achieve what they want.

3. A social activist is almost a deputy


Although it is dangerous at times to be a social activist, it will bring you closer to being a deputy.

In fact, all this activity rests on public activists, therefore, being one, there is every chance of becoming a deputy of the regional council, and therefore the Russian Parliament. Many have already proven this by their own example.

A social activist is not only someone who conscientiously goes to all rallies and calls for some kind of action (although that too). Many social activists, for example, are journalists who organize large-scale investigative journalism and bring to light clean water swindlers, swindlers and criminals, telling people about fraud and theft and other hidden facts of the life of the state.

These are also people who are involved in ecology, create public organizations, meetings, thereby helping to improve the life of the city and region, those who create organizations to help the victims, missing, insulted and victims.

Simply put, social activists are people who fight injustice for a cause. If you are like that, then you have every chance from this stage to make your way to the position of deputy.

You - ordinary person, without millions in your account, without connections in the government apparatus, you are not a star in sports, culture, art, but you sincerely want to become a deputy. Among all the people listed, you will have a hard time, and your prospects, we admit, do not look very rosy, but there is always a chance. The following will help you:

1. Decide on your positions

First of all, in your head, your thoughts and life views should look like an ideal diagram. When you sort everything out, it will be easier for you to move in the chosen political direction, you will clearly understand what to do next and what you can offer from your future position, what you want to speak for or against.

2. Write a program

Even if you are still very far from becoming a deputy, still sketch out what you want to change in your city or region, what you can bring, what you can get rid of, how to improve the lives of citizens, what you like and what you don’t like. You'll need this anyway.

3. Learn to convey these positions to others

Yes, you have already done the main thing - you have decided where to go. But everything can collapse overnight if you do not know how to competently, clearly and “close to the text” convey your plans and thoughts. It is enough once to use a word incorrectly, to put emphasis in the wrong place - and that’s it, you are no longer the same in the eyes of the people, on whom your future position depends.

4. Create an image of yourself as a brave social activist

No matter how cynical it may sound, this also takes a very large percentage of success. Do as many good things as possible for the residents of your city and region, but do not forget that this must be recorded in some way - for example, ( best way) in the media.

5. Create an ideal image for yourself

Perfect in every way, this time it's not just about the image of an activist. Be (and don’t just pretend to be) an impeccable husband, brother, matchmaker, father, friend, grandson, just a passerby and a dream driver, literally, a messiah who periodically catches the eye of city residents. A harried celestial. To such a person naturally trust is born among citizens, but remember that if you really are not one, this, again, will quickly be revealed

6. Cherish your reputation

Do not break laws and rules, do not be rude, do not get involved in conflicts, be decent and restrained with everyone.

7. Don't speak out against your opponents

Well, or within reasonable limits. You shouldn't show how bad everyone around you is. Leave this energy to demonstrating how wonderful you are and how everyone needs you.

8. Develop

This, of course, looks a little ironic, but it is true. Your voters need to see that you are smart, intellectually savvy, erudite and broadly developed person, because all these qualities are combined into one most important thing for people - reliability.

9. Start a blog

In terms of the degree of need, this item is approximately on the same level as “join a party” and “become a social activist.” A blog will help you spread your political agenda and good thoughts throughout the Internet and reach hundreds and thousands of people. Be brave and active, because the more subscribers and reactions you have to your posts, the easier it will be for you at the election stage.

Think about compromising evidence.

We have already said several times that everything will come out as soon as you become a public person. Make sure that at least open sources(on social networks) you didn’t have any compromising evidence on you.

A politician's career begins with. Agree, in order to get the position of “servant of the people” you need to go through a long and thorny path from an ordinary citizen to recognizable person on the streets. Desire alone is not enough for such growth; you need to have certain character traits: leadership, confidence and perseverance.

In addition, the future deputy must have a good understanding of the psychology of the masses, be able to manage it and lead him. In addition to character, the person must be well versed in history, political science and cultural studies. It is the presence of such psychological and professional qualities create favorable conditions For . The position of assistant to a deputy is considered a good start to a deputy's career. Basically, the servant of the people has at his disposal 2-3 assistants, each of whom performs certain functions. Some work with the electorate, others help with legal issues, and others write bills.

Beginning of a career – assistant to a deputy

At first it was said that each deputy works with assistants, the number of which depends on the level of the politician. For example, the most popular deputies have from 20 to 50 assistants, but only a few of them later receive the long-awaited certificate of servant of the people.

  • How to become an assistant to a deputy? What is needed for this?

The first step on the way to the career ladder will be joining the party. After receiving your membership card, you must prove yourself with the best side- be active public figure. During this period, you manage to make the necessary contacts, and you have a chance to get into the competition to fill the position of deputy assistant.

Alas, the terms of the competition are often neglected, since deputies prefer to take “their own” – relatives or acquaintances – into the team. To successfully move up the ladder, you must have outstanding personal qualities - be an excellent psychologist and an erudite person.

After reviewing your resume (how to write a resume), the commission or government employee personally decides whether to take you to the team or not. But how to become an assistant to a deputy if you have failed to prove yourself to an influential person? What to do in this case: reconcile or continue to fight?

Political scientists advise not to give up and continue the fight for a number of reasons:

  1. During your stay in the party you took up social activities;
  2. You have made new acquaintances. It is possible that another deputy will notice you and offer to join his team.
  3. You have gained experience in fighting for a tasty morsel, the power of which can be brought down on the next competitors to fill the assistant’s position.

Let's look at the privileges of helpers:

  1. Free travel on public transport;
  2. Unhindered attendance at meetings in the regional council;
  3. Aides are often invited to parliamentary sessions;
  4. Paid business trips on behalf of the deputy.

Agree that such privileges should additionally stimulate a person to career growth.

Step two - become a deputy of local authorities

After successfully overcoming the first barrier, the assistant servant of the people has a free hand. He can continue to be submissive and carry out all the orders of his boss or set himself higher goals. For example, to get your candidacy elected to local government bodies.

Time has shown that it is better to be an assistant for the first few months before becoming a local government deputy, since you need to gain experience in political struggle. Next you need to follow this strategy:

  1. Be active and aim specifically at local governments. The fact is that they don’t hire “our own people” into the state apparatus, so you need to prove yourself at the provincial level. How to do this as a helper? In addition to your main occupation, you need to continue to engage in social activities in order to shine even more among people (your future electorate). Practice has shown that some local government deputies made it to the regional council thanks to projects to improve the city.
  2. Subtle calculation financial side. Before becoming a deputy, you need to accurately calculate the possible financial costs of election campaign. For example, to conduct a successful election campaign in a small locality With 10,000 people, the future servant of the people will need about 100,000 rubles. This does not take into account speechwriters, image makers, etc.
  3. Depending on one’s position in society and politics, an assistant has two ways of advancement: a party candidate and a self-nominated candidate. If you are very popular among the people, then you can try your luck as a self-nominated candidate. In another case, you will be supported by the party and a small circle of electorates who support the political force.

It is not difficult to become a member of local authorities; it is enough to gain 5% of the population’s support.

For example, if you nominated yourself in a locality of 10,000 people, then 500 votes are enough for you to get into local government. Agree that minimum quantity You can get votes if you do something useful for the locality.

Overcoming the last frontier

After securing a position in local government, the chances of becoming a deputy in parliament greatly increase. However, even such a high position does not provide a 100% guarantee of advancement to the coveted place if you do not pay attention to several factors:

  1. Agitation. You need to constantly work with the population, and the more actively this work is carried out, the greater the chances of getting into the central authorities. This will help you. Campaigning is the most difficult task because you have to get the electorate to change their minds. This can be done in different ways: distribute newspapers, information booklets, hold meetings with your constituents, etc.
  2. Make acquaintances among influential people. Almost 60% of success depends on the right contacts. One joke that ends with the words: “Well, I won’t be a deputy if I don’t become a godfather matchmaker” speaks about the great role of dating in moving up the government ladder.” Agree that support in influential circles will help you get the coveted seat even without the participation of the people. But, as practice has shown, this is more an exception to the rule than a pattern. So we will have to work with the people.
  3. – a significant factor that will help you break out among people. Politically active people I was always interested in one question: “How to become a deputy without losing your image?” The formation of a positive image is influenced not only by beautiful clothes, but also by personal qualities. The future servant of the people must be a role model so that people are drawn to him and believe in him. Agree that people are unlikely to be drawn to a person who in the past was involved in fraud, was involved in high-profile scandals or earned a bad name.
  4. Create a team and take a leading position in it. It is easier to fight for a deputy seat as a group than on your own. Just think for a second: who will receive citizens when you are completely immersed in the election campaign, and who will prepare and take into account upcoming events, etc.? Remember that a good team will not allow its leader to lose; it will do everything to ensure that he wins the upcoming elections.
  5. Get financial support. It is impossible to conduct an election campaign without funds. and how to become a deputy? Let's give a few on this subject simple recommendations: Create your own election campaign fund and spread the word that you are raising funds to fight for a parliamentary seat in which you will represent the interests of the citizens of your region. In addition, financial support can also be obtained from entrepreneurs. But they won’t just invest in your candidacy unless you promise them benefits in return.

Thus, you can become a deputy if you put maximum effort and hard work into it. Remember, servants of the people are not parasites who just push buttons. Statesman is an educated and strong-willed person, capable in difficult times.

An excellent start to a political career is to become a deputy. For people with the desire and charisma, such a complex process at first glance will turn out to be quite realistic. Where to start? First of all, decide on your interests, which will subsequently become a priority for voters. Afterwards, a logically consistent chain of actions should be built, the result of which will be the nomination of a candidate for the post of deputy.

Step One: Nomination

Before running for deputy, it is necessary to determine the method of nomination - from an electoral association or through self-nomination. The latter method involves “offering” one’s candidacy within twenty calendar days from the moment of official publication of the resolution on holding elections. At this stage, candidates for deputies provide to the election commission:

  • notification of self-nomination;
  • a statement that contains consent to run for office;
  • copy of passport;
  • copies of all documents specified in the application;
  • reliable information about income, securities, bank deposits, etc.

Step two: creating and financing an election campaign

How to run for parliament, if about yours long-term plans, aimed at improving the welfare of voters, is none of them aware? No one will simply know about the noble impulses of the new candidate. It is for these purposes that parliamentary candidates conduct an election campaign. But even at this stage there are a number of important aspects: such a campaign is carried out at the expense of the election fund. How is it formed? Here are several sources:

  • own funds;
  • voluntary donations from future voters (citizens) or legal entities.

It is important for future deputies to know that there are limits on the amount of the election fund. For example, if you are planning to become a deputy in a district, the amount of the above fund will be a smaller amount than for candidates in higher-level elections.

Step three: collecting signatures or depositing a sum of money

Registration of candidates for deputies is preceded by the collection of signatures from voters in their support or the payment of an electoral deposit. If a future deputy has received notification from the commission about his nomination, the next day he can already collect signatures in support of his candidacy. Subsequently, these signed sheets must be submitted to the election commission. But here, too, there is a time limit, according to current legislation - no later than twenty days after the publication of the resolution on holding elections. At this stage, there is a second option for the development of events - contributing fifteen percent of the maximum maximum amount of the election fund.

Step Four: Registration Process

So, the signatures of potential voters have been collected, and the election campaign is in full swing. This means that the future deputy is already halfway to success. It's time to move on to the official part of candidate registration. For this purpose, the election commission will verify the authenticity of the signed forms provided to it by those wishing to run. After this, it will make a decision within ten days on whether to register the candidate or to refuse.

Step Five: Completing the Process

From the moment of a positive response from the election commission, a potential deputy has every right to campaign among voters. To achieve the goal, all means are good, but there are a number of exceptions: the law prohibits bribery of voters, giving gifts, and it is also prohibited to promote the seizure of power and military action. Campaigning ends at 00:00 Moscow time one day before the vote.

What a candidate needs to consider

The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation will not include a candidate in the list of candidates if:

  • Concealing the fact of an unexpunged or unexpunged criminal record.
  • There is evidence of non-compliance with restrictions during the campaign period.
  • Availability of information about registration in another federal list of candidates.
  • The presence of other factors that contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The decision of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation on the formation of a list of candidates can be challenged in Supreme Court. The legislative body will make an appropriate decision within five days from the receipt of the complaint. Before running for parliament, you need to responsibly weigh every step you take in the upcoming political career. An important life stage is approaching. After all, the nomination of candidates and the subsequent activities of the deputy are accompanied by impeccable compliance with all norms of the current legislation.

So, if a citizen has reached the age of twenty-one, is legally competent, neither he nor his family members have a criminal record or have been involved in it, and the candidate is a citizen of the Russian Federation, there are no obstacles to a political career. Yes, and it is important to have political ideas and know how to implement them.

Pros and cons of parliamentary activity

If you approach this issue With full responsibility and awareness of the matter, and most importantly - its consequences, one can consider not only the number of overwhelming advantages. The positive aspects include immunity, the opportunity to leave your mark on history, sufficient government support and moral satisfaction (subject to quality work). But here there is also reverse side medals: increased sense of responsibility, the likelihood of a threat to the lives of loved ones and relatives and practically complete absence free time.

The deputy through the eyes of voters

With the onset of the next elections, every citizen is in excited anticipation of the coming positive changes. There is a widespread belief that before running for office, each candidate literally promises “mountains of gold” in the hope of getting an extra vote. It is no secret that both the election campaign and the campaigning are drawn up and planned according to the topic of the day.

Judging by the above guide to action, becoming a deputy is not at all difficult. It is difficult not to lose the trust of your voters, to justify every vote cast for the benefit of building a new, bright future. It is likely that not everything depends on the newly-minted deputy; he will not be able to immediately break complex system, which was built many years before his appearance on the pedestal of power. But at the same time, a young, ambitious person, with the assistance of a close-knit team of similar leaders, is capable of grandiose actions that will definitely lead to the achievement of their goals. The consequence of all this will be positive changes in reforms, prosperity of the economy and infrastructure.

Elections will be held in all Moscow districts in September municipal deputies. The composition of representative bodies of local self-government for the next five years will be determined by voting results. The local budget, the development of the area, the improvement of streets and courtyards, as well as major repairs will depend on the elected members of the city councils of deputies.

The Village has compiled instructions on how to register as a candidate and vote in the election.

Who can be elected

Adult Russians who do not have citizenship of another country, as well as a residence permit or visa allowing permanent stay in another state, can run for municipal elections. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have Moscow registration. A candidate can be registered in any region of Russia, but this will be indicated on the ballot. In turn, if you have registration in Moscow, you can be elected in any convenient district without any problems, since the district of registration is not marked on the ballot.

You can go to the polls with minimal resources, but running a high-quality campaign, according to the educational portal of Dmitry Gudkov and Maxim Katz, will cost about 80 thousand rubles. In addition, you will have to spend two to three weeks going door-to-door and communicating with voters in the district or hiring campaigners, which will increase the cost of the campaign.

Preparatory period

Then you need to decide on the district. To do this, you can go to the Territorial Election Commission and ask for a breakdown of districts - the distribution of houses by district. The addresses and coordinates of TECs can be found on the website of the Moscow City Election Commission.

In addition, you need to choose between being nominated by a party or participating in elections as a self-nominated candidate. Nomination from a party that has its own deputy in the current convocation will make it possible not to collect voter signatures, which will simplify registration.

You should also prepare an initial package of documents:

Statement of consent to run for office, in which you can, among other things, indicate your affiliation political party;

Passport and (if available) certificate of change of full name;

Diploma of education;

Information about the main place of work or service, and, if available, a certificate stating that the candidate is a deputy;

Information about the amount and sources of income, as well as about the property owned by the candidate.

Registration and collection of signatures

Elections of municipal deputies are called by district municipal assemblies. Once nominated, potential candidates have 30 days to nominate and register (including collecting signatures). It is worth submitting documents as early as possible so that there is time to eliminate any shortcomings if any are discovered.

Those running as self-nominated candidates will have to collect signatures from 0.5% of the number of voters divided by the number of mandates. So, in a district with 30 thousand voters and five mandates, 30 signatures will have to be collected.

After submitting the documents, the candidate is given a direction to open an election account, through which money is spent to pay for campaign materials and events, as well as signature sheets. The agreement with the bank and account details must be provided to the TEC.

When collecting signatures, it is very important to follow the rules for drawing up the signature sheet: every formal error - incorrect abbreviation or signature going beyond the field - will be grounds for removing the signature.

Election campaign

After registration, the candidate remains to conduct a campaign. The main ways to find supporters are door-to-door visits, printed materials, Internet campaigning and organizing meetings with residents. In addition, you can organize special events, such as pickets. At the same time, all election campaigning must be paid for from the candidate’s election account, and printing of campaign materials is possible only in accredited printing houses.

After the elections

If you win, congratulations. Now the time has come to act for the benefit of the area, defending the interests of citizens. Although this is not necessary. Municipal deputyry is more like a volunteer activity than a job. The only duty of a deputy is to receive residents and go to meetings once a month. At the same time, deputies do not receive a salary, except for compensation for transferred powers from the mayor’s office in the amount of about 15 thousand rubles per month. However, deputies can use free public transport.

What does it take to become a deputy? Each school has a special desk, behind which sits a stately student in a strict, perfectly ironed suit. His dad is a deputy, a school sponsor, important person for the director. Most likely, his son will continue his career.

But not everyone in the family has authorized persons. At what age can you become a deputy, and what needs to be done for this?

by law Russian Federation It is strictly stated that any person who decides to enter the service of the state must be 21 years old, reside on the territory of the Russian Federation and be its citizen. A resident of the country who has a criminal record or is incompetent cannot stand at the helm of power. Decide which faction you most identify with and make an appointment with its leader. State in detail your program of action. And if approved, be prepared to pay a considerable amount. Its size will depend on which party you join.

Without the necessary collateral, you will have a huge amount of work to do. You can get leadership support from any political party. But then, you will only have to count on a seat in the municipal assembly. Getting into the State Duma is much more difficult. Every person, according to the law, has the right to self-nomination from the population or public organization.

What does it take to become a deputy?

1. The first thing you need to do is select district to nominate oneself as a candidate for parliament. The simplest thing is where you live. You will find understanding faster with your neighbors than with strangers. You can choose your registration location. There you will enlist the support of familiar parents, former colleagues. Very good option- select the district where you work. You will be able to explain to voters that you spend most of your time in this area and want to restore order in the neighborhood.

2. Then you need prepare and submit documents to the election commission. Many political parties provide brochures with tips.

3. The third point will be beginning of public life. Create an electronic page where you will conduct dialogues with residents of your district. Participate in charity forums, help foundations, organize meetings and competitions in parks. Be closer to the people, conduct sociological surveys, talk to people more often about their problems.

4. At the fourth stage you need form a support group. To do this, organize community work. Start looking for like-minded people who will help create a unified project. Since scattered, numerous ideas work weaker than project activities. As a leader, respect other people's ideas and help them actively participate in the implementation of tasks.

If the election commission makes a positive decision, then begin the campaign. You can hire agitators for a fee; they will go door-to-door. You will need to write an autobiography and compose the text of propaganda leaflets. Don't write only brilliant facts about yourself. A crystal reputation will lead to dubious thoughts about you. Be prepared - more experienced opponents will try to expose you by any means. Know how to assert your rights and defend yourself. Proper suppression of a competitor entails enthusiastic exclamations from the people. People will start quoting you with their hopes.

Control the situation at the polling station, place your supporters with the right to consultative votes.

This completes your work; its success will be determined when summing up the results.

Now you know what you need to do to become a deputy. Good luck with this!