How much does the president earn per day? Dynamics of salary changes

Russian President Vladimir Putin does not like to talk about his income

President Putin's salary

When Russian President Vladimir Putin is asked questions about his salary, he tries to laugh it off.

“To be honest, I don’t even know my salary, they just bring it in, and I add it up and send it to my account. I don’t even count,” he explained in 2014

According to official data, in 2016 Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin earned 8 million 858 thousand rubles. Directly in 2015, Putin’s income amounted to 8.9 million rubles. The politician's monthly salary is about 750 thousand rubles.

Photo of Russian President Vladimir Putin

As stated in the declaration of the head of state, he owns:

  • land plot (1.5 thousand square meters);
  • two apartments (77 and 53.7 square meters);
  • garage (18 square meters);
  • garage space (18 square meters);
  • rare "Volga";
  • SUV "Niva";
  • Skif trailer.

Putin's monthly salary is about 750 thousand rubles

It is also worth noting the fact that the chairman Russian government Dmitry Medvedev earned 8 million 586 thousand rubles in 2016. The Prime Minister also included in his income statement:

  • apartment (367.8 square meters);
  • GAZ-20 and GAZ-21 cars;
  • rented land plot (4.7 thousand square meters).

Photo by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

Putin's salary and bonus

The presidential funding system consists of two levels. The first person of the state is considered an individual and a sole government body. The amount of monetary support is determined by a separate line in the law “On the Federal Budget”.

In 2016, Putin earned 8.96 million rubles

There is also a provision dedicated to ensuring the activities of the president of the country. It's about about representation costs.

Pension of the President of Russia

The issue of the pension of the first person of the country is regulated by the provisions of the law “On Guarantees to the President Russian Federation who has ceased to exercise his powers, and members of his family.” The monthly lifetime allowance of the head of state is 75% of the monthly remuneration.

The size of the salary of the President of the Russian Federation is regulated by the law “On the Federal Budget”

The first person of the country is assigned the following: social guarantees:

  • payment of lifetime allowance in the amount of 75% of the monthly remuneration;
  • in the event of the death of the ex-president, members of his family are entitled to monthly allowance in the amount of six times the minimum old-age pension;
  • lifelong state protection;
  • state dacha;
  • free use of government communications;
  • the right to medical care and life insurance;
  • staff content.

Salaries of leaders of other countries

Photo by Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is considered one of the richest politicians among world leaders. He earns approximately $17.6 million per year. Hsien Loong is the eldest son of the city-state's first prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew.

It is also worth mentioning the President of Switzerland, Doris Lotyhard, who receives about 437 thousand dollars a year.

Photo by Swiss President Doris Lauthard

As for the President of the United States of America, his salary is 400 thousand dollars a year. The head of state can manage the account for personal expenses ($50 thousand). In addition, he has access to a travel fund (worth $100,000). He can spend about 19 thousand dollars on entertainment.

Photo of US President Donald Trump

In 2016, entrepreneur Donald Trump won the US elections. financial condition which analysts estimate at $3.7 billion. At the same time, the politician announced that in his new post he would receive only one dollar a year.

“I think by law I should get one dollar, so I’ll get one dollar,” Trump said.

What is President Putin's salary in 2016? This question interests many citizens, given that the head of state is a public person and is a civil servant of the highest rank, whose salary is paid from the budget, including from taxes paid by the residents of the country.

As you know, the president himself does not often talk about his income, usually answering relevant questions from journalists with some kind of joke or moving the conversation to another topic. For example, at the annual press conference in December 2014, Vladimir Putin unexpectedly announced that he did not remember his salary. “They bring my salary, I add it up and send it to my account. I don’t even count!” - said the President in live TV channel "Russia-24".

Nevertheless, some meticulous journalists have already jumped in and, by studying some documents and simple calculations, were able to determine quite accurately what salary President Putin receives.

President Putin’s salary in 2016 was about 715 thousand rubles per month, which corresponds to approximately 11.5 thousand US dollars

The most reliable answer can be obtained from the official data of Vladimir Putin’s income statement for 2015, which indicates the amount of his annual earnings of 8,891,777 rubles. The president did not disclose income from securities, rental real estate and large deposits; accordingly, it can be assumed that all of his income consists of earnings from his main place of work. That is, on average in 2015 it turned out to be about 740 thousand rubles or about 12 thousand dollars per month.

It is curious that in March 2015, the president signed a decree reducing his and the prime minister’s salaries by 10% from May until the end of 2015, linking this with the offensive economic crisis. At the same time, according to the declaration, the president’s income in 2015 increased by 1.2 million rubles compared to 2014, when he earned only 7.6 million rubles.

In December 2015, the President signed another decree extending the 10% reduction in his own salary, the salary of the Prime Minister and some other heads of departments until December 31, 2016.

Thus, based on the data from Vladimir Putin’s latest income statement, taking into account the fact that his earnings have decreased by 10% since May 2015, it can be determined using calculations that official salary President in 2016 is about 715 thousand rubles per month, which is equivalent today to about 11.5 thousand US dollars.

As is known, the most high level incomes of the highest officials in Russia reached in April 2014, when Putin issued a decree on increasing the salaries of officials by 2.65 times. After that, according to the RBC publication, the salary of the President of Russia was equivalent to 17.5 thousand dollars and the salary of the Prime Minister was about 14.2 thousand dollars.

As a public person, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin attracts increased attention. People are interested in all aspects of the President's life and especially his income.

Official earnings of V.V. Putin

The second President of Russia took office on May 7, 2000 with a salary equal to that of his predecessor B.N. Yeltsin, only about 600 US dollars or 293.4 thousand rubles. per month. This value remained unchanged until the end of 2001. But at the same time, so-called presidential entertainment expenses were traditionally provided for. In 2001 they were equal to 2,441.4 thousand rubles. No one demanded a report on them, but they were given in cash to the head of state personally. At the same time, there was a duplicate item, according to which all the indicated expenses were spent.

Later, Vladimir Vladimirovich’s official income grew quite rapidly. Already the law “On the Federal Budget for 2002” provides for an increase in the earnings of the head of state to 1,011.5 thousand rubles. per month, and 7,542.7 thousand rubles were allocated for entertainment expenses.

In the following year, 2003, the first person of the state amounted to 1,161.8 thousand rubles, and 14 million rubles to finance the representative functions of the President.

2004 was marked by an increase in V.V.’s salary. Putin almost one and a half times: up to 1,856.2 thousand rubles. The increase in hospitality expenses was also significant: up to 19,869.5 thousand rubles.

Further, the amounts also continued to grow:

  • 2005 – 2 million rubles.
  • 2006 – 2.2 million rubles.
  • 2007 - 2.7 million rubles.
  • 2008 – 2.9 million rubles.
  • In 2011 – 3.7 million rubles.
  • In 2012 – 5.79 million rubles. (about 500 thousand rubles per month).

Bank accounts of the President

In 2005, a document compiled by German customs authorities was published. It described financial transactions amounting to $5 billion. These were cash flows sent to 6 different accounts, Cyprus, Spain and Germany. “One contract form listed Vladimir Putin as the person having the authority to sign.” These data were published by Novaya Gazeta.

According to the Election Commission, as of 2008, the President’s bank account contained $179.6 thousand.


  • - shares of Surgutneftegaz - 37%;
  • — Gazprom shares — 4.5%;
  • — shares of Gunvor (oil supplier in the Netherlands) – 75%.

Officially, Mr. President is not listed as a shareholder of any of these companies. However, he may be the beneficiary of the shares through a chain of intermediaries.

In February 2009, Boris Berezovsky said that in his opinion, Putin’s fortune is comparable in size to and was equal to about $40 billion before the global crisis of 2008.

Movable and immovable property

Putin owns the following cars:

  • — GAZ M-21;
  • — GAZ M-21-R;
  • - Niva.

He also owns a Skif car trailer, inherited from his father. It is difficult to estimate the cost of presidential cars: prices for similar GAZ models range from 50 thousand rubles. up to 2 million. Experts estimate the trailer at around 50 thousand rubles.

The list of real estate of the head of state is as follows:

  • — 77 sq.m. It is estimated at around 500 thousand dollars;
  • - garage of 18 sq.m;
  • - land plot for individual railways with an area of ​​1500 sq.m. There is evidence that it is located in the Moscow region, where the price varies from 5 to 10 thousand dollars. That is, its price is not higher than 150 thousand dollars;
  • - parking space.


Officially, Vladimir Vladimirovich permanently resides in the state residence Novo-Ogarevo, which is in the near Moscow region. This is an estate built in the 19th century, furnished in accordance with the needs of the President. The protected area has:

  • — a stable made in the German style;
  • - pool;
  • - gym;
  • - House;
  • — a building for official receptions;
  • — a guest house with an equipped cinema hall;
  • - a small temple;
  • - Helipad;
  • — outbuildings: greenhouses and poultry house.

Salaries of presidents by country:

When leaving the post of President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich chose this particular residence for permanent residence. This right is guaranteed to him by the law “On Guarantees to the President of the Russian Federation.”

There are other state residences that are always ready to receive the first person of the state:

  • — Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna ( Leningrad region);
  • — Bocharov Ruchey in the center of Sochi;
  • — “Rus” on the territory national park“Zavidovo”, in the Tver region;
  • — “Long Beards” on Lake Valdai.

In fact, no one has reliable information about the size of the real property status. Official earnings and declared property are information available for public review. They indicate modesty and moderation. Especially in comparison with data on top managers of large state-owned companies. However, from time to time information appears about the presence of untold wealth among the President and members of his family. This is not surprising - the first person of the state is always shrouded in secrets, and his life has long turned into a legend.

As you know, the president of any state is an appointed position, and the employer in this case is the people of this country. However wages his appointee is not determined by those who chose him, although it is they who form the tax base from which the president receives payment for his work. It is quite logical that the question of the salary of the country's leader is one of the most popular. Especially the salary of the President of the Russian Federation.

Revealing your salary is a volitional decision

Never in Russian history citizens of the state did not know how much their leader earned. During the period of the monarchy, of course, such seditious thoughts would never have occurred to anyone. But almost the entire twentieth century, which passed under the slogans of Soviet rhetoric, did not talk about money at all. And the question itself is about how much he earns general secretary party, would most likely lead to a firing squad. IN modern history The relationship between the people and the authorities also somehow did not work out. During the reign of Boris Yeltsin, the idea was not allowed that the people had the right to know what the salary of the President of the Russian Federation was, given that it was they who formed it.

The obligation for officials to disclose data on their earnings appeared only in mid-2009, when the corresponding decree was signed by Dmitry Medvedev, who was the head of state at that time. Thus, a year later, journalists gained access to study this information. Since then, information about the official salary of the President of the Russian Federation began to appear regularly, every April, in the media.

As it was before

It is worth noting that even before this decree, the President and members of his staff were required to report income. The corresponding decree was adopted in 1998. According to the document, information about the income of only the employees themselves was provided in tax authority and personnel service government agency. Moreover, the latter was sent a so-called certificate of compliance with restrictions, which should indicate the absence of corrupt practices. And although the Presidential Decree provided for the disclosure of declarations in the media, this was not implemented. However, the salary of the President of the Russian Federation worried people almost less than the income of the heads of the largest state corporations.

Information on income could also be obtained from the Central Election Commission, where, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, data on the earnings of candidates must be disclosed. Now this information is published on the official websites of the government, ministries and other government departments.

First information

In April 2010, Russian citizens learned for the first time what the official salary of the President of the Russian Federation was. Needless to say, this information was new to the Russians. It was also made public what the salary is in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Among the first then was President Medvedev himself, whose annual salary was 3.3 million rubles. Apartment of 367.8 sq. m, as well as bank accounts for 3.5 million rubles. were declared as joint property with the wife.

Let us note that these data could shock few people, but the income of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation truly plunged them into a state of trance. The country learned that the chair Russian leader is by no means the most profitable bureaucratic position. For example, the income of the then head of the presidential administration Sergei Naryshkin was indicated in the amount of 5.3 million rubles, his first deputy Vladislav Surkov earned a million more. It is worth noting that his wife’s income in 2009 exceeded his own by more than nine times and amounted to 56.4 million rubles. This is how Russians for the first time received confirmation that officials are transferring their real sources of income to their spouses. However, the adviser to the President of the country, Leonid Reiman, distinguished himself with the most shocking earnings, whose income exceeded 93 million rubles.

Of course, active bloggers immediately responded to the published data. However, for violent reaction nothing followed: as they say, “the dog barks, the caravan moves on.”

How Putin's earnings changed

For the first time my earnings current President also published in 2010. Then he worked as head of government. With a salary of 3.88 million rubles. he owned an apartment of 77 square meters. m, land in the Moscow region with an area of ​​1.5 thousand square meters. m, as well as shares of one St. Petersburg bank. He also declared two Volga cars, produced in 1960 and 1965. A year later, in 2010, Prime Minister Putin earned 5.42 million rubles. The declaration was supplemented by a service apartment of more than 150 square meters. m.

In the last year of his duties as prime minister, his income decreased again - to 3.6 million rubles. However, already as President, the salary almost doubled. According to official data, in the first year of his second presidency, Putin earned 5.7 million rubles. According to his press secretary Dmitry Peskov, the increase was due to compensation payments to the Russian leader for unused vacations as prime minister. This was the reason why his earnings in 2013 amounted to only 3.6 million rubles.

Difference in income of heads of government and state

It is curious that the earnings of the Prime Minister and the President of the country differ by approximately one and a half million rubles in favor of the former. Thus, Dmitry Medvedev’s income changed approximately in this corridor in accordance with personnel rotation. In the last year of his leadership of the country, he earned 3.4 million rubles. This, in general, is the average salary of the President of the Russian Federation. In the reporting year following this, having already moved to the post of head of government, he earned 5.8 million rubles. However, in 2013 this level was not reached: Mr. Medvedev’s income was only 4.2 million rubles. The property side of his declaration did not undergo any significant changes. The department’s press service did not explain what caused the decrease in the head of government’s earnings.

Long-awaited salary increase

After the last publication of his declarations, the country's leader Putin ordered a salary increase for himself and Medvedev. Their salaries, according to the signed decree, tripled. If earlier Prime Minister Medvedev’s monthly salary was 215 thousand rubles, then after the increase it almost reached 570 thousand rubles. Before the increase, the head of state received 280 thousand monthly, after indexation - 740 thousand rubles. Thus, the annual income of the Russian leader at the end of 2014 should be about 9 million rubles, Prime Minister Medvedev - about 7 million rubles. As a result, the salary of the President of the Russian Federation became higher than the income of the head of government.

Journalists were told that the increase was planned. According to Dmitry Peskov, these two positions, among other representatives supreme authority were the lowest paid. He also noted that it was their salaries that were not indexed, while the salaries of other officials, employees of the Presidential Administration and Parliament increased. That's why this decision- This is just bringing wages into line.

The unfavorable situation of the presidential apparatus

It is worth noting that the salaries of employees of the Presidential Administration are significantly higher than those of their immediate supervisors. The average salary of employees of the Administration of the President of Russia, meaning the key persons of the apparatus, is about 13.5 million rubles. The President's apparatus is very large; there are seven assistants alone, whose average earnings are approximately 9.7 million rubles.

A large income of 34.4 million rubles was declared by Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council. The head of Putin's administration, Sergei Ivanov, reported more modest income - 11 million rubles. His first deputy, Vyacheslav Volodin, earned three million more. His colleague Alexey Gromov, who also works as first deputy, earned only 8.9 million rubles, and two of Ivanov’s deputies with a lower status - Magomedsalam Magomedov and Anton Vaino - increased their family budgets by 8.3 and 9 million rubles. respectively.

Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the head of state, whose annual income amounted to 9.2 million rubles, can boast of approximately the same earnings. As a rule, it is he who takes the rap in front of journalists about the salaries in the administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

The leaders are the Crimean plenipotentiary mission

The average salary of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of Russia in the federal districts is about 8 million rubles. After the annexation of Crimea in 2014, the eighth, Crimean, federal district appeared. It was headed by Oleg Belaventsev. It was he who demonstrated the largest income - 79.4 million rubles, which was formed at his previous job.

Mr. Belaventsev was appointed to this post in March last year. Before his appointment, he worked since 2012 general director OJSC "Slavyanka", the largest Russian housing and communal services enterprise. It is believed that he is good friend Sergei Shoigu, head of the defense department. In addition to his earnings, the origin of which no one bothered to explain, his family is a major owner of real estate. So, the wife is the owner of 1.8 thousand square meters. m of land, a dacha of 150 and a house of 400 square meters, in addition to this she owns an apartment and non-residential premises 50 and 130 sq. m respectively. Mr. Belaventsev himself owns an apartment of 107 square meters. m.

It is logical to assume that in 2014 his income should decrease approximately tenfold.

Lagging plenipotentiaries

The earnings of the remaining seven plenipotentiaries range from six to ten million. The most impressive salary, 10.6 million, was paid to Vladimir Ustinov (Southern Federal District). Not far behind him was Viktor Tolokonsky, the representative of the President in the Siberian Federal District: his annual income amounted to 8.9 million. In the top three with an annual income of 7.5 million rubles. Plenipotentiary Representative in the Ural Federal District Igor Kholmanskikh. 6.5 million rubles each. earned money the year before last by Mikhail Babich (Volga Federal District) and Alexander Beglov (Central Federal District). The lowest salary was received by the authorized representative in the Northwestern Federal District Viktor Bulavin - 6.4 million rubles.

Combined income

However, the most amazing earnings were shown by the other two officials, who combine the work of a plenipotentiary representative with the position of deputy head of government. In particular, Yuri Trutnev, who in August 2013 occupied two posts at once - deputy prime minister and plenipotentiary representative in the Far Eastern Federal District, declared an income of 152 million rubles. This is probably the largest officially published salary in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Khloponin, a dollar millionaire who also combines the work of deputy prime minister and plenipotentiary representative (until 2014, he represented the interests of the President in the North Caucasus Federal District), earned more than two times less - only 66.5 million rubles.

The Kremlin apparatus includes seven assistants to the president, two assistants who combine work with the position of heads of the Office of the President of Russia, nine advisers and seventeen heads of the Office. Among the assistants, the most impressive income was declared by Igor Levitin, who worked before his appointment as Minister of Transport in September 2013 - 21.9 million rubles. Larisa Brycheva, who is an assistant to the President and at the same time the head of his Directorate, earned 14.5 million rubles. Ms. Brycheva’s colleague, who occupies similar positions, Konstantin Chuychenko received slightly less - 11.2 million rubles, as did another assistant to the head of state, Andrei Fursenko.

Among advisors with an income of 11.5 million rubles. Veniamin Yakovlev distinguished himself, whose earnings on average are twice as high as those of his colleagues. The lowest salary was recorded by another adviser - Vladimir Tolstoy, who earned 5.1 million rubles.

Income of Putin V.V. in 2017 amounted to 18.73 million rubles, which is almost 4 times more than 10 years ago, when the head of state earned 4.7 million rubles, and is explained primarily by the sale land plot. Among the salaries of other leaders of countries, wages Russian President is below average.

Income of Putin V.V. for 2017

Table 1. Income for 2017

Source: Forbes Magazine

Reference! Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the current President, political and statesman of the Russian Federation.

Born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad, graduated from the Leningrad Law Faculty state university.

Held positions:

  • 1999 – Chairman of the Government;
  • 2000, 2004 – heads of state;
  • 2008 – Chairman of the Government;
  • 2012 and 2018 – elected President of the Russian Federation.

In addition, he is a reserve colonel, Master of Sports in sambo and judo, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

According to Forbes magazine, Vladimir Vladimirovich has held a leading position in the ranking of “The Most Influential People in the World” for the past six years. It is not surprising that information about how much Putin earns is of interest to both compatriots and foreign opponents.

Putin's income over the past 10 years

Many foreign publications, including Bloomberg magazine, have repeatedly published data on Putin’s incredible income, calling him the richest man in Europe, and even the world. But the versions about secret accounts and billions of dollars in income were not documented. Therefore, they can safely be called groundless.

IN open access You can get acquainted with the income declarations of the head of state, which are published annually in April on the official websites of the Kremlin, starting in 2008. In addition, Putin reported to the Central Election Commission, submitting declarations of income and property in 2012 for 4 years and in 2018 for 6 recent years, as a registered candidate for the position of President. According to the latest report, Putin earned 38,528,817 rubles over 6 years.

Table 2. Income of Putin V.V. over the past 10 years

Year Income, rub.
2008 4 723 000
2009 3 889 807
2010 5 042 257
2011 3 661 765
2012 5 790 823
2013 3 673 000
2014 7 654 042
2015 8 891 777
2016 8 858 432
2017 18 728 268

Source: RBC, TASS, Forbes

The 2.1-fold increase in the income of the first person in the state in 2017 became the subject of heated discussions in the media and provoked a wave of rumors about an increase in the salaries of officials, which is not true. What then does the President's salary consist of?

Income consists of:

  • official salary;
  • profits from bank deposits.

Moreover, the President’s salary and the retired colonel’s pension have not changed significantly. But the number of bank accounts increased from 10 to 13 - the amount of balances on them increased from 5.7 to 13.8 million rubles.

According to RBC, the Russian leader received about 10 million rubles. profited from the sale of a land plot of 1,500 m2. This conclusion is confirmed by the latest property declaration, in which there is no information about the land that previously belonged to Putin.

Otherwise, the list of the Russian leader’s property has remained unchanged over recent years. He owns:

  • apartment in St. Petersburg with total area 77 m2;
  • garage in St. Petersburg - 18 m2;
  • 2 rare GAZ-21M cars (1960 and 1965);
  • Niva VAZ-2121 (2009);
  • car trailer "Skif".

In addition, the head of state has in perpetual use an apartment in Moscow (153.7 m2), which was furnished in accordance with Putin’s wishes, as well as a garage space in St. Petersburg (18 m2).

Own business The leader of the state does not have one that generates profit. The only confirmation of participation in commercial organizations is information in the declaration of ownership of 230 shares of Bank St. Petersburg.

Experts estimate the watch collection, consisting of 11 exhibits, at 22 million rubles. But there is no official information about the ownership of such jewelry.

Reference! An exclusive model in the A.Lange&Sohne Tourbograph collection costs $500,000 and is included in .

What is Putin's salary?

The President calls wages the main source of income, but at the same time does not voice specific figures. During interviews and debates, he answers questions about his earnings evasively, explaining that the purpose of his presidential activities is not to obtain increased income, and the accrued money is simply transferred to bank card.

There is no official information about the salary of the head of state and is freely available and is not advertised on the Kremlin’s websites. Therefore, according to RBC, any figures are estimates.

At the same time, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 655 dated June 25, 2002, regulating the growth of monetary reward persons who hold government positions in the Russian Federation. It is this document that indicates the President’s salary, as of 2002, in the amount of 63,000 rubles.

After this, the remuneration of the head of state was increased 10 times, which in total increased the salary by 11.77 times, including 1.04 times from 01/01/2018. Before this, earnings statesmen has not increased since April 2014, when an increase of 2.65 times was legislatively approved.

However, the impact of the crisis forced the leader of the state to make a decision in 2015 to reduce the remuneration of the head of the Russian Federation, the government, the prosecutor general, ministers and others high-ranking officials on 10%. The discount decree is renewed annually. At the end of 2017, by Presidential Decree No. 494, the salary of officials was reduced by 10% until the end of 2018.

Having carried out simple mathematical calculations (60,000 * 11.77 - 10%), we can conclude that Putin’s salary in 2018 will be 667,347 rubles. per month or 8,008,165 rubles. in year.

Until the last increase between 2015 and 2017. inclusive, the head of the Russian Federation, taking into account the downward “discount,” earned 641,679 rubles. per month or 7,700,158 rubles. in year.

In addition, Putin V.V. has the right to social guarantees:

  • state security;
  • immunity;
  • life insurance;
  • maintenance of assistants;
  • free government communications;
  • free use of VIP lounges for officials at train stations and airports.

These privileges continue after the end of the presidential term. To these are added lifelong ownership of a state dacha and a pension, regardless of age, in the amount of 75% of the presidential salary.


How much do heads of other states earn?

To complete the picture, it is worth comparing V.V. Putin’s salary. with the earnings of heads of other states.

In dollar terms, the President of Russia, according to RBC, earned about $153 thousand.

Petro Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine, earned UAH 336 thousand in 2017. or $12.77 thousand salary. However, his official income increased 4 times over the year and amounted to UAH 16.3 million. or 619.4 thousand $.

US President Donald Trump earns $1 a year as he officially gave up his $400,000 presidential salary.

Rice. 7. Angela Merkel

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is paid $244 thousand a year from the treasury.

President and Head of the Federal Security Department environment, transport, energy and communications of Switzerland Doris Leuthard receives $437 thousand per year.

Highest income among government officials Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore, has $1.76 million per year.

Compared to the earnings of other heads of state, Putin's salary is below average. But it must be taken into account that the first leaders of some countries, for example, Ukraine, the USA, who receive lower wages for their work, also conduct business activities in parallel with the government, which brings in profits that far exceed the official salary.

Education: Higher economics, specialization – management in production sector(Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities).
August 14, 2018.