What salary does the president receive? Official annual income of the President of Russia

Back in 2000, foreign journalists asked the elected president Russian Federation: “Who are you, Mr. Putin?” Years have passed, now the whole world knows the Russian head of state, but for many he still remains dark horse. One of the constant questions that plagues not only Russian citizens, but also foreign media is how much money does Putin really have?

How much do top officials of Russia receive?

Data on the income of civil servants and their families have been mandatory declared since 2008. The corresponding law was signed by the current President Dmitry Medvedev. And since 2010, the media began to publish information about the income and expenses of public officials, but only brief ones. There is no mention of accounts, debt obligations, and no information about expenses. In addition, there is no information about the monthly salary of the top officials of the state - it is a secret. Official data only provides annual income. It is only possible to calculate monthly earnings only approximately, since other sources of income are also not indicated.

What is the salary of Russian President Putin?

Vladimir Vladimirovich regularly submits a declaration of his income to the tax authorities - both as president and as head of government from 2008 to 2012.

During his premiership, Putin's annual income was:

  • in 2008 - 4.72 million rubles.
  • in 2009 - 3.89 million rubles.
  • in 2010 - 5.04 million rubles.
  • in 2011 - 3.66 million rubles.

As for personal property, the declaration for this entire period mentioned an apartment (77 sq. m.), land plot(1500 sq. m.), garage (12 sq. m.). Another apartment (153.7 sq. m.) and a garage space (18 sq. m.) were also indicated for official use. The prime minister owned two cars (GAZ M-21 and GAZ M-21 R) and a Skif trailer. In 2009, another VAZ 2121 car appeared. In addition, in 2008, Vladimir Putin noted that he owned shares in the bank OJSC St. Petersburg, but in 2009 they were not on the list.

In 2012, Putin was again elected president. From that moment on, the income of the head of state began to grow steadily, with the exception of 2013. But in 2014, income more than doubled - the head of the country issued a decree increasing the salaries of the president and prime minister by 2.65 times. And already in 2015, he signed a decree to reduce his salary, as well as the salaries of the prime minister and some other officials, by 10%, which still did not prevent him from earning more than the year before:

  • in 2012 - 5.79 million rubles.
  • in 2013 – 3.67 million rubles.
  • in 2014 – 7.65 million rubles.
  • in 2015 – 8.89 million rubles.

In 2016, Putin’s income decreased slightly – by 33 thousand rubles. and amounted to 8.85 million.

How much does the President of the Russian Federation earn per month?

Putin's official salary is 340 thousand rubles per month. But it would be more correct to include entertainment expenses - about 8 million rubles per year. The president is free to use this money at his own discretion. As a result, the income of the head of state is 12 million rubles or 1 million per month.

From year to year, Putin’s income declaration remains unchanged only in terms of property - the list includes the same modest apartment, plot, garage, service apartment and service garage space, as well as two rare Volgas, a Niva and a Skif trailer. This is all that is officially owned Russian President.

1 million a month - is it a lot or a little? For example, look at how much leading top managers in Russia earn per year:

  1. Alexey Miller (Gazprom) - $17 million;
  2. Igor Sechin (Rosneft) - $13 million;
  3. German Gref (Sberbank) - $11 million.

If we translate into our usual rubles, we get that Miller’s annual income is just shy of 1 billion rubles! And Igor Sechin receives 2 million rubles....just per day!

On this background wage The President of Russia no longer seems so big.

Earnings of the closest circle of the head of state

The income of others is of no less interest high-ranking officials. First of all, the second person of the state - Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Moreover, from 2008 until the castling in 2012, Dmitry Anatolyevich himself managed to be president. Let's look at how his income changed:

  • in 2008 – 4.14 million rubles.
  • in 2009 – 3.34 million rubles.
  • in 2010 – 3.38 million rubles.
  • in 2011 – 3.37 million rubles.
  • in 2012 - 5.82 million rubles.
  • in 2013 – 4.26 million rubles.
  • in 2014 – 8.05 million rubles.
  • in 2015 – 8.77 million rubles.

Typically, the official income of the prime minister is slightly higher than that of the president. Therefore, Dmitry Anatolyevich’s earnings became higher precisely in the prime minister’s chair. Medvedev’s income in 2016, like the president’s, decreased slightly and amounted to 8.58 million rubles.

Medvedev also invariably owns an apartment shared with his wife (367.8 sq. m) and a plot of land under lease (4,700 sq. m). In 2009, the rare GAZ-20 Pobeda car appeared on the list, and in 2012, the GAZ 21. During his presidential term, Dmitry Anatolyevich declared accounts in Russian banks, by 2011 he already had 15 of them.

As for other officials, the income of some of them exceeds the earnings of the president and prime minister combined.

Thus, in 2014, the largest income was declared by the head of the department for socio-economic cooperation Oleg Govorun - 114 million rubles. The second was the first deputy. Head of the Presidential Administration Vyacheslav Volodin - his income amounted to 62.9 million rubles. He transferred almost half of the money to various charitable foundations. The head of the Kremlin administration, Sergei Ivanov, indicated an income of 16.2 million rubles. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov declared 9.1 million rubles.

In 2015, Vyacheslav Volodin was in the lead with an income of 87.1 million rubles. He again gave a decent portion of the money to charity. Dmitry Peskov’s income increased several times and amounted to 36.7 million rubles. Sergei Ivanov, on the contrary, earned several million less - 10.3 million rubles. Oleg Govorun, who was the leader in 2014, indicated only 9.2 million rubles in 2015.

In 2016, the Minister of Affairs earned the most North Caucasus Lev Kuznetsov, his income amounted to 582.1 million rubles. From the Kremlin administration, the highest income is Sergei Kiriyenko, deputy. head of the presidential administration - 85.5 million rubles. Dmitry Peskov’s earnings decreased by almost 3 times - to 12.8 million rubles.

Who is bigger - salaries of world presidents

It is always interesting to compare which heads of state receive more than our president and which receive less. Of course the leaders different countries receive salaries in their native currency, but as an example, let’s look at the earnings of the countries’ top officials in 2015 in dollars. Our president earned approximately $145 thousand in a year.

Salaries of leaders of non-CIS countries

The prime minister of Singapore has the highest salary, about four times the income of the US president. High salaries for top officials of European states, as well as for the presidents of South Africa, Mexico and Argentina:

  • Prime Minister of Singapore - $1,571 thousand per year;
  • The President of the United States receives $400 thousand a year. This is exactly the amount Barack Obama received in 2015. However, Donald Trump, elected in 2016, publicly refused the required salary, leaving only a symbolic dollar. The billionaire has already donated his first earnings to the US National Park Service.
  • Federal President of Germany - $227 thousand per year;
  • President of Italy - $230 thousand per year;
  • Prime Minister of Great Britain - $194 thousand per year;
  • President of South Africa - $194 thousand per year;
  • President of France - $179 thousand per year;
  • President of Mexico - $150 thousand per year;
  • President of Argentina - $120 thousand per year.

How much do heads of states of neighboring countries receive?

In neighboring countries, the salaries of country leaders are not so high. The President of Ukraine has the lowest salary. However, Petro Poroshenko receives income from other sources. In his income statement for 2016, he indicated the amount of 12 million hryvnia, which is approximately equal to 24 million rubles. Officials in the Central Asian region prefer not to publish salaries of officials, but Russian media give the following figures:

  • President of Belarus – $33 thousand per year;
  • President of Kazakhstan - $20 thousand per year;
  • President of Uzbekistan - $15 thousand per year;
  • President of Tajikistan - $13 thousand per year;
  • President of Ukraine - $11 thousand per year.

The size of Putin's fortune according to unofficial data

The official salary of the Russian president is among the ten highest salaries of country leaders in the world. However, Russians have little faith that officials can live only on their salaries, especially when we're talking about about the manager huge country. Popular rumors have long attributed fabulous wealth to their president. But foreign media are not far behind in their guesses.

How much is Putin's net worth estimated?

Number of withdrawn documentaries, investigations and books dedicated to the Russian president can only be envied. Which is quite logical, such materials are published mainly abroad. Whoever has undertaken to assess Vladimir Putin’s personal fortune. And the stakes are constantly rising.

Back in 2007, the British newspaper The Guardian assessed the Russian president's condition at $ 40 billion. Russian political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky argued that Putin is the holder of a large percentage of shares in a number of companies: Gunvor, Surgutneftegaz, and Gazprom.

In 2010, former KGB officer and businessman Sergei Kolesnikov, having left Russia, wrote an open letter to then-current President Dmitry Medvedev, and also provided The Washington Post and The Financial Times» documents that claimed that Vladimir Putin was corrupt and provided information about his financial empire.

In 2012, another British publication, The Sunday Times, published material stating that Putin owns $130 billion. The article stated that, in fact, billions Russian oligarchs It is Vladimir Putin who owns it, and they are just masking his fortune.

There is no direct evidence of the president's billion-dollar fortune. Media and political scientists, as well as former friends Vladimir Vladimirovich claims that it is difficult to find them, since the Russian leader carefully conducts his business, which is based on concepts and agreements. Transactions are executed in the name of persons from the immediate environment. And that you can be convinced of the growth of Putin’s well-being by tracking how the incomes of his entourage grew during his reign.

In 2015, the world media literally exploded with news:

Putin's financial fortune is estimated at 200 billion.

This incredible amount was announced by Bill Browder, head of the Hermitage Capital investment fund, in a CNN television program. He stated that he considers the Russian president richest man in the world. According to Browder, over the years of his rule, Putin embezzled hundreds of billions of dollars that were intended for the improvement of the country. Forbes magazine was quick to publish this news. But when asked why Vladimir Putin is not in the ranking of the richest people in the world, representatives of the magazine replied that they had not found evidence that the Russian president actually owns a multi-billion dollar fortune.

If these data could be confirmed, Vladimir Putin could truly be considered the richest man in the world. Indeed, in the ranking of the richest people in the world according to Forbes, published in 2016, the top lines are occupied by businessmen whose wealth is significantly less than 200 billion:

  1. Bill Gates - founder of Microsoft. The condition is estimated at $ 75 billion
  2. Amancio Ortega is the founder of Zara. Manages the amount in $ 67 billion
  3. Warren Buffett is the head of Berkshire Hathaway. Owns capital in $ 60.8 billion

And in Russian list richest businessmen the amounts are even more modest. In the top three:

  1. Leonid Mikhelson is the chairman of the board and shareholder of PJSC Novatek, as well as the chairman of the board of directors and shareholder of Sibur ($14.4 billion).
  2. Mikhail Fridman is chairman and co-owner of the supervisory board of Alfa Group, member of the supervisory board of VimpelCom Ltd ($13.3 billion).
  3. Alisher Usmanov is the founder of USM Holdings ($12.5 billion).

And, although Forbes did not include Vladimir Putin in any of the rankings of the richest people, in 2016 the Russian president is already a four-time leader in the list of the most influential people on the planet. According to the publication, Putin has extended Russia’s influence to almost the entire world. The top three also include American President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

What else can the President of Russia own?

Vladimir Putin is credited with more than just the billions in Swiss banks. The media published information about the presence of about sixty aircraft and helicopters in the Russian president's collection expensive watches, as well as twenty country villas and palaces.

The most famous is the residence at Cape Idokopas in the Gelendzhik region on the Black Sea coast. The secret residence is said to have been specially built for Putin and costs more than a billion dollars. The media called it “Putin’s palace” or “Putin’s dacha.” He himself denies that he has anything to do with her.

Also, journalists mention among Vladimir Vladimirovich’s property, which according to rumors was given to him by Roman Abramovich.

Only he himself knows what Putin’s personal condition really is. Back in 2008, he said that he considered himself the richest man in the world, but only because the Russian people twice entrusted him with leading a great country. The president prefers not to discuss questions about his fabulous wealth, calling all allegations and accusations idle chatter. The Russian president may not be the richest man in the world, but he is certainly one of the most influential.

As you know, the president of any state is an appointed position, and the employer in this case is the people of this country. However, it is not those who elected him who determine the salary of his appointee, although it is they who form the tax base from which the president receives payment for his work. It is quite logical that the question of the salary of the country's leader is one of the most popular. Especially the salary of the President of the Russian Federation.

Revealing your salary is a volitional decision

Never in Russian history citizens of the state did not know how much their leader earned. During the period of the monarchy, of course, such seditious thoughts would never have occurred to anyone. But almost the entire twentieth century, which passed under the slogans of Soviet rhetoric, did not talk about money at all. And the question itself is about how much he earns general secretary party, would most likely lead to a firing squad. IN modern history The relationship between the people and the authorities also somehow did not work out. During the reign of Boris Yeltsin, the idea was not allowed that the people had the right to know what the salary of the President of the Russian Federation was, given that it was they who formed it.

The obligation for officials to disclose data on their earnings appeared only in mid-2009, when the corresponding decree was signed by Dmitry Medvedev, who was the head of state at that time. Thus, a year later, journalists gained access to study this information. Since then, information about the official salary of the President of the Russian Federation began to appear regularly, every April, in the media.

As it was before

It is worth noting that even before this decree, the President and members of his staff were required to report income. The corresponding decree was adopted in 1998. According to the document, information about the income of only the employees themselves was provided in tax authority and personnel service government agency. Moreover, the latter was sent a so-called certificate of compliance with restrictions, which should indicate the absence of corrupt practices. And although the Presidential Decree provided for the disclosure of declarations in the media, this was not implemented. However, the salary of the President of the Russian Federation worried people almost less than the income of the heads of the largest state corporations.

Information on income could also be obtained from the Central Election Commission, where, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, data on the earnings of candidates must be disclosed. Now this information is published on the official websites of the government, ministries and other government departments.

First information

In April 2010, Russian citizens learned for the first time what the official salary of the President of the Russian Federation was. Needless to say, this information was new to the Russians. It was also made public what the salary is in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Among the first then was President Medvedev himself, whose annual salary was 3.3 million rubles. Apartment of 367.8 sq. m, as well as bank accounts for 3.5 million rubles. were declared as joint property with the wife.

Let us note that these data could shock few people, but the income of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation truly plunged them into a state of trance. The country learned that the chair Russian leader is by no means the most profitable bureaucratic position. For example, the income of the then head of the presidential administration Sergei Naryshkin was indicated in the amount of 5.3 million rubles, his first deputy Vladislav Surkov earned a million more. It is worth noting that his wife’s income in 2009 exceeded his own by more than nine times and amounted to 56.4 million rubles. This is how Russians for the first time received confirmation that officials are transferring their real sources of income to their spouses. However, the adviser to the President of the country, Leonid Reiman, distinguished himself with the most shocking earnings, whose income exceeded 93 million rubles.

Of course, active bloggers immediately responded to the published data. However, for violent reaction nothing followed: as they say, “the dog barks, the caravan moves on.”

How Putin's earnings changed

For the first time my earnings current President also published in 2010. Then he worked as head of government. With a salary of 3.88 million rubles. he owned an apartment of 77 square meters. m, land in the Moscow region with an area of ​​1.5 thousand square meters. m, as well as shares of one St. Petersburg bank. He also declared two Volga cars, produced in 1960 and 1965. A year later, in 2010, Prime Minister Putin earned 5.42 million rubles. The declaration was supplemented by a service apartment of more than 150 square meters. m.

IN Last year During his performance as prime minister, his income decreased again - to 3.6 million rubles. However, already as President, the salary almost doubled. According to official data, in the first year of his second presidency, Putin earned 5.7 million rubles. According to his press secretary Dmitry Peskov, the increase was due to compensation payments to the Russian leader for unused vacations as prime minister. This was the reason why his earnings in 2013 amounted to only 3.6 million rubles.

Difference in income of heads of government and state

It is curious that the earnings of the Prime Minister and the President of the country differ by approximately one and a half million rubles in favor of the former. Thus, Dmitry Medvedev’s income changed approximately in this corridor in accordance with personnel rotation. In the last year of his leadership of the country, he earned 3.4 million rubles. This, in general, is the average salary of the President of the Russian Federation. In the reporting year following this, having already moved to the post of head of government, he earned 5.8 million rubles. However, in 2013 this level was not reached: Mr. Medvedev’s income was only 4.2 million rubles. The property side of his declaration did not undergo any significant changes. The department’s press service did not explain what caused the decrease in the head of government’s earnings.

Long-awaited salary increase

After the last publication of his declarations, the country's leader Putin ordered a salary increase for himself and Medvedev. Their salaries, according to the signed decree, tripled. If earlier Prime Minister Medvedev’s monthly salary was 215 thousand rubles, then after the increase it almost reached 570 thousand rubles. Before the increase, the head of state received 280 thousand monthly, after indexation - 740 thousand rubles. Thus, the annual income of the Russian leader at the end of 2014 should be about 9 million rubles, Prime Minister Medvedev - about 7 million rubles. As a result, the salary of the President of the Russian Federation became higher than the income of the head of government.

Journalists were told that the increase was planned. According to Dmitry Peskov, these two positions, among other representatives supreme authority were the lowest paid. He also noted that it was their salaries that were not indexed, while the salaries of other officials, employees of the Presidential Administration and Parliament increased. That's why this decision- This is just bringing wages into line.

The unfavorable situation of the presidential apparatus

It is worth noting that the salaries of employees of the Presidential Administration are significantly higher than those of their immediate supervisors. The average salary of employees of the Administration of the President of Russia, meaning the key persons of the apparatus, is about 13.5 million rubles. The President's apparatus is very large; there are seven assistants alone, whose average earnings are approximately 9.7 million rubles.

A large income of 34.4 million rubles was declared by Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council. The head of Putin's administration, Sergei Ivanov, reported more modest income - 11 million rubles. His first deputy, Vyacheslav Volodin, earned three million more. His colleague Alexey Gromov, who also works as first deputy, earned only 8.9 million rubles, and two of Ivanov’s deputies with a lower status - Magomedsalam Magomedov and Anton Vaino - increased their family budgets by 8.3 and 9 million rubles. respectively.

Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the head of state, whose annual income amounted to 9.2 million rubles, can boast of approximately the same earnings. As a rule, it is he who takes the rap in front of journalists about the salaries in the administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

The leaders are the Crimean plenipotentiary mission

The average salary of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of Russia in the federal districts is about 8 million rubles. After the annexation of Crimea in 2014, the eighth, Crimean, federal district appeared. It was headed by Oleg Belaventsev. It was he who demonstrated the largest income - 79.4 million rubles, which was formed at his previous job.

Mr. Belaventsev was appointed to this post in March last year. Before his appointment, he worked since 2012 general director OJSC "Slavyanka", the largest Russian housing and communal services enterprise. It is believed that he is good friend Sergei Shoigu, head of the defense department. In addition to his earnings, the origin of which no one bothered to explain, his family is a major owner of real estate. So, the wife is the owner of 1.8 thousand square meters. m of land, a dacha of 150 and a house of 400 square meters, in addition to this she owns an apartment and non-residential premises 50 and 130 sq. m respectively. Mr. Belaventsev himself owns an apartment of 107 square meters. m.

It is logical to assume that in 2014 his income should decrease approximately tenfold.

Lagging plenipotentiaries

The earnings of the remaining seven plenipotentiaries range from six to ten million. The most impressive salary, 10.6 million, was paid to Vladimir Ustinov (Southern Federal District). Not far behind him was Viktor Tolokonsky, the representative of the President in the Siberian Federal District: his annual income amounted to 8.9 million. In the top three with an annual income of 7.5 million rubles. Plenipotentiary Representative in the Ural Federal District Igor Kholmanskikh. 6.5 million rubles each. earned money the year before last by Mikhail Babich (Volga Federal District) and Alexander Beglov (Central Federal District). The lowest salary was received by the authorized representative in the Northwestern Federal District Viktor Bulavin - 6.4 million rubles.

Combined income

However, the most amazing earnings were shown by the other two officials, who combine the work of a plenipotentiary representative with the position of deputy head of government. In particular, Yuri Trutnev, who in August 2013 occupied two posts at once - deputy prime minister and plenipotentiary representative in the Far Eastern Federal District, declared an income of 152 million rubles. This is probably the largest officially published salary in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Khloponin, a dollar millionaire who also combines the work of deputy prime minister and plenipotentiary representative (until 2014, he represented the interests of the President in the North Caucasus Federal District), earned more than two times less - only 66.5 million rubles.

The Kremlin apparatus includes seven assistants to the president, two assistants who combine work with the position of heads of the Office of the President of Russia, nine advisers and seventeen heads of the Office. Among the assistants, the most impressive income was declared by Igor Levitin, who worked before his appointment as Minister of Transport in September 2013 - 21.9 million rubles. Larisa Brycheva, who is an assistant to the President and at the same time the head of his Directorate, earned 14.5 million rubles. Ms. Brycheva’s colleague, who occupies similar positions, Konstantin Chuychenko received slightly less - 11.2 million rubles, as did another assistant to the head of state, Andrei Fursenko.

Among advisors with an income of 11.5 million rubles. Veniamin Yakovlev distinguished himself, whose earnings on average are twice as high as those of his colleagues. The lowest salary was recorded by another adviser - Vladimir Tolstoy, who earned 5.1 million rubles.

Vladimir Putin is one of the most recognizable people in Russia and, judging by the ratings and results of the past elections, one of the most popular. Therefore, it is natural that citizens of the Russian Federation are interested not only in the work of the head of state, but also in his personal life, hobbies and income.

Below you will find information about the monthly salary and benefits provided to the head of state, and also find out who is responsible for calculating the salary of the President of the Russian Federation.

Putin's salary per month

Important: In 2018, Vladimir Putin will earn 8.586 million. Accordingly, the salary of the President of Russia per month is 715.5 thousand rubles. If you count second by second, the earnings will hardly seem impressive - Putin receives only 27 kopecks per second.

It should be noted that the income statement for last year The head of state publishes it in the spring of next year. Nevertheless, the volume of his earnings can be judged in advance. According to Vladimir Putin himself, salary is his only source of income.

In 2018, the decree continues to be in force, according to which the head of state receives wages with a 10% discount. The corresponding document was signed by Putin in 2015 and was renewed annually.

In 2015 and 2016, the Russian President earned 8.89 and 8.85 million rubles, respectively. And in 2017, Putin declared an income of 18.72 million, which became the subject of heated discussion in the media and among the population. However, this jump is explained by the fact that the Russian leader sold a land plot of 1,500 m2 that belonged to him - unlike previous years, it was not included in the president’s property declaration. The cost of the land was 10 million rubles. If we take this sale into account, then over the past 3 years, Putin’s salary-related income has remained virtually unchanged - at the level of 715-740 thousand per month.

Benefits for the head of state

According to Federal law adopted in January 2001, the President of the Russian Federation has the following social guarantees, resigning:

  • pension in the amount of 75% of monetary reward head of state per month (regardless of age);
  • life insurance;
  • provision of state protection;
  • free use of government communications and the right to receive this service without waiting in line;
  • immunity - the president cannot be arrested, searched, interrogated or prosecuted for actions committed while in office (immunity can be lifted if criminal proceedings are initiated);
  • lifelong use of a state dacha;
  • the right to maintain a staff of assistants;
  • free use of lounges for officials at airports, sea and railway stations.

All expenses associated with the above guarantees and the rights of the head of state are paid with funds from the federal budget.

Advice: if you are planning to open a deposit, find out what financial organizations offer .

Who pays the president's salary?

The salary of the President of Russia is an item of the federal budget. The leader of the country receives remuneration from the treasury for his work, as well as funds necessary for entertainment expenses, that is, to perform presidential functions.

The Government of the Russian Federation is responsible for drawing up the budget, and the law on it is signed by the head of state. Budget execution, including the calculation of the president's salary, is the responsibility of the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Treasury.

We can say that Vladimir Putin is personally involved in setting his own wages, since his signature puts into effect the law on the federal budget.

Let's sum it up

Information on the annual salary of the President of Russia is published on the Kremlin website in open access. Vladimir Putin's official salary in 2018 is set at 715.5 thousand rubles per month. For the current year, the head of government will receive 8.6 million. Over the past 4 years, the Russian leader’s salary has never increased, but in 2017, the president was able to increase his income by 10 million rubles by selling a plot of land that was his property.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the most respected and a famous person in Russia. He is known not only by all citizens of the Russian Federation, but also by many residents of other countries around the world. Many people are interested in his life. Some are interested in where the President of Russia lives, others want to know everything about his personal life. But there is one question that probably all Russian citizens would like to know the answer to: “How much is the salary of the President of the Russian Federation?”

Why is everyone interested in how much the Russian president earns?

Many citizens of Russia, as well as residents of other countries, very often have a question about what the salary of the President of the Russian Federation is. Probably the reason for these thoughts and judgments is that Putin is said to be one of the richest people in the world. Sometimes you can hear that Vladimir Vladimirovich is richer than everyone else! In the ranking of the richest people in the world, Putin almost always occupies one of the top positions. They like to attribute unrealistic sums to the President of Russia that he supposedly receives for his work. Therefore, it is not at all difficult to guess why Russian citizens have questions of this kind.

Putin's salary since 2001

Vladimir Vladimirovich took over as president after B.N. Yeltsin and received the same salary as him. At that time, the salary of the President of the Russian Federation per month was $600.

In 2003, Putin's salary was 1,161,800 rubles per year. The president's entertainment expenses this year amounted to 14 million rubles.

In 2004, Vladimir Vladimirovich’s salary increased almost 1.5 times and amounted to 1,856,200 Russian rubles for the entire year. Accordingly, entertainment expenses also increased to 19,870,000 Russian rubles.

Many compare the budget law in 2001 and 2008, because the salary of the head of state over these years increased from 1.4 billion to 7.17 billion Russian rubles. It should be recalled that this amount includes expenses for the administration, as well as for the staff of plenipotentiaries.

Salary of Vladimir Vladimirovich in 2013-2014

The salary of the President of the Russian Federation in 2013 was 10,000 US dollars. But the very next year Putin increased this amount almost 3 times. It is worth noting that he did this not only for himself. Dmitry Medvedev was also lucky.

In 2014, one could see a decree published on the official website of the Kremlin, which stated that the salary of the President of the Russian Federation would be increased by 2.5 times. Again, not only Putin’s salary, but also Medvedev’s should increase by the same factor.

Putin's press secretary said that the President of the Russian Federation is one of the low-paid positions. According to him, the salary of the head of state has not been increased for a very long time, but for officials it increased long before Vladimir Vladimirovich’s salary was increased.

President's salary in 2015

It seems to everyone that everything connected with wages President of Russia, is covered in darkness and cobwebs. However, this opinion can be refuted. There is a separate line in the federal budget of the Russian Federation, which indicates the official salary of the President of the Russian Federation. In fact, according to official data, Putin's salary for 2015 is 340,000 Russian rubles per month. Many will say that this is a lot. But we should not miss the fact that there are also quite a lot of people in Russia, which is ruled by Putin. Being the head of state is not as easy as it seems at first glance! Especially this year, when crisis and even war have occurred in many countries.

How much is the salary of the President of the Russian Federation is of interest to many citizens of the Russian Federation. They can find this information on the Kremlin's official website. It is worth noting that only official data is published there, so if you want to find out the salary of the President of the Russian Federation for any year, you can easily obtain information that is important to you.

Vladimir Putin's opinion on his salary

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has been asked more than once what he thinks about rumors about his salary. After all, today information often appears that he is one of the richest people in this world. Regarding these ratings, the President of the Russian Federation answers simply: they say, this is empty chatter that does not concern him and does not interest him. He is probably doing the right thing, because such a famous and public person has exactly as many ill-wishers as there are fans and people who treat him respectfully and well.

You shouldn't believe all the information the Internet gives you. There are a sufficient number of such people who give incorrect and untrue data. Therefore, it is best to believe only official data and not listen to those who slander the President of the Russian Federation. Many people say that the Russian President receives too much salary, but we should not forget that he does a lot of work. This man works every day for the good of his country and people, so you can’t blame him for getting good money for it.

What is the salary of the President of Russia? It would seem a simple question. By the way, according to the weekly “ Business life", the salary of the President of Russia as of the beginning of this year was 128.3 thousand rubles per month. Or, if you count in dollar terms, $4,300. But this is without additional payments, fees, taxes, etc.

At the same time, the Internet portal “My Salary” claims that the salary of the President of Russia reaches almost $179,233 per year. The average is $14,936 per month. Or - in Russian equivalent - approximately 450,000 rubles. But this is 3 times more! This turns out to be an obvious inconsistency, which, I think, needs to be clarified.

First, the indicative figure of $179,233 per year is the amount of income that Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to his official declaration, received in 2012. Approximately the same amount of income is “planned” for 2013. Although, in principle, everything can change. It is known that Putin earned 3.662 million rubles the year before last, while in 2010 - 5.042 million. What will happen in 2013 cannot yet be accurately predicted.

Secondly, speaking from a formal legal point of view, Vladimir Putin does not have a salary as such. There is a so-called monetary allowance, the size of which is determined every year State Duma RF and are registered as a separate line in the federal budget. If we assume that the salary is the official salary of the President of Russia, then it comes out to 1,064,019 rubles per year. Or somewhere around $35,400 for 12 months. At the same time, the law on the state budget provides a separate line for “the functioning of the President of the Russian Federation,” which is estimated at 8,019,207 rubles. As a result, it turns out that more than 9 million rubles will be spent on the head of state in 2013.

Thirdly, it is not entirely clear from either a financial or a logical point of view how the President’s “monetary support” differs from his “functioning”. The fact is that there is no clear definition of both the first and second terms, just as there is no concept of “salary of the President of Russia.” The question is not even whether they are paid or not. The problem is different - who calculates the salary and maintenance and determines its size? For example, the salary of the President of the United States is determined by a separate law, which is constitutional in nature and therefore cannot be changed either by the owner of the White House or by Congress. True, the President can personally accept customized solutions regarding how to spend funds paid from the federal budget. But this, as they say, is his personal matter, his political position.

Or another example - the size of the French President's salary is also determined by a separate legislative act, but the level of the salary itself can be changed - during the crisis, Mr. Hollande significantly reduced his appetites.

However, judging by the official statements of the presidential administration, the salary of the Russian president does not exceed 120 thousand dollars. USA per year. In any case, this follows from vague statements by press secretary Dmitry Peskov. Although this version seems the most plausible.