What happened to Nikita Dzhigurda. Nikita Dzhigurda, his women and money: the shocking truth was revealed

The actor's former director spoke about his problems

It is known that people go blind when there is a lot of money at stake. The story of Nikita Dzhigurda is a clear confirmation of this. It turns out that not only the ruble can fall low, but also a person in pursuit of money.

What secret is the actor hiding, where did the multimillion-dollar will come from, why Marina Anisina did not want to get a divorce, what did the showman spend the money he earned on, what did he promise to the citizens of the DPR in exchange for a passport, and what revelations await the actor at the next court hearing - in an interview with former director Dzhigurda Antonina Zazhigina.

Antonina Zazhigina: “I’m ready to tell the whole truth in court.”

Antonina Zazhigina is 45 years old. For many years, she was the administrator of Nikita Dzhigurda. At some point there was a conflict of interest. Zazhigina and Dzhigurda ran away different sides. Fate brought them together again only 4 years later. True, not for long.

Today Dzhigurda and Zazhigina are at the stage of war. Wars of incriminating evidence. On his page on the social network, the actor speaks about his friend this way: “Antonina is an unhappy childless woman... She brazenly continues to gossip and intrigue... With her false statements she is digging a criminal hole for herself... She demanded money from me, said that Romanova (sister of the late Lyudmila Bratash, for the inheritance which the showman is arguing) offered her a huge amount of money for incriminating evidence on me... She spreads lies that she allegedly heard my conversation with Anis, where I admitted that I wrote the will myself. Tonya lied to me about Marina's lovers. My fans said that she says that Dzhigurda has gone crazy, is afraid of everything and uses drugs.”

We met with Antonina. Zazhigina openly told MK her long history difficult relationship with Dzhigurda.

“I want to talk about the will,” Antonina contacted MK. - Only I can reveal the truth. The rest will remain silent until the last moment. I will tell you in detail how Nikita Borisovich Dzhigurda turned into Jonathan El-Air Bratash G Pogorzhelsky von Gan Eden...

“There were no problems sleeping with Nikita”

“We met Nikita in 2004,” the interlocutor began. - I offered him the role of presenter in the television project “Great Russian Lakes.” He agreed. Nikita seemed to me educated and well-read. Now there is an abyss between that Nikita and his current image. After finishing editing the program, Nikita himself invited me to become its director.

- Now Marina Anisina says that you were a fan of Dzhigurda...

I wasn't in love with Nikita. I can even swear on the cross, even on a star. I loved him as shocking bright person. He also respected the chain of command. If I wanted to sleep with Nikita, there would be no problems. But I didn't want to. By the way, ex-wife Nikita, Yana, never saw me as a rival. Yana and I immediately found common language. She trusted me with her son. When I went on vacation for a month and a half with the child, I left Nikita under my responsibility. I took care of him, cleaned, cooked, ironed his shirts... I could come to his house to wake him up and accompany him to the performance. He is not adapted to everyday life. I still haven’t learned how to turn on the washing machine. If Yana couldn’t reach her husband, she called me - she knew that I would find him. Yana never made scenes of jealousy because of me. And Nikita didn’t look at me as the opposite sex.

- Did you catch the moment of Dzhigurda’s separation from his first wife?

Yes. Disagreements between the spouses began even before Nikita met Marina. I was afraid of their divorce. I understood that I had a relationship with Yana, but whether I would find a common language with Nikita’s other woman was a question. When Yana became pregnant with her second child, I was happy: I thought that now Nikita would definitely not leave her. I remember well the day when he called me and said that he had been invited to participate in “ Ice show" I supported: “Okay, you’ll earn money, but you still have to raise two children.” While Nikita was getting acquainted with Marina, his phone was inaccessible. In the evening he was all in his thoughts. I asked: “Nikita, are you in love?” He waved his hand: “Come on, everything’s fine.” I knew that he had had fleeting flirtations before, and I thought: maybe this time it’s something from this opera. But he admitted: “I want Anisina to become my wife.”

Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina officially divorced, but continue to maintain warm relations.

“I want three women”

- How quickly did their romance begin?

Their romance developed at lightning speed. Of course, Nikita put a lot of pressure on Marina. He didn’t give her a break: he overwhelmed her with calls, bombarded her with letters, gifts, flowers... When they were skating on the ice, before the performance, I personally ordered bouquets for Anisina so that after the performance I could throw the flowers on the ice - Nikita picked them up and gave them to Marina.

- Has the new relationship changed him?

I remember he once told me: “Rent me an apartment. I want to take a walk. I want to wake up with three women next to me.” This happened shortly before his meeting with Anisina. After all, Yana did not allow him any liberties, even in personal relationships. He could not grab her breasts or butt in public - for her such an action would be an insult. Whereas Anisina allowed him a lot. Dzhigurda also associated himself with Vysotsky, next to whom was the Frenchwoman Marina Vladi. And when a Russian Frenchwoman and Olympic champion also appeared next to Nikita, he rejoiced. Lucky!

- Marina fell in love with him too?

Marinka seemed weak-willed to me. Despite her titles and awards, she is lonely and driven in life: she does what they advise. Marina sincerely believed that Nikita was a new springboard for her, with him she would be like behind a stone wall. Nikita had an affair with Marina, but continued to live with Yana. But his wife gradually began to be relegated to the background. For example, he told her that he went on tour, and he spent time with Marina. I so wanted to tell Yana everything, but I felt sorry for her. By that time she was eight months pregnant. And one day Yanka called me at six in the morning: “Nikita is cheating on me.” And she said that her husband did not return home for the night. She called him. But he didn’t answer the phone for a long time. When he finally picked up the phone, in response to her question: “Nikita, where are you?” - Dzhigurda shouted: “I’m in nirvana!” On background a woman's laughter rang out. I then sent Nikita an SMS: “Call Yana, she’s worried.” He called back: “Tell her not to worry. I'll come this evening. Everything is fine with me." I still tried to somehow calm Yana down, but she understood everything. In the evening she called me again: “Tonya, take the cat. I'm leaving for another city. I'm already on the train." Yana thought that Nikita would come for her and bring her back. I thought so too. But he didn't come.

“If you marry Dzhigurda, they will close the doors”

I rented an apartment for Nikita next to Marina, in the Airport metro area. I remember when we were transporting things from one apartment to another, Nikita had no face. At some point it seemed to me that it was not easy for him to part with Yana. But he didn’t show it: “I’m no longer used to leaving my wives.” On the way to new apartment Nikita, I burst into tears...

- How did you meet Anisina?

Marina called me herself. We met. We talked for a long time. She asked for advice. I then said: “He probably loves you, since he left his wife. After all, he had everything - a family, a child, an apartment.” Nikita was working then and was in demand. And he dropped everything and left.

Did Marina love him? Loved it. But I was afraid to start a relationship. She behaved cautiously because she knew from her bitter experience that men abandon women. And soon she published the book “Dot the i’s.” I gave her a presentation. And I was surprised that almost no one came to this event. Of those invited from her side, there were only Masha Butyrskaya, TV presenter Misha Zelensky with figure skater Elena Grushina, Amalia Mordvinova and Marinin’s father with his new wife. Later I found out that Anisina gave invitation cards to all participants " Ice Age" But the organizers of the show seem to have set a condition: whoever appears at the presentation will be kicked out of the project.

- Is this connected with Dzhigurda?

I guess so. Marina was warned: as soon as you marry Dzhigurda, all doors will close in front of you. And so it happened. Although Anisina herself hoped for something better. And she also wanted to be the only woman in Nikita’s life.

- Did Anisina fire you?

I myself made the decision to leave them. Of course, Marina also played a certain role. The moment came when she could publicly humiliate me. She could suddenly say to me in front of everyone: “What are you even doing here?!” Or declare: “I’m not Marina to you, but Marina Vyacheslavovna.” True, she called later and apologized. I forgave her several times, and then turned to Nikita: “Nikita, why is she doing this to me? For what?" Nikita promised that this would not happen again. But even then I decided to end our cooperation. She announced her decision to Nikita. So it wasn’t Marina who fired me. I just realized that Dzhigurda did not listen to my opinion, there was no longer the same communication between us, and there were no more common interests. Dzhigurda disappeared into Anisina, in dreams of moving to Europe and becoming mega-popular. My proposals became uninteresting to him. The last thing I organized for them was their wedding, Nikita’s wedding and baptism. I wasn't paid a penny for this.

- Did you cry at the wedding?

Stupidity. I took the documents to the registry office, together with Marina we bought wedding rings. Therefore, her statement that I cried at the wedding is strange, to say the least. And there was no wedding as such. On the eve of their painting, we went to the supermarket together and bought food for 5 thousand dollars. Fortunately, then Nikita starred in advertising and earned some money. And after registration everyone went to country house Lucy Bratash, the one whose property is now being divided in court.

- Who was present at the wedding?

Personally, I invited my friend Igor Nadzhiev and his wife Allochka. On Anisina’s side were Masha Butyrskaya with figure skater Oksana Kazakova, Marina’s godmother, a friend and her husband, and the mistress of the house herself, Lyusya.

- Were there friends on Nikita’s side?

Nikita never had friends. He doesn't know how to keep people close to him. On his side were Lena Kondulainen, brother Sergei, some gay boy with a friend, and me. Marina’s parents were not at the wedding or the wedding, which surprised me. “Bitterly” was not shouted at the celebration, no toasts were made. And there was no one to have fun. Igor Nadzhiev performed a couple of songs, Seryozha and Nikita also sang something. Kondulainen and I went to the second floor to see Lyusa. Nikita entertained the guests with his philosophy, Butyrskaya and Kazakova watched hockey on TV... At some point Anisina came up to me: “Why are you so sad? Aren’t you glad that we got married?..” But there was nothing to be happy about - there was no fun. And then Marina said on one program: “Tonya, tell me how you cried at the wedding.” I wanted to scream: did you, Marina, fall from the oak tree?! But Anisina forgot how she pestered me at night. When she quarreled with Nikita, she cut off my phone in the middle of the night and complained. Even half asleep, I still listened to her and gave advice.

Just before leaving, I also arranged for him to participate in the program “ The Last Hero" I personally equipped him for the project. I bought fishing gear, ran around a bunch of banks to exchange 100 dollars for each dollar that he had to take with him, put shorts, T-shirts, bandanas in a backpack... I took him to the airport. With that we said goodbye. The yellow press was after me then. I was offered huge amounts of money for an interview. But during the last meeting with Nikita, I promised him to remain silent.

“There will be nothing to eat”

-You haven’t communicated for four years?

We crossed paths periodically. When my husband died, mutual friends told Nikita about it. But I didn’t receive any condolences from the actor. God be with them, with condolences... Soon after my tragedy, we encountered Dzhigurda at a beauty contest in the house of Lyudmila Ryumina. We chatted as if we had never parted. He then said: “If you need anything, please contact me.” After some time, I called him: “I need money, I’ll give it back to you.” Nikita promised to help. I set a day when I could contact him. I called him again. He asked to call back in a couple of hours. But this time Marina answered the phone: “Nikita said that he didn’t promise you any money, he’s not obliged to give you money.” Apparently, Nikita himself was embarrassed to refuse, but Marina did it with ease.

-You haven’t met again?

When Lucy Bratash's inheritance was discussed, I was alarmed that no one defended Nikita. And I decided to go on air myself to take his side. After the program was released, he called: “Tonechka, I feel so bad, I need to talk to you, I need you. I need your support, come to me." I came to his house. Nikita looked depressed. There were tears in his eyes. I felt sorry for him like a woman. He is not a stranger to me. But after a few minutes of communication, it became clear that in front of me was another Dzhigurda...

- Did you understand this right away?

The first thing he told me: “Anisina and lawyer Zhorin hired killers and want to remove me, so that they can then remove Anisina and appropriate all the property for themselves.” When I walked into the room, I noticed that all the windows were covered with thick blinds. Dzhigurda explained: “The enemies hired a killer, FSB officers are driving by my windows so that I can give them the will, so I have to defend myself.” He said that Anisina was a traitor, he repented that he had to break up with me because Marina insisted on this decision. We sat down at the table. I decided to cook something. I opened the refrigerator, and there the mouse hanged itself. It turned out that Nikita had been without money for a long time, eating oatmeal and pouring water on it. There was not even enough money to buy milk. I still had one and a half thousand rubles left. I went down to the store and bought groceries. And then he asked me to stay with him, because, according to him, it was dangerous for him to stay alone.

- And you stayed?

He has a huge apartment, lots of space. I moved into his daughter's room. For a month I supported him with my own money. And on the eve of the New Year, I frankly admitted to him: “If you don’t find money in the coming days, New Year We’ll be left with nothing, there won’t be anything to eat.” My money quickly ran out. Nikita has a decent appetite. Marina spoiled him. For example, in the store he never looked at the cost of products. He bought what he needed. I also spent a decent amount on candles that burned around the clock.

- For what?

He organized mysteries, ten candles burned both day and night. In his apartment, as soon as one candle burned out, he immediately put another one. There were enough candles for 2-3 days, and the cost of one was about 300 rubles.

- Did he get money for the New Year?

Yes, I received a fee - 600 thousand rubles - for participating in the program. He immediately sent 200 thousand to America - he repaid the debt to one woman. He gave 60 thousand to someone and returned 20 thousand to me - a third of what I spent on him. Before the New Year we went to the store and stocked up on full program. I was also thinking: maybe he’ll buy me a present. I was daydreaming...

- Did you celebrate the New Year together?

I was invited to another place, but I couldn’t leave Nikita. On New Year's Day Anisina called him. She also talked to me and thanked me for supporting him. Then he and Marina had a fight again, she blocked his number. And he started texting her from my phone, on my behalf. I stopped him and said that she would recognize him by his “handwriting” and would understand that it was not me writing. But he just waved it off: they say she’s not that smart, she doesn’t know how to play chess, so she won’t understand.

“They understand very well that it’s a losing cause.”

- What do you know about the will?

Nikita and I did not touch on this topic for a long time. Only once did I ask him a question: “Come on, without emotions. Frankly. How do you imagine that a successful woman who was engaged in air transportation for the top officials of the state rushed to America and wrote a will on the first piece of paper she came across? And she didn’t have the document certified by two witnesses, and didn’t register it at the Russian consulate in America, as required? Don't fool people, Nikita. Refuse the will." After this, Dzhigurda lost his temper and began shouting that Bratash’s relatives were unworthy of money. And then he looked at me and said: “Have you thought about me? What will I live on?!” And then I understood everything. And he was offended. Then I sent an SMS to Marina: “Give up the will.” And I heard from her: “We will sue you for libel.” Then I said that “I just want to save you from problems.” After this, the friendship came to an end.

-Have you seen the will?

Yes. It was compiled with errors, on the letterhead of the Bratash company. After all, Nikita had to give the original will to the court for examination. But he didn't. He said that his document would be stolen. I believe that Dzhigurda understands that the will is fake, which is why he does not give it away, but comes up with some excuses. Even then, I sent an SMS to Nikita’s driver and wrote that I knew the truth about the will. He forwarded this SMS to Marina, who sent it to Nikita, and the persecution of me began.

- You spoke on the side of Dzhigurda at the trial...

I still believed him then. Moreover, I suggested that Nikita take good lawyer, introduced Dzhigurda to him. But when the lawyer started talking about the fee, Nikita made it clear: if we win the case, you will receive a percentage. Then Anisina also talked to the lawyer and confirmed that the money would be returned only after the trial. I admit that they understand that their cause is a losing one.

- Do you know the notary who confirmed the authenticity of the will?

Nikita calls her “the prosecutor’s wife.” Lyudmila is the daughter of the prosecutor of Kislovodsk. I moved to America a long time ago. At one time I worked there as a notary. I contacted my notary friends from Los Angeles, and they explained to me exactly what the procedure for preparing such a document should look like. When making a will, two witnesses are required. If a will is drawn up for citizens of Russia or Ukraine in another country, Bratash should have recorded this at the consulate of Ukraine or Russia. Nothing was followed.

- How could they pull all this off?

This is just my guess. They had a letterhead from the Bratash company. The notary is their friend. She also knew the late Lucy well. The guys took the form, the notary signed, and stamped the seal. They had no doubt that Russia would not focus on a document made in America and would take their word for it.

“I don’t care about my son”

- As I understand, today you are in conflict with the Dzhigurda-Anisin couple?

I receive offensive SMS from Anisina. She calls me a prostitute. So I’m wondering: is it possible to write something like this while being in your right mind? They believe that the sister of the deceased Bratash paid me to throw mud at Dzhigurda. But I don't know this woman. The only time I saw her was at the trial. Another point: Marina says that I was constantly begging for money from Nikita. Although I turned to him for help only once, after the death of my husband. And on January 3, she invited Nikita to congratulate her son and give him 30 thousand rubles. To which he said: “It will work out.” He doesn't care about anyone. I am the only one who defended Dzhigurda. My friends twirled their fingers at their temples: “Are you stupid?..”

- Does Dzhigurda indulge in drugs?

When I lived with him, I didn’t see any drugs. He smoked three packs of menthol cigarettes a day, which I bought for him, and drank vodka. He simply didn’t have the money for anything else. I would not like to believe that he is a drug addict. But what he is saying now is really strange.

Take, for example, the story of its registration. Nikita is a citizen of Ukraine. On January 25, his registration ended. To make a new one, he needed to cross the border. I made an agreement with border guards I knew who promised to help. To do this, Nikita had to cross the Polish-Belarusian border. Anisina wrote to me then: “Press him with registration, we need to win the will.” I think I convinced Nikita. And on the eve of departure, he unexpectedly told me: “I changed my mind. We're not going anywhere. Don't you understand that sabotage is being prepared against me?! We're going to have a car accident."

- Lately he often flashes on the screen. Making money?

For participation in two programs he was paid 600 thousand rubles, then another 300. In total, he received about 2 million rubles for broadcasts. This is his only money. After all, he has nothing of his own - no apartment, no car, no savings.

- But he once earned decent money - what did he spend it on?

He was paid well on the set of “Loving in Russian.” That’s when he bought a three-ruble ruble in Maryino, which he later left ex-wife I don't. I don’t remember any more global purchases. And he’s been earning a little money lately. As far as I know, I haven’t even paid alimony to Yana for the last three years - for no reason. He published books at the expense of the publishing house with which I negotiated. True, he published his last book, “Vertical of Russian Mat,” with Anisina’s money. I remember that Marina then cried to me that she spent 30 thousand dollars on one Nikita disc, 30 thousand on another. And at some point, Marina was afraid that Nikita would squander everything, so she bought an apartment in St. Petersburg to save money. Nikita spent his fees on himself: he got tattoos, bought clothes, trinkets.

- Is the divorce from Anisina real?

The divorce seems to be real. But I think it has something to do with the will. And now, as far as I know, they communicate well.

- Does Dzhigurda really love her, as he says?

I don't think he loves her anymore. And it already seems to me that I never loved. Dzhigurda only needs fame, but not friends, not a wife, not children. I remember when Yana told me that their 15-year-old son tried twice to do what all parents fear most in the world, I conveyed the information to Nikita and asked him to talk to the teenager. To which Dzhigurda replied: “I don’t need it.” He thinks only about himself. And I got used to living on everything ready.

- Today you talked about the life of Dzhigurda - thereby putting an end to your relationship with the actor?

I will put an end to it at the trial, where I am going to take the side of Sister Bratash, who by right should receive the inheritance. I am now the only witness in this case. And I will tell the court everything I know.

The other day it became known that Olympic champion Marina Anisina filed for divorce from Nikita Dzhigurda, whom she had been married to since 2008.

And what started here... The artist went into all seriousness and shouts at every corner that in Paris he is receiving death threats, assassination attempts are being made, and his unfortunate wife is intimidated by werewolves!

“I was followed for a couple of days by people in civilian clothes. Today they didn’t let me leave the house for the airport. They threatened... The tickets disappeared. Sergei Zhorin is a werewolf, a liar, who received an order from the mafia to separate Anisina, who was intimidated by them, from Dzhigurda, declaring the latter insane…” Nikita writes on social networks.

We decided to look into the situation and find out from Marina Anisina’s lawyer, Sergei Zhorin, how things really stand.

Nikita with Marina and children

Sergey, rumors about the couple’s divorce circulated last year. Was this true?

A year ago, Marina forgave Dzhigurda for his antics because he promised to undergo treatment, this was a condition. But Nikita did not keep his word, his mental state worsened, and this would inevitably have led to tragedy if Anisina had not decided to divorce. Just one and a half to two years ago, Dzhigurda was semi-normal; over time, the situation became worse due to his use of various drugs, thanks to which, as Nikita says, he enters the astral plane. Now he is in a deranged state 24 hours a day. This is dangerous for the family physical point sight and disgraces Marina, because Nikita commits actions that do not fit into any gate. I can’t talk about this until Marina authorizes me. But for lately events occurred that became a point of no return.

Do you think Nikita is mentally unstable?

Despite the fact that I am not a doctor, I have no doubt about Dzhigurda’s mental illness. His inconsistency, sudden changes in mood, obsessive ideas, take at least Nikita’s statements that he and Anisina supposedly had an agreement to divorce quietly. There were no agreements! Marina decided, gave me instructions, and I filed a lawsuit. Then journalists contacted us, and we dryly confirmed this fact without any comments. The whole information wave began when Nikita took the floor. He began to throw a barrel at me; for a year now he has believed that Marina is cheating on him with me. Moreover, when she tells him: “Listen, we are in different countries!”, he replies: “Yes, but you do it astrally.” Dzhigurda lives at the expense of Anisina and without her care he could not even fly from Paris to Moscow, he missed the plane. And on November 2, Nikita must appear in court, where his current last name, first name and patronymic will be established, because he is no longer Dzhigurda, but some Count Dracula (in September the actor said that his name is now Janatan El-Air Bratash G Pogorzhelsky von Han Eden), and the process will begin.

Will the spouses divide property and who will become the guardian of their children?

I think that there should be no disputes about children and property. What kind of children? For him, as I understand it, this is not a very important issue. He stated that he was going to America to get married. Nikita needs it now medical care, first of all, he should be protected from the medications he takes, sent for rehabilitation, and when he returns to our planet, some serious issues about children can be discussed.

The lawyer made an official statement on his blog about how he perceives Dzhigurda’s accusations against him.

— 22.09.2016 Tags: Dzhigurda I turned on the TV, and on the second program on “Live” they were investigating a murder. richest woman Russia Lyudmila Bratash, who died at mysterious circumstances in February of this year. Previously, she left a will in which she left almost a billion rubles to Nikita Dzhigurda, her godfather.

Why did a rich woman leave an inheritance to the outrageous actor? Nikita said that Lyudmila once had an abortion. According to doctors, Lyudmila had twins. She was very worried about the loss of her children, and went to the clairvoyant together with Nikita Dzhigurda, and she said that now Lyudmila should become the godmother of the children of Marina Anisina and Nikita Dzhigurda, since the souls of her children will inhabit the souls of the children who will be born in the Dzhigurda family.

When children were born in the Dzhigurda family, Lyudmila wrote a will for the actor, because of which he is now in trouble. One of the studio guests said that the will was most likely written under the influence of alcohol.

Everyone probably already knows this story, but Nikita Dzhigurda surprised me. He looks very old, almost emaciated, unkempt. Very thin, some kind of feminine facial features, a huge cross on his neck, an earring in his ear, a ring on each finger, gray hair in front and 2 gray-brown-crimson tails on the back of his head. All that was left of Dzhigurda was his voice, with which he tried in every possible way to scare everyone in the studio, including Boris Korchevnikov.

Don't know what happened to the former red monster?
Photos from open sources


It is probably difficult to imagine a more shocking and extraordinary personality in domestic television. Many people associate Nikita Dzhigurda with an informal and mentally unhealthy person. But today it’s even difficult to imagine that for another couple of decades almost the entire female half of the audience was in love with Nikita Dzhigurda. The image he created on the screens fully reflected the ideal of courage, strength and impossible male charm.

Marriage and life together

The marriage of Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina from the very beginning seemed like some kind of incomprehensible farce.

Before meeting Marina, Dzhigurda had already been married twice. The older he became, the more incomprehensible his behavior was to those around him. His second wife, Yana Pavelkovskaya, with whom he had been married for 12 years, could not accept her husband’s new views and hobbies. Considering that his mental health required attention, Yana left her husband, despite the fact that their second son was soon to be born. Although in fact, the couple broke up because of Nikita Dzhigurda’s new all-consuming passion.

In 2007, on the set of the television series “Dancing on Ice,” Nikita Dzhigurda found his new love– Olympic champion Marina Anisina. Anisina’s touching image did not fit in with the eccentric and not always adequate Dzhigurda. The audience was sure that all this was nothing more than just another PR. However, a new unit of society nevertheless appeared, and the couple was even married.

Perhaps it was this originality and eccentricity of her husband that attracted Marina Anisina. Otherwise, how can one explain the calmness with which the wife perceives Nikita’s every trick. And his actions can hardly be called reasonable. Dzhigurda himself believes that everything important points in his family should become public knowledge. Everything would be fine, but on the Internet, Dzhigurda uploads absolutely shocking videos. The first to be shown to everyone was a video of Anisina’s first birth, in all possible detail. This fact caused such a wide resonance that Dzhigurda was forced to undergo a psychiatric examination. When doctors confirmed the fact of his husband’s mental health, he wanted to continue his open video chronicle.

The next “bomb” was the video of the conception of their second child. They no longer turned a blind eye to this story. Dzhigurda’s account was blocked and he was forced to delete the video from all Internet resources.

Further - more. Obscene photos and videos of the riotous Dzhigurda appear on the Internet every now and then. What about the wife? She was apparently happy with everything. Soon their joint beach photos in nude style were already circulating on the Internet.

But any, even angelic patience, comes to an end someday. In 2015, Marina Anisina unexpectedly filed for divorce. Marina cites her husband’s mental state as the reason for this action. Anisina's lawyer presented evidence in court that mental illness Dzhigurdy is progressing.

Nikita Dzhigurda himself cites disagreements related to the inheritance of Lyudmila Bratash as the reason for the divorce.

A well-known entrepreneur and Nikita’s friend, Lyudmila Bratash, died in February 2016 unclear circumstances. When she was discovered, there were signs of beatings on her body, and the apartment was completely robbed. In addition, a large amount was missing.

It turned out that Lyudmila Bratash, in her will, left a huge inheritance to her friend Nikita Dzhigurda - 800 million rubles. Lyudmila Bratash was not only a close friend of Dzhigurda, but also godmother his son.

While the struggle for the inheritance was going on, Nikita resorted to various methods that were understandable to him alone. So, he abruptly changed his image and name, calling himself Jonathan El-Air Bratash Ji Pogorzelsky von Gan Eden. By adding the testator's surname, he thereby focused the judges' attention on his close relationship with Lyudmila. Next, the court was presented with videos in which he had sex with a woman named Lyudmila.

But no tricks helped, and the court ordered an examination of the authenticity of the will. The opponent in court was sister Lyudmila Bratash, who could not come to terms with the will. She stated that all this was nothing more than a fabrication of facts, and that the will was simply a forgery.

At the end of 2016, Dzhigurda and Anisina stated in the latest news that their divorce was fictitious, for the sake of their safety.

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After the “divorce,” Anisina safely returned to her husband. In May 2017, information appeared that she was expecting her third child. Fight for multi-million dollar inheritance Not only did Dzhigurda’s health, who was given IVs right in the courtroom, deteriorate, but it also had a most negative impact on the condition of his wife. From the latest news it is known that Marina Anisina lost her child and is now undergoing rehabilitation therapy.

Nikita Dzhigurda filed a lawsuit against the management of Channel One. He called the television show “Actually” deceitful and staged. “Lie Detector” is just a bait for naive viewers. In fact, everything is pre-written and the artists are offered a large fee for a pre-directed production. He does not want to be a toy in this performance. Links to the topic “Dzhigurda and Anisina latest news 2019" are still the most popular.

Nikita Dzhigurda told reporters that high blood pressure has become a common occurrence for him. Despite the noticeable deterioration in his health, the artist is not going to go to the hospital and undergo examination.

Dzhigurda said that all his problems began because of legal proceedings regarding the inheritance of his godmother Lyudmila Bratash, which she left to his family. However, the sister of the deceased, Svetlana Romanova, accused Nikita of forging documents in order to take possession of Bratash’s property.

“Two years of slander around my name did not just pass! What they didn’t say about me: that Dzhigurda forged a will, and that I was a rapist, and that I soldered my godfather, from whom he allegedly stole money! At the same time, not a single criminal case was opened against me. They weren’t even opened because it was bullshit. Of course, on nervous soil my health has given way,” Nikita said.

Recently, before the start of the next court hearing, Dzhigurda had a hypertensive crisis. The star had to call an ambulance.

“The pressure has been off the charts for several months now. The last court hearing was postponed: I had a seizure! The pressure jumped: 230 to 130. Ambulance she arrived on time, they gave me an injection and brought me back to life. Don't think I'm giving up! These are psychological changes. Fortunately, I can meditate and relieve my blood pressure with prayer. I must stand in the name of love, children and ordinary people who cannot protect themselves from the mafia of black realtors, because they are much weaker than us. For if People's Artist and the Olympic champion cannot achieve the truth, they will achieve that they will squeeze out living space from unknown people,” Dzhigurda shared.

According to the artist, Sister Bratash lost all the cases. However, Romanova continues to spread false information to Dzhigurda.

“But her sister wrote: “Don’t tell her where I am!” I show the agreement on the illegal renting of an apartment by Romanov’s son, which is part of the inheritance estate, and she responds: “He stole the document!” He’s making up some nonsense!” - Nikita noted.

Dzhigurda admitted that during a difficult period his wife Marina Anisina supported him. The famous figure skater does not believe the words of spiteful critics who are spreading “dirty” rumors about her husband.

“The pranksters call her and say that I’m sitting here on hard drugs. If vodka is considered a drug, then yes, I am a drug addict. Vodka is not a prohibited doping. It helps psychologically. Anyone in my place would have already run away, moved his horses, or given up. But I don't give up. I'm holding on!.. I'm not an alcoholic. Drunks can't stop drinking, but I can. I don’t drink for two or three days, sometimes even for a week. But then it arises stressful situation, and I get drunk again. I relieve stress with prayer – and everything becomes fine,” Dzhigurda shared.