The richest women on the planet: Forbes ranking. The richest women in the world and Russia Iris Fontbon and family

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When we hear about rich women, images pop up in our heads famous actresses, top models and wives wealthy men.
We are in website decided to break the stereotype and show you the very women who own their own millions and even billions.

12. Sheikha Mozah, Qatar

Age: 58 years old
State: $10 million

This spectacular woman is Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned, the second wife of the Emir of Qatar and mother of 7 children. She not only accepts Active participation in political and public life country, but also pays attention to the development of science and technology. Having received several honorary doctorates, Sheikha Moza has also earned fame as one of the most stylish first ladies on the planet.

11. Ivanka Trump, USA

Age: 35 years
State: $740 million

Donald Trump's eldest daughter could have lived on her father's money, but she decided to earn her millions. Ivanka owns several companies, runs a successful business, participates in television shows, and even wrote a book. Devoting her free time to her family, Ivanka also finds time for herself: look how luxurious she looks at 35.

10. Pansy Ho, China

Age: 54 years old
State: $3.4 billion

Pansy Ho is the daughter of the owner of a gambling empire in China, Stanley Ho. Pansy has 16 siblings, but she is the only one who has made her own billions. Today her fortune significantly exceeds her father's.

9. Marguerite Louis-Dreyfus, France

Age: 55 years
State: $5.3 billion

The richest Russian woman in the world is Margarita Louis-Dreyfus, born Margarita Bogdanova. After the death of her husband, she inherited the company and the Olympic football club. Margarita currently holds the position general director in her own company, besides, she got married again and has 2 children.

8. Kerry Perrodo, Singapore

Age: 66 years old
State: $5.3 billion

Kerry received several billion dollars after her husband's death. Hubert Perrodo owned one of the largest private oil companies. Now the company is headed by their son, and Kerry is involved in charity work and looks great at 66.

7. Charlotte Casiraghi, Monaco

Age: 31 year
State: $5.7 billion

Charlotte Casiraghi is 8th in line to the throne of Monaco. Grace Kelly's granddaughter works as a journalist, and free time dedicated to equestrian sport. And what to hide, Charlotte inherited from her grandmother not only royal wealth, but also her bright appearance.

6. Christy Walton, USA

Age: 68 years old
State: $6.1 billion

The widow of the heir to the global Wal-Mart chain has long been one of the twenty richest people on the planet. Today, Christy Walton's fortune has diminished, but she remains one of the most famous female philanthropists in the world.

5. Iris Fontbona, Chile

Age: 74 years old
State: $13.7 billion

Iris Fontbona is one of those who inherited her fortune after the death of her husband. Having become the richest Chilean in the world, at 74, Iris runs the family business and, admittedly, looks great.

As a rule, the list of the richest people consists mostly of men; we present a list of the richest women on the planet. Some of them became successful and earned their fortune, some received a large inheritance. Next, we will present a list of the 20 richest women on the planet.

20. Alexandra Andresen

A billionaire who recently turned 21. General state estimated at $1.2 billion. In 2005, for ethical reasons, the Andresen family sold the tobacco company, which was one of the largest in Norway.

19. Yang Huiyan

The daughter of a famous tycoon in China, Yeong Kwok Keung. The businessman earned his fortune through his own labor. Initially, he was a simple farmer who, at a certain stage, was lucky enough to acquire a piece of land for little money. Later, on this site, he began to build houses that were in demand among the middle class. He invested the money from the sale of property into business development. Later, after graduating from university, his daughter Yang Huiyan joined the business. In 2004, Yang received a controlling stake in the company. Her fortune is estimated at $2.1 billion.

18. Denise York

The richest woman in the world of sports, owner of the San Francisco 49ers American football team. The team's value is estimated at $3 billion. Denise's father, who originally made his fortune as an owner shopping centers, bought the team in 1977 for $13 million. Denise has managed the team since 2000, and her fortune is estimated at $2.5 billion.

17. Oprah Winfrey

TV presenter, public figure, producer of one of best shows“The Oprah Winfrey Show” Her fortune is estimated at $2.8 billion. She was recognized as one of the most influential women in the world; she took 9th place in this ranking in 2005. Among show business stars, Oprah Winfrey is the richest in 2013.

16. Doris Fisher

Jeans made Doris one of the richest women in the world. The Gap was founded with $63,000 previously saved, which was initially planned to be spent on his son's education. Doris and her husband opened a store that sold primarily Levis jeans. At the moment it is an extensive network of stores. Doris Fisher's net worth is estimated at $2.8 billion.

15. Juliana Benetton

Together with 3 brothers she founded the Benetton company. The history of the company started with a bright knitted sweater that was knitted for one of the brothers. At that time, colored sweaters were a novelty, which allowed them to quickly become popular. Forbes estimates her fortune at $3.5 billion.

14. Judy Faulkner

Founder of It company Epic Systems. The company was created from scratch in 1979. The company specializes in electronics. medical records and software for medical institutions. Judy's fortune is estimated at $3.7 billion, but by the standards of the rich, she lives quite modestly.

13. Diane Hendricks

Diana did not have an easy fate; she became pregnant when she was a teenager, for this reason she had to be educated at home. She later married and with her husband founded the ABC construction company. Diane's net worth is estimated at $4.9 billion.

12. Sherry Brideson

The richest woman in Canada, she is the largest shareholder of Woodbridge. According to Bloomberg, her fortune is estimated at $7.46 billion. Photo from 1970 showing Sherry speaking at the Canadian Social Security Conference.

11. Loretta Ann Rogers

Loretta Ann Rogers is the widow of Ted Rogers, founder of Rogers Communications. One of the largest Canadian media companies. Forbes estimates the Lorretta family's wealth at $7.9 billion.

10. Wu Yahun

She started her career as an engineer. After some time, she became interested in journalism, and is currently the largest shareholder in the Chinese development company Longfor. By according to Forbes Wu Yahun's fortune is $8.6 billion.

9. Zhou Qunfei

She made herself rich. She dropped out of school and started working in a factory that produced glass for watches. At the age of 22, she founded her own company, which began producing watches and screens for mobile phones. Zhou's fortune is estimated at $9.2 billion. The richest woman in China.

8. Pollyanna Chu

She is credited with being included in the list of the richest women in the world thanks to the success of the Kingston Financial Group, which was founded by her husband. The main activity of the company is the management of casino hotels. Polianna Chu's net worth is estimated at $12.6 billion.

7. Gina Rinehart

Australia's richest woman. She is not just a businesswoman, she has built a business in an area that is not typical for women. Gina owns the Hancock iron ore company. As of 2018, her fortune is estimated at $14.9 billion.

6. Laurene Powell Jobs

The widow of Steve Jobs has a bachelor's degree in political science. One of the richest women in the world, her fortune is estimated at $20.7 billion. She inherited her fortune after the death of her husband in 2011. Shares in Apple and Disney.

5. Susanne Klatten

Inherited 12.5% ​​of the shares of the BMW company after the death of her father and 50.1% of the shares of the Altana company, which is engaged in production chemical substances and pharmaceuticals. High-quality business investments made her one of the richest women in Germany. Her fortune is estimated at $23.6 billion.

4. Jacqueline Mars

Daughter of Forrest Mars, owns 1/3 of the Mars company. The company is one of the leaders in the production of confectionery products and animal feed. Forbes estimates Jacqueline's fortune at $28.3 billion. At the end of 2010, she ranked 19th among the richest people in the United States.

3. Maria Franca Fissolo

According to Forbes magazine, Miria Franka Fissolo's fortune is 33.2 billion. The widow of Michele Ferrero, the founder of the company of the same name, the history of which began with Nutella chocolate and nut spread and Ferrero Rocher sweets.

2. Liliane Bettencourt

Heir to the Loreal empire. Daughter Liliane Bettencourt became one of the richest women, inheriting her father's fortune of $44.7 billion. Together with her husband, she founded the AIDS Center. She was awarded the Legion of Honor.

1. Alice Walton

The richest woman in the world, her fortune is estimated at $45.7 billion. She is the daughter of Walmart founder Sam Walton. He is interested in collecting paintings and is a sponsor of contemporary artists and poets.

Position in the ranking Richest woman Net worth at the beginning of 2018 billion $
1 Alice Walton45,7
2 Liliane Bettencourt44,7
3 Maria Franca Fissolo33,2
4 Jacqueline Mars28,3
5 Susanne Klatten23,6
6 Laurene Powell Jobs20,7
7 Gina Rinehart14,9
8 Polianna Chu12,6
9 Zhou Qunfei9,2
10 Wu Yahun8,6
11 Loretta Ann Rogers7,9
12 Sherry Brideson7,5
13 Diane Hendricks4,9
14 Judy Faulkner3,7
15 Juliana Benetton3,5
16 Doris Fisher2,8
17 Oprah Winfrey2,8
18 Denise York2,5
19 Yang Huiyan2,1
20 Alexandra Andresen1,2

On last week Kylie Jenner was named the youngest female billionaire in the world according to Forbes magazine. It took 20-year-old Jenner and her cosmetics brand Kylie Cosmetics about three years to earn $900 million and rank 27th on the list of the richest female billionaires. Kommersant Style understands the situation.

Woman and money

How to become the richest young girl in the world? Until now, the most obvious options were: marry a rich man or be born an heiress to a billion-dollar fortune. A woman, and especially a young girl, who owns a billion-dollar fortune, must definitely have someone who would provide her with this fortune. A man is the source of wealth. We associate it with money and influence.

But in the 21st century everything changes. At first, we got used to the idea that you can become a billionaire in just a few years. Almost on click. The stories of IT billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg and Sergey Brin are stories of how literally one idea could become the key to enormous wealth. And since then, the world has been chasing this “billion dollar idea”, organizing an endless race of startups.

Just ten years ago, we also resisted the idea of ​​Facebook becoming an integral part of our lives. An event for a couple of years, we said.

The same thing is happening to Kylie Jenner now. Everyone recognizes that its business model was capable of dramatic growth, but it is unlikely to offer anything more to the market. He won’t play, as they say, long. Already, its growth rates have slowed significantly, and some experts predict its company will decline, even going bankrupt. Something like the story of a faded pop group whose audience one day grew up and stopped being influenced by naive lyrics.

What's the secret

Here we come to important point: how it works? How to earn 900 million in three years from subscribers on social networks. By the way, this is, without exaggeration, one of the main issues of our time. Recipe from Kylie Jenner: you need a product and the desire to constantly advertise it. And then social networks will do their job.

100 million followers on social networks is like 100 million potential customers who are walking into your store right now, and you have plenty of time to tell them everything about your product. Personally to each of the buyers. Talk to him one on one, explaining best qualities of your product. Convince him that he should buy it. And then, as a bonus, allow you to discuss this product with an equally enthusiastic audience. A dream for any advertiser.

There is no struggle for the audience when you have to look for the buyer you need from a motley group of people. Then convince him to focus on your product. Have time to explain its best qualities before the buyer switches to the next brand. And if he decides to buy it, then immediately start setting traps so that the audience stays and becomes loyal to the brand. You don't need to do any of this. Just a few posts a day telling how gorgeous the new lipstick looks on the lips of another celebrity. Instead of advertising campaign- a banal video with girlfriends testing your new products.

Where is the limit

Of course, Kylie Jenner did not create her company alone. Behind her is the Jenner-Kardashian clan, which jointly promotes the Kylie Cosmetic brand. The mother of the family is Kris Jenner plus her daughters Kylie, Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kendall. A real women's empire in which each of the daughters achieves success.

But the story of Kylie Jenner still stands apart. Her older sisters were also in demand, for example, the name Kim Kardashian seems to us much more popular, but it was 20-year-old Kylie who was able to achieve super-success and super-profit. She is like a direct child of the Instagram generation, who grew up inside the phenomenon social networks, was able to capture what her audience wants to receive. And this allowed her to become the youngest female billionaire in US history, who earned her money herself, rather than receiving it as an inheritance or after a divorce.

And it seems that this is not the limit for Kylie and her family. The decline in the growth of her brand is not equal to the decline in the popularity of Kylie Jenner herself. Namely, she and her influence on her audience are the main capital in her business model. Cosmetic products may be followed by something else. Food, music, cinema, any goods and services. Its audience will mature, expand, become more global and multicultural.

Sometimes the success of influencers is contrasted with the billion-dollar income of giant cosmetic brands that stand firmly on their feet and control their audience thanks to a name that has been promoted for generations. Everyone will forget Kylie Cosmetic in a year, but L'Oreal will be forever. Something like that. But if we look into the kitchen of these giants, then we will see exactly the same pursuit of the audience and attempts to find their influencers to promote their brand through social networks.

This is too much fast world nothing guarantees eternal influence even for the most popular companies.

Only those who give their best every new day and keep up with the times will be able to earn another billion. Over the past three years, one of the best has been Kylie Jenner. Who will be next?

Nikita Podgornov

May 19, 2016

Whose example can motivate more than a successful, rich and influential woman? We present to you the 10 richest women of our time: some of them inherited their billions, while others made a huge fortune on their own, spending years of hard work. Steel, oil, newspapers

Whose example can motivate more than a successful, rich and influential woman? We present to you the 10 richest women of our time: some of them inherited their billions, while others made a huge fortune on their own, spending years of hard work. Steel, oil, newspapers, sports and cosmetics - that's what brought these women such huge money. How the fate of the richest women on the planet turns out, what they do, who they marry and how they manage their wealth - read in our review!

Anna Anisimova - 2 billion

Anna Anisimova is the daughter of Vasily Anisimov, who made a huge fortune in metal trading in the late 90s. Despite the fact that outwardly Anna seems to be the Russian version of Paris Hilton - the same glamorous lifestyle, the same expensive entertainment - her fate bears a typically Russian imprint: the girl was sent incognito to study in the USA after her sister was taken hostage and killed by bandits , seeking to settle scores with her father. Anna took everything from life, but for the time being everything did not go well: modeling career It didn't work out, she was expelled from college, her real estate investments didn't pay dividends, so in the end she decided to become an actress and, to be sure, married producer Peter Schaefer. This time everything worked out, and now Anna successfully plays in films.

Anna Getty - 2.4 billion

Anna Getty is the granddaughter of oil tycoon Paul Getty, also known for his love of extravagant forms of modern art. In a surprising irony of fate, the “oil heiress” chose the exact opposite field of activity - she produces a series of healthy eco-products and DVDs with films about healthy life, participates in non-profit foundations in support of the “green” movement and in defense of healthy childhood.

Tamara Ecclestone - 3.6 billion

Tamara Ecclestone is a fashion model and the daughter of Bernie Ecclestone, the owner of Formula 1, so it is not surprising that the girl successfully got a job sports commentator and is now commentating on the Red Bull Air Race World Series on Channel 4. Tamara's married life suffered a terrible collapse when, after 11 years of marriage, her husband Jonathan Ketterman suddenly began to very clumsily blackmail her. At the peak of this scandal, Tamara did the incredible - she posed for the cover of the May issue of Playboy magazine, brushing off any attempts at blackmail, and at the same time showing what a billion-dollar body looks like. New marriage It didn’t take long for Tamara to marry broker Jay Rutland, and soon a baby appeared in the family.

Jocelyn Wildenstein - 3.8 billion

Jocelyn Wildenstein became famous throughout the Internet thanks to a series of catastrophically unsuccessful plastic surgery. It all started with the fact that this wife of a wealthy businessman wanted to slightly improve her appearance in order to look a little like a cat... and everything started to spin: an unsuccessful intervention, then a new one to correct the consequences, a divorce with good compensation and more and more new operations. In the end, millions of dollars were spent on her appearance without much success, but still Jocelyn, even with her shabby fortune after all the ups and downs, continues to be included in the list of the richest women in the world.

Elizabeth Holmes - 4.5 billion

The amazing story of one of the youngest billionaires in the world is the story of Elizabeth Holmes, who earned her capital on her own. The girl, who since childhood dreamed of treating people, but was afraid of the sight of blood, studied at Stanford to become a chemist, but then dropped out of school, and used the money her parents saved up for education - not millions, but the usual tuition fee - as start-up capital to found her own company Theranos. The business strategy of this company, which specializes in medical analysis, was complete secrecy - which ultimately led to a scandal when the US Attorney's Office became concerned about whether Theranos was misleading investors with its revolutionary technologies about which nothing was really known. The possibility of temporarily removing Elizabeth Holmes from business is now even being considered!

Josie Ho - 7 billion

If you want to become a billionaire, luck comes in handy. Apparently, Stanley Ho relied on this by founding several casinos in Macau. He was indeed lucky - the government granted him a monopoly in this area, so Mr. Ho quickly became known as the local "king of gambling." And Stanley's daughter, Josie Ho, became a billionaire even before she learned to walk. True, she did not follow in her father’s footsteps and did not start doing business at all: Josie decided that she wanted to be a singer and actress. Her father did not approve of this decision, and to spite him, Josie began acting in all sorts of roles - even playing prostitutes. Being a billionaire isn't always easy.

Iris of Fontbon - 11.7 billion

To become a billionaire, it's not enough just to inherit money from another billionaire. You also need to constantly increase your capital - that is, make your money work, and not lie around in the sun on your own island, as many people think. Iris Fontbonne went from a “simple” heiress to richest man in Chile: it owns one of the world's largest copper mines, the world's largest brewery, Chile's largest shipping company, and the second largest Chilean bank. Apparently, Iris is not going to stop there. This lady is modest in expenses and invests everything in the family - in particular, in the future of her five children.

Marta Ortega-Perez - 24 billion

Marta Ortega-Perez is the daughter of Amancio Ortega, the founder and president of Inditex, which owns brands like Zara. So Martha, from birth, was already the owner of a very large fortune, and yet she had to work for her current success. She made her own career in business, and started from the lowest positions, as an ordinary job seeker, because her father firmly believed that the key to success in business is to stand on your own. So Martha’s billions are the fruit of her own labors.

Vanisha Mittal Bhatia - 51 billion

The daughter of the chairman of ArcelorMittal, the world's largest steel concern, Vanisha Mittal is already a billionaire, but in the future she will inherit more more money and her father's share of the company, making her one of the most powerful people in the world. Vanisha became famous for her luxurious wedding, one of the most expensive in the entire world history: she married investment broker Amit Bhatia, having a wedding in Palace of Versailles. The celebration took place in the Imperial Garden of the Tuileries, lunch was prepared by professional chefs from India, world pop stars were responsible for the music, and fireworks were launched from the Eiffel Tower.

Liliane Bettencourt - 200 billion

Liliane Bettencourt is not only the richest man in France, but also the richest woman in the whole world. Lilian is the head of the L'Oreal concern, the largest cosmetics company on the planet. Lilian inherited the director's chair from her father, but today's dizzying success came to the company precisely through her own efforts. Lilian recently sold her own island for $42 million, but her fortune is so great today that she can afford to buy not only an island, but even an entire country!

For a long time, Forbes magazine could not choose a cover heroine for an issue dedicated to the richest women who achieved success in business on their own. That's why the editors invited 9 heroines for the shoot, because each of them deserves to be known by sight!

These women, ages 32 to 69, range from MBAs to college dropouts, Silicon Valley CEOs and models-turned-tycoons. In total, they own $9.7 billion. So, meet all nine.

Sarah Blakely

Net worth: $1 billion

Sarah Blakely runs Spanx. Previously, she was among the top managers of Nike and it is her merit that the brand has expanded and now includes not only sportswear, but also clothing for active rest, despite the fact that Blakely stayed in this position for only two years. However, having started out as a sales agent, Sarah decided to create her own shapewear company and, at age 29, she invested $5,000 in underwear that allows everyone to wear anything, including white slacks. She is the sole owner of the company, and since 2015, Blakely has become a co-owner of the Atlanta Hawks basketball club.

Sofia Amoruso

Net worth: $280 million

The only millennial billionaire who didn't make it in the entertainment industry, Sophia Amoruso made her fortune in online trading. Her fashion company is called Nasty Gal, and Amoruso founded it when she was 22 years old. Back then she sold mostly vintage items to young fashionistas. Ten years later, Nasty Gal now competes with H&M and ASOS, with revenues of $300 million this year, up from barely $100 million in 2012. Amoruso has published an autobiographical book, #Girlboss, and is preparing to release an autobiographical comedy series on Netflix.

Diana Hendricks

Net worth: $4.9 billion

“We became the largest distributor in the country and delivered roofing materials to roofers large and small,” Diane Hendricks said in an interview about the company she founded in 1982 with her husband, Ken. When Ken died in 2007, Diana refused to sell the company. It dealt with the 2008 recession and even bought competitor Bradco Supply in 2010. The company's sales have more than doubled over the past 10 years.

Kathy Ireland

Net worth: $360 million

Supermodel Kathy Ireland has built a licensing empire, lending her name, taste and marketing skills to more than 17,000 products. And all this is sold so successfully that it gives trading network profit of $2.6 billion. Katie herself was opened by the Elite modeling agency when she was 16 years old. While working as a model, Katie continued to come up with side business projects. One of them fired - furniture. When entering the furniture market, Ireland decided that her brand needed to have some substance: The approach “Solutions for families, especially busy mothers” was now the company's motto. For example, carpets were treated special means to protect against spills, which preserves colors and prolongs the life of carpets, and tables were designed with rounded corners to prevent running children from being injured by sharp corners.

Meg Whitman

Net worth: $2.1 billion

Meg Whitman was well known as a successful CEO at Hewlett Packard, and since the company's split in 2015, she heads Hewlett Packard Enterprise, which sells servers and software. She has also held senior positions at Hasbro and Walt Disney, and is known as the head of eBay, raising its revenue from $5 million in 1998 to $8 billion in 2008, when she left that post.

Tony Ko

Net worth: $260 million

Toni Ko moved to the United States from Korea when she was 13 years old. After school, she helped her parents, who had a warehouse. In 1999, when she was 25, she noticed how big the price gap was between supermarket cosmetics and pharmaceutical products. Thanks to her involvement in the family business, she had connections around the world wholesale trade and start-up capital, so she took a risk and launched NYX Cosmetics, a luxury cosmetics brand at a great price. In its first year, Ko generated $4 million in retail sales. In 2014, she sold this brand to L’Oréal, the company’s value then reached $500 million. And in the spring of 2016, Ko launched a brand of stylish and flirty sunglasses Perverse Sunglasses $40-$60 per pair.

Katrina Lake

Net worth: $120 million

Katrina Lake is the creator of Stitch Fix, an online retailer that selects clothes for customers based on statistics and advice from stylists. Sales reached $250 million last year, showing that the San Francisco startup has become a convenient shopping tool for busy women. Although Lake has not earned the $250 million limit for the list of the richest, she is on the list of promising entrepreneurs and, in the near future, will soon enter the top 60 richest business women peace.

Dorothy Herman

Net worth: $270 million

The richest self-made woman in the world of American real estate, Dorothy Herman, is a co-owner of a reputable New York firm, Douglas Elliman, which sells houses totaling $22 billion a year, and its income is $600 million. The company employs more than 6 thousand agents in 85 offices. When Dorothy was 10 years old, she and her parents were in a car accident in which her mother died and her father was seriously injured. The baby herself was thrown out of the car. Dorothy became a mother at age 19 and began working as a real estate broker for Merrill Lynch on Long Island in the 1980s. Soon the company was bought by Prudential Long Island, and already in the 90s Dorothy herself acquired most of this company.

Liz Elting

Net worth: $390 million

Liz Elting is one of the CEOs of TransPerfect, one of the largest translation firms in the world. different languages, which has annual revenues of $505 million. The offices of this company are located in 90 cities around the world. Liz Elting founded the company in 1992 with her classmate Phil Shaw, who was once her boyfriend. Today, their company is based in New York, employing 4,000 people and serving 11,000 clients, including AT&T, Google and Wal-Mart.