Daughter of Victoria Tokareva personal life. Writer Victoria Tokareva: biography, photo, personal life

Daughter of my favorite writer Victoria Tokareva

she was once married to director Valery Todorovsky. They have two children together, one of whom recently made the writer a great-grandmother and his father a grandfather. Tokareva was not embarrassed by the new condition with the prefix “pra”. As always, she treated everything with humor.
I found times in journalism when interviews were conducted not according to “ratings”, but according to one’s liking. I easily contacted Victoria Tokareva and was just as easily invited to an interview with her.
I remember well her 9-story block house in the Mosfilmosvskaya area, an ordinary three-room apartment with simple furniture (now she lives in a house that she built in the village of Krasnaya Pakhra), her husband - a silent, handsome man who opened the door for me and disappeared into the apartment. Victoria Samoilovna, who came out to me, wrapped in a scarf, and our long, long conversation over tea, which we drank, it seems, several liters.
...She didn’t answer me only one question: I asked what Maestro Federico Fellini wrote about?
When Tokareva's books were translated into Italian, the great director read her stories and wanted to meet her. At his invitation, she came to Rome and talked for a long time and often with the maestro. They planned to make a film together, discussed the details of the script, but the director was already ill, the plans did not come true. But after leaving and until the end of his days, Fellini wrote letters to her. Victoria Samoilovna keeps their contents secret: “After death, let them publish it, everything there is very personal.”
May this correspondence not be published soon.
I wish her longevity, health and many, many books, the genre of which she herself defined as “Melodrama with humor”

Today is the famous writer's anniversary. Victoria Samoilovna believes that she has lived to a good age. "Long happy life"- that was the name of the film directed by Gennady Shpalikov. The same words can be said about her life

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“Like an alcoholic has a craving for vodka, I have a craving for writing”

Nature gives a woman 20 years to raise children, and another 20 years to raise grandchildren,” the writer explains to me. - Then live as you want. But at your own expense.

- That is?

The Lord is not responsible for you. It seems to me that I spent the time when he was responsible for me not in vain. She raised a daughter, smart, modest, beautiful. And my grandchildren are like they were at an exhibition. Maybe my words will seem immodest to some. But I admire them and they love me. Three months ago I had a great-granddaughter. Thick and humorous, that means she’s into me. Isn't this happiness?

Plus I have published 20 volumes of books. When I go to a book fair, people come up to me and say: you saved us, we survived thanks to your books. Once Nelya Kobzon told me: “When I was in a hospital in Germany with Joseph Davydovich, I was saved only by your books.” I hope they actually helped someone.

- This is probably the main gift for this birthday?

I don’t know... I don’t treat myself solemnly. I always wrote because I wanted to write. Just as an alcoholic has a craving for vodka, so I have a craving for writing. Some call it talent. For me, this is a need, a kind of addiction. In any case, I never forced myself, I never wrote to order. I sit down at the table and feel happy.

“I don’t care who brings money to the family, the main thing is that there is money”

- Directly perfect life, which flows like clockwork.

My life hasn't been entirely easy. But I have always done what interests me. This is great luck. Once Georgy Danelia told me: “You and I happy people. We only did what we liked. You did what you wanted and achieved what you wanted through character and talent.”

- What would you like to receive for your birthday?

I want everyone I love to come. Oleg Mityaev promised to call his friend musician Leonid Margolin (composer and multi-instrumentalist - Ed.), and he would come with a button accordion. And we will, like in the village on the ruins, sing hits of the 70s. I love it when they sing songs, like at village weddings.

- Will you sing too?

But of course! I graduated after all music school, I studied music for 14 years. I will!

In your family, you are the breadwinner, successful and highly paid. Has it ever bothered you that you earn more than your husband?

Never! Personally, I don’t care who brings the money, the main thing is that there is some. My husband is a very close person to me, without whom I cannot imagine my life. It doesn't matter how much he earns. It is important that the creative battery in me works, and that my husband does not interfere with this battery’s recharging. This is his very great dignity. Another could demand that I serve the first, second, third and more on the table every day cold snack. But he doesn't require it. Why should I waste time peeling potatoes? He understands this.

In your new book “Houses Last Longer Than People” you write about a dacha construction cooperative “ Soviet writer"Where do you live? Once upon a time, Stalin gave land to the writers in this DSK, half a hectare to each. He fed the intelligentsia. In the village lived: Alexander Tvardovsky, Konstantin Simonov, Yuri Nagibin, Yuri Trifonov, poet Pavel Antokolsky, directors Eldar Ryazanov, Mikhail Romm, actor Zinovy ​​Gerdt, singer Lyudmila Zykina... And today?

There are practically no writers left in our village, except for Genrikh Borovik, who walks along the alley with two sticks. And me, who walks with one stick, and also Vladimir Voinovich, who rarely leaves the house.

But today, anyone who is not too lazy can declare themselves a writer. Why not? Universal literacy since 1937. There are very famous writers, they are in all TV shows. Their books are printed in large editions, they earn good money, and with the money they earn, they build beautiful houses. Wealthy people. But that doesn't mean they are good writers.

It’s interesting that you don’t hide your heroes under fictitious names. You write, for example, about how Ivan Pyryev suggested that Eldar Ryazanov film “ Carnival night", after which the young director woke up famous...

But in order for Pyryev to propose, one must be Ryazanov. He didn't help everyone. Pyryev simply gave Ryazanov a “golden kick”.

- Aren’t you afraid to offend your heroes?

I write kindly. And those who know me well, for example, like Vladimir Voinovich, are not offended by me in advance...


“KP” is publishing an excerpt from the book “Houses Last Longer Than People,” which has just been published by the Azbuka-Atticus publishing house.


Semyon is homeless. He has settled in our village and lives here year after year. He was sheltered by the Musatov family. Musatov is a children's writer who left this world long ago. Now his son lives here. He has a house, a garage, and above the garage there is a modest apartment in which Semyon lives. Semyon is from Moldova. He came to earn money, but he’s not doing very well. He doesn't know how to do anything and drinks too. They love him. Semyon is kind and simple-minded, like a yard dog. Not a specialist. Hands grow from the wrong place. But he does not flatter himself about himself. I agree to any job, takes ridiculous money. Or maybe for free, for a glass. Quite beautiful at the same time. If you wash him with chlorine, comb his hair, and dress him up, it’s quite possible to act in a movie as a white officer. If, of course, he remains silent. Semyon is indifferent to money, unlike other migrant workers. Guest workers come to work, money blurs their eyes. Semyon is different. He is not interested in money as such. He is free from obligations. He has no family. He doesn't owe anyone anything. He - to no one. And to him - no one. Complete freedom. Like in space. Nothing holds him back. He has no children, no ambitions and no plans for the future. And even for one day. Lives like a bird. In the morning he got up and sang. You can be envious. Each person must fulfill his duty, and this duty moves him through life and keeps him on the surface. And makes him a slave. But no one is counting on Semyon, and he is not to blame for anyone. Fine. He says that he was married to a woman with higher education. He worked as a driver. Knocked a man to death. Sat down. Prison broke him. Prison breaks the weak. houses last longer than people. I don’t know where he’s lying and where he’s not. Semyon says that he no longer wants a wife with an education. Very arrogant. Simpler is better. Inner world person is reflected on the face. Semyon is cute. Whenever he comes to my house, I always give him a bowl of soup. It seems to me that he eats dry food. Liquid - only vodka. Semyon willingly sits down at the table. At first, I shared a meal with him and kept him company. But company with Semyon is torture. His vocabulary- five words. He rearranges them into different combinations. When communicating with Semyon, I have to adapt to him like a savage. It's boring and tedious. My little granddaughter is glad to see him. She says: “Semyon, thank you for coming to us.” This touches the seeds. At least someone is happy. His work is not going well. He is hired and fired. He doesn't know how to do anything and is stalling for time. I hired Semyon to uproot the roots on my plot. The work is hard, and he has little strength. He took a hand saw from a neighbor - a grinder - and broke it. She burned out on him. The neighbor was upset, but at least that was okay for Semyon. Just think, I drank... At the end of the working day, in addition to the money, I gave him a glass of vodka, which I painted over with Riga balsam. The result was a noble cognac color, and the taste was not as vulgar as just vodka. For Semyon, the hour of truth was coming. He straightened up and slowly, solemnly, in small sips, sent divine moisture into his insides. After which he came to life and began to love everyone and everything. The world around sparkled with bright colors. He called me “Tokarevna,” using my last name as a patronymic. I responded. What difference does it make to me? Semyon is forty-six years old. Flourishing. He began an affair with Tamarka, who sold chickens at the market. Tamarka is the same age as Semyon, she is also an alcoholic, they have common interests. Semyon was carried away. Tamarka was really bright. The only drawback is the craving for money. She pulled all his earnings out of Semyon. This outraged my housekeeper. My housekeeper Irina, a former teacher, raised Semyon as a lagging student and demanded that Semyon save money for housing. He lived in the Musatovs' garage out of mercy. He could be kicked out into the street at any moment. His first task is housing. The bird has a nest. The animal has a hole. And a person must have a room. At least one room where his bed is. My housekeeper demanded from Semyon: to pull himself together, save the required amount and buy a room, at least in a wooden house from an old pensioner. However, Tamarka took great power over Semyon and reigned until one day they fought. Tamarka blackened his eye and kicked him out. Semyon was sad. But not for long. In a neighboring village he found Lyudmila, which he told me in confidence. And he asked not to tell anyone, as if anyone was interested. I will report to Eldar Ryazanov that Semyon has a new mistress...

Beautiful? - I asked to keep the conversation going.

Is Tamarka better?

Ah... Much better. The bastard is scary. And married.

Why do you need to be scary?

It’s inconvenient to say, but such potency, such potency...

I didn't continue the conversation. I don’t talk about these topics at all, especially with Semyon.

The biography of Victoria Tokareva is extremely interesting and contains many extraordinary facts. The writer had a difficult character. He was reflected in the heroes of many of her works. The woman went through enough trials, but was able to withstand and devoted herself to creativity.

Where and when was she born

The biography of Victoria Tokareva began at a difficult time for the country. The girl was born in 1937 in Leningrad. The family went through very difficult years of occupation. The writer still remembers those hungry years, and her family treats food with care.

From childhood, the girl was taught to appreciate even crumbs of bread. She clearly remembers how her mother gave the last pieces to her children, and she herself remained hungry for several days.

The writer's parents

Our heroine was born into an international family. The father was a Jew, his name was Samuel Zilberstein. Mom was Ukrainian, her name was Natalya. She lived in the Donetsk region. Samuel was sent there for internship. There the couple met. The biography of Victoria Tokareva is connected with the war years. Her father was a native Leningrader and worked as an engineer. The Silbertstein family lived modestly but happily. The couple had two daughters.

The world was disrupted by the outbreak of the Second World War. My father was drafted into the army. After the war he returned home, but lived only a few months. My father was admitted to the hospital with severe abdominal pain and was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Soon in 1945, Samuel Zilberstein died.

The girls' mother loved her husband very much. She never married again. She spent all her strength on her husband's older brother, Evgeniy, for a long time.

Mother's image

One of the books displayed the biography of Victoria Tokareva. The writer shows boundless love for the heroine’s children. She took this image from life, it matched her mother.

Tokareva shows in the book “Terror of Love” that sometimes excessive custody of a child only brings harm. Parents should take time for themselves and not get caught up in raising their children.

The writer’s mother worked at a garment factory as an embroiderer. She often took on extra orders at home to feed her family. The mother controlled every step of her daughters, so the sisters looked for every opportunity to escape from the house.

Writer's studies

girl with adolescence I dreamed of connecting my life with medicine. After graduating from school, she applied to the university, but was rejected. Then in the biography of Tokareva Victoria Samoilovna appeared steep turn- She went to enter the music school, piano department.

Studying was easy for the girl, so she continued her education at the conservatory. Victoria has already come to terms with the idea that her destiny is connected with music, and she will not become a doctor.

Moving to Moscow

Personal life in the biography of Victoria Tokareva has several stormy character. She lives in an official marriage with one man, but cheats on him.

The heroine of our story met her chosen one in Leningrad. Their marriage took place quite soon. They did not have a prolonged period of meetings. After the wedding, the couple moved to Moscow. Victor always protected her and supported her in her career.

Tokareva's husband was an engineer. The newlyweds moved on his initiative. In the capital, the writer got a job at a music school. This profession did not bring her pleasure, as stated in short biography Victoria Tokareva in the press.

On one of the creative evenings, she met the children's author Sergei Mikhalkov. This meeting became fateful in the biography of the writer Victoria Tokareva. The famous author was able to facilitate the girl’s admission to VGIK in the screenwriting department.

Career growth

In 1964, the writer’s first story, “A Day Without Lies,” was published. This was followed by 5 years of studying to become a screenwriter. After receiving my diploma, the first collection “About What Didn’t Happen” was published.

In 1971, Victoria became a member of the USSR Writers' Union. so fast career growth gave the girl strength, and she began to publish her works more actively. By 1990, Victoria entered the top ten most famous writers countries.

Tokareva was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor in 1987, and in 1997 she became a laureate of the Moscow-Penne Prize. At the Cannes Film Festival, the screenwriter received an award for her contribution to cinema. This event happened in 2000.

What does he write about?

Victoria Tokareva mainly focuses on female psychology. Abroad, this writer is considered a feminist, which arouses even more interest in her books.

The image of a city woman appears in almost all works. Tokareva’s books trace the struggle for the happiness of ladies and their realities. The girls in the works love to dream about better life and often take rash actions for her sake.

Many heroines have the weakness of not being faithful to their husbands. Most likely, these images were copied from the biography and personal life of Victoria Tokareva. Husband - no the only man, who was among her chosen ones.

The writer’s works have been translated into different languages:

  • Chinese.
  • Danish.
  • French.
  • German.

Residents of these countries enjoy re-reading books by the famous Russian screenwriter.

Biography of Victoria Tokareva: personal life, nationality

The writer had a father Jewish roots. Because of this, her family experienced various difficulties, especially during the war years. During the evacuation from Leningrad they were sent to Sverdlovsk. It was not easy for the family there, because living with a Jewish surname became dangerous. Few people wanted to help the family; most of those around them were afraid of the consequences for themselves.

Then Victoria had to experience more than once life difficulties because of his nationality. Her application was rejected upon admission to medical school educational institution. And perhaps one of the reasons was Jewish roots.

The writer’s personal life was not easy. She married Viktor Tokarev in Leningrad. He always kept a low profile. There is very little information about him.

From a few facts it can be understood that Victor loves his wife very much, because he has repeatedly forgiven her for cases of infidelity. People around him claim that Victoria’s husband has a very calm character and is distinguished by extraordinary kindness. The couple had one daughter, Natalya, in their marriage.

Biography of Victoria Tokareva: personal life of her daughter

Our heroine gave birth at the age of 27, although she got married early. She is very proud of her only daughter. Natalya followed in her mother's footsteps and graduated from VGIK (screenwriting department).

Victoria's daughter does not like publicity; information about her appears in the press extremely rarely. Natalia's most famous work is the script she wrote for the TV series "Kamenskaya". This film brought her success.

Tokareva's daughter began dating her future husband at the age of 16, but serious relationship I started dating Valery Todarovsky only during my student days. After getting married, Natalya gave birth to a son, Peter, and 10 years later, a daughter, Ekaterina.

The marriage lasted 20 years. The famous producer and screenwriter has always distinguished himself in his circle as an exemplary family man. It was news to everyone that he was going to live with According to Victoria Tokareva, it was her daughter who, after such a confession from her husband, filed for divorce.

Now Natalya lives in civil marriage with a worthy man. They devote themselves to work and raising their grandchildren. The eldest son of Natalya Todarovskaya (Tokareva) had two children - Sergei and Anna.


The works of this writer are available in the home libraries of many residents. post-Soviet space. Her books are quick and easy to read. One of the first collections was “Terror with Love.” It contains works that describe difficult fate post-war widows and their daughters trying not to make the mistakes of their mothers. The writer dedicated this book to her long-suffering mother, who could not forget her father.

“Short beeps” is a description of various destinies broken by life. People try, despite betrayal and betrayal, to forgive each other and find happiness. Understanding the value of love and devotion to them goes through a series of difficulties that they must overcome.

Most often, in the plots of all the writer’s works, the city life of the heroes can be traced. Therefore, almost all of Tokareva’s books belong to a special type of prose. Readers are accustomed to calling them “urban”.

Such a passion for major cities quite simply explainable. The entire biography and personal life of Victoria Tokareva, whose photos are given in our article, are connected with two large metropolises - St. Petersburg and Moscow. The woman loves both cities and cannot imagine her life outside them.

Victoria Tokareva admits that she is a bad housewife. She believes that she will be more useful if she writes a few new pages of the work than cooks dinner. Although she has culinary skills. The writer sometimes spoils her grandchildren delicious dishes homemade.

Victoria claims that she never interferes in the personal life of her daughter and grandchildren. She is in good relations both with the former son-in-law and the current one. According to the screenwriter, she can only help her daughter’s family financially and provide moral support, but she will never interfere in the relationship.

Victoria Tokareva does not use any technology (for example, a computer) in writing her books. She believes that ordinary paper and pen bring a special sensuality and reality to her works.

The writer admits that over the course of 50 years of marriage she cheated on her husband several times. Victoria claims that she was always lacking in life bright colors, and she looked for them on the side. Her husband was always aware of Victoria's adventures, but forgave his wife and pretended not to notice anything.

The writer never intended to divorce Victor. She clearly understood that Natalya needed her own father, not a stepfather. Victoria clearly remembered her childhood without her dad and did not want such a fate for her daughter.

Tokareva claims that she does not know about her husband’s infidelities and, most likely, they did not happen. But even if such facts took place, she is grateful to him for being able to hide them from her.

Now the writer is 80 years old. She continues to write and publish new books. More than one film has been made based on her works. These books are still very popular. Victoria Tokareva admits that every time she comes up with new stories with greater depth of thought and with elements of analysis of the different actions of the characters. Most likely, this is due to the writer’s extensive life experience and her age.

Despite this, there is a large amount of humor in the books. Victoria Samoilovna admits that throughout her life only he helped her get out of difficult situations. Thanks to a sense of humor, the family union with Victor was preserved, and they are both very happy about this fact.

Valery Petrovich Todorovsky. Born on May 8, 1962 in Odessa. Soviet and Russian director, screenwriter, producer, actor. Son of film director Pyotr Todorovsky.

The Odessa Film Studio often held film screenings for children; Valery especially loved films from. “I didn’t just watch the movie, I lost myself in it,” he said.

When he was 10 years old, the family moved to Moscow, where he grew up.

As a schoolboy, he made his film debut - he played the role of Volodya Shevelev (son main character) in the melodrama by Yuli Raizman “Strange Woman”.

Valery Todorovsky in the film "Strange Woman"

Becoming a director has been his dream since childhood. Twice he entered the directing department of VGIK, but was unsuccessful. However, he did not back down from his goal. And in the end he became a student, albeit at the screenwriting department.

In 1984 he graduated from VGIK, screenwriting department, workshop of K.K. Paramonova and I.K. Kuznetsova.

In the period 1986-1990 he acted as a screenwriter for the films “The Double”, “The Man of the Retinue”, “The Scourge of God”, “ Sea Wolf", "Gambrinus".

In 1990, he made his debut film as a director - the film “Hearse” based on the story by Flannery O’Connor “Take care of someone else’s life - you will save your own.” According to the plot, on the Black Sea coast in a secluded old house where the widow of a party functionary lives, waiting for her own death, and her 18-year-old daughter is slightly out of this world, a young man appears. His visit is a deal with the mother, who wants to marry her daughter off.

The director recalled that filming his first film, “Hearse,” was “unbearably, painfully difficult.” “And only after a while I slowly began to understand that all the doubts and torments, perhaps, are the meaning of my work. Although in essence this is a monstrous test: as if you yourself, voluntarily, are going to execution. But what ecstasy comes when everything comes together later “In general, I am convinced: cinema gives you a chance to communicate with your own unconscious and let others feel something.

Valery Todorovsky's debut work was awarded a special press prize and a prize at the Debut-90 film festival in Moscow, as well as the Grand Prix at the International Film Festival in Mannheim.

In 1994, the drama became successful "Moscow Evenings" with, and starring. The tape represents modern interpretation Leskov's story "Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk". The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. The film was released in France under the title “Katia Izmailova”. For this work he received the Green Apple Award for best film of the Year in Moscow, as well as the Film Press Prize “Film Defining the Film Style of the Year” in Moscow.

Since March 2000, he held the position of deputy general director RTR (later - the Rossiya TV channel) for film production, since 2003 - advisor to the general director for film and television projects. In this capacity, he worked as the head of the channel’s Film Production Department, overseeing the creation of television series, in particular, those produced by his company Rekun-TV. From October 2001 to May 2002, he was also the host of the Panorama Kino talk show on RTR. He left the TV channel at the end of 2007. He produced the series “Brigada”, “Idiot”, “The Master and Margarita” and many others on the Rossiya TV channel.

In 2008, the director presented the film "Hipsters", which became an event in Russian cinema. The film is dedicated to the life of the same name youth subculture in the 1950s. The main roles were played by , and .

In 2013, Valery Todorovsky directed the series "Thaw". The heroes of the series are Soviet filmmakers who lived in the 1960s, when his father, Pyotr Todorovsky, began working. “This film, of course, is dedicated to my dad and his friends, many of whom have already left, there are not many of them left. And these were fantastic people, and they lived fantastic lives bright life"- said Valery. The television series “The Thaw” received a special Council prize Russian Academy cinematic arts "Nika" "For creative achievements in the art of television cinematography" for 2013. In 2015, the film was awarded the Government Prize Russian Federation.

Valery Todorovsky on the set of the series "The Thaw"

In 2017, the director presented the film "Big", the plot of which is based on the story of the ascent of a young provincial girl to the stage Bolshoi Theater. “Everything related to ballet, main topic- this is the theme of fate: it will work out - it won’t work out, it will happen - it won’t happen. This is a world in which one year is lived as 5 years, because people have little time: at 35 you already have a pension, and feelings of passion, disappointment, happiness multiplied by a hundred,” said the director.

In 2005, together with Leonid Lebedev and Vadim Goryaninov, he founded the Red Arrow film company.

In 2012, he was a confidant of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation.

Valery Todorovsky in the "Big Parents" program

Valery Todorovsky's height: 180 centimeters.

Personal life of Valery Todorovsky:

Was married twice.

The first wife is Natalya Tokareva (born 1965), daughter of the writer and screenwriter Victoria Tokareva.

The marriage gave birth to a son, Pyotr Todorovsky, a journalist and director, in 1986. He has a son, Sergei (born in 2007) and a daughter, Anna (born in 2008).

In 1995, the couple had a daughter, Ekaterina Todorovskaya, who graduated from the Faculty of foreign languages Moscow State University.

Valery Todorovsky, Alika Smekhova and Natalya Tokareva

Scripts by Valery Todorovsky:

1986 - Double (Dubultnieks)
1987 - Man of the Retinue (Svītas cilvēks)
1988 - Scourge of God
1990 - Sea Wolf
1990 - Gambrinus
1991 - Cynics
1991 - Outlet
1991 - Love
1992 - Above Dark Water
1998 - Country of the Deaf
2006 - The last slaughter
2007 - Vise
2013 - Thaw
2013 - Geographer drank the globe away
2014 - Headhunters

Producer works of Valery Todorovsky:

1991 - Love
1991 - Kix
1997 - Snake Spring
1999-2000 - Kamenskaya-1
1999 - Fan
2001 - Family secrets
2002 - Taiga. Survival Course
2002 - Lady for a Day
2002 - Kamenskaya-2
2002 - Law
2002 - Diary of a Killer
2002 - Brigade
2003 - Three colors of love
2003 - Dark Horse
2003 - Tartarin from Tarascon
2003 - Farewell echo
2003 - Heaven and Earth
2003 - Best city Earth
2003 - Lines of Fate
2003 - Kamenskaya-3
2003 - Idiot
2003 - Station
2004 - Amphibian Man. sea ​​devil
2004 - Sisters
2004 - Icon Hunters
2004 - Men don't cry
2004 - Cadets
2004 - Red Chapel (Sarkana Kapela)
2004 - Team
2004 - Women in a game without rules
2005 - Private detective
2005 - Happy
2005 - Vocation
2005 - Men don't cry-2
2005 - The Master and Margarita
2005 - Kamenskaya-4
2005 - Count of Monte Negro
2005 - Philip's Bay
2006 - Butterfly Kiss
2006 - The last slaughter
2006 - Piranha Hunting
2006 - Countdown
2006 - Nine days until spring
2006 - Vaccine
2006 - 7 cabins
2007 - Joke
2007 - Vise
2007 - Styx
2007 - Wedding
2007 - Real Dad
2007 - Room with a view of the lights
2007 - Swing
2007 - Your Honor
2008 - Crazy Love
2008 - Hipsters
2008 - S.S.D.
2008 - Side Effect
2008 - Fathers and Sons
2008 - Love as a motive
2008 - Kamenskaya-5
2008 - Life on Borrow
2008 - The road leading to happiness
2009 - Court
2009 - Pickup: Filming without rules
2009 - Oxygen (Kislorod)
2009 - Kandahar
2009 - Detective agency "Ivan da Marya"
2010 - Children under 16...
2011 - Payback for love
2012 - Poddubny
2012 - Love is the healing power
2013 - Thaw
2013 - Ladoga
2013 - Geographer drank the globe away
2014 - Funny guys;)
2014 - Demons
2016 - Big
2017 - Particle of the Universe
2017 - Optimists
2017 - Your tutor
2018 - Garden Ring

Prizes and awards of Valery Todorovsky:

1990 - Special press prize and prize at the Debut-90 film festival in Moscow - for the film “Hearse”;
. 1991 - Grand Prix at the International Film Festival in Mannheim - for the film “Hearse”;
. 1992 - Prize for better job the director and actors at the “Constellation” film festival in Smolensk - for the film “Love”;
. 1994 - Green Apple Award for the best film of the year in Moscow - for the film “Moscow Nights”;
. 1994 - Film press prize “Film that defines the film style of the year” in Moscow - for the film “Moscow Nights”;
. 1998 - Grand Prix of the VI Film Festival “Vivat, Cinema of Russia!” in St. Petersburg - for the film “Country of the Deaf”;
. 1998 - Main prize IV Film Forum “Silver Nail” in Sochi - for the film “Country of the Deaf”;
. 1998 - National Film Criticism and Film Press Award “Golden Aries”: Best Film of the Year - for the film “Country of the Deaf”;
. 2002 - Grand Prix of the XIII Open Russian Film Festival "Kinotavr" - for the film "Lover";
. 2004 - Grand Prix of the XV Open Russian Film Festival "Kinotavr" - for the film "My stepbrother Frankenstein";
. 2004 - Prize of the Guild of Film Scholars and Film Critics at the Kinotavr film festival - for the film “My Step Brother Frankenstein”;
. 2004 - Prize for Best Film Russian program XXVI Moscow International Film Festival in Moscow - for the film “My Step Brother Frankenstein”;
. 2004 - Prize of the Jury of the International Film Critics FIPRESCI at the International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary - for the film “My Step Brother Frankenstein”;
. 2004 - “Golden Eagle” - award in the category “Best Director” and nomination for the award for best feature film - for the film “My Step Brother Frankenstein”;
. 2009 - “Golden Eagle” - award in the category for the best feature film - for the film “Hipsters”;
. 2009 - Nika Award for the best feature film - for the film “Hipsters”;
. 2013 - Special Prize of the Council of the Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts "Nika" "For creative achievements in the art of television cinematography" for 2013 - for the series "Thaw";
. 2015 - Golden Eagle Award for the best television series - for the series “Thaw”;
. 2015 - Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture for 2015 - for the creation of the television series “Thaw”

I couldn’t drag my daughter away from her own father and drag her to another - someone else’s guy, who doesn’t need her at all

The rules of her life are brilliantly simple: do only what you like. Moreover, unlike the beloved wife of a Saudi sheikh, the daughter of an oil tycoon or the girlfriend of a banker, she pays for all her “wants” herself. To do this, you need nothing at all: at the age of 26, write the story “A Day Without Lies”, write scripts for the films “Gentlemen of Fortune” (together with Georgy Danelia), “Mimino”, “A Dog Walked on the Piano” and others.

- Victoria Samoilovna, are you able to live without lies?

It turns out after fifty. Previously, my main priorities were love and creative success. And by this age, both of them are already over. Success gained, love scooped out. Everything is fine.

- When was the last time you fell in love?

At 57 years old. And it was terrible. Firstly, fifty-seven is already a lot, and secondly, that person can be designated by three letters - schmuck.

You once said about Sergei Dovlatov: “He would seduce me and leave me the next day, and I would hate him.” Unrequited love isn't about you?

If I see that there can be no reciprocal love, I simply do not enter into this relationship. And we didn’t even know Dovlatov, but everything would have happened exactly like that. It was in high demand, very beautiful and had a large selection.

- But why then do you have to hate? Isn't it possible to be grateful for some wonderful moments?

No, you can't. Gratitude is built on something solid, fundamental.

You have saved a copy of the love letter that you wrote to Georgy Danelia at the peak of your feelings. How is it possible to think about the second instance when emotions prevail over reason?

- (Laughs.) This is purely professional. I knew that I was unlikely to experience such a peak of feelings again. One day I broke my leg. It was late evening, almost night, and in our holiday village everyone lives behind high fences. I lay in the snow and thought about how I felt, because I knew that it could be useful to me. There was no despair, no panic, no pain was even felt.

- Why is there not a single female name among those whom you call the architects of your life?

If there was any woman, it was only my mother, who created such unbearable conditions for me that I had to run away from her somewhere far away. She tyrannized me and at the same time loved me very much.

- Didn’t you have the thought as a child: I’m going to die, and then everyone will understand, but it will be too late?

It was, of course. This is inherent in child psychology.

- Have you inherited anything from your mother, besides external similarity?

Character, perhaps. I'm heavy. My daughter very often says to me: “Greetings from Natalya Stepanovna!” I wrote about my parents good book“Mulya, who did you bring?”

“It was with these words that your dad’s mother greeted him.” young darling, taken out from near Donetsk.

My sister recently brought me a photograph of my father’s entire family, including my mother. This, I tell you, is such a black sheep! Such a village! I couldn't figure out where his eyes were. But, apparently, their marriage was necessary in order for me to be born. This means that it was not accidental, this is the providence of the Lord.

What do you think: if your father had not died so early, at 36 years old, would he have saved the family or would he still have found another woman - in his image and likeness?

I think that the parents would live together. There is such a thing as a sense of family. Some have it, while others don't. First of all, this is a sense of responsibility. My father would never leave my mother, having two daughters, and my mother would never leave my father for the same reason.

You never talk about your husband. We only know that he is an engineer with blue eyes. It was love at first sight and a hasty marriage that turned out to be lasting.

There are women who love a man more than a child. And there are women who love children more than anyone in the world, and the man already takes next place. I am one of these latter. I couldn't build happiness on my daughter's tears. She and her father had and still have such a passionate endless love that to tear them apart, to take them apart would simply mean disfiguring the child. I could not drag my daughter away from her own father and drag her to another - someone else's uncle, who does not need her at all. And this is the reason for my long and ongoing marriage. And when I see families where the husband has some children and the wife has others, it seems artificial. Because love-passion between a man and a woman passes, and only a different past remains.

- But your daughter’s marriage with Valery Todorovsky did not work out...

Valery Petrovich Todorovsky behaved very well in this situation. He loves his children deeply and is very supportive of them.

That same feeling of family is an anchor that has always held you, but there were probably moments when you were ready to break?

Not just moments...

Do you have happy feeling when you can say: “I won my life.” What could have been a loss? What if you stayed as a singing teacher?

Yes. It would be terrible.

- Do you communicate with Georgy Danelia?

Now we communicate a lot. We talk on the phone two or three times a week, and everything he says is incredibly interesting to me. Despite his age and illness, his brain works as before, and there is a lot of humor. The inner world is not touched, and individuality has not faded.

- This was also one of the brightest pages in your life.

The brightest! The point is that he is very interesting person. The Lord God created nature fauna, but he cannot express himself through the sound of rain, through barking, meowing or croaking, he can only express himself through a person. But not through everyone, but through very rare specimens that he chooses. Danelia is one of them.

When your romance began, you were 28, Danelia was 36, and his common-law wife, actress Lyubov Sokolova, was 46. She, like the moon before dawn, disappeared from his horizon against your background.

She was never at her zenith. She just gave birth to a wonderful son, who brought happiness to the whole family. I remember Kolya, he was a very handsome and talented boy. Danelia loved him and still loves him, despite the fact that Kolya left early, at 25 years old. When I now see young photographs of Georgy Danelia on TV, I notice how similar Kolya was to him.

- His mother, Mary Andzhaparidze, did not welcome your romance.

Mom was in love with me at first. She didn’t welcome it later, when everything became dangerous. And now I understand her very well. She wanted Kolya to have full family. This is fine.

- Didn’t you feel any remorse then?

There were moments, of course, but love is like a train that sweeps away everything on its way. And moral prohibitions no longer work.

Victoria Samoilovna, I am fascinated by your openness. Only self-sufficient and independent people are like this.

This is firstly, and secondly, lying is humiliating. And if you don’t have to lie, then it’s very convenient. There are humiliating details that you don’t want to pull out of yourself, but there is nothing humiliating in my past. There are only things that make for great stories. artwork It’s interesting when it’s recognizable, when everything in it is true. I write about what happens in the life of almost every woman.

- Many recognize themselves in your heroines.

One day a woman called with a scandal: “Who told you my story?” I asked: “Which one? “I was on my way to rest, and our car overturned. I ended up in the hospital and fell in love with the doctor.”

- Did you recognize yourself in the film “Autumn Marathon”?

Not really, because Alla was a typist and I was a writer. These are different social strata. Here she is typing, sitting, hunched over, at the typewriter, and the writer is on another level. The typist earns pennies, is looking for extra work, and the writer, if he is also a screenwriter, is walking in a different material corridor. And then I was married and with a child, and Alla was lonely. The only thing we have in common is that Buzykin was married. That's it.

- In general, there are no parallels?

There are parallels, because Alexander Volodin wrote his story. He had just such an Alla, whom he loved very much. But Danelia has a different story, and he tried to bring this Alla to me. And by the end of the work they even quarreled.

You are also very independent, unlike Alla. This is your strength. But didn’t you want to become a weak woman at least once?

I don't understand what it means to be weak. My independence comes from financial independence and professional viability.

- But in Soviet era your books were published rarely.

Books are rare, but films are often. Then the script cost as much as a Volga car. And now - like Volvo.

- What do you not have enough money for today?

To buy an island, even though I don't really need one. My home is my island.

- You have just finished a new book.

I haven't read it yet. I just wrote it and that’s it.

- You said that now you will rest for six months. To fill the spring?

No, I'm just tired of it.

- Maybe you're just tired time will pass- and you want to return to the table?

Maybe so.

- Who do you like among the current prose writers?

I like Prilepin. He is very talented person. But very brutal. I read his story, where he describes the murder: how he took him by the hair and hit the back of his head on the asphalt seven times with all his rage and anger. Seven times! Until bloody bubbles came out of my mouth. It’s written so that I felt like they were killing me.

- You used to like Limonov.

And now I like it. This is a very great writer. Because of the famous scene with the black man in the trash heap in the book “It’s Me, Eddie,” which inspired such disgust in people, no one wants to see the main thing - his despair from lost love. This is his suicide, his suicide. Dovlatov said about Limonov that as a person he is insignificant. It is close to me in its percentage of truth, which tears up space.

- Who else is on your short list?

Petrushevskaya, although she has a different, some kind of broken consciousness. I love Tolstaya very much, she is lately writes short things, for example, how she cooks jellied meat. Or he tells how the Titanic sank: everyone seems to know, but it’s still very interesting.

- There was a time when Tatyana Ustinova’s books were in great demand.

I haven't read any. Although I really love Ustinova herself.

- Daria Dontsova is also very prolific.

She is so charming, and gentle, and touching. She was sick, recovered and told everyone about it. Some people think that she is promoting herself this way. But I believe that this really happened, and whenever I see her, I am glad that she is healthy and alive. And let him write his ironic detective stories if he wants. But I don't read them because I like a different kind of irony. Namely, the irony of Fazil Iskander, Sergei Dovlatov, Alexander Volodin.

- Are you on your island away from politics?

I'm not far away at all.

- Do you still raise the first toast to Gorbachev?

Not anymore. But perestroika gave me a lot. It was during perestroika that I entered into an agreement with a Swiss publishing house. And with this money I managed to build a house, which made me happy. So it is unfair to underestimate Gorbachev. My generation now has the opportunity to dress well, which was not the case during the Soviet era.

Thanks to Gorbachev, I even got mink coat. There was such a case. Edward Radzinsky and I traveled along the route Samarkand - Khiva - Bukhara, and we were received by the chairman of the collective farm. It was autumn, but, oddly enough, it was cold, and I took a light mink coat with me. The chairman handed it to me and said: “Come to my harem!” I was surprised: “I’m already 40 years old, why do you need such a thing?” old wife? He replied: “A woman who brings income to the house is valued as young!” - “Where did you get the idea that I bring in income?” - “Look at the coat you’re wearing!” How many hats can you sew from it!”

- Do status things matter to you? If it’s a scarf, then it’s from Erme, if it’s a bag, then it’s Dior.

I have a “Burberry” scarf that Larisa Rubalskaya gave me. I have two brooches, enamel in gold, which were given to me by Oleg Mityaev, or rather, his wife Marina Esipenko. I have a profession that makes me happy, two grandchildren and a great-grandson Ilya of unprecedented beauty. And I don't need anything else.

- There are probably a lot of stories happening to people in your village. Or can nothing be heard from behind the high fences?

Everything is heard, but I don’t discuss them, otherwise they’ll set my house on fire.