The young guy lives a busy life. How to make your life better: it's time to start

The advice seems pure madness, because for success you need to be guided by logic and calculation and have a clear plan of action. However, most famous and successful people believe: you need to learn to listen to your inner voice.

Composer Alan Menken, describing the process of creating music for cartoons, said that he followed his heart and tried to listen to his feelings as much as possible. If you learn this, the ability for logical reasoning and prudence will also appear.

This tip is especially good for those days when you don't know what you want. At times like these, we tend to overcomplicate things or think too much.

The solution is simple: listen to your inner self. Follow it. Only in this way will you learn to understand what you feel, express it and use it to your advantage.

2. Gain new experiences

Whatever your goal, you are essentially looking for new knowledge and skills. So instead of blindly rushing towards your goal, ask yourself: “What kind of experience do I want to have?”

Once you answer this question, you will be able to understand what exactly you are trying to achieve. You will be able to determine how effectively you are working.

The Wright brothers wanted to fly. Someone wants to climb Everest, live happy and healthy life, become a millionaire. Elon Musk wants to die on Mars. What do you want?

  • Maybe love and be loved?
  • Maybe have a strong and healthy body?
  • Maybe your goal is more specific or unusual?

Experience is what makes us human. The meaning of life lies in all the events that we have experienced. You can value almost every item in your home, but you won’t be able to put a price tag on your memories and experiences. You can't buy them.

Something can only be achieved through hard work. For example, you cannot sit on a bench at the entrance for two years and become a doctor of science. You will have to study, teach, write scientific works, face criticism.

The most valuable experience seems to be protected from those who do not know how to get it and do not want to do anything. You won’t be able to run if before that you were exclusively engaged in eating pizza and watching TV series.

3. Use experience to open new doors.

When Jim was 25 years old, a Girl Scout knocked on his door. She asked Jim to buy some cookies to support their organization. Even though the cookies only cost two dollars, Jim didn't have that much money. He felt so ashamed that he decided to lie and said: “You know, we recently bought cookies from another girl.”

The girl thanked Jim and left, and he, closing the door, stood silently in the corridor for several minutes. At that moment he realized: he couldn’t live like this anymore. After this incident, he tries every day to improve himself and his life.

Jim is sure that if he had not lied about buying cookies, he would never have felt the urgent need to develop and work. This was precisely the experience that opened a new door to another life for him. On the other hand, this experience helped Jim mentally prepare and realize that he was ready to learn, develop, try and achieve his goal.

After certain experiences and events, you get the opportunity to change yourself, attract the right and good people and adventures in your life.

4. Analyze the situation

Sometimes things pile up and tension builds. I want to relax. To do this, we try to go where it is quiet and nice. For example, closer to the forest, sea, mountains. Only in this environment can you experience peace. Nature is an ideal place for relaxation and restoration.

When you set a goal, immediately think about the circumstances under which you can achieve it.

Remember that in any case you will be influenced by culture, nationality, and traditions. Analyze how they can help or hinder you from getting what you want.

5. Make the most of every situation

You need to constantly ask yourself: “What will this situation give me?” You can always get the most benefit and experience from any circumstances.

This is your goal: to see and recognize opportunities, do everything to realize them, evaluate the experience gained.

For example, if you are reading this article, take a moment and look around. Who is in the room or apartment besides you?

  • If it is one of your relatives, you can tell him how dear he is to you.
  • If it's a loved one, it's time to say the three main words.
  • Even stroking it one more time will not be shameful.

Such an experience may seem banal to some. For others, it is difficult to take this step, because it requires frankness and openness. But the experience gained in return is priceless and very important for everyone.

6. Make a difference

In addition, to evaluate the environment in which you find yourself, make every effort to change it. Do it in such a way that circumstances help you.

For example, if you find it difficult to concentrate, you can turn on music, move to a comfortable chair, or turn the table around. You don't have to turn your whole world upside down to make your day a little more productive and brighter.

7. Monitor your thoughts and desires

What do you think about most often?

Most people spend energy and time thinking about the gap that separates them from their desired goal.

  • "I still haven't received that contract."
  • “My relationship is very bad.”
  • “I wish I was stronger and leaner.”

Such thoughts contain only one thing: a statement of the problem. You need to focus on solving it. People usually think about what they want to avoid. In fact, you only need to visualize the experience you want to have.

In your thoughts you should strive only for what you desire.

8. Spend 90 minutes working continuously

During work, we are very often distracted, and our brain needs at least 23 minutes to focus on the task at hand again.

On the other hand, everything successful people They say that they have trained themselves to work continuously, without losing focus, for 90 minutes a day. The recipe for such productivity varies, but its basis never changes:

  • Start working early in the morning.
  • Divide your workday into three blocks.
  • Each block must be 90 minutes long.

If you can work consistently and productively at least once a day, but for 90 minutes at a time, you will already achieve more than many other people. Don't forget to rest between blocks. Rest is no less important than concentration during work.

9. Save time

In order to implement the previous point, you need to learn how to create circumstances in which it will be easy for you to focus and work. If you play sports, it is best to do this in a specially equipped room, and not at home on a mat.

The first thing you can do is remove all distractions. For example, turn off your phone to get rid of annoying notifications. While your 90 minutes last, you cannot be interrupted. Let the whole world go to hell, and you need to complete the assigned task.

Prepare for difficulties. People will try to steal your time. Even with good intentions. To tell interesting story, advise, complain about life. Be firm and don't let them do this.

10. Remember that your time is very valuable.

To follow the previous advice, do this: set yourself specific goal and write down on a piece of paper how much you want to earn this year. Then calculate how much a minute of your working time costs.

Remember this number. Every time you want to get distracted, count how much money you are losing by procrastinating.

Are YouTube kitten videos really worth it?

11. Disconnect as often as possible

Darren Hardy, author of The Total Result, advises “switching off” for the sake of high productivity. He, of course, means disconnecting from mobile and Internet networks and even refusing to talk on a regular phone.

Darren Hardy advises avoiding using connected devices for at least the 90 minutes you're working. It is also advisable to schedule days when you will completely “disconnect” from all networks.

The writer believes that this practice will allow you to awaken creativity, productivity and fill your life with meaning.

Try giving up calls, mail and the Internet for one day. Do something you really love to do. Go for your dream.

12. Find a leader and follow him

Do you have a role model? Find out what this person is doing right now. What does he strive for, what does he do to achieve his goal. Follow him with the same speed and tenacity.

Usain Bolt, the fastest runner in the world, has set many world records over the past few years. This is interesting. But what’s even more interesting is that those runners who are forced to compete with this unique athlete also set new records. In other words, those who lose to Bolt are running faster than anyone before them.

It is enough to strive for the leader and not slow down. Then you will be ahead of other competitors.

Of course, it is better that you find positive role models.

13. Do less

If you spend most of your time worrying about everyday and trivial problems or tasks that could be delegated to another person, you are not moving forward. You get sucked into routine. Such a life will not be interesting and remarkable.

Remember? 20% of effort produces 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of effort produces only 20% of the result. Based on this principle, determine your priorities.

Focus on those activities that bring maximum results. Then you will make a huge leap towards your goal. On the way to it you will find a lot of interesting things, you will see what you have long dreamed of seeing. And those who have long used the Pareto principle in practice say that with its help you can even slow down time.

Let's sum it up

Your life is a complex of actions, decisions and ideas. The experience you gain throughout your life depends only on how you structure your day, week, year. Any life hacks can turn your life into a wonderful kaleidoscope of events. Even the smallest decisions will help you reach your furthest goal.

You need to act immediately. Immediately after reading.

The advice seems pure madness, because for success you need to be guided by logic and calculation and have a clear plan of action. However, most famous and successful people believe: you need to learn to listen to your inner voice.

Composer Alan Menken, describing the process of creating music for cartoons, said that he followed his heart and tried to listen to his feelings as much as possible. If you learn this, the ability for logical reasoning and prudence will also appear.

This tip is especially good for those days when you don't know what you want. At times like these, we tend to overcomplicate things or think too much.

The solution is simple: listen to your inner self. Follow it. Only in this way will you learn to understand what you feel, express it and use it to your advantage.

2. Gain new experiences

Whatever your goal, you are essentially looking for new knowledge and skills. So instead of blindly rushing towards your goal, ask yourself: “What kind of experience do I want to have?”

Once you answer this question, you will be able to understand what exactly you are trying to achieve. You will be able to determine how effectively you are working.

The Wright brothers wanted to fly. Some people want to climb Everest, live a happy and healthy life, and become a millionaire. Elon Musk wants to die on Mars. What do you want?

  • Maybe love and be loved?
  • Maybe have a strong and healthy body?
  • Maybe your goal is more specific or unusual?

Experience is what makes us human. The meaning of life lies in all the events that we have experienced. You can value almost every item in your home, but you won’t be able to put a price tag on your memories and experiences. You can't buy them.

Something can only be achieved through hard work. For example, you cannot sit on a bench at the entrance for two years and become a doctor of science. You will have to study, teach, write scientific papers, and face criticism.

The most valuable experience seems to be protected from those who do not know how to get it and do not want to do anything. You won’t be able to run if before that you were exclusively engaged in eating pizza and watching TV series.

3. Use experience to open new doors.

When Jim was 25 years old, a Girl Scout knocked on his door. She asked Jim to buy some cookies to support their organization. Even though the cookies only cost two dollars, Jim didn't have that much money. He felt so ashamed that he decided to lie and said: “You know, we recently bought cookies from another girl.”

The girl thanked Jim and left, and he, closing the door, stood silently in the corridor for several minutes. At that moment he realized: he couldn’t live like this anymore. After this incident, he tries every day to improve himself and his life.

Jim is sure that if he had not lied about buying cookies, he would never have felt the urgent need to develop and work. This was precisely the experience that opened a new door to another life for him. On the other hand, this experience helped Jim mentally prepare and realize that he was ready to learn, develop, try and achieve his goal.

After certain experiences and events, you get the opportunity to change yourself, attract the right and good people and adventures into your life.

4. Analyze the situation

Sometimes things pile up and tension builds. I want to relax. To do this, we try to go where it is quiet and nice. For example, closer to the forest, sea, mountains. Only in this environment can you experience peace. Nature is an ideal place for relaxation and restoration.

When you set a goal, immediately think about the circumstances under which you can achieve it.

Remember that in any case you will be influenced by culture, nationality, and traditions. Analyze how they can help or hinder you from getting what you want.

5. Make the most of every situation

You need to constantly ask yourself: “What will this situation give me?” You can always get the most benefit and experience from any circumstances.

This is your goal: to see and recognize opportunities, do everything to realize them, evaluate the experience gained.

For example, if you are reading this article, take a moment and look around. Who is in the room or apartment besides you?

  • If it is one of your relatives, you can tell him how dear he is to you.
  • If it's a loved one, it's time to say the three main words.
  • Even stroking it one more time will not be shameful.

Such an experience may seem banal to some. For others, it is difficult to take this step, because it requires frankness and openness. But the experience gained in return is priceless and very important for everyone.

6. Make a difference

In addition, to evaluate the environment in which you find yourself, make every effort to change it. Do it in such a way that circumstances help you.

For example, if you find it difficult to concentrate, you can turn on music, move to a comfortable chair, or turn the table around. You don't have to turn your whole world upside down to make your day a little more productive and brighter.

7. Monitor your thoughts and desires

What do you think about most often?

Most people spend energy and time thinking about the gap that separates them from their desired goal.

  • "I still haven't received that contract."
  • “My relationship is very bad.”
  • “I wish I was stronger and leaner.”

Such thoughts contain only one thing: a statement of the problem. You need to focus on solving it. People usually think about what they want to avoid. In fact, you only need to visualize the experience you want to have.

In your thoughts you should strive only for what you desire.

8. Spend 90 minutes working continuously

During work, we are very often distracted, and our brain needs at least 23 minutes to focus on the task at hand again.

On the other hand, all successful people say that they have trained themselves to work continuously, without losing focus, for 90 minutes a day. The recipe for such productivity varies, but its basis never changes:

  • Start working early in the morning.
  • Divide your workday into three blocks.
  • Each block must be 90 minutes long.

If you can work consistently and productively at least once a day, but for 90 minutes at a time, you will already achieve more than many other people. Don't forget to rest between blocks. Rest is no less important than concentration during work.

9. Save time

In order to implement the previous point, you need to learn how to create circumstances in which it will be easy for you to focus and work. If you play sports, it is best to do this in a specially equipped room, and not at home on a mat.

The first thing you can do is remove all distractions. For example, turn off your phone to get rid of annoying notifications. While your 90 minutes last, you cannot be interrupted. Let the whole world go to hell, and you need to complete the assigned task.

Prepare for difficulties. People will try to steal your time. Even with good intentions. To tell an interesting story, to advise, to complain about life. Be firm and don't let them do this.

10. Remember that your time is very valuable.

To follow the previous tip, do this: Set a specific goal and write down on a piece of paper how much you want to earn this year. Then calculate how much a minute of your working time costs.

Remember this number. Every time you want to get distracted, count how much money you are losing by procrastinating.

Are YouTube kitten videos really worth it?

11. Disconnect as often as possible

The author of the book Total Result, Darren Hardy, advises “switching off” for the sake of high productivity. He, of course, means disconnecting from mobile and Internet networks and even refusing to talk on a regular phone.

Darren Hardy advises avoiding using connected devices for at least the 90 minutes you're working. It is also advisable to schedule days when you will completely “disconnect” from all networks.

The writer believes that this practice will allow you to awaken creativity, productivity and fill your life with meaning.

Try giving up calls, mail and the Internet for one day. Do something you really love to do. Go for your dream.

12. Find a leader and follow him

Do you have a role model? Find out what this person is doing right now. What does he strive for, what does he do to achieve his goal. Follow him with the same speed and tenacity.

Usain Bolt, the fastest runner in the world, has set many world records over the past few years. This is interesting. But what’s even more interesting is that those runners who are forced to compete with this unique athlete also set new records. In other words, those who lose to Bolt are running faster than anyone before them.

It is enough to strive for the leader and not slow down. Then you will be ahead of other competitors.

Of course, it is better that you find positive role models.

13. Do less

If you spend most of your time worrying about everyday and trivial problems or tasks that could be delegated to another person, you are not moving forward. You get sucked into routine. Such a life will not be interesting and remarkable.

Remember? 20% of effort produces 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of effort produces only 20% of the result. Based on this principle, determine your priorities.

Focus on those activities that bring maximum results. Then you will make a huge leap towards your goal. On the way to it you will find a lot of interesting things, you will see what you have long dreamed of seeing. And those who have long used the Pareto principle in practice say that with its help you can even slow down time.

Let's sum it up

Your life is a complex of actions, decisions and ideas. The experience you gain throughout your life depends only on how you structure your day, week, year. Any life hacks can turn your life into a wonderful kaleidoscope of events. Even the smallest decisions will help you reach your furthest goal.

You need to act immediately. Immediately after reading.

Date: 2015-04-17

Hello site readers.

I am sure that there comes a time in every person's life when he realizes that his life is boring and monotonous. Days copy each other, time passes, but nothing changes. I remember when I was doing theater, one person said: “That the years just fly by, but nothing changes in life”. For most people this is the case. Every day is the same. And only a few people begin to wonder how to make their life more interesting and rich. Most people prefer to leave everything as it is. But you are not like them. Therefore, I am writing an article just for you.

There is nothing abnormal about life becoming boring and monotonous. Each of us faces routine and gray everyday life. People really lack new emotions and impressions. Therefore, their faces are gloomy and their behavior is irritated.

Sometimes you watch films and think, they (the characters in the film) are having fun. Adventures, chases, fun, battles – it’s great. Many of us would definitely like to plunge into this unreal world. And all because of the desire to get out of the vicious circle of vanity and worries.

If you take a close look at the world in which we live, you will immediately notice that our world is not boring. In our 21st century there is so much that our ancestors from the 15th century would have lived with their mouths agape for at least one year to get used to what we are already tired of.

I want you to understand that a person gets used to everything he has. What inspired and pleased yesterday no longer evokes any emotions today. Therefore, if you want to make your life interesting and rich, get ready for the fact that you will constantly have to look for and try something new, even if it is uncomfortable for you. Personally, I have always done this and will continue to do so, since I understand perfectly well that there is an addiction to everything.

So, how to make your life interesting and rich? Personally, I think that without availability Money don't do this. If you want to have an interesting life, then start investing in it. After all, wherever we go, whatever we want, everywhere and for everything we have to pay.

At the age of 19, my brother and I started acting. As you already understood, you had to pay money for these courses. Otherwise, visiting is not possible. We did not regret at all that we made such a decision. That time was truly golden for my brother and me. Playing on stage with a great band is amazing.

Later we decided to start studying English language. We signed up for a foreign language learning center. I have never regretted that I started learning foreign languages. We have a well-established group, it’s always fun and interesting. I always leave classes happy and full. Life seems interesting.

Then we started going to dances. And there you have to pay. Again, we did not regret at all that we started dancing. This new activity was exciting. In general, everything new excites and makes life interesting and rich. My brother quit dancing after the first season, I went through one season longer. I would like to note that I got tired of dancing later. The same addiction came, and there were no longer the same emotions that were there before.

Then I thought about what I should do, where to go, because dancing is no longer interesting, the theater does not invite me yet. And then I thought, why don’t I try to do vocals. Luckily for me, I found two of the best teachers who patiently teach me. The thing is, I'm a terrible vocalist, so after a while I started playing the piano. And again new activities, new acquaintances, new emotions, new life.

Recently, my brother and I went to Moscow three times to go for a walk. There were a lot of impressions. After all, Moscow is for us new town, new opportunities. Everything new is both scary and exciting. I admit that I was scared to go to this Big city, since I am not oriented in it. But these fears were illusory. Everything is simple and easy as always. The trip was expensive, but it was worth it. Now we are planning to go to St. Petersburg.

It would seem that all that is needed is money and ideas. Yes it is. And I am sure that every reader will ask me, how can he diversify his life if there is no money? In fact, there is an answer. You will have to make your life more interesting not through entertainment, clubs and trips, but through a change in activity.

Most people hate what they do. It's time to fix this. New activity leads to new acquaintances, events and changes. It’s clear that if you sit in the same chair, then nothing will change. But I’m not asking you to leave this chair. Start doing something new at the same time that will subsequently generate income for you. For example, I created this site, I created a newsletter that you can subscribe to. This business became the meaning of life for me. Constantly thinking about how to make my website better and of higher quality never let me get bored. I have always been interested in life.

And you must have a goal. If there is no goal, life is boring; if there is a goal, life is interesting. And all because a person constantly thinks how to achieve it. For example, you decide to lose weight and gain an athletic physique. This goal has captured you. You start visiting Gym, make new acquaintances there, read literature about how to become an athlete, and so on. In this situation, the thought of how to make your life interesting and rich will not even occur to you. Your brain will already be busy, and it will not have time for stupid thoughts.

And again I hear the question: “What should I do if I don’t have time?”. Find him. Whiners have never lived a satisfying and interesting life, because they were busy whining. In any case, you will have to spend both money and time. Without any investment, you will never make your life more vibrant.

Yesterday me, my brother and his girlfriend went to play an escape room (claustrophobia). This was new for me, and, of course, I enjoyed it and had a lot of new positive impressions. The game cost 1600 rubles. Yes, I spent money, but in return I received new memories and emotions. This is how life works: in order to get something, you need to give something. You must understand this.

And now I ask you to find a goal, an idea of ​​​​what will make your life more interesting and richer. This something must be new, something you haven’t tried before, something you haven’t tried before, and haven’t even thought about. Everything new leads to something new. Forward. And I went to play the piano.

how to make your life interesting, how to make your life rich


You can often hear complaints from many people that their life is boring, completely uninteresting, and, sometimes, even meaningless. It is quite obvious that with such an opinion, people will gradually bring themselves to the deepest depression, which can even lead to suicidal thoughts. To forget about this forever, to live more brightly and fully, you just need to want it.

Although this phrase sounds rather hackneyed, its essence has never changed. No one but you can make your life more interesting, so you shouldn’t expect help from others. Instead, it is better to take matters into your own hands and become the real master of your life. So, how to make life interesting and rich? Let's look at the top 5 methods that are suitable for everyone.

Find a hobby or activity that you can devote yourself to

No wonder they say that a person without a goal is dead man. This is partly true, since it is hardly possible to live in such a case life to the fullest. You need to understand that this does not depend on the amount of money, beauty, popularity, number of friends or other factors. The key to success is your attitude towards everything. Therefore, you need to find something that will give you peace of mind, pleasure and joy. For some it may be fishing, music or cross-knitting, for others it may be sports, some extreme activities, etc.

Just sit down and calmly think about what you would like to do, perhaps you will remember old desires that you never managed to realize. If you can’t come up with something on your own, then trust chance. Think of several options and flip a coin, use dice etc. Often, life itself can tell you the ideal hobby or activity for you, so it’s worth paying attention to the clues around you.

It is worth noting that in this matter you should not copy someone. Do not try to inherit the hobbies or activities that your idols do, various popular people. You should also avoid trends by doing only what is popular. Find yourself and express yourself in something that will be 100% yours, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s pottery, playing the guitar, skydiving or any other activity.


It is probably difficult to find an easier way to make life bright and rich than traveling. Moreover, we are not even talking about traveling abroad, which not all people can afford due to financial issues. Start small, go out into nature, into the forest, go fishing on the nearest lake or river. As a last resort, take the bus and go to the nearest locality, which you have never been to. All this will give you new emotions and unforgettable impressions. You should not assume that only going to a resort can be considered a vacation.

For those who love solitude, various hiking trips are ideal. Moreover, you can either sign up for any hike in the mountains, river rafting (rafting), or just take a tent and go out into nature. Believe me, cooking dinner over a fire, the absence household appliances and many "home comforts" will give you a completely different perspective on your life. It is important to understand that there is nothing more destructive than routine, so traveling easily eradicates such feelings.

Get a pet

Some people cannot even imagine how much a simple a pet. Sometimes, he can become the main outlet and the one who will make you happy, despite any life problems. Moreover, you are not constrained by any restrictions, so you can start as ordinary dogs or cats, or any exotic animals. Among those that are not too whimsical and can easily withstand even if you work from morning to evening, it is worth highlighting:

  • Chinchillas;
  • Guinea pigs and hamsters;
  • Turtles;
  • Fish.
You can even set up a terrarium at home for spiders, iguanas or snakes if they don't scare you and you like them.

Do what you like

Big people in modern society lives quite monotonously. Work, financial problems, little rest and new events in life gradually lead to the fact that everything is perceived in black and gray tones. In this case, you need to consciously do what you previously avoided or could not afford. This great way, which will allow you to both make life more interesting and gain new acquaintances, interests, or even friends.

You need to understand that only you are able to limit yourself in anything, so down with excuses and uncertainty. Have you always dreamed of drawing? Buy paints, canvases or sheets of paper and get started as soon as possible. Have you always wanted to ride a horse? Find your nearest racetrack and inquire about this service. In fact, there are no restrictions and you can choose whatever you like. Start filling your life with bright events and you will soon notice that there is no point in complaining about anything that prevents you from living the life you want.

Start living!

No matter how funny it may sound, many people deliberately avoid the life they want and strive for. Some people regularly complain that work takes up all their time and energy, but at the same time they don’t even try to change their occupation; others, of their own free will, put themselves in a dead end. The result is always dissatisfaction with one's own life, which gives rise to many excuses. Some say “if only I could earn more, I would...”, others blame themselves for failed relationship, which supposedly drag them to the bottom. There are many reasons, but the essence is always the same - the desire to find an excuse.

You shouldn’t give in to this, because constant excuses will sooner or later lead to the fact that it will be almost impossible to change anything. Instead, try not just wanting changes in your life, but start making them. Very quickly you will see how dramatically this can change you, your life and your views on many things.

Found interesting article, in which you will find many ways to make your life more interesting and brighter.

1. Every day is a new start. Don't get attached to what happened yesterday, the day before yesterday or later. Today is a new life and even if something was wrong before, you will definitely try again and again.

2. Be your authentic self. Stop trying to please other people and be someone else. It is much more interesting to live as a unique version of yourself, rather than trying to become someone else's duplicate.

3. Stop complaining. Stop being like a whining dog that does nothing but makes a lot of noise. Stop complaining about your problems and start solving them.

4. Be proactive. Don't wait for someone to do something; instead, start implementing your plans yourself.

5. Instead of thinking “what if,” think “next time.”

Stop thinking about the things you can't change or the things that make you unhappy. Instead, focus on taking action on the important things in your life. This is the most constructive action you can do at this moment.

6. Focus on the WHAT, not the HOW. Focus on WHAT you want before deciding HOW you will get it. If you are open to new opportunities and ready to take action, anything is possible.

7. Create opportunities. You can wait for opportunities to appear in life, or you can try to create them yourself.

How to improve your life

8. Live more consciously. Stop being a zombie who follows the same route and eats the same food. Enjoy!! Try to feel the wind blowing, hear a bird sing, or enjoy a new dish.

9. Be responsible for your growth. You and only you decide how to live your life - dozens of hours on social networks are less productive than the same time spent studying. Ultimately, the one who will shoot is the one who is the most inquisitive and tries to try himself in many areas.

10. Know your true self. Try to give yourself an honest answer about what you want. Abstract yourself from public opinion, which imposes on you the desire to own a Mercedes, although perhaps in reality you want to live all summer in a tent on the Black Sea coast.

11. Determine your calling. Your values ​​are the guideline for choosing your calling in life. Understand what is important to you, and, based on this, determine the main vector of movement forward.

12. Live in accordance with your calling.

13. Define your life principles and act on them.

14. Examine your values. Values ​​are what make you the real YOU. For some, values ​​may be friends; for others, family and financial growth.

15. Focus on the highest level. My father always says, “do everything well - it will turn out bad on its own.” Try to act in accordance with the highest quality and best approach in relation to any issue.

16. Design yours perfect life. What is your ideal life?

17. Stop putting life on pause. To truly live is to be happy on all counts. Why build a career and sacrifice your personal life to it? We so often give something up for something else that we can’t imagine moving forward any other way. Take a break from what is important and desirable and steal some time from what you need.

18. Start notebook. Write down your values, principles and plans in it, reflect on its pages. In the future, it will become a starting point for reflection on the most important events.

How to make life more interesting

19. Make a list of goals. Create 1, 3, 5 and 10 year goals. The more precise the goals, the better. My goals in the short, medium and long term complement and contribute to each other's achievements.

20. Take action towards achieving your goals and dreams. Create an action list with your strategy and immediate steps.

21. Create your wish list.

22. Don't do something just because it needs to be done. Any task must have meaning. Don't be afraid to give up something if it's outside of your life plan.

23. Do what you like. Why put off going to the theater, fishing or traveling until retirement?! Pamper yourself. Spend your time and energy on things that will fulfill you.

24. Identify your passion in life. If you had unlimited resources and no obligations, what would you do? Passion is following your path no matter what the challenges. It's amazing how few people know or try to determine their calling in this short life.

25. Create a career around your calling. Finally, quit the job you hate. If you do something you don't love, you're simply selling your soul, but at a very deep discount.

26. Turn your calling into money. You may be asking, ok - let's say my passion is gardening, how can I make a career or money out of it?! Nowadays, there are a lot of options for monetizing your calling - blogging, videos, paid courses, and so on. The only thing that often stops people is that the profit will be in the future, but believe me, this profit (with the right approach) will exceed all your expectations.

27. Learn from criticism. Criticism is something that can teach you to be the best. Don’t be upset if they make comments to you - take it as a sign that you need to change something and become the best version myself.

28. Be positive. The glass really is half full.

29. Don't talk badly about others. If you don't like something about another person, tell him or her to his face. In any other case, don't say anything.

30. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Try to see life from another person's perspective. The janitor may have been rude to you this morning, but why did he do it?! Probably, no one simply pays attention to him, perhaps he is considered service and unnecessary personnel and does not appreciate his work at all. Think about how to make sure he greets you with a smile next time.

31. Be compassionate. Really empathize with someone else's problem.

32. Develop unconditional faith in yourself. Self-confidence is when you keep moving forward even when everyone tells you not to. Analyze your small victories, remember how you went against the grain, remember the pleasure of knowing that you were right and everyone else was wrong. If you have something in mind, be sure that everything will work out.

33. Let go of an unhappy past.

34. Forgive those who ask for forgiveness. Don't hold a grudge against people, but know their weaknesses and accept them for who they are.

35. Eliminate the unimportant. Understand the short-term nature of things like status, fame, recognition. This will all come true if you focus on self-realization rather than social recognition.

36. Leave relationships that are not helping you. Remove people from your environment who add unnecessary pessimism to your life.

37. Spend more time with people who inspire and support you.

38. Build genuine relationships with people around you (strangers, family, loved ones). Spend time strengthening and improving your relationships.

39. Reconnect with an old friend. No matter what they say, the number of friends is unlimited. Meet people from your past.

40. Make it a day of generosity. Think about what you can do today that will improve the world just a little bit. Doing good to others is The best way improve your mood.

41. Help people when they need it. Think of this step as a long-term investment. Someday you will receive help without expecting it.

42. Go on a date.

43. Fall in love.

44. Take stock of your life. Once a week, month, 3-6 months - analyze your progress and progress towards your plans. Adjust your actions based on the results obtained.

45. Don't delay. Get rid of the habit of delaying making decisions. 9 out of 10 opportunities are missed due to delay in taking action.

46. ​​Help completely strangers. An American friend came from the USA to help completely to a stranger overcome the disease. This determined his fate in the future.

47. Meditate.

48. Make new acquaintances. I keep repeating that new opportunities arise thanks to new acquaintances. Don’t be afraid to force yourself into the circle of people you are interested in and make friends with them.

49. Build strong relationships.

50. Become your advisor from the future. Imagine yourself 10 years from now and mentally ask yourself for better advice regarding difficult decisions. What would you do if you were 10 years wiser?

51. Write a letter to your future self.

52. Remove unnecessary things. Remove unnecessary things from your table, apartment, hobbies, life. Make room for more important things.

How to find meaning in life

53. Keep learning. I have said more than once on my blog that I am surprised that people stop learning when they finish educational institution. Studying does not mean sitting behind books - you can learn to drive, learn to dance, learn rhetoric, and so on. the main objective- this is to keep the brain in constant tension.

54. Develop yourself. Try to determine your weak sides and develop them. If you are too shy, train to be more sociable, face fear.

55. Constantly upgrade yourself. Deepen your already acquired knowledge and experience, become an expert in many areas.

56. Constantly try something new. You simply can’t imagine how many new and interesting things you can experience and feel (for example, try and find out what Watsu massage is).

57. Travel. Pull yourself out of your routine of movement - work-home, home-work.

58. Don't settle in one place. Always live dynamically and try to tie yourself down with loans, repairs, and so on as far as possible later.

59. Be the best at what you do. If you have found your calling, become the best there.

60. Break your boundaries. Set the most impossible goal - achieve your plan and come up with something even more impossible. All your tensions come from what someone once told you what is possible and what is not.

61. Absorb and try unusual ideas.

62. Create your own space for inspiration. This could be a corner where all your inspiring things are located (books, photos, videos), it could also be a park, a cafe, and so on. Create your own paradise.

63. Behave the way you imagine your ideal self.

How to live life brightly

64. Create roles in life. Try to somehow act as if you were Bill Gates, Michael Jordan or some famous and successful person.

65. Find a mentor or guru. Study the life of your guru and try not to make his mistakes. Consult with a more experienced mentor.

66. Find your previously invisible strengths.

67. Increase your consciousness.

68. Ask for constructive criticism and advice. You can always see better from the outside.

69. Try to create a passive income stream. This could be interest in the bank, income from renting out an apartment, or something else. Passive income will give you the opportunity to be freer in your experiments in life and build on what you want, not what you need.

70. Help others live the best life they can. If you see that you can help a person improve his life, be sure to help him find the right path.

71. Get married and have children.

72. Improve the world. There is still a lot that can be improved in the world - helping poor, unhealthy people who are deprived of the opportunity to live a normal life.

How to improve your quality of life

73. Participate in a humanitarian aid program.

74. Give more value than you receive. When you constantly give more, you begin to receive much more in return over time.

75. Try to see the big picture. Focus on the 20% that generates 80% of the results.

76. Let your final goal be clear. What is your ultimate goal? Is what you are doing really moving you towards achieving your goals?

As long as you think about things that move you towards your ultimate goal, you are on the right track.

77. Always try to find the 20/80 way. Minimum effort, but maximum result.

78. Set priorities. Sometimes it is more convenient to move by inertia and it is difficult to switch to a more important task, but this very property will make your life much more efficient.

79. Enjoy the moment. Stop. Look. Thank fate for the pleasant things you have at the moment.

80. Enjoy the little things. A cup of coffee in the morning, 15 minutes of sleep in the afternoon, a pleasant conversation with a dear person - all this may be incidental, but try to pay due attention to all the small but pleasant moments.

81. Take a break. It could be 15 minutes or 15 days. Life is not a marathon, but a pleasure walk.

82. Try to avoid mutually exclusive goals.

How to change your life

83. Focus on creating. For me, the process of creation is interesting - creating a game, a new business, and so on, when you get candy out of nothing.

84. Don't judge others. Respect others for who they are.

85. Only person The one you have to change is you.

Focus on your development and growth, not on changing those around you.

86. Be grateful for every day you live.

87. Express your gratitude to the people you care about.

88. Have fun. I have friends who laugh non-stop - with them I forget about everything. Allow yourself this experiment too!

89. Be in nature more often.

90. There is always a choice. In any situation there are always several ways out.