Is it possible to change the world for the better? Life principles that change the world for the better.

Once upon a time, in one city there lived a very good man. I lived and lived until one day I realized that our world is imperfect. This is completely normal - thoughts about the imperfection of the world come sooner or later to the heads of many people. But our hero was completely special person- he decided to change the world. He decided to make the world beautiful, friendly, good and perfect. He thought about how to change the world for the better and came up with something.

This man said "Give me seven years and I will change the world!".

For seven whole years, this man met with state leaders, organized large-scale actions to change the world, attracted hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people to spiritual practices, told everyone how to change the world for the better, worked tirelessly all these years.

He became a very famous and respected person, but seven years passed... And the world... remained the same. His plan to change the world for the better didn't work.

Then he said to himself, “It’s probably very difficult to change the whole world. Therefore, I will change my country first, other countries will see how good we have become and will also change. It will take longer than I planned, but it will definitely change the world. Give me 700 days and I will change the country".

He came to the President of the country and received all the necessary powers (after all, he was a very famous and respected person). All these seven hundred days the man worked almost around the clock: he met with the heads of large factories, with leaders political parties, regional leaders and simply popular actors and famous people. There is not one left in the country significant person. whom he would not date.

Seven hundred days also passed... But after seven hundred days, his country remained the same.

"Damn it!" - said this man, “if I couldn’t change my country, then I will at least change my hometown! Give me 7 months and I will change the city!"

During this time he met with every resident of his hometown, he hardly slept during this time, he showed inhuman activity, but... the city remained the same.

The man was completely upset - he had done so much for this world, for this country, for this city, but they remained the same. Nobody wanted to change!

Then he decided to change his wife. And I took myself 7 weeks for this. I think you guessed it... his wife also remained the same.

Then for the first time in these many years the man sat down and thought: Is it possible to change at least something? Well, at least yourself?

He took only seven days to change himself... But after seven days he really changed, and as soon as he changed, his wife changed, and then his city, his country and his whole world.

When failures are everywhere and you constantly want to escape from problems, it begins to seem that everything is in the world. That someone is stopping us from achieving our goal. But is this really true? After all, we all want to achieve our goals and live the way we dreamed of as children. So why does someone succeed in this, while others sit with nothing? Do you want to scarlet sails catch a fair wind towards your dreams and find out how to change the world?

It's all a conspiracy!

Everyone in life probably has the feeling that the Universe itself is putting a spoke in their wheels. After all, he tries his best, but still nothing works out. And the conclusion comes that someone else is to blame. Very often the culprits are successful people, because misunderstanding is growing: why luck smiles on them, but not on you. Surely they are doing everything dishonestly! But in fact, this is what envy says in a person.

If you are thinking about how to change the world around you in such a way that it makes you happy, then the way of thinking described above needs to be changed. The world will not become different if you yourself remain the same. Our environment is a mirror. And you can only see in it a reflection of your inner world. If you think that it does not suit you, then you need to change the source. And when you become better, the world around you will begin to help you achieve your goals.

Select your course

If you feel like a boat without sails or oars, just floating with the flow, then something needs to change. Identify and clearly formulate your main goal, and then move in its direction. Success accompanies those who strive for it, and not those who simply wait for it. How can you change the world if you don’t change anything in it?

Don’t wait, look into your heart right now and feel what exactly you want. To begin with, you can look for the fulfillment of some minor desire, but which you sincerely want. For what? Why shouldn't you immediately reach for what you want most? Because for this you will need confidence, and it can be cultivated in yourself after several successfully completed goals. Nobody says to forget the secret, always remember it, but first concentrate on the simplest goals. Having chosen the direction, you can proceed to the next step.

The condition of your body

The body should give you only joy and admiration. How to change the world for the better? Literally start with yourself! You must love and respect the body. And we're not talking about narcissism. Of course, loving yourself for who you are is also important. But if your body has flaws that bother you and that can be corrected, then you simply need to get rid of them.

And don’t neglect your overall health. The first step is to undergo regular medical examinations. But simply is not enough either, the body needs to be strengthened. Sports activities, proper nutrition and simply healthy were invented precisely to ensure that the body remains strong and healthy. At first it may seem that everything is very difficult, because the body is not accustomed to discipline and routine, but even after a week healthy image life, you can notice changes in well-being.

You just need to take a long-term view: Do you want to stay healthy and feel young forever? Lying on the couch eating chips won't achieve this. The choice is yours. And who do you think is easier to achieve success: a healthy and active person or a lazy person with a bunch of minor health problems that he simply does not want to pay attention to? We think everyone understands that the more pleasant we are in our body, the more it helps in realizing our goals and improving the world and life.

Our environment is our reflection

First of all, pay attention to the conditions in which you live. Be it a house, an apartment or just your own room. The environment can also include workplace because you are there large number time.

To better understand how to change the world and how the environment influences it, imagine a swan living in a well-groomed and green protected area and swimming in clean pond with water lilies. The nature surrounding him will only further decorate the noble color of the swan’s feathers, and he will be able to give joy to everyone who looks at him. Now imagine that this beautiful snow-white bird will be put in a swamp with reeds scorched around and littered with bottles, candy wrappers and cigarette butts. How long will a swan's feathers stay white? And can he even survive in such conditions? Most likely not. This is roughly how a person’s physical environment affects him. Determine what needs to change and take action.

The environment can also be social. There are people who will always support you, and those who will doubt you and prevent you from moving forward. This does not mean that the former are good and the latter are bad. And it is not at all necessary to completely stop communicating with people who are “slowing you down”; it is enough just to slightly limit the scope of conversations. All people have fear, and perhaps these people are simply worried about you. Therefore, you need to avoid conversations on topics that may cause a negative reaction in some. Do you think this person doesn't share your belief in achieving your goals? Talk about buying yourself a new shirt or just about the nice weather. And with people who can inspire and support you, you can already discuss your plans and how to change the world in better side. Without like-minded people, you can be positive, but with them it becomes easier. After all, we are only human, sometimes we just need a little encouragement to believe in ourselves.

For example, you want to lose weight, then buy a membership to a gym where people have the same goal.


This is probably the main thing that you should change in yourself when you start to think about how to change the world. Most of us probably don't even realize how much our thoughts can help or hinder us in achieving our goals. You need to not just think about success, but visualize it and believe in it. When you learn to think positively, you will be able to see the so-called law of attraction in action very soon.

As you know, the slogan of our co-evolution is that it is necessary to adapt and change. This is kind of an offshoot famous quote Gandhi “Be the change you would like to see in this world.” Below are 5 ways you can actually change our world.

1. Be conscious of what you consume

Before you make any purchase, ask yourself: Do you know the ingredients that go into this product? Do you know the origin of all these ingredients? Have they been produced in a way that is harmonious with the environment? Does the meat you buy come from farmed animals? Are you aware that when you buy groceries, you are allowing big companies to influence your choices?

By purchasing products that are produced more ethically, you are telling big companies that you are not interested in their products. If a lot of people do the same, you will force big company Either reconsider your standards or go bankrupt. Every time you spend your money, you are voting for the world you want to live in.

If you don't like it genetically modified products, as well as those treated with pesticides, go organic. If you don't like chemical elements, which manufacturers add to personal care products and household chemicals, start making your own. If you are unhappy with the destruction tropical forests And environment, consider switching to a plant-based diet or one that contains less meat. The list goes on.

2. Limit the amount of waste you produce

Take a look at how much you consume every day. Are you one of those people who must have the latest gadget, the newest shoes and the trendiest accessories? You have to ask yourself if you really need all these things. Will the fact that they exist have any impact on your life with positive side? Just be more conscious of your actions. If you have piles of clothes, try organizing a sale with your friends. Use your gadgets until they actually need to be replaced, not just until a new one comes out.

Also, try to limit actual trash as well. Recycle what you can. If there are no institutions in your city that do this, this may be your chance to take up the issue. Choose products without or with less packaging, buy in bulk, and reuse glass containers. Avoid using plastic grocery bags and remember to take reusable packaging with you when you go grocery shopping. There are actually so many things you can do to keep your waste to a minimum.

3. Be yourself and do what you like

Be yourself. This main advice. And don't worry about what other people think of you. If someone doesn't like you or your behavior, that's okay. This is their opinion, not yours. Not only will this make you feel better over time, but it will also encourage others to do the same. Find out what makes you happy and enjoy it. Do whatever makes you feel alive and smile. Don't waste your time on things that don't really benefit you. Put yourself first and do what makes you feel good. Every day, try to find time for yourself: read a magazine, meditate, take a walk, do whatever you want.

4. Change your perception

Try to look at the world in a new light. It's important to be aware of everything that's going on, but try not to give in to fear or feelings of despair. After all, much of what is happening in the world now can be a signal for humanity. Perhaps if these events did not occur, we would never think about the things that need to be changed. Notice the positive things that have happened over the past few years. There are a lot of truly amazing changes that we just have to pay attention to.

5. Believe that you can make a difference.

Talk to people about what's going on in the world and make an effort to change their negative opinions about everything. Lead by example. Just because others haven't started making dramatic changes yet doesn't mean you can't. People will see that you do things differently and will start asking questions. This is a great opportunity to explain to everyone why you are doing something differently than them and why you think it is important. Consider joining a community that is working to increase awareness about various global problems humanity.

Believe in yourself, understand that you also affect something in this world and that you are in it for a reason. Be the best you can be, take care of yourself and our planet. Together we can create the world we want to live in.

Many scientists argue how and why the Universe first came into being, then the planets and worlds, and then life. Without life, the world was nothing more than just a ball covered with minerals and water, but when the first life arose, the clock counting down the years of the world's existence began to tick, echoing loudly in every living organism. It is possible that life on earth was generated by some supernatural force from Above, but did this invisible, life-giving hand want its creation to so radically change the world and the surrounding reality? Did she expect such a rapid development of knowledge, skills and discoveries, because of which not only the nature and resources of the planet are now suffering, but also humanity - our immediate environment, our brothers, most of our surrounding world?

People, of course, made a big contribution to the deformation of the world around us, and no one will argue with me. Whether this was commanded to us from Above, whether it was embedded in our brain, or whether we arbitrarily began to create everything with our own hands - this will remain a mystery for us, covered in darkness. If in prehistoric times people lived in symbiosis with nature and other people, the rapid development of technology opened up in people not only new skills and knowledge, but also new ideas for the destruction of the world that was created for life. They say that we use an insignificant percentage of the capabilities of our brain, but if even such small capabilities lead to such a radical change in the internal and external world of a person, then what will happen to the world when we discover other, greater possibilities within ourselves? Unfortunately, the upbringing of new people is getting worse and worse every year, so the direction in which a person will go largely depends on the initial investment in a person who is not yet capable of independent thinking by parents and other close people. And this contribution is not always correct: many parents teach their children negativity, wrong actions and completely forget that the child must be taught to respect not only people, but also nature and animals, since this is exactly half of our being.
In my opinion, everything comes from the soul. If the soul and inner world person is full of negative emotions, thoughts and desires, then the world around us denigrated under this influence. Such a person carries only negativity within himself, and all his actions lead to the destruction of the planet and life on it. And if a person is kind and open at heart, then all his positive energy benefits everyone around him. Therefore, of course, you can change the world around you for the better only by changing yourself and your attitude towards the World for the better.

First of all, you need to learn to think and act beautifully and positively. If you love life, then it will love you. We must remember that thought is material and much depends on what your attitude is towards this or that. We must carry light within ourselves and give it to others, charging us, like the sun, with warming power and energy.

A smile is the most effective weapon against evil and darkness, this is the gate that separates and reliably protects a person from everything unsuccessful and pessimistic. There are so many quotes and aphorisms about smiling, so many songs have been sung about it - and it’s not just like that! A smile is capable of the most desperate acts; it can become a turning point for a suffering or desperate soul, clutching at the saving shores of a smile, so you need to smile as often and as much as possible. Don't be shy about a smile, it's always beautiful! It should be given not only to loved ones, but also completely strangers, it’s so nice when you are given a sincere and beautiful smile!

Children are the purest and most immaculate creatures on Earth, ready to absorb everything like a sponge absorbs water. You can put so many good things into a child, and he will carry it inside himself, changing the world for the better, so you need to take the time to read an educational book to him, play some entertaining and educational game with him, go to the theater or concert , teach how to help older people or teach that it is strictly forbidden to litter on the street; It is necessary to instill in the child respect for neighbors and nature.

You must learn to understand and help the people around you. Sometimes it is so important for a person to trust someone, talk about what worries him, ask for advice, or simply be understood. If we devote some of our time to each friend, the world will become a much friendlier place, and we will be able to prevent accidents. You can give an unexpected gift to a friend or relative, making him happy on a gray, everyday day. Invite someone to have lunch with you who you think is lonely and has no one to share a meal with. And if you are healthy, you can register as an organ transplant donor or donate blood, which may save someone's life.

Do not spare money, because this is not the most important thing in life. When you buy something in a store and they give you change, don’t be sorry and throw it in the charity box. When you buy something at charity events, don’t skimp and pay more, because even the most seemingly insignificant cent can change someone’s life. But if you don’t have time to go to fairs, then ask your bank operator to send a percentage of your money to charity. Or give yours unnecessary clothes, accessories, toys, books, furniture, equipment for those in need, thereby you will help not only people who cannot, for some reason, purchase this, but also give your things a second life.

Learn to be friendly and open. Learn multiple languages ​​and communicate with people from abroad, showing interest in their culture and life. Make friendships and communication at every outstanding moment, remembering not only people’s names, but also their interests, hobbies, and hobbies. Try to talk to people live, and not through a computer, because spoken speech affects the listener much more than printed and emotionless words.

We must learn to be grateful. Grateful to everyone, from parents to the store clerk. Hug your mom and dad and tell them “thank you so much” for raising you. When you interact with salespeople in a store, don’t forget to say hello and say “thank you” at the end - this may energize them for the day positive emotions. You must be able to rejoice not only for yourself, but also for other people. You must be able to praise, support, never deny the opportunity to do something and always give hope that the person will succeed, even if it seems completely impossible to you. We must learn to stand up for others if the person himself cannot do this on his own. We must show that there is nothing to be afraid of and we must be able to defend our rights and point of view, because luck always smiles on the strong. You must be able to sincerely sympathize with people, empathizing and somehow trying to help in overcoming difficulties.

We must learn to be polite and respect other people. When you are talking in public places on the phone, then try to do it quietly and briefly, thereby maintaining not only the confidentiality of the conversation, but also without distracting people from their own activities. Give up your seats to older people on public transport, let them go ahead when they get off, and hold their hand so that grandparents don’t fall on the high steps of a tram or bus. If you listen to music, then turn the volume down - this will preserve your hearing and will not disturb the peace of the world around you.

One of the most important things is to learn to develop yourself. Everything comes, of course, from ourselves. To begin with, you need to improve not only your spiritual culture, but also your physical one. If possible, do exercises and engage in some kind of sport, raising your tone. We need to get rid of the negativity that accumulates in our body through active physical exercise.

We are what we eat, so we need to carefully study the food we consume, finding out where it comes from and what it is made from. It is advisable to buy food in biologically clean packaging and marked as not containing genetically modified organisms. In this way, we will preserve not only the health of our body, but also the surrounding nature.

A person learns from mistakes, so you need to make them in order to improve yourself and not be afraid of getting into an awkward situation. We are all human, and we all tend to make mistakes, but only smart people are able to admit their mistakes and learn from them, preventing them from happening again. We must move forward and do everything to achieve our goal, explore the world and strive to fulfill our dreams by doing life is more beautiful and setting an example for others. We must show with all our being that a person can do more than he thinks, that everything impossible is possible if you really want it! We must overcome difficulties and try to do what seems impossible, releasing our willpower, perseverance, and strength.

It seems to me that it is very important to learn to do things not for the sake of reward or praise, but just because. You should never expect that your service will be rewarded with gratitude in the form of an equivalent service. Happy face and a sincere “thank you” is the greatest reward a person should expect from his actions. This selfless attitude makes us purer and closer friend to a friend.

Learn to provide first aid and basic medicine so that in case of an emergency you will be able to provide the necessary assistance to a sick person. As you know, it is very important to be able to provide first aid to a person before the ambulance arrives, which will help him maintain life until professional assistance is provided.

The world around us is not only people, but also nature, and it must be protected and respected no less than our fellow humans. Over the past centuries, the structure of nature has changed very much and humanity is undoubtedly to blame for this, so we must follow some rules in order to preserve part of our lives.

First of all, this concerns transport, which emits very large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, thereby contributing to the formation of holes in ozone layer. If you have a choice between traveling by car or public transport, then choose, of course, the latter, because scientists are working to make transport more environmentally friendly.

Try to save energy by turning off lights where they are not needed and unplugging your computer when you are finished using it. Watch as little TV as possible: this will save both your eyesight and electricity. If possible, use energy-saving light bulbs, which can be purchased at any store. Remember to unplug chargers from the socket.

Learn to sort waste: waste paper, food waste and bottles. When getting rid of old equipment, find out where it can be disposed of without harming the environment. Try to avoid buying plastic bags, cups and bottles, by purchasing one thermos mug and a reusable portable box, which can replace a disposable bag, which, when burned, releases a lot of harmful substances into the air.

Join the voluntary green movement to improve city parks and help plant new plants that absorb carbon dioxide and reproduce oxygen, and clean the city from garbage that is unable to decompose and lies in the ground for years and oxidizes the soil. Also join the movement against the unauthorized killing of wild animals, because animals are ours little brothers, which are inextricably linked with us in the chain of life.

Know how to save water by turning off the taps in the bathtub when you are busy with other things, pouring as much as you need into a kettle or pan, and turning on the tap not at full power, pouring everything around, but in a thin stream.
If you see someone throwing out garbage in the wrong places or creating a dump, then do not hesitate to call the police or the relevant institution and report the violations. Nature itself is not able to process some substances produced by human hands.

Try to use pens, pencils, putty, erasers, cosmetics, cartridges to the end so that the contents do not enter the atmosphere, and also make photocopies on both sides of the sheet, which will then need to be recycled.

We can change the world around us for the better by changing ourselves and our thinking. And love for ourselves and our neighbors can help us with this. It is love that can push us to do good deeds and strive to make life more beautiful, ridding it of negativity and negative consequences. Love is the heart of everything, and a person can obey the call of the heart and act inspired by the desire to improve. If each person did at least half of this list, then we would feel how reality changes, how our world transforms, how our planet breathes differently and nature whispers. We must carry this within ourselves and teach it from the very beginning. early childhood our children to this, because they are our continuation, which will face problems the surrounding world, and they must be ready to know and help in the fight for a free and clean world that makes people more beautiful.

How can I change the world for the better? By personal example. Sergei Yesenin once said: “Who am I? What am I? Just a dreamer." I believe that in life you need to be a realist, and therefore I will begin to change the world by changing myself according to my ideas about life.

Each of us changes something every day. The question is what kind of changes these are. It is almost impossible to remain neutral while experiencing various events throughout the day. If you are attentive to others, treat them politely and respectfully, this leads to positive changes. Conversely, neglect, criticism, and belittling of others, whether intentional or not, cause negative changes. Key Point it's about paying attention to the changes you cause. Mark Sanborn, in his book The Practice of Small Things, describes three rules on how to change the world for the better. In this article you will learn how practicing small things helps with this.

“Every person matters. You. I.
In theology, this is the hardest thing to believe.”

(G.K. Chesterton)

Old lady and coffee

On a wonderful spring morning in Cincinnati, Mark left the hotel and headed to the nearest coffee shop. His lecture was due to take place after lunch, so after paying for a cup of coffee, he took a table outside and immersed himself in reading the newspaper. There was a taxi stand nearby. Mark noticed an elderly woman near the car. She got out of the car, stretching her legs, and looked thoughtfully at the coffee shop. It was clear that she wanted to come in. Mark approached her:

“Would you like a cup of coffee?” - Mark asked.

“That would be wonderful!” - the lady answered.

“What kind of coffee do you prefer?”

“Black,” she liked the same coffee as Mark.

Mark returned to the cafe and paid a little over a dollar for coffee for the old lady and the taxi driver. The woman reached into her pocket for money. “Don't worry. Drinks are on me,” Mark said. The woman stood there with amazement on her face, speechless. This is what it means to be an inspiration to someone.

Did you wake up today with the intention of changing the world?

Admitting that you started the morning planning to change the world certainly sounds grandiose and sometimes even ridiculous. But you really are changing the world every day, whether you like it or not. Often it only takes one small step. You change the world of your spouse or children with the phrases you say before leaving home. A little more attention or a little affection will change their day. And it reminds you of what really matters when you're rushing to the office, preparing for a crazy schedule. You change the world of a colleague, client, partner or cafeteria employee with your smile or frown.

Of course, this will not affect the global state of politics and will not bring a cure for AIDS. But who's to say that small changes don't have a cumulative, profound effect on the lives of others and ultimately on your own? Don't ask if you changed anything today. Of course the answer is yes. You could have a minor impact on someone, or a very serious one. But it is much more important to ask what kind of changes these were.

Three rules for change

We should pay attention to small good deeds and reward them.

It's important to infuse your work and relationships with a sense of meaning, not just occasionally, but constantly. All your actions: minor and serious - together form your lifestyle, which becomes obvious to anyone who has shown the slightest interest in you.

Ways to influence the world around us are divided into effective and not so effective. Here are some tried-and-tested methods on how to do this successfully.

Rule 1: Know when you'll change something

When are you able to change something? Any chance you get! Remember, no one is forcing you to do anything extraordinary. If your attempts to be an exceptional person become an overwhelming chore, you are doomed to fail. You change something because you want and can do it.

Rule 2: Identify the people your efforts are aimed at.

The goal is to provide exceptional service to all of our clients. Does this apply to you? Answer: depends on the circumstances. Performing your duties perfectly for everyone, at home or at work, is entirely possible. But, without a doubt, there are those for whom you would like to do something extraordinary. The most important people in our lives deserve maximum attention.

-Clients. Think about how you can make your customer experience exceptional?

- Family. How would your other half react to showing her your care and affection? What about your children? You have the power to transform ordinary family relationships and events in extraordinary moments and wonderful experiences.

- Supervisor. Would you like your manager to be an outstanding person? Then start treating him like to an outstanding person. Do amazing things for him and over time you will see how your relationship changes. And if not, then it’s time for you to find another leader.

- Colleagues. Effective teams are made up of effective members. Someone has to be the first in this field, so why not you? Become the world's most amazing coworker and watch how it positively impacts others.

- Strangers. What could be more surprising than an exceptional act for a stranger? Or not exceptional, but small and kind? It restores faith in humanity.

Rule 3: Consider changes

Just think about it, and you will quickly understand how you can change any of your activities or events. Often our lives are so hectic and stressful that we don't have time to think about how to enrich it and add value to what we do for others. Therefore, we should specifically set aside time for this. Just as athletes conduct pre-match meetings before competition, we too must prepare for daily activities by first understanding how to transform standard behavior into extraordinary behavior.

Once we know what change we can make, our job becomes to actually do it. This cannot be delegated to someone else. We need to act ourselves.

What changes will you make today?