Dream Interpretation. Pond: swim in a pond, fish pond, clean pond, dirty pond

On Monday, July 16, the editorial office of NK received several calls with reports that pollution had appeared on almost the entire surface of the reservoir. And in large pieces.

“It was impossible to swim on the city side, we rented a boat and sailed to the other shore, but it was the same there,” said a concerned reader. - Isn't this dangerous? And what is it?

A small investigation showed that there is no danger in these influxes.

Experienced fisherman: “This is a man natural disaster nature"

“Yesterday I was at the pond, swimming in the area of ​​the rescue station, I didn’t notice anything particularly dirty,” answered Mikhail Romantsov, a well-known active public fisheries inspector in Kachkanar, a man who is deeply concerned about the condition of the reservoir. – After the recent hurricane and downpours, of course, there was fluff from the poplars and leaves. The water washes a lot of “good” into the pond.

When I arrived at the pond, many fishermen were sitting on the shore. And they also confirmed the version about the consequences of the hurricane.

“In warmed shallow waters, naturally, both bottom algae and surface duckweed bloom profusely,” the 80-year-old fisherman points to the remains of wind-blown layers of aquatic vegetation. “The wind and waves tore it all down and spread it all over the pond.” Now everything has returned to normal, the floating vessel washed ashore, something sank to the bottom. Self-cleaning of the pond still works for now. What’s worse and more dangerous is what people do on the shore,” the fisherman sighed sadly, circling the coastal strip with his hand.

The mirror of the reservoir was indeed clean. On weekdays there are few swimmers on the beach. But the shore... No element could create such a mess as the vacationers left behind.

At every step there are fire pits, scattered bottles and plastic bags. Burnt tree branches, broken glass.

And the fishermen are right when they say that the people have become wild. From lack of control and impunity for your vandalism.

“How many times have I participated in community cleanups to clean the shore, and everything is useless,” one of the fishermen, reeling in his fishing rods, carefully tidied up his place of stay. I collected the worm boxes in my backpack and put the empty bottle in there.

“Inhumans were roaming around here, there is no escape from two-legged animals,” the man sighed as he left.

On the newly developed section of the shore, where comfortable, beautiful benches and lanterns are installed, there are overflowing trash cans. There is the same disgrace all around.

Having carefully wiped one of the benches with a handkerchief, a neatly dressed, slightly prim elderly lady tiredly sat down on the edge. We started talking.

“There is no demand, no fear of responsibility,” she briefly described this unsightly, disgusting picture. – How to make people respect yourself? Don't know. Maybe organize some kind of surveillance or duty? Yes, ask more strictly. This is the municipality's concern!

Animals in the pond

Necessity of animals in the pond:

1. Animals in a pond mix water layers with different temperatures and different amounts nutrients, which has a positive effect on the pond ecosystem, because ensures the flow of nutrients to plants and maintains temperature balance.

2. Animals excrete carbon dioxide, which plants need to live.

3. During the life of animals, organic substances are formed that are necessary for plants to develop.

4. Snails: clean the pond of dead organic matter and clean the surfaces of underwater objects from microalgae.

5. Toothless and pearl barley purify water, passing through themselves up to 40 liters per day.

6. Fish, insects, and reptiles eat mosquito larvae.

7. water birds and animals prevent plants from growing too much. For example, daphnia eat blue-green algae.

8. Water striders prevent insects that have fallen into the water from spoiling the water.

Pond Animals:

1. Insects: dragonflies and their larvae, swimmers and their larvae, water striders, mosquitoes and their larvae, water scorpions, arthropods (amphipods, daphnia, cyclops).

2. Snails: pond snail, livebearer, reel. They eat organic debris in the pond, thereby cleaning the pond; pond snails can eat young leaves of plants.

3. Valves: toothless (up to 20 cm), pearl barley. Toothless ones live in reservoirs with a muddy bottom, and pearl barleys live in reservoirs with sandy soil.

4. Reptiles: grass and sharp-faced frogs (brown), lake and pond frogs (green), common and crested newts, toads (hunt on land at night), turtles.

5. Freshwater shrimp.

6. Cancers. They eat dead animals in the pond and control the fish population. They dig holes from 40 to 70 cm.

7. Fish: perch, silver and golden carp, carp, grass carp, roach, bream, rudd, silver carp, bighead carp, lake trout, tench, gudgeon, bleak, verkhovka, minnow, loach. They control the number of plants, insects, and small animals, mix the layers of water, and do not allow the water to stagnate.

8. Waterfowl: ducks They control the number of plants and fish, and eat slugs on the coast.

Additional information:

1. During hot sunny hours, fish need shelter in the shade; for this you can use the leaves of plants floating on the surface of the reservoir, such as water lilies.

2. For one fish 10 cm long, you need 50 liters of water, or 2.5 cm of fish body length per 0.1 m2 of reservoir surface. Don't forget that some fish grow quickly. For large fish, for example carp, the standards are different: one fish requires 2.5 m2 of the surface of the reservoir.

Let's calculate approximate quantity fish in the pond:

  • If you calculate the required volume of water by volume, you will get: let 1 large fish need 200 liters of water, then in a pond with a volume of 200 m3 1000 will live big fish.
  • Let's calculate the number of fish based on the water surface required for them. For example, there are a quarter of large fish in a reservoir, which means for them we take a quarter of the water surface area, i.e. 50 m2, which means there will be 50/2.5 = 20 large fish. Small fish (let 1 small fish be 7.5 cm long) 150/(3*0.1) = 500 pcs.
  • In total, it turns out that we will have about 700-800 fish in our pond, because... It is necessary to take into account both fry of fish and fish smaller than 7.5 cm. First of all, the number of fish will depend on the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water.

3. Fish and animals should be introduced 6 weeks after planting, so that a habitat is formed for them.

4. Freshly brought fish should not be allowed into the pond immediately. The vessel or plastic bag in which they were brought must be floated on the water of the lake in order to even out possible temperature differences that could put the fish in a state of shock.

5. For fish, you need to lay stones on the bottom (the higher the stones, the better for the fish, but you need to take into account that they do not interfere with people swimming) and, closer to the shore, several stumps with roots for young fish.

6. About fish:

  • Predatory fish perch(30-50 cm) and lake trout(20-35 cm) eat small fish and control the health and abundance of other fish species, because First of all, sick and weak specimens are eaten, preventing other fish from getting sick.
  • Grass carp(or "grass carp", up to 30 kg) eats algae and controls their numbers. Silver carp- filters water and eats microalgae. Tench(up to 50 cm) eats algae, small animals and mud. Carp in spring and summer it mainly feeds on young shoots of reeds; it also eats other plants, as well as frog and fish eggs.
  • Bream(up to 45 cm) mainly feeds on aquatic plants, especially white rush roots, algae, especially loves buckwheat (Polygonum), as well as worms and various larvae and insects. In the spring, before spawning, bream destroy a lot of eggs of other fish, thereby controlling the reproduction of other fish species; they are also very fond of molting crayfish.
  • Roach(up to 30 cm, 600 g) feeds on algae and small crustaceans. Prefers quiet and warm water, does not like very muddy and silty places, prefers lakes with a sandy bottom. In lakes, small one-year-old roach stays near the shores, in the grass, where it finds refuge from its main enemy - perch, but adults prefer deeper and more open places.
  • Rudd(up to 35 cm) is very similar to a roach. It lives in flowing ponds and lakes, where reeds, reeds and other aquatic plants grow in abundance; it lives at medium depths in grass or reeds, especially in at a young age, does not like strong currents. It feeds mainly on plants, partly on insects, larvae and worms.
  • Carp(20-30 cm) live in mud, where they obtain food consisting exclusively of organic remains and small worms. Only in the evenings and nights, on a clear hot day, sometimes at noon, do crucian carp emerge from the mud to the shores and feast on the young stems of aquatic plants, especially reed shoots. At this time, its slurping and smacking sounds are often heard, by which it is not difficult to distinguish crucian carp from other fish. They live in any bodies of water. Very hardy.
  • Gudgeon(up to 13 cm) feeds on the eggs of other fish and bloodworms (mosquito larvae), insects, small crustaceans such as cyclops and daphnia. They stay in shallow places with a sandy bottom; they are never found in grassy places during the day. The gudgeon is diurnal and never swims at night.
  • Verkhovka(up to 8 cm) feeds on insects, mosquitoes, larvae, tiny crustaceans, algae and other small aquatic organisms. IN large quantities destroy the eggs of crucian carp. It is constantly on the move, is voracious, and is not afraid of humans. Where there is a lot of topwater, the perch almost does not pay attention to the worms. Loves a pond with dense thickets and stones.
  • Bleak(10-15 cm) stays near the surface of the water, hunting for insects. Insects constitute its main food. The bleak is very beautiful.
  • Minnow(up to 8 cm) feeds exclusively on plant matter and looks beautiful in flocks.
  • Loach(20-30 cm, as thick as a finger) very long in appearance, resembles an eel or snake, loves quiet water and muddy bottom. More hardy than crucian carp, it can live for a long time in the wet mud that remains at the bottom of dry lakes, pits and swamps. Constantly stays at the bottom, often completely buries itself in the mud and here it looks for food, which usually consists of worms, insect larvae, small bivalves, as well as the sludge itself.

7. Cancers. Crayfish are omnivores, but mainly feed on the corpses of animals that fall into the water. Ponds overgrown with bushes and trees along the banks can be populated with crayfish. For this purpose, it is necessary to release adult crayfish into them with the calculation of three females per male. Each crayfish has its own separate burrow or even several burrows, which they themselves dig in a steep bank or in clayey soil. The length of the hole is from 35 to 70 cm. They can hide under snags. They live for several decades. It emerges from its burrows mainly at night.

Do you like to swim? Then it is not surprising why from time to time in your dreams you see the image of a beautiful pond. But even people who don’t like water can see bodies of water in their night dreams. How should the image of the pond be interpreted? The dream book says that you need to pay attention not only to the pond itself, but also to the quality of the water, as well as to the birds and fish living in the pond. Detailed interpretation look for images below.

Clean Pond

The clear body of water is a beautiful sight. If just such a pond appeared in your dream, consider yourself lucky. A clear pond is a pleasant omen that foretells a streak of luck that has already come into your life. The subconscious assures a person that it is time to turn his ideas and wildest plans into reality. If a person has long wanted to open his own business, it’s time to start. If a person wanted to learn foreign language, it's time to do this. Any undertaking will be beneficial. You just need to put in a little effort for your business to take off. Therefore, do not put off fulfilling your desires until later. A more favorable case may not present itself.

What else could a pond mean? The dream book foretells a period of pleasant calm for a person. Temporarily a person will live without troubles and problems. Calmness and tranquility are what a person needs now. And if it is impossible to reproduce a similar environment at home, then you need to go to a boarding house and spend time there alone with yourself. The subconscious tells a person that now he needs this vitally.

Overgrown pond

Have you seen a pond with algae? The dream book interprets such an image as a standard routine of life. There are no successes without losses. And in order to better know the taste of happiness, you must first know what grief is. Any life that is eventful will be moderately sad and joyful. In the near future, the dreamer will have to experience all the delights and sorrows of human existence. The subconscious mind warns the person that there is no need to get upset over trifles and waste your energy on tears. Soon the bad will be replaced by the good, and sadness will leave your soul.

Can't decipher your night dreams? Open the dream book. A pond overgrown with water lilies, algae and reeds portends stagnation in your business. You will encounter difficulties, and you will not be able to get rid of them quickly. And only considerable efforts that will have to be made to improve your life will save the situation. If you want to see progress, then take the time to turn the overgrown swamp of life into a clean pond.

Lotus pond

Did lotuses grow on the surface of your pond, which you saw in your night dreams? How can you decipher such a dream? Refer to the dream book. A pond with lotuses portends a person spiritual growth. The personality will soon change greatly, one might say, it will be reborn. The subconscious tells the dreamer that it is time to make fundamental changes in the soul. A person must reconsider his values ​​and think about whether he has the right ones life guidelines. If the internal compass is knocked down, then it needs to be reset. Meditation and other spiritual practices will help with tuning such a subtle mechanism. A person must understand what he wants and why he came into this world.

Also, lotuses on the surface of the water portend a person to discover new talents in himself. The dreamer may feel a craving for drawing, music, sculpture, or dancing. There is no need to deny yourself the pleasure of finding a new hobby. And if you realize that you are missing at the moment knowledge, to develop your talent, contact a teacher who will help you unlock your inner potential.


In your night dreams, did you see a duck and ducklings swimming on the surface of a pond? The dream should be interpreted as a desire to take care of someone weaker than oneself. For family people, such a dream means a desire to have a child. If the couple still does not have children, then you need to listen to the signs that the subconscious gives. And if the family already has a child, then it is necessary to devote more attention and time to their child.

What could such a dream mean for a person who does not yet have a family? The subconscious mind tells the person that it is time to get a pet. But you don't need to go to the market to buy ducks. You can get the pet you have always wanted. Buy or pick up a beautiful puppy on the street, or take a cute kitten as a gift. The furry creature will help brighten up your lonely evenings.

Pond with fish

With fish? The dream book interprets such a dream in two ways. If a girl is in a relationship with her boyfriend serious relationship, then the lady may soon be expecting a new addition to the family. The subconscious tells the girl that she is pregnant. A woman may not yet notice external signs changes occurring in the body, but restructuring is already underway. A girl should take her nightly dreams seriously and mentally prepare herself and her loved ones for the upcoming pregnancy. But you shouldn’t talk about adding to the family directly. After all, the subconscious can deceive the dreamer, presenting wishful thinking.

Fish in a pond may simply be an omen of good luck. Usually this interpretation is attributed men's dreams. If a guy saw frolicking fish, it means he can act boldly and decisively. In all matters young man good luck will follow. But, nevertheless, one should not make hasty decisions. Think about every serious step you take before you take it.

Dirty pond

What did you see in your dream? Have you ever taken a dip in a dirty pond? The dream book does not interpret such an image well. The dream should tell the person that his thoughts are too dirty. The person is used to judging and discussing everyone. A person often spreads gossip and likes to spread dirty rumors. People around you may like to listen to funny tales about their friends, but you shouldn’t spoil the reputation of innocent people. Such a hobby will definitely backfire. Sooner or later, people will find out who exactly spread rumors about them and will take revenge.

The subconscious mind advises the dreamer to put things in order in his head. After all, a pond in dreams is associated with human consciousness. Try not only not to spread gossip, but also not to twist such information in your head. Think about something positive and don't try to intentionally hurt people. The more good you send into the world, the more it will return to you.

dried up pond

Did you have a strange dream in your night dreams? How can you interpret a dried up pond? Such an image means the end of some important period in your life. But don't despair or get upset. After all, every end marks a new beginning. You can just as easily get used to something new and interesting. And the past should be left in the past. Now you need to come up with new goals and desires and go towards them as quickly as last time.

In what area should we expect change? Think about where you managed to realize yourself or why or who you burned out on. You probably need to change your hobby or change your loved one. You shouldn't live with a feeling of frustration or take responsibility for your old hobbies. If today you cannot feel sympathy for what you liked last year, then you have outgrown or matured. Let go of the person or hobby and find a replacement.

Swim in the pond

Water that washes your body in a dream has a pleasant interpretation. What could a dream mean in which you had to swim in a pond? The dream book says that a person is letting go of his problems and is ready to part with sadness and sadness, which for a long time he was overcome. The person has matured and accepted all her mistakes. Now you need to draw conclusions and act in accordance with them. After all, any experience is useful for a person. The more mistakes have been made, the less likely a person is to get burned in the future.

A clear pond means the dreamer's pure intentions. A person whose head contains exclusively bright thoughts will be much happier than others. A person who does not wish harm to anyone and helps everyone at every opportunity will be generously rewarded not only by people, but also by fate. The main thing is to remember that any help should be free of charge. You will receive some benefits only if you do not have selfish thoughts.

Fall into a pond

Did you have a pleasant vision? Seeing a pond in a dream and then falling into the pond can only be very happy man. The subconscious tells the person that changes are coming soon, and they will be very unexpected. On what front should we expect changes?

If a person still doesn’t have a soulmate, then changes will come precisely love front. The person will finally find true love who can make her happy. Well, if a person already has a significant other, then she should expect changes in financial terms. The person will receive a promotion, or the boss will unexpectedly decide to give the dreamer a large cash prize. A person should spend money on some pleasure. For example, you can go on a trip with your whole family or go to a sanatorium, relax not only with your soul, but also with your body. Choose the type of vacation that most appeals to you and go have a good time.

Tadpoles swim in the pond. When they grow up, they will have paws. It won't be long before they become beautiful. green frogs.

Swimming beetle

These black cockchafer-like insects edged with a yellow stripe are called swimming beetles. These are predators that ambush other pond inhabitants, attack them and greedily eat them. Their larvae, hiding in the silt, are just as voracious.

The ponds are home to some very cute creatures. These are newts. They are very useful because they eat mosquito larvae and other insects. The back of male newts is decorated with a large crest.

The black water beetle is a small water beetle that floats with its belly up and can remain underwater for a long time. It moves by touching the surface of the water with its antennae, along which the air it needs “flows”.

Attention! Ponds are often inhabited by water snakes. They can reach 1.5 meters in length. Don't be afraid of them, they are not poisonous. Although, when they see a person, snakes take a threatening pose, hiss or pretend to be dead. These snakes feed on small fish, insects and frogs.

These small greenish creatures that seem to be suspended from the “ceiling” of the reservoir are mosquito larvae. They breathe using a special tube that sticks out.