The world's mezza rapper is Vyacheslav Vorontsov. Rapper Mezza: biography, personal life, songs and photos

On portals dedicated to hip-hop, Mezza is called a follower of canonical rap, whose sound is no worse than that of European or American performers. His style is true school rap, a combination of skills and flow that originated on the streets of New York, classic themes of the tracks.

Childhood and youth

Details of Mezza’s biography are sketchy, although the performer has been known in the rap community for quite a long time. Mezza is just one link in the chain of pseudonyms of the musician, whose passport name is Vyacheslav Vorontsov. The rapper's name was Mezza Morta, Slava Aronovsky. Vyacheslav was born in August 1987 in the village of Tazovsky, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

As a child I studied in art school, but not for long - they kicked out for bad behavior. As Mezza said in an interview, he is a descendant of the painter, the author of the painting “The Apotheosis of War,” exhibited in Tretyakov Gallery. Over time, the head of the family and some relatives settled in Prague.

Vorontsov became immersed in hip-hop as a music direction in America, where he came as a student exchange student. I had to live in a Spanish area, the surroundings turned out to be exactly the same as they showed in the videos: African-Americans with pistols, chrome Chevrolets and rap music blasting from all the windows. In terms of performing beats, according to the musician, even the cashier at the station can easily “outdo” many Russian followers of this genre.

Vyacheslav and his friends tried to go to open airs, but the locals categorically advised against it, saying that it was simply dangerous for white guys. However, during the 4 months spent in North Carolina, the future musician became familiar with the so-called southern rap, since only such compositions do you want to listen to in an atmosphere of sun and positivity, in contrast to “gray Moscow”.

In 2013, Mezza moved to Paris to live with his sister, who received French citizenship. There was a strange reason for this - Vyacheslav’s car was stolen in Moscow, and the guy decided that coming winter There is nothing to do in the capital without personal transport.


In 2007, Mezza Morta released an album called "1000 & 1 Spliff", which took only 2 weeks to record. The debut release received quite good reviews from listeners.

With Nikita, the rapper recorded the album “Looney Tunez” and for some time became a member of the hip-hop association F*** You Pay Me, which also included Drum Pirate, aka Vitaly Gubarenko, and Dima 5 Plyukh.

Video for Mezza's song "Sid and Nancy"

"Slum Star", released in 2010, is considered one of best works musician. The compositions turned out to be aggressive, on the theme of weapons, showdowns between factions. While recording tracks for the album, Mezza, by his own admission, locked himself in the studio, did not communicate with anyone, did not listen to any other artists, in order to remain as focused as possible.

Mezza worked on the album “Exhale into the City” in collaboration with, Jamille and. A video was shot for the track from the Sid and Nancy album. The rapper went to the Soyuz studio with a demo recording, but they refused to help the guy. The producers believed that such music would not find its audience, and, accordingly, the disc would not be sold.

The situation changed with the album "Mokba". Now the label, according to Mezza, was the first to get in touch, apologized and offered a contract. In addition, the rapper (Levan Gorozia), with whom Vyacheslav communicated, also “fit in.” Mezza began collaborating with the production center G-music Group, where at that time they were “signed” (ex-LocDog).

The musician was prompted to write the album “Breaking Bad” by the story of the hero of the crime series of the same name starring Bryan Cranston. Mezza presented collaborations with Legalize, Wayman and Garik PLedoFF to fans.

Video for Mezza’s song “For Her (No Love)”

To the next release the rapper gave the not entirely modest name “Leader new school", emphasizing the influence of his own creativity on the development of the genre. The success of the album led to a short-term collaboration with the Black Star label.

This agreement caused a lot of noise in the rap community, as the performer declared independence at every opportunity. But Mezza has never hidden the fact that music is his main source of income, and therefore any way to increase income is good.

The album release was purchased for 250 thousand rubles, but the musician started having problems with the studio and the computer in which the recordings were stored burned down. Mezza got out of the situation with the help of demos, because, even working for drafts, he was used to doing everything to the maximum.

The influence of "Black Star" was limited to the distribution of Mezza's new album. The rapper’s source of pride was Scorsezze’s creation, consisting of seven tracks. The musician finally found the necessary sound, he did the sampling himself, as he says:

“I spun every barrel.”

With, known as ST, Mezza recorded a song with the loud title “Dead President”. The premiere of the album took place behind closed doors, tickets for the concert were distributed from the pages of Vyacheslav in

The 23-year-old starlet went to her boyfriend in Los Angeles

Since 2015, Sasha BORTIC has released five or six large film projects a year. "SpiritLess-2”, “The Elusive”, “Philfak”, “Policeman from Rublyovka”, “Viking”... In 2018, as many as nine films with her participation are expected! At the same time, the girl also manages to take care of her personal life. There she is bubbling more than in a pan of compote on a hot stove.

On the set of "The Elusive" Bortich started an affair with an actor Ilya Milanin. They lived and did not grieve for three years, until Sasha began to act a lot, a lot. Ilyusha, of course, became jealous. To success, partners. On the set of “Viking,” Bortich got seriously carried away Danei Kozlovsky, with which after several takes bed scenes she wanted to repeat it. Longer, deeper and in a different place. Milanin made a terrible scene for his girlfriend. Sasha didn’t mince words either. In short, in the heat of the moment the girl packed her things and left. Milanin quickly calmed down and began to wait for Bortich to come to his senses and return. But she didn’t even think about it. Moreover, a brutal guy turned up - a rapper Mezza(according to passport - Vyacheslav Vorontsov).

You can't even tell that this lady is a man. Photo:

When my mother first heard about him, she said: “Daughter, this guy is very dangerous, very! And this won’t end well!” And only when I met him, I stopped thinking so,” Alexandra admitted. - I've always been drawn to bad boys. I used to hang out with bikers.

I wonder what Belarusian parents think about Sasha’s new hobby. Meet the drag queen with the stage name NatalieRay, born in Moscow on January 18, 1994. At the age of 19, he flew to New York, then to Los Angeles, where he found a lucrative job. Every evening he goes on stage in a bright wig, with catchy make-up and a shiny dress, receiving a crazy ovation. And this does not at all prevent him from communicating normally with girls.

MEZZA turned out to be too much for BORTICH bad boy. Photo:

Sasha met this extraordinary young man in the spring of 2016, when she went to America for acting classes. Over the course of two months, they became so attached to each other that when they parted, they cried. Both.

The separation was difficult, although they were in touch all the time: Skype, instant messengers... Then he came to Moscow to visit his parents.

They try not to let their relationship shine. You understand, the guy’s profession is such that people’s reactions can be ambiguous...

Ilya and Sasha loved each other for three years

Sasha is currently visiting California. Lovers have fun.

We went to the absolutely incredible Harry Potter amusement park. I don’t remember a single day when we were bored. You always want to smile next to him,” says Bortich. - Life is a complicated thing, anything can happen, but at least our friendship is forever!

A boy born in the Arctic Circle, in a village that is not easy to find on the map, where the night lasts for two months, and the temperature in winter drops to minus 50 ° C, and could not think that he would ever be able to afford to live in Moscow, but on vacation fly to Paris, Prague or Nice. But now he understands that there are no boundaries for a person, only those that are in his head.

Vyacheslav Vorontsov (rapper Mezza) was born on August 13, 1987 in the village of Tazovsky. He studied at an art school, from where he was expelled for bad behavior. The formation of the rapper Mezz's biography was influenced by Onyx and Snoop Dog - these were the first rap artists he heard. The boy was always inquisitive and tried not to leave any of his questions unanswered.

Now Vyacheslav is one of the most independent rappers in Russia. He has more than 10 releases to his credit, the most notable of which are “Slum Star” and “Going Out on the City.” A photo of rapper Mezz can be seen below.

Alias ​​meaning

Mezza Morta in slang Italian mafia means "dead half", "half dead". Vyacheslav shortened his pseudonym to Mezza in 2013.

Creative path

The musical work of rapper Mezz has always been distinguished by its advanced sound for its time. Vyacheslav focuses on the flow and rhythm of the reading, on the combination of sounds, word forms and sound quality. Much attention pays attention to the little things, spending a long time in the recording studio and polishing songs to perfection. His music is considered hip-hop with a classic New York sound.

In 2007 he released his first album. In 2008, he met Decl and they recorded the track “Shot”; in the same year Mezza won in the program “13 Evil Spectators” on MTV. The year 2009 was marked for the musician and his fans with the Looney Tunez mixtape and the video clip “This Is Not Hip-Hop.”

In 2010, Vyacheslav released the album “Slum Star” and accompanied it with two videos: “This is stupid everyday life” and Coca Cola. The album received positive reviews from critics and listeners. A year later, he released Breaking Bad. When creating it, I was inspired by the series of the same name. He also shot the videos “Leave Me” and “La La La”. 2 weeks later the single “Black Swan” was released.

In 2013, rapper Mezza released two albums: “Ulcer” and “Exit to the City.” “Going out to the city” is returning home after traveling through European countries. Starts with classic beats, ends with new school beats. The album had a dark mood, but was warmly received by critics and listeners, short terms reached the top of iTunes. The main song of the album was “Sid and Nancy”.

In 2014, the album “Mokba” was born, where semantic load and interesting sound prevailed. In 2015, he lost to Re-pac in the Beats & Vibes hip-hop contest.

In 2016, Vyacheslav released what listeners rated as a crazy album, “Leader of the New School.” To be the leader of a new school, according to Mezza, means constantly looking for the next step, constantly progressing, not looking at the canons and fashion trends, because all this is changeable. The uniqueness of the product, detachment from the processes within the industry - this is what distinguishes the leader of the new school from ordinary rappers. Vyacheslav thought so then and does not give up his views now.

In the same year, two mini-albums “Scorce33e” and “M4” were released. In 2017 the album “Paradise” was released - average job, according to the musician himself. Photos of Vyacheslav Vorontsov (rapper Mezza) are presented in the article.

Contract with Black Star

After recording the album “Score33e”, the artist was noticed at Black Star. They soon signed a distribution rights agreement with Mezza. The agreement was only for this release; Mezza is still an independent artist. Black Star bought the material and will make a profit from the release. Mezza himself estimates his sound on this album to be worth tens of thousands of dollars; he believes that everything was done professionally and every detail was verified. In addition, there was an already established fan base. Therefore, Mezza was sure that it would not be difficult for the guys from Black Star to make a good profit from the album.

Personal life

At the end of 2016, Sasha Bortich and Vyacheslav meet. Around the beginning of 2017, Mezza and Sasha became a couple. Before this, Bortich dated Ilya Malanin for three years, who was constantly jealous of her colleagues. Ilya decided to end this relationship.

Vyacheslav well understood the specifics of his beloved’s work. The new couple doted on each other. Sasha admitted that she listens to her new partner in everything. Vyacheslav was even introduced to Sasha’s mother, they easily found common language. However, the mother was against such a union. The couple got married that same year.

In June 2018, Sasha filed for divorce, arguing that the rapper was not the person she was looking for. The marriage was officially dissolved on July 16, 2018. It is unclear how this affected Vyacheslav’s life, but on July 15, Mezza invited everyone to his concert, which took place in August, on his Twitter account.

Trip to Europe

According to Mezza, such travel changes a person, but not everyone. Only the one who is looking for answers. The rapper has noticeably lost weight, got new tattoos, and even his eyes have changed. As rapper Mezza says, after visiting several countries, you begin to understand that you are a person free from the system. If you don't like one system, you have the opportunity to change it by simply moving.

However, of all the cities, rapper Mezza loves Moscow most. True, in winter it is very difficult for him. The absence of sun for several months greatly affects the psyche, so Vyacheslav prefers to spend the winter in cities with a more suitable climate. Dreams of visiting Greenland, Iceland and Japan.


Mezza has always recorded music for himself, so he doesn’t rely on radio and television hits. His musical tastes evolve, and the sound of his songs changes along with it. He believes that in order to evaluate the professionalism of another person, you yourself need to have courage and willpower. Almost every track by Vyacheslav mentions God. The rapper doubted for a long time higher powers and religion. The path of doubt is considered more correct in this matter.

He considers himself a god in the sense that he is part of God's creation. There are commandments that he is comfortable fulfilling. When he follows them, everything happens in the right way for him. For example, he gives alms to everyone who asks. He does it for himself. He doesn’t see anything bad in wealth, because even Islam says that a person should be rich and help the poor.

About believing in yourself and losing weight

The rapper took a long time to lose weight; he was always very fat. When asked questions about losing weight, he jokingly replies that he shoots heroin in the groin. Vyacheslav believes that it is easier for people to believe in this than to hear about healthy way life and proper nutrition. His “secret” is simple - the rapper began to exercise a lot, stopped drinking beer, eating sweets and fatty foods.

He believes that the key to success is happiness, and not the other way around. His happiness is self-discipline. What brings him happiness is the realization that from his head he can control the world around him and his every action. Believes that self-confidence changes everything around a person. The hardest thing is to believe in yourself when you have nothing.

During an interview with Blaze on the Couch, the rapper gave the following advice:

Don't mistake kindness for weakness. Just because I don't cut your throat right now doesn't mean I can't do it. This means that I am kind.

The 23-year-old starlet went to her boyfriend in Los Angeles

Since 2015, Sasha BORTIC has released five or six large film projects a year. "SpiritLess-2”, “The Elusive”, “Philfak”, “Policeman from Rublyovka”, “Viking”... In 2018, as many as nine films with her participation are expected! At the same time, the girl also manages to take care of her personal life. There she is bubbling more than in a pan of compote on a hot stove.

On the set of "The Elusive" Bortich started an affair with an actor Ilya Milanin. They lived and did not grieve for three years, until Sasha began to act a lot, a lot. Ilyusha, of course, became jealous. To success, partners. On the set of “Viking,” Bortich got seriously carried away Danei Kozlovsky, with which, after several takes of sex scenes, she wanted to repeat. Longer, deeper and in a different place. Milanin made a terrible scene for his girlfriend. Sasha didn’t mince words either. In short, in the heat of the moment the girl packed her things and left. Milanin quickly calmed down and began to wait for Bortich to come to his senses and return. But she didn’t even think about it. Moreover, a brutal guy turned up - a rapper Mezza(according to passport - Vyacheslav Vorontsov).

You can't even tell that this lady is a man. Photo:

When my mother first heard about him, she said: “Daughter, this guy is very dangerous, very! And this won’t end well!” And only when I met him, I stopped thinking so,” Alexandra admitted. - I've always been drawn to bad boys. I used to hang out with bikers.

I wonder what Belarusian parents think about Sasha’s new hobby. Meet the drag queen with the stage name NatalieRay, born in Moscow on January 18, 1994. At the age of 19, he flew to New York, then to Los Angeles, where he found a lucrative job. Every evening he goes on stage in a bright wig, with catchy make-up and a shiny dress, receiving a crazy ovation. And this does not at all prevent him from communicating normally with girls.

MEZZA turned out to be too bad a boy for BORTICH. Photo:

Sasha met this extraordinary young man in the spring of 2016, when she went to America for acting classes. Over the course of two months, they became so attached to each other that when they parted, they cried. Both.

The separation was difficult, although they were in touch all the time: Skype, instant messengers... Then he came to Moscow to visit his parents.

They try not to let their relationship shine. You understand, the guy’s profession is such that people’s reactions can be ambiguous...

Ilya and Sasha loved each other for three years

Sasha is currently visiting California. Lovers have fun.

We went to the absolutely incredible Harry Potter amusement park. I don’t remember a single day when we were bored. You always want to smile next to him,” says Bortich. - Life is a complicated thing, anything can happen, but at least our friendship is forever!

Childhood years and first hobbies I welcome guests and regular readers of the site. So, Mezza Aronovsky (Mezza Morta in the past) - a representative of the new school of rap in Russia, was a member of the association "f.y.p.m." Born on August 13 (exact year unknown) in the village of Tazovsky, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which is located far beyond the Arctic Circle.

Vyacheslav Vorontsov (the artist’s real name) speaks about it this way: “In fact, I can’t believe that having been born in such a place, I was able to achieve the fact that I can visit and live in cities such as London and Paris. It’s all about perseverance, because There are no limits for anyone. Having been born in a place where it’s minus 40-50 degrees in winter, I managed to do everything to make my dreams come true.”
I spent my childhood and youth in Zhulebino, a residential area of ​​Moscow outside the Moscow Ring Road. Vyacheslav went to art school, but after a while he was kicked out for hooliganism. However, the knowledge gained will still be useful: the design of some of the covers of his own albums is the work of Slava himself, about which his colleagues in the creative workshop will speak flatteringly.

Onyx and Snoop Dogg were the first rap groups that Slava listened to, after which he began to get involved in the work of this genre.

Creative period

In 2007, Mezza Morta released a mixtape called "1000 & 1 Spliff". This is the artist’s debut release, which received quite good reviews from listeners.

The next work - "Looney Tunez", was released in 2009 and consists of 25 tracks that are distinguished by a unique and new sound for that time.
In 2010, one of the artist’s brightest albums was released: “Slum Star” (13 tracks). The rapper noted that when working on the release, he was extremely concentrated and closed - he did not communicate with any rap artists, did not listen to any compositions from this genre, and in general, at that time he was detached from the entire hip-hop world. Thus, the result was exactly the music that Slava himself liked. Being an independent artist, he made the album the way he wanted. Present on three tracks collaborations with Jamille, and on one (the last, thirteenth) performer Ty Nitty sounds together with the author of the release.

Mezza - Muscovites (2010)

Exit to the City" (2013) is considered by many to be the next peak of this artist’s creativity. In addition to the chic sound, the tracks have in their text something that will be close and familiar not only to one author of the release, but will also resonate with numerous listeners.

Mokba", which consists of 8 tracks with an interesting sound component and meaningful text. Slava himself admitted in one of his interviews that he considers it one of the best." align="" src-original=" width=">

Mezza and Re-Pac on Beats&Vibes

“Leader of the new school” - that’s what Mezza called his new release in 2016, thus modestly emphasizing its influence on the overall development of the genre in Russia. 15 songs, imbued with interesting lyrics and fashionable instrumentals, do not leave anyone indifferent, including the “Black Star” label. But it was a short-term collaboration with Mezza, which caused a stir among listeners and rap publications.

Scorsezze EP". All 7 tracks are unique in their own way and as a whole add up to an overall harmonious and worthy work.

M4". This is exactly the rhythm that Mezza set - he does not stop at presenting one album a year and, thanks to his productivity, pleases fans with new material. This time the record has 7 tracks, 3 of which are skits in which the performer shares his thoughts on the world order and other current topics.
In 2017, a joint release with Jamille entitled “Dream More in Contrary” was presented. 10 songs are very bright and appreciated by listeners and colleagues.
But the creative gifts from Mezza didn’t end there. In December 2017, according to the artist, his “last album” was released, which was called “Paradise”. The running time is impressive - one and a half hours. This is explained by the presence of 32 compositions on the release. Such a number of songs may well qualify for a farewell “adjustment” from the performer.
Each of the tracks carries a piece of the performer, who, in turn, is not afraid to be sincere with his listener. Distinctive feature The release is a musical component - the beats are made in a fashionable style with an abundance of bass component. Jamille, Stlsrdr, Btskh, Ho - guests at the release.

The history of choosing a pseudonym and life guidelines

Vyacheslav, in one of his few interviews, noted that Pablo Picasso is a creative inspiration for him. This is a brilliant artist and artist, a successful businessman who during his lifetime had good earnings. He received success and recognition not in old age or after death, but during his creative process, which allowed him to fully realize himself in the future. According to Mezza, this is for him role model successful life.
Mezza Morta chose his nickname not by chance: “dead half” - this is exactly how the translation of Italian mafia slang sounds. In every personality there are two sides - dark and light, which always conflict due to the choice of leadership positions. This is precisely what served as reflection in Slava’s tracks - they are conflicting, have hidden meaning and always very bright. In 2013, the performer shortened his pseudonym to one word - Mezza.
Slava has a passion for tattoos, so you can find quite a few designs on your body. In addition to their inherent charisma, they make Mezzu even more special person who is not afraid of changes in her life and looks only forward, without stopping there.

Family and personal life

Due to the performer’s privacy, not much is known about his personal life. There is information that his father and relatives live in Prague, and his sister lives in France and has citizenship of this country. In June 2018, it became known that Slava was married to the pretty actress Alexandra Bortich, but six months later the couple decided to divorce.

Mezza now

Mezza's musical style itself is characterized by high-quality sound: the most harmonious combination of voice rhythms and stylish music distinguishes each song with its Western sound. The artist is not going to stop there and will continue to delight his listeners with new material with the same productivity that is characteristic of him. With his independence as a performer, he emphasizes his dedication to himself, creativity and numerous listeners.

: ( Official page on Instagram)
: (Fan page on Instagram)
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Personal archive of Vyacheslav Vorontsov

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The article was prepared by the resource "How Celebrities Changed"

They learned about her after the film “What’s My Name,” and when Alexandra starred in Anna Melikyan’s film “About Love,” the young actress gained real popularity. A new wave of interest in Bortich arose after the series “Torgsin”, where she played one of the main roles. Viewers are interested in how the personal life of the young actress is shaping up, whether Alexandra Bortich has a husband, and how she got into cinema.

Alexandra was born in the Belarusian city of Svetlogorsk, but after her parents’ divorce she first moved to Grodno, where she lived with her grandmother for several years until her mother, who settled in Moscow, took her in with her.

In the photo - Alexandra Bortich and Ilya Malanin

Sasha showed acting abilities from childhood - she easily managed to memorize poems, which she then recited in front of the audience, at a music school she learned to play the saxophone, her youthful hobbies were motorcycles and hard rock, which she fell in love with while communicating with bikers.

Alexandra Bortich realized that she wanted to become an actress when she enrolled in a theater club in high school, but she did not immediately succeed in achieving her goal - the competition in the capital's theater universities turned out to be insurmountable for her, and then she entered a pedagogical institute.

However, she found her university studies so boring that she quit after two months. Having got a job as a waitress in a bar, Alexandra began going to various castings, and at one of them she was noticed and invited to the drama “What’s My Name.” After successful debut Bortich was not invited by other directors for a long time; she again went to work as a waitress in a bar, where she was supposed to sell visitors for champagne. Alexandra recalls that it was not the best time for her, but she gained experience that would be useful in her work in the future.

Filming in “Dukhless-2” made her one of the thirty-five top actresses of 2015 according to GQ. Last year, career successes were complemented by pleasant changes in the personal life of the young actress - on the set of the film “The Elusive”, Alexandra played one of the main roles and met actor Ilya Malanin, with whom she began a whirlwind romance. They dated for about a year, Sasha admitted more than once that she was in love with Ilya, and many had already prepared for the fact that Malanin would soon become the husband of Alexandra Bortich, but everything happened the other way around - at the beginning of this year it became known that the young people had separated, but in life Bortich appeared new love– Vyacheslav Vorontsov, known as rapper Mezza.

In the photo - rapper Mezza

It is unknown how their relationship will develop further, but Alexandra has repeatedly admitted that in her dreams she sees herself as a mother of five children. Bortich calls himself a devoted person, capable of great sincere feeling. She wants to meet a man who would truly love her, understand and hear her. The actress still has everything ahead, because Alexandra is only twenty-two years old, and she has already done a lot for her career, and I would like to hope that in her personal life everything will turn out no less successful.

The actress was forbidden to meet with the young rapper and live with him. Alexandra Bortich spoke frankly about how her beloved man tried to please her family and explained why it was not easy.

The 22-year-old star of the film “Viking” does not like to discuss his personal life. However, Alexandra still admitted that for several months now her heart has belonged to musician Vyacheslav Vorontsov, better known as rapper Mezza. At first, the musician aroused distrust from the actress’s mother. Large quantity tattoos, ripped jeans and a shaved head did not please her family. Sasha told her friends about this at the presentation of the new comedy series on the TNT channel “Philfak”.

“Mom didn’t like him at all in the photographs,” Bortich said with a smile. “She was against it and forbade us to meet, much less live together.”

Alexandra and Vyacheslav met last fall at one of the social events. And recently they even starred in an advertisement for a famous sports brand, of which Mezza has been the face for several years.

At the presentation of the Philological Faculty, where Alexandra played main role, the lovers also came together, but they did their best to hide the fact that they were a couple and kept their distance. Only while watching the episodes did Bortich begin to communicate with her loved one: she shared her impressions with him, hugged him, and asked his opinion about the brightest moments of the sitcom. It is important for a girl to know what Vorontsov thinks about her work.

“I love my man and listen to him in everything,” Alexandra shared with her friends. “Mom had to get to know him, then she changed her negative attitude. They found a common language, and now we are always welcome guests in our parents’ house.”

Let us remind you that not so long ago the girl broke up with her partner in the film “The Elusive” Ilya Malanin. Then, according to the actress, she first thought about family and children. The initiator of the breakup was a young man. The guy was jealous and could not come to terms with the fact that Alexandra had explicit scenes in the film “Viking”. Vorontsov is sympathetic to the specifics of Bortich’s profession.

A boy born in the Arctic Circle, in a village that is not easy to find on the map, where the night lasts for two months, and the temperature in winter drops to minus 50 ° C, and could not think that he would ever be able to afford to live in Moscow, but on vacation fly to Paris, Prague or Nice. But now he understands that there are no boundaries for a person, only those that are in his head.

Vyacheslav Vorontsov (rapper Mezza) was born on August 13, 1987 in the village of Tazovsky. He studied at an art school, from where he was expelled for bad behavior. The formation of the rapper Mezz's biography was influenced by Onyx and Snoop Dog - these were the first rap artists he heard. The boy was always inquisitive and tried not to leave any of his questions unanswered.

Now Vyacheslav is one of the most independent rappers in Russia. He has more than 10 releases to his credit, the most notable of which are “Slum Star” and “Going Out on the City.” A photo of rapper Mezz can be seen below.

Alias ​​meaning

Mezza Morta is Italian mafia slang for "dead half", "half dead". Vyacheslav shortened his pseudonym to Mezza in 2013.

Creative path

The musical work of rapper Mezz has always been distinguished by its advanced sound for its time. Vyacheslav focuses on the flow and rhythm of the reading, on the combination of sounds, word forms and sound quality. He pays great attention to detail, spending a long time in the recording studio and polishing songs to perfection. His music is considered hip-hop with a classic New York sound.

In 2007 he released his first album. In 2008, he met Decl and they recorded the track “Shot”; in the same year Mezza won in the program “13 Evil Spectators” on MTV. The year 2009 was marked for the musician and his fans with the Looney Tunez mixtape and the video clip “This Is Not Hip-Hop.”

In 2010, Vyacheslav released the album “Slum Star” and accompanied it with two videos: “This is stupid everyday life” and Coca Cola. The album received positive reviews from critics and listeners. A year later, he released Breaking Bad. When creating it, I was inspired by the series of the same name. He also shot the videos “Leave Me” and “La La La”. 2 weeks later the single “Black Swan” was released.

In 2013, rapper Mezza released two albums: “Ulcer” and “Exit to the City.” “Going out to the city” is a return home after traveling through European countries. Starts with classic beats, ends with new school beats. The album had a gloomy mood, but was warmly received by critics and listeners, and quickly reached the top of iTunes. The main song of the album was “Sid and Nancy”.

In 2014, the album “Mokba” was born, where semantic load and interesting sound prevailed. In 2015, he lost to Re-pac in the Beats & Vibes hip-hop contest.

In 2016, Vyacheslav released what listeners rated as a crazy album, “Leader of the New School.” To be the leader of a new school, according to Mezza, means constantly looking for the next step, constantly progressing, not looking at the canons and fashion trends, because all this is changeable. The uniqueness of the product, detachment from the processes within the industry - this is what distinguishes the leader of the new school from ordinary rappers. Vyacheslav thought so then and does not give up his views now.

In the same year, two mini-albums “Scorce33e” and “M4” were released. In 2017, the album “Paradise” was released - an average work, according to the musician himself. Photos of Vyacheslav Vorontsov (rapper Mezza) are presented in the article.

Contract with Black Star

After recording the album “Score33e”, the artist was noticed at Black Star. They soon signed a distribution rights agreement with Mezza. The agreement was only for this release; Mezza is still an independent artist. Black Star bought the material and will make a profit from the release. Mezza himself estimates his sound on this album to be worth tens of thousands of dollars; he believes that everything was done professionally and every detail was verified. In addition, there was an already established fan base. Therefore, Mezza was sure that it would not be difficult for the guys from Black Star to make a good profit from the album.

Personal life

At the end of 2016, Sasha Bortich and Vyacheslav meet. Around the beginning of 2017, Mezza and Sasha became a couple. Before this, Bortich dated Ilya Malanin for three years, who was constantly jealous of her colleagues. Ilya decided to end this relationship.

Vyacheslav well understood the specifics of his beloved’s work. The new couple doted on each other. Sasha admitted that she listens to her new partner in everything. Vyacheslav was even introduced to Sasha’s mother, they easily found a common language. However, the mother was against such a union. The couple got married that same year.

In June 2018, Sasha filed for divorce, arguing that the rapper was not the person she was looking for. The marriage was officially dissolved on July 16, 2018. It is unclear how this affected Vyacheslav’s life, but on July 15, Mezza invited everyone to his concert, which took place in August, on his Twitter account.

Trip to Europe

According to Mezza, such travel changes a person, but not everyone. Only the one who is looking for answers. The rapper has noticeably lost weight, got new tattoos, and even his eyes have changed. As rapper Mezza says, after visiting several countries, you begin to understand that you are a person free from the system. If you don't like one system, you have the opportunity to change it by simply moving.

However, of all the cities, rapper Mezza loves Moscow most. True, in winter it is very difficult for him. The absence of sun for several months greatly affects the psyche, so Vyacheslav prefers to spend the winter in cities with a more suitable climate. Dreams of visiting Greenland, Iceland and Japan.


Mezza has always recorded music for himself, so he doesn’t rely on radio and television hits. His musical tastes evolve, and the sound of his songs changes along with it. He believes that in order to evaluate the professionalism of another person, you yourself need to have courage and willpower. Almost every track by Vyacheslav mentions God. The rapper doubted higher powers and religion for a very long time. The path of doubt is considered more correct in this matter.

He considers himself a god in the sense that he is part of God's creation. There are commandments that he is comfortable fulfilling. When he follows them, everything happens in the right way for him. For example, he gives alms to everyone who asks. He does it for himself. He doesn’t see anything bad in wealth, because even Islam says that a person should be rich and help the poor.

About believing in yourself and losing weight

The rapper took a long time to lose weight; he was always very fat. When asked questions about losing weight, he jokingly replies that he shoots heroin in the groin. Vyacheslav believes that it is easier for people to believe this than to listen about a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. His “secret” is simple - the rapper began to exercise a lot, stopped drinking beer, eating sweets and fatty foods.

He believes that the key to success is happiness, and not the other way around. His happiness is self-discipline. What brings him happiness is the realization that from his head he can control the world around him and his every action. Believes that self-confidence changes everything around a person. The hardest thing is to believe in yourself when you have nothing.

During an interview with Blaze on the Couch, the rapper gave the following advice:

Don't mistake kindness for weakness. Just because I don't cut your throat right now doesn't mean I can't do it. This means that I am kind.