Will there be snow in November? Fell and didn't do push-ups

The entire population of Russia is looking forward to the New Year holidays. But the most important gift for everyone is the snow that fell in round white flakes. Forecasters predict that this year winter will come much earlier than expected.

According to weather stations winter period 2017 will begin in November. Despite the warm days in October, the icy winter will take control of everything from the first days of November, when the temperature slowly but surely begins to drop to sub-zero levels.

When will it snow in 2017: the first snow on Pokrov Day

Winter is a magical time of year. This is the time of snowflakes, snowball fights, sledding, ice skating, the time of the New Year holidays and the New Year itself, in which children cheerfully greet Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Let everyone put on warm fur coats and hats in winter, but this makes it possible to feel the full taste of the beauty of the season, to visit unusual places and have a blast on snowboards or skis.

By calendar days and concepts, the first snowy days come on the first of December, when the winter period begins. But in our time, such a phenomenon has not been observed for a long time, which was caused by many natural disasters.

According to popular belief, frost should make itself known on Holy Protection Day, which is celebrated on October 14th. It was then, as they said, that the first thin layer of snow should cover the ground. But this year, Pokrov day turned out to be warm and sunny, so frost should be expected later.

When will it snow in 2017: meteorologists' assumptions

It's October, and it's quite sunny and warm. There is nothing yet to indicate the onset of frost and snowfall. Meteorological stations suggest that winter season 2017 will open in November. It is from here that the temperature on thermometers will begin to drop to minus figures, and this is the first sign that winter is beginning to gain momentum. Forecasters say that the last month of autumn will not be so autumnal, but on the contrary, it will take on the role of winter.

Winter will come as soon as the temperature starts to drop to zero. The thermometers will mark zero at the beginning of the month; by the middle in the daytime it will be possible to observe a rather sharp change to minus.

As for the night hours, already on the initial dates the air temperature at night will reach minus 5 degrees below zero.

September in Moscow may end with thunderstorms and warming. The Hydrometeorological Center made a preliminary forecast: temperature indicators will change, and the remaining days will be rainy.

Gismeteo employees report that ahead of the weekend there will be a dense cloud mass in the sky over Moscow. But at the end of September the air temperature will be no more than +7 degrees. In October weather will change, and in the middle of the month the air will begin to cool or warm up to +13 degrees.

Preliminary weather forecast for Russia for October 2019

Northern Federal District— in October the air temperature will be +1..+6 degrees, which will exceed the climate norm by 1-2 degrees. Precipitation will be 40-70 mm. The month may start with rain, but with temperatures of +11..+16 degrees in Murmansk region, up to +18 degrees - in the Vologda region. The first ten days of the month will end without precipitation, but with a temperature drop of up to +9..+14 degrees during the daytime. In mid-October, it will be rainy in the area, it is possible that sleet will fall, and at night the temperature will be below zero. At the end of the 2nd decade of the month, precipitation and frosty weather are expected, the temperature will drop to -2..+3 degrees during the day, there will be ice on the roads. In the 3rd ten days of October, rain, wind, temperatures of +5..+10 degrees are predicted, and at the end of the month - snow, air cooling to -1..-6 degrees.

Central Chernozem regionaverage temperature According to the results of October, the air temperature will be +7..+8 degrees, the amount of precipitation will be 25-35 mm. The second month of autumn will begin with warm days- up to +17..+22 degrees. At the end of the first ten days of the month, the weather will be spoiled by short-term rains and cold temperatures, which will lead to a drop in temperature to +10..+15 degrees. In the 2nd ten days of October, no precipitation is expected, and the air will warm up to +12..+17 degrees. In the middle of the month the sky will be overcast, there will be rain, and the air will cool down to +7..+12 degrees. At the end of the 2nd decade of the month it will be cool, with night frosts and icy roads. In the 3rd ten days of October there are also forecasts for rain, but it will warm up to +8..+13 degrees. At the end of the month the temperature will be +9..+14 degrees.

Volgo-Vyatsky district, Middle Volga - according to preliminary forecast, the average air temperature in October will be +6..+7 degrees, precipitation - 30-40 mm. At the beginning of the month it will be dry and warm, during the day the air will warm up to +15..+20 degrees, and at the end of the 1st decade of the month it will cool down due to rain to +9..+14 degrees. In the 2nd decade there will be night frosts and the temperature will drop to 0..+5 degrees, and in the middle of the 3rd decade the temperature will rise to +7..+12 degrees.

Lower Volga- the average monthly air temperature will be +8..+11 degrees, precipitation - 10-25 mm. The month will begin with warm, dry weather, warmed up to +18..+23 degrees, and Astrakhan region and even up to +26 degrees. At the beginning of the 2nd ten-day period of October there will be no precipitation, but it will get colder. In the middle of the month there will be rain and strong winds, and at the end there will be relatively warm weather.

South ETRaverage monthly temperature October will be +10..+12 degrees, precipitation - 25-30 mm. The month will begin with abnormally warm weather with air temperatures up to +24..+29 degrees. At the end of the first ten days of the month, due to short-term thunderstorms, the air will cool down to +16..+21 degrees; mid-October will also feature rain and temperatures of +15..+20 degrees. In the 2nd ten days of October it will be dry but windy, and frosts are possible at night. In the 3rd ten-day period of the month the temperature will warm up to +17 degrees during the day.

South Eastern Siberia - the average air temperature in October will be -1..-2 degrees, precipitation - 30-40 mm. In the first ten days of the month, the daytime temperature will drop to 0..+5 degrees, and at night - to -7 degrees. Then it will rise to +10 degrees, and will begin to decline again. There will be ice on the roads. At the end of October, the region will experience frosts and ice, and snow in places.

Weather forecast in St. Petersburg, Moscow and the Moscow region in October 2019

Saint Petersburg- According to weather forecasters, in October the average temperature will be +7..+8 degrees, precipitation - up to 70 mm. The month may start with rain, but with air warmed to +14..+19 degrees. At the end of the 1st decade it will be +10..+15 degrees, the 2nd decade - already +5..+10 degrees, and at night there will be frost.

Moscow and Moscow region- the average temperature in October will be +7..+8 degrees, precipitation - up to 50-60 mm. In the first days of October it will be dry, warm, up to +15..+20 degrees during the day. At the beginning of the 2nd decade of the month, short-term rains will cool the air to +13..+18 degrees. In mid-October the temperature will drop to +6..+11 degrees.

According to Gismeteo, the changeable weather conditions in Moscow are a consequence of the cold Arctic front.

According to a wise Russian proverb, you need to worry about the coming winter since the summer. That's why many people are wondering about the winter of 2017–2018 long before it begins. After all, it’s never too late to figure out what exactly you should expect from the inevitable cold season. Perhaps the time will come for heavy snowfalls and terrible frosts, or this time three cold months will delight Russians with warm and snowless days? Well, the time has come to talk about what kind of winter is expected in Russia in 2017–2018.

General forecast

It is clear that all talk about the upcoming time period, which still has to wait and wait, can be called purely preliminary. After all, none of the existing meteorological centers make weather forecasts so far in advance. However, it is always possible to build information on speculative information, which, of course, cannot be called final.

According to meteorologists, the weather will be more or less stable in the upcoming winter of 2017–2018. According to long-term forecast, throughout all of Russia this time of year will become moderately cold, with the exception of the North-Western side. The first snow will fall in early November and will linger for several weeks. In the middle part of the state, without affecting Far East or Siberia, snow cover can be seen long before the onset of calendar winter. By the way, the first snowfalls promise to be heavy.

December will not be too cold, although it will be replaced by a “frustrated” January. He will freeze Mother Russia! But until February comes, no one will understand that these frosts were just a saying - the main reality is yet to come. A week before its farewell chord, winter will suddenly realize that spring has already managed to sit on its throne, moreover, to settle down firmly there. The thaw will begin overnight, turning all of Russia into a floating state for a few days. It’s not for nothing that winter is called harsh - it will not give up its positions so easily. As a result, for another whole month the devil will be going on outside the window - the snow will suddenly fall for a few hours, then melt, then the first spring rain may break free, after which the turn of frost will inevitably come. And this weather will last until April.

Unlike the 2016–2017 season, the described time period promises to be much more generous in precipitation. You shouldn’t wait for sunny and relatively dry weather - this time everything will go according to a more “dire scenario”. An exception is the period at the end of November and beginning of December - after the first thaw, relative calm reigns.

Weather in December 2017

As has already become clear, the country will enter winter partially prepared - in November snow will fall and the first frosts will begin, which will very soon change relatively warm weather. Therefore, at the beginning of the first winter month no sudden temperature changes are expected. Further on, quite frosty weather will reign in the territory of the central part of Russia - up to -10 degrees during the daytime and -18 at night. In Siberia during this period it will be “relatively” warm - -18...-22. Like temperature regime will last until the holidays, while before the New Year it will warm up a little. The only exception will be Siberia, where in the daytime the thermometer will begin to confidently drop to -30 degrees.

The most significant precipitation is expected in the north of the state - large New Year's snowdrifts cannot be avoided. The southern and central regions of Russia will also be covered with snow, but its cover should not be too heavy.

Weather in January 2018

The forecast for the first month of the New Year will please everyone - January will greet its adherents with not too much frost, but with heavy snowfall. From the 1st to the 5th, the thermometer drops to -15 during the day, while at night -22 degrees is expected. It will be a little warmer in the southern regions, although only by a few degrees – -10…-17.

On the eve of Christmas it will become noticeably colder, although the described weather will last just a couple of days. Already on the old one New Year Warm, sunny weather is promised. But where would we be without Epiphany frosts? Towards the end of the second ten days of January, severe cold will come - -19 degrees during the daytime and up to -25 at night. It will be even colder in Siberia and surrounding areas (which is understandable), although intense snowfalls are not expected.

According to weather forecasters, strong winds are expected towards the end of the month, driving up the frosty cold. For several days, all of Russia will be plunged into a snowy abyss, behind which neither the sun nor clouds will be visible. The change in the anticyclone will affect the temperature regime - relative warming is expected at the end of the month.

Weather in February 2018

At the beginning last month The January calm will be postponed for several days, which will literally be replaced by severe frosts until the end of the first ten days. The initial warming will go unnoticed exclusively for central regions Russia, while in Siberia the situation will remain the same. Closer to February 14, precipitation will begin, lasting several days. At the same time, you should not expect a noticeable excess of the monthly norm. In the end, winter will want to show all its power and strength, but it no longer has the latter - a week before the actual onset of spring, its murmuring steps will ring out throughout Rus'. And then - the eternal confrontation between cold and heat for primacy. And despite the fact that the outcome is always the same, fighting for a few more snowy or cold days is a sacred thing. As a result, almost the entire month of March will turn out to be like a capricious girl - frosty days will be replaced by short-term thaws or even short rains.


Understanding in more detail what the winter of 2017–2018 in Russia will be like, it is worth remembering only one thing - the current forecasts of meteorologists are in fact considered very approximate. Each word is taken based on many years of observations of the behavior of the described time of year in the specified territory. More accurate forecasts It will be possible to find out closer to the onset of the designated time of year.

Many Russians are looking forward to winter. But not every region has such a long-awaited winter. The harsh Northern and Siberian winters sometimes amaze with their frosts. Many users of Internet resources, on the eve of winter, begin to actively search for information about what kind of winter they should prepare for and what clothes to stock up on.

Hydrometeorological center about winter in the Russian Federation

Forecasters in 2018-2019 do not give a 100% guarantee on their bases on seismic indicators and solar activity, but they put forward their assumptions for 2018-2019. As statistics show, not all weather forecasters’ forecasts come true; sometimes such errors in weather predictions can be seen even several days in advance.

But still general information about winter weather meteorological stations for 2018-2019 is given. According to weather forecasters, the first frosts will begin in October.

General winter weather forecast in Moscow

As usual, at the beginning of autumn, Roshydromet publishes a weather forecast for the coming winter. What do weather forecasters promise us?

  • Firstly, the temperature has been below zero since mid-autumn, so you should prepare for winter thoroughly and in advance if you don’t want it to take you by surprise.
  • Secondly, precipitation. There won't be too many of them this year. a large number of comparing with the previous year. Although the exception will be the first month of winter.
  • Thirdly, frost. As forecasters promise, this year there is absolutely no need to be afraid of them and should not be. After all, even if the winter is cold, the frosts will be relatively calm and moderate, without strong and sudden jumps in temperature.
  • Fourthly, you should also not expect severe frosts and unexpected thaws.

Winter in Moscow by month

December 2019

As already mentioned, the first snow will delight residents and guests of Moscow and the region towards the end of November, and, therefore, we will greet the first month of winter with snow. Although if this weather forecast turns out to be incorrect, then we should not be upset, because December will already please us with its numerous and heavy precipitation. What should you prepare for?

  • Precipitation. To be more precise, at the beginning of the month Moscow will be covered by a cyclone of snowfalls, and the temperature will be quite warm.
  • Temperature. Compared to November, where the end of the month was not very pleasant with its temperature, this month will be warm. In other words, at the beginning of December, weather forecasters promise +2 during the day, and at night the temperature drops to -10.
  • The second half of the month will be more frosty, because the average temperature will be from -10 to -12 degrees, and at night up to -17.
  • The weather at the end of the month will be more cloudy than clear, which is not very encouraging.
  • The end of the month will bring completely different weather conditions. Simply put, the temperature will rise to -6-8 degrees during the daytime. Heavy snowfall should also be expected, so new year holidays We will spend, as it should be, according to Russian customs and traditions with snow, which will be quite enough for a share of Russian fun and amusement.

January 2019

New Year's Eve promises to be the coldest in the first ten days of the month. Already on January 2-3, the thermometer will rise to minus 4-6C, but snow will come again along with the warmth. By the beginning of the second week of the year it will get colder again, so that the New Year and Christmas holidays will end with light frost - about 14-17C below zero.

The second half of the month will be the richest in snowfalls for the entire period - weather forecasters promise almost daily precipitation starting from mid-January until the 26th-27th. The temperature is within normal limits for this period - during the day from 7 to 11 below zero, at night - 12-17 degrees below zero. By the end of the month it will warm up a little - up to 2-4 degrees below zero during the day and 5-8C at night. However, the change in temperature will bring with it wind, which is especially bitter and cold at this time of year.

February 2019

What will this month be like? After all, you will agree that many are simply tired of the frosts, and, on the contrary, they want calmer and more comfortable weather. So, what does February have in store for us?

  • The beginning of February will be relatively warm, as temperatures will range from -10 to -12 degrees during the daytime. Heavy amounts of snowfall, which is most likely due to the long-awaited warming. Although expert opinions differ on this issue, as some predict small and light snow, while others, on the contrary, predict heavy snowfalls.
  • The middle of the month will be quite sunny and frosty. Moreover, the cold snap will be sharp and unexpected, since everyone has already begun to prepare for spring.
  • The third decade will begin with warming - up to minus 2-4C in the daytime. Starting from February 22-23, according to forecasters, warming will intensify, and daytime temperatures will settle at a fairly comfortable level of plus 2-3C.

Frosts will subside in February. Most of the month will be pleasant with warm and clear weather. According to experts, the average temperature will be no more than -5 degrees throughout Russia. But this will last until the middle of the month; it’s too early for winter to retreat. In mid-February the thermometer will again drop to -18 degrees on average.

This is exactly the kind of winter weather forecasters expect in the winter of 2018-2019. But there is another method for determining the weather for the winter. As they say folk signs, who absolutely disagree with the forecasters’ assumptions, the temperature this winter will be much lower.

From the entire forecast we can conclude that this winter will be quite harsh and not very comfortable for Muscovites due to prolonged and severe frosts and cold snaps. Although compared to what winters were like in the old days, this one seems like a mere trifle.

There is a shortage of precipitation in the capital region - last autumn was one of the driest in the history of meteorological observations. The beginning of winter also turned out to be snowless.

Snow cover appeared later than usual, and there is little snow now: only 1-3 cm. Normally, the cover reaches 8-10 cm. At the beginning of December, Atlantic cyclones, which move north of Moscow, began to affect the central region. It started snowing, but it barely covered the ground. But snowdrifts will appear only in the third decade of the month.

On the first winter weekend, a new cyclone from the Atlantic will again oppose the anticyclone, which, not without some resistance, is retreating with frost to the lower reaches of the Volga and further to Kazakhstan.

Due to the proximity of humid and cold air in Central Russia There will be light precipitation in places, mainly in the form of snow and sleet. On Saturday, ice and fog are possible, and in the northeast - in the Kostroma region - winds of up to 17 m/s. Daytime temperatures range from -1 to -7 on both days off. In the Ivanovo, Vladimir and Tver regions up to 1 degree Celsius.

The cyclone will have its most immediate impact in the north and northwest. There is snow and sleet, it will be windy on the coast Barents Sea blizzard.

On Saturday on Kola Peninsula and in the Arkhangelsk region the temperature will rise to +1.-5 degrees, ice and wind in the Murmansk region of up to 20 m/s are possible. In the Vologda region, wet snow, ice, and blizzards are expected, up to +1 degrees during the day. But mainly from Murmansk to Syktyvkar the temperature will drop slightly to -2...-8.

In the north-west and in Karelia there will be slight frost at night, a thaw of up to +2 degrees during the day, there will be sleet. In Karelia the wind may increase to 17 m/s.

In the Volga region, following the cyclone leaving for the Urals, frosts will get stronger on Saturday: in the north to -12...-17 degrees, in the Middle Volga region to -7...-12. There will be snow and blizzard. On Sunday the temperature will rise to -3...-8 degrees, but it will also be snowy and windy.

On Saturday there will still be no precipitation in both Crimea and the North Caucasus, but it will be windy. In the afternoon -3…-8. In Crimea and Krasnodar region about +10 degrees, in Sochi up to 18 degrees. On Sunday there will be rain and snow in the North Caucasus. Strong winds of up to 25 m/s are expected in the coastal regions of Dagestan. In the North Caucasus it will warm up to +1…-4.

In St. Petersburg the weather is cloudy with light precipitation: rain, sleet, about 1 degree Celsius on Saturday at night and during the day, on Sunday it will warm up to 2 degrees during the day.

In Moscow on Saturday there will be light precipitation, ice, fog at night, and light snow on Sunday. And the temperature is the same on both days, about -5 at night, -2...-4 during the day.

Weather forecast for all regions of Russia - on the website