What is a little rain? Precipitation process

Water plays a vital role in the life of all living things on Earth. There is always water in the atmosphere. It is in a state of water vapor. It comes to Earth in the form atmospheric precipitation, among which there is such a phenomenon as rain. This natural phenomenon there are different types. In some places it rains often, and in other places people pray for at least a drop to fall. How is this drop formed and what is the nature of rain?

Education process

Air humidity varies in different places. This happens due to the climate. Over the equatorial seas the humidity is very high level, and over the desert - at very low. The presence of water vapor in the air and the process of condensation of water vapor determine weather conditions. When condensation occurs, rain, snow, or dew and frost form. By scientific definition, rain is atmospheric precipitation that falls to Earth in the form of droplets 0.5-7 millimeters in size. Fallout occurs from clouds. If there are fewer droplets, then it is drizzle. Then they say that it is drizzling. If drops larger than 7 millimeters fall, they are broken into smaller ones as they fall. Rain is also distinguished by intensity, which varies from 0.25 mm/h (drizzle) to 100 mm/h (shower rain).

It is known that rain is a complex process of converting water into different states. In most cases, it falls from mixed nimbostratus and altostratus clouds. At temperatures below zero, they contain ice crystals and supercooled drops. Water vapor, rising very high, into the coldest layers of the atmosphere, undergoes a cooling process. It turns into small drops of water, which gradually create stratus clouds and increase in size. When they become heavy, they fall to Earth in the form of rain. At low enough temperatures, droplets in clouds become ice crystals. But when they leave the cloud and enter warm air layers, a melting process occurs and they turn into raindrops.


For some, rain is a blessing during the hot season, but for others it is natural disaster leading to floods. If there is no rain for a long time, drought sets in, there is no harvest and everything around dies out. But at the same time, if the amount of precipitation falls above normal, then flooding, flooding of residential buildings, and crop destruction may occur.

From a scientific point of view, rain is part of the cycle process water resources all over the world. When steam in the atmosphere evaporates, it rises to its higher layers. The temperature there is very low compared to the earth's surface. The steam cools and turns into small droplets of water. This process is called condensation. As already mentioned, droplets form layered clouds, where they merge with each other. Now the droplet size has become larger.

Circulation diagram

From the ground you can observe the process of changing white clouds to gray ones. This is also the water cycle in nature. A diagram of such a process is shown below. The world's water reserves are unchanged. However, the water itself is constantly redistributed. Process solar radiation promotes water evaporation. Those minerals that were dissolved in it settle in the soil. And the water molecule itself originates in the hydrological cycle.

This molecule receives slightly more thermal energy than its neighbors. Then it, overcoming the force of surface gravity of the liquid, turns into vapor, or rather, into its molecule. This is how the water cycle in nature begins and continues. The diagram perfectly illustrates this natural phenomenon. The air in which the vapor molecule is located is involved in the circulation process. It is a consequence of uneven heating of the polar and tropical zones, rotation of the Earth and pressure drop in the atmosphere.

Movement of air masses

Atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere is oriented in a west-east direction. Inside air masses air movement is vertical. This occurs due to its heating upon contact with the surface of land and ocean, which has more warm temperatures. Some of the heated air expands and its density decreases; it rises. At the top, this part of the air is already cooled to a temperature where moisture cannot be in a gaseous state. Then the condensation process begins. Then clouds with raindrops form.

How the process of the water cycle in nature ends

The water cycle causes rain. As a natural phenomenon, he depends on it. In other words, the nature itself, the climate and the entire environment in a certain area influence the types of rain that can occur there.

When some of the water, combined with surface or underground runoff, returns to the ocean, the cycle process is completed.

Having leaked underground, it again comes from the source to its surface. A source, then a stream, which leads to a river, and it leads to the sea. This completes the large water cycle.

What signs of rain are there?

It is known that the harvest in most countries depends on rain. People have always believed in the mystical connection between nature and human existence. A special place was given to the rain. There is very large number various kinds of signs of certain events. Here are just a few signs of rain that have become popular:

  • If there is a foggy circle around the sun, expect rain tomorrow.
  • The sun disappears into the clouds at sunset, leading to rain.
  • If there are large bubbles floating in the puddles, the rain will continue for a long time.
  • It rained during the wedding - the couple will live well, in prosperity for many years to come.
  • Rainbow in summer during rain - short-lived rain.
  • If there are clouds in the sky and the sun has not yet risen, it means rain.
  • Milk is foaming on the windowsill - expect heavy rain.
  • Arms and legs ache - there will be bad weather and precipitation.
  • Rainy summer - snowy and frosty winter.
  • If summer night there is no dew, the day will be rainy and cloudy.
  • On a summer day, distant objects are visible through the haze - it will rain during the day.
  • The rooster crowed earlier than expected summer time- to the rain.
  • The unclear ringing of a bell means rain.
  • It rained on Annunciation - there will be a good harvest of rye.
  • First two June days passed with rain - the next month will be dry.
  • It rains on Elijah's day - the grain harvest will be plentiful.
  • Got caught in the pouring rain - get some new clothes.

Features of drops

Falling to the ground raindrops have different size and shape. Research with ultra-modern cameras made it possible to see how a raindrop is formed and what its features are. Their diversity is caused by personal transformation and fragmentation. When falling, the drop has its own shape, but under air pressure it becomes flat.

The flow of oncoming air causes it to bend inward. The drop inflates and bursts. Its splashes fly into different sides. This whole process happens in less than a second. In science, raindrops are divided into three types: fast, small and large.

When raindrops fall from the clouds, some of them evaporate before reaching the ground. Those that remain fall to the ground and seep under it. The very weight of a raindrop helps it do this, although it is hindered by the air that it must displace. Therefore, the process of moving underground is slow.

Why does water seep underground differently in different areas?

The type of soil is important. In the forest, raindrops move 1 m per day. In sand - 1 m in 1 hour. This happens because the small underground pores are wider, while in clay they are narrower. Root fibers also act as barriers, thirsting for food for their trees, flowers and other plants. The rays of the sun are pulled upward like a magnet, this also prevents the drops from moving underground. Simultaneously with all these processes, chemical ones occur.

Raindrops are enriched with minerals: iron, potassium oxide, silicic acid and others. So it continues its journey deep into the earth, into groundwater.

Why is it raining?

When the air is hot, the water on the surface of the earth and reservoirs heats up faster, and the process of evaporation occurs. This practically weightless vapor rises high into the atmospheric layers, where low temperatures. This is where the process of raindrop formation begins. That's why it's summer rain, which, by the way, is very necessary for the harvest. So everything in the world was specially created by the Creator. The main thing is that a person does not interfere with the laws of nature and does not cause damage to it. Otherwise, big trouble awaits us. One of these anomalous phenomena is acid rain.

Types of rain

Normal rain has an acidity pH = 5.6, while acidic rain has a lower pH. If the water has a pH = 5.5, the beneficial bottom bacteria of the reservoir die. At pH = 4.5, fish, amphibians and insects die. Acid rain is serious problem industrial regions where emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides occur.

It rains very different types: mushroom, with hail, with thunderstorm, prolonged, oblique, torrential, drizzle, rolling, strip, blind, sieve. In the tropics, the seasons are conventionally divided not into four, but into two: the season of heavy rains and high temperatures. When the tropical rainy season, otherwise known as the monsoon, begins, almost the annual norm of precipitation falls. Typically these rains occur from October to May and are short-lived. As a rule, they go at a certain time of the day. The locals wait for these rains and treat them calmly. For many people in the tropics, rain is a reason to have fun. Many tourists prefer this season for travel, as hotels are cheaper and it is easier to breathe at this time. They can see more attractions, and for surfing, the tropical rainy season brings good waves.

Water energy

When people approach what nature gives them wisely, rain is a source of energy and a blessing for life. During heavy rain, streams intensively fill rivers that flow into the seas. Humanity has learned to use the internal energy of water. Thanks to it, the wheels of mills and the blades of water turbines rotate, which provide electricity and power thousands of machines. But it happens that water brings disaster and great destruction. Not everything, of course, depends on the person, but most of it depends on him. Most often, humanity provokes nature.

For our latitudes, the first rain means the arrival of spring. After long winter and frosts, when you hear raindrops, your soul becomes joyful. This is a sign of renewal of nature, and therefore of us, people! The remains of the snowdrifts disappear under the drops of the first rain. Winter is receding.

The amount of rainfall that has fallen is judged by the thickness of the layer of fallen water. As a rule, it is measured in millimeters. 1 mm of water layer is equal to 1 kg of raindrops per 1 sq. m area. The intensity usually varies between 1.25-100 mm/h. Based on the volume of precipitation, light, moderate or heavy rain is distinguished.

So water is omnipresent. It is in the clouds, on the ground and below it. Water nourishes all living things, and if it is gone, everything will die out. But the same life-giving force can turn into a natural disaster. Therefore, a person learns to control this element, to find common language with it and not to violate the laws of nature.

The word "rain" has become very firmly entrenched in our vocabulary. When pronouncing it, people rarely think about how much interesting facts hidden in it. Moreover, some people do not even know how exactly the raindrops so familiar to us appear.

But humanity should thank nature for this wonderful gift. If it weren't for the rain, our planet would look much gloomier now. And who knows, perhaps without him life itself could not have been born. Therefore, let's talk about what its role is in the Earth's ecosystem.

Continuous cycle of life

It just so happens that many processes in this world have their own cycle. For example, the alternation of seasons or the change of day and night. The same applies to water, which is in circular motion. It was thanks to this order of things that the world was able to transform from a hot desert into an oasis filled with all kinds of life forms.

And rain is one of the most important factors, which contributed to the origin of all living things. After all, without it, the first trees would not have sprouted on the surface of the Earth, giving our planet the opportunity to acquire its own strong atmosphere. And she, in turn, gave the first opportunity sea ​​creatures come ashore, changing the course of world history forever.

But let’s leave the appearance of all living things behind and talk about what the rain and wind gave us. After all, it was the first one that allowed people to harvest a large harvest, since otherwise it would simply dry up. But the wind carried rain clouds all over the world, thanks to which there were showers even where there were no rivers or lakes of their own.

What is rain?

In fact, everyone knows how to describe this atmospheric phenomenon, because everyone has seen it. So, it would seem that everything is very simple: rain is drops of water falling from the sky. But the question is: how do they get there? Or why do they fall back from there?

It all starts with the fact that under the influence of heat, water begins to evaporate. And since steam is much lighter than air, it rises. But the higher it is, the colder the space surrounding it becomes.

When the temperature becomes critical, the steam condenses again into small drops of moisture, which seem to hang in the air, turning into white clouds. However, over time, the amount of water increases, and the harmless cloud begins to turn into a gray cloud. And at one fine moment all the moisture bursts out, turning into full-fledged rain. This happens most often when gray clouds encounter a very cold air stream that can quickly cool the condensation that has accumulated in it.

What kind of rains are there?

You should also remember that there are different ones. Some of them fall more often in the summer, others, on the contrary, in autumn and spring. So let's look at the most common types of rain:

Rainy season

How hotter climate, the more moisture collects in the atmosphere. In this regard, in tropical regions there is such a thing as the rainy season. This is a special period of the year in which huge amounts of rainfall occur.

For a country where average temperature is 40-45 degrees, it’s like a sip fresh air. In addition, the rainy season plays a very important role in the ecosystem of the tropics; without it, all living things quickly wither from excessive heat.

Often, each region has its own calendar, which marks the approximate dates of the arrival of heavenly showers. For example, in India this happens at the end of June, but falls at the end of May.

A drop of tar in a barrel of honey

However, despite the fact that rain is an integral part of life, it can still bring terrible troubles with it. Thus, prolonged downpours lead to floods and deluges, which threaten the destruction of those towns and cities that are located next to large bodies of water.

Or, due to prolonged rains, mud avalanches may occur in the mountains. Such precipitation can significantly spoil the landscape at the foot of the cliffs. Not to mention the fact that they can easily crush wild animals or people who dare to stand in their way under a wave of mud.

Lightning also often comes with rain. Probably, many can remember several cases when this sparkling beast ended up in a residential building or transformer. Moreover, there are thousands of stories where lightning struck people, resulting in death.

IN middle lane Autumn is considered the season of rain. And indeed, nature
in preparation for a long winter sleep, he tries to saturate the soil with moisture,
so that there is a reserve of it necessary for slow life activity
plants, for laying the future growth of roots and shoots. But it rains
not only in autumn, such a phenomenon as rain can be found in any
season. But how different they are, these rains! They don't look alike at all
summer frequent, heavy rain, bringing freshness to the air and ablution
greenery, and the endless, drizzling and dank rain, making its way to
bones with their cold dampness. The external manifestations of different rains are not
similar to each other just as the seasons are dissimilar.

Despite the fact that rain is a natural atmospheric phenomenon, in addition to
meteorological property, it is also a property of poetic and
lyrical quests, because so often in literary devices with the help
Descriptions of rain tell about mood, feelings, thoughts.

Let's return to the definition. Rain is an atmospheric phenomenon expressed in
drops of water (precipitation) falling from the atmosphere onto earth's surface. How
Typically, raindrops range in size from one to five millimeters.
Sometimes larger drops occur. Smaller drops
called drizzle, with an even smaller fraction of droplets, atmospheric
the phenomenon is called fog.

The names of the rains are also different, and some nicknames appeared in
distant times when atmospheric phenomena attached cult significance
or associated various signs with them, and other names
appeared in modern language not that long ago.

Mushroom rain the most famous name among the rains.
Mushroom rain is the name given to warm summer rain with large drops that falls
in the light of the sun, and can be short-lived. It is believed that
With such rain, mushrooms grow quickly. Birds do not quiet down at this time, but
after the rain you can see a rainbow and bright green vegetation in large
sparkling drops. Getting caught in mushroom rain has always been considered good
familiar, and the little children believed that they would grow up in the mushroom rain.
There is also the name " blind rain", i.e. rain that comes from clouds that do not block the sun. Such rain was popularly called “Princess Tears.”

Shower- rain, as in the song “torrential rain”, is very
intense rain with large and frequent drops that occupy up to 85%
volume of air space. For such a density of water jets it is still
They call it “rain like a bucket.” Short duration rainfall
moistens the ground abundantly, as if washing away accumulated debris from everything and
dust, and if you happen to get caught in such rain, you will get wet to the skin. If
rain showers fall for more than 5-6 hours, this may
threaten to flood

Rolling rain - also called bathing rain, similar to
its manifestation in the storm. The expression “they carried water in a sieve” is precisely
fits the definition of bathing (sinking) rain, i.e. large frequent
drops that rapidly fall to the ground from the clouds. Bathing rain
short, after which the clouds dissipate and the sky clears up.
This kind of rain only happens in summer.

thunderstorm rain- a combination of rain and thunderstorms when
thunderclouds are saturated with atmospheric electricity, there are flashes
lightning and thunderclaps. Depending on the distance and layering
thunderclouds, thunderstorm rain may be accompanied by a loud rumbling crash or
with a faint thunderous sound. There are also dry thunderstorms, without rain,
when clouds with moisture are too high and the drops do not reach
the earth's surface, evaporating on the fly. Thunderstorms often occur in summer, less often
spring and autumn.

slanting rain- rain accompanied by heavy
side wind, jets of rain seem to be blown to the sides due to which
The trajectory of the drops falling is not vertical, but at an angle. It's so rainy
used to be called “slanty whip” precisely because it whipped,
accompanied by gusts of wind.

Stripe rain- summer rain that falls
stripes. It can be interesting to see how on one side of the street there is a lot of
drips, but the other is dry. This happens when rain clouds have
torn structure, this happens, for example, with a strong horse
wind, which may not be felt below. And then every part of the clouds
“cries” into soy territory, and between them there remains dry air

Incessant rain- rain that pours from the clouds

very vast territory. Clouds cover the entire visible sky
space. Such rains are not very intense, but often
long-lasting, with large amounts of precipitation. Most often this
autumn rains.

freezing rain - quite a rare occurrence. When icy
rain occurs when precipitation occurs at sub-zero temperatures, in
As a result, moisture freezes in the air or immediately upon contact with
any surface. One of the last freezing rains fell on Moscow in
December 2010 and covered the trees with a thick layer of ice glaze,
bushes, house eaves, trolleybus wires.

Sleet- the name speaks for itself.
Cold rain mixed with snow precipitation. Falls out during thaws
winter period, early spring or late autumn.

Rain and hail- Same cold rain but it spills
such rain in the warm season from cumulus clouds. Hailstones in different
In cases, they can vary greatly in size: small ones are similar to grains,
Large ones can be the size of a pigeon egg. Rain and hail do not carry
no romance at all and very dangerous for crops, any
vegetation, buildings and even humans. Falling from a height with acceleration
free fall of a large hailstone can pierce a galvanized sheet

drizzling rain- rain consisting of small
droplets uniformly falling to the ground. Characteristic rain for autumn
period. For some it brings melancholy and sadness, for others it brings light
sadness. A tear-stained window glass with a yellow autumn leaf stuck to it -
This is how photographers see autumn rain

Meteorologists and writers know these types of rains. Choose according to your taste and mood!

Okulova Elena

The object of attention of my work was one of the natural phenomena - rain. Summer is coming, which means most of the precipitation will fall in the form of rain. I watched the rain many times in the summer and I had questions that I tried to answer in my research work. I'm very curious, why is it raining? How does water rise to the sky to fall to the ground as rain? Why does rain vary? Do you need rain? Are there dangerous rain events?

In my research work I set myself target: find out as much as possible about this natural phenomenon.



Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 3"


Student of 4th "B" class.

Head: Kondrashina A.A.

Teacher primary classes.

Consultant: Okulova L.Yu.,



  1. Introduction
  1. Research results and discussion.
  1. What is rain?
  2. How is it formed?
  3. What kind of rains are there?
  4. Do you need rain?

IV. Conclusion

I. Introduction

The object of attention of my work was one of the natural phenomena - rain. Summer is coming, which means most of the precipitation will fall in the form of rain. I watched the rain many times in the summer and I had questions that I tried to answer in my research work. I'm very curious, why is it raining? How does water rise to the sky to fall to the ground as rain? Why does rain vary? Do you need rain? Are there dangerous rain events?

In my research work I set myself target : find out as much as possible about this natural phenomenon.

  1. Description of the methodology for collecting material and methods of processing the collected material.

In order to learn more about the amazing natural phenomenon - rain, I had to turn to different sources mass media: dictionaries, TV, Internet, specialized literature. While collecting material, I visited all the libraries in our neighborhood, remembered the properties of water, and watched a special film about the types of rain. The most exciting things for me were the experiments that I conducted with my parents at home.

The work was carried out according to this plan:

  1. What is rain?
  2. How is it formed?
  3. What kind of rains are there?
  4. What kind of rain should not happen on Earth?
  5. Do you need rain?

III. Research results and discussion.

1. What is rain?

Rain - it is, first of all, water. Ozhegov’s dictionary says that"Rain - This precipitation in the form of water drops, jets.” And in Dahl's dictionary, that"Rain “This is water in drops or streams from the clouds.”

2. How is it formed?

  1. Why is it raining?
  2. How water rises to the sky to fall to the ground as rain?

On the ground there are many oceans and seas, rivers and streams, lakes, ponds and puddles. The sun heats the water. It evaporates, i.e. becomes transparent and invisible vapor. This light steam, together with warm air, rises higher and higher from the ground - many kilometers up. It's always cold up there at altitude. The warm steam above touches the cold air, forming tiny dust-like droplets of water. The droplets are still very small and light. Cold air pulls them down, and warm air lifts them up again. So they scurry up and down above the ground until they merge into large drops.

But there are already so many drops that all together they turn into a large cloud. The wind picks up the clouds and carries them around the world. The clouds float over the ground until the heavy drops, unable to hold on any longer, rain down on the ground.

It has rained. Until recently there were puddles in the yard. But the sun came out and dried up the water. It again turned into steam to form a cloud high in the sky and rain down on the earth as blessed rain.

At home, we can observe the formation of rain. I spent this experience:


Small saucepan

Metal cover

Gas stove


Progress of the experiment:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and ask an adult to put it on the stove.
  2. When the water boils, cover the saucepan with a lid.


Drops of water have formed on the lid. Shake the lid and drops of “rain” fall.

This is because...

...that boiling water releases water vapor. On the cold lid it cools and turns back into liquid. This phenomenon is called condensation.


3. What kind of rain does it happen?

Most heavy rain called downpour. Showers fall from cumulonimbus clouds several kilometers thick. Such showers are very intense, but short-lived, like the life of these clouds themselves.

Raindrops fall to the ground at a speed of approximately - 6.5 m/s (acceleration caused by the force of gravity, taking into account their friction with the air).

The lightest rain drizzle. Drizzle droplets are only 0.10-0.25 mm in size; they fall from clouds with a ragged base, and large drizzle droplets can form in clouds brought by a warm front.

Covers - in the form of fairly large drops of rain, sometimes lasting for several days and falling from stratus clouds.

But there are very special summer rains, short and cheerful. They come in an amazing way - from a clear sky, in the light bright sun! There are no clouds in the sky, only a light white haze hangs in the air.

This is water vapor. Low above the ground, it fell into a cold stream of air, turned into droplets of water, they began to quickly merge, become heavier and fall to the ground in rare large drops.

It passes quickly, this rain. The sun is shining, and there is no more white haze in the air, it has spilled onto the ground"blind rain"- for some reason this summer rain without clouds is called.

Sometimes, fine summer rain is also called"mushroom rain"

There are also autumn rains. They are called"wet rains"These rains are accompanied by strong winds, they are long and stormy.

Usually the amount of precipitation is measured in millimeters.

To get an idea of ​​what these numbers mean, know that when they say “100 mm of precipitation fell,” this means that 40,451 liters of water fell over an area of ​​0.4 hectares.

4. What kind of rain should not happen on Earth

But not all rain is beneficial. There are rains that shouldn't happen on earth. These are acid and radioactive rain. They appeared because economic activity people, pollution environment.

Acid rain

There are many substances in nature, among them are acids. Due to environmental pollution, acids began to form high in the sky. They often fall to the ground with rain. These are the so-called acid rain. Plants and all living things suffer from them, many buildings, including ancient monuments, deteriorate.

Radioactive showers

Radioactive fallout is one of the most dangerous consequences human air pollution. They are dust and droplets of atmospheric moisture containing radioactive atoms. Such atoms are formed during the test nuclear weapons or an accident at a nuclear power plant.

The heaviest particles from a radioactive dust cloud settle on the ground in the first hours or minutes after the explosion. Lighter ones linger in the atmosphere for long time. They can be transported by wind over long distances, sometimes tens of thousands of kilometers. After a long journey in the atmosphere, radioactive atoms, also called radionuclides, return to the surface of the earth along with snow, rain or fog.

Radioactive dust settles on soil, When we fall into water bodies, it pollutes residential buildings, businesses, and roads. It gets on the surface of plants, the skin of animals and humans.

Radionuclides that come into contact with human skin can be washed off with water, but they penetrate into the body along with water, what we drink, the air we breathe, the food we We we eat. Radioactive atoms emit large amounts of energy in the form electromagnetic waves and charged particles. Radiation destroys living cells, and above all their genetic apparatus, weakening the body’s defenses against various diseases.

Radioactive fallout, like other types of pollution caused by human activity, has now become an undesirable reality for many residents of Russia. Knowledge of the problems caused by radioactive fallout makes it possible to increase the environmental safety of the population. This is especially important in areas affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and in other areas of our country with large radioactive contamination.

Every person must take care of their land!

5. Is rain necessary?

What if there was never any precipitation?

If there was no rain, rivers, seas and lakes would dry up, grass and trees would burn. This means there would be no fish, birds, animals or humans. That is why there is no need to wrinkle your forehead and get angry when clear weather is replaced by bad weather and clear sky gray rain clouds begin to float. They carry moisture and work for us.

IV. Conclusion

While researching this natural phenomenon, I came to the conclusion that rain is one of the amazing phenomena that exists in nature. Now I know why it rains, what kind of rains there are and that our planet really needs rain. Only people must take care of the ecology of the Earth and then dangerous rains will not fall.

She shared her research with the students in her class. I think that they were interested in my topic, they were interested in listening to my material.

V. List of references

1. Karagod S. “Encyclopedia of natural phenomena”

2. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. " Dictionary Russian language" M., 1997

3. Tsvetkova I.V. "Ecology for primary grades." "Development Academy" 2007

4. I explore the world: Ecology.; - M., 1999

research paper "Rain"

Head: Anna Aleksandrovna Kondrashina, primary school teacher,

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 3" in Krasnokamsk,

Prepared by: Lena Okulova, student of 4th “B” grade.

Title of work: “Rain”.

Academic subject:natural history, 3rd grade, textbook “The World Around Us” Pleshakov A.A.

Subject: Water. Properties of water.

Problematic question:Is it true that rain rises from the surface of the earth in order to fall to the ground?

Research Questions

  1. What is rain?
  2. How is it formed?
  3. What kind of rains are there?
  4. What kind of rain should not happen on Earth?
  5. Do you need rain?

Purpose of the work:

  1. find out as much as possible about this natural phenomenon.

The form of defense is presentation.

Abstracts of the work:

  1. Summer is coming, which means most of the precipitation will fall in the form of rain. I watched the rain many times in the summer and I had questions that I tried to answer in my research work. I'm very curious, why is it raining? How does water rise to the sky to fall to the ground as rain? Why does rain vary? Do you need rain? Are there dangerous rain events?
  2. Water vapor, coming into contact with cold air, condenses and turns back into water. This is how rains are born.
  3. Rains are classified according to two main characteristics: intensity and duration.
  4. But not all rain is beneficial. There are rains that should not happen on Earth. These are acid and radioactive rain. They appeared due to human economic activities and environmental pollution.
  5. Rain is also good weather!

1. Not all forecasts can predict the weather, so trust completely meteorological stations You can’t, just like you can’t plan your vacation for the weekend. So, you woke up on Saturday morning, and it was raining like buckets. Looks like today's plans are ruined. It’s too early to get upset! It is worth determining how rain is in front of you. The first type of rain is the so-called mushroom rain, or as the kids also call it “solar”. This is perhaps the most favorite type of rain among the people. It is usually found in the summer through the luminous sun. It is believed that after such precipitation you can go into the forest and safely collect mushrooms. This kind of rain is the most harmless, and it obviously will not ruin your plans for the whole day, you just have to wait until it ends and boldly go on a pre-planned trip.

2. Rain or heavy rain is the most common type of precipitation in nature. This kind of rain is also typical for summer. The expression “it’s pouring like buckets” is just for him. If heavy rains do not last long, they help cleanse the air and saturate the soil with moisture. If the rain lasts for a long time, this is fraught with flooding. Go out into the yard. If it is pouring rain, and there is not a single clearing in the sky, it means it will last for a long time, and it is useless to go anywhere today. As a rule, this kind of rain does not fall in the morning. It occurs in the afternoon, when it is unbearably hot outside.

3. Thunderstorm rain is one of the most dangerous types of precipitation, because it is accompanied by thunderstorms and lightning. During a thunderstorm, a discharge occurs that is akin to more than one thousand volts. If it hits a person, it will literally burn him immediately. Few people survived such encounters with lightning, so if you are faced with such rain, it is better not to go anywhere and stay home until better times.

4. The next type of precipitation is band rain. It is also found most often in nature. It occurs even more often in mountainous areas and regions. This type of rain occurs due to the peculiar shape of the clouds, which usually have holes in them. This rain is unlikely to last long, so after it ends you can safely go into nature. However, you should be warned that it may be repeated during the day. There is no need to be afraid; this type of precipitation is the safest for you.

5. Sheet rain is the exact opposite of strip rain. Unlike the previous one, this type of precipitation is on the offensive throughout the sky. It covers the entire sky with a kind of curtain, and usually comes with a slight pressure, but it can drag on for several days, which will completely ruin all your plans for the weekend. With such rain, it is better not to stick your head out of the house, but to spend this day with your family and friends.

6. Drizzling rain is, as a rule, a long-awaited autumn guest. Such a “comrade” can charge for a long time. Usually it is accompanied by cold drops and thick fog. Of course, in such weather it’s better not to go anywhere, just ruin your rest, and the day will go down the drain. Better go to the gym, devote time to relaxing there. Besides Well, combine business with pleasure.

7. The next type of rain is called “oblique”, as it is accompanied by wind. The name itself in this case speaks for itself. Jets of rain in this case fall onto the surface of the earth not vertically, but at an angle to the horizon. It is worth saying that this is not the most pleasant rain, from which it will be difficult to protect yourself, even if you have an umbrella. On this rainy day, it is best not to go anywhere and sit somewhere warm, somewhere by the fireplace.

8. Rain and snow rarely fall and occur mainly in the cold season. Most often it occurs in mid-November, when autumn gradually begins to give way to winter. On this stormy day, you should not plan a trip, even if it involves a trip to the mountains to go skiing. It is worth saying that this type of precipitation is quite wet, and within ten minutes you will be wet from head to toe.

9. Another very dangerous look precipitation – freezing rain. Typically, it falls in the form of a drizzle, and can decorate the ground with various patterns in a matter of minutes. Ice rain is a fairly rare phenomenon, and if it starts in the morning, then your trip is by no means ruined. For your safety, wait until it ends, and then you can safely go on a trip.