The meaning of golden mackerel in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE. Golden mackerel See what “Golden mackerel” is in other dictionaries

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (M) author Brockhaus F.A.

Mackerel Mackerel is a fish from the family. mackerel (Scombridae), order of spiny-finned bony fish (Acanthopteri). By the way, tuna and remora belong to the same family. The genus M. (Scomber) is distinguished by an elongated, slightly laterally compressed body. Dorsal fins two separated by a gap, of which

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Great coryphaena, or golden mackerel - Coryphaena hippurus- IN summer time it is sometimes found in the waters adjacent to the Soviet shores (Southern Kuril Islands, Southern Primorye), although these occasional visits, generally speaking, lie far beyond the usual area of ​​distribution of the species.

The large coryphaena reaches a length of 1.8-2 m and a weight of about 30 kg. The color of this fish is extremely bright: the back is painted sparkling green or blue, sides and belly are cast in silver or gold and have a reddish tint. There are blue spots scattered everywhere on the sides of the body. The caudal fin is yellow, the dorsal fin is dark blue.

A captured coryphaena, taken from its native element, shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow before death, changing color several times from blue to golden. Coryphens are active predators, eating pelagic fish and squid. Their main food is flying fish, which they fiercely pursue. Sometimes you can observe how the coryphaena quickly swims after a flying fish flying in the air and grabs it at the very moment when it descends into the water. It is interesting to note that relationships of the “predator-prey” type develop between coryphens and flying fish already in early period life. In one experiment, a fry of coryphaena, only 26 mm long, placed in an aquarium with juvenile flying fish about 12 mm long, immediately swallowed one fish and attacked another before being released.

Coryphens, like some other pelagic predatory fish, often stay under the “fin” (clusters of floating algae, terrestrial vegetation carried out to sea, and other objects of coastal origin).

Under the “fin”, coryphaenas find abundant food in the form of small fish hiding here. For the same reason, the coryphens accompany the rafts (they brought considerable excitement to the monotonous life of the sailors on the Kon-Tiki) and approach those drifting in open ocean ships, which was more than once observed by members of expeditions on oceanographic vessels during their stops to work at “stations.” This behavior of coryphens is even used for their fishing - off the coast of Southern Japan, special bamboo rafts are placed in the sea, under which coryphens gather, which are then caught with purse seines.

Coryphen meat has a pleasant taste and is in great demand in many countries. On Hawaiian Islands, for example, magi-magi (this is the Polynesian name for this fish) is considered a delicacy. At the same time, in some other areas (in particular, on the Pacific coast of Mexico) for some reason, coryphens are considered to be of low value and tasteless. Korifen is caught mainly by trolling, when several spoons are towed behind the vessel, and sometimes they are also caught on smooth longlines intended for tuna fishing. Coryphens are also very popular as a sport fishing destination.

Golden mackerel (Coryphaena hippurus)

fish of the Coryphenidae family of the order Perciformes. Body elongated (up to 2 m), laterally compressed; tail with a deeply cut large caudal fin. Juveniles differ sharply in shape from adults. Weighs 3 m. up to 30 kg. The back is blue-green with white spots, the sides and belly are silvery-golden. Distributed in all warm seas; in the north it occurs to the south Kuril Islands. Meat is highly valued, although meat has no commercial value, because does not form clusters.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


See what “Golden Mackerel” is in other dictionaries:

    Korifena Dictionary of Russian synonyms. golden mackerel noun, number of synonyms: 2 coryphens (3) ... Dictionary of synonyms

    - (great coryphaena) fish of the order Perciformes. The color is bright, the sides and belly are cast in silver or gold. Length up to 2 m, weighs up to 30 kg. Common in tropical waters all oceans. Fishing object... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    golden mackerel

    - (great coryphaena), fish of the order Perciformes. The color is bright, the sides and belly are cast in silver or gold. Length up to 2 m, weight up to 30 kg. Common in tropical waters of all oceans. Fishing object. * * * GOLDEN MAKREL GOLDEN MACKERL (large... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (large coryphaena), fish neg. perciformes. The color is bright, the sides and belly are cast in silver or gold. Dl. up to 2 m, weight up to 30 kg. Common in the tropics. waters of all oceans. Fishing object... Natural science. Encyclopedic Dictionary

    golden mackerel- golden mackerel, the same as dorado... Encyclopedic reference book"Latin America"

    golden mackerel- didžioji auksinė skumbrė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Coryphaena hippurus engl. common dolphinfish; dorado rus. large coryphaena; golden mackerel; golden mackerel; golden dorado;… … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas

    Golden mackerel Dictionary of Russian synonyms. korifena noun, number of synonyms: 3 golden mackerel (2) ... Dictionary of synonyms

    INDIAN OCEAN- the largest part of the World Ocean, located between Africa, Asia, Australia and Southern Ocean. The border with it runs along the line connecting the southern tip of Africa (Cape Agulhas) and the southwestern tip of Australia (Cape Naturalista). She… … Marine encyclopedic reference book

    Contents: Class composition. Body shape. Skin. Organs of luminescence. Musculature. Skeleton. Nervous system. Sense organs. Digestive organs. Respiratory organs and accessory intestinal organs. Circulatory system. Genitourinary system. Development … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron


(great coryphaena), fish of the order Perciformes. The color is bright, the sides and belly are cast in silver or gold. Length up to 2 m, weighs up to 30 kg. Common in tropical waters of all oceans. Fishing object.

TSB. Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB. 2003

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    (great coryphaena) fish of the order Perciformes. The color is bright, the sides and belly are cast in silver or gold. Length up to 2 m, weighs up to...
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    fish of the mackerel family; same as mackerel...
    fish from the family mackerel (Scombridae), order of spiny-finned bony fish (Acanthopteri). By the way, tuna and remora belong to the same family. ...
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    and, well, shower. A commercial fish of the order Perciformes, distributed in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean and the Black Sea. We caught two mackerel. ...
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    , -i, w. Same as mackerel. II adj. mackerel, oh, oh. Mackerel family...
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    GOLDEN MAKREL (great coryphaena), fish neg. perciformes. The color is bright, the sides and belly are cast in silver or gold. Dl. up to 2 m, ...
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    ? fish from the family mackerel (Scombridae), order of spiny-finned bony fish (Acanthopteri). By the way, tuna and... belong to the same family.
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    mackerel, mackerel, mackerel, mackerel, mackerel, mackerel, mackerel, mackerel, mackerel, mackerel, mackerel, …
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    wives sea ​​fish Scomber, moves in schools; one species, mackerel, in the Black Sea, another, tuna, tumak, about ...
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