What is confrontation? Is this peace or war? The meaning of the word confrontation in Ephraim's explanatory dictionary.

Contradictions, confrontations between states with different social and political systems, ideological concepts, socio-political movements, between political forces and opposing principles.

View value Confrontation in other dictionaries

Confrontation J.— 1. Sharp opposition, confrontation, clash of views, principles, social systems etc.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Confrontation- -And; and. [French confrontation] Book. Confrontation, opposition (of social systems, class interests, beliefs, etc.); collision. K. on a national basis. Political K.K. views.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Confrontation- confrontation, confrontation, clash.
Economic dictionary

Confrontation- (Latin con - against and frons (frontis) - forehead, front) - confrontation, confrontation, collision.
Legal dictionary

Confrontation- (French confrontation, comparison) in venereology, an examination of persons who have had sexual contact with a patient with a venereal disease, carried out to determine the source of infection.
Large medical dictionary

Confrontation- (French confrontation) - confrontation, opposition, clash of social systems, class interests, beliefs (for example, the policy of confrontation, military confrontation,......
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Confrontation- - confrontation, opposition, clash of systems, interests, classes, beliefs, parties and states. The extreme degree of K. is an armed conflict, war.
Historical Dictionary

Confrontation— 1) Contrast, clash, confrontation of opinions, people or groups. In this socio-psychological sense, the term can be used to describe........
Psychological Encyclopedia

Confrontation— (French confrontation, confrontation, comparison)
in venereology - an examination of persons who have had sexual contact with a patient with a venereal disease, carried out to determine the source of infection.
Medical encyclopedia

Any opposition of positions, interests, views is called confrontation.

IN in a general sense confrontation is the clash of discordant tendencies in social systems. These may be class differences, friction in matters of ideological and political views, etc. However, this term also refers to one of the most complex and, at the same time, effective techniques in Let's consider what techniques are still used in a consulting session, and how confrontation stands out among them.

Consultation with a psychologist is not just a “confession”

A person comes to a specialist with a specific problem, which he himself has tried to solve more than once, turning to relatives, friends, perhaps even psychics. But the problem remains, and the psychologist has a great responsibility. He must unravel the tangle of complex thoughts and prejudices, get to the bottom of the truth and show it to the client. Therefore, an expert in the field human soul must not only listen to the client, but be able to correctly pose questions, give a competent interpretation of what was heard, put forward hypotheses, and sometimes even enter into confrontation with the client in order to show him the essence of his problem, so that the client himself sees and understands what the psychologist saw.

Technicians in psychological counseling

Let us briefly outline the main techniques used by the psychologist:

  • Asking questions - they can be clarifying and thought-provoking.
  • Calming and reassurance as manifestations of empathy and acceptance of the client.
  • Techniques for reflecting the feelings and content of the client’s story.
  • Pauses of silence give the client the opportunity to digest the information received and the psychologist to think.
  • Hypothesizing and interpretation.
  • Confrontation is a technique that requires special skills, confidence and a certain activity from the psychologist.

Confrontation in psychology and psychotherapy

When a client tells a psychologist about his problem, he cannot look at it from the outside. Since the client’s story is a situation from only one side, the story inevitably contains contradictions in the person’s judgments, statements, and feelings. The client doesn’t even notice this, then the consultant’s task is to point out these contradictions to him. In general, confrontation is any reaction of a psychologist that contradicts the client’s behavior or judgment. The consultant enters into some kind of confrontation with the person, a struggle in order to point out to him all his tricks, subterfuges, etc. Using these tricks, the client does not realize that he is deceiving himself; this is a kind of protection from information that may indicate that he is also to blame for his problem. It should be noted that confrontation is not a way to humiliate the client, but to help him. Confrontation is used in three cases:

  1. When it is necessary to draw the client’s attention to the contradiction between his judgments, feelings, thoughts and his behavior and intentions.
  2. When the client cannot see the situation objectively due to his own prejudices and needs.
  3. When the client unconsciously avoids discussing specific situations and problems.

Using confrontation in his work, a psychologist must understand his responsibility, possess the skills of subtle work, and in no case use it as punishment or a way to destroy the client’s defense mechanisms.

Confrontation(in clinical psychology) (lat. con - against + frontis - forehead, front) - a concept reflecting opposition, confrontation, clash of social systems, communities, people among themselves, a person with himself, with his ideas, attitudes, etc. In psychotherapy, one of the main techniques is when a patient or group is presented with usually unconscious ambivalent attitudes, attitudes or behavior patterns in order to understand and work through them. As an independent technique, it was proposed by R. Bastine and D. Kommer (1979) and can be used both in a direct, rigid form, directive (for example, asking the question: “What do you think or feel about what I told you?”), and in a softer form - through the use of parables, psychotherapeutic metaphors, nonverbal communication. When using K., the main attention is paid to the contradiction between the desired (from the patient’s point of view) and the patient’s actual behavior, to its verbal and nonverbal manifestations. The most developed methods of psychotherapy are in psychoanalysis. However, they are only indicated if there is good emotional contact between patient and psychotherapist. A number of psychotherapists generally reject communication as a technique and oppose it with an empathic approach (for example, in client-centered psychotherapy by K. Rogers, 1950).

L. A. Karpenko

Definitions, meanings of words in other dictionaries:

Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia

1) Contrast, clash, confrontation of opinions, people or groups. In this socio-psychological sense, the term can be used to describe the process of group or family psychotherapy. 2) In psychotherapy - one of the main techniques:...

Psychological Encyclopedia

The meaning of the word CONFRONTATION in Efremova’s Explanatory Dictionary


confrontation A tion

Sharp opposition, confrontation, clash of views, principles, social systems, etc.

Efremova. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what CONFRONTATION is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • CONFRONTATION in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    (lat. con - against and frons (frontis) - forehead, front) - confrontation, confrontation, ...
  • CONFRONTATION in Medical terms:
    (French confrontation, comparison) in venereology, an examination of persons who have had sexual contact with a patient with a venereal disease, carried out to establish ...
  • CONFRONTATION in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (French confrontation) confrontation, opposition, clash of social systems, class interests, beliefs (for example, the policy of confrontation, military confrontation, confrontation ...
  • CONFRONTATION in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB.
  • CONFRONTATION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    and, pl. no, w. Confrontation, confrontation, clash ( political systems, ideological and political principles, etc.). Confrontational - relating to confrontation.||Cf. NONCONFORMISM, ...
  • CONFRONTATION V Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, w. (book). Confrontation, confrontation. Political book II adj. confrontational...
  • CONFRONTATION in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    CONFRONTATION (French confrontation), confrontation, opposition, clash of social systems, class interests, beliefs (for example, K. politics, K. military., K. ...
  • CONFRONTATION in the New Dictionary foreign words:
    (lat. con against + frons (frontis) forehead, front) opposition, confrontation (of social systems, ideological and political principles, etc.), ...
  • CONFRONTATION in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [lat. con against + frons (frontis) forehead, front] opposition, confrontation (of social systems, ideological and political principles, etc.), ...
  • CONFRONTATION in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    confrontation, opposition, confrontation, ...
  • CONFRONTATION in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • CONFRONTATION in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • CONFRONTATION in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • CONFRONTATION in the Spelling Dictionary:
  • CONFRONTATION in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    opposition, confrontation Political...
  • CONFRONTATION in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    (French confrontation), confrontation, opposition, clash of social systems, class interests, beliefs (for example, the policy of confrontation, military confrontation, confrontation ...
  • CONFRONTATION in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    and. Sharp opposition, confrontation, clash of views, principles, social systems and...
  • CONFRONTATION in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    and. Sharp opposition, confrontation, clash of views, principles, social systems and...
  • WILLIAM BURROWS in Quotation Wiki.
  • GENDER IDEOLOGY in the Dictionary of Gender Studies Terms:
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  • ADORNO in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
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    GERMANY Berlin, the capital of Germany, is located at the confluence of the Spree River and the Havel River, on the shipping canals connecting Berlin with …
  • SOCIOLOGY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (French sociologie, from Latin socictas - society and Greek logos - word, doctrine; literally - the doctrine of society), the science of ...


1) Contrast, clash, confrontation of opinions, people or groups. In this socio-psychological sense, the term can be used to describe the process of group or family psychotherapy. 2) In psychotherapy, one of the main technical techniques is the presentation of unconscious or ambivalent attitudes, attitudes or behavioral stereotypes to a patient or group in order to understand and work through them. It can be carried out both in a direct (hard, verbal) form, and in a hidden form - using psychotherapeutic metaphors and non-verbal techniques.
A number of psychotherapists have a negative attitude towards confrontational techniques and contrast them with empathic ones (empathic psychotherapy). This misconception is based on a mixture of the psychotherapeutic and socio-psychological meaning of the term, when psychotherapy is understood as a “confrontation” between the psychotherapist and the patient or group; on the revaluation of the importance of empathic techniques, which are the basis for establishing contact and the diagnostic stage in working with patients, but are insufficient for psychocorrectional interventions, the effective completion of most short-term forms of psychotherapy; on personal avoidance of “hard, psychosurgical” techniques that jeopardize “good” relationships with the patient and the psychological comfort of the psychotherapist, but are necessary for radical help to the patient; on uncontrolled identification with patients’ protective attitudes (“I want the tooth not to hurt, but I don’t need to drill”).
Confrontational techniques are the most developed in psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia. - St. Petersburg: Peter. B. D. Karvasarsky. 2000 .


See what “CONFRONTATION” is in other dictionaries:

    Confrontation... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    - (French confrontation) confrontation, opposition, clash of social systems, class interests, beliefs (for example, the policy of confrontation, military confrontation, confrontation of views) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Collision, confrontation, confrontation, opposition Dictionary of Russian synonyms. confrontation see confrontation Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language... Dictionary of synonyms

    - (French confrontation) confrontation, opposition, clash of social systems, class interests, beliefs (for example, the policy of confrontation, military confrontation, confrontation of views). Political science: Dictionary reference book. comp... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    - [English, French confrontation Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    confrontation- and, f. confrontation f., German Konfrontation lat. con + frons (frontis forehead, front. Opposition, clash. We understood that at the table of the London conference opposing points of view would inevitably collide, and we did not have ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (from Latin con against and frons (frontis) forehead, front) confrontation, confrontation, collision. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA M. 479 p.. 1999 ... Economic dictionary

    CONFRONTATION, and, female. (book). Confrontation, confrontation. Political k. | adj. confrontational, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Contradiction, confrontation (of social systems, ideological and political principles, beliefs), clash Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Dictionary of business terms

    CONFRONTATION- (lat. con against and frons (frontis) forehead, front) opposition, confrontation, collision... Legal encyclopedia

    AND; and. [French confrontation] Book. Confrontation, opposition (of social systems, class interests, beliefs, etc.); collision. K. on a national basis. Political K.K. views. * * * confrontation (French confrontation),… … Encyclopedic Dictionary


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