Polysemantic words (using examples from the works of A.N. Tolstoy)

The Russian language is rich in polysemantic words. For students studying Russian, this may seem like an additional challenge. How, for example, can you remember several dozen lexical meanings of the word “go”? But, on the other hand, knowing several polysemantic words - semantic record holders, you significantly expand your language capabilities and can use given word in different situations. IN colloquial speech people rarely try to find an extra synonym. Living speech strives for speed and simplification, so polysemantic words always come in handy.

Words with a single meaning in Russian mainly belong to groups such as the names of plants, animals, and professions. General vocabulary most often has more than one meaning. The polysemy of a word is a historical phenomenon. As a rule, the older the word, the more likely it is to “acquire” new, acquired meanings. Some of them become outdated and disappear from everyday use, but are still found in literary texts.

For example, the word “life” has more than ten quite active meanings. Let's look at some of them.

Life is:
- form of existence of matter.
No one knows exactly when life began on Earth.

- the state of the body from birth to death.
The life of a night moth compared to a human is a moment.

- the lifespan of someone or something
Lifespan modern technology increased significantly.

- the totality of everything that a person has done and experienced.
Human life is incredible long haul, in which there is a place for both joy and grief.

- biography
Robinson's life was full of adventures.

- reality (as opposed to fantasy)
In my life I would never dare to get behind the wheel of a racing car.

And life is also:
- a way to spend time
- energy
- Living being...
and so on.

Any part of speech can have multiple meanings. For example, the verb “beat” is one of the most polysemantic words in the Russian language. Here are some of its meanings:

Hit (to exert physical force on something, someone)
Boxer hits a punching bag*

The rays penetrated through the stained glass, painting** the floor with colored reflections

The future chess champion beat his father at the age of four, checkmating him in the fifth minute of the game.

My brother's hobby is hitting cymbals with a gun

Impact with force
Grandfather had been suffering from severe chills for 24 hours

Measure blows
The clock strikes midnight

The bell rings in the main square

Please note that the words in the sentences were not specially selected, but even among them there were ambiguous ones:

* “pear” in this case is also used not in the most popular meaning (fruit), but in the meaning of a sports equipment
** “to paint” is a very figurative verb that has several meanings
*** the verb “put” is also very ambiguous

You can find out all the variety of polysemantic words in the Russian language in explanatory dictionaries.

The number of words in the Russian language is simply amazing: modern vocabulary consists of more than 500 thousand units. Single-valued and polysemantic words enrich it even more. If we consider that most words have several meanings, this further expands the verbal horizons of speech.

This article talks about single-valued and polysemous words, examples of such words are given below . But first, a little theory.


Single-valued and polysemous words are distinguished according to how many lexical meanings they have. All words that are independent parts of speech have lexical meaning.

If you explain in simple words, then this is the meaning that people put into the word. Words can denote objects, personalities, phenomena, processes, signs and, in general, the entirety of thoughts and thinking.

To remember how to define single and ambiguous words, the rules are not too complicated.

A word that has only one lexical meaning is called unambiguous (monosemic). If there are two or more meanings, then such a word is polysemic (polysemic).

Single meaning words

Basically, words that name people according to different characteristics (doctor, professor, technologist, relative, widow, nephew, Muscovite), animals (bison, rabbit, crocodile, bullfinch, thrush, whale, dolphin), plants (pine, rowan, mint, oats, chamomile, peony, mallow), specific objects (bag, screwdriver, hammer, fence, bell, window sill), days and months (Friday, Sunday, September, December), most relative adjectives (urban, maple, sea, five-story) and numerals (eight, ten, one hundred). Also, the terms are unambiguous words (molecule, gravity, cosine, verb, liter, kilometer, photosynthesis, hypotenuse).

Ambiguous words

Since a word can be unambiguous and polysemantic, the meaning of the word, accordingly, can be one or several. But, as already noted, most words in Russian have several meanings. The ability of a word to have different meanings is called polysemy.

For example, the word “press” has 7 meanings:

Every day we use both single and ambiguous words in our speech, sometimes without even realizing how many meanings a particular word has. The word “go” (26 meanings) holds the palm in terms of the number of meanings in the Russian language.

The connection between the meanings of a polysemic word (metaphor and metonymy)

As a rule, a polysemantic word has one main meaning, and the others are derivatives. The main meaning often appears first in a dictionary entry. For example, the main meaning of the word “head” is “part of the body”, and “leader”, “mind”, “main part”, “beginning” are secondary and derivative. But all these meanings, one way or another, are united by one common feature. In this case, such a sign is “the main part of something” (body, enterprise, composition).

Sometimes a word can have several basic meanings. For example, the word "rough" has two original meanings - "brutal" ("rough response") and "raw" ("rough surface").

Typically, all meanings of a polysemantic word are related to each other either by similarity (metaphor) or by contiguity (metonymy). Metaphor is the transfer of a name from one object to another. The basis of metaphorical transfer is an unnamed similarity, but it exists only in the minds of people. Often main role The sign of similar appearance plays here. For example, the word “branch” has two meanings, the second of which was formed through metaphorical transfer:

  1. Tree shoot.
  2. Line railway, which goes away from the main path.

Metonymy emphasizes the connection that actually exists. For example, the audience is:

  1. A room intended for listening to lectures.
  2. The lecturers themselves.

Another example of metonymy: kitchen is:

How did polysemy arise?

If we return to the origins of the formation of the lexical composition of speech, then then there was no such thing as single-valued and polysemantic words. At the beginning, all lexemes were monosemic (they had only one meaning and named only one concept). But over time, new concepts arose, new objects were created, for which they did not always come up with new words, but selected some from among the existing ones, because they observed similarities between them. This is how polysemy appeared.

Polysemy and homonymy

After this article, it is not difficult to distinguish between unambiguous and ambiguous words. But how not to confuse polysemantic words and homonyms (words that are written and pronounced the same, but have different meanings)? What is the difference between them? For polysemantic words, all meanings are somehow related to each other, but there is no connection between homonyms. For example, the meanings of the words "peace" ("tranquility") and "peace" (" Earth") have nothing in common. More examples of homonyms: "bow" ("weapon") and "bow" ("plant"), "mine" ("facial expression") and "mine" ("explosive device"), " bar" (entertainment establishment) and "bar" ("unit of atmospheric pressure").

So, if you deepen your knowledge of the different meanings of already known words, this will significantly expand lexicon, and will increase your intellectual level.

Dictionary Russian language
Meaning of words starting with letter E


EV A NGELIE, -I, Wed(E capitalized). An early Christian work telling the story of the life of Jesus Christ. Canonical E.(part of the Bible). Apocryphal E. Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John(named after the four evangelists).
|| adj. ev A Ngelsky, oh, oh.

1. pl. Protestant sect (“Evangelical Christians”), close to Baptists.
2. Compiler of the gospel. Apostle-evangelists(John the Theologian, Luke, Mark, Matthew).
3. Member of the evangelical sect.
|| and. gospel And drain, -i (to 3 digits).
|| adj. gospel And stsky, -th, -oe (to 3 meanings).

1. evangelical churches - common name a number of Protestant (mainly Lutheran) churches.
2. Relating to religious Protestant sects that base their doctrine only on the texts of the Gospel.

E VNUH, -ah, m. Skopets - a servant in a harem. Not f. someone.(about someone who communicates freely with women and is not a stranger to love affairs).
|| adj. e impressive, oh, oh.

EUR E And, -ev, units -e th, -i, m. A people historically dating back to the ancient Semitic tribes (ancient Jews), now living in Israel and many other countries.
|| and. euro e yika, -And.
|| adj. euro e ysky, oh, oh.

EUR E YSKY, oh, oh.
1. cm. Jews.
2. Relating to the Jews, their languages ​​(Hebrew, Hebrew and Yiddish), national character, way of life, culture, as well as to the places of their residence and settlement, to Israel, their internal structure, history; the same as the Jews. E. people. Jewish languages. In Hebrew(adv.).

EURO AND DENIE, -I, Wed An international television organization in a number of Western European and some other countries, as well as programs broadcast on its channels.

EUROPEIZ AND ROLL, -I ROI, -I ROI; -anny; owls And nesov., someone something. Give (to give) to someone. appearance, forms characteristic of Western European life and everyday life.
|| noun Europeanfrom A tion, -And, and.

EUROPE E YSKY, oh, oh.
1. cm. Europeans.
2. Relating to Europeans, their languages, way of life, culture, as well as Europe, its countries, their territory, history, flora and fauna; the same as the Europeans, like in Europe. E. continent. European countries.

EUROPE E YTSY, -ev, units -e ec, - e eggs, m. Residents of Europe.
|| and. europe e yika, -i (obsolete).
|| adj. europe e ysky, oh, oh.

1. Caucasian (special) - a race of people with fair skin, soft wavy hair, narrow nose and some other signs.
2. Belonging to such a race, having characteristics of such a race. E. type of person.

EBST A KHIEV, a: Eustachian tube(special) - a canal connecting the nasopharynx with the middle ear cavity, the auditory tube.

EVHAR AND STIA, -i, and. Same as communion.
|| adj. Eucharist And chesical, oh, oh. Eucharistic prayer.


E GER, -I, pl. e Gehry, e hero and huntsman I, -e th, m.
1. Professional hunter (obsolete).
2. Game manager - a specialist in the organization of hunting, protection and reproduction of fauna.
3. In some armies: soldiers of special rifle regiments.
|| adj. e Germanic, oh, oh.

EG AND PETSKY, oh, oh. Relating to the Egyptians, their language, national character, way of life, culture, as well as Egypt, its territory, internal structure, history; like the Egyptians, like in Egypt. Egyptian Arabs(Egyptians). E. dialect Arabic. E. tongue(dead language ancient egypt). E. papyrus. Egyptian pyramids. E. pound(currency unit). In Egyptian(adv.).
Egyptian darkness(obsolete) - impenetrable darkness [according to the biblical legend about complete darkness sent to Egypt by the god Yahweh as punishment for the oppression of the Jews]. Egyptian execution(obsolete) - a difficult, unbearable situation [according to the biblical tale of ten punishments sent to Egypt by the god Yahweh as punishment for the oppression of the Jews]. Egyptian work, Egyptian labor(obsolete) - very hard work that leads to exhaustion [according to the biblical legend about the slave labor of the Jews in Egypt].

EGYPT I NOT, - I n, units -I nin, -a, m. The Arab people who make up the main population of Egypt.
|| and. Egypt I nka, -And.

1. cm. He.
2. genus. n. pronouns He in meaning attractive Belonging to him, relating to him. E. work.
According to him(colloquial) - 1) by his will, desire; 2) the way he does it. With him(colloquial) - as much, as much as he. Work with him.

EGOZ A, -s, m. And and.(colloquial). A fussy, overly active person, fidgety (usually about children).

EGOZ AND Th, -ozh at, -oz And sew; nesov.(colloquial).
1. Behave fussy, restless, and angry.
2. transl., before whom (what). To please, to ingratiate yourself.

EGOZL AND VYY, -aya, -oe; - And in (colloquial). Fussy, too active, restless.
|| noun Evil And ness, -And, and.


ED A, -s, and.
1. cm. there is 1 .
2. Same as food (in 1 value). Delicious, nutritious e.

1. adv. Forcibly, with difficulty. E. arrived.
2. adv. A little, just a little. E. is alive. E. is breathing. E. illuminated room.
3. adv. Just now. He was ten years old.
4. union. As soon as possible. E. came in and started talking.
Almost (was) not, particle- expresses the unrealization of what was close and undesirable. We almost missed the train. Hardly, particle- the same as unlikely. He's unlikely to come soon. Almost, particle- very likely, almost. This book is perhaps the most interesting. Barely, union Barely, union- the same as barely (in 4 digits).

EDV A-EDV A, adv.

ONE E NIE, -I, Wed(high). Close connection leading to unity, cohesion. E. churches.

ONE AND TA, -s, and.
1. In mathematics: a real number, multiplication by which any number does not change.
2. The first digit of multi-digit numbers (from 1 to 9) (special).
3. A digit representing the number “1”. Write out a unit in ink.
4. Lowest school grade. Get one.
5. A quantity by which other homogeneous quantities are measured. E. current strength.
6. Separate independent part as part of a whole, a separate object (or person) in a group of similar ones. Combat units fleet. Economic e. Staffing units.
7. pl. Individual objects or people, creatures, few in number. There are only a few such people(very little).
Storage unit(special) - a museum exhibit, a copy of a book in the library. There are thousands of storage units in the museum.
|| decrease one And chka, -And, and.

ONE AND CHNYY, -aya, -oe; -chen, -chna. Isolated, rare, uncharacteristic. E. example. E. cases. Single copies.
|| noun one And integrity, -And, and.

ONE... First part difficult words with meaning: 1) having only one thing, associated with only one thing, for example. monotheism, monogamy, same faith, monogamy, same inheritance; 2) performed by only one, unique, for example. autocracy, autocracy(obsolete), unity of command; 3) done one on one, for example. single combat; 4) with one, only, for example. unicorn; 5) common, united with someone, for example. unanimity, unanimity, unanimity, like-mindedness, like-minded person, fellow tribesman, only begotten, only one; 6) not connected with all others, opposed to all others, for example. individual farmer; 7) performed once, at a time, for example. one-time; 8) similar, identical, e.g. uniformity, uniform.

UNITY ABOUT ZHIE, -I, Wed(book). Belief in only one deity, monotheism; opposite polytheism.

UNITY ABOUT RSTVO, -a, Wed One on one fight. Exit to e. Martial arts (different types hand-to-hand combat and self-defense). Combat sports(wrestling, boxing, fencing). Enter into e. with someone.(also translated).

UNITED A CHIE, -I, Wed A form of official marriage in which a man has one wife and a woman has one husband, monogamy.
|| adj. unified A personal, oh, oh.

EDINOV E REC, -rtsa, m.(book). A person is alone with someone. religion, faith.
|| and. Edinov e rka, -And.
|| adj. Edinov e ric, oh, oh.

EDINOV E RNYY, -aya, -oe; -ren, -rna (book). Alone with someone. religion, faith.

UNITED A STYE, -I, Wed Management in which all power is concentrated in the hands of one person.

UNITED A STNYY, -aya, -oe; -ten, -tna. Possessing autocracy. Sole power.

UNITED E MONEY, -aya, -oe; -menen, -menna. Produced immediately, only once. One-time benefit.
|| noun lump sum e diversity, -And, and.

UNICOLE A SIE, -I, Wed Complete agreement, unanimity in something. Reach a consensus.

UNICOLE A SNYY, -aya, -oe; -sen, -sleep. Unanimous, accepted by all. Unanimous opinion. Unanimous election. Adopted unanimously(adv.; by all voters).

UNIFORM A VIE, -I, Wed(high). State autocracy.
|| adj. monarch A prominent, oh, oh. E. lord.

UNITY U SHIE, -I, Wed Complete agreement in opinions and actions. Devotion is blind, that is, it is sighted(aphorism).

UNITY U SHNY, -aya, -oe; -shen, -shna. Showing complete unanimity, complete unanimity. Unanimous wish. Unanimously(adv.) agree.

ED AND KNIVES, adv.(obsolete). Once. E. in life.

UNIQUE ABOUT VNYY, -aya, -oe; -ven, -in.
1. Born from the same father, but by a different mother. Half brothers.
2. Same as same tribe. Consanguineous peoples.
|| noun one-time O vie, -I, Wed

EDINOL AND CHNIK, -a, m. A peasant who leads a separate, independent farm on the land.
|| and. single And student, -s.

EDINOL AND CHNY, oh, oh. Carried out by someone. one, individually. Sole power. Sole decision. Individual peasant farm(individual farm).
|| noun single And integrity, -And, and.

ONE Y SLIE, -I, Wed(book). Same as someone. way of thinking.

1. One who is in complete agreement with someone.
2. An accomplice in some. in fact. Give away your like-minded people.
|| and. united s schlennitsa, -s.

UNITED A LIE, -I, Wed Sole control, autocracy. The principle of unity of command.

UNITED A ZNYY, -aya, -oe; -zen, -know.
1. Identical, similar to another (book). Uniform reporting system.
2. Same as monotonous (outdated). E. landscape.
|| noun uniform A zie, -I, Wed

UNIPLEX E NNIC, -a, m.(high). A person of the same tribe as someone, of the same people, fellow tribesman.
|| and. same tribe e nnitsa, -s.
|| adj. same tribe e nnical, oh, oh.

UNIPLEX E NNYY, -aya, -oe (high). Belonging to the same tribe as someone, the same people.

1. Marine mammal family dolphins with a long tusk in the form of a horn.
2. Heraldic image of a horse with a horn on its forehead.
3. An ancient artillery smoothbore gun.

EDINOR ABOUT DNY, -th, -oe (obsolete). The only one with parents (about a son, daughter).

UNIFORM ABOUT BNYY, oh, oh. Born of the same mother, but from a different father. E. brother.

ED AND NESTAL, -aya, -oe; -ven, -venna.
1. Only one. E. son. The only evidence. Only(adv.) accessible way.
2. pl. Only these, only data. My only children. The only witnesses to the crime.
3. Exceptional, outstanding. E. in its own way.
4. units And naturally, particle. The same as only (in 2 digits). We owe our salvation solely to him.
Singular- a grammatical category indicating that an object is presented in quantity equal to one. Noun form singular. Verb in the past tense in singular form.
|| noun units And nativity, -And, and.(to 3 digits).

1. Commonality, complete similarity. E. views.
2. Integrity, cohesion. E. nations.
3. Continuity, mutual connection. E. theory and practice.

ED AND NYY, -aya, -oe; - And n.
1. One, common, united. E. impulse. One whole. E. front. Everyone is united in the fact that one cannot remain silent(i.e. everyone has one common opinion).
2. usually with denial. One, only one. There is not a single spot. Man does not live by bread alone(last).
Every single one- all without exception. Everything is one(simple) all the same, indifferent, the same. We go, we stay - it’s all the same to him.

E DKIY, -aya, -oe; e doc, edk A And e dka, e dko; e dche.
1. Chemically corrosive. E. solution.
2. Sharp, causing irritation, pain. E. smoke. E. smell.
3. Sargent, caustic. A caustic remark.
|| noun e strength, -And, and.

ED ABOUT TO, - A, m.
1. A person who is a member somewhere. in the food supply (official) or generally eats somewhere. Distribute among eaters. There are five eaters in the family.
2. The one who eats takes food (colloquial). Table for four people. Fast e., controversial worker(old last). Glorious is the lunch for the eaters, the road for the riders(old last). Lunch isn't about pies, it's about food(old last).
|| adj. units O Tsky, -th, -oe (to 1 value; special).

ED U N: Edun attacked on whom(colloquial joke) - about a good appetite, the desire to eat.


1. cm. He.
2. genus. n. pronouns she in meaning attractive Belonging to her, relating to her. Her book.
According to her(colloquial) - 1) according to her will, desire; 2) the way she does it. With her(colloquial) - as much, as much as she. Live with her.


HEDGEHOG... First part of compound words: the same as every..., for example. every evening, every night, every second, hourly.

EZHEV AND KA, -i, and. A related plant to the raspberry family. Rosaceae - a thorny shrub with edible black berries, as well as its very fruits and berries.
|| adj. Ezhev And personal, oh, oh.

EZHEV AND CHNIK, -a, m., collected Blackberry thicket.

EZHEG ABOUT DNIK, -a, m. A periodical published once a year. Statistical e.

EZHEG ABOUT DAY, oh, oh. Happening every year, once a year. Annual meetings of veterans.

DAILY E VNYY, -aya, -oe; -ven, -in.
1. Happening every day. Daily visits. Exercise daily(adv.).
2. Ordinary, everyday. Daily worries.
|| noun daily e thoroughness, -And, and.

E GELLI, union(outdated and simple). Same as if.
If only, union(obsolete and simple) - the same as if.

WE EAT E SYACHNIK, -a, m. A periodical published once a month.

WE EAT E SYACHNY, oh, oh. Happening every month, once a month. E. magazine. Monthly(adv.) pay dues.

EVERYDAY U TNYY, -aya, -oe; -ten, -tna. Happening every minute; very frequent, continuous. Every minute calls. Minute reminders. Every minute(adv.) ask again.
|| noun every minute at density, -And, and.

WEEKLY E LNIK, -a, m. A periodical published once a week. Illustrated e.

WEEKLY E FLAX, oh, oh. Happening every week, once a week. Weekly checks. Club classes are held weekly(adv.).

EZESEC U NDNY, -aya, -oe; -den, -dna. Happening every second; extremely frequent. Every second comments.

HEDGEHOG AND HA, -and, and. Female hedgehog.

HEDGEHOG ABOUT VYY cm. hedgehog.

HEDGEHOG ABOUT NOC, -nka, pl. hedgehog A ta, - A T, m. Baby hedgehog.


E HEALTH, e zju, e you're watching; e here; nesov.
1. The same as driving (in 1, 2 and 3 meanings, but denotes an action that is not performed at the same time, not in one step, or not in one direction). E. by train. Trains are running. E. by exhibitions.
2. To visit someone when arriving. E. on a visit.
3. Be able to use some. means of transportation. Okay, on a bike.
4. trans. Lack of stability, slip when moving on something. (colloquial). The ruler moves across the paper.
5. transferred, on whom. The same as leaving (in 4 digits; cm. leave) (colloquial). E. on subordinates.
|| multiple drive A t, present not used (to 1 and 2 values; decomposed) and e live, present not used (to 1, 2 and 3 values; decomposed).
|| noun rides A , -s, and.(to 1, 2 and 3 values).
|| adj. rides O th, -A I, - O e (k 1 value). Sleds.

E ZDKA, -and, and.(simple). One of several trips to deliver or drop off cargo. Transport grain in two trips.

EZDOV ABOUT Y, - A I, - O e.
1. cm. ride.
2. About animals: used for riding, walking in a harness. Riding horse. Sled dogs. Riding reindeer.
3. rides O th, -O th, m. A soldier driving horses in a harness (in 3 characters).

Ride ABOUT TO, - A, m.
1. One who rides on horseback, on a bicycle, in a cart. Belated e.
2. Someone who knows how to drive (in 3 digits). Excellent e. on a bike.
Not a rider who goes where(colloquial) - won’t go anymore, doesn’t want to go. He doesn't come to you anymore.

EZZH A Y cm. drive.

EZZH A TH cm. ride.

E BURNED, -aya, -oe; -an.
1. The one that we drove on. Traveled road.
2. e Zheno, in meaning tale I had to travel (colloquial). These roads have been traveled and driven(ridden many times).


E-B ABOUT GU, intl.(outdated and decomposed). Confidence in meaning indeed, the real truth.

TO HER- E Y, intl.(simple). The same thing, by God.
By the way(simple) - the same as she-she. I'm not lying to her.


ECTENES I, -And and EKTENA I, -And, and. A series of prayer requests pronounced by a deacon or priest during a divine service on behalf of the faithful. Great e.(on Easter night).


E LE, adv. The same as barely (in 1, 2 and 3 digits). E. arrived. E. is alive.

E LEFT cm. spruce.

E LE- E LE, adv. The same as barely (in 1, 2 and 3 digits). Barely a soul in a body(about someone who is completely weak, barely breathing, colloquial joke.).

EL E Y, -I, m. Olive oil, used in church rituals. Anointing with oil.
|| adj. ate e yny, oh, oh.

EL E YNYY, -aya, -oe; - e en, - e Yina.
1. cm. oil.
2. trans. Touching, sweet in handling. Unctuous facial expression.
|| noun ate e ity, -And, and.

ANOINTING E NIE, -I, Wed Christian sacrament of unction. Execute e.

EL AND KO: very possible(outdated and humorous) - as far as possible, to the best of your ability. We try our best.

EL ABOUT VYY cm. spruce.

EL ABOUT ZIT, - O zhu, - O zish; nesov.(simple). Crawling, moving from side to side, driving (in 4 values). E. by gender.

EL, -i, and. Evergreen conifer tree family pine with a cone-shaped crown. Centenary ate.
|| adj. e left, -th, -oe (special) and ate O vyy, oh, oh. Spruce trees. Fir cone.

E LNIK, -a, m.
1. collected Spruce forest.
2. Cut down spruce branches. Cover the hut with spruce wood.
|| adj. e linen, -th, -oe (to 1 value).


ENDOV A, -s, and. In the old days: a large open round vessel for wine, beer or mash, metal or wood, with a wide stigma (in the old Russian navy - a vessel of the same shape from which vodka was dispensed). Copper e.

EH ABOUT T, -a, m. Predatory mammal with dark yellow valuable fur, and also the most fur his.
|| adj. en O tovy, oh, oh. Raccoon family(noun).


EPANCH A, -And, and. A long and wide ancient cloak (later a warm women's cape).
|| adj. epanch O vyy, oh, oh.

EP A RHIYA, -i, and. An ecclesiastical administrative territorial unit governed by a bishop.
This is for a different diocese(colloquial) - in someone's under different jurisdiction, under different subordination.
|| adj. dioceses A linen, oh, oh.

EP AND SKOP, -a, m. The highest clergyman in the Orthodox, Anglican, catholic churches, head of the church district.
|| adj. ep And Skopsky, oh, oh.

PENANCE I, -And, genus. pl.-m And th, and. Church punishment imposed by the confessor (fasting, long prayers). Impose penance.


ERAL A Sh, -a, m.
1. Disorder, confusion (colloquial). Arrange e.
2. Antique card game. Play e.
|| adj. eral A awesome, -th, -oe (to 2 meanings).

EREP E NOW, -NUS, -NESS; nesov.(simple). Being irritated, stubbornly, vehemently resisting something.
|| owls raised eyebrows e thread, -no, -no.

E RES, -i, and.
1. In Christianity: a creed that deviates from the prevailing religious dogmas. Fall into e.
2. trans. Something contrary to generally accepted opinion or understanding.
3. Something false, nonsense (colloquial). What the f.!
|| adj. fucks And chesical, -th, -th (to 1 and 2 values). Heretical speeches.

ERET AND TO, - A, m. Follower of heresy (1 value).
|| and. fucks And chka, -And.
|| adj. fucks And chesical, oh, oh.

E RIK, ah, m.(region). A river channel formed during a flood.

ERM ABOUT LKA, -i, and. Small soft round hat.

EP ABOUT SEW, -shu, -sew; -shenny; not sure that(colloquial). Tugging, messing up (hair), bristling (wool).
|| owls look up O sew, -shu, -shish; -shenny.

EP ABOUT SEWING (-shusya, -shysya, 1 and 2 liters. not used), -sews; nesov.(colloquial). About hair, wool: stick out, rise in different sides.
|| owls look up O sew(-shusya, -shishsya, 1 and 2 liters are not used.), -shitsya.

Nonsense A, -s, and.(colloquial).
1. Nonsense, trifles, absurdity. Talk about all sorts of nonsense.
2. About something. insignificant, insignificant. Did you cut yourself badly? - E.!

Nonsense AND Th, 1 l. not used, - And sew; nesov.(simple). To do or say nonsense (in 1 value).
|| owls nonsense And t, -And sew.

Nonsense ABOUT VSKY, -aya, -oe (colloquial). Same as nonsense. Nonsense idea.

Nonsense ABOUT VYY, -aya, -oe (colloquial).
1. Nonsense, empty. E. question.
2. Quite insignificant, trifling. Nonsense scratch.

RUFF AND STAY, -aya, -oe; - And st (simple).
1. About the hair: sticking up.
2. Perky, unyielding. E. small.
|| noun ruff And cost, -And, and.(to 2 digits).

RUFF AND TSHYA, -sh at s, -sh And sewing; nesov.(simple). Get excited, get excited.

RUFF ABOUT VYY cm. ruff.


ESA U L, -a, m. Cossack officer rank, equal to a captain in the infantry, as well as a person holding this rank.
|| adj. esa at Lsky, oh, oh.

1. union. Expresses the condition for the occurrence or existence of something. E. you ask, I'll go. E. you can, come.
2. particle. The same as unless (in 2 digits). I have no time to come in. E. for a minute (for a minute e.). A shovel doesn't take it, a crowbar does.
If - 1) union, expresses the conditions for doing something. in an indefinite time frame. If anything happened, we would be notified; 2) union, expresses an assumption. If we were together, I would go; 3) particle expresses desirability. If you were close! If only yes s (simple, joking) - an expression of ridicule about something. uncertain, unlikely. If... then (so) [always unstressed], union- 1) the same as if (in 1 value). If I can, I will come. If I don’t, then (so) he will; 2) if... then, expresses opposition, comparison. If he is a pessimist, then I am an optimist. If so (if so, then), union- expresses conditioning by something. known, implied. If so, you're right. If..., then (so) means, union- expresses condition and consequence. If I ask, then (sic) it means it’s important. If(s) not... then, union- although (and) not..., but. The thing, if not cheap, is good. If only, particle - 1) unless (in 2 digits), if (in 2 digits). I won't drink. If you just take a sip; 2) the same as except (in 3 digits). Where did they go? If only you stayed in the city. If you want (you want) and (book) if you like, introductory sl.- perhaps, perhaps; let's say. He is, if you like (if you like), a poet. What if? (what if, what if)- but what if? What if we're late? What if?- making an indecisive request or expressing an indecisive desire. What if I took a break?

ESSENTUK AND, -O V. Mineral healing water.

EATING E STEVNIK, -a, m. Specialist in natural sciences.
|| and. eating e sister-in-law, -s.

EATING E OWN, -aya, -oe; -ven, -venna.
1. full f. Related to nature ( earth's surface, climate, animals and flora). Natural resources of the country. Natural border(about rivers, mountains, etc.). Natural Sciences(natural sciences as opposed to humanities and technical sciences).
2. Performed according to the laws of nature, obliged to them, and not to outside interference. Natural death. E. skin color. E. selection(the process of survival and reproduction of organisms most adapted to environmental conditions, accompanied by the death of unadapted organisms; spec.).
3. Normal, due to the very course of development. E. development path. E. conclusion(prepared by the course of reasoning).
4. Unforced, natural. E. gesture. Natural pose.
5. eating e actually, introductory sl. Of course, of course. He naturally agreed.
6. eating e actually, particle. Expresses confident confirmation, the inability to doubt something. Did you know about this? - Naturally.
|| noun eating e property, -And, and.(to 3 and 4 values).

NATURAL ABOUT, -A, Wed(obsolete).
1. The very essence, the essence of something.
2. The same as nature (in 1 value).

NATURAL E Yes, m.(obsolete). The same as a natural scientist.

NATURAL E DENIE, -I, Wed(obsolete). Same as natural science.
|| adj. natures e childish, oh, oh.

NATURAL A NIE, -I, Wed Natural sciences, a set of sciences about nature.

NATURAL TEST A TEL, -I, m. One who studies natural phenomena.
|| and. naturalist A calf, -s.
|| adj. naturalist A telsky, oh, oh.

EAT 1, eat, eat, eat, eat And m, units And those ed I T; ate e la; eat; e fallen; ev; nesov.
1. someone or something Eat food, eat food. E. I want to. E. with pleasure. Don't eat meat. Longing eats the heart(translated; colloquial). Bug eats wood(spoils, gnawing, eating). Moths eat fur. E. doesn't ask for anything.(does not require worries, attention; colloquial). What do you eat it with?(translated: what is this?; colloquial joke.).
2. (1 and 2 l. not used), what. Destroy chemically. Rust eats iron.
3. (1 and 2 l. not used), What. About caustic: to cause pain, unpleasant feeling. Smoke eats your eyes.
4. transl., whom (what). Reproach, scold, gnaw (in 2 meanings) (simple). From morning to evening he eats homemade food.
Eat with your eyes whom(colloquial) - look at someone. closely, without looking up.
|| owls By e there is, -e m, - e w (to 1 value) and eat, eat, eat; eaten (to 1, 2 and 4 values). Did you eat it?(gloating question to the one who failed: did you get it?; simple.).
|| noun units A , -s, and.(to 1 value). While eating.

1. 3 l. units hours present vr. from “to be” (in 1 and 2 meanings), as well as used. in meaning forms of other persons present. vr. from “to be” (in 1 and 2 meanings) due to the loss of old conjugation forms. A connective that connects the subject to the predicate. What is truth? The law is the law.
2. Exists, exists. E. hope. E. such people. E. what to tell. What is strength(with all my might; colloquial). Yes, yes, but not about your honor(last).
There is such a thing!(simple) - 1) used. in meaning ok, ok, it will be done; 2) used in meaning yes, indeed, you are right. Did you hang out with your friends? - There is such a thing! And there is- 1) when lexical repetition(usually in a remark): indeed, in fact, that’s how (it) is (simple). Didn't you get enough sleep? - I didn’t get enough sleep and eat. You're a weirdo! - And there is an eccentric. 2) bunch, the same as 2 (in 1 value) (colloquial). A lie is a lie. A friend is a friend. This is true(colloquial) - in fact, really so. Is the train late? - This is true! What (who, which, where, where, where, when) is(simple) - expresses commitment and unlimited choice. Will treat you to anything(He will definitely treat you to at least something.) Whenever it comes.

THERE ARE 3, particle. In the army, navy, and paramilitary organizations: a response from a subordinate, indicating that the command is understood and accepted for execution. Follow the order! - E.!


EDF E YTOR, -a, m. The second in order of seniority (after private) is the rank of a soldier, as well as the soldier holding that rank.
|| adj. efr e ytorskiy, oh, oh.


E FUCK e duh, e you're talking; in meaning pov used train A th and (simple) ride A th; e Duchi; nesov.
1. Move somewhere. at some help. means of transportation. E. by train, by boat (by train, by boat). E. on a bicycle, on horseback (horses). E. in a sleigh (on a sleigh). E. on horseback. The quieter you go, the further you'll get(last).
2. (1 and 2 l. not used). About means of transportation: move. The bus is coming.
3. Go somewhere, move around with the help of something. means of transportation. E. to Moscow. E. to the exhibition. There's nowhere else to go(translated: it cannot be worse than it is; simple).
4. trans. Move, slide to the side, to the sides (unfolded). The hat is on one side. Feet on the ice move to the sides.
5. trans., on someone. The same as leaving (see leaving in 4 digits) (colloquial).

1. and. Small Australian oviparous mammal a cloacal order with an elongated snout, covered with needles and hair.
2. and. Poisonous Australian snake of the family. asps.
3. m. And and., trans. An evil, sarcastic and insidious person (colloquial).

EX AND DRINK, -ay, -ay; nesov.(colloquial). Behave sarcasticly, be sarcastic.
|| owls moved out And run low, -ay, -ay.
|| noun ex And daylight, -I, Wed

EX AND DNY, -aya, -oe; -den, -dna. Sargent, insidious. E. character. Snidely(adv.) smile.
|| noun ex And bottom, -And, and.

EX AND DSTVO, -a, Wed Malice, causticity, deceit.

EX AND DCA, -s, and.(colloquial). Mild malice. Reply sarcastically.


1. adv. Again, in addition. Come again. Eat some more.
2. adv. Already e, in past. I left a week ago.
3. adv. Until now, bye. Haven't come yet. Not yet.
4. adv. Indicates the availability of sufficient time and conditions for something. I'll still catch the train. Still young.
5. adv. when compared Art. IN to a greater extent. Even more tender.
6. particle. Usage in combination with the pronominal words “how”, “what” to denote a high degree of attribute, its exclusivity (colloquial). How else (how else) is it formed? He is a cunning one, what a cunning one! He has talent. - And what talent!
7. particle. In combination with some pronominal adverbs, it expresses rude dissatisfaction (colloquial). Talk to him. - Why else? (why is this even necessary?). Get dressed and you'll go. - Where else? (where else is this?). You will stay at home. - What more!
8. particle. In combination with pronominal adverbs “where”, “where”, “when” and some others, it expresses uncertainty in the distant future (colloquial). We'll meet again someday(i.e., it is not known when and not soon). Somewhere else in my life I will find such a friend. Where else (somewhere) fate will take him.
9. particle. Usage for reminder, reference to the known (colloquial). You know him: still red-haired, so tall. I forgot the name of this film: Vysotsky also plays there.
And also, union(colloquial) - expresses inconsistency. You're rude, and also an excellent student. Still would(colloquial) - 1) of course, certainly. Will you come with us? - Still would!; 2) expression of condemnation (it would be bad if). If only he had dared to refuse!

The meaning of the word MULTI-SECONIC in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language


polysemantic, polysemantic; polysemantic, polysemantic, polysemantic (bookish).

1. Consisting of many digital characters (mat.). Multi-digit numbers.

2. Having many meanings (lingual). A polysemantic word.

Ushakov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Ushakov. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what MULTI-SECONIC is in the Russian language in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • MULTI-VALUE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    1, -th, -oe; -chen, -chna. About a number: consisting of many digital characters. Multi-digit number. II noun ambiguity, -i, g. 2, ...
  • MULTI-VALUE in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    multi-valued, multi-valued, multi-valued, multi-valued, multi-valued, multi-valued, multi-valued, multi-valued, multi-valued, multi-valued, multi-valued, multi-valued, multi-valued multi-valued, poly-valued, poly-valued, poly-valued, poly-valued, poly-valued, poly-valued, poly-valued, …
  • MULTI-VALUE in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
  • MULTI-VALUE in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: ambiguous, multi-bit, polysemantic Ant: ...
  • MULTI-VALUE in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Syn: ambiguous, multi-bit, polysemantic Ant: ...
  • MULTI-VALUE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1) Consisting of several digital characters (in mathematics). 2) Having several meanings (in linguistics). 3) Perceived differently, having different...
  • MULTI-VALUE in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    multi-valued; cr. f. -chen,...
  • MULTI-VALUE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    multi-valued; cr. f. -chen,...
  • MULTI-VALUE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    2 having many meanings A polysemantic word. multi-valued 1 About a number: consisting of many digital characters Multi-valued ...
  • MULTI-VALUE in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    ambiguous adj. 1) Consisting of several digital characters (in mathematics). 2) Having several meanings (in linguistics). 3) Perceived differently, having...
  • MULTI-VALUE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1. Consisting of several digital characters (in mathematics). 2. Having several meanings (in linguistics). 3. Perceived differently, having different...
  • MULTI-VALUE in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I adj. Consisting of several digital characters (in mathematics). II adj. Having several meanings (in linguistics...
  • DISCOURSE in the Dictionary of Gender Studies Terms:
    - a polysemantic, widely used term, defined, in particular, as “a set of verbal manifestations, oral or written, reflecting the ideology or thinking of a certain ...
    (Sanskrit dharma, Tib. chos, Chinese fa., Japanese ho - law, religion, duty, doctrine, piety, basis, order of the universe, quality, character, truth) ...
  • GOD in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    sacred personification of the Absolute in religions of theistic type: the supreme personality, attributed to the identity of essence and existence, higher intelligence, supernatural power and absolute...
  • APOLLINARE in the Lexicon of non-classics, artistic and aesthetic culture of the 20th century, Bychkova:
    (Apolinnaire) (Guillaume (1880-1918) French poet, whose work in many ways anticipated the emergence of Orphism, Cubism, Futurism, Dada, surrealism: the term “surrealism” itself was coined...
  • TARKHANOV in the Encyclopedia of Russian surnames, secrets of origin and meanings:
  • ZHELYABOV in the Encyclopedia of Russian surnames, secrets of origin and meanings:
    There is also the Zhilyabov variant. The surname is probably associated with the concept of veiny. In some regions of Russia this was the name given to a strong, wiry man. ...
  • TERYAEV in the Encyclopedia of Surnames:
    It is clear that the surname is based on a very ambiguous verb to lose (in the old days they said to lose): you can lose a thing, a benefit, or you can lose your mind, ...
  • TARKHANOV in the Encyclopedia of Surnames:
    In ancient times, a person free from all taxes was called a tarkhan: others were even given “conviction-free certificates.” So they said: “He has...
  • ZHELYABOV in the Encyclopedia of Surnames:
    There is also the Zhilyabov variant. The surname is probably associated with the concept of veiny. In some regions of Russia this was the name given to a strong, wiry man. A …
  • GREGOR ZAMZA in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    (German: Gregor Samsa; Czech, sam - himself, alone) - the hero of F. Kafka’s story “The Metamorphosis” (1915). One morning, waking up after a restless sleep,...

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The richness of the Russian language lies not only in numerous rules and large quantities words

Most of them also have several meanings, which for the uninitiated person will create some confusion. They are called ambiguous words.

Definition - what is it?

Ambiguous words- these are words that have at least two lexical meanings. Wherein they are similar according to some parameters, for example, appearance or functional purpose. And understand what exactly it’s about we're talking about, is possible only from the context of the entire phrase.

For example, take the word BUTTON. If you ask several people what it means, you may get completely different answers.

So, one person will say that we are talking about a pushpin, with the help of which paper is attached to the board. Another will remember that this is an option for fittings on clothes that help to fasten. And finally, the third will decide that he is being asked about a doorbell button or one that the military can use to launch missiles. And everyone will be right!

Here are some more examples of the most popular ambiguous words:

  1. LEG – a table or chair, a mushroom or a flower, a compass, an affectionate name for a person’s leg;
  2. HAT - a woman's headdress, again with a mushroom, a nail;
  3. TAIL – animal, plane, train, queue;
  4. FEATHER – the handle or plumage of a bird;
  5. SLEEVE - a piece of clothing, a branch of a river, a pipe for discharging gas or liquid (firefighter).

Available in Russian and real record holders among polysemantic words. For example, the word EARTH has about 10 different meanings(planet, soil, territory, synonym for land, element, etc.). But the verbs TAKE (14) and GO (26) have even more.

Difference between polysemous words and homonyms

These two concepts are easy to confuse in Russian. Both mean words that are similar in spelling and pronunciation, but at the same time completely different things are hidden under them. But there is a fundamental difference.

Polysemantic words have a common feature, which may consist in external or functional similarity. A, meaning completely different things that do not have a single similar feature.

Let's take the same words:

Here are examples of homonyms:

  1. SPIT - this word means an agricultural tool, a woman's hairstyle or the edge of the shore;
  2. KEY - it can be used to open locks, this is the name of a plumber's instrument, there is a treble clef in music and, finally, it is also a synonym for a spring.

As you can see, homonyms can have several different meanings, but at the same time they have nothing in common together.

Examples of polysemous words

Polysemantic words can refer to any part of speech– nouns, adjectives, verbs.

Polysemous nouns:

  1. COMB – cockscomb, mountain top, comb (there are similarities in appearance);
  2. BRUSH - an artist's tool, part of a hand, the completion of a shawl, rowan fruits (again, if you turn on your imagination, you will find external resemblance);
  3. NEEDLE – pine or spruce, part of a syringe, hedgehog “clothing”, sewing tool (obvious external similarity - all objects are thin, long and sharp).


  1. DEEP – feeling or lake (both words imply something big);
  2. SOFT – voice, carpet, character, light, clay (something light and pleasant);
  3. HEAVY – period, suitcase, character (poorly tolerated, full of problems);
  4. IRON – will, grid, discipline (does not give in and does not break).

Polysemous verbs:

  1. BORN - daughter, idea, thought (born, formed);
  2. COLLECT – harvest, thoughts, evidence, things (put into a single whole);
  3. CLAT – with the door, on the back, with your hands (hitting one against the other);
  4. Score - a nail or a goal (to achieve the final result).

Polysemantic words in literal and figurative senses

Most polysemantic words appeared as a result of transferring the qualities of one word to another.

That is, the first is used in the literal sense, and all the rest - figuratively.

  1. THE LIGHT GOES OUT – THE STAR GOES OUT (the star does not go out, it simply becomes invisible);
  2. A man DOZES - a reed DOZES (the plant simply does not move);
  3. KEEP money – KEEP memory (keep something valuable);
  4. STAR in the sky - STAR on the stage (shines brightly);
  5. DEAF old man - DEEP alley (not a sound can be heard);
  6. Blue SEA – SEA of light, SEA of words (something huge);
  7. The boy's FATHER is the FATHER of computer science (who gave life, stood at the origins).

Similar techniques can often be found in literature, especially in children's literature. With the help of polysemantic words, the authors compose very interesting riddles. Here, for example, is how Samuel Marshak describes rain:

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won’t get into the house,
And I'm not going anywhere,
As long as he GOES.

By the way, we have already said that the word GO is one of the record holders for polysemy.

A person can walk, it can rain, hours go by, time goes by, a movie goes on, work also goes on (as in the proverb, when a soldier sleeps), they say about some thing that it suits a person very well, and much more.

Single and polysemous words

Of course, not all words in Russian have two or more meanings. There is a whole a series of unambiguous words, which are used only in one meaning and it is simply impossible to interpret them differently.

For example, unambiguous ones include:

  1. Proper names – Volga, Kazbek, Russia;
  2. Various terms - suffix, logarithm, gastritis;
  3. New words that have appeared in the language () - pizzeria, smartphone, briefing;
  4. Words with a narrow meaning - trolleybus, kayak, medal.

Of course, these are not all examples. The point is that unambiguous words in Russian a little more than polysemantic ones, but this is simply because many words have lost their other meanings over time.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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