Synergistic effect - the concept of synergy and synergistic effect. Synergy effect

The word “synergy” itself is translated from Greek as assistance, interaction of system elements during the functioning of a single whole. This term was first used by G. Haken, a professor at the University of Stuttgart and director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Synergetics, in 1973. He devoted Special attention consistency of interaction between elements in the formation of a single structure. At the same time, the presence or absence of interaction consistency determined the result of the system. Examples of synergy are the formation of herds in animals, the strategy of achieving goals in team sports games, organization of a coordinated performance of a musical work by a symphony orchestra, etc. Synergy acts both as an element of the system and as the energy information system itself, which affects various systems V different areas life - be it economics or business. In other words, synergy means the joint and homogeneous functioning of the elements of the system.

The science of synergetics originated from the concept of “synergy”. Synergetics - scientific direction, which studies the connections between structural elements (subsystems) that are formed in open systems (biological, physicochemical and others) due to intensive exchange of matter and energy with environment under non-equilibrium conditions. In such systems, one can observe the coordinated behavior of elements, as a result of which the degree of its order increases, i.e., entropy (self-organization) decreases. The basis of synergetics is the thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes, the theory of random processes, the theory of nonlinear oscillations and waves. Synergetics deals with the study of the processes of emergence, self-organization, maintenance, stability and decay of systems of various natures. The basis of synergetics is the assumption that the world is a system consisting of many interdependent open and closed systems; in this case, changes in one of the elements lead to changes in other elements of the system. Various energy potentials lead the elements and the entire system as a whole to a process of constant change. An example of this is the economy of a single country, where many closed systems or, more simply put, companies are influenced by the economic policy of the state, which is aimed at increasing GDP. The ideas of synergetics, which originated in chemistry and physics, are today successfully used in ecology, biology, geology, sociology, economics, medicine and other fields. Synergetics gives a new understanding of the world of nature, man and society as open dynamic systems that develop according to nonlinear laws, reveals the dual nature of the random, its destructive and creative principles.

At the same time, one cannot talk about synergetics as the ultimate model of the world. This is just one of the interpretations used in understanding the complex, one of the possible approaches to its description. It helps to unite seemingly disparate phenomena and processes occurring in inanimate nature, living matter and society into a single whole, using mutual language to describe them. This allows you to see everything the world in the context of a single development process.

At the moment, models built by synergetics more adequately describe the features of the development of the surrounding world.

The law of synergy is one of the leading general laws organization, asserting that for any system (organization) there is a set of elements in which its potential will always be either significantly greater than the simple sum of the potentials of its elements, or significantly less. Thus, the essence of the law comes down to the following: the sum of the properties of an organized whole is not equal arithmetic sum properties of each of its elements separately. If the system is well organized, the sum of the properties of the system should exceed the sum of the properties of its components, and if it is poorly organized, the efficiency of the system will be lower than the total efficiency of its components.

However, it is quite difficult to design the conditions for achieving synergy in advance. It is also difficult to estimate the possible increase in the overall capacity of the organization. The validity of the law of synergy is determined by the fact that the action of other laws of the organization is ultimately aimed at achieving more high values synergistic effect.

A synergetic effect is a systemic effect, the occurrence of which is explained by the fact that the system as an integrity is always characterized by a set of properties that exceed the sum of the properties of its individual elements. In organization theory, this is synonymous with the effect of cooperation. In other words, synergy means that the total result exceeds the sum of its constituent factors. The overall or cumulative results of the functioning of the system are usually higher or lower than the sum of the individual functioning actions, i.e. As a rule, during the functioning of any system, a synergistic effect occurs; it can be positive or negative. The nature of this effect is that the interaction of individual parts of structural elements strengthens or weakens individual possibilities the effectiveness of the functioning of each element of the system.

Such unequal influence of the interaction of the structural elements of the system on the performance of each element depends on the compliance and adequacy of the interaction of the system elements. If the elements do not correspond to each other, then a negative synergistic effect occurs. If there is complete compliance, then a positive synergistic effect occurs.

Any law is a constant stable connection. An example of a synergistic effect is very clearly illustrated by the functioning of a team. If we compare the result of activity (amount of work) with the total amount of work that each employee could perform individually, then the work of the team in the total ratio is much higher. The synergistic effect arises as a result of interaction between workers, as a result of moral stimulation, collective control arises, takes an example from others, it depends on the workers.

Every organization is, first of all, a collective, but a collective of workers is only one element of the organization as a system; the organization contains many other structural elements:

  • - human resources potential (team);
  • - technical potential;
  • - scientific potential;
  • - microclimate in the team;
  • - composition of the system’s goals;
  • - image (economic authority).

A synergistic effect (positive or negative) arises as a result of the interaction of all constituent elements of the organization, i.e. if the structural elements do not correspond to each other, then a negative synergistic effect occurs, if they are adequate, a positive one occurs.

Assessing the synergetic effect is the calculation and justification of how much the total result exceeds or, conversely, falls below the sum of its constituent factors. In other words, assessing the synergetic effect is a purposeful, orderly process of determining how the interaction of individual parts of structural elements strengthens or weakens the individual capabilities of the effective functioning of each element of the system.

There are basic (essential) features of this process. Firstly, assessing the synergetic effect is a process, that is, to obtain a result, an expert appraiser must perform a number of operations, the order and content of which depend on the purpose of the assessment, the characteristics of the object and the selected methods. At the same time, it is possible to identify stages of assessment that are common to all cases, for example, determining the purpose of the assessment, choosing the type of value to be calculated, collecting and processing necessary information, justification of assessment methods; making amendments; derivation of the final value, verification and approval of the results obtained. None of the stages can be skipped or “rearranged” to another place. Such “liberties” will lead to a distortion of the final result. This implies the second essential characteristic of assessment, namely that this process is ordered, that is, all actions are performed in a certain sequence.

Thirdly, assessing the synergistic effect is a targeted process. An expert appraiser in his activities is always guided by specific purpose. Naturally, he must calculate how much the total result exceeds or, conversely, falls below the sum of its constituent factors. But exactly what structural elements he will take into account depends precisely on the purpose of the assessment, as well as on the characteristics of the object being assessed.

The fourth essential feature of assessing the synergy effect is its market nature. This means that the appraiser is not limited to taking into account only the costs of creating or acquiring the valued object, its technical characteristics, location, the income it generates, the composition and structure of assets and liabilities, its interaction with other elements of the organization, and it also necessarily takes into account a combination of market factors. These include market conditions, the level and model of competition, the market reputation of the business being valued, its macro- and microeconomic environment, the risks associated with generating income from the object being valued, the average market level of profitability, prices for similar objects, the current situation in the industry and in the economy as a whole.

The study of synergy effects also influences paradigm shifts in business. The “optimal set of solutions and parameters of economic objects” is no longer perceived as the answer to all life’s challenges. It is being replaced by the concept of “controlled chaos” - work in conditions of precarious balance, which can only be maintained through continuous efforts (innovations). Another example would be a bicycle -- technical system, capable of maintaining balance in an unstable state only as a result of forward movement. The role of the muscular efforts of the legs is played by innovative ideas that give impetus to business development, allowing it to move to new level in its development. A the main problem-- creation of a functioning system capable of turning innovative ideas into finished products and solutions.

The desire to obtain a synergy effect leads companies and countries to search for effective principles organization of business systems. This is directly dependent on the readiness to reorganize its organizational structure into more complex management and technological complex. And the consequence of this process is an increase in the number of interactions between companies (divisions) within the framework of certain interests. And this, in turn, often leads to the creation of innovative business incubators, which give rise to a special form of innovation - a cumulative innovative product.

Thus, General Motors' research in the field of gas turbine engines was used by its aircraft engine division. Sony, Matsushita and Toshiba acquired shares of American entertainment companies in order to gain synergies between the production of electronics and the creation of audio and video products. Philip Morris applied the principles of product management and positioning developed by its tobacco divisions to the beer industry, and Procter & Gamble linked its disposable diaper and paper towels, integrating procurement, raw materials, technology, personnel and distribution system.

Today, due to the growing complexity of modern technological systems, the production of high-tech products is becoming impossible to effectively manage from one center. This causes a gradual transition from linear-hierarchical management systems that served vertical or horizontal cooperation of production, to synergistic systems that are based on the implementation of the principles of self-organization and non-linear management relationships.

So, summing up all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions. Synergy translated from Greek means assistance, interaction of system elements in the functioning of a single whole. In other words, synergy means the joint and homogeneous functioning of the elements of the system. The law of synergy is the fundamental law of organizations. It lies in the fact that for any organization there is a set of elements in which its potential will be significantly greater or less than the simple sum of the properties of its elements. The main result of the law of synergy is the synergistic effect, which can be both positive and negative. A synergetic effect is a systemic effect, the occurrence of which is explained by the fact that the system as an integrity is always characterized by a set of properties that exceed the sum of the properties of its individual elements.

The relevance of synergy issues is obvious. For each organization, it is vitally important to take into account the interests of all subsystems, the peculiarities of their functioning, and, in turn, to know that the interaction of individual parts of structural elements strengthens or weakens the individual capabilities of the effective functioning of each element of the system. Therefore, it is necessary to organize the business in such a way that the synergy effect is positive, and all this would lead the company to development and growth. The features and basics of positive and negative synergistic effects will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter.

Dan. N.S. Davydova

Udmurt State University", Russia

Synergistic effect of introducing lean manufacturing tools

Key words: lean manufacturing, synergistic effect, implementation model lean manufacturing.

The implementation of lean manufacturing tools provides a synergistic effect by increasing:

social efficiency by involving employees, including by submitting proposals, optimizing the expenditure of funds, attracting additional resources, coordinating the efforts of all participants in achieving the strategic goals of the organization;

efficiency of processes in partner organizations through the introduction of lean manufacturing tools from suppliers, dealers and other interested organizations;

Rice. 1. The essence of lean manufacturing

The issue of introducing lean manufacturing in higher education is interesting. educational institution, which involves intensifying efforts to use more and more new tools, which is associated with the need to increase the level of knowledge of teachers and students. In this regard, there is a need to develop a model that would demonstrate the procedure for implementing lean manufacturing tools. The model for introducing Lean Manufacturing tools is presented in Fig. 2.

This model includes the formation of the main subsystems of lean production, without which the organization of this process itself is unthinkable, namely the philosophy of “lean production”, which is embodied in strategic management enterprise, in personnel management, in working with partners and intensifying organizational processes of “lean production”, improvement. In relation to the university as an office, a tool widely used in lean manufacturing is applicable - visualization. It is worth paying special attention to the issues of adaptation of graduates and ensuring that supply matches demand in the labor market. In conditions of limited funds allocated for Scientific research and development, as well as taking into account high risks innovation activity, it is advisable to use a modified “pull” system, which provides for a clear focus on the “consumer” represented by industrial enterprises in the selection of research areas. In this regard, the university, as a reliable partner of the authorities and the business community, providing training for students - potential professionals high level, it is necessary to study and put into practice advanced methods for maximizing the efficiency of operations and the quality of services provided. The proposed measures for the development of lean production will ensure the realization of the innovative and investment potential of the territory.


1. Druzhinin D.V. and Kontorov D.S. Problems of systemology (problems of the theory of complex systems). M.: “”, 1976.

2. Haken G. Information and self-organization: A macroscopic approach to complex systems/ Translation from English Yu.A. Danilova; M.: Mir, 1991. – 240 p.

3. Haken G. Synergetics: Hierarchies of instabilities in self-organizing systems and devices / Translation from English. Yu.A. Danilova; Ed. Yu.M. Klimontovich.-M.: Mir, 1985. – 419 p.

4. Liker D.K. TAO TOYOTA 14 principles of management of the leading company in the world: Trans. from English / D. K. Liker; D.K. Liker. - M.: Alpina Business Books, 2005. - 402 p.

Synergy is the interaction of two or more elements, causing a greater effect than if these elements acted separately from each other. The difference additional result, obtained from such an interaction is called a synergistic effect. Thus, in medicine, to enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs, they are used in combination. Acoustic resonance is also often cited as an example of synergy and, as a clear demonstration of it, a loud scream that can cause an avalanche in the mountains.

In organization theory, the concept of synergy is associated with the concept of energy potential () of the organization. When we talk about premises, territory, technical equipment, etc., we list the material components of this resource. Staff, their level professional qualifications and motivation, interaction between team members in fulfilling their duties will be a socio-psychological resource.

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The effectiveness of their interaction determines the synergy of the organization. It should be noted that this effect can be both positive and negative. This property is a consequence of the law of synergy, which considers the enterprise as a closed organizational system and claims that a quantitative change in the energy within it is possible. Such a change is possible because The structure of resources also takes into account the social (human) factor. If the material components remain unchanged, the level of professionalism, intellectual and emotional energy of the staff can play a key role: for people who feel like a team and work for, Coefficient useful action will be significantly higher than that of a group of individuals simply doing their job responsibilities. The second property of synergy is that it can be controlled.

Elena Bondarenko and Philip Guzenyuk: international market scaling

Sources, factors, forms

To successfully manage synergy, you need to know the sources of its occurrence., take into account the factors under which it may arise, predict in what forms the synergy will manifest itself.

There are as many approaches as possible in indicating. They are diverse and poorly consistent with each other in practice. But we managed to formulate based on one of the approaches constructive option, in which two sources of synergy are highlighted. In the first case, the synergistic effect can be get by cutting costs(expenses), in the second – by improving the quality of performance results.

If we classify synergy by the area (“place”) of its manifestation, we can distinguish three types: production, management and sales:

  1. Production the sphere is related to production capacities, first of all: their maximum, possibly joint use. This also includes the interaction of the enterprise’s research and development departments and the reduction of overhead costs.
  2. Synergy sales (sales synergy) implies rational use sales and distribution channels, advertising, product popularity, and their sharing by departments of the organization is also possible.
  3. Management synergy includes two aspects. The first is work with personnel aimed at increasing human resources potential: training, internal rotation of personnel, exchange of experience. The second aspect reflects the management structure, its construction, existing connections (communications) between its links, as well as coordination and control.

In these three types synergy can gain various shapes, including these can be joint synergistic effects, which are also called synergy (it should be noted that synergy is also called the ability to evaluate these joint effects).

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IN production sector the synergistic effect can manifest itself in the form of so-called “scale” synergies. In a large production, the cost of production per unit is less than in several smaller ones, although they have the same sales volume.

From the perspective of the law of synergy, the division of labor (conveyor) will be a combination of heterogeneous efforts. Investment synergies in production are possible as a result of the joint use of production space, equipment, research, development and technological work, loans, etc.

Dissimilar enterprises united in a cluster can also obtain a synergistic effect, because will complement each other, have a common raw material base, use of infrastructure, geographic proximity will help reduce transport costs, the exchange of tacit knowledge will be enhanced in one territory, which allows creating a market for qualified work force. This synergistic effect is called the shared goods model and is also evident in Japanese keiretsu.

In sales, sales synergies can be cited when different salespeople come together to share the same distribution channels, transportation, warehouse space, and personnel.

In the field of management, we can highlight operational synergies that arise as a result effective use fixed assets of the enterprise and personnel, as well as management synergy, which directly concerns the level of management competence. This effect can be positive if adopted by qualified managers right decisions in organization management or wear negative character from incompetent management.

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How to achieve a synergy effect in an enterprise?

Unfortunately, despite much talk about the importance of synergy, practical recommendations to achieve it has not been worked out.

To try to answer this question, let us turn again to the concept of the energy potential of an enterprise and remember that it consists of material and socio-psychological factors.

It was said above that there are two types of sources of synergy and one of them is cost reduction. How can this be achieved? There are a sufficient number of options, but we are interested in options that are accompanied by a synergistic effect.

One of them is the increase in the scale of various business operations. For example, offer not only a product, but also Additional services: delivery, after-sales service, beautiful packaging, etc. The scale can be increased by expanding the range of products, using the same production facilities and equipment. But, one must also take into account the possibility of negative synergy: sales in other market segments, management efficiency (dispersal of managers’ attention), and complication of processes in various services (technical and procurement, for example) may decrease.

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The listed options may be a special case of synergy during a merger or acquisition of enterprises. The main motive for such procedures is precisely to obtain various synergistic effects. , savings due to the ability to produce large quantity products without expanding funds, raw materials and materials, from the merger you can get a synergy effect in the form of complementarity in the field of R&D, lower purchase prices (due to increased volumes), trade synergies, increased market power (reduced competition). The merger may also result in financial savings (reduced tax burden), fast growth the resulting company, investment attractiveness, increase in the value of shares of the new company, increase in turnover.

The second area of ​​work to obtain synergy for an enterprise may be its socio-psychological sphere and the formation of a team, a synergetic team. As practice shows, the combined efforts of people are capable of not only increasing energy potential, but also reducing it. In this case, management is faced with the task of uniting the efforts of the organization's team members to achieve a common goal. If there is no such unity, or even competition among staff, then their joint actions can even lead to negative results.

To form an effective team, a system of socio-psychological and economic measures is necessary. Material interest in improving labor results plays an important role. Additional social measures will be provided: free medical care, assistance in difficult family situations, leisure time and vacations.

The main area of ​​work with personnel is psychological work with the staff. These could be meetings with management, where the goals and objectives facing the enterprise will be explained to employees. It is also possible to carry out work to explain to the employee the importance of his direct activities within the framework of general organizational interests. It is necessary to develop a motivation system. An additional factor in creating a favorable climate for the manifestation of synergy will be attention to the personnel of the enterprise: encouraging creative initiative and innovation, established Feedback, timely rotation of personnel, diplomatic approach.

3. Management synergy

The main condition for achieving the synergy effect and managing it is the orderliness of the management organizational structure - organizational synergy. It involves coordinated interaction between all divisions of the enterprise, or more precisely, between the management of these divisions.

Here we can distinguish three forms of achievable synergy: structural, administrative and functional. Structural synergy arises due to the very structure of the enterprise (organization), the information flows located in it, the relationships between team groups and their positioning. For the synergy effect to occur, it must be formed corporate culture, taking into account the needs of team members, as well as: conflict prevention, a clear understanding of the importance of teamwork and the availability of the leader to his subordinates.

Functional synergy arises from the interactions (process) of the team, based on team spirit, joint professional and labor activity, achieving a common goal, community of interests. It is the easiest to achieve and durable.

Administrative synergy, which manifests itself under external influence, is short-term in nature. As a rule, this is the use of administrative and regulatory methods.

Criteria and control

The following criteria will help determine the presence of positive synergy:

  • level of rationalization and optimization technological process and resource use;
  • management efficiency;
  • increasing the competitiveness, sustainability, and stability of the organization;
  • change in the level of demand for products (increasing);
  • team environment: psychological climate, increased staff loyalty.

For effective management quantitative indicators are also needed. How can synergy be measured, in what units? For example, by calculating by what percentage synergistic effects increase or decrease the cost of investment capital in an enterprise, you can also estimate the value of synergy by taking it as an intangible asset.

Synergy is an advantage that your competitors cannot duplicate. Properly used synergy effects can significantly (sometimes even significantly) increase the profit of an enterprise. However, managing synergies requires appropriate knowledge, skills, abilities of personnel and the organization, as well as the conditions that allow them to be applied.

The synergistic effect is an increase in performance due to integration, the combination of individual elements into unified system. The term comes from the Greek word synergys. It means "acting together." Let us further consider in detail the synergistic effect of the organization.

General information

Many managers assessing the performance of their company have questions regarding its effectiveness. For example, there are several management teams on staff. Some are successful and others are not. One team has a higher contract record than the other. In the early 80s of the last century, the effect of exponential growth was identified and described. Thus, some companies that operated in a fairly densely populated market and did not have significant financial resources significantly increased their turnover over a relatively short period of time. During the same period, the term “merger synergy” was introduced. It means the ability of several managers (managers) to collectively create greater value than if they add up the indicators of their work carried out separately.

Main directions

Obtaining a synergistic effect, according to a number of researchers, is carried out through three main processes:

All these processes can be combined under the concept of “collective thinking.” It can lead to different results. However, they will not necessarily be positive when there is an active increase in interaction. The result of the synergistic effect can be negative with the same sharp drop in activity. Many people are familiar with the concept of a “French strike”. It involves everyone acting in accordance with the regulations, but the overall effectiveness will be zero. This clearly illustrates negative collective thinking.

Specifics of interaction

Researchers identify 3 main options for cooperation between enterprise specialists:

How to achieve a synergistic effect?

There is a fairly widespread belief that the art of management intellectual abilities is to intelligently unite the efforts of people. In this case, the one who does it better will win. For such a leader in the company, everything will work out much faster, with less costs and with high quality. But for a synergistic effect to occur, it is necessary to choose the right team. Unfortunately, specific criteria for assessing top and middle managers have not yet been developed. Until recently, a synergistic effect could only be identified by the development and growth of an enterprise over a long period of time. However, now the situation is somewhat different.

There are several criteria by which the personnel selection methodology is formed. Among the requirements it should be noted:

The result of the study

When conducting a service market study, the manager must resolve a number of issues:

  1. Will a specific employee remain in a specific position and who will remain in it?
  2. What results can a change in structure lead to?
  3. Does the employee have unrealized potential? Is it possible to set a new task for him?
  4. Who will be able to take on the development of a new product or direction.
  5. Which employee should be trained in management principles and how much time will it take.
  6. What happens when divisions merge.

A manager seeking to select the ideal team needs to conduct not only a qualitative, but also a quantitative assessment of the employees’ work.

Synergy is a very common phenomenon that can be observed in different spheres of human existence and the world around him. The term itself is widely known among entrepreneurs, managers different levels, economists, marketers, business coaches, etc. The manifestation of the synergy effect is facilitated by the interaction of a group of factors, which can be formulated by the simple formula 1+1=3. This effect is achieved precisely through the interaction of a group of factors, and it turns out much more effectively than if you take each factor separately.
In addition, there is also a synthesis effect, which should not be confused with the concept of a synergy effect. Essentially, synthesis means the combination of several elements into a system, but the effect of synthesis has significant differences from the synergistic effect. Synthesis implies integrity, in the form of the final result, and the synergy effect is an effective combination of elements that leads to the emergence of additional quality.

Synergy in everyday life

A person has two hands, with one hand a person can perform many simple actions, but using both hands can significantly expand the capabilities. Two hands give a new quality that is hardly achievable with one hand. This leads to a simple life formula: the sum of two units is not equal to two - the formula is effective in nature. This is an elementary manifestation of the effect of synergy in human life, when the work of two hands leads to a completely new quality, greatly exceeding the sum of the qualities of each hand separately.
A musician playing the guitar traditionally uses both hands, pressing chords with one and plucking the strings with the other, otherwise this would cause significant difficulties in extracting sound. A pianist, as a rule, also uses two hands for complex chords; similar examples can be given for quite a long time, even to the banal point of hammering a nail into a wall using two hands.

Synergy in nature

Man, like other living organisms, has a rather complex structure; the joint interaction of our senses can also manifest a synergistic effect. Their interaction contributes to a broader understanding of the worldview, and each of the organs plays its own important role. Separately, the organs of information perception provide the brain with only part of the information; after their interaction with the brain, the very awareness of what is happening around appears. The effect of synergy in nature can be observed everywhere, in its various manifestations.
In pharmaceuticals, this effect can also be observed, for example, when the effect of one drug enhances the effect of another.

Synergy in the team

Unity is greater than the sum of its individual components. This suggests that the skills and experience of several people can produce significantly greater results and new opportunities for the team. By interacting with each other, people are able to form a certain system in which each participant multiplies the capabilities of the other participant, thereby forming the already familiar synergy effect.
When a team is trying to solve a problem, each member is able to generate ideas that are complemented by other members, this phenomenon allows the idea to be honed to its perfection and the likelihood of its successful implementation. Otherwise, if we take into account the ideas of the participants separately, then everyone can offer a large number of ideas from which the result of solving the problem will not be so satisfactory when compared with the first case, which essentially means the process of brainstorming, and as a result the phenomenon of a synergetic effect.