Performing logistics functions. Tasks and functions of the logistics system

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine “site”! Today we'll talk about logistics- what it is in simple words, what tasks and goals it has, and we will also give tips on how to choose a logistics company.

In the modern world, the issue of cargo transportation is an integral part of the work of any enterprise. Properly organized delivery allows you to save the organization’s resources when conducting commercial activities. There is probably no area where such services are absolutely not needed. These and many other problems are solved by properly carried out logistics policy.

Modern universities prepare specialized specialists in this field, and the science of logistics itself reveals the secrets of successful business and teaches how to optimize the flow of materials, funds and information.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is logistics and what are its tasks?
  • What types of logistics are there;
  • How to choose the right transport company for cooperation;
  • About the specifics of Russian logistics and the logistician profession itself.

This article will be useful for beginners logisticians, business representatives who want to optimize the transport process, organize logistics control within the enterprise itself (for example, a business system), and also choose the right partner for long-term and profitable work in the field of delivery and freight forwarding.

Do you want to get acquainted with all the intricacies of logistics science? Then read about it right now!

About logistics - what it is and what functions and tasks it has, how to choose a logistics company and who is a logistician - read on

🔔 Logistics- This modeling, control And rationalization process transfer of goods , services or information from supplier to consumer. It can be assessed as strategic management of the supply process. Logistics control is aimed at reducing costs in the implementation or transfer of material, financial and information flows.

The logistics structure can be represented by the following processes:

  • management by the buyer or consumer in order to minimize costs;
  • management by the supplier aimed at increasing the profitability of delivery.

The logistics management process cannot be reduced to one constant action; it includes several aspects at once:

  • execution of contracts;
  • inventory management system;
  • product delivery scheme;
  • close communication with customs authorities;
  • market demand monitoring;
  • and so on.

To optimize this process, various logistics models are used at various stages. Some of these models can be classified as marketing, but they all boil down to the ultimate goal - increasing the profitability of business activities.

Logistics, as an independent region, arose due to a number of difficulties, related to the delivery of goods.

There are specialized logistics organizations that are approached by entrepreneurs and legal entities that do not have their own logistics department.

Although, in fact, logistics arose quite a long time ago. Even in the days of an agrarian society, international trade existed, and its participants tried to reduce the cost of transporting goods. In modern economic conditions and industrial scale production, logistics has reached a new level.

Logistics costs are one of the largest items in determining the cost of production.

2. Objectives, functions and goals of logistics 📑

The subject of logistics science is the state material, financial or information resources at various levels in a particular system and optimization of their flows.

The purpose of logistics is to increase the efficiency of the economic system through the management of logistics processes.

Logistics tasks include:

  • commodity flow management;
  • development of a system for managing the flow of goods, services and information;
  • market monitoring and identifying demand for materials and goods, forecasting the future situation on the market.

Logistics includes the following concepts:

Logistics operation– operations aimed at changing material flows or service flows.

Logistics system is a system for planning and implementing all logistics operations.

In modern science, logistics systems are divided into:

  • direct (establish a connection between supplier and consumer);
  • mediation (include at least one additional participant).

Material flow– an object of logistics actions, which is measured by physical indicators of weight, size and time.

Logistics function– actions aimed at increasing operational efficiency at one or another stage of the logistics process.

Among them are:

  • transport services;
  • product storage;
  • purchase of goods;
  • creation of reserves.

Logistics costs– expenses associated with carrying out and processing logistics operations. They can become components of sales expenses or be included in the cost of production.

In fact, the formation of a logistics system represents a balancing of production interests and ensuring liquidity.

The efficiency of the logistics system directly depends on the volume of inventories available to the organization, which can be presented in the form of a comparative table:

No. Indicator Lots of supplies Low stocks
1 Logistics costs higher (-) below (+)
2 Benefit from the use of working capital below (-) higher (+)
3 Adaptability to growth or decline in quantity demand higher (+) below (-)
4 Probability of contract violation below (+) higher (-)
5 Logistics system control easier (+) more difficult (-)
6 Adaptability to growth or decline in the range of market needs below (-) higher (+)

From this table it can be seen that the amount of inventory of an enterprise determines that the operation of the logistics system is related to the amount of resources of the enterprise.

3. Concept and main types of logistics - 7 most popular types ✈🚚⛴

The logistics management process includes various components that ensure optimal results from the system. Based on this, several types of logistics can be distinguished.

1) Transport logistics (Transport logistics)

Determining the most profitable route for the movement of funds, ensuring the transfer of material resources in the required volume and the required time frame from one point to another, for the purpose of further processing, redistribution or consumption of these resources.

2) Customs logistics

Exercising control over the material flow passing across state borders.

Customs logistics allows you to solve several problems at once:

  • carrying out the transportation of goods;
  • obtaining the necessary certificates for imported goods;
  • registration of customs documentation;
  • assessment of the value, condition and compliance with customs requirements of the cargo;
  • support for further movement of cargo that has passed the customs border;
  • ensuring compliance with currency legislation.

Customs logistics requires taking into account legal customs requirements and the costs associated with their implementation.

3) Production logistics

When production resources go through several stages within the enterprise itself in the process of creation and processing, it is necessary to establish control over this process in order to optimize it.

This is what production logistics does by solving the following problems:

  • coordination of work schedules performed in various production departments;
  • compliance of work deadlines by all departments with the processes of purchasing resources and selling products;
  • identifying consumer needs in order to effectively plan the production process;
  • quick response to disruptions in production, its adjustment and control of the completion of assigned tasks within the given time frame.

4) Inventory logistics

The main task of inventory logistics is to establish a constant, uninterrupted process for the production and sale of a product. Its solution is carried out by monitoring existing stocks of goods and production resources, taking into account risks, seasonal specifics and consistency of supply.

5) Purchasing logistics (Supply logistics)

Monitors the movement of material flows that provide the production process with the necessary resources. Includes supply of production, supply of materials, their storage until release into production.

The need for supply logistics is determined by:

  • Inconsistency in the supply process inevitably leads to downtime in production. It is necessary to control purchases in terms of quantity, quality, delivery organization, packaging integrity and assortment.
  • More than half of the cost of manufactured goods is created in the supply process.

To increase and maintain the required level of business competitiveness, the organization of supply logistics is mandatory. To do this, the state of the market for purchased materials is constantly monitored and the profitability of purchasing or independently producing the necessary raw materials is determined.

6) Information logistics

This area of ​​logistics deals with the control and coordination of data flows that come in addition to material ones. In relation to the enterprise itself, such flows can be divided into internal And external, and within the organization - horizontal And vertical.

The provisions of information logistics are determined by internal regulations on document flow at the enterprise.

In cases of desynchronization of material and information movement, important so that the informational one does not go ahead of the material one.

If it is impossible to synchronize material and information flows, it is desirable that the information flow is somewhat ahead of the material flow.

7) Warehouse logistics

This type of logistics is aimed at controlling the operation of the warehouse - acceptance, storage, issuance of materials. Issues such as the optimal location of warehouses and warehouse accounting, which directly affects the assessment of product costs in accounting, are also determined.

Warehouse logistics also solves the problems of organizing warehouse facilities and optimizing the placement of warehouses. The nature of warehouse accounting can influence the accounting estimate of cost.

Logistics company - the main criteria for choosing a logistician. company

4. How to choose a logistics company - TOP-8 selection criteria 📝

The Russian logistics services market is represented by many companies. There are no monopolies and high competition, but the quality of the services provided is not always at the proper level.

There are several criteria, which should be used when choosing such a company, even in a little-studied region.

Criterion 1. The carrier must have its own fleet of vehicles, otherwise it is an intermediary, which will increase the cost of transportation. Ask the company whether it even intends to seriously provide services or whether the company provides solely intermediary services.

Criterion 2. The carrier company must provide guarantees. The contract must indicate the exact time of delivery of the goods and travel time.

Criterion 3. If the company does not have its own fleet of vehicles or it is insufficient, the use of the services of transport companies is necessary. But, even if you have your own means of transportation, it makes sense to estimate the costs; perhaps delivery by a logistics company will be cheaper.

The fact is that those companies that specialize in transportation have more opportunities in this area due to cost savings, through the formation of groupage cargo in one direction and preferences for the wholesale purchase of fuel, vehicle maintenance, and so on.

Criterion 4. Carrier liability insurance is an important aspect that allows you to obtain guarantees of cargo safety or compensation for damage in the event of an insured event.

Criterion 5. It is necessary to compare the conditions and costs of several carriers at once.

Criterion 6. The ability of a logistics company to work with non-standard orders indicates its seriousness. It is possible to conclude an additional agreement to provide alternative transport in case of emergency, but of course the tariff will be higher.

Criterion 7. It is important to read reviews about the company’s work via the Internet.

Criterion 8. Particular attention should be paid when using additional services of a customs broker. Errors in documentation can significantly delay deliveries.

5. Main problems and features of Russian logistics 📊

In Russia, the situation in the logistics sector is not the most favorable. This is due to climatic conditions, long distances, the condition of the road surface and the technical capabilities of transport.

Transport costs in the Russian Federation greatly exceed the world average and amount to about 20% of GDP, this is primarily due to the specifics of the Russian Federation’s actions on the international market as one of the largest suppliers of raw materials, as well as its territorial size.

Russia has a number of problems in the field of logistics:

  • high prices for warehouse and unloading services;
  • the hidden nature of many costs;
  • non-performance of the parties to the contract;
  • unstable market conditions and ineffective sales planning;
  • poor development of transport infrastructure, limiting economic growth to a limit of 4% per year, at best;
  • limited number of suppliers;
  • shortage of qualified personnel and, as a result, erroneous logistics models;
  • difficult natural conditions in most regions.

Due to the crisis, many logistics systems are being reduced, which leads to a decrease in the profitability of many sectors of the country's economy. However, in conditions of decreasing competition, stronger firms remain that are able to maintain the appropriate level of logistics services provided and occupy vacant niches in the market.

6. Who provides logistics services - review of the TOP-5 companies in the Russian logistics services market 📄

On the Russian market there are many private carriers and large logistics companies capable of providing a wide range of services and operating throughout the country or most regions.

1) Business lines

The largest transport and logistics company in Russia. It has been operating throughout the country for more than 12 years and provides a variety of services in the field of logistics:

  • road, rail and air transportation;
  • transportation by separate transport;
  • the presence of branches and cargo delivery points in most regions of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus;
  • transportation of consolidated cargo;
  • Availability of fast delivery services;
  • the ability to comply with the temperature regime of transportation using specialized equipment on a special flight;
  • the ability to track cargo and alert system;

This company cares about the peace of mind of customers and controls the quality of service, provides guarantees and insurance services

2) PEC

This company operates throughout the country and has more than 100 representative offices, constantly expanding.

For more than 10 years, PEK has been improving the quality of services and their variety:

  • targeted delivery of cargo and collection from the client;
  • a system for informing customers about the intersection of key points along the route;
  • variety of packaging of transported material;
  • loading and unloading of delivered goods.

3) Delko

The company has been operating for more than 17 years, has more than 1000 vehicles and delivers any cargo weighing up to 20 tons using various vehicles throughout Russia and Kazakhstan:

  • refrigerated semi-trailers (±20C mode);
  • semi-trailers with awning - 90 m3;
  • tent semi-trailers 110 m3 (16.5 m, 40 pallets) using bunks.

4) TTG

The company has been operating for about 5 years in Russia and the CIS, transporting cargo from 0.5 to 20 tons, and has more than 5,000 units of various equipment, which allows you to quickly load vehicles in any region of the country and just as quickly find a replacement if necessary.

In the electronic database of ATI carriers, TTG has the highest rating and several hundred positive reviews from customers. The company was awarded the “Guarantor of Quality and Reliability” award in 2014 and provides its services to many large clients on an ongoing basis.


This company provides both logistics and forwarding services in full. Transportation is carried out throughout the Russian Federation, including the Crimean Peninsula, as well as to the CIS countries - Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus. There is a possibility of delivery “to the client’s door”. Loads from 500 kg or 2 m³ in volume are accepted for transportation and are delivered both by separate transport and by a groupage vehicle. Oversized cargo and cargo requiring temperature control are also accepted for processing.

The company’s specialists optimize cargo routes, having complete data on the condition of the route, road repair work and traffic jams, which helps reduce transportation costs.

The calculation of the amount of payment for transportation in any direction is calculated in 15 minutes.

7. What is the difference between forwarding activities and logistics 📎

Forwarding activities are an integral part of the work of a logistician, but they are limited only to coordinating the movement of goods, escorting and delivery to their destination.

Logistics, in itself, is a broader concept. It involves optimizing material and information flows in parallel with forwarding activities.

The full scope of transport expedition services includes:

  • cargo collection, transportation and delivery to the destination
  • loading and unloading of goods;
  • control of payment for transportation;
  • preparation of necessary documents;
  • possible customs broker services;
  • informing the parties to the contract about the route and stage of cargo movement
  • and so on.

That is, forwarding activities is just one component of logistics.

8. Logistician - what kind of profession is this or who is a logistician 📄

A person engaged in logistics activities is referred to as "logistician" (logistician).

Logistics is responsible for optimizing product sales flows by performing various tasks to rationalize and increase the efficiency of material and information flows in conditions of limited time and specifying the starting and ending points.

The areas of work of a logistics specialist (manager) are as follows:

  • transportation carried out by more than one vehicle under one contract, called multimodal;
  • freight forwarding;
  • warehouse management and control of materials storage;
  • control of material and technical base;
  • filling out and submitting the necessary customs documents;
  • planning and management within corporate logistics;
  • ensuring control over services related to information, reference and service activities;
  • sales control of distribution of inventory items;
  • other.

A successful logistician must master the free use of computer programs , such as: 1C , Bank-client And other , and also be able to quickly find high-quality and reliable information that is relevant at the moment.

A prerequisite for the activity of a logistician is the ability to make forecasts for sales, purchases and possible transport difficulties, assimilate and apply statistical data in daily work.

9. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

The importance of properly organizing the delivery of goods during sales, coordinating purchasing processes and controlling warehouse operations is undeniable. At the same time, it is important to understand exactly what services can be provided logistics company, as well as what logisticians should do within the enterprise.

The efficiency of any business directly depends on costs, including transport operations . For example, when managing, it is important to understand what part of the costs will be on delivery of goods, since, as a rule, buyers of Chinese “trend” goods (usually goods costing about $10-20) have to spend a third of the cost on delivery.

Nowadays, the Russian market is represented by a wide selection of transportation partners and a range of services provided. No less important are the guarantees that the forwarder can provide.

Logistics, as a separate branch of business, has emerged relatively recently, however, has already firmly established itself in the market. At the same time, there are many types and directions of it, which you have already become familiar with in the article.

Now you know how important it is to choose the right partner for transportation, what skills a logistician should have, and which companies occupy top positions in the logistics services market.

Dear readers of the magazine “”, we will be grateful if you share your wishes, experiences and comments on the topic of publication in the comments below.

In the most general sense, from the position of logistics, the emergence, transformation or absorption of small business in a certain economic object, functioning as an integral system, is studied. Thus, the actions applied to the MP in this system are determined. These actions are called logistics operations and logistics functions (in a generalized version, logistics activities).

A logistics operation (elementary logistics activity) is any action that is not subject to further decomposition within the framework of the assigned research or management task, associated with the emergence, transformation or absorption of material and accompanying flows (information, financial, service).

Logistics operations include, for example, such actions performed on material resources or finished products as loading, unloading, packaging, transshipment from one mode of transport to another, sorting, consolidation, disaggregation, labeling, etc.

Logistics operations associated with related information and financial flows can be the collection, storage and transmission of information about material flow, settlements with suppliers and buyers of goods, cargo insurance, transfer of ownership of goods, etc.

Some logistics operations are essentially a continuation of the technological production process, for example, packaging. These operations change the consumer properties of the product and can be carried out both in the sphere of production and in the sphere of circulation, for example, in the packaging workshop of a wholesale company.

Logistics operations performed in the process of supplying an enterprise or marketing finished products are classified as external logistics operations. Logistics operations performed within the logistics system are called internal.

A logistics function (complex logistics activity) is a separate set of logistics operations aimed at implementing the tasks assigned to the logistics system and (or) its links.

Depending on the level of business organization, logistics functions are divided into basic, key and supporting.

Basic logistics functions include supply, production and sales (distribution). Indeed, these three logistics functions are carried out by almost any commodity producer.

Supply – providing a manufacturing company or trading company with the necessary types of material resources or finished products.

Production is the creation of personal and industrial consumption products necessary for society using tools and objects of labor.

Sales (distribution) - physical movement and management of finished product inventories and/or logistics intermediaries.

The key logistics functions are the following:

maintaining customer service standards;

organization and management of procurement;


inventory management;

management of order procedures;

management of production procedures or operations management;


physical distribution.

Maintaining customer service standards means providing consumers with a given level of product quality, distribution of goods and after-sales service

Organization and management of procurement in a company include a set of tasks such as selecting suppliers of material resources, planning the need for resources, determining rational timing and volumes of their supplies, organizing contractual work, choosing forms of supply and types of transport for delivering material resources to manufacturing firms, etc.

Transportation here it is considered as a set of processes of transportation, loading - unloading, forwarding and other related logistics operations.

Transportation management usually involves solving such problems as choosing a carrier and forwarder, choosing a mode of transport, determining rational routes, etc.

Inventory management material resources and finished products is the process of creating, controlling and regulating the level of inventories in the supply, production and marketing of products.

Inventories, on the one hand, reduce the risk of a shortage of material resources in the production process or unsatisfied demand for finished products among consumers, on the other hand, they play a negative role in the economy, freezing large financial resources of organizations. Therefore, the most important task of logistics management is to optimize inventory levels in logistics chains and systems while ensuring the required level of customer service.

Order procedure management function determines the procedure for receiving and processing orders, the moments of receiving finished products or providing services to the consumer, and also initiates the work of the branded distribution network or logistics intermediaries for the delivery and sale of finished products to consumers.

This function directly determines the level of quality of customer service.

The task of operations management consists in the most effective (in terms of reducing costs and improving product quality) management of the flow of material resources and work in progress in the technological processes of production of finished products.

In this case, the logistics tasks of scheduling, minimizing the level of inventories of material resources and work in progress, forecasting the need for material resources, reducing the duration of the production cycle, etc. are of decisive importance.

Pricing function is closely related to the marketing and logistics strategies of the product manufacturer. The logistics strategy sets the level of general logistics costs that form the basis for the price of finished products, and the planned level of profitability and the final selling price of finished products to the consumer, determined by market conditions, competitors’ price levels and demand forecasts, depend on the marketing strategy.

To physical distribution functions include:

Determining and satisfying customer demand;

Accumulation and placement of finished product inventories;

Establishment of economic relations for the supply of goods and provision of services to consumers and the selection of rational forms of product distribution.

To supporting logistics functions include: warehousing; cargo handling (cargo handling) and protective packaging of goods.

Let's take a closer look at the content of these functions.

Warehousing is a function management of the spatial distribution of inventories and involves performing such tasks as determining the number, type and location of warehouses; determining the volume (area) of storage of material resources and finished products; inventory placement planning; selection of warehouse equipment, etc.

Cargo handling usually carried out in parallel with warehousing and also provides the function of maintaining stocks. Elementary logistics operations that make up the cargo handling process are the movement of material resources or finished products in the warehouse, optimal placement of products on warehouse racks, etc.

Protective packaging ensures the safety of goods delivered to consumers by various modes of transport during the distribution of finished products.

From a conceptual standpoint, the following are distinguished: system-forming;

integrating; regulating and resulting functions. T t System-forming function is a system of effective technologies to ensure the process of managing resources for various purposes.

Integrating function ensures synchronization of the processes of sales, storage and delivery of products with their orientation towards the market of means of production and the provision of intermediary services to consumers. It ensures coordination of the interests of logistics intermediaries in the logistics system.

Regulatory function – Logistics management of material and related flows is aimed at saving all types of resources, reducing the costs of living and material labor at the intersection of various organizational and economic levels and industries.

Resulting function is aimed at supplying products in the required quantity, at the specified time and place, with the specified quality (condition), at minimal costs. Logistics seeks to cover all stages of the interaction “supply-production-distribution-consumption”, in other words, it represents an algorithm for converting resources into the supply of finished products in accordance with existing demand.

Under function is understood as a set of actions that are homogeneous from the point of view of the purpose of the latter, noticeably different from another set of actions that also have a specific goal. Therefore the concept logistic function can be defined as an enlarged group of logistics operations aimed at realizing the goals of the logistics system.

If we are talking about enlarged groups of logistics operations, and form one or another logistics function, then the main functional areas of logistics should be highlighted. These will be the following: procurement (supply), transportation, storage, inventory management, production, distribution and marketing of finished products.

Each of the listed functional areas of logistics gives rise to so-called logistics functions - purchase (supply) of materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, etc.; transportation of materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products to places of their consumption; warehousing and storage of material resources; inventory management of materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products; production of products or services, distribution and sale of finished products to consumers.

Since the function is represented by a set of actions, then, obviously, they can be formalized as a logistics process that has its own goals and objectives. Let's briefly describe the latter.

Purchasing (supply) function materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, etc. has the goal of complete satisfaction of the manufacturer with material resources. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following main tasks: determining the need for material resources for the production of the specified products or services; establishing an optimal regime for the supply of material resources to the enterprise; supplier market research and analysis; assessment and selection of suppliers of material resources (these two tasks are solved by both logistics and marketing), procurement; procurement control; compliance with the procurement schedule.

Transport function aims to deliver materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products on time to the places of their consumption. Fulfillment of this goal is carried out by solving the following main tasks: choosing the type and type of vehicles for transporting goods; organizing rational routes for delivering goods to clients; justification and choice of carrier; ensuring technical and technological connectivity of participants in the transport process; collection and preparation of information to ensure the coherence of the transport and warehouse process; collection and preparation of information to ensure joint planning of production, transport and warehouse processes; planning, design and organization of transport systems, corridors and circuits; justification of transport tariffs.

Warehousing and storage function material resources is aimed at ensuring the effective functioning of the warehouse economy. Achieving the goal is achieved by solving a set of the following tasks: formation of a warehouse network; determining the required number of warehouses; choice of composition type; selection of storage system; choice of product storage technology; management of warehouse operations.

Inventory management function materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products aims to minimize the costs of storing material resources through their effective management. This is possible provided that the following tasks are solved: determining rational volumes of inventories of material resources and optimizing their purchases; control of inventory levels in all parts of the supply chain and their timely replenishment; choosing a strategy and inventory management systems in accordance with the market situation.

The scope of production determined and logistics function - production . Her target- providing logistics support for production management. In the manufacturing sector, logistics is integrated with operations management, that is, operations management. Thus, the main tasks of the production function of logistics include: organizing the movement of material flows within the framework of the intra-production logistics system; organizing the work of intra-production transport; organization of work-in-progress inventory management; physical distribution of material resources within the intra-production logistics system; strategic and operational planning of material resources, etc.

Distribution and sales function aims to integratively manage the logistics process of loading finished products with related services from manufacturers or wholesalers to end consumers. To achieve this goal, the following groups of tasks are solved:

1) organization : receiving and processing the order, organizing the shipment of products, organizing the delivery of products and monitoring the oil transportation process, organizing after-sales service;

2) choice : packaging for products has been ordered, “format” order fulfillment;

3) definition : volumes and directions of movement of material flows and patterns of their distribution, the optimal number of logistics facilities (warehouses, etc.) on the logistics site, the optimal location of logistics facilities (warehouses, etc.) on the logistics site, the sequence of movement of goods through places storage.

Summary conclusions

The philosophy of business at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries received a lot of changes. These changes are characterized by a large number of factors. However, modernity tirelessly proves that conducting activities in the modern market is carried out in conditions of a large number of transformations and, first of all, the transformation of time. If we add here the factor of resource scarcity, it becomes clear that the business philosophy itself must change. For modern times, the basis for such a change should be the concept of logistics, which provides for the rationalization of the economic activities of enterprises, firms and companies by optimizing flow processes in conditions of scarcity of both time and resources. In other words, the activities of organizations today require logistics of all processes carried out.

Logistics processes consist of a set of proven logistics technologies that are improved throughout the practical activities of organizations. It is no secret that, having the most advanced technology, it is impossible to achieve high efficiency without creating an adequate material flow management system. Only the symbiosis of logistics technologies and created management systems can provide organizations with the opportunity to strengthen their competitiveness in the market through the implementation of logistics technologies. This is exactly what a modern business concept should be based on today.

  • Mailybaev Ersayyn Kurmanbayuly, master's degree
  • Institute of Railways, at the Humanitarian University of Transport and Law. YES. Kunaeva
  • Khasenova Gulbanu Ibragimovna, professor
  • JSC "International University of Information Technologies"

Logistics systems and networks connected by connections that transmit goods and information flows. Incoming flows of goods are promptly processed and converted into outgoing flows. Administrative stations generate and process information and data to support the material flow of goods through the network.

  • Problems of ensuring sustainability of logistics systems
  • Methods for determining the cutting forces of mechanical wood processing
  • Assortment policy of the Bars supermarket chain in the city of Ryazan
  • Comparative analysis of software products for assessing investment projects

In modern conditions, Western experts identify several types of logistics:

  • logistics related to providing production with materials (purchasing logistics)
  • production logistics
  • sales (marketing, or distribution, logistics)
  • transport logistics (which, in essence, is an integral part of each of the three types of logistics).
  • An integral part of all types of logistics is also the mandatory presence of a logistics information flow, which includes the collection of data on the flow of goods, their transfer, processing and systematization with the subsequent issuance of ready-made information. This logistics subsystem is often called computer or information logistics.

The concept of a system is a basic concept of logistics. Figure-1 shows a schematic representation of the object in the form of a system. A system in the general scientific concept is an interconnected, organized collection of elements that has qualities that are not characteristic of its individual elements.

In this case, a certain collection of objects represents a system only if it has the following properties:

  • integrity and divisibility: the system consists of elements that act as a single whole, but at the same time it can be divided into subsystems and individual elements;
  • the presence of connections between elements;
  • organization: the system must be structured in a certain way;
  • integrative qualities: the presence of qualities in a system that are not characteristic of any of its elements.

To represent an object as a system, a systems approach is used. In this case, a distinction is made between the internal and external environment of the system, as well as the input and output.

Figure-1. Schematic representation of an object as a system

Logistics is a system containing functional areas. There are connections and interdependencies between logistics areas. For example, if the main production uses a technology that does not require the presence of significant intermediate stocks of materials and raw materials, then, in accordance with logistics, deliveries are planned to be carried out at a strictly defined time at short intervals. To fulfill irregular orders in the shortest possible time, when the main production is characterized by spatial concentration of equipment, the creation of reserves of production capacity (the so-called “island of production” systems), appropriate methods are used in the field of procurement to purchase a variety of material resources in order to fulfill individual orders.

The total economic effect from the use of logistics, as a rule, exceeds the sum of the effects from improving the listed indicators. This is explained by the emergence of logistics organized systems so-called integrative properties; those. qualities that are inherent in the entire system as a whole, but not characteristic of any of the elements individually.

Principles of organizing logistics systems:

  • Systematic approach. Transportation, loading and unloading, inventory management, order processing, etc., as logistics functions, are considered as interconnected and interacting elements of the system. This approach optimizes the entire system as a whole, rather than its individual elements.
  • Accounting for the overall cost integrity of the supply chain. Minimizing the sum of costs of the chain as a whole and its individual elements in particular is a criterion for the efficiency of the supply chain.
  • Ensuring adaptability, elasticity, reliability, high speed and quality of operation of the entire system and its elements.

Logistics tasks:

  • reduce inventories along the entire route of material flow,
  • reduce the time it takes for goods to pass through the logistics chain;
  • reduce transportation costs;
  • reduce manual labor costs and related costs for cargo handling operations.

Logistics systems analysis is a procedure for developing, justifying and making decisions in the process of research and formation of logistics systems of enterprises. The procedure for studying the logistics system:

  • The logistics system is broken down into its component elements in order to highlight tasks that are more accessible to solution.
  • The most appropriate special methods are selected and applied to solve individual problems.
  • Particular solutions are combined in such a way that a general solution to the global problem of the logistics system is constructed.

In the chain of logistics operations, through which commodity and information flows pass from the supplier to the consumer, the following main links are distinguished:

  • supply of materials, raw materials and semi-finished products
  • storage of products and raw materials
  • production of goods
  • distribution (including sending goods from the finished goods warehouse)
  • consumption of finished products

Figure 2 shows the links in the chain of logistics operations.

Each link in the logistics chain includes its own elements, which together form the material basis of logistics. Material elements of logistics include:

  • vehicles and facilities,
  • warehousing,
  • means of communication and control.
  • The logistics system, naturally, also covers personnel, i.e. those workers who perform all sequential operations.

Figure-2. Links in the chain of logistics operations

The ability to plan various operations and analyze the levels of elements of the logistics system predetermined its division into macrologistics and micrologistics.

Macrologistics solves issues related to the analysis of the market of suppliers and consumers, the development of a general distribution concept, the placement of warehouses at the service area, the choice of mode of transport and vehicles, the organization of the transport process, rational directions of material flows, delivery points for raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, with the choice of transit or warehouse scheme for delivery of goods.

Micrologistics solves local issues within individual links and elements of logistics. An example is intra-industrial logistics, when various logistics operations are planned within an enterprise, such as transport and storage, loading and unloading, etc. Micrologistics provides operations for planning, preparation, implementation and control over the processes of moving goods within industrial enterprises.

The increasing complexity of production and increased competition required a more precise linking of logistics with the strategic goals of firms, as well as an intensification of the role of logistics in increasing the flexibility of firms and their ability to quickly respond to market signals.

The main task of logistics is to achieve, at the lowest cost, maximum adaptability of an enterprise, firm, company to a changing market environment, to increase their market share and gain advantages over competitors.

General task of logistics is to create an integrated effective system for regulating and monitoring material and information flows, ensuring high quality product delivery.

The main task of logistics is to achieve, at the lowest cost, maximum adaptability of an enterprise, firm, company to a changing market environment, to increase their market share and gain advantages over competitors.

Main tasks of logistics are decided and implemented on operational level management of an enterprise, firm or company and are as follows:

  • collection, accumulation, analysis and transmission of information on the movement of material flows;
  • planning, formation and maintenance of inventories;
  • choosing and justifying the location of a logistics facility (intermediate warehouse, distribution center, wholesale base, etc.) on the logistics site;
  • managing the process of warehouse processing of material flow into the “format” required by the client;
  • packaging of products in accordance with the requirements for delivery and maintaining quality;
  • choosing the type and type of vehicles for delivering goods to customers;
  • organizing and planning the delivery of goods to consumers;
  • calculation and selection of optimal routes for delivering goods to customers.

Logistics operation(logistical operation) is any elementary action or a set of actions that leads to the transformation of parameters of material and/or accompanying information, financial, service flows that are not subject to further decomposition within the framework of the assigned task of administering or designing a logistics system.

Logistics operations include, for example, such actions with material resources or finished products as loading, unloading, packaging, transportation, acceptance and release from the warehouse, storage, transshipment from one mode of transport to another, picking, sorting, consolidation, disaggregation, etc. .p.

Logistics operations related to information and financial flows accompanying material can be the collection, storage, transmission of information about material flow, acceptance and transmission of orders through information channels, settlements with suppliers, buyers of goods and logistics intermediaries, cargo insurance, customs clearance operations. etc.

A logistics operation can be considered as an independent part of the logistics process, performed at one workplace and/or using one technical device; a separate set of actions aimed at transforming material and/or information flows.

Logistics operations should include not only loading and unloading, transport and warehouse operations (which are usually calculated using the accounting method), but also commercial operations for the formation of economic relations, selection of business partners, the process of making business decisions (calculated on the basis of the economic method, taking into account possible alternative the cost of these components). Logistics operations are divided into external, aimed at implementing the logistics functions of supply and sales, and internal, aimed at implementing the logistics functions of the company.

The transactional nature of logistics predetermines the division of logistics operations into one- and two-way ones, associated with the transfer of ownership of goods and insurance risks from one legal entity to another, with or without added value. The most common logistics operations are warehousing, storage, transportation, picking, loading, unloading, moving resources within the company (internal inventory transfer), as well as collecting, storing and processing information adequate to a given material flow.

The level of detail of logistics operations depends on the following main factors:

  • type of logistics system (micro or macro level);
  • characteristics of the surrounding economic environment; types and parameters of main and accompanying flows; objectives of logistics strategies, concepts, technologies and underlying systems;
  • comprehensive logistics performance indicators;
  • existing or projected system for accounting, control and monitoring of logistics plan indicators (logistics controlling system);
  • corporate information system supporting logistics;
  • technologies and techniques for modeling logistics business processes, etc.

Decomposition of the logistics process to the level of a uniquely determined set of operations is a complex and time-consuming task. It is usually solved at the firm level within the framework of constructing an information and management model of the enterprise, selecting an appropriate corporate information system and modeling logistics processes.

The effectiveness of planning and decision-making in logistics systems is largely determined by a properly constructed corporate database for logistics operations, which is part of the overall database of the corporate information system. At the same time, each logistics operation must include the costs of finance, time and labor, which is the basis for normalizing resource costs in the company and allows for effective control of the logistics plan indicators.

Logistic function is an enlarged group of logistics operations aimed at realizing the goals of logistics systems.

The logistics system must operate stably under acceptable deviations of parameters and environmental factors (for example, fluctuations in market demand for final products, changes in the terms of delivery or purchase of material resources, transport tariffs, etc.).

With significant fluctuations in stochastic environmental factors, the logistics system must adapt to new conditions by changing the operating program, parameters and optimization criteria.

The logistic function often varies at the context level depending on the object of study or the position of the researcher. From a practical point of view, the allocation of logistics functions is associated with the same basic factors as the detailing of logistics operations. The classification of logistics operations and functions is presented in Figure-3.

In accordance with modern tasks of logistics, two types of its functions are distinguished , operational and coordination

The operational nature of the functions is associated with the direct management of the movement of material assets in the sphere of supply, production and distribution and, in essence, is not much different from the functions of traditional logistics support.

Figure-3. Classification of logistics operations and functions

Functions in the supply sector include managing the movement of raw materials, individual parts or inventories of finished products from the supplier or point of purchase to production plants, warehouses or commercial storage facilities.

In the production phase, the function of logistics becomes:

  • inventory management,
  • control of the movement of semi-finished products and components through all stages of the production process,
  • moving finished products to wholesale warehouses
  • retail sales markets

Product distribution management functions cover the operational organization of the flow of final products from the manufacturing enterprise to consumers. Figure-4 shows the functional diagram of logistics.

Logistics coordination functions include:

  • identification and analysis of the needs for material resources of various phases and parts of production,
  • analysis of the markets in which the company operates,
  • forecasting the behavior of other sources of these markets,
  • processing of data regarding orders and customer needs

Figure-4. Functional diagram of logistics

The listed functions of logistics are coordination

supply and demand for goods. To a certain extent, the formula is also applicable to coordinating the relationship between logistics and production. Thus, logistics deals with the “joining” of two areas: the demand presented by the market and the offer put forward by the company, based on relevant information.

Within the framework of the coordination functions of logistics, one more of its areas has emerged - operational planning, dictated by the desire to reduce inventories without reducing the efficiency of production and sales activities of companies. Its essence is that, based on the forecast of demand, adjusted later when real orders are received, transportation schedules and, in general, a procedure for managing inventories of finished products are developed, which ultimately determines production planning, the development of programs for supplying it with raw materials and components.


  1. Lubentsova V.S., Mathematical models and methods in logistics. Samara, 2008
  2. Motoryzacja, 1988, no. 2, s. 27
  3. Tulembaeva A.N. Logistics. - Almaty.: Triumph-T, 2008. c. 27.


The term “logistics,” until recently known only to a narrow circle of specialists, is now becoming widespread. The main reason for this phenomenon is that the concept began to be used in economics.

Historically, logistics developed as a military discipline. Here the term has been known since the 9th century AD (Byzantium), denoting mainly the clear, well-coordinated work of the rear to provide the troops with everything they need, that is, work that is a significant component of military success. Priority was given to logistics issues in Napoleon's army. In Russia in the middle of the last century, according to the “Military Encyclopedic Lexicon”, published in St. Petersburg in 1850, logistics was understood as the art of managing the movement of troops both far and close to the enemy, organizing their logistical support. At the turn of the century, the term “logistics” was not widely used in Russia.

However, the science and practice of materials management in the military field has continued and continues to develop. This is explained by the high dependence of the effectiveness of combat operations on the coordinated, fast, accurate and economical provision of troops with everything they need.

Another direction of logistics development is economic. Here, logistics means scientific and practical direction of management, which consists in the effective management of material and related information and financial flows in the spheres of production and circulation.

The widespread use of logistics in the economy began in the 60s and 70s and is associated with advances in the field of communication technologies. The new possibility of end-to-end monitoring of all stages of the movement of raw materials, parts and finished products made it possible to clearly see the huge losses allowed in traditional material flow management schemes. The clear economic benefits obtained from the use of logistics in the economy contributed to the partners’ orientation toward cooperation in the field of product promotion.

1 Concept of logistics

Logistics is a part of economic science and a field of activity, the subject of which is the organization of a rational process of promoting goods from producers to consumers, the functioning of the sphere of circulation of products, goods, services, inventory management, and the creation of a distribution infrastructure.

A broader definition of logistics interprets it as the science of planning, managing and controlling the movement of material, information and financial resources in various systems.

For the management of an organization, logistics can be considered as the strategic management of material flows in the process of purchasing, supplying, transporting and storing materials, parts and finished inventory (equipment, etc.). The concept also includes the management of relevant information flows, as well as financial flows. Logistics is aimed at optimizing costs and rationalizing the process of production, sales and related services both within one enterprise and for a group of enterprises.

Logistics is a view (worldview) of all business processes of an enterprise through the prism of costs, with the aim of optimizing, controlling and managing them. In fact, the field of application of logistics is so specific and new that at the moment specialists in this profession are very much needed in the labor market.

Recently, there has been a tendency to apply the principles of logistics not only in economics and finance, but also in the social field (social logistics): politics (political logistics), municipalities (municipal logistics), pedagogy (pedagogical or educational logistics), psychology (pedagogical psychologized logistics) ), medicine (medical logistics) and demography demographic logistics); virtual logistics, city logistics, etc.

The main task of logistics is to optimize internal and external material flows, as well as the accompanying information and financial flows, and optimize business processes in order to minimize total resource costs. The essence of the classical definition of the general goals of the logistics function is that the consumer must receive the goods necessary in terms of quality and quantity, at the right time, in the right place, from a reliable supplier with a good level of service (both before and after the sale of products) and at a given level of total costs.

The object of logistics management is flows, flow processes, any processes associated with movement.

The subject of the study of logistics is the optimization of material flows, service flows and accompanying financial and information flows.

There are the so-called “six rules of logistics” that describe the ultimate goal of logistics management:

cargo – the required product;

quality – required quality;

quantity – in the required quantity;

time – must be delivered at the right time;

place – in the right place;

costs – with minimal costs.

2 Functionslogistics

In the process of managing material flows in the economy, many different problems are solved. These are the problems of forecasting demand and production, and, consequently, the volume of transportation, the problem of determining the optimal volumes and directions of material flows, the problem of organizing warehousing, packaging, transportation, and many others.

Material flows are formed as a result of the activities of various enterprises and organizations that produce and consume certain products, provide or use certain services.

At the same time, the following enterprises and organizations play a key role in managing material flows:
- public transport enterprises, various forwarding companies;
- wholesale trade enterprises;
- commercial intermediary organizations;
- manufacturing enterprises whose warehouses of finished products carry out various logistics operations.

Through the efforts of these enterprises and organizations, material flows are formed, and the process of goods movement is directly carried out and controlled.

Each of the listed participants in the logistics process specializes in the implementation of any group of logistics functions. Moreover, by the term “function” we will further understand a set of actions that are homogeneous from the point of view of the purpose of these actions, and noticeably different from another set of actions that also have a specific goal. The logistics function is an enlarged group of logistics operations aimed at achieving the goals of the logistics system.

Basic, key and supporting functions are distinguished. Basic are functions performed by any commodity producer. These include: supply, production, sales. Let's look at the key logistics functions:

1. Maintaining customer service standards, ensuring a given level of product quality, distribution and after-sales service. The ideology of total quality management has become widespread, and mandatory product certification based on ISO 9000 standards has been adopted.

2. Procurement management, including: - selection of suppliers of material resources, - planning of resource requirements, - determination of rational timing and volumes of supplies, - selection of forms of supply and distribution routes, - selection of types of transport for delivery of material resources.

3. Transportation management. Transportation is understood as a set of processes of transportation, loading, unloading and other related operations. Transportation management involves: - choosing a carrier and forwarder, - choosing a type of transport, - determining rational routes, - selecting a vehicle for a certain type of cargo.

4. Inventory management, i.e. the process of creating, monitoring and regulating the level of inventories in supply, production and sales.

5. Management of order procedures.

6. Management of production procedures (operations management). The function is to manage the flow of material resources and work in progress, aimed at minimizing inventory levels and reducing production cycle times.

7. Pricing related to the marketing and logistics strategies of the manufacturing enterprise. The logistics strategy sets the level of total costs. The planned level of profitability and the final selling price of finished products to the consumer depend on the marketing strategy.

3 Organizational structure of logistics at the enterprise

The organizational structure of the logistics service and its divisions (departments or groups) depends on a number of factors, which include the following:

    direction of production and economic activity of an enterprise or organization;

    size and capacity of the enterprise (room occupied, volume of machine tools);

    the number of names, types, brands, grades and sizes of material and technical resources used in the enterprise;

    structure of material and technical resources consumed by the enterprise, according to areas of production and economic activity;

    the number of suppliers of material and technical resources and their territorial location;

    the purpose and number of warehouses at the enterprise intended for storing material and technical resources;

    availability of mainline and in-plant vehicles owned by the enterprise, their number by type and type; the number of consumers of intermediate or final finished products produced by the enterprise.

Depending on the listed factors and other factors of the external and internal environment, the appropriate organizational structure of the logistics service is established at each individual industrial enterprise or trade intermediary organization.

In the theory and practice of organizing logistics services at enterprises, there is a so-called classic three-level organizational structure of the logistics service (Figure 1).

Figure 1 – Classic structure of a three-level organization of logistics services at an enterprise

The main functions of the first level - general management (general planning) are: checking the entire logistics organization at the enterprise and, if necessary, adjusting previously developed plans for various areas of logistics activities; development of an organization strategy - a long-term plan for the development of the logistics service in accordance with the possible diversification of the enterprise - the process of creating fundamentally new areas and directions of production and economic activity of the enterprise in an unstable and heterogeneous external environment (segmented and saturated market); assessment of the activities of individual logistics subsystems and the system as a whole; coordination of tactical activities of departments (groups) of the logistics service in relation to the strategic goals of the enterprise; implementation, if necessary, of certain changes in the procedures and operations performed by the logistics service; establishing cost standards for logistics procedures and operations performed, as well as service standards.

The initial information of this level of management is indicators of the production and economic activity of the enterprise on a wide scale, general problems of logistics subsystems and external factors affecting the system as a whole, for example, increasing or decreasing competition in the market, as well as other changing market conditions.

The functions of the second level - program management (program management) include almost all functions of logistics subsystems: receiving and processing orders; organization of procurement of material and technical resources; organization of transport facilities, organization of warehouse and sales activities.

This level of management consists of executive managers, but in areas of logistics activity (materials and technical supply, warehousing and transport, distribution of material resources among production divisions of the enterprise, sales activities). In addition, this level of management has personnel providing logistics activities - engineers, controllers and analysts who plan logistics activities, check changes that have arisen in the system and its individual subsystems, develop directions and solutions for restoring the planned process, and also resolve issues service, return on logistics costs, local and general tactics of behavior in the market (for each logistics subsystem), effective implementation of the overall strategy of the enterprise.

The functions of the third level include operational management (operational components), which are simple components of the activities of individual subsystems. Operational management includes:

management of operations and procedures for the movement of material and technical resources;

work with deliveries of products for which the movement schedule is violated; preparation and provision of information about recorded violations of activity in subsystems to the program management level;

operational management of subsystems in the time and cost mode established by software level management; reporting to the program management level on the results of subsystem activities in accordance with planned time and costs.

Management at this level is, in principle, a “routine” process and includes the functional responsibilities of employees of departments (groups) of the logistics service, as well as special functional control operations and administrative activities, which does not require special responsibility, since almost every problem arising in the subsystems has a defined, regulated and approved solution method.

Information flows occupy a special place in the three-level structure of the logistics service organization at an enterprise. At the same time, the hierarchy of the movement and use of information flows in logistics activities, as a rule, also has three independent levels (Figure 2). At each management level, the information flow performs its strictly defined functions.

Figure 2 – Hierarchy of information flow in the logistics service

Operational level of control. The information flow at this level has a fairly wide range of data. Here the implementation of decisions of an operational nature is carried out - a reaction to any content of the received regulatory, reference, operational, analytical or other information. Information at this level, as a rule, is used to carry out operational planning in various areas of the logistics service, as well as to monitor decisions made at the operational level of management.

Level of tactical decision making. The range of information flow at this level is somewhat narrower than at the operational level of control, but the information here is more concentrated, maximally processed and grouped. At this level of management, management information is often used, which is necessary for carrying out tactical planning and making management decisions on various processes of production and economic activity of the enterprise's logistics service.

Level of strategic decision making. The entire information flow at this level of management is concentrated as much as possible. Reference, regulatory, operational and analytical information in this case is intended for strategic planning of production and economic activities of the logistics service. Based on analytical information (its analysis and evaluation), global long-term decisions are made for the development of the enterprise’s logistics service.

There are 6 options for modular construction of the logistics service structure at an enterprise:

The first option can be used at industrial enterprises with a full production cycle, a significant range of consumed material resources and a wide range of products.

The second option is typical for trade and intermediary organizations that have a small range of purchased and sold products, as well as for consumer service enterprises.

The remaining four options are used in enterprises and organizations based on the directions of their production and economic activities, the number of items of material and technical resources consumed, the number of items of basic products and modification products produced. These options can be used in incomplete, short, single-link production chain and production-service chain.

The modular organization of the logistics service involves the use of the spatial structure of its formation and is a multi-iterative process carried out in the following sequence (in iterations):

a set of functional logistics blocks is produced, the number of which depends on the areas of activity of business entities;

departments or groups of the logistics service are arranged depending on the number of employees at the enterprise and the range of material and technical resources used;

the principles of forming an organizational structure for each department or group of the logistics service are established;

the functions of departments and groups of the logistics service are determined based on the full range of logistics operations performed at the enterprise, depending on the direction of its production and economic activities;

the required number of employees is calculated for each department or group of the logistics service based on the volume of logistics operations performed;

Material and information flows are formed through the interaction of the logistics service with other organizational structures of the enterprise.

The implementation of the material flow management function in historically established management structures is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 – Traditional material flow management system in enterprises

The fundamental disadvantage of this structure is that the groups of logistics operations listed in the figure are connected into a material-conducting function according to the classical, but not the systematic method. Let's analyze this figure in terms of four properties of systems (elements, connections, organization, integrative properties).

There are elements (operations), but their composition is formed randomly, i.e., it is possible that when designing an end-to-end logistics process, some operations will have to be added and some excluded. The connections between operations are not clearly defined and are often established randomly. The organization of these operations into a single function is not specifically carried out, and there is no carrier of this function in the enterprise.

The integrative properties of such an interconnected and organized set of operations as a result do not provide the opportunity to optimize the management of material flows in the enterprise. In practice, this means that the logistics function is “pulled apart” among various services.

For example, one division of a manufacturing enterprise is engaged in the purchase of materials, another in the maintenance of inventories, and a third in the sale of finished products. Moreover, the goals of these divisions may often not coincide with the goals of the rational organization of the total material flow passing through the enterprise. The logistics approach involves managing all operations as a single activity.

To do this, the enterprise must allocate a special logistics service that will manage the material flow, starting from the formation of contractual relations with the supplier and ending with the delivery of finished products to the buyer.

The possible structure of the end-to-end material flow control body at the enterprise is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 – Structure and functions of the end-to-end material flow control body at the enterprise

The proposed structure makes it possible to identify a single function for managing end-to-end material flow at the enterprise.


The organization of a logistics service at an enterprise is very important nowadays. Since, thanks to this service, all products must be ordered strictly for a specific consumer and after confirmation of payment. And also that the products are delivered from the customs warehouse or from the supplier directly to the recipient’s warehouse. Thus, there is a reduction in costs for loading and unloading operations, warehousing, storage, transportation and eliminating the danger of the appearance of illiquid goods. The activities of the logistics service in an enterprise or organization are aimed at achieving the necessary final results through a number of management influences carried out both within the enterprise (internal environment - internal logistics) and outside it (external environment - external logistics). But in order for the logistics service to work well, it is necessary to train the organization’s employees. It is necessary to carry out work to develop a uniform, standardized logistics terminology. Specialists from functional departments of the company must speak the same language, use similar terms and understand each other.

One of the most important resources that determine the degree of efficiency of a company is people. One of the important conditions for the penetration of the logistics idea into all areas of the company’s business is the presence of highly qualified logistics specialists.

Currently, there is a certain shortage of specialists who not only have practical experience, but also have fundamental theoretical knowledge in the field of logistics. Good logistics specialists must have knowledge from various areas, as well as know the general relationships between functional areas of the business.

If we pay more attention to the training of logistics workers, the enterprise will have less costs for the acquisition and transportation of raw materials and finished products.

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