Relationships between people and animals. Groking

Little puppy, kitten, guinea pig, parrot, fish quickly become full-fledged members of the family. When an animal feels unwell, we worry about it, as if small child. We rush to seek help from specialists, we go through difficult courses treatment, but sometimes intensive therapy does not give any results, and the doctors shrug their shoulders... Or, conversely, the patient suddenly gets better.

If you draw a parallel between you and a sick pet, quite often you will find many coincidences. No, no, this statement absolutely does not mean that if a cat has been given some terrible diagnosis, then it will be confirmed for you!

However, even scientists confirm that the animal inevitably takes on the pathology of the weakest member of the household. As a rule, it is with this person that the four-legged friend spends the most time. There is an amazing theory, confirmed by centuries-old research, that our smaller brothers project the problems of their owners onto themselves, taking away their pain, fears, mental suffering, psychological problems and physical ailments. If people have all their diseases from their nerves, then our pets have all their diseases from us!

Theories of parapsychology and the teachings of Luule Viilma

What to do if your little friend gets sick? Parapsychologists offer several answers.

1. If you feel depressed, suffer from internal discomfort, then you urgently need to cheer up and stop moping, otherwise your pet is unlikely to recover!

2. If, after the appearance of the animal, one of the relatives lost chronic illness or the condition has improved sharply, which means that the little friend has taken the blow. Surround him with love, and then the animal will be able to cope with the disease.

3. The animal can be used by the magician as a diversion, when the sorcerer “covers himself” with the animal as if with a shield. The last statement seems unlikely, but our ancestors often resorted to this trick. “Totem animals” is not a beautiful legend, but thousand-year-old wisdom. True, if the animal really became a victim of a sorcerer, you will have to turn to mediums for help.

If you reject esoteric teachings, then read the works of Luule Viilma, an Estonian doctor who has scientifically proven the effectiveness of animal therapy. In his books, Luule teaches the art of living and uses a million examples to argue for the pattern between diseases of a person and his pet.

“We see our own stresses in others. If we don’t have any stress, then we don’t notice this stress in others, even if they have it.”- Viilma taught. If a pet is sick, this is the first signal that harmony is broken.

Luule's works clearly demonstrate the cause-and-effect relationship between human behavior and a pet's illness. Moreover, animals react sharply not only to illnesses, but also to your emotions. The reaction to the owner’s anger can be vomiting; stress and neuroses can lead to uncontrolled urination in the animal. Envy, fear, arrogance will also negatively affect the beast.

Animal-assisted therapy is the latest science with thousands of years of practice

Modern medicine has included the terms “animal therapy” or “pet therapy” in dictionaries. This teaching has long gone beyond the scope of alternative healing. Authoritative medical publications recommend swimming with dolphins, horse riding, feline therapy (treatment with cats), canistherapy (communication with dogs) and many other interesting techniques that give 100% results even in hopeless cases. After all, animals interact with humans on a spiritual level, fill them with positive emotions, relieve stress, cleanse bioenergy, thereby giving vitality and filling them with love.

Hippocrates “prescribed” horse riding for neuroses. IN Ancient India doctors treated diseases with birdsong. The wise Greeks and Egyptians noticed that dogs and cats have an amazing ability to heal any ailment. In the 18th century, the British used livestock as a sedative for the mentally ill.

The founder of the method is Boris Levinson, an American psychiatrist who saved sick children by communicating with his dog. today even World Organization Health care does not deny the fact that people who communicate with tailed and shaggy animals suffer less from cardiovascular diseases and are less susceptible to stress and mental disorders. German gerontologists have calculated that people who are in constant contact with animals live an average of 13 years longer.

Pets: they treat us, and we... kill them?

Zootherapy is incredibly relevant today. However, it is extremely rare that we get an animal in order to improve our health. Touching and defenseless creatures become our close friends. It’s not for nothing that they are called the best cure for loneliness! “We are responsible for those we have tamed,” and when a cute creature begins to lose weight, loses appetite, or suffers from kidney failure, you need to look for the answer not in test results and medical reference books, but in your attitude to life.

All cat lovers know that wayward purrs adore household appliances and electrical appliances. A cat can lie on the TV for hours, washing machine and other pathogenic sources. For humans, these radiations are harmful, but for the cat family they are a necessary nourishment. Cats have a unique ability to harmonize energy flows, balancing the balance between negative and positive energy.

The cute ritual of kneading parts of the body with our paws in which we feel pain or places with a potential threat has deep esoteric overtones. Thus the shaggy doctor saves us from negative energy, absorbing it into yourself and restoring harmony. The terrible habit of marking territory, urinating in inappropriate places and spoiling things is also unusually interpreted by bioenergeticists. It turns out that this is how the animal tries to neutralize harmful fluids and balance the energy-information field.

Not only cats can restore energy circulation. Dogs, birds, and rodents are no less susceptible to astral vibrations. All animals feel great subtle world. Animals not only cleanse the human aura and the biofield of the apartment. They interact with each other. People who have several pets at once know how animals can empathize and support each other.

Unfortunately, the love of our little brothers sometimes leads them to death. Animals are capable of self-sacrifice, and in trying to save us, they often forget about self-preservation.

Veterinarians, before prescribing treatment, clarify in what environment the “patient” lives. After all, without eliminating the root cause of the disease, without changing your psycho-emotional attitudes towards yourself and others, you will not be able to save your four-legged friend, and medications will not help or will have a short-term effect. Analyze your condition, eliminate destructive emotions such as anger, resentment, jealousy - they destroy not only a person, but also his loved ones! Avoid negativity, try to change your attitude towards people and improve the atmosphere in your home. Radiate positive emotions and share them with others, and even if you don’t believe in Luule Viilma’s theory, it will definitely help your pet!

When meeting a person, the vast majority of game animals flee. However, the largest and strong animals, for example, a tiger, a bear and a boar, may not give way and be the first to attack. For example, a moose selflessly protects its newborn calves from dogs and humans. A newly calved female also vigilantly guards her calf and will not allow crows to approach him or an arctic fox to get close. Even the polecat and ermine boldly rush into battle with the dog and man who are destroying their nests with their young. At the same time, completely opposite phenomena in animal behavior are also known. Thus, hunters annually take hundreds of helpless wolf cubs from their dens, and not a single case has ever been recorded of wolves protecting their offspring.

In nature, animals have facts and mutual assistance. There are known cases when, upon the dying groan of a wounded roe deer and herd herds, the leaders returned to their aid. It was even more surprising to see on Wrangel Island how he rushed to the rescue of his brother white bear, just a puppy, weighing no more than half a pound, emerging from the den for the first time. His attack was so frenzied that the catcher was unable to cope with two such cubs.

Animals are very observant and are especially keenly aware of the unusual actions of the hunters pursuing them, to which they react with responses that are sometimes similar to rational thinking. Thus, there are known cases when a pack of wolves lay quietly in the forest a few hundred meters from the cutting area, where trees were being felled, skidders were rattling, and lumberjacks were calling to each other. And so cleverly these same wolves recognized the hunters who had appeared and disappeared unnoticed at the first attempt to surround them with flags, which act on the wolves as an insurmountable obstacle.

Along with this, it was noticed that wolves, like crows, very well distinguish an armed person from an unarmed one. While hunting, a hunter spends days and nights for months surrounded by wild animals. Therefore, it is not superfluous for him to know some details of the behavior and actions of animals that pose a danger to him. For example, how an old elk during the rutting season, a pig with piglets and wild boar, or a she-bear with her cub will behave when meeting him.

Many people consider the bear to be a good-natured, clumsy lump who attacks a person by rising on his hind legs and goes at him, exposing his chest to a bullet. If the hunter hopes for this absurdity, he will die at the first meeting with him. In reality, the bear is a very dexterous, strong and cunning animal with an exceptionally quick reaction.

At a distance of several tens of meters, a bear can catch up with a deer. An experienced bear cub husky sometimes whines with fear, barely dodging and escaping from the claws of a bear rushing after her. With such agility, the bear is endowed with powerful strength, which makes him the ruler of the forests. An adult bear is able to kill any elk, and then drag its carcass weighing 3-4 kg several hundred meters to a secluded place and cover it with a mountain of logs and brushwood. Along with this, there are known cases of exceptional dexterity when a bear carried away a hive from an apiary; Having discovered a warehouse with meat in a hunting hut, he did not think of opening the door that was locked by a log, but climbed onto the roof, tore open the roof, broke through the ceiling in the middle and through this hole threw more than a ton of meat out of the hut.

In June, during panting, in order to save the meat of a killed red deer from flies and spoilage, parts of the butchered carcass were placed in a pit with cold spring water. Camouflage from above was neglected. As a result of this oversight, crows discovered the pantry and attracted the bear's attention with their cry. The beast pulled all the meat out of the water. He used a little of it himself, the rest was stolen by wolverines and crows.

If bears are not pursued, they are not afraid of humans, they boldly take fresh bait, go to oat fields to feed, and can plunder a storehouse with food. In other areas, for example on the Kola Peninsula, where reindeer herders chase bears, they behave differently. They visit Privada at night and very carefully walk around it in a circle for a hundred steps and approach it from the leeward side, making sure that there is no danger at all. When inspecting bear food or bait, the hunter must be well armed and very careful, since the bear is often nearby, guarding its prey and can attack suddenly and with lightning speed.

Wounded bears, wild boars, elk and some other large animals can be very aggressive and dangerous. A wolf or jackal caught in a trap, if handled carelessly, can seriously injure the trapper. Therefore, when coming into contact with wild animals, you must always anticipate all sorts of surprises, since the actions of animals in trouble can be unpredictable, lightning-fast and of incredible force. In such cases, animals are especially cunning. Thus, a bear, wild boar or tiger with a trap on its leg or wounded, noticing that they are being pursued by a hunter, as a rule, ambush him - they return to the side and hide in the thicket near their trail from where they are the first to attack the hunter(sick and wounded tigers become man-eaters - note by the website author).

In turn, unexpected decisive actions by a person that do not correspond to the current situation can cause confusion and inhibition of aggression in the attacking animal. There was a case at the Moscow Zoo when an attendant entered an enclosure with an African ostrich with a broom. The ostrich immediately rushed at him and struck him with his paw.(probably the author of the book means the powerful two-toed leg of an ostrich - note from the author of the website) could have killed, but the attendant was not taken aback and raised his broom, which turned out to be much higher than the ostrich, at arm's length. The bird instantly appreciated such a “growth” of the enemy, stopped and, fluffing its feathers, backed away. Knowing about this incident, I had to use something similar at the time of the attack on me wild moose, who stopped 3 meters away, - then I opened both floors of the soldier’s overcoat wide open in front of him. The animal lowered its head with its ears flattened, the raised fur on the back of the neck settled down and the elk, turning to the side, disappeared into the thicket.

You need to be very careful and prudent when disentangling from the net and tying the legs of caught deer or aurochs and other ungulates, which can, with a sharp jerk of the head or hind leg, break the bone of the catcher’s arm or leg, and also severely bite a kulan or wild boar caught in the net.

Wild animals perceive aggressive human actions with particular acuteness and remember them for a long time. For example, calmly floating wild ducks, having heard a shot that thundered a kilometer away from them, they instantly become alert and freeze with their heads raised on their outstretched necks. Fattening moose, hearing a distant doublet, also stop feeding and fuss around anxiously. In Taimyr on the river. Pyasina, where on water crossings Every year thousands of reindeer are shot from motor boats; 2 km away, on the approach to the reindeer crossing, the roar of a boat engine caused panic among an entire herd of reindeer. The animals huddled together, then the old lady jumped out to the side and led the whole herd headlong away from the river.

In the Pereslavl hunting estate, hunting for deer and wild boar was practiced “from the entrance” from an all-terrain vehicle. With the appearance of this car in the forest, all the deer, wild boars and roe deer fled several hundred meters away. This was explained by the fact that the animals’ memory of further human actions associated with the noise of the engine came to life - shots and bloody animals writhing in death throes. All this caused forest inhabitants panic fear.

Animals have a completely different attitude towards the operation of a motor that does not harm them. Thus, in the desert region of Parapamiza, they used a gas engine to pump water from a well into a pool - a drinking bowl intended for wild ungulates. At the sound of this engine, urials descended from the cliffs, and gazelles also gathered around.

Friendly attitude, affection and feeding animals fundamentally change their attitude towards people. Thus, in city parks, caring for squirrels turns them into completely tame animals. They climb onto visitors' laps without the slightest fear; sit on their palms and shell the sunflower seeds offered to them. In Abkhazia on the lake. Bibi-Syri, when breeding nutria freely, their regular feeding led to the fact that behind the boat with the helmsman clanking a bucket, the nutria swam in a crowd to the feeding rafts with live traps, where they were given food. The most tame animals came ashore and followed the helmsman almost to the hut, begging there for tasty handouts.

On Medny Island, regular feeding of Arctic foxes also made them tame. S.V. Marakov observed an amazing picture when, on November and December (pre-harvest days) in various parts of Medny Island and especially in the village of Preobrazhenskoye, at the same time (about 3 o’clock in the afternoon), a fisherman, dragging a smelling scent behind him on a rope the brawl walked through the entire village and whistled the police whistle. As soon as the first sounds were heard, wild blue foxes rushed from different ends, from the tundra and the coast, with their tails in the air. Having surrounded the person, they then calmly and calmly walked along the streets under the windows of houses, almost clinging to their feet, in a tight group (120-150 animals) until the very place where food was given out in the feeder-trap. And so on day after day until the catch, which usually began in early January.

And in the Pereslavl hunting farm, well-organized regular feeding of ungulates led to the fact that when the huntsman was delivering food on a horse in a sleigh, he was always followed at 20-30 paces by several dozen deer, roe deer and wild boars.

The given examples indicate the possibility of attracting many ungulates and fur-bearing animals to such an extent that you do not have to chase them through forest wilds and urems, but, at the desire of the hunter, force them to come to designated points to live traps-feeders. To manage animals in this way, you need to constantly study and be well aware of all the signs of their vital activity and habits.

Usually, psychics and mediums allegedly communicate with the spirits of the dead or with representatives of alien civilizations. But there are people who claim that they can establish a psychic connection with animals and can even tell the owner what the pet is missing.

1. Laura Stinchfield

One of California's most renowned "animal psychics," Laura Stinchfield has made a name for herself as a communication liaison between pets and their owners. She "specialises" in dog psychology and states that many dogs are aggressive due to PTSD. Stinchfield also claims that dogs are surprisingly perceptive and often want to give their owners advice about other people.

2. Hillary Renaissance

Hillary Renaissance specializes in finding lost animals. She learned about her gift at the age of 16, when she felt that her cat had a stomach ache. Then she helped one woman find her lost cat. Eventually, Renaissance realized that she could make a living from her unusual spiritual connection with animals. However, her occupation has its drawbacks. For example, the psychic admitted that if an animal has a headache, then she also starts to have a headache. She has helped dozens of people find their missing pets.

3. Terry Jay

In 1990, horse trainer Terry Jay from Reno announced that she had discovered the gift of psychic communication with animals. While working in an equine therapy program for disabled children, she suddenly realized that she could hear the thoughts of horses. Terry subsequently became a specialist in "psychic communication with horses", claiming that she could help with the behavior, training, health and handling of any horse. According to Terry Jay, each animal has a unique personality and point of view that she is supposedly able to recognize.

4. Paula Brown

Paula Brown is the founder of an art that she called fur shui (which combines communication with animals and feng shui). Paula, who is a graduate of the Tibetan Black Hat School, the Hawaiian Institute of Feng Shui, and also attended the Qi Gong program at the Imperial College of Traditional Oriental Medicine, claims to be able to communicate with animals and can improve their health by redirecting the chi energy in the animal's body. Despite the fact that Brown lives in California, her activities have become famous even in Finland.

5. Kazuko Tao

Kazuko Tao has always been interested in metaphysics, studying "meditation, energy healing of mind, body and spirit, and spiritual reading" in 1980. She became involved with animal communication after her cat got cancer.

Unlike many psychics who communicate with animals, Thao went to veterinary school and officially began working as a veterinary technician in 1988. Since 1990, she began offering her services in communicating with animals. Although Tao respects Western medicine, she prefers alternative medicine and treats animals with acupuncture, chiropractic care, and herbal infusions.

6. Karen Anderson

Karen Anderson worked as a deputy sheriff in Bailey, Colorado. Suddenly, Karen began to claim that her psychic abilities allowed her to read the energy of suspects and criminals. It turned out that when Karen was still a child, she discovered her ability to talk to animals by mentally calling a stray cat and instilling in him that she was a friend. Since 2002, the woman began working as a professional animal communicator, and she also allegedly helped law enforcement agencies solve crimes by communicating with the spirits of the dead.

7. Neville Rowe

Neville Rowe, an electrical engineer and hypnotherapist originally from New Zealand, claims to have come into contact with a group of six or seven dolphins living in different seas Worldwide. Soon Rowe stated that he began to mentally communicate with galactic social entities named Salts, which control the evolution of the Earth and solar system. Rowe eventually died as a result of a fall while hiking at Squaw Peak in Arizona.

8. Latifa Mina

Latifa Meena, who was originally a freelance technical trainer, eventually became the most renowned animal psychiatrist and animal liaison in Louisville, Kentucky. She claims to be able to communicate with animals, regardless of the language they are used to. She also claims to be able to communicate with the spirits of departed animals and can find out if they are happy beyond the bounds.

9. White earlobe

Dr. Shirley Lippensteiner worked for 10 years as a scientific anthropologist in South-East Asia, Northern and South America, Africa and Pacific Ocean. Near the ruins of an Aztec temple in Mexico, Lippensteiner allegedly fainted because " astral energy pierced her heart." After this, she gained new knowledge and began new life as Lobulo Blanco (white earlobe). Shirley now offers her services as a shaman.

10. Communication with dinosaurs

There are surprisingly few psychics who communicate with dinosaur spirits. In December 1995, a group of people appeared at the Burning Man festival offering psychic channeling with extinct lizards. In 2006, a certain Mademoiselle Simone tried to contact the client's father in order to find the missing will, but accidentally contacted the spirit of Dimetrodon.

The ghost of a dinosaur appeared in the green smoke, broke several crystals on the chandelier and roared something through the medium's mouth. The initially frustrated client allegedly checked his father's library and found the will in a book about dinosaurs.

Seven experiments that will change the world Sheldrake Rupert


In the city where I was born, Newark-on-Trent, there lived next door to us a widow who had a cat. The widow's son served in the merchant navy. This woman once said that she always knows exactly when her son will return from sailing, regardless of whether he reported it or not. She determined the moment of return by the behavior of the cat, which every time sat down on the rug near front door and meowed for an hour or two until the owner’s son appeared on the threshold. “That’s why I always managed to put the kettle on,” added the widow.

This woman was not at all prone to superstitions, although what she said looked quite fantastic. What made me think was the fact that she spoke completely calmly about this paranormal phenomenon. Did the cat really behave unusually or was its owner under the influence of some kind of illusion? I soon became convinced that many pet owners had similar stories to tell. Most of the narrators noted that their pets somehow accurately determine when long-absent family members should return home, and in most such cases they show anxiety before the owner appears.

In 1919, the American naturalist William Long published an extremely interesting book entitled “How Animals Talk,” where he described the behavior of his old setter named Don. In particular, he told how in school years Don met him upon his arrival from boarding school.

“When I entered school, I was involuntarily separated from Don, but it turned out that he always had a presentiment of when I should return home. The dog could dutifully remain near the house for months and obey my mother, who was not particularly interested in him, but as soon as I was supposed to arrive from the boarding school, Don would leave and wait for me on a hillock from which the entire surrounding area could be seen. Whenever I arrived, at noon or midnight, the dog invariably waited for me in the same place. One day I drove home unannounced, and at the same time Don unexpectedly ran away. He did not return home even to eat, and in the end my mother went to look for him and found him on the same hill. Seeing Don at the meeting place, she returned home and began cleaning my room, guessing that I would arrive soon. If the dog is used to spending time in some kind of certain place, her behavior can be explained in any way, but Don went out to the hill only when I had to return. Moreover, he always arrived at the meeting place a few minutes before I boarded the train. It turns out that Don always knew exactly when I was going home.”

There are a lot of such stories. Can we take them seriously? Any skeptic will always prefer to explain them by a random coincidence, the animal’s heightened sense of smell and hearing, its habits - or by the gullibility, trustfulness and self-deception of the owner who wants to believe in the unusualness of his pet.

But such conclusions do not have a serious scientific basis. No research in this area has yet been carried out at all, and not because no one is interested in this kind of experiment. On the contrary, the inexplicable abilities of domestic animals are of keen interest to everyone who has encountered their manifestations. The material side of research is also not a problem, since experiments in this area practically do not require special funding. I suppose that scientific work Three persistent prejudices stand in the way in this direction. This is a prejudice against research of any kind. paranormal phenomena, prejudice against taking pets seriously and prejudice against any experimentation with pets. At the end of the chapter I will detail the problems associated with these biases, but for now it is better to simply forget about them and turn to the actual experiments.

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Section 2 Animals and people Chapter 1 Prey, friends and enemies of primitive hunters B ancient times human life was closely connected with the animal world. Animals were the prey of hunters, a source of food and materials for clothing, and in many places a source

Today, many people probably know that our pets not only delight the eyes and ears. A cat, sitting comfortably on its owner’s belly, will successfully replace a doctor’s visit and a handful of medications, and a dog, thrilled at the doorstep when meeting you, will relieve stress better than valerian.

And yet, the capabilities of our little brothers are not limited to painkillers and psychotherapeutic abilities. Their mission in the human world is much more serious.


We have a good grasp of the real, material world. We work, raise children, build houses, love, get angry, cry or swear when events that are unfair from our point of view happen.

But what if we think wrongly and act wrongly? After all, our delusions, mistakes, resentments, anger and guilt undermine our health. This is where our four-legged friends come into the picture. This is the help of fate itself. But a person always decides for himself whether to accept it or refuse.

Lyuba's mother completely lost her temper. And all because of Murka. Ten times she sent the cat out of the nursery, but she stubbornly returned back. But Murka has always been a calm and docile creature. That's why her current behavior looked especially outrageous.

When in Once again the cat gracefully jumped onto the crib, the mother grabbed her by the scruff of the neck, angrily shook her finger at the cat’s nose and, hissing in a strangled voice: “Get out of here!”, happily pushed the savage out the window. She forgot to close the window - fortunately, as it turned out later.

And then this happened. Mom sat Lyubochka on a warm rug by the crib, pulled out a drawer with toys - and became numb. On the teddy bear lay... a snake. What happened next took a matter of seconds, but for mom, time stood still, and the world plunged into silent silence.

The snake turned, stretched out, then shrank, and a long thin ribbon appeared from its slightly open mouth. It was not difficult to understand that a throw would now follow. And suddenly a red shell seemed to fall, and right on the snake. The world regained its sounds and fell into its usual rhythm. Cat! The snake wriggled, trying to free itself, then suddenly went limp and quiet. Murka, raising her fluffy tail, walked away with dignity. She was no longer interested in Lyubochka's bed.

Subsequently, no matter how much the shocked mother told this chilling story, she invariably repeated: “But I wanted to give Murka to someone, she was of no use. But something stopped me."

Of course, this is an unusual case. But every pet lover has at least one in stock. amazing story about your pet. Or even several. They may not be so bright, but if you look at them more closely, you will have to admit the obvious: each animal in its own hour does something important that no one else can do except it.


Sometimes animals come into the house on their own. It happens that you pass by nine street dogs, and for some reason the tenth stops you. It seems like you weren’t going to, but suddenly you lend a helping hand, looking into the dog’s confused eyes. It seems like a coincidence. But there are no chance meetings. Vera Alekseevna is now absolutely sure of this. And it was like this.

She, as always, spent the evening alone. The husband had not returned yet, and he had been living according to his own schedule for a long time, it was a little sad, a little offensive and boring, the usual headache, tingling heart - in a word, everything was as always. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Vera Alekseevna listened: the knocking was somehow strange. I went and looked through the peephole - no one. She opened the door slightly. A large dog was sitting on the landing. Which one got to the third floor, why did he sneak into her apartment?

Vera Alekseevna was never interested in dogs, cats and other living creatures, and therefore closed the door and sat down in front of the TV again. But the strange feeling that they were waiting for her did not go away, and she felt out of place.

She went back into the corridor and opened the door again. The dog sat patiently on the platform. He seemed motionless like a statue, and only his eyes were alive and moist, as if in tears.

And then Vera opened the door and said: “Come in, I’ll feed you.” He carefully entered, ate carefully and, after circling in place, curled up and fell asleep. Until late at night, a woman sat next to a wonderful dog, getting ready, but not daring to send her out.

The husband came and expressed dissatisfaction. And Vera Alekseevna vowed to give the dog a home tomorrow... However, he still lives in this house. The housewife's heart began to hurt less often, the melancholy feeling of loneliness went away, and with it depression, and most importantly, the spouses for some reason began to quarrel less often.

So what happened? Vera Alekseevna sincerely considered herself lonely and no longer needed by anyone. The persistent belief that “it’s all my fault” did not bring relief. Illnesses came, the relationship with my husband went wrong. But then a dog appeared, and she realized that someone needed her. Subconsciously, she began to form a new belief: “They love me, I’m good.” The troubles subsided, my health began to improve, as did my relationship with my husband.


The normal human state is joy and happiness. A person lives in harmony with the world - and his soul is healthy. Illness, depression, melancholy, just discomfort - these are all signals of an unfavorable state of mind. The person is informed: “You are mistaken, you have chosen the wrong path.” And if you don’t pay attention to these signals, the situation will gradually worsen.

Each person has his own reserve of safety, but when it is exhausted, everything collapses at once: health, relationships, destiny... There is only one way out: urgently realize what is wrong in your life and fix it. And sometimes the greatest help in this is not sorcerers and grandmothers, but our pets. They voluntarily take upon themselves the problems and illnesses of their owners and thus give us the opportunity to gain time, to feel and correct our error.

Scientists no longer deny that every person is surrounded by a bioenergy field (aura). It carries all the information about us, our thoughts, feelings, attitude towards the world. Our fields interact always and everywhere, but especially intensely between close people, within the family circle. So bad thoughts, negative emotions, a negative attitude, alas, are not our personal business. All this becomes the property of those who communicate with us.

The most susceptible, and therefore defenseless, are children and animals, that is, those who absolutely trust us. They sometimes become scapegoats, and sometimes it is they who receive the punishments we deserve.

Natalya's old dog died. It’s a pity, but what can you do: he was sick for a long time. Natalia took another puppy. He soon died from acute poisoning. Two dogs taken in succession also escaped in succession. The dog epic lasted four years. All this time, day after day, minor troubles with my daughter were repeated. Gradually they developed into hostility. The girl closed herself off, moved away, and then completely went to live with a friend.

The sequence is depressingly obvious: first dogs, then people. It is not difficult to understand that the animals tried, but were unable to help their owners, since mother and daughter stubbornly attributed all the dog’s troubles to the category of accidents.

But there are no accidents, there are patterns. Any injury received by a pet, any misfortune or illness that has happened to it is a signal of trouble inner world his owner. And if your shaggy friend died, it was only to ward off trouble from you. At least for a while. So that you wake up and look inside yourself.

Moreover, often the very nature of your four-legged friend’s illness or the location of the injury he received clearly indicates the type of delusion that prevents his owner from living. If the situation persistently repeats or the disease becomes chronic, this indicates that the owner has not changed his worldview and the mistakes made have not taught him anything.

For example, injuries to a dog's hind legs are evidence that the owner stubbornly clings to his old ideas and does not want to move forward. The front paws suffer if the beloved owner underestimates himself, becomes timid, gives in and misses favorable opportunities. The eyes and ears often hurt in animals forced to be in an atmosphere of eternal discontent and resentment, envy or lies.


Of course, it is very unpleasant to realize that our thoughts and our feelings influence the fate of those around us, that our innocent loved ones are responsible for our delusions. And what if your pet is injured? Should I resign myself or be tormented by remorse? No. We must try to understand and correct the mistake.

And also - thank him for the lesson. Of course, verbal gratitude will not do here. Perhaps what is much more important is what you do with your savior in the future. Will you endure and treat your aging beast or will you break down one day and want to get rid of him? The choice is always yours.

The young couple, Katya and Victor, had no children. They went through more than one course of treatment - and all to no avail. “Get a dog, but one that no one needs, and take care of it,” a familiar old healer advised them. Well, we picked up the first puppy we came across. And when he grew up and became stronger, the child was born.

At this time, the neighbors were diligently getting rid of the aging shepherd dog that was boring them. The couple took pity on her and took her in. The neighbor's apartment was soon robbed, then the neighbor suffered from sciatica. Chance or coincidence, but Victor and Katya are convinced: this is the price for betrayal.

Look into the eyes of your carefree cat or careless dog. They are entirely dependent on you, they are completely in your power. But who knows, maybe we need them more than they need us?