Dream of washing clothes in a washing machine. Erase the interpretation of the dream book

In dreams, we sometimes have to do the most ordinary everyday things that are so familiar and simple. For example, laundry! Well, what could be more familiar and ordinary?

We do this often, we wash it bed sheets, then clothes or various things. But you will be surprised to learn how many interesting and important meanings washing has in dreams! Find out why you dream about washing from the dream book - it has all the answers and interpretations.

Most often, washing appears in dreams good sign, and the dream book predicts a lot of good things. But in order to find out the interpretation reliably and accurately, remember and take into account all the details. Your forecast will depend on them. For example:

  • In dreams, wash things by hand or in a washing machine.
  • Wash your own or other people's clothes.
  • Wash your dress, bedding or underwear, socks.
  • Dirty laundry is not washed.
  • See washed clothes.

Remember what happened exactly in your case and interpret the dream.

What does it mean?

What exactly did you dream about, under what circumstances, where and how? Take into account all the details, and you will find out why you dream about washing in your case.

The dream book claims that the washing process itself in dreams is a good sign, symbolizing cleansing. It's time to get clean, get it done! Maybe it's time to put things in order in the house - a general, thorough cleaning. Perhaps the dream is telling you that it’s time to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and put things in order in your head. Or maybe it's time to cleanse the body and have a fasting day?

If you had to do a lot of laundry in a dream, this sure sign- you should get rid of extra rubbish, which has accumulated over many years. Each of us accumulates unnecessary connections, contacts, affairs, wastes time on a huge amount of unnecessary fuss. Think seriously about what is truly important to you. Are you wasting yourself on something unnecessary, unnecessary communication, useless things? Get rid of this “junk”, then your life will become better and more successful.

Did you dream about someone doing laundry or something else? This dream foretells you victory in the struggle. The competition will end with your unconditional victory, but for this you need to be honest, fearless and confident that you are right.

If you dream of washed laundry, then happiness awaits you in reality thanks to the efforts that you are ready to show. If you are not afraid, doubtful or lazy, make every effort - you will achieve not only what you want, but even more. And you will get great happiness!

If you washed dirty laundry with your hands in a dream, and you manage to wash it, this means good sleep. Soon your affairs will improve, and if you have problems, you will be able to overcome them yourself. Washing by hand is a symbol of labor for one’s own good. Know that everything you do is not in vain. Don’t spare any effort and don’t complain about fate, because you yourself will be able to build your life exactly the way you want. It's within your power!

Have you had to wash your clothes in a dream, but they remained dirty or even got dirtier? This is a warning: be careful. Take care of yourself from vicious thoughts or actions, keep your conscience and soul clean. You can't clean up your reputation! If you rinsed your laundry in cold, or, then in reality courage and conscience will help you in any task, even the most difficult one.

What exactly did you wash?

This is also important in interpretation. If you remember that it was socks or, say, a dress, the meanings of such dreams will be different. What was it? The dream book will give answers.

Let's see what dreams of washing underwear mean. This means that you will soon put things in order in your personal life. If you have problems in a couple relationship, or you are lonely, then it will soon get better. And you can do it yourself! Doing laundry or other purely feminine things means taking care of yourself and becoming more attractive in reality in the eyes of those around you.

Bed linen that you have washed indicates an improvement in family matters and love. Conflicts will go away, and you will learn to get rid of unnecessary fears and suspicions, and say goodbye to old grievances. Do it!

Washing something personal, for example, is advice. Keep your secrets to yourself, don't show them to everyone. Don't show your feelings if it's inappropriate. Especially bad feelings - jealousy, envy, bitterness. Such feelings need to be overcome, and not shown to others.

If you washed for someone, and not your own thing, this means you will be helping someone. You will take responsibility for someone’s affairs, or perhaps you will simply educate someone and give advice. It’s great that you think not only about yourself, but don’t forget - you shouldn’t take on more than you are asked to do.

Listen to the wise advice of ancient dream books - they are written for a reason, and these tips can really give a lot of benefit to each of us. Remember that nothing in our lives happens by itself - everything is a consequence of our own actions and thoughts. Think about happiness and you will have it!

A person spends about a third of his life sleeping, so not everyone can treat this time with indifference. It is believed that dreams carry sacred meaning. According to some reports, at this time a person can communicate with his subconscious directly, while others are sure that in a dream a person finds himself in parallel realities. Since ancient times it has been believed that higher powers communicate with us through dreams and convey in this way important information, warning us or directing us on the right path. According to evidence, anyone can see the future or a warning in a dream; the main thing is to notice it and interpret it correctly. There are often situations when a person misinterprets a dream, and ultimately sets himself up for trouble. Therefore, it is important to take this issue seriously. On at the moment There are many dream books compiled by famous psychologists, esotericists and astrologers. And almost every event experienced in a dream can be looked at with different sides. Many people often wonder why they dream about doing laundry. There are many interpretations on this matter; let’s consider them in more detail.

Modern dream book: washing in a dream - why dream

In modern terms it means a harbinger of rivalry. In this case, the dreamer will definitely win in it, without any losses and completely maintaining his own dignity. If in a dream a person dreams that his linen or outerwear are washed cleanly and efficiently, it means that soon order and harmony will come to all his affairs. A dream where a person hangs out clean laundry is also considered a positive symbol. In this case, according to the modern dream book, it is believed that a whole series of new achievements and records will come in the dreamer’s life, which will undoubtedly break out of the rut of everyday life and give real vitality for the future. Also, rivalry awaits a person who sees in a dream how he carries laundry to the laundry. In this case, to the question of why you dream about washing things, there is only one answer - it foreshadows the appearance of competitors. A negative symbol is a washerwoman coming into the house; she warns of the loss of valuables or of the dreamer’s imminent illness. But washing underwear indicates that soon all the troubles will leave the sleeping person.

Miller's Dream Book

According to this dream book, using a new washing machine to do laundry in a dream means that a person is carefully preparing for changes in his own life, perhaps there is a political event coming up, innovations in business, or he simply wants to change his appearance, make it more perfect. If you wash clothes in a dream with someone else, this means that in the future you may need the help and support of friends or colleagues. When asked why he dreams of washing by hand, Miller replies that this is a sign that the dreamer will have to solve future problems on his own, without anyone’s help.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to this dream book, washing in dirty water warns that intrigues will weave around the sleeper, gossip will spread, people will gossip unhealthy about the dreamer’s life. If you are wondering why you dream of washing clothes according to Vanga’s dream book, then it is interpreted that you will soon establish old connections, and perhaps find new investors or suppliers. If a person does laundry in a dream and cannot get rid of dirt and stains, this is not a very good dream. It means that fate is preparing an unfavorable, perhaps even critical, turn. Also, according to Vanga’s dream book, washing can mean a change in the sleeper’s worldview.

Freud's Dream Book

The great psychologist believed that washing clothes in a dream means a desire to get rid of unpleasant and bad moments in life. real life. As for dreams where a man sees a very beautiful girl washing his clothes, this means that the dreamer is tired of the monotony in sexual relationships, and he is looking for new sensations; perhaps he subconsciously strives to establish similar contacts on the side.

Freud answers the question of why one dreams of doing laundry this way: a person wants to get rid of shame for actions committed during sexual relations. If the dreamer tries to wash away dirty stains, this means treason. In a dream where a person gives his own things to be washed by other people, the subconscious speaks of a denial of responsibility for mistakes made in bed and a desire to bring this issue to public attention. Hanging out laundry in a dream indicates that people will soon find out about the individuals with whom the dreamer is sleeping.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

According to this dream book, the answer to the question of why you dream that you are doing laundry is a warning about an imminent illness. If a person sees in a dream how others are erasing, then this speaks of success in the struggle, of victory over ill-wishers.

Cleanly washed laundry portends good luck, but if it is even a little dirty, then troubles and disappointments lie ahead. If a man sees in a dream how a girl he likes does laundry, then soon he will have a love affair.

Why do you dream that you are doing laundry: Avadyaeva’s dream book

This dream book interprets events more carefully than others. Washing a shirt in a dream means that one will soon have financial losses. And if a person uses a washing machine while doing laundry in a dream, then this is a direct sign that he will soon encounter obstacles in his own way. For a man, a dream in which a woman washes his clothes is a warning that perhaps soon some strong and greedy person will begin to manipulate him, and, most likely, she will be older. If a person washes his underwear in a dream, this means treason and betrayal on the love front.

Dreams in which a person makes his bed with dirty linen indicate that something will soon offend him, hurt his feelings, and such a dream also promises trouble and retribution for his actions. If in a dream a person washes other people’s things, then this is a warning that the dreamer has lost his way and, while solving small and insignificant problems, misses more important troubles that can deprive him of everything he has achieved.

Sleep is an important part of our life; good sleep largely determines our mood and physical condition person throughout the day. Very often a person feels sleep-deprived because of a dream.

A dream is our subconscious, but why do we dream about a washing machine? Quite rarely, but people ask such a question; here are several interpretations of such a dream.

What the dream book says

Often, when a person wakes up, he does not remember the content of the dream, but remembers that he dreamed of a washing machine. What could such a dream mean, and what does it portend? Let's see the answer to general question in various dream books.

  • According to Miller's dream book, washing in a washing machine foreshadows a struggle, which for the one who sees the dream will end in victory. If you wash very dirty clothes in a machine, then in reality you cannot avoid gossip about yourself. For a woman, a dream in which she pulls clean bed linen out of the drum means that passionate feelings will soon surge.
  • By English dream book, a washing machine means that one of the areas of your life needs to be well “washed” from dirty and negative thoughts and actions.
  • From the point of view of the Jewish dream book, a dream about a washing machine indicates that you will soon get rid of bad memories or forget about an important matter.
  • According to Felomena’s dream book, a washing machine in a dream portends anxiety and fuss.
  • The Wanderer's Dream Book interprets a washing machine as worries and troubles.
  • According to the modern dream book, a machine in a dream symbolizes changes in life. For some, these changes will be related to work and career, and for others, to personal relationships. At the same time, in order to achieve better changes, you will have to work very hard and part with your old way of life or even with people.

Important! If after a dream you are in a positive mood, then most likely the dream foreshadows something joyful; if after seeing a washing machine in a dream there is a stone in your soul, then expect trouble.

Washing in a washing machine: the meaning of sleep

If you clearly see in a dream how you put laundry into a washing machine, select, and the machine washes the laundry, then this indicates that you will defend your honor and dignity because of ridiculous gossip. If the linen is clean, then you will be able to “wash” your reputation. Otherwise, your plans may be shaken.

In addition, looking at a working washing machine means that you will soon do household chores and chores that will bring you joy.

If in a dream you look at a washing machine, but at the same time wash with your hands, this means that in real life you are afraid that your secrets will be revealed. Wash clothes according to Lunar dream book, both yours and someone else’s, indicates that you need to cry into your friend’s “vest”. But Tsvetkova’s Dream Interpretation, on the contrary, claims that washing other people’s things in the machine is automatic - you will soon help your friend in a difficult situation.

Let's celebrate! How larger size dream of a car, the more significant events will happen in life that you cannot help but pay attention to.

What does the purchase of a new car or its repair portend?

If in a dream you buy a new car in a store, then in reality you will find joy and good luck. If a car is bought as a gift for a woman, then to joy, and as a gift for a man, to surprise.

The Dream Book of the White Magician warns us, which says that if you bought a new car and it doesn’t work, then expect trouble from envious people. A washing machine breaks down in a dream - this means a change in your personal life; your subconscious mind says that your feelings for to a loved one cooled down. You will meet a person who will heal your emotional wounds.

Seeing water flowing from a car in a dream foreshadows gossip, but if foam flows from a drum, then you cannot avoid conflict. Seeing a lot of foam inside the machine portends a scandal.

So, to see a washing machine in a dream means going through some events in your personal life. It could be simple chores, or parting with anyone. Listen to your own feelings, do not forget about other details of the dream, this is the only way you can more accurately understand what the dream meant.

Many women, seeing similar dream, try to quickly look into the dream book. Doing laundry in a dream often promises good events (although there are exceptions). Such a dream is often dreamed by women; for men, such a dream is rare.

What if you dream about doing laundry?

If you dreamed of washing clothes, the dream book will help you interpret such a dream. Depending on what circumstances accompany the dream, this will be the interpretation. If in a dream a young girl washes her clean clothes, and the water is clear, then this indicates the purity of the thoughts and intentions of the sleeping woman. In the near future, nothing will darken her life; she will be quite carefree.

If the laundry is dirty and the girl cannot wash it, such a dream promises troubles and a struggle with life circumstances. Slanders and not very good acquaintances are possible. If a woman dreams of washing her clean clothes, then such a dream can foreshadow a happy family life. Washing children's underwear promises health and an addition to the family.

Also, such a dream may not have any meaning; it may be caused by recent events. Let's say a woman washed her clothes the day before; this could be deposited in the subconscious, and then realized in a dream. In such a situation, the dream book will not help. Washing clothes by hand means that you need to make some effort to achieve your goal, and unexpected obstacles may also arise.

Washing dirty linen with your hands means shame and unfair slander. If a man had such a dream, then one should expect troubles at work; the deal may not end as planned. The machinations of enemies are possible; you must be as careful as possible and not agree to dubious offers.

It is important to remember that the same dream can different people come true in different ways. We must try not to attach to what we see of great importance. Only a professional can correctly explain a dream, who is quite difficult to find, given large number charlatans in this area.

The washing machine appeared not so long ago, but if you dream about it, you can look at a modern dream book. Washing clothes in a machine means quickly overcoming obstacles; although there will be difficulties, they will be minor, and everything will end in success. You can also have a similar dream if you bought a washing machine the day before.

Any purchase is always a strong impression, so it is not surprising that an event can be seen in a dream. If a woman dreams of a washing machine, then this can also induce sleep. Washing other people's things in a washing machine clean water- for a successful acquaintance, you may have to help friends or acquaintances. If things stranger at first dirty, and then become clean, foreshadows participation and help from the sleeping person.

Washing other people's things with your hands can promise an unexpected acquaintance that can be beneficial and help solve the problem. Wash the clothes of your loved ones, protect them from hostility and slander. If a wife dreams that she washes her husband’s clothes with her hands, and at the same time cannot wash them, then this is a bad sign. Perhaps the husband has his own secrets that he hides intensely.

Such a dream may portend difficulties in family life, and even foreshadow divorce. But if a wife washes her husband’s things until they are clean, then the family will survive no matter what, and all possible difficulties will not affect family relationships. Wash your loved one's things cold water- to cooling in love, alienation, indifference, and on his part.

What does it portend?

What does a dream portend if you dream of washing a white sheet in a flowing river. If a married woman or man saw such a dream, then this is a sign of a happy life together. All the intrigues of envious people will not affect the happy couple. If a young girl had such a dream, then this is a sign of a successful marriage and a change in her usual life.

If the water was dirty and the sheet was dirty, then this may portend tears, an unsuccessful marriage, gossip, hard life in the near future. Washing your things in an ice hole means sadness and dissatisfaction in your personal life. Don't forget about psychological dream book. From the point of view of a psychologist, seeing yourself erasing in a dream indicates that a person is too critical of his person. Can't find the one thing the right decision, is often lost and doesn’t know what to do.

He is never satisfied with the result of his work; such people eat themselves. A person needs to understand what situation he is in and try to treat himself less critically, otherwise he can reach a psychological breakdown. Wash your underwear in a very hot water- to danger, if burns appear on your hands, then the situation is serious.

We must try to avoid unpleasant situations. Wash things in boiling water and not get burned - the danger will pass by and will not affect the sleeper, this is a fairly good dream. To wash a torn old thing is to try in vain to restore a relationship, or to try to pull off a business that is doomed to failure.

Many clairvoyants and psychics claim that prophetic dreams are quite rare. And if you try to solve every dream, while constantly worrying and being afraid, then you can unwittingly attract bad events to yourself. In addition, negative emotions are harmful to health.

Dreams are an integral part of human life. But don’t get hung up on solving dreams, this will only lead to mental disorder and will not help in life. After all, deciphering a dream is not an easy task and is not accessible to everyone. Although, sometimes (extremely rarely) you can see prophetic dream.

The expression “big wash” is popularly associated with taking out dirty linen in public and washing out the bones. Why do you dream of washing clothes or household items? The dream book gives an ambiguous answer to this question, but often what happens in a dream has nothing to do with gossip and gossip.

To dream that you are washing something is a clear sign of change. Right now you are on the path of serious changes in life, but the dream book advises not to take risks, and if something doesn’t work out, just wait a short time.

According to Miller’s dream book, washing clothes in a dream is a symbol of the struggle against the circumstances in life. You can find out how this fight will end from the details in a dream: if the laundry is washed clean, you will be a winner, but if there are stains on it, or even worse - the rags have become even dirtier - beware, life will bring a lot of disappointments and sorrows.

Why dream of washing a blanket? You will finally decide to “look into the eyes” of a long-standing problem, and stop hiding from the current circumstances. Strength of spirit will be given to you from above, and it will help you cope with all troubles.

If you had to wash the carpet in a dream, then in reality you will have to make excuses to your family for your own well-being. Never forget those who helped you get to where you are today good position, otherwise luck may run out at the most decisive moment.

What does it mean to wash in a dream according to the Ukrainian Dream Book? If you are directly involved in washing, then you will experience a loss cash. If from the outside you see that someone is rinsing and wringing out laundry, then in real life you will be overtaken by a serious illness.

For those whose conscience is not clear, washing a towel in a dream is a symbol of the dream book about the atonement of sins. In the coming days, you will do a good deed that can erase the feeling of guilt and give you long-awaited redemption. But this good will be done at a loss; after such an act it will be difficult to cope with difficulties for some time.

What will he say dream book XXI centuries about what it means to wash in a dream? For a young girl, this is a sign of betrayal, and it is not known whether she will become a victim, or whether she herself will turn out to be a malicious traitor. But if the laundry was spinning in the washing machine, then in reality the people around you will be replaced by more worthy ones.

From the outside psychoanalytic dream book why you dream of washing curtains is a sign of difficult internal experiences. You did a bad thing in the past, or found yourself in an ambiguous situation, and now you are trying to get rid of depressing memories.

Why dream of washing things?

For caring parents washing children's clothes by hand in a dream is a symbol of the care they show to their children. Do not doubt that the children, after they “get back on their feet,” will definitely repay you with affection, love and help.

Washing panties with your hands is an expression of guilt towards your sexual partner. Freud's dream book claims that you have either already cheated, or have been eyeing members of the opposite sex for a long time, flirting with them.

If a newly married girl had to do laundry in a dream wedding dress, then the dream book predicts dissatisfaction with married life. Everything will not be the way you wanted it, and you will need to use all your willpower to stay with your loved one, despite life circumstances.

Why dream of washing pants? If the trousers had pockets, then the dream book foreshadows winning or receiving a reward. The absence of pockets means that you will figuratively “be left without pants”; financial problems will come when you least expect it.

The dream book interprets in two ways what it means to dream of washing socks. If you are absolutely sure that the socks in your dream belong to you, then this is a sign of your self-confidence, which will help you overcome many obstacles. Other people's socks are a sign in the dream book that you will have to engage in sycophancy in order to achieve your goal.

For a man, washing a shirt in a dream is a symbol of his partner’s betrayal. This dream is especially true if dirt was dripping from your shirt in clumps. But if the water in the basin turns out to be clean, then all suspicions and jealousy have no reliable basis.

Why dream of washing a dress? If a girl in love saw such a plot, then in reality she can expect an early invitation to a date from her lover. For a married woman, this dream promises temptation.

If you dreamed that you were washing things in the laundry, then in reality you will fall into disrepute and become the subject of gossip and gossip. Don’t do controversial things, and then people’s rumors will be avoided.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • If the linen is light-colored - to good news; colored - bad.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • If you wash light-colored clothes- to good news; color- to the bad ones.

New family dream book

  • We saw laundry in a dream- enter into a struggle that will end in your victory and lead you to success.
  • Cleanly washed clothes- means that your aspirations will bring you complete happiness.
  • If in a dream you are unhappy with the result of washing- in reality you will fail.
  • Pretty girl doing laundry- dreams of forbidden pleasures.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • underwear - betrayal, personal loss - with hands;
  • washing in the machine - a change of place or circle of acquaintances.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • Wash clothes by hand- betrayal, personal loss; machine washable- change of place or circle of acquaintances.

Esoteric dream book

  • Wash linen- from memory unseemly actions or painful memories. Everything that bothers you will soon be forgotten, painful experiences will leave you.
  • Eraser- don’t worry about gossip or offensive slander, they will soon be forgotten.
  • Hanging out clean laundry after washing- to new achievements, optimism and activity.

Esoteric dream book

  • Linen - erase unseemly deeds or painful memories from memory. Everything that bothers you will soon be forgotten, painful experiences will leave you.
  • With an eraser - don’t worry about gossip or offensive slander, they will soon be forgotten.
  • Hanging out clean laundry after washing is a sign of new achievements, optimism and activity.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Wash- get sick, washing- loss.

Dream Interpretation Veles

  • Washing feces from laundry- financial troubles, loss of money through your own fault.
  • Wash clothes- illness and troubles, the dirtier the linen, the stronger the troubles.
  • Wash underwear- passion for order, putting one's affairs in order.

Dream book of lovers

  • If you dreamed that you washed clothes that became clean- this portends you honest relationship with your chosen one.
  • Dirty laundry- on the contrary, it promises trouble.
  • A man who dreams of a pretty girl washing clothes- will seek forbidden pleasures.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Wash, rinse - build relationships; family feuds; treason. Wet laundry means difficult relationships.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Wash, rinse- build relationships; family feuds; treason.
  • Wet laundry- difficult relationships.

Old Russian dream book

  • underwear - betrayal, personal loss.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

  • Seeing yourself erasing in a dream means a struggle with the past, which will end in your victory. If after washing your clothes become clean, all your aspirations will bring you success. If dirt stains remain on the laundry, then you may fail.
  • If a woman does laundry in a dream, she dreams of purchasing expensive things. If a man does the laundry, in the near future he will have an unpleasant conversation related to everyday problems.
  • Washing clothes means the need to change your life.

Dream Book of Winged Phrases

  • WASH - “to wash dirty linen” - to put things in order, but “to pick through dirty linen” - gossip, unseemly curiosity. “Erase traces (of crime)”; “soak” - kill; "eraser"

Russian dream book

  • Unfavorable turn in fate

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Washing in a dream- this is a harbinger of quarrels and troubles.
  • Seeing someone washing clothes- means that you risk being drawn into some kind of conflict.
  • Washing clothes yourself in a dream- a sign that some kind of scandal may have a bad impact on your reputation and position in society, and you will need to make a lot of effort to solve this problem.

Modern combined dream book

  • If you dreamed that you were washing clothes- in reality, a struggle awaits you, from which you will emerge victorious and achieve happiness.
  • Cleanly washed clothes- a sign of good luck.
  • If things remain dirty- an unfavorable turn in fate awaits you.
  • See beautiful girl for laundry- means that you will strive for entertainment outside your environment.
  • If you dreamed that a laundress came to your home- in real life you are threatened by illness or the loss of something valuable.
  • Being in a laundry room in a dream- prediction of rivalry and competitions.

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    By dream book Miller wash clothes in dream- a symbol of the struggle against the circumstances in life. You can find out how this fight will end by looking at the details. in dream: if the laundry is washed clean, you will be a winner, but if there are still stains on it, or even worse - the rags have become even dirtier - beware, life will bring a lot of disappointments and sorrows. For caring parents wash baby things hands in dream- a symbol of the care they show to their children. Read more

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    If you dreamed, what do you wash clothes- in reality, a struggle awaits you, from which you will emerge victorious and achieve happiness. Cleanly washed cloth- a sign of good luck. If things remain dirty, an unfavorable turn in fate awaits you. In dream wash underwear hands- to betrayal, troubles in your personal life, in the car - to changes in the environment. Washing powder in dream- a sign that hard work awaits you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Why dreaming Washing By dream book: WashingWash in dream cloth WashingIn dream see wash underwear hands- to betrayal, troubles in your personal life, in the car - to changes in the environment. Washing powder in dream- a sign that hard work awaits you. If you dreamed about it laundry - people's rumor, chatter will bring you trouble. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    I dreamed about it washing clothes or dirty laundry Wash dirty laundry and clothes in dream- you will have to defend your reputation. You behaved so frivolously and carelessly in reality that it left a significant imprint on your reputation. Now you have an urgent need to clear your name before others, to correct the sins you once committed. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.guru"

    Female dream book. Why dreaming WashingWash in dream means to enter into a struggle with circumstances that will lead you to success. If cloth washed clean - your victory will be complete, all your wishes will come true. Dream Interpretation WashingIn dream wash underwear hands- to betrayal, troubles in your personal life, in the car - to changes in the environment. Washing powder in dream- a sign that hard work awaits you. If you dreamed about it laundry - people's rumor, chatter will bring you trouble. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If dreamed wash underwear, dream book will help interpret such a dream. Depending on the circumstances surrounding dream, this will be the interpretation. In such a situation it will not help dream book. Wash underwear hands, means that you need to make some effort to achieve your goal, and unexpected obstacles may also arise. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    If you dreamed about it washing, and as a result you saw a cleanly washed clothes, That Washing see in dream: Wash shirt - lose money. If you dreamed What is this dream warns of possible family breakdown. Wash hands- lose some positions in...Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-one"

    Dream Interpretation - wash clothes. If you dreamed about it washing- this may symbolize some kind of internal cleansing, when you get rid of some habits that are preventing you from moving forward, change your point of view. Wash someone else's clothes in dreams means that in real life you will help someone feel more confident. Ancient oracles believed that washing clothes in dream- this is a sign of great luck, and cloth in stains or taking a bath in clothes means failure. Read more

    Dream book "sny-sonnik"

    Dream Wash Saw in dream washing: Enter into a fight that will end in your victory and lead you to success. Cleanly washed cloth: means that your aspirations will bring you complete happiness. Dream Interpretation Wash In dream wash underwear hands: to betrayal, troubles in your personal life, in the car. Washing powder in dream: A sign that hard work awaits you. If you dreamed about it laundry: people's rumors, chatter will bring you trouble. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-mira"

    It is important that during dreamed washing the laundry was washed, because dirty spots are a symbol of problems. The success of the started enterprise symbolizes dream where are you washed clothes. Washing underwear predicts trouble, underwear - what you wanted to keep secret will become public knowledge. Difficulties are foreshadowed by a dream about washing hands.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "bledans"

    Wash hands- you can only count on your own own strength in solving a difficult problem. Wash on a washing machine - if you need help from friends, think carefully about which of them you can trust. What does it mean dream wash, meaning sleep wash, dreamed wash, dream, meaning What if dreaming wash underwear? Very good sign is if in dream cloth after washing became spotlessly clean. This also indicates that most of the dreamer’s aspirations and plans in real life will be crowned with success. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « Dream Interpretation wash Clothes dreamed, why dreaming in dream wash Clothes"Clean laundry means that any troubles can be overcome without much difficulty. If it turns into dirty rags, you are not yet ready to deal with the circumstances. Besides this, wash clothes hands- to change in romantic relationships, more often negative than vice versa. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Why dreaming underwear wash in dream. Dream, in which someone erases underwear is often interpreted as an unfavorable sign. Washing hands- to the loss of their positions. Also dream, in which someone erases linen, is a reflection of the need to carry out general cleaning. In addition, it is considered a symbol of illness and failure. The cleaner the laundry you wash, the faster you can deal with them. Read more

    Dream interpretation "junona"

    Interpretation dreams Wash, dream Wash, dreamed Wash.If after washing yours cloth has become pure - all your aspirations will bring you success. Dream Interpretation Wash. underwear - betrayal, personal loss - hands; washing in the car - a change of place or circle of acquaintances. Read more

    Dream book "snovid"

    faith In dream washed a towel, not even washed and washed away the stains. Then I wrung it out and threw it away. In my opinion, the stains remained. What is this for? Victor is now having problems in his relationship with his beloved, today dreamed what do I see as her erases clothes, sort of hands in a basin, why would that be? washing dreaming for the first time in my life. Nina I see it very often dream: erases washing machine a huge amount of laundry, yesterday it was dirty and a mess, but today I wash white, clean...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    Fortune telling by hand.In total wash in dream underwear means that in real life the person who dreamed about it dream will come to grips with For married women to see in dream the way she erases clothes in the washing machine, will mean that she will soon have to do...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    In dream wash underwear hands- to betrayal, troubles in your personal life, in the car - to changes in the environment. Washing powder in dream- a sign that hard work awaits you. If you dreamed about it laundry - people's rumors, chatter will bring you trouble. Washing - Wash in dream means to enter into a struggle with circumstances that will lead you to success. If cloth washed clean - your victory will be complete, all your wishes will come true. Read more

    Dream book "taro-mymagic"

    Wash, rinse dirty laundry, clothes in dream– if you dreamed, what do you wash dirty or dark clothes or clothes and the water is dirty, then squabbles, gossip and an unpleasant situation await you. Look interesting video about ways and simple techniques how to see the prophetic dream, call him like in dream get an answer to exciting question, in section > Dream Interpretation online.Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Had a dream wash dirty hands? Soon cure your old illness. Also wash their in dream means getting the necessary protection in time. Try to take measures in time so as not to prolong the disease. Get dirty hands in black soot in dream- in reality you will spend a long time sorting out relations with your family. When you saw that the child was very dirty hands, clothesdream book indicates: you show insufficient care for your children. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "nepoznannogo"

    If you happen to wash other people's things, you yourself will sin by judging your neighbor. Had a dream that you cannot remove blood or any other stain from clothes - dream book advises you not to take risks, but to make decisions only after serious consideration. At home wash and hang clothes in dream- to the fact that you finally decide to deal with the annoying problem. Hands wash children's things - to excessive care of younger family members. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « Dream Interpretation Wash hands dreamed about it, why dreaming in dream Wash hands"Why? dreaming Wash hands in dream By dream book? Had a dream, How wash hands, - in solving difficult problems and tasks you will have to rely only on yourself and your own strengths. There will be no outside help, so don’t wait for it in vain, but save up your resources to cope with difficulties.