How to get rid of junk and unnecessary things? The energy of old things: getting rid of them correctly.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 6 minutes


Is there at least one Russian family in whose bins there will be no old furniture, stacks of Soviet magazines tied with ropes, old shoes “for the dacha” and other things that require urgent evacuation to the trash heap? Probably not. We are all Plyushkins in some way, and on every balcony, in the pantry, on mezzanines and cabinets, “sources of mites, allergens, mold and moths” have been stored for decades.

Do you need to get rid of old stuff, and how to do it wisely?

Why do you need to get rid of old things?

  • Old things clutter up space in the house and prevent not only free circulation clean air, but also (according to Feng Shui) qi (life) energy. You can relate to the philosophy of Feng Shui itself in different ways, but deny negative impact junk in the house cannot be harmful to the health of the household. Old things bring us old energy, dust, mites, etc., responding with poor health, laziness, apathy, and as a result - negative thoughts and projecting them onto your life.
  • If you want to change anything in your life, start small. There will be no order in your life and in your head if there is no order in your home. Any changes are good. And as a rule, just by getting rid of the junk in your apartment, you begin to feel changes for the better.
  • Old things in the house and attachment to them are programming yourself for poverty. We say to ourselves: “what if I throw away this sofa now and can’t buy a new one?”, projecting our pessimism in advance onto our well-being.
  • According to a Chinese proverb, the new will not appear in life until the old is gone. Junk and old things are the main obstacle to vital energy. That is, until you make room for the “new”, you will have to live with the “old” (with all the ensuing consequences).
  • The most negative energy accumulates in those corners of the apartment where old things have been lying for years , and where the hands of the owners do not reach. Old, out-of-fashion boots with worn-out heels, boxes with old dishes, skis and skates from childhood and especially chipped cups, clothes that have become unusable, broken radios and other things that are “a shame to throw away” - this is the source negative energy. By clearing our home of such energy and junk, we open the doors to happiness, abundance and harmony.
  • Of course, throwing away family jewelry and antiques from your great-grandmothers makes no sense. But if these items evoke unpleasant emotions or memories in you, you also need to get rid of them (give them away, sell them, take them to a salon, etc.). Any antique thing is a powerful energy. If you are not sure of its origin and positive history, you should not keep such an item in your home.
  • A fact established by experts: old, unnecessary things in the house also negatively affect the psyche of household members . Getting rid of junk is tantamount to effective “psychotherapy” that helps relieve stress and protect against depression.
  • Carpets are warm, soft and beautiful. We won't argue. But old carpets in the house (and new ones too) are a source of dust, mites, etc. There are few people who regularly take their carpets to the dry cleaner, and home cleaning (even the most thorough) does not clean the base of the carpet 100 percent. What can we say about the walls covered with Soviet carpets - the toxins of modern cities are absorbed into them for years. Get rid of dust collectors! To make it warm, soft and beautiful, today there are heated floors, cork floors and other non-hazardous coatings.
  • Old books. Well, of course it's a pity. Stacks of magazines, fiction, newspapers, books accumulated over decades, which were once “with fire”, and in general “throwing away books is a sin.” But! “Library” dust is a strong allergen, the quality of paper leaves much to be desired, cheap paints and the lead content in them (in newspapers, magazines) are poison for the body. If there is no safe, separate place in the house to store such things, take them to the country, give them away or take them to stores old book.
  • If you have allergies or asthma in your family , getting rid of old things is your first priority.

"Sentimental" item in memory of the past – this is understandable and explainable. A figurine in memory of my grandmother, an antique coffee table or a sugar bowl - things that we give special meaning. Well, don’t part with them - that’s all.

But when these memorable “sentimental” things begin to surround you from all sides, fill closets and suitcases, crawl across kitchen shelves and cabinets, interfering with your desires to “live in your own way” (many people know the feeling of guilt - they say, when you throw away a box of grandma’s cards, you throw away “grandmother herself”) - means It's time to change something in your mind and in your life.

Learn how to get rid of junk in a useful way

  • We are sorting out the shelves with books. We leave those books that have any value (old ones, simply dear to the heart). We sort the rest based on the situation: children's books, science fiction, detective stories and other readable literature we donate to libraries, books from the Soviet era we sell or hand over for sale (today there are many opportunities for such a “maneuver” and lovers of old books), cookbooks from the “take it” category meat for 2 rubles..." we give it away or boldly put it in a box near the trash heap.
  • Family archive. Well, what mother would raise her hand to throw away her child’s old drawings, letters, manuscripts and notes? Preserving such a legacy (for future generations) is not difficult - it is enough to modernize the archive by digitizing all memorial papers and drawings. The same can be done with boxes of “ancient” videotapes that capture weddings, birthdays and simply memorable events - digitize and free up space.
  • Old furniture. There are not so many options: place advertisements for sale on the Internet, take them to the country, give them to those in need, update them in a workshop or do it yourself and donate them to an old chair (for example) new life.
  • Before throwing something into the trash, ask about its value. Perhaps this chest of drawers from your grandmother will bring you money for a new refrigerator, and the collection of old stamps will contain rare “papers with original glue”, which collectors have been chasing for many years.
  • Buy new things only after getting rid of old ones. No need to store a dozen new sets in the closet bed linen, if you still have two dozen old ones lying there. Or buying a new refrigerator when you have a whole labyrinth of old ones in your hallway.
  • Place all things from the mezzanine (from the closet, from the pantry) into one pile and sort it into “you can’t do without this,” “it will come in handy,” “well, why do I need this,” and “urgently in the trash.” Get rid of unnecessary junk without hesitation - discipline yourself.
  • Lots of old clothes , which has long gone out of fashion, has become too big/small, is a little worn, has defects? Wash it, iron it, remove defects and take it to a second-hand store (second-hand store, online flea market, etc.). Still, the money was spent, and it’s stupid to just throw away things that can still serve someone, and that can still bring in a pretty penny.

Life has become boring, monotonous, luck is not on your side, financial problems have arisen, or you can’t meet your soul mate? In this case, look around: if at home you are surrounded by old things that have not been used for a long time, but, as a rule, it’s a pity to throw them away, then this may be the reason for all the failures.

Very often, in order to bring something new into your home, you simply need to get rid of the old. Do you want to know how to properly throw away old things to attract new and good things into your life? Then read our publication today!

Why you need to periodically throw away old things

According to Feng Shui, old things cluttering a house interfere with the free circulation of qi energy, and as a result, energy blocks are created both in the house itself and in its occupants. This is why poor health, failures, and dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s life appear. In such a house you don’t want to do anything, apathy and laziness manifest themselves, it’s even difficult to breathe in it, and things seem to put pressure on the brain, provoking the appearance of negative thoughts.

Ideally, qi energy should look into every corner of the house, filling it and the people living in it with new vitality, giving happiness, health, peace of mind, financial well-being. When all the corners are occupied by some kind of rubbish or unnecessary things, then the energy doesn’t even get to these places. One has only to take and throw away some of the old things, and the situation will begin to change.

How to get rid of old things: where to start

As a rule, throwing away old things starts with the closets, but no one bothers you to start, for example, by “cleaning out” the balcony, loggia, or storage room. Better yet, first get rid of unnecessary large items, for example, a worn out soft sofa or a crumbling chest of drawers, which no one will repair. Moreover, in the old upholstered furniture bedbugs and other insects that are dangerous to humans can live. So let's get started...

Balconies and loggias

On the balcony, find all the trash that was put away in case it “suddenly comes in handy”, but for six months, a year or more you haven’t even touched it. Look what's hidden in boxes, old suitcases and chests - there's probably something to throw away, if not everything! By the way, if you don’t need a suitcase either, then you can safely throw it away, the only exception being those suitcases that can be used for interior decoration.

What other unnecessary items can be found on the balcony? Look for junk in tool boxes; as a rule, there may be some parts stored there that you planned to “return” to their place, fix something, but never did, especially if that thing, the part from which is stored.

In general, it is best to use a balcony or loggia not for storing seasonal items or unnecessary rubbish, but as a place to relax, or to arrange a greenhouse or winter garden there.


This is another place that can simply be filled with junk. If you decide to throw away old things, then you need to start looking for them in the pantry.

Feel free to throw away broken equipment stored in the pantry, for example, an old blender or vacuum cleaner, which you will no longer repair, but kept in case “what if I decide.”

If food is stored in a pantry or closet, they need to be checked for freshness: old canned food can be safely thrown away; you also need to check bulk products and make sure that there are no “living creatures” in them; There is no room for rotten vegetables either.

Take away everything you don’t use, repair shelves, cabinets, doors if they are broken somewhere, glue up the torn wallpaper, refresh the walls and closet door with new paint. The pantry should be ventilated after such cleaning.

Cabinets and drawers

There is probably nothing harder than throwing away clothes and shoes, especially if they suit you very well, still like them or remind you of some event. Clothes and shoes, like no other things, “remember” your energy, so before throwing old things out of the closets, wash and dry them, wipe your shoes with a damp cloth. It is even recommended to burn things that are no longer suitable for anything. Everything old that has accumulated on things, especially bad ones, should not return to you or pass on to others. Therefore, either wash it away or destroy it!

You've probably already heard that you need to throw away things that haven't been worn for six months, but here everything is individual, depending on the situation or at your discretion. You can throw away everything old in one fell swoop, but it happens that your hand does not rise, then the solution will be to learn to throw away old things one by one, gradually, day after day...

In addition to wardrobes, also check chests of drawers, ottomans, sofas and beds with drawers. What's stored in the built-in storage drawers in your bed? If these are bedding, then everything is fine, but if there are “trunks” with old things, throw them away mercilessly!

There are a lot of small drawers in furniture sets for the hallway, in children's walls and even in bedside tables. They need to be checked for any unnecessary little things: checks, receipts, tear-off sheets of notes, old magazines and newspapers, broken pencils or written-off pens, etc. Do you still feel bad about throwing away all these old things? Believe me, your life will be better without them!


Another place for unnecessary things to accumulate in an apartment or house is the kitchen. Here's how to declutter your kitchen:

  • First of all, you need to find all the chipped dishes, plates or cups with cracks, teapots and sugar bowls with broken handles - we shamelessly throw all this in the trash, without regret.
  • Old, unnecessary and ugly utensils that you haven’t used for a long time are also waiting to be thrown away.
  • Next, you need to throw away worn-out kitchen textiles - towels, potholders, an apron, replacing it all with new and clean ones.
  • Go through the cabinets where bulk products and cereals are stored, clean everything and put things in order.
  • Remove anything that doesn't belong in your kitchen cabinets.
  • Check cutlery, kitchen gadgets and all kinds of utensils. Feel free to throw away all those who have lost their appearance, have lost functionality, are broken or simply require replacement.

Also, clean your kitchen regularly and throw away unnecessary items each time to keep it as spacious, fresh and clean as possible.

What things should not be thrown away

  • antiques that cost a lot of money;
  • items in good condition that can be sold;
  • things from which you can make crafts, interior decor (provided that you are really doing this and not just dreaming of starting);
  • things that will be useful at the dacha (no fanaticism here, so that EVERYTHING doesn’t come in handy by accident!);
  • children's things and toys that can be passed on to someone “by inheritance”.

Many people really need to learn how to throw away old things without hesitation and without feeling sorry. Sometimes it is very difficult, but the result is worth it! When we get rid of the old, something new will certainly come into our lives, and it will definitely be pure and positive. Good luck decluttering!

Your home is not only the place where you live, it is what you are, because you are the one who fills your home with meaning, comfort and vitality.

If your house is in order, then everything is in order in your head. If you can’t create harmony in your home, you should think about what needs to be done to make things better.

One of the first and the right advice- throw away all unnecessary and old things that not only clutter your space, but also create chaos in your home.

What items should be thrown away immediately?

We present to your attention a list of things that you should get rid of. This list may be longer or shorter for each person, but the most important thing is that you must start creating comfort and putting things in order in your home, and do the same in your life.

What to throw away: old cosmetics

The list of “Unnecessary things that you need to get rid of” begins with old cosmetics that you haven’t used for a long time, but it’s a pity to throw away.

Every woman has plenty of such cosmetics. So, rummage through your makeup bag and vanity table where your makeup is stored and throw it away immediately.

Things to get rid of: old washcloths

Next on our list of things to get rid of are old washcloths. These bath accessories need to be changed every month, because due to constant humidity they are an excellent place for bacteria to grow. Using old washcloths is a risk to your health.

Items to throw away: old sun cream

Because sunscreen It is not applied so often, it can stay with you for quite a long time. We advise you not to take risks, and if the expiration date of the cream has expired, throw it away immediately

Items to throw away immediately: Old medications

Next on the list of “Unnecessary things to get rid of immediately” will be old medications.

Buying medicines and using them, we leave the rest with the thought: what if it comes in handy.

Remember, old medications, in particular antibiotics, may not cure, but may worsen your situation. Be careful!

Things you shouldn't keep for long: old magazines and newspapers

Our people have a stupid habit of keeping old magazines with the hope of reading something interesting in them when the time comes.

In reality, everything is completely different. Magazines and newspapers are moved from place to place, cluttering your coffee table or shelf, and you never find time to read.

Things to throw away: disposable and old tableware

You should not store old dishes that you don’t like or are tired of. It’s better to save up and buy something new and interesting to make eating enjoyable.

Items to throw away immediately: old shoes

The list of things to get rid of includes old shoes. Even if the shoes are of very high quality, over time their appearance will be poor.

Remember, shoes are a manifestation of your taste and style, along with a bag, belt, gloves and other fashionable items.

Part with your old shoes or sandals if they don't fit your feet well, and treat yourself to a new pair.

Throw It Away Now: Old Toothbrushes

Toothbrushes are also items that cannot be used for long periods of time. This is also confirmed by doctors who recommend using the brush for no longer than three months.

The first sign that your toothbrush is tired is hairs sticking out in all directions.

Old clothes were on the list of things to throw away.

Often, while running around the shops, we buy things that we don’t even understand how we could like.

We bring this blouse or dress home, but as a result we never wear it.

First, break the habit of buying everything you like. think about the functionality of your purchases.

Secondly, do a thorough cleaning of your dressing room and throw away all the unnecessary things that you haven’t worn in over a year.

Things to get rid of: Old stock in the refrigerator

Many housewives like to put aside leftover food to cook something later. Be careful! Not all products can be stored for a long time open form. It's better to throw away leftover food to avoid poisoning.

Old underwear is on the list of things to throw away

Yes, it is old underwear that are the things that you need to get rid of immediately. Firstly, old bras and stretched out panties don’t hold their shape, and secondly, their appearance is unlikely to attract your man. We advise you to throw away such underwear and spare no expense on new ones.

Throw away clothes that need alteration and items that have been damaged by washing.

Items that have been damaged after washing, or items that have been awaiting alteration for several years, are unlikely to be worn again, so throw them away without regret, because they are unnecessary trash in your closet.

So we have named things that need to be thrown away and things that should be gotten rid of immediately.

Of course, that's not all. Every person has a hundred more such things that are best removed from the house and wardrobe.

To our list you can add clothes that don’t fit your figure, torn tights and socks, out-of-fashion jeans, accessories that have long been out of fashion, cheap bags and wallets, transparent items, clothes and bags with dubious inscriptions, leggings and leggings that have lost their whiteness, white things, etc.

Start changing with this spring cleaning at home, and you will appreciate how good it is to keep your home and wardrobe in order.

Over the course of life, every person “overgrows” with things. Many of them lose their material value and need and are simply collecting dust in closets, on shelves, mezzanines and balconies. But you often don’t get around to throwing them away. But scientists have already proven that clutter and the presence of unnecessary useless objects in the house can negatively affect the mental health and mood of the people living in it. Even famous psychologists advise starting the fight against depression with an audit of your closet and your entire home. But Feng Shui experts say that old trash interferes with the free flow of Qi energy, which is necessary for positive changes in life. If all of the above has not convinced you to get rid of the accumulated junk, here are the TOP 8 reasons to throw away unnecessary things forever.

Reason 1. Rationality

Review old items to see if they are worth storing. Answer yourself honestly whether they will be useful to you in the coming years. Most people are afraid to throw away unnecessary junk, keeping in mind the years of shortages that are already in the past. Nowadays, it is not difficult to find everything you need in a store. Therefore, leave only what you actively use, and throw everything else in the trash without regret. In extreme cases, an item you suddenly need can be rented.

Reason 2. Mobility

Our life is completely unpredictable. And even if you are not planning any relocation or change of residence now, you cannot be sure that tomorrow there will not be an urgent need for this. You may even have to move to another city. Now imagine how much effort, time and material resources you will have to spend on packing, transporting and unpacking all the property, a considerable part of which is the most ordinary trash! On the other hand, why drag extra junk into your new life? It's better to start getting rid of it right now.

Reason 3. Not quantity, but quality

Reconsider your clothes. If you have a dozen blouses hanging in your closet that have lost their appearance after the first wash, maybe you need to get rid of them? You won't be wearing them anyway. Replace a bunch of unnecessary clothing items with a few sets of quality basics. They will take up less space in the closet, and the problem of “nothing to wear” will be solved in the near future.

Reason 4. Minimalism

The minimalist style in home decoration is used by many designers. It only seems boring at first glance. Firstly, decorative items look much more expressive and beautiful if there are few of them. Secondly, the fewer things there are in the apartment, the faster and easier it is to find each of them. And finally, experts have proven that order in housing helps to concentrate the attention and rationalize the thinking of the people living in it.

Reason 5. Saving time

IN modern world time has a high price. Sometimes we complain that we don't have enough 24 hours in a day. How much time have you recently spent trying to remember where your favorite T-shirt is? Did it take you at least 15 minutes to find the book you promised your friend? If this is the case, then it’s time to think about the fact that the lion’s share of your life is spent looking for your own things, and after that, carry out an audit and, without hesitation, throw away all the unnecessary trash.

Reason 6. Caring for the environment

Having a lot of junk in the house, you have to throw something away every day. At the same time, many garbage bags are used, which are harmful to the environment. It is better to immediately collect all old newspapers, magazines and unnecessary papers to recycle them. The fewer unnecessary things you have in your apartment, the less junk you will have to remove from it every day.

Reason 7. Law of abundance

Feng Shui experts are confident in the existence of the law of prosperity, according to which unnecessary old things must be thrown away so that new ones appear in their place. And really, what kind of purchases can we talk about if there is no more free space left in your home? You may not be an adherent of this doctrine, but what is stopping you from testing the effect of this law?

Reason 8. Psychological calm

American psychiatrists, as a result of research, came to the conclusion that people who have “gathering mania” are in a state of constant emotional stress. They spend a lot of time thinking about what things should be thrown away and what things can be kept. Conversely, those who part with junk without regret have a more balanced and calm character. Think about your frequent Bad mood associated with subconscious dissatisfaction a large number junk in the apartment?

Today we are sorting out clothes and accessories. We read why it is beneficial for us to get rid of junk in the closet, how to understand that it is time to say goodbye to an item, and also learn how to prevent the appearance of unnecessary clothes and decorations.

Over the years of my adult life, my style has undergone many changes. At school, I went from an informal girl in a Metallica robe (at the same time, I didn’t listen to anything from them except ballads) to a girl in wide rapper pants (although I don’t remember that I was into rap). Later there were university years endless search style, and now, finally, I can with eyes closed get 2 things out of your closet with 90% confidence that they go together.

I, like many people, am prone to spontaneous purchases, storing accessories and jewelry that are waiting in a box, and hoarding bags and shoes. But I honestly try to get rid of obsolete things once a year and do not succumb to the provocation of one-time fashion. I realized what a classic is, and it’s no longer so easy to buy me into the trends of the season, unless they are very successful and long-lasting trends.