Old genius title of each chapter. Online reading of the book Old Genius Nikolai Leskov

The writer selects a very interesting epigraph for his story “The Old Genius”: “A genius has no years - he overcomes everything that stops ordinary minds.” And as you know, the epigraph reflects the main idea, sometimes the purpose of the story.

So, the narration is told on behalf of the narrator, who is not a direct participant in the events. In the first chapter tells the sad and at the same time ironic story of a kind old woman. It all started with the fact that, out of the kindness of her heart, she rescued a high-society dandy from trouble by pawning all her property for him, namely a small house. Of course, the dandy obliged to pay everything in Sami short term. It seemed that this man could not be trusted: he belonged to a good family, was educated and earned good money. Then the young man left for St. Petersburg... and that was it. The old woman wrote letters to him, at first kindly, then with persistent requests, and, in the end, simply scolded him. This was of little use; the debtor still did not respond to these letters. Meanwhile, the deadline is approaching, and the old woman, who wanted to live out her old age in prosperity, can live the rest of her life in poverty, with an incapacitated daughter and young granddaughter. Of course, the poor old lady didn’t want this! Therefore, leaving her daughter and granddaughter with a neighbor, she went to St. Petersburg to “do some work”

Chapter two tells us about the success of the trial against the so-called “generous dandy”, the lawyer turned up successfully, and the judge made a fair decision. Everything would have ended well if not for one snag: it was impossible to punish him, he had such a relationship that no one dared to do this. It’s not that they didn’t want to, but that they couldn’t. N.S. Leskov does not say exactly what kind of “kinship” this was, and what kind of “punishment” they wanted to inflict on him. No matter who the old woman turned to, everyone said with one voice: give up this business, this man never pays anyone. But the old lady decided not to give up, either because of her simplicity, or something else, she believed that her debtor was obliged to divide his wealth so that everything was fine. The townspeople sincerely do not understand her, they think that this is how everything should be. But they are right that “those who have “a lot” never have enough, and they never have enough…”. Residents of the city even say that the debtor can create some kind of “trouble” with the grandmother if she bothers him. They only advised her to go to the higher ones. Thus, in this chapter, the grandmother does not understand the St. Petersburg people at all, and the St. Petersburg residents do not understand the grandmother.

In the third chapter The old woman went to the higher ones, explaining this by saying that “There, access is more difficult and there is less conversation, and it is more abstract.” But here the old woman was again disappointed, and the readers were faced with a new unexpected twist: the debtor does not live in his house at all, in general, no one really knows where it is located. It turns out that even his own wife complains about him, but, nevertheless, not a single one living soul cannot arrest or punish him. So the old woman did not achieve success with the higher ones, they openly told her that this matter was in her interests, which means she had to find it herself. But when she finds him, then we can talk about punishment. The desperate old woman even tried to give bribes, but to no avail. But one day there was hope for the capture of her debtor. One official, with whom the old woman was having lunch in the Mariinsky Passage, offered her to catch the thief for only five hundred rubles. This man turned out to be very curious; when the old woman asked what his rank was and who he was, the man replied: “This, he says, in our society it is completely unnecessary to tell and is not accepted; Call me Ivan Ivanovich, and my rank is of fourteen sheepskins - whichever one I want, I’ll turn it upside down and turn it upside down.” Should you trust your last money to such a person? This thought did not leave the old lady, but since the official inspired confidence with his curious speeches, the poor granny trusted him.

In the fourth chapter The old woman's situation is inexorably deteriorating. In a sad state, right before Christmas, she resorts to the hero-narrator. Her house is already going on sale, and the other day she met her debtor on the street with some lady, caught up with him, grabbed his hand and shouted throughout the street with tears in her eyes, “He owes me!” But as a result, she only achieved that she herself was accused of violating silence and public order. What need and injustice have brought the old woman to! And the worst thing was that the dandy had secured a vacation abroad, where he and his lady love would go for an indefinite amount of time. This debt was so important to the old woman that she spied the debtor’s every move and, undoubtedly, knew all his plans. And grandma decisively turned to the man with “the rank of fourteen sheepskins,” giving away the treasured five hundred rubles, part of which she borrowed from the narrator. The hero, of course, lends it to her, explaining that “I knew her for a woman of wonderful honesty, and her grief is so touching...” The fourth chapter ends with intrigue, the narrator declares: what happened next exceeds all his expectations.

In the fifth and final chapter The old woman visits the narrator on the third day of Christmas, and the first thing she does is throw the promised money and a card with fifteen thousand transferred to her on the table. The narrator, in complete shock and not believing his eyes, begins to ask his grandmother about everything that happened to her. That same mysterious Ivan Ivanovich got down to business with the words: “Now, madam, let’s go. “I am, he says, a genius in my thoughts, but I need an executor of my plan, because I myself am a mysterious stranger and cannot carry out legal actions with my face.” They traveled for a long time to all sorts of places, looking for some “Serbian fighter”, and found it. Then Ivan Ivanovich, grandma and this “fighter” sat down in a tavern and agreed on a price. The payment was as follows: “one hundred rubles per month, for three months.” Then the heroes went to spend the night: granny and Ivan Ivanovich together, and the “fighter” was sent to the bathhouse. The next morning they met again, and the first thing they did was send the “fighter” for vodka: they say, for courage. The old woman understood little of what was happening, but she trusted Ivanovich, and that’s why she was calm. The three of us went to the station railway, where the debtor had to leave. He did not have to wait long: he appeared with his lady. The old lady immediately began pointing: “Here he is!” Here he is! And then the “Serbian fighter” began to act, he began to walk past the dandy once, twice, three times, then stopped right in front of him and said: “Why are you looking at me like that?”, to which the dandy reacted very calmly, saying that he just drinks tea. Then a completely unexpected action followed: the “fighter” slapped the debtor in the face three times! Both he and his lady wanted to run away, but the police did not allow this, saying: “this is not allowed, this is in a public place.” The dandy was given a check for fifteen thousand, and he, in order to avoid further claims, signed everything safely. Thus, peace was restored in the old woman’s soul, and justice was restored in the world. And the person who settled this matter can actually consider himself a genius.

// "Old genius"

First chapter

The action of the story takes place in St. Petersburg, where an old landowner arrives with her “egregious deed.” And this matter was quite simple and ordinary. Once, out of the kindness of her soul, she decided to help one secular dandy solve his problem. money problems. And for this she mortgaged her small house, which was all her property. The old woman lived in this house with her sick daughter and granddaughter. The house was valued at fifteen thousand. The dandy took the entire amount and promised to repay the debt as quickly as possible.

The old lady so easily entrusted a huge sum of money to a dandy just because he belonged to famous family, held a high position, had a good salary. Besides, she once knew his mother. The financial difficulties of this tall gentleman were due to the fact that he lost a significant amount at cards, but did not have any money with him. And the amount was ridiculous for him. So, having received the money, the dandy left for St. Petersburg.

When the deadline for paying off the debt for the house began to approach, the old woman began writing letters to the dandy reminding him to repay the debt. The dandy didn't answer. The old woman decides to go to St. Petersburg to “do some work.” Leaving her sick daughter and granddaughter with a neighbor, she went in search of the debtor.

Chapter two

At first, things were going very well for the old lady. She found good lawyer, the court was on her side, but when it came to executing the court decision, problems began. Everyone seemed to be on the old lady’s side, but no one could help her. This dandy had either acquaintances or some kind of kinship that no one could rein him in. The dandy only needed to hand over a receipt, but no one could do it.

Everyone she contacted advised her to just quit this business. The old lady was told that she was not the first to fall for the dandy’s trick. Perhaps he came up with a way to avoid paying off debts at all.

In general, the old woman then decided to go to the “highest” authorities.

Chapter Three

The conversation with the “high” authorities also did not work out. They told the old lady that they couldn’t find the dandy. To this she objected that she sees him every day, that he lives in his own house. The authorities objected that this was not his house, but the house of his wife, who also had an unfulfilled debt against him. In general, the dandy rents rooms, but does not live in them. That's why no one can find him.

Then the old woman had the idea that she just needed to give a bribe. She first offered a thousand, then went up to three, but even for this money no one wanted to give the dandy a receipt.

In upset feelings, the old woman went to the Mariinsky Passage to have lunch. There she met a certain Ivan Ivanovich, who volunteered to help her for five hundred rubles. He was a strange man, “the rank of fourteen sheepskins.” After listening to him, the old woman decided to wait a little longer.

Chapter Four

On the eve of Christmas, the old woman came to the narrator in upset feelings and told about the reasons for her upset. First of all, Christmas was approaching. Secondly, the house was supposed to be put up for sale any day now. Thirdly, she caught the hand of her debtor, but she was condemned for breaking the silence. Fourthly, the old lady found out that the dandy and his lady were going to go abroad for for a long time, and maybe forever.

Then she decided to find her new friend and turn to him for help. She even gave him a hundred rubles as a deposit. She came to the narrator to borrow one hundred and fifty rubles, because she didn’t have enough. She promised to repay the debt, because even if the house was sold, something would remain. The narrator decided to help out the old woman and gave her a loan. Now he was waiting for the outcome of this interesting story.

Chapter Five

After some time, the old woman returned to the narrator and brought the debt. She also showed a promissory note signed by the dandy for the entire amount with interest.

The narrator was very surprised and asked how this happened. The old woman replied that Ivan Ivanovich had found his old comrade, some Serbian fighter. He had a bad temper. On the day the dandy was sent on a trip abroad, he started a fight with him right at the station. And when the police began to investigate, they recognized the dandy as the debtor and handed over a promissory note. He had no choice but to sign it.

The story of the old landowner ended well. And the narrator thought about the man who organized the repayment of the debt that he was a real genius.

This story tells about a simple, kind old woman who decided to help the capital's dandy. He established himself as a decent man, belonged to one of the most famous families, so the kind woman felt trust in him. To help him, she mortgages the house and waits for the debt to be repaid. The young man promised to return everything to her in a short time and, having received the money, leaves for St. Petersburg.

The old woman lived modestly, with her daughter and granddaughter, and apart from a house, they had nothing. But the young man was in no hurry to pay the debt. To all the woman’s requests for a refund, he does not respond. Then the old woman comes to the capital and turns to all sorts of offices, asking for help. Everyone says that there are a lot of complaints about him, but they can’t do anything because he has influential connections. Then she turns to the higher ranks, but the answer is the same, and that if he doesn’t give him the paper, then they won’t be able to do anything.

By chance she meets an official who agrees to help her for a small sum. The woman knows nothing about him, except that this man promises her to return her money. The old woman consults with her friend, who advises her not to rush and think everything over carefully. But suddenly, she finds out that this dandy is going to go abroad with a rich lady. In view of the extreme situation, the poor woman comes to an agreement with the official Ivan Ivanovich.

The next day, the old woman tells her friend that the matter has been settled, thanks to the resourcefulness of Ivan Ivanovich. On the very day when the gentleman was about to leave the country, an old woman, an official and his acquaintance come to the station. The latter causes a scandal and slaps the debtor, which is why the police come. Taking this opportunity, they hand him a document confirming payment of the debt. Thanks to the intelligence of her new acquaintance, the old woman was able to buy the house and live in peace.

The story shows how difficult it is to the common man get justice from an influential person. But even in any situation, thanks to ingenuity, you can find a way out.

Read the summary of Leskov The Old Genius by chapters

Chapter 1

A high-society dandy comes to the old woman with a request to help him out of a financial difficulty. The woman agrees because he seems to her to be a man with an impeccable reputation who earns a good income. To do this, she mortgages the house and gives him 15,000 rubles, with the condition that he will return the entire amount within a short time after he reaches the capital. The gentleman is leaving, time is passing, and he is not going to repay the debt. The landowner is worried, because she has a daughter and granddaughter in her care. The old woman writes letters reminding her of her debt, but receives no response. The mortgage deadline is approaching and, in despair, she goes to St. Petersburg.

Chapter 2

At first, her efforts were successful: everyone was encouraging that the case was not complicated, it would be resolved quickly, and the court made a favorable decision. But when the time came to carry it out, difficulties arose. In order to fulfill her request, it was necessary to hand over a special receipt, but no one could do this because this man had influential acquaintances about whom no one would say anything to the old woman. Everyone told her that he doesn’t pay back debts to anyone, he owes almost everyone, it’s pointless to try to do anything, and they suggested leaving this idea. The old woman resolutely refused and continued to insist on her request. They could only advise her to turn to higher ranks.

Chapter 3

Conversation with senior officials was more difficult. Officials claimed that there was none. The surprised woman said that she sees him every day, that he lives according to specified address. The answer was given that this was his wife’s house, that she also had claims against him and they could not do anything about it. The old woman thought that by offering money, things would work out. But this had no effect: after she wanted to offer 3,000, she was asked to leave.

In a conversation with her acquaintance, she talks about the current situation, reasoning that before connections did not mean so much. After this, she mentions one person who is ready to help her for 500 rubles. Of course, the woman doubted it because she knew nothing about the stranger. He answered all her questions evasively, the only thing she knew was that he was an official of the 14th category. The heroine, despite the doubts of her friend, for some reason believes the official, but for now she decides to think it over and wait a little.

Chapter 4

An old woman comes to a friend in upset feelings. Christmas is coming soon and the house is about to be taken away, on the street she saw the debtor with a lady and tried to appeal to his conscience, hoping that in the presence of the public, he would still fulfill his promise. But, of course, it was pointless, the poor woman was brought to justice for disturbing the peace in a public place. The worst thing for her was that he was going on vacation abroad with this rich lady. In desperation, the old woman tells everything to the businessman, who has rank 14. Despite the unforeseen circumstance, he agrees to help her. She has no choice but to trust him because otherwise she won’t see her money. She does not have the entire amount and asks for a loan, promising to return it after the matter is settled. An acquaintance, knowing her as an honest woman, helps her. Worried about her case, he eagerly waits to see if this businessman will help her.

Chapter 5

The old woman runs to her friend, returns the money and shows a receipt for an amount even greater than she expected. The official, whose name is Ivan Ivanovich, justified the hopes of a kind and compassionate woman. Taking the money from her, Ivan Ivanovich explains that he needs a performer and he has an acquaintance, a “Serbian fighter.” They went to different places and finally found him. They went to the tavern because the warrior needed a drink for courage. The contractor says that he needs 300 rubles for his help. Ivan Ivanovich, having handed over part of the money, agrees to meet the next morning.

In the morning they went to the railway station. When passengers began to approach the train, the old woman saw the debtor and the lady, who were drinking tea while waiting for departure. The fighter provokes a scandal by hitting the dandy in the face. The gentleman tried to run away, but the police arrived, saying that such behavior was unacceptable in a public place. The lady leaves, and her companion, answering the police, gives his name, surname and rank. A policeman, in front of witnesses, hands him a paper to be handed over. He has no choice but to accept her, pay off the debt, and even with interest, to the old lady in order to go abroad. The old woman is happy that everything was resolved successfully and leaves home. This is how the ability to find a way out of such difficult situations allows us to call this mysterious official a genius.

Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov (1831-1895) - famous Russian writer. Many of his works take place in schools. Will help you study one of the writer’s most famous stories summary. Leskov wrote “The Old Genius” in 1884, the same year the story was published in the magazine “Oskolki”. It was then reprinted many times.

Chapter One

In it, we meet an elderly woman and learn that she came to St. Petersburg on a “blatant matter.” The old woman was kind and somehow took pity on the son of an unfamiliar woman, lending him money.

U young man was difficult situation- either he lost money at cards, or because of a passing hobby he lost his funds. He told the old woman that he needed to somehow get to St. Petersburg. She took pity on the man and lent him money.

But he was in no hurry to give them back; on the contrary, he pretended that he did not receive those letters in which the woman asked him to repay the debt. At first the messages were mild, but due to the fact that the debtor did not respond, they became more severe. However, this did not lead to anything.

And in the care of the grandmother there was a sick daughter and a young granddaughter. In order to lend then, the old woman mortgaged her house, and now the family, consisting only of women, faced a terrible threat - they could lose their home and be left on the street. A short summary talks about this. Leskov wrote “The Old Genius” in five chapters, then we move on to the second.

Chapter two

From it we learn that the lawyer won the case, and the court decided to repay the debt. But the positive news ended there, because the man skillfully hid, and he had powerful relatives. That's why no one wanted to mess with him.

Representatives of the law and government officials sympathized with the grandmother, saying that they felt sorry for her, but it was better for her to leave this empty idea. The woman was sincerely perplexed; she knew that he was not a poor man and could very well repay the debt.

They explained to her that he took money not only from her, but was not used to giving it back. Representatives of the law hinted to the petitioner that he could cause her trouble if she did not calm down. They said that it was better for her to walk quietly along Nevsky Prospekt or go home. But she believed that the debtor - good man, he’s just “tired up.”

The woman was told that she could take her case to senior management. That's what she did. A brief summary will also tell you about this. “Old genius” - Leskov called one that smart person. Whom, you will find out about this later.

Chapter Three

It begins with the fact that an elderly woman went to the top authorities, but this did not lead to a positive result. There they told her that they did not know where the wanted man was. The old woman told what kind of house a man could be in, they objected to her, answering that this was his wife’s house, and she was not responsible for her husband’s debts, and he did not live there.

The elderly woman did not know what to do. Then she began to hint that she would give one or even three thousand rubles as a sign of gratitude when the debtor was found. But that didn't help either.

In this chapter we learn about one of the main characters of the story, who for the time being remained in the shadows. A brief summary will also tell you about it. “Old genius” - Leskov called this particular person that way, and why will soon become clear.

The woman told the interlocutor on whose behalf the story was being told that one person was taking up the case. He called himself Ivan Ivanovich and assured that for 500 rubles he could collect the debt. The old woman decided to think about it, but it was impossible to put it off any longer, and why, Leskov further writes about this in his work (“The Old Genius”). The summary will communicate this immediately.

Chapter Four

Her narrator begins with the fact that an old woman came to him. She was saddened by the news that Christmas was approaching and the mortgaged house was soon to be sold. Another elderly woman said that she saw the debtor walking arm in arm with a woman. The old woman hurried after the couple and began shouting that the man owed her. However, no one helped her; on the contrary, she was told that she should not scream in a crowded place. While they were sorting it out, the man and his companion left.

But the elderly woman managed to find out that tomorrow she will be leaving abroad with a rich lady, most likely forever. Therefore, it was necessary to act immediately.

It turns out that she had already met with Ivan Ivanovich, gave him a deposit of 100 rubles and promised to bring another 400. But the old woman did not have the entire amount. She only had 250 rubles, and asked the narrator for 150, saying that she would definitely return them.

That one was too kind person, thought that even if the woman could not give this money, he would not become poorer because of it. Leskov himself was like that. “Old Genius” (the contents of this story in summary you are reading now) moves on to the next episode.

This chapter ends with the narrator, having given the money, looking forward to the outcome of events. The summary below will tell you how the matter ended. Leskov wrote “The Old Genius” in chapters; the abridged presentation follows the same structure.

Chapter 5, final

It was the third day of the Christmas holidays. The old woman, as the author says, “flew” into him in a traveling dress and immediately gave him 150 rubles, and then showed him a check for 15 thousand. The narrator understood that everything ended well, but wanted to know the details.

The woman said that she met with Ivan Ivanovich, who said that she needed to go look for the “Serbian fighter.” This is how the author talks about a man who took part in the wars between Serbia and Turkey. Not right away, but they found this man, then they discussed everything.

The next morning, the trio went to the station from which the debtor was leaving abroad. The old woman pointed out to Ivan Ivanovich who was the cause of her troubles, they hid, and a former military man entered the arena of theatrical performance.

He slowly walked past the debtor drinking tea several times, and then asked sternly why he was looking at him like that. The warrior provoked a scandal and hit the dandy. The police approached them. After finding out the identities, the policeman showed a paper, because of which the debtor was not allowed to go abroad. This was the court's decision. He quickly paid off the debt with interest. This story ended so well.

Leskov, “Old Genius”: heroes of the story (positive)

There are several of them. Of course, this is a persistent and brave old woman who went to St. Petersburg to save herself, her daughter and granddaughter. Otherwise they would lose their home. The narrator is also the hero of the work, since without his 150 rubles it is unlikely that the matter would have ended so well. Smart Ivan Ivanovich, to whom Leskov gave the nickname “Genius”, “Serbian fighter” are also positive heroes of the story.

Leskov Nikolay Semenovich

Old genius

Leskov Nikolay Semenovich

Old genius

A genius has no years - he

overcomes everything that remains

infuses ordinary minds.

La Rochefoucauld


Several years ago, a little old landowner came to St. Petersburg, who had, in her words, a “blatant business.” The point was that, out of her kindness and simplicity, purely out of sympathy, she rescued a high-society dandy from trouble by mortgaging for him her house, which was the entire property of the old woman and her immovable, crippled daughter and granddaughter. The house was mortgaged for fifteen thousand, which the dandy took in full, with the obligation to pay in the shortest possible time.

The good old lady believed this, and it was not surprising to believe it, because the debtor belonged to one of the best families, had a brilliant career before him and received good income from estates and a good salary from his service. The financial difficulties from which the old woman helped him out were the consequence of some passing hobby or carelessness playing cards in a noble club, which was, of course, very easy for him to correct - “if only he could get to St. Petersburg.”

The old woman once knew this gentleman’s mother and, in the name of an old friendship, helped him; he safely left for St. Petersburg, and then, of course, a rather ordinary game of cat and mouse began in such cases. The deadlines come, the old woman reminds herself of herself with letters - first the softest, then a little harsher, and finally she scolds - hints that “this is dishonest,” but her debtor was a hunted beast and still did not answer any of her letters. Meanwhile, time is running out, the mortgage deadline is approaching - and the poor woman, who hoped to live out her life in her little house, suddenly faces the terrible prospect of cold and hunger with her crippled daughter and little granddaughter.

The old woman, in desperation, entrusted her sick woman and child to a kind neighbor, and she herself collected some crumbs and flew to St. Petersburg to “get busy.”


At first, her efforts were very successful: she met a sympathetic and merciful lawyer, and in court she received a quick and favorable decision, but when the matter came to execution, then a squiggle began, and such that it was impossible to apply any mind to it. It’s not that the police or other bailiffs are making peace with the debtor - they say that they themselves have been tired of him for a long time and that they are all very sorry for the old woman and are happy to help her, but they don’t dare... He had some kind of powerful relationship or property, that it was impossible to rein him in, like any other sinner.

I don’t know for sure about the strength and significance of these connections, but I don’t think it’s important. It doesn’t matter which grandmother cast a spell on him and offered everything to his mercy.

I also don’t know how to tell you exactly what had to be done to him, but I know that it was necessary to “hand over the debtor with a receipt” some kind of paper, and no one - no persons of any order - could do this. Whoever the old woman turns to, everyone gives her the same advice:

Oh, madam, and you’re welcome! Better quit! We feel very sorry for you, but what to do when he doesn’t pay anyone... Take comfort in the fact that you are not the first, and you are not the last.

“My father,” the old woman replies, “what consolation is there for me, that I won’t be the only one who will suffer?” My dear fellows, I would much rather wish that it would be good for me and everyone else.

Well, they answer, so that everyone can feel good, leave it alone, the experts made this up, and it’s impossible.

And she, in her simplicity, pesters:

Why is it impossible? In any case, he has more wealth than he owes us all, and let him pay what he deserves, but he will still have a lot left.

Eh, madam, those who have “a lot” never have much, and it’s always not enough for them, but the main thing is that he’s not used to paying, and if you become a real bother, you might get into trouble.

What kind of trouble?

Well, what should you ask: you better walk quietly along Nevsky Prospekt, otherwise you’ll suddenly leave.

Well, excuse me,” says the old woman, “I won’t believe you: he’s worn out, but he’s a good man.”

Yes,” they answer, “of course, he is a good gentleman, but only a bad one to pay; and if anyone does this, he will do everything bad.

Well, then take action.

Yes, here, they answer, is the semicolon: we cannot “use measures” against everyone. Why did you know such people?

What's the difference?

And those questioned will only look at her and turn away, or even suggest going to the higher-ups to complain.


She also went to the higher-ups. There, access is more difficult and conversation is less and more abstract.

They say: “Where is he? They are reporting that he is not there!”

“For mercy,” the old woman cries, “I see him every day on the street; he lives in his own house.”

This is not his home at all. He has no home: it is his wife's house.

After all, it’s all the same: husband and wife are one Satan.

Yes, that’s how you judge, but the law judges differently. His wife also filed bills against him and complained to the court, and he doesn’t appear on her list... He, the devil knows, we’re all tired of him - and why did you give him money! When he is in St. Petersburg, he registers somewhere in furnished rooms, but does not live there. And if you think that we are defending him or we feel sorry for him, then you are very mistaken: look for him, catch him - this is your business - then they will “hand him over”.

The old woman had achieved nothing more comforting than this at any heights, and, out of provincial suspicion, began to whisper that all this was “because a dry spoon is tearing up your mouth.”

“Don’t tell me what you’re saying,” he says, “but I see that it’s all driven by the same thing, that it needs to be lubricated.”

She went to “smear” and came back even more upset. She says that she “started right from a whole thousand,” that is, she promised a thousand rubles from the collected money, but they didn’t want to listen to her, and when she, prudently adding, promised up to three thousand, they even asked her to leave.

They don’t charge three thousand just to hand over a piece of paper! After all, what is this?.. No, it was better before.

Well, too,” I remind her, “you probably forgot how well things went then: whoever gave more was right.

“This,” he replies, “is absolutely true, but only between ancient officials there were desperate disputes.” Sometimes you ask him: “Is it possible?” - and he answers: “There is no impossibility in Russia,” and suddenly he makes up an invention and makes it happen. So now one of these people has shown up and is pestering me, but I don’t know whether to believe it or not? He and I are having lunch together in the Mariinsky Passage with the sawyer Vasily, because now I’m saving and worrying about every penny - I haven’t eaten hot food for a long time, I’m saving everything for business, and he, probably, is also poor or poor... but convincingly says: “Give me five hundred rubles - I’ll hand it over.” What do you think about this?

“My dear,” I answer her, “I assure you that you touch me very much with your grief, but I don’t even know how to manage my own affairs and I absolutely can’t advise you on anything. Would you at least ask someone about him: who is he and who can vouch for him?

Yes, I asked the sower, but he doesn’t know anything. “So,” he says, one must think, either the merchant has suppressed trade, or he has acted out of some of his nobility.”

Well, just ask him directly.

I asked - who is he and what is his rank? “This,” he says, is completely unnecessary and not accepted in our society to tell; call me Ivan Ivanovich, and my rank is of fourteen sheepskins - whichever one I want, I’ll turn it upside down and turn it upside down.

Well, you see, it turns out that this is some kind of dark personality.

Yes, dark... “A rank of fourteen sheepskins” - I understand this, since I myself was an official. This means that he is in the fourteenth grade. And as for the name and recommendations, he directly declares that “as for recommendations, he says, I neglect them and I don’t have them, but I have brilliant thoughts in my forehead and know worthy people who are ready to carry out any of my plans for three hundred rubles.”

“Why, father, certainly three hundred?”

“And so - this is such a prifix for us, from which we do not want to give up and do not take any more.”

“Nothing, sir, I don’t understand.”

“Yes, and it’s not necessary. The current ones take many thousands, and we have hundreds. I have two hundred for the idea and for the leadership, and three hundred for the executive hero, in proportion to the fact that he can sit in prison for three months for his performance, and that’s the end of the matter. Whoever wants - let him believe us, because I always take on things only for the impossible; and whoever doesn’t have faith has nothing to do with him,” but as for me, the old woman adds, “then imagine my temptation: why should I tell him? I believe...