Why can some people communicate with the dead? Do the dead see us after death: the connection between the soul and a living person

Dreams about dead people are always a warning. They have great importance, and you need to treat this kind of dreams extremely carefully. It’s good if the dreamer remembers the details of the dream, especially the topic of the conversation. It is the words of the deceased that contain important information, and the emotions that the dreamer feels contain a prediction of the outcome of some matter.

Why do you dream of talking to a dead person?

Dreams about dead people are mostly our feelings and emotions. They should be interpreted neutrally if the deceased behaved quietly and caused disturbances. A conversation with the deceased, however, may contain some important information. How accurately one can remember the words and what the dream setting is often determines how circumstances will turn out in reality.

Why do you dream of talking to a dead person? If a deceased person came to you in a dream close relative, then in reality you need to be extremely careful in relationships with new acquaintances or in business endeavors.

It is worth once again analyzing the situation and being more careful in making any decisions. It is possible that secret spiteful critics or outspoken doctors will make an attempt to thwart the plan. Late parents often appear in dreams to warn of upcoming difficulties and trials.

If the dreamer talks to his mother, illness or health problems await him. In addition, it is worth taking care of preserving your reputation. A conversation with a deceased father promises problems of a business or material nature. To cope with them, you need to mobilize your will and efficiency. Perhaps the planned deal is unprofitable and should be abandoned. Why dream of talking to a dead person if it is the dreamer’s grandfather?

To an imminent illness or some health problems. In addition, the dream indicates mental confusion and severe anxiety that poison life. Proactive action must be taken to correct the situation.

If a conversation took place in a dream with a deceased brother, in reality a friend or relative will soon turn to the dreamer for help. To receive important information. If the dreamer remembers the essence and details of the conversation, this is very good. The information can be used to improve your personal or business life. Hearing the voice of a deceased friend means you will soon receive bad news. Be prepared for downturns and minor setbacks.

Swearing at a dead person is also a very bad sign. After such a dream, be prepared for a major conflict. Restraint, prudence, extreme caution after a negative dream will help to avoid big problems. Another interpretation may be related to the influence of the past, which the dreamer does not want to let go of.

If you made some kind of promise to the deceased in a dream, this does not mean that in reality you should take some actions related to this person. The dream suggests that advice wise people from your environment - that's what is needed at the moment. In addition, the current crisis will soon pass; we just need to hold on a little longer without losing optimism.

If in a dream you communicate with people, recently deceased, means a real danger to life. You need to mobilize and be on alert: circumstances may not be in the dreamer’s favor. He will either have to flee or prepare for a long period of losses, disappointments and failures.

Why dream of talking to a dead person according to Vanga’s dream book

According to this dream book, the dead come to warn of impending disasters or illnesses. After such a dream, you need to be more careful with your health. If the deceased himself looks very bad (sick, depressed), then in reality the dreamer will face injustice, from which it will take a long time to recover.

Why do you dream of talking to a dead person? The interpreter believes that big changes await the dreamer who spoke with a deceased friend. We need to remember what the conversation was about. Perhaps the words of the deceased contain a hint or a warning that will help in reality cope with some difficult situation.

Why dream of talking to a dead person according to Freud’s dream book

A dream about a conversation with a deceased person is directly related to the emotions that the dreamer experienced towards the deceased person. If a conversation takes place, you need to treat it as a warning. The words spoken by the deceased must be taken literally, as if they were spoken by a living person.

Why dream of talking to a dead person according to a modern family dream book

If a deceased person comes to the dreamer’s house, rows and screams, then in reality troubles and serious dangers await. If you dream that the deceased behaves quietly and talks on neutral topics, then in reality you should expect a change in the weather for the worse.

If a person came to you in a dream, at whose funeral you personally attended, and if he warns about the danger that threatens you or someone else, you must definitely listen to this information. The deceased in this case gives valuable advice: you should not indulge in long trips, take important steps that can have a big impact on the dreamer's life. It is especially important to follow this advice in the first days and weeks after the dream: a dream can warn of a real danger to the dreamer’s life.

If a deceased person comes to you in a dream and is silent, it means that he does you only goodness, happiness, wealth, which he himself had during his life. A cheerful dead man in a dream predicts receiving some pleasant news from family or friends. The sad dead man warns of the presence of enemies and of the imminent receipt of news of their machinations.

If in dead in the dream called the dreamer or took him with him, then in reality he is waiting for him imminent death or death similar to that which befell the deceased.

If such a dream occurs regarding deceased relatives or good friends, then instead of death the dreamer will face many adversities in life, problems, and serious illnesses.

Why dream of talking to a dead person according to Miller’s dream book

Dreams about the dead are interpreted by the interpreter as a warning. A conversation with the deceased father means that in reality the dreamer will face the failure of business plans, the unsuccessful completion of a planned or already implemented business.

You need to be extremely careful when talking with others: among them there are hidden enemies who are just waiting to annoy or destroy the dreamer’s life. Why do you dream of talking to your dead mother? Such a dream warns of an imminent illness, as a result of which the dreamer will be thrown out of his usual rut for a long time. In addition, the dream should be taken as a recommendation to be more restrained in business and personal contacts and not show negative emotions

in relation to surrounding people.

If the dead in a dream behave relaxed, have fun, laugh and generally look alive, then in reality someone has a strong and powerful influence on the dreamer. Negative influence. This may lead to financial losses and the imminent emergence of financial problems. They can only be solved with great effort.

Why dream of talking to a dead person according to Longo’s dream book

A dead person who appears in a dream is regarded by the interpreter as a sign of something unpleasant, nasty, painful, and this is connected with the dreamer’s family. A living dead man who says nothing is a sign that very soon a long-forgotten problem will return to his life. Even if it seemed resolved, you will have to re-solve some unpleasant issue or account for old debts.

If in a dream the dreamer ran away from the deceased, then in reality he will be stuck in the situation for a long time. If you managed to overcome yourself and talk to the deceased without fear, then you will still be able to find a solution.

Why dream of talking to a dead person in a neutral tone? This may be a harbinger of a change in weather, most often for the worse. Another interpretation of a conversation with the deceased is an indication that a relative or good friend of the deceased is looking for the dreamer to hear something important from him or to resolve some significant issue.

Humanity is approaching the moment of realization that death is an illusion. How to get in touch with deceased relatives and friends? This can be done now!

A new look at an age-old question!

Many people feel sadness for a long time when death takes people. Suddenly I remember many words that should have been spoken and that will remain unsaid: traditionally it is believed that the possibility of contacting the dead does not exist.

Often they continue to feel as if they were alive: people can feel their presence nearby. The logical mind explains this as an old memory, a common habit.

Latest Scientific research they say that the feeling of the deceased really means the presence of his soul!

It is known that a person has a soul¹, an energy-informational shell that continues to live after death physical body; it carries within itself the individuality and memory of the deceased, the core of his essence.

The studies carried out showed that the instruments actually recorded some radiation remaining after the death of a person. After some time, this radiation was noticed near close people of the deceased person.

This is what the living perceive as the feeling of the presence of the deceased next to them!

A safe way to communicate with deceased relatives has been found!

Initially, this mysterious sensation of the presence of the deceased must be recognized as real.

Our mind is too logical: there are too many “unbelievable” things for it. And at the same time, he cannot know everything: this means that this “incredible” can actually exist.

As stated, the latest research confirms the existence of the soul. And if it is felt nearby, it means that you can get in touch with the deceased!

The described method is based on the experience of our practitioner, the author of this article. Initially, this experience happened to him by accident: at the age of 13, the author got in touch with his deceased father.

He managed to improve this method, learn to control it, and at the age of 33 he consciously made contact with his mother’s soul.

Techniques for communicating with dead people

To restore contact with a deceased person, you must first of all be patient and calm. The most important thing is to understand that only a person’s body dies, his soul is alive along with all his memories.

At the moment of death, a loved one passes into another world; for ease of perception, we can imagine that this world is separated from our reality by an invisible partition.

Thus, in order to establish communication between worlds, you need to find an opportunity to overcome this partition.

1. The practitioner lies down and takes a comfortable position. He closes his eyes, relaxes the muscles of the body: he “passes” his attention over all parts of the body.

Afterwards, the person begins to calm the mind, clear it of thoughts. It is recommended to concentrate on your breathing: without interfering with its course, feel how the air enters and leaves the lungs.

2. Then you need to create the necessary emotional state so that contact can take place.

To do this, the practitioner recreates in his imagination the image of the person with whom he wants to get in touch.

He plunges into memories of him; how communication took place when the person was alive. It is necessary to remember the state of mind, emotions and thoughts that communication with him caused. The more memories and the more realistic the emotions, the more likely it is that a connection with the deceased will be established.

3. The practitioner creates the effect of presence that the soul the right person at this very moment is next to you.

You need to really feel his presence! This is the most important thing in this practice. By remembering your inner state, you will learn to restore it instantly without having to enter a meditative state for a long time².

4. A person recreates this state of mind. When a feeling of inner comfort and naturalness appears, you can begin to communicate.

It is necessary to mentally ask the initial question, for example: “Are you really with me?” After this, you need to let go of expectations, immerse yourself in the feeling of what is described emotional state the presence of the soul next to you. Having received the first answer, you can develop communication with the soul of the deceased³.

It should be immediately warned that answers can come in various ways:

  • you can hear the familiar familiar voice of a deceased person;
  • the soul can respond figuratively: in this case, the practitioner simply needs to look at the mental images that will appear on the page and perceive the meaning inherent in them;
  • contact can be like a full-fledged film, where the practitioner will see various pictures, see the person and how he talks.

In order to get in touch with a deceased person similar to live communication, to an ordinary person you need to train your mind and consciousness: strengthen

After passing away loved one our consciousness does not want to put up with the fact that he is no longer around. I would like to believe that somewhere far away in heaven he remembers us and can send a message.

In this article

The connection between the soul and a living person

Followers of religious and esoteric teachings consider the soul as a small particle of Divine consciousness. On Earth the soul manifests itself through best qualities person: kindness, honesty, nobility, generosity, ability to forgive. Creative abilities are considered a gift from God, which means they are also realized through the soul.

She is immortal, but the human body has a limited lifespan. Therefore, at the end of earthly life, the soul leaves the body and goes to another level of the universe.

Basic theories about afterlife

Myths and religious views of peoples offer their vision of what happens to a person after death. For example, the “Tibetan Book of the Dead” describes step by step all the stages through which the soul passes from the moment of dying to the next incarnation on Earth.

Heaven and Hell, Heavenly Court

In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, a person after death awaits a Heavenly court, at which his earthly deeds are assessed. Depending on the number of mistakes and good deeds, God, angels or apostles divide dead people into sinners and righteous people in order to send them either to Heaven for eternal bliss or to hell for eternal torment.

However, the ancient Greeks had something similar, where all the dead were sent to the underground kingdom of Hades under the guardianship of Cerberus. Souls were also distributed according to their level of righteousness. Pious people were placed in Elysium, and vicious people were placed in Tartarus.

The judgment of souls is present in different variations in ancient myths. In particular, the Egyptians had a deity, Anubis, who weighed the heart of the deceased with an ostrich feather to measure the severity of his sins. Pure souls headed to heavenly fields solar god Ra, where the rest were not allowed to go.

The souls of the righteous go to heaven

Evolution of the soul, Karma, Reincarnation

Religions ancient india look at the fate of the soul differently. According to traditions, she comes to Earth more than once and each time she gains invaluable experience necessary for spiritual evolution.

Any life is a kind of lesson that one goes through in order to reach new level Divine game. All actions and deeds of a person during life constitute his karma, which can be good, bad or neutral.

The concepts of “hell” and “heaven” are not here, although the results of life are important for the upcoming incarnation. A person may deserve Better conditions in the next reincarnation or be born in the body of an animal. Everything determines behavior during your stay on Earth.

The space between worlds: the restless

In the Orthodox tradition there is the concept of 40 days from the moment of death. The date is responsible because By higher powers accepted final decision about the abiding of the soul. Before this, she has the opportunity to say goodbye to places dear to her on Earth, and also undergoes tests in subtle worlds- ordeal, where she is tempted by evil spirits.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead names a similar period of time. And it also lists the trials encountered on the path of the soul. There are similarities between completely different traditions. Two beliefs tell about the space between the worlds, where a deceased person resides in a subtle material shell (astral body).

In 1990, the film “Ghost https://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/prividenie-1990-1991/” was released. Death overtook the hero of the film suddenly - Sam was treacherously killed on a tip from a business partner. While in the body of a ghost, he investigates and punishes the culprit.

This mystical drama perfectly outlined the astral plane and its laws. The film also explained why Sam was stuck between worlds: he had unfinished business on Earth - protecting the woman he loved. Having achieved justice, Sam gains passage to heaven.

Restless souls become ghosts

People whose lives were cut short in early age, as a result of murder or an accident, cannot come to terms with the fact of their departure. They are called restless souls. They wander the Earth as ghosts and sometimes even find a way to make their presence known. This phenomenon is not always caused by tragedy. The reason may be strong attachment to spouses, children, grandchildren or friends.

Video - a film about restless souls:

Is it true that dead people can see us?

There are many similarities in the stories of those who have experienced clinical death. Skeptics doubt the reliability of such an experience, believing that post-mortem images are hallucinations generated by a fading brain.

The famous healer Mirzakarim Norbekov talks about how he led a study of clinical death for four years. 380 out of 500 patients described the experience exactly the same, the difference was only in the details.

The person saw his physical body from the outside, and these were not hallucinations. Another vision was turned on, allowing one to observe what was happening in the hospital room and beyond. Moreover, a person could absolutely accurately describe a place where he was not physically present. All cases are carefully documented and verified.

What does a person see?

Let’s take the word of people who have looked beyond the physical world and systematize their experience:

  1. The first stage is failure, a feeling of falling. Sometimes - literally. According to the story of a witness who received a knife wound in a fight, he first felt pain, then began to fall into a dark well with slippery walls.
  2. Then the “deceased” finds himself where his physical shell is located: in a hospital room or at the scene of an accident. At the first moment he does not understand what he sees from himself. He does not recognize his own body, but, feeling the connection, he can mistake the “deceased” for a relative.
  3. The eyewitness comes to the realization that in front of him is his own body. He makes the shocking discovery that he is dead. There is an acute feeling of protest. Break up with earthly life I do not want. He sees the doctors working their magic on him, observes the anxiety of his relatives, but can do nothing.
  4. Gradually, a person gets used to the fact of death, and then the anxiety recedes, peace and tranquility comes. A person understands that this is not the end, but the beginning of a new stage. And then the way up opens before him.

What does the soul see?

After this the person receives new status. Humanity belongs to the Earth. The soul is sent to Heaven (or a higher dimension). In that moment everything changes. The soul perceives itself as a cloud of energy, more like a multi-colored aura.

The souls of loved ones who passed away earlier appear nearby. They look like living substances emitting light, but the traveler knows exactly who he met. These essences help to move on to the next stage, where the Angel awaits - a guide to the higher spheres.

The path the soul follows is illuminated by Light

People find it difficult to describe the image of the Divine being on the path of the soul in words. This is the embodiment of Love and a sincere desire to help. According to one version, this is a Guardian Angel. According to another, the progenitor of all human souls. The guide communicates with the newcomer using telepathy, without words, on ancient language images It demonstrates events and misdeeds past life, but without the slightest hint of condemnation.

The road passes through space filled with Light. Those who have experienced clinical death talk about the feeling of an invisible barrier, which probably serves as the border between the world of the living and the kingdom of the dead. None of those who returned comprehended beyond the veil. What lies beyond the line is not given to the living to know.

Can the soul of the deceased come to visit?

The religion condemns the practice of spiritualism. This is considered a sin, since a tempting demon may appear under the guise of a deceased relative. Serious esotericists also do not approve of such sessions, since at this moment a portal opens through which dark entities can penetrate into our world.

The Church condemns seances for communicating with the dead

However, such visits can occur on the initiative of those who left Earth. If there was a strong connection between people in earthly life, then death will not break it. For at least 40 days, the soul of the deceased can visit relatives and friends and observe them from the side. People with high sensitivity sense this presence.

The deceased uses the dream space to meet the living. He may appear to a sleeping relative to remind him of himself, provide support or give advice in a difficult life situation.

Unfortunately, we do not take dreams seriously, and sometimes we simply forget what we dreamed at night. Therefore, the attempts of our departed relatives to reach us in a dream are not always successful.

Can a deceased person become a guardian angel?

Everyone perceives the passing of a loved one differently. For a mother who has lost a child, such an event is a real tragedy. A person needs support and consolation, because the pain of loss and longing reign in the heart. The bond between mother and child is especially strong, so children feel suffering acutely.

Children who die early can become guardian angels

However, any deceased relative can become a guardian angel for a family. It is important that during his lifetime this person is deeply religious, observes the laws of the Creator and strives for righteousness.

How can the dead contact the living?

The souls of the deceased do not belong to the material world, therefore they do not have the opportunity to appear on Earth as a physical body. In any case, we will not be able to see them in their previous form. In addition, there are unspoken rules according to which the dead cannot directly interfere in the affairs of the living.

  1. According to the theory of reincarnation, deceased relatives or friends return to us, but in the guise of a different person. For example, they may appear in the same family, but as a younger generation: a grandmother who has passed on to another world may return to Earth as your granddaughter or niece, although, most likely, her memory of the previous incarnation will not be preserved.
  2. Another option is spiritualistic seances, the dangers of which we discussed above. The possibility of dialogue, of course, exists, but is not approved by the church.
  3. The third communication option is dreams and the astral plane. It's more convenient platform for those who have passed away, since the astral belongs to the immaterial world. The living enter this space also not in a physical shell, but in the form of a subtle substance. Therefore, dialogue is possible. Esoteric teachings recommend taking dreams involving deceased loved ones seriously and listening to their advice, since the dead have greater wisdom than the living.
  4. IN exceptional cases the soul of the deceased can appear in physical world. This presence can feel like a chill down your spine. Sometimes you can even see something like a shadow or silhouette in the air.
  5. In any case, the connection between the departed people and the living cannot be denied. Another thing is that not everyone perceives and understands this connection. For example, the souls of the departed can send us signs. There is a belief that a bird that accidentally flies into a house carries a message from the afterlife calling for caution.

This video talks about communicating with the dead through dreams:

Scientists' opinions on the soul and the afterlife

Representatives of science took the position of materialism, and the church always condemned atheists.

In earlier times, scientists believed that there was no soul. Consciousness and psyche - the activity of the brain and nervous system. Accordingly, with the cessation of life of the physical body, consciousness also dies. Afterworld Scientists didn’t take it seriously either. They were convinced that in church they talked about heaven and hell in order to achieve obedience among parishioners.

About a century ago, Albert Einstein put forward the general theory of relativity, which revolutionized scientific views on the structure of the Universe. It turned out that such categories of matter as time and space are unstable. And Einstein questioned matter itself, declaring that it was more reasonable to talk about energy in its various manifestations.

The development of quantum physics has also made adjustments to the worldview of scientists. A theory has emerged about many variants of the Universe. And it has been experimentally proven that consciousness can influence processes in the world of microparticles.

This video talks about the view of modern scientists on the phenomenon of death:

What individual scientists say

As they moved into outer space and immersed themselves in the processes of the microworld, scientists pushed the boundaries of perception and came to the idea of ​​the existence of a Universal Mind, which religions call God. They became convinced of the animation of the Cosmos not through blind faith, but during numerous scientific experiments.

Russian biologist Vasily Lepeshkin

In the 1930s, a Russian biochemist discovered energy emissions emanating from a dying body. The bursts were recorded on ultra-sensitive photographic film. Based on observations, the scientist came to the conclusion that a special substance is separated from the dying body, which in religions is usually called the soul.

Professor Konstantin Korotkov

Doctor of Technical Sciences has developed a method of gas discharge visualization (GDV), which makes it possible to record fine-material radiation from the human body and obtain an image of the aura in real time.

Using the GDV method, the professor recorded energy processes at the moment of death. In fact, Korotkov’s experiments gave a picture of how a subtle component emerges from a dying person. The scientist believes that then consciousness, together with thin body are sent to another dimension.

Physicists Michael Scott from Edinburgh and Fred Alan Wolf from California

Adherents of the theory of many parallel Universes. Some of their options coincide with reality, others radically differ from it.

Any Living being(more precisely, his spiritual center) never dies. It is simultaneously embodied in different versions reality, and each individual part is unaware of doubles from parallel worlds.

Professor Robert Lantz

He drew an analogy between the continuous existence of humans and the life cycles of plants, which die in the winter, but begin to grow again in the spring. Thus, Lanz’s views are close to the Eastern doctrine of personal reincarnation.

The professor admits the existence of parallel worlds in which the same soul lives at the same time.

Anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff

Due to the specifics of my work, I observed people on the verge of life and death. Now he is sure that the soul has a quantum nature. Stewart believes that it is not formed by neurons, but by the unique substance of the Universe. After the death of the physical body, spiritual information about the personality is transmitted into space and lives there as free consciousness.


As you can see, neither religion nor modern science do not deny the existence of the soul. Scientists, by the way, even named its exact weight - 21 grams. Having left this world, the soul continues to live in another dimension.

How a mask and other gadgets for controlling lucid dreams work

I really want to help you. let this be a little help for you -
you asked me to tell you directly about the method - well, listen, I mean read:
This method has been known for a long time, and in order to communicate with spirits using it, you don’t have to be a psychic or a fortune teller, you just need a great desire for everything to work out and adherence to the rules. I think you have enough of the first - by the way, I remember the words of krafta about the thought form, but I don’t think that it has a place to be here - things just happened that people simply could not know about, for example, once my relatives were going to fly abroad to Christmas, well, the night before they called the spirit. they asked about everything they could, and when they said goodbye they said that tomorrow they were flying somewhere, and the spirit answered “no,” well, they didn’t understand anything, they thought he was joking again (some joke more, others don’t joke at all), so they asked “how so, why not?”, but no matter how they formulated the question (by the way, here you need to be precise and not suggest half the answer to the spirit), the spirit answered only one word: “wheel”, the relatives did not attach any significance to this, because it happens that spirits say incomprehensible things that never find an explanation - in general, they woke up in the morning, got ready, sat on the path and went down to the street, and here the following picture awaited them: their foreign car (which “spent the night” on the street , because they were afraid to be late) was lying on the belly, without wheels, with the doors broken, and some cute little girl was throwing sand into the car with a scoop! imagine their shock! They watched her do it for a long time and remembered one word: “wheel.” Of course, they didn’t fly abroad, because they had to deal with the car—
yeah, well, I got distracted again. you will need: whatman paper, a saucer, 2 candles, lipstick (red, good if it belonged to your wife), and at least 1 person who will call with you. yes, for the first time it’s better to have a person with you who has already guessed this way and knows some of the subtleties, but if you don’t have this among your friends, then you’ll have to try with the same amateurs. so, take whatman paper and draw 2 circles (the inner one, 5 cm (from each edge) should exceed the size of your dessert fortune-telling saucer; the outer one should be much larger than the first (you can outline a large frying pan). We write around the inner one (with something black that will be clearly visible in the twilight) all the numbers from 0 to 9 (evenly around the entire circle), around the outer one we write the entire alphabet from a to z, and on the sides of the alphabet we write: on the left “no”, on the right “yes”, on the bottom “no” I know." In general, I tried to depict here in the drawing (don’t pay attention to how I was in a hurry :-)) approximately what a fortune-telling Whatman paper should look like - these are preliminary preparations, well, let’s assume that today: January 8, 2006, night (after 12:00)-
we do the following. a saucer, as I already said, a dessert saucer, well, an ordinary one, not a plate, it should be with smooth edges, absolutely without drawings, white (neither outside nor inside, no gold rims!), we turn it upside down (so that its circle is in contact with the Whatman paper) and draw an arrow on top of it with red lipstick, which will indicate letters and numbers. place the saucer in the center.
Now we take 2 large candles, not for a cake :-), with a height of at least 15 cm and drop them onto whatman paper on the sides, as shown in the picture, and fix them there.
So, in principle, the attributes are ready, now it’s time to take charge of yourself:
1) yes, if you have animals, then it’s better to hide them away in advance, especially cats, because one poor thing, when her owners called on the spirit, started running around the apartment and ended up hiding under the bathtub, and until the owners stopped telling fortunes, she couldn’t extract from there, while she had eyes the size of a 5-ruble coin - in short, the presence of animals is a big question (we just heard somewhere that they, on the contrary, help);
2) I don’t know how it will be better if your children are at home or not - hmm - at least we never have - they might get scared, if they were older, 15-16 years old, they could guess with you - ;
3) now general rules(for men and women): no jewelry (especially crosses), fasteners, buttons, cosmetics (remove everything that has fasteners, etc.: belt, shirt, pants, shoes, chains, earrings, bra, hair bands, hairpins - ). wear something that will be comfortable and not cold (with the window open);
4) for example, you will sit in the hall, put a table in the center of the room (place chairs around), put whatman paper on the table, put candles, a saucer; You should open the window in this room (the spirit must enter), turn off the lights, light the candles. sit opposite each other, let the one who reads sit opposite the Whatman paper, and let the others sit in a circle.
5) in principle, everyone will be able to read, but you cannot get ahead of the thoughts of the spirit, that is, if you understand what word the spirit is writing, do not say it out loud until he completes it. the spirit will simply repeat what you said, and not what he wanted to say. You cannot offer him a choice of what to answer: just ask your questions correctly, best of all in such a way that the spirit can answer yes, no, or in words (possibly in combinations). there are questions that he simply will not answer, for example, I once asked what I would become, and he replied that a good man, but I have to choose a profession myself. It happens that a person is not happy with what the spirit answered and then there is no need to torment the spirit by asking the question in different ways. and again there was a case when about 5 relatives asked the spirit questions, and someone asked why another relative was sick, and the spirit said that the mother-in-law, who was also sitting at the table, was to blame for this - you can imagine how she got nervous and started screaming that this is all on purpose - in short, there has been discord in the family, so be more careful about questions, think about them before fortune telling!
6) having called the spirit, you need to say hello, ask if he is okay, from time to time you need to ask if he is tired, if he says yes, then ask if it will be possible to call him tonight, but later, or better tomorrow. Also good question: “Do you want to say something to me, or to someone else sitting at the table?” Everyone sitting can ask questions, or simply help the process. ask about dates, about people, whether any event will work out. REMEMBER: THE SPIRITS WARN, THEY CAN BE ASKED TO PROTECT FROM TROUBLE, TO HELP SOMEONE; BUT NOT EVERYTHING THAT THEY PREDICT COME TRUE, BECAUSE THEY SEE YOUR FUTURE AT THIS POINT OF TIME, AND WE OURSELVES CHANGE IT WITH THE PROGRESS OF TIME AND CHANGES IN UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES. THE SPIRIT CANNOT BE SURE OF YOUR CHOICE, SO IT SAYS WHAT HE THINK WILL BE.
7)by calling 2 different spirits, you can find out 2 different opinions about something, but you should not do what the spirit says, you just need to take note of it.
8) spirits are offended, spirits take revenge; if you offended them during your lifetime, then it is better either not to evoke such a spirit, it can ruin your life, or you should ask for forgiveness
9) more about the bad: someone sitting may mentally resist the spirit’s answer, at least I can do this - although I know that this is bad - you may know that the spirit will now answer “yes”, but you want to see “no” “, which means you mentally resist the answer, then the saucer begins to spin as if enraged, because the spirit feels everything: especially if you are nervous.
10) it seems that I described everything that was necessary to know for the first time, well now about the technique: - the light is turned off, the candles are lit, you take a saucer and heat it on one of the candles until it becomes hot, then you put it in the center and those sitting at the table should touch it with two fingers (index and middle) of both hands, just do not put pressure on it, but barely touch it! then you say something like this: “Ivanova Anna Sergeevna (for example), we want to talk to you, are you here?” repeat these words until the saucer moves and indicates “yes”, then say hello and you can start a conversation - you can prepare sample list, but I think you won’t need it - don’t let go of your fingers from the saucer, the contact will be interrupted!
11) just don’t ask where the spirit is in the room right now, because someone will definitely have a heart attack! one deceased husband answered his wife that he was standing behind her back, imagine what happened to her! she never called him again -
12) the spirit may not appear for many reasons: if you do not follow all (!) of the above rules, if someone present does not want it to appear or absolutely does not believe in it, if you forget to open the window, if someone crosses his arms or legs under the table, does not unfasten anything, if the paper is badly prepared, if the saucer is bad, if there is an animal nearby, if today is not Christmas (January 7-19), in short, there are many reasons.


Here you go! I tried to make it more specific for you, but in the end I still gave it away general form fortune telling, but I think you can figure it out on your own. I just ask you not to summon the spirit before Christmas, call with a person you completely trust (I just remember your goal very well) - if you find the killer, then be sure that this person or people will not betray you sooner or later -
I understand that you will want some kind of “real” contact, but this is impossible, if you really want it, you can already feel the presence of the spirit. but please remember that this is no longer your wife!

It is believed that when a person dies, he leaves his body and continues to exist in the form of a spirit, soul, consciousness, and a clot of energy. The etheric body enters another form of reality, which cannot be seen from the world of the living. It is very difficult to feel the presence of a deceased person using the five senses, but this does not mean that it is impossible to communicate with him.

After a person's spirit gets to the "other side", it still remains in emotional contact with the people who loved him during his lifetime. Many are trying to send the message that they are okay.

How do they do this?

After the spirit just gets to the “other side,” he most likely still does not know how to contact the people remaining on earth. But, probably, other inhabitants of the other world, deceased relatives, angels and spiritual mentors give a hint on how to do this. But the fact that the spirit of the deceased sends a message does not mean that someone will be able to receive and understand it.

It is very difficult to imagine how a deceased person feels, watching the suffering of loved ones without being able to calm them down.

As time passes, the spirit of the deceased person tries to give a sign that he still exists. There are quite a lot of signs sent from the “other world”. The most common signs are flickering light bulbs, changing position or falling of a photograph hanging on the wall, malfunction of household appliances, deviation in the behavior of pets, the appearance of butterflies or birds, the appearance of smells that the deceased person loved, special songs playing on the radio, etc. .

The most common method of communication used by deceased people is communication through dreams. Quite often people have dreams in which loving person and conveys the message. Such a dream seems very clear and real.

During sleep, a person's mind and consciousness are relaxed and open to receiving information. It is much easier for the spirit to make contact than during daytime wakefulness, when a person’s head is a “mush” of thoughts and emotions.

Not all dreams in which the image of a deceased person is present are real contact. Very often the subconscious can itself cause such dreams in a person. Typically, genuine contact with the spirit of the deceased conveys a message of love, confidence and emotional connection. Often, deceased people convey knowledge or warnings about the future.

How to independently contact the other world?

You can contact your loved one simply by addressing him mentally. The fact is that the souls of loved ones are able to hear a person’s thoughts. There is no guarantee that at the exact moment when they are addressed, they are not busy and listening. But, with due persistence, you can wait for an answer. Such a response, as a rule, will come with some time delay.

Communicating with the spirit of the deceased in real time can be quite difficult. This is exactly what professional mediums do. Without proper training and talent, it is quite difficult to make such contact on your own.

There is a way that allows you to communicate with the spirit yourself. To do this, you need to relax, imagine a well-lit place in which pleasant music is playing and mentally invite the deceased to a conversation. If everything is successful, then the person will have the opportunity to ask several questions to the spirit.

The difficulty is not to confuse real contact with your imagination. But this can be easily verified. With real contact, things will be discussed that are difficult to think of and imagine in real life. Everyday life. Images and pictures of unfamiliar things will appear in your head. Thoughts will come from outside.

It’s hard enough to live knowing that you will never be able to communicate with your loved one again. But you shouldn’t be upset in advance. The dead do not leave us forever, they just change the form of existence.