The niece and lover of the late Oleg Yakovlev continue the war for a multimillion-dollar inheritance. "Sasha is the only person who loved and loves Oleg Yakovlev" Alexandra Kutsevol year of birth

The war between Oleg Yakovlev’s heirs for his property has been going on for several months now. In the will that the man left, only his niece and best friend. It seemed that the issue with the distribution of real estate and Money was resolved, but Alexandra Kutsevol intervened in the matter. The artist’s common-law wife provided a document according to which she married the lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International” five years ago.

However, this paper caused a lot of controversy and doubts on the part of Yakovlev’s friends. The next heroine of the “Male/Female” program was Oleg’s sister, who explained why she did not believe in the marriage of her uncle and Kutsevol.

“He constantly said that he was not going to marry her. Sasha and I had a normal relationship, we talked on the phone. However, Oleg did not say anything about this wedding. The last changes to his will were made in 2017, shortly before his death, and he did not indicate Sasha as an heir. There are only two names there: mine and Roman Radov, his longtime friend,” said Tatyana Yakovleva.

Friends Oleg and Alexandra also appeared in the studio. They confirmed that they did not know about the ceremony, but saw a ring on Kutsevol’s finger, which could very well be an engagement ring.

To understand the controversial situation, Tatyana Yakovleva sent a request to Serbia, where the marriage allegedly took place. For six months she waited for a response, and as a result, an official statement from a foreign state was read for the first time on the air of the program.

“I have the honor to convey a message to the city administration of the city of Chachak that the marriage certificate dated 2012 between Oleg Yakovlev and Alexandra Kutsevol was not included in the registry office of the city of Chachak,” read the presenter Alexander Gordon.

Thus, the marriage between Alexandra and Oleg was not concluded, which means that any of her claims to the singer’s property are invalid. Moreover, Gordon advised Tatyana Yakovleva to go to court with a claim of fraud on the part of Kutsevol.

The news shocked everyone present in the hall, because many sincerely believed that the artist and his chosen one managed to get married. Earlier, Tatyana said that they were scheduled for another trial in the coming days, at which the fate of the inheritance could be decided.

Apparently, Alexandra Kutsevol will not be able to lay claim to Oleg Yakovlev’s property. However, the hosts of the “Male/Female” program noted that the young woman did a lot for the musician, and deserves to receive at least something from his inheritance.

The ex-soloist of the group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev, who died on June 29, did not have time to realize his grandiose creative plans. His relatives and colleagues talk about this. For many, the sudden death of the artist came as a real shock.

“I can’t believe it - just a month and a half ago everything was fine,” the lead singer of “Ivanushki” told Reedus.

“I’m shocked, my condolences to the friends he had, and to all the fans who loved him as a performer of the songs of the Ivanushki International group,” Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov, the second member of the popular trio, told RT.

The reaction of other colleagues was similar. "When we met in last time, he had so many good musical endeavors. I always thought it was cool that Oleg would have such new songs that he would conquer the world on his own. “I’m shocked by what happened,” TASS quotes a former member of the “Hands Up!” group. Alexey Potekhin.

TV presenter Yana Churikova expressed condolences to his common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol.

“We crossed paths many times at work and on stage, when Oleg was a member of Ivanushki International, and then, when he decided to engage in solo work, to take care of himself. When people leave who, by any criteria, should not have done so, it is unexpected, unpleasant, and pathetic,” Churikova added.

Didn't want to see doctors

On June 27, Yakovlev was admitted to intensive care with pneumonia. His condition was assessed as serious. Doctors fought for the artist’s life, connected him to a ventilator, but, unfortunately,... On the morning of June 29 he was gone.

“The man just didn’t come to his senses,” he said common-law wife and producer Alexandra Kutsevol She later added that the cause of the singer’s death was cardiac arrest.

The girl admitted that the performer had been having serious problems with health.

He really had bad diagnoses, a lot of things fell on him. In an instant, the condition worsened sharply. Because of this, he was urgently hospitalized,” she said.

Just a week before, Yakovlev on his Instagram page congratulated the doctors on professional holiday and thanked them for being “alive and well.”

According to her, Yakovlev did not want to see doctors until recently.

“The fact of the matter is that Oleg preferred to be treated at home. Before last day he was lying in the apartment. When he became very ill, he was hospitalized. He did not want to be treated, although he had long been advised to go to a clinic. He was stubborn and wanted to stay at home. Perhaps if he had been hospitalized earlier, it would have been possible to save him,” she told “.”

The day before his death, all his relatives were allowed into Yakovlev’s room.

Apparently, the doctors already understood that Oleg would not get up again, so they allowed his family to spend his last hours with him. We held his hand. Somewhere in the depths of our souls we realized that he was leaving us, but we hoped to the last. ... Oleg never regained consciousness,” says the PR manager.

Romance with a fan

The love story of Oleg Yakovlev and Alexandra Kutsevol is truly amazing. Alexandra was an ardent fan of “Ivanushki”. As they write in the media, she first saw Oleg at the age of 11 at a concert and promised herself that she would achieve his favor. For the sake of her dream, Alexandra moved from her native Nefteyugansk, became a television journalist and surprisingly quickly entered the circle of friends of “Ivanushki”.

However, it took at least 10 years to win the idol’s heart. According to Express Newspaper, the girl found weakness artist: it turned out that Oleg always dreamed of doing solo work. Journalists claimed that after 40 he began to suffer from serious depression, and Alexandra supported him, convinced him to record a solo song and pushed him onto the radio, using her connections.

In total, Yakovlev recorded seven compositions, and his heart finally melted - Alexandra became his manager and moved in with her lover, the newspaper describes.

Unfortunately, the personal success of the “blonde from “Ivanushki”” became the cause of disagreements in the group. According to, he believed that he alone was pulling the whole group, although the producers did their best to meet him halfway. Igor Matvienko even allowed Yakovlev to perform his solo songs at concerts. However, relations between the group members deteriorated, and in 2013 Yakovlev was asked to leave the group. According to another version, he was “left” from the group due to alcohol abuse.

Today is 9 days since Olezhka passed away, as his friends and his girlfriend called him. She and the journalist and TV presenter Alexandra Kutsevol were together for many years, they were not married, but they didn’t see the need for it. Sasha remembers the time spent together.

I lost for the first time loved one. My grandparents passed away, but there was not such a strong connection between us. I am a monogamist, my dad is the same, he has been with my mother all his life. It’s strange for me when someone says: I love you, I can’t live, and after a while he’s already with another person...

Photo by Legion-Media

I don’t know what day to consider the beginning of our relationship. First, I interviewed Oleg when I worked in a youth program on Nefteyugansk television. Then we met at a concert in St. Petersburg and got to know each other better. Later we saw each other on the set when I worked at MUZ-TV, we went to events together, I came to visit him, and we could talk for hours. I can’t even tell you how many years we’ve been together. It seems that Oleg has always been in my life. It was never important to me whether we would live together and in what capacity. We will remain friends or lovers, husband and wife, parents or colleagues. It didn't matter. The only thing that matters is the presence of this person in my life. We had some kind of crazy connection and a feeling of kinship of souls when you see yourself in another person. Oleg and I were even similar in appearance, many noticed this. It always seemed to me that this was no coincidence. Yes, we also went through a test of feelings, like any person, you doubt something. But not all people know how to love. Not saying “I love you” or getting attached, but when you live in spite of it.

I could take off my sweater and give it away if someone likes it

...I'm generally talkative. Oleg couldn’t stand that I talked a lot. “Can you be quiet?” - he often said. We’re going somewhere on tour, I’m chatting with the dancers, and he says to me: “Give the guys a rest, you’re pestering me.” He could have taken my phone, but I was working on it, texting someone, sending letters. Oleg only had it for calls and SMS. He said: “Now you will have withdrawal symptoms.” I told him: “I need to call there, write off here, give it back.” And he: “No.” On Instagram, he wrote the texts himself, but then sent them to me, I wrote the rules, and then he looked at where the comma or Exclamation point put. I was very sensitive about this...

Oleg was scrupulous in many ways. First of all in relation to friends. There were some people around him special people. Some with very difficult destinies. He himself was a strong man. And I couldn’t be around the weak; I think I deliberately chose such people. I myself have been a fighter since childhood, but he taught me a lot - to be wiser, stronger. Oleg did not exchange friends, you can count them on one hand, these are all non-public people, those with whom he has been for many years, others from his student days. We used to get together, we could go to the theater together, to congratulate the mother of one of our friends on his birthday, or just sit in someone’s kitchen at home.

Oleg could not tolerate pathos at all; because of his profession, he had to be in all this. Once again I didn’t want to go to some presentation or media event, I had to find a thousand reasons to persuade him. When he was personally called, it was more difficult for him to refuse. If we were asked to post on Instagram or support a song, he never refused, and he himself didn’t want to ask anyone. He didn’t know how to adapt, he couldn’t stand groveling. He earned everything he had with his own labor, every penny. These were not gifts from oligarchs or admirers, as is often the case. They tried to introduce us to the right people. Recently, a friend said: “There’s a cool guy, he loves Oleg so much, let’s meet somewhere, maybe he’ll shoot a video for Oleg.” But I understood that he would not agree to this.

Oleg earned and shared, he was very generous. I could give an unexpected gift to completely unrelated people, for example, give an iPhone. When he was already in the hospital, I was advised to go to the monastery with his favorite thing and then bring it to him. I was discouraged, I didn’t know which one was his favorite. He didn't get attached to things at all. He didn’t chase brands in his clothes, he didn’t have expensive watches, jewelry. He could take off his sweater and give it to anyone if someone liked it.

He was an esthete, loved to be surrounded by beautiful people

...Loved to cook. He could make something out of nothing and very tasty. I cooked compotes, baked pancakes, stewed meat in pots. I'm going to miss it all so much. Oleg liked to treat someone. I treated myself simply - made a salad and it was done. I liked to eat in bed, just change it bed sheets, you come, and he has smeared it, there are crumbs lying around. But I myself ate very chaotically, I didn’t like it, I could go hungry all day, and at night I would sneak to the refrigerator and grab a cake. But he constantly watched his figure. Somehow during the time of “Ivanushki” he gained a lot of weight, he became really big. Red told him about this, and they argued whether Oleg would lose weight. For ten days he circled the Garden Ring, put on warm clothes, and ate only buckwheat. And he won the argument. In this sense, he was stubborn. I thought an artist should be in shape.

Instagram photo by Alexandra Kutsevol

He and I could often sit, watch someone’s videos, discuss who looked like, who had what outfits. For him appearance has always been important. So that beautiful people surround him. With Oleg, I began to pay attention to the symmetry of the face, height, figure, how a person moves and walks. Oleg was an esthete, he was also an artist. There are paintings hanging in our apartment, some written by him. He gave away many gifts. IN Lately I rarely drew though. He painted me too, five years ago, but the paint accidentally fell on the portrait and it turned out like a tear. I also say: “Why did you draw me crying?” He: “By chance.” And now I’m thinking...

Oleg taught me how to give compliments. If I see handsome man, I have no shame in telling him about it. He complimented me too, but we had carrots and sticks. Because Oleg wanted me to be even better, he often said: “Come on, lose weight, your butt is a closet. You always have time to become a bun.” They told him: look at Sasha, where should she lose weight? But such words were in his spirit; one could not be offended by him. We were lucky, we have the same size and height, he is 170, I am 171. He could try on things and buy them for me, and, conversely, I could buy them for him. In this sense, we trusted each other. I won’t throw away his things; I’ll definitely wear sneakers, jeans, and T-shirts. I am comfortable in the “boy-girl” image, although Oleg also liked it when I looked feminine. In a dress, in heels. I liked it when I was taller. Everyone asked me to buy skirts, and I objected: what will I wear them with? I promised that in the summer, so be it, I’ll buy one. Therefore, when saying goodbye to Oleg, I wore heels, just as he would have liked.

A portrait of his beloved Sasha, painted by Oleg during the most romantic period of their relationship.

Photo personal archive of Alexandra Kutsevol

He couldn't stand children, but they loved him

As part of the group "Ivanushki International"

Photo by Legion-Media

We treated children somehow strangely. This possibility was not particularly discussed. They even dreamed of launching child-free planes, they were in solidarity with him about these screaming kids, there was no kind of tenderness in front of them. But I think Oleg could be a good father. His acquaintances always trusted him to babysit someone. He found a language with any child. He said: I can’t stand children, but they loved him very much. Oleg even talked to the kids as if they were adults; they listened to him and fell in love. I understand why this happened: because Oleg himself was a big child. And he was on the same energy level with them. But you can't fool children.

It was easy with him. We had some stupid jokes with him, we laughed, laughed... But even when it was difficult, these situations strengthened and educated. The fact that I am collected now is thanks to Oleg. He himself never complained, never complained about anything, and accepted life in all its manifestations. He was collected. It seems that this was passed on to me too. Oleg was in the family the only man, accustomed to being responsible, to be responsible for the situation. I knew: God forbid anything happens, he will always protect. If he understood that someone had offended me, he would call and find out, and he didn’t care what would happen later with this business project. He was always involved, even more worried than I was. I remember I was organizing an event with the participation of artists, and I was missing someone, Oleg was nervous, suggested some options, sometimes stupid, but he participated and was worried. The word “love” in comparison with the actions that Oleg did has no power, because these are words, but these are actions.

The audience loved him. What more does an artist need?

Recently, while on tour in St. Petersburg, we walked along the street to the station, and ordinary people they recognized him, and he kept repeating: “Sasha, I’m so happy! Not every artist experiences such love!” How could he be unhappy if the boy was from small town non-standard appearance he went to Moscow on his own, without any connections, entered various theater schools, worked with great people such as Dzhigarkhanyan, Kasatkina, got into a popular boy band, saw the world. His loved ones were with him for many years loving people. Then he left his comfort zone, left “Ivanushki” and was able to realize himself. I made this decision myself. For several years I wanted this, but some kind of push was missing. In 2012, we began to live together, and in January 2013, we were vacationing in the Maldives and found out that his song “Dance with eyes closed"Took into rotation. Then Oleg had no doubts at all.

Photo by Legion-Media

But even after leaving the group, he remained with the guys warm relations. It was impossible not to love Oleg. But Matvienko is also a holy man. The only producer in the country who, after leaving the group, allowed the artist to perform its repertoire. Oleg still has employment history lies at his musical center. Igor Igorevich came to all of Oleg’s presentations, and this was very important for him. At the anniversary concert of “Ivanushki,” Matvienko himself invited Oleg to perform his own solo song. When he took the stage in the second part of the concert, the audience roared. Such colossal love. The audience was crying. They filled it with flowers. What more does an artist need? How can you say that he was unhappy?

After leaving Ivanushki, Oleg managed to open up. I became a confident, self-sufficient person. Passions were seething inside him, he wanted to do a lot, wings grew behind his back. I wrote a song on which I was the author-composer, but did not have time to release it. I dreamed of preparing an original album. There were a lot of ideas. Oleg had no intention of leaving.

We talked to him about death. Oleg seemed to believe in God, but at the same time he said that he thought that there was nothing beyond the line. I answered that there is. We argued and discussed how who wanted to be buried. To be cremated was his wish. He shared it with close friends; there was no doubt about what to do when Oleg passed away.

It was necessary to work with him floridly, in circles, he had character, he made decisions himself

He never got sick. I caught a cold for a while, like everyone else. That's why there was no concern at first. And then at first he complained that his chest hurt, I offered to get checked, I had pneumonia as a child, but he brushed it off: I drank one mixture, then another, here are some more antibiotics, asked to buy pills, and prescribed them to myself. It wasn’t just me who persuaded him to get treatment. But Oleg was a man of character and always made decisions himself. He could go wild and quarrel if you insisted, but he always did the opposite. It was impossible to talk to him directly, it was necessary to do it floridly, in circles. This situation is no exception. Until I realized that self-medication was not helping, I did not consult a doctor.

Thank God, I don’t blame myself for anything. The only thing was that it was possible to cancel the last concerts in St. Petersburg, but Oleg would not allow it. He, of course, should have been treated at that moment, and not jumped on trains and on the stage. But he felt more or less normal, he came to the hospital on his own feet, went and took tests himself, they didn’t carry him in a wheelchair. At the hospital, he took a Cancer Cervical candy out of his pocket and said: “I can’t stand them. Anyone want it? I took the candy, for some reason I wanted to get it. I still have it. Every time I went to bed, I put it next to my pillow as a reminder of Oleg. I thought I’d eat it when he gets better. The candy is already worn out. And it will never be eaten again.

I’m reinforced concrete now, I can’t be penetrated. I just know what needs to be done now. If I need to go to the program in memory of Oleg, I will go. And even if someone says that I should suffer, I don’t care much about who thinks what. I didn’t know how I would behave if something happened. Sometimes I asked myself: what if? I thought I would just suffocate at that very second. But apparently it’s not possible. You have to be here. And hold the line. Finish what he wanted to do. Release Oleg Yakovlev's album, record, single, which became a farewell, and hold a concert in his memory. I once filmed for the 15th anniversary of “Ivanushki” documentary, Matvienko said that this is the best in the history of the group. I would like to film something no less vivid about Oleg.

Everything happened very quickly. Oleg always left in English. After the concert, he simply ran out of the dressing rooms, his heels sparkling, this was the case back in the days of “Ivanushki”. And now he left without saying goodbye. My heart couldn't stand it. It just turned off. But I'm convinced that time will pass, and we will definitely see him and continue our story in a different capacity. I believe in it.

Many people know that Oleg Zhamsarayevich Yakovlevformer member groups "Ivanushki international". In the 90s, this boy trio was very popular, but they managed to become famous even before they joined Oleg Yakovlev. This guy replaced Igor Sorin, who left the group due to some subtle mental torment and fatigue from the burden of fame and popularity. Oleg Yakovlev The public did not accept it immediately; fans were expecting the return of the previous singer. But after Oleg Yakovlev sang such hits as "Bullfinches" And "Poplar fluff", fans began to view him as a full member of the group. Moreover, soon Igor Sorin dies tragically, fans suffer, the loss is hard to bear, this is understandable, the young guy leaves at the peak of his popularity, but life goes on as usual, years pass, in the end it becomes clear that Oleg Yakovlev joined the team "Ivanushek international" successfully.

For 15 years Oleg Yakovlev was one of the vocalists of the group "Ivanushki international", but when the singer turned 43 years, he has decided to leave the band and start a solo career, in addition, our hero decides that he has a unique voice, that only those songs where he has a decisive lead role become hits, and precisely because he is poured into them nightingale. But did he have an amazing voice? Oleg Yakovlev? I specifically watched the band’s videos the other day "Ivanushki international", and solo projects Oleg Yakovlev and I didn’t hear any unique voice from him. The most worthwhile and memorable voice Kirill Andreeva- dark« Ivanushki» . So why is life Oleg Yakovlev was so interesting and eventful for those fifteen years that he was part of the group "Ivanushki international"? Well, it’s just that the guy got into the flow, pulled out his lucky ticket, and anyone else could have taken his place. This is the brutal truth. However, in his interviews Oleg Yakovlev likes to talk about his uniqueness, about how he was a successful theater actor before he started singing, and he had roles, both leading and title roles, and in the crowd, and on the course in GITIS He was one of the best; in his last interviews, this artist even began to claim that he was the best. But the puzzle doesn’t fit, and I’m very sorry Oleg Yakovlev, moreover, I’m even embarrassed for my truth...

Oleg Yakovlev didn’t understand that the group was successful not thanks to him, but thanks to the talented composer and producer Igor Matvienko, separately« Ivanushki» few people will be interested, especially if they don’t perform their golden hits. Imagine an aging 47 year old ex« Ivanushka» , who began to sing songs like sneakers and half-shoes. And I'm not exaggerating... unfortunately.

“You are my mania, and I’m in a fog”

"Dance with your eyes closed towards me

You are completely different in dance

With double hands

But without getting into the rhythm"

These are the songs I made my fans happy with Oleg Yakovlev.

These songs, which I listened to specifically before writing this article, really upset me. Melodies in two chords, empty words, it’s so boring and tedious that I can’t call it music. Comrades, it’s better to sing nothing than to sing something like this! But Igor Matvienko well done, he didn't forbid solo concerts Oleg Yakovlev perform hits« Ivanushek» , otherwise, who would even go to these performances? Life is cruel, the truth is often painful to hear.

Oleg Yakovlev left the group "Ivanushki international" V 2013 year, he was pushed to take this step by a certain Alexandra Kutsevol, it was this girl who buzzed into our hero’s ear about what a unique, unique genius he was, kissed by fortune on the crown. Alexandra Kutsevol convinced Oleg Yakovlev is that he needs to start a solo career, that there must be creative growth.

Marry your chosen one Alexandra Kutsevol Oleg Yakovlev never intended to, he said it openly in every interview. The singer did not believe in the institution of marriage, he believed that a documented marriage relaxes women; allegedly, the very next day after the painting, the newly-minted wife puts on a rumpled, greasy robe, puts her feet in torn slippers, stops shaving her armpits, and begins to slurp at the table.

But was this the reason that Oleg Yakovlev didn't want to get married? They say, and not without reason, that this boy preferred to love boys, for which he was once beaten on the street, this was written about in the press, this was in 2006. Last time Oleg Yakovlev He was very cutesy and spoke with a breathy voice. But I in no way condemn this singer, this is his personal matter, the only thing I don’t like is PR novels. It's not fair, it's not beautiful, but these are the laws of show business. Alexandra Kutsevol was not only a friend Oleg Yakovlev, she was his PR manager, producer, director, she grabbed him with a death grip and wanted to promote him, but did not save him... June 29, 2017 of the year Oleg Yakovlev died of double pneumonia. This is the official version, but they say that there was cirrhosis of the liver, sort of Oleg Yakovlev drank still water due to lack of demand. Versions also surfaced about other diseases. But, for example, the singer Katya Lel V May 2017, a month before death Oleg Yakovlev I noticed that the whites of his eyes were yellow, which meant he had cirrhosis.

Oleg Yakovlev grew up without a father, his birth story is very interesting and somewhat unusual. His mother was very beautiful, 42 years she fell in love with a young eighteen-year-old soldier, only about three dates, pregnancy, separation from her lover, keeping this secret secret from her son for a long time. Mother Olezhki I never saw the soldier again, she is a Buryat who professes Buddhism, he is a Muslim, an Uzbek, but his son decided to become Orthodox. Oleg Yakovlev never saw his father, at one time he said in an interview that he tried to find him, but later concluded that no one needed it - neither his father, nor himself. Oleg Yakovlev he was afraid of death, he did not celebrate his fortieth birthday, he bought an apartment at the intersection of three churches, he often talked about how he didn’t have much left, maybe he was flirting, or maybe he felt that he would leave this world in the prime of his strength?

Oleg Yakovlev he loved to cook, while his girlfriend did not even know how to brew tea (the singer himself told everyone about this). Pancakes for Maslenitsa, Easter cakes and painted eggs on Easter, Lenten food during Lent, cakes, pies - the housekeeper knew how to cook all this Oleg Yakovlev.

Sometimes to his girlfriend Alexandra Kutsevol parents came, but Oleg Yakovlev He said that he didn’t even have time to communicate with them, since they were all doctors and doctors, his health was no longer the same, technical inspections had to be done more and more often. But about your health Oleg Yakovlev failed to take care.

The ex-soloist of the group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev died on June 29. Many fans still cannot believe that their favorite is no longer alive. A week after the artist’s death, his common-law wife, Alexandra Kutsevol, began communicating with journalists. A StarHit correspondent met a girl in one of the Moscow cafes. Sasha stood firm and explained that she couldn’t even cry because she had not yet realized the loss. The singer’s chosen one spoke frankly about the artist’s last days and his farewell song, which will be released in the fall.

Nine days have passed since Oleg's death. Have you somehow realized that he is no longer around?

I don't understand anything yet. I don’t have a second of free time, I’m constantly answering the phone. Probably Oleg protects me this way, and perhaps it’s psychological protection. I accepted the fact that Oleg is no more. But it will take time to realize everything. It was as if he had gone alone on vacation. When my time comes, we will see each other. I feel that he is nearby. I don't dream about Oleg. I ask, but he doesn't come at night. The room is empty...

Is someone near you right now?

Yes, the parents have arrived. Close friends are supportive. I am never alone, they don’t leave me. I can’t cry, sometimes only tears come to my eyes. I thought that I would cry, because I am quite emotional and whiny in life. I had never buried anyone and didn’t know what my reaction would be. I had to be collected from the minute I found out that Oleg had died. Some people criticize me for talking to journalists. But I have no other choice. Oleg had few friends. All of them are non-public people. After 40 days have passed, I will deal with publications that discredit his name, and I will sue the publications. I think Oleg would have done the same.

Why was the decision made to cremate the body? Did you talk about death?

We talked about this. How normal people, we understood that death is natural. Since Oleg comes from Mongolia, it was still a certain upbringing and traditions. I don’t know why everyone points out what Oleg should have done with his body. This is wildness! If he decided so, then that’s what his soul wanted.

Everyone is speculating why Oleg died so suddenly; they attribute a number of diseases to him...

The cause of death was heart failure, although he was hospitalized with pneumonia. He self-medicated: he asked to buy cough pills and drank hot tea. Nothing matters now. Oleg left a lot of things unfinished... He was connected to a ventilator because they wanted to help his heart. The main thing is that Oleg did not fall into a coma, but went to a medical facility himself. In fact, the latest tests were good. We were thinking about the upcoming discharge. Oleg was worried that there was no TV there. He loved watching the news both in the morning and at night. He also loved biathlon and football. Such a TV fan. Oleg was rarely sick and never complained about his condition. He had good health, genes. No one could believe that he was 47 years old. Oleg was always joyful and childish. He had periods of soul-searching, some “cockroaches” of his own, but he quickly returned to his normal state. Shortly before going to the hospital, he was moaning a little. I asked him what happened. He said: “I wanted to groan.” Never complained. He passed all situations through himself. I have always admired him and will continue to admire him. It feels like over the five years of marriage I have gone through fire, water and copper pipes.

What did you learn from him?

Oleg made me strong man who doesn't pay attention to offensive words of people. He taught how to present yourself and look impressive. Sometimes it got to the point of insanity. He believed that a woman should wake up and have her hair and makeup done in the morning. It was important to him what a person looked like. Now I also tell people if I see that they are beautiful. This is Yakovlev's school... He taught me how to drive a car. I still hear his voice when I drive. At first we made circles around the Garden Ring. He drove and explained coolly. I will write a book in which I will collect memories of Oleg.

What traditions did you have at home? How did you spend your time?

We could sit at home, watch a music channel and discuss artists: their change of image and so on. Now I can’t imagine who I’ll do this with. When we arrived at the dacha, they threw darts. The loser either washed the dishes or lit a fire and cooked kebabs. Sometimes they were just fooling around. After all, Oleg is a professional actor, he joked well.

Did he scold you for not cooking and not really knowing how to do anything around the house?

I wasn't offended by him. Only Oleg cooked at home. Sometimes I tried to help, but he said: “Don’t even come near.” And he was on friendly terms with technology.

You have changed a lot in appearance during your life together with Oleg... Did he always encourage you to look chic?

Yes, even at the farewell ceremony I was in heels, although not in a skirt. He often advised me, told me: “Lose weight.” He never made harsh remarks, but always approached the situation with humor. We were getting better. Oleg did not wear shorts, but with my appearance he started. Once I persuaded him: more long trousers in summer period he didn't walk.

Were you not afraid when Oleg left the Ivanushki International group that he Solo career won't succeed?

Of course not. After all, he left when his solo song was taken into rotation by popular radio stations. I believed in him and supported Oleg in this difficult decision. She was a little engine that said, “Come on.” He did everything intuitively. We had arguments about which song should be released. But Oleg liked to make decisions himself. He couldn’t say a strict “no”; he had to explain. The same was true with health. He was told not to self-medicate. There was no reason to sound the alarm.

Maybe his health was damaged by such a busy schedule of performances?

He gave himself completely to the public, this is the profession of an artist. Oleg held on. At the last concert I sang a song live, danced and entertained the people. He was worried that his voice was not working well, but he performed “Bullfinches.” He had some hidden resources.

How did Oleg replenish his energy reserves?

Sometimes he went alone somewhere to Europe and could walk there for hours, enjoying the architecture. Oleg was very well read. He told the story of the creation of some houses and streets. He didn't like uneducated, stupid people. Oleg refused to communicate with those who did not know some primitive things. He said that as a child, his mother and sister read serious books. Oleg is used to this. Until the last day of his life, he did not stop learning. When books were displayed at the entrance, he always took some of them. He always lacked knowledge.

Are there any poems or notes left from Oleg?

Yes, there are a lot of them scattered around the apartment. I will use them while working on the book. In winter, he wrote the song “Don’t Cry,” which we wanted to publish. Oleg then said that he dedicated it to me. “What is this depressing song?” - I asked. He discovered his talent as a composer and author. The lyrics of the song are very sad. The line “you don’t even know who you’re losing” gave me goosebumps. I couldn't understand why he chose that word. You could sing “throw it away.” But he said, “I like it that way.” When we made the track “Jeans,” the work was not easy. He already offered to release “Don’t Cry.” I explained to him that the song was not suitable for summer, it was better to wait until autumn. It will be released for 40 days.

Are you going to erect a monument to Oleg where fans could gather?

There will be a burial, we are now resolving this issue with Igor Matvienko. A place for fans where they can come, chat and remember Oleg. It would have been extremely selfish to simply scatter the ashes, so we decided to do so. He is always in my heart. I think Oleg would not mind. He was madly loved. They write me a lot of words of support and condolences. People say they sit and cry. I understood that he was loved, but I didn’t think it was so much.

Do you keep photos together and his messages on your phone?

Certainly. I will definitely share something, and keep something for myself. On the eve of the funeral, I had to choose photographs of Oleg, I spent several hours doing this task. It wasn't easy. You open one frame and remember what happened at that moment. When his number of subscribers on the microblog increased, I understood why they were doing this. They wanted to know something, I have no right to remain silent. I had to help them and myself get through this situation, so I decided to share some photos with them. Maybe this is my mission, the cross. I would like a guide now who would take me by the hand and lead me, because I go by touch.

How did you record Oleg on your phone?

Olezhka, and I’m Sasha. He didn’t understand why so many people wrote it down that way. “After all, I’m such an adult, I’m almost 50 years old, and everyone is Olezhka,” he was perplexed. I told him: “Look at yourself in the mirror, where is 50?” He often joked and pretended to be a dog. Oleg was a big child. They could run after each other around the apartment or he could bite me. Conflict situations They resolved it quickly: we are both quick-witted. Mostly they quarreled over work. I told him: “You are an artist, you need to smile and sing.” He wanted to control some moments, because he is an oriental man, but here a woman is in charge in some ways. It was impossible to be offended by him. We understood that we would not last forever. All our differences were only creative. Oleg has always been a simple guy, without star fever. It was impossible not to love him.

Did you plan to have a baby? Did you talk about children?