Can moving affect your health? Which climate is better for health? Alcohol and food

Acclimatization is not a pleasant phenomenon. Poor health, disturbed sleep, disruptions in work nervous system- far from it full list its consequences. And here there is no time for the joy of vacation or work on a business trip, just one thought: when will it get better? To avoid all these problems and adapt as gently as possible to unusual conditions, it is worth following simple tips doctors. Nikolai Petrov, a therapist of the highest category at the Clinical Diagnostic Center “Medincenter” (a branch of GlavUpDK under the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), told about how to survive this difficult process faster.

Why does it appear?

Acclimatization is the process of adapting the body to a new climate and environmental conditions, time zone and food. This process very often manifests itself after several days in a new climatic zone.

The main reason for its occurrence is the body’s need to rebuild its protective reactions in accordance with new climate conditions and geographical location. Specific environmental conditions, including temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, amount of light, time zone change and new food, require a person to change not only some body functions, but also his mental state.

The adaptation period ranges from 2 to 7-10 days, so it is better to plan your vacation for a period within 20 days. Children and people of middle and older age, as well as those who have chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system, musculoskeletal system, diseases of the lungs and bronchi, pregnant women.

There are several types of acclimatization:

- thermal: occurs due to elevated temperature air, humidity and excess solar radiation;

- high altitude: appears on ski resorts, where low oxygen concentration leads to decreased hemoglobin levels;

- cold: caused by a deficiency ultraviolet rays, low temperatures, possible strong magnetic storms.

How does it manifest?

The main symptoms of acclimatization are a slight increase in temperature, which goes away on its own within a few days. Also, against the background of adaptation to new conditions, headaches appear, decreased blood pressure, sleep disturbances, insomnia or drowsiness, sometimes nausea or vomiting, general weakness of the body, increased fatigue, bowel dysfunction, sudden changes mood, decreased appetite, physical or mental activity.

How to avoid?

Diagnosis of acclimatization is aimed at distinguishing adaptation processes from other diseases. That is why there is no need to self-medicate, but it is better to consult a therapist at your place of residence to exclude pathological processes.

Depending on the symptoms, antipyretic drugs, cough suppressants, nasal drops, antidiarrheals, and enzymes that improve digestion are prescribed.

The best way to prevent acclimatization is to plan a vacation for at least 2 weeks. It is better to go on vacation by train or car and not travel with children far beyond the region of residence.

Upon arrival, it is better to stop drinking alcohol for several days, if possible, choose an evening or night time of arrival so that the body has time to rest and recover. During the daytime, it is necessary to use protective equipment: glasses, sunscreen in warm climates or skin protection creams on winter holidays. In hot weather, do not forget to take enough water. Night sleep must be at least 8 hours. It is advisable to take vitamin supplements before arriving at your vacation destination, and if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, take medications that increase its resistance.

It cannot be denied that climate influences humans. Climate and human health, habits, lifestyle interconnected. The climatic conditions of a given area and weather changes directly or indirectly affect all aspects of people's lives. The influence of climate on people's activities, their well-being, culture, habits, and lifestyle is undeniable.

No matter how far scientific and technological progress advances, humanity remains biological species depending on the environment natural environment. Let us briefly consider the impact climate has on human health and economic activity.

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Climate and people

Climatic conditions mean a complex of factors that are characteristic of a specific area or season. Here are the climate elements included:

  • air temperature;
  • humidity;
  • Atmosphere pressure;
  • quantity sunny days per year;
  • strength and direction of winds;
  • amount and types of precipitation;
  • length of daylight hours;
  • frequency and severity of changes in weather conditions;
  • air ionization.

The Chukotka region is one of those places in the world that seem to be created to test a person’s “strength.” The life philosophy of indigenous peoples was formed in this extreme climate. The way of life of people here is initially subordinated to the goal of survival.

A person depends on these and other indicators, acting individually or in combination. Although we are able to make our living environment more comfortable, it is impossible to eliminate the influence of climate on people’s activities and health.

Impact of climate on human health

Climate and human health are interconnected. Weather- climatic conditions not only accompany us through life, but also intensely influence people’s well-being and can improve or worsen their health. We are affected by all climatic factors and their combinations. Below is an assessment of the influence of natural factors on the human body and shows how climate affects humans.

Low temperature is dangerous to health. It can cause hypothermia, frostbite, and lead to colds. Although light frost in sunny and windless weather gives us positive emotions. Such a climate brings only benefits to humans.

Heat can have a negative effect on the body. A person suffers from heat stroke, increased sweating, and dehydration.

High and low temperatures are especially difficult to tolerate at high humidity. Prolonged exposure to conditions high humidity may cause rheumatism and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Climate change has a significant impact on human health. Even if the temperature and humidity are far from extreme, their sudden change is a serious stress for the body. A sudden change in humidity can cause shortness of breath, apathy and other symptoms. The influence of climate on human health is stronger with sudden changes in weather conditions.

The sun is the source of life, it contributes to the existence of living organisms on planet Earth. Sunlight brings great benefits to humans, helping to increase immunity and improve health. But don't get too carried away with sunbathing. Excessive exposure to direct sunlight can cause heatstroke and skin burns.

The so-called magnetic storms cannot be felt by the senses, but they affect the general well-being of a person, especially if he is weather dependent.

During magnetic storms a person begins to feel severe, unreasonable fatigue and headache:

Excessive wind speed, turning it into a hurricane, can cause catastrophic destruction, accompanied by loss of life. But not such a strong wind has an effect on the human body. The negative effect of low temperature increases significantly for a person in cold weather in strong winds. On the other hand, the light sea breeze has a beneficial influence on us and allows us to better tolerate the heat on the summer beach.

Foehn winds blowing from mountain slopes into valleys negatively affect a person’s well-being, causing depressed mood and irritability. They are dangerous for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

If you are caught by dusty or sandstorm, it is advisable to cover your face to fine particles did not enter the respiratory tract. This wind makes breathing difficult and irritates exposed skin.

Even a light, gentle breeze causes the expansion or contraction of blood vessels in open areas of the body surface.

With increased ionization of the air with positive ions, a person feels a loss of strength and quickly gets tired. An excess of negative ions in the atmosphere has a beneficial effect on the body.

Decline atmospheric pressure causes a feeling of discomfort. High pressure to a certain extent has a positive effect on the body.

An important factor is a person’s dependence on the climate to which he is accustomed. Climate change has a tremendous impact on health. If a person has lived in one climate zone, then when moving to another, a deterioration in well-being may occur. It was not for nothing that they said: “What makes a Russian happy, means death for a German.” And it’s not a matter of nationality, but familiar environment. The most favorable climate for a person is the one to which he is accustomed.

There are many regions in Russia, the influence of climate on the life activity of which is very different from each other. Residents of the Far North, having first arrived in Crimea or Krasnodar region, especially in summer period will experience discomfort from high temperatures. Residents North Caucasus or Kuban, who came to St. Petersburg, climate change has a significant impact on health. They will suffer from lack sunlight and high humidity.

Climate affects human health and economic activity not only directly, but also indirectly. For example, in different regions different conditions nutrition. In the Far North there cannot be the abundance of vegetables and fruits that is observed in the south of Russia, which leads to a lack of vitamins in the diet, and this affects health.

Impact of climate on agriculture

Agricultural activities are highly dependent on the weather. In the Far North they do not grow vegetables and fruits not because they do not want to, but because of unfavorable climatic conditions.

The influence of climate on the activities of farmers is of paramount importance. Availability of agroclimatic resources is the most important factor For sustainable development Agriculture. These include:

  1. the duration of the period when the temperature exceeds 10 degrees Celsius;
  2. average annual temperature;
  3. humidity;
  4. thickness and stability of snow cover.

You should also pay attention to geography.

The Astrakhan climate is favorable for growing melons, as it is different big amount hot, sunny days. Here summer lasts 4.5 months (from early May to mid-September). There are also excellent conditions for grazing livestock.

The Astrakhan region is the historical birthplace of Russian watermelon:

The weather conditions of the South of Russia contribute not only to resort and recreational holidays, but also to the cultivation of various crops, including those with a long ripening period. Farming in rural areas here is accompanied by abundant watering. The food supply is sufficient for livestock raising.

The climatic conditions of the Center of the European part of Russia are favorable for the cultivation of frost-resistant plant varieties and the development of livestock farming.

The northern regions of Russia are characterized by harsh weather. Here the conditions for agricultural activity are limited. Here in to a greater extent Livestock farming is developed, sometimes of a nomadic type. For example, due to poor vegetation cover, herds of deer are often driven from place to place.

The influence of climate on human life and economic activity in rural areas is decisive, so meteorological information is important.

The influence of climate on people's lives and activities

The influence of climate on human activity in the economic sphere is difficult to overestimate. Weather changes are monitored not only by agricultural workers. It is impossible to list which professions people study climate, because the dependence of human activity on climate is present in various fields.

Certain climatic conditions are necessary for construction workers, maritime, air and land transport workers, and representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to carry out their activities. Knowledge of the weather forecast is important for logging, in the mining industry, for fishermen and hunters, the military and many others, since the influence of climate on the activities of representatives of these and other professions is great.

The economic activities of the Russian population are characterized by significant diversity. The influence of climate on the nature of occupations is a decisive factor in human life. The existence of many professions in Russia depends on the climate typical for a given area. They exist in one climate zone and are absent in others. For example, the profession of a reindeer herder is associated with the conditions of the Far North, and a lifeguard on the beach can most likely be seen in Sochi. You are unlikely to see him in Murmansk.

Climatic features affect all aspects of our lives. The influence of climate on everyday life, housing, and clothing is undeniable. Let's look at how climate affects human life using examples. Living in the tropics, we do not wear warm clothes, but in harsh arctic conditions we need them. In a cold climate, a bamboo hut is unlikely to be appropriate, but in the tropics it is just right. For reindeer herders of the Far North, a light, warm tent made of reindeer skins, which can be quickly rolled up and transported, is an ideal home, while in the Siberian taiga a chopped wooden hut would be more appropriate. All this shows how climate affects people's lifestyles.

The original owners of the Far North - the Chukchi, Eskimos, Evens - have carefully preserved their culture, original art, and traditions for centuries:

All this is reflected in the traditions, customs, and lifestyle of every person in the world. There is even an influence of climate on the character of people living in certain conditions. This is clearly visible in the example European peoples. It has been noticed that Mediterranean residents are more emotional than the reserved Scandinavians. Thus, the role of climate in the life of peoples and their formation was decisive. Climate shapes the character of a person living in a given area.

We looked at how climate affects people's lives. But there is also a reverse process: human influence on the climate. Economic activity humans cause warming and cause a softening of weather conditions. It has been noticed that in cities the temperature is slightly higher than outside the city. Warming occurs due to the following reasons:

  • increase in the number of cars;
  • deforestation;
  • combustion of fuel at thermal stations;
  • work of heavy industry enterprises.

The conclusion is simple: how does a person relate to environment, so she will do the same with him.

Where is the most favorable climate?

The climate of Crimea is considered one of the most favorable. The warm sea, a large number of sunny days a year, and healing air attract thousands of vacationers here every year from all over Russia and other countries.

Crimea - amazing place, as if specially created for relaxation:

It’s a sin to complain about the climate in Crimea. Soft maritime climate, the absence of cold winds, the abundance of fruits create a comfortable environment. But this is not suitable for everyone. Local weather promote, for example, the growth large quantities plants, some of which are strong allergens. For northern regions there is a human dependence on a climate that is colder and less sunny, therefore the abundance of sun and hot weather Crimea is an unusual phenomenon for them, and not every organism is able to easily adapt to it.

For example, for children under 2 years old it is better to spend their holidays in their own climate zone. It has been noticed that even older children get sick after a sea trip. This is not surprising, because at first their body adapts to the coastal environment. And as soon as the child gets used to the maritime climatic conditions, it’s time to go home, where he again has to acclimatize. Thus, the body receives a double blow, to which it immediately reacts with illness.

But in general, it was not for nothing that famous and influential people moved to Crimea for permanent or temporary residence. They understood how climate affects people's lives. During times Russian Empire there was a summer residence here royal dynasty The Romanovs, Chekhov and Aivazovsky lived here. IN Soviet time Dachas of state leaders and cultural figures were erected on the Crimean coast. After sunset Soviet Union Crimea was chosen by bohemians and oligarchs.

Each person is individual, so the most favorable climatic conditions are different for everyone. The main thing is that the influence of climate on human life is beneficial.

Do you know that feeling when outside the window there is sub-zero temperature, rain, slush or snowfall and huge snowdrifts - in a word, winter, and you are dreaming of summer?! Perhaps you even put aside most of your salary for a trip, just to get closer to the equator, where it’s summer all year round! The very idea of ​​escaping from the depressive cold and closer to the warm sea and the crimson sunset looks so tempting! This is understandable, because winter, especially cold winter, lasts so long.

But you hardly think about how your body will react to a sudden climate change. But as? This is the question you should ask yourself if you decide to take a winter vacation and plunge into the waves warm sea, while your colleagues sigh worriedly, wrapping themselves in a large woolen scarf on the way to work.


So, how to properly prepare for a carefree winter vacation by the warm sea?

The length of the vacation is important!

If you are serious about escaping winter, then the first thing you need to consider is that 10 days will not be enough for your body to fully adapt. Namely, it is for this period that most trips to winter season. This time will be enough for you to sunbathe or even get toasty in places, eat fruit and buy souvenirs.

But with all the other delights, the first week will be stressful for your body. And only by the 7th or 8th day will your body adapt to the new climate and begin the healing process. If you cannot afford to take a long vacation, then it is better to choose a country with less climate change for your vacation. That is, if you have only 8-10 days for vacation, then do not rush to buy a ticket to GOA, Thailand or the Dominican Republic, but prefer the countries of the Balkan Peninsula or Southern Europe. Of course, you won’t splash around in the sea, but it won’t harm your health either.

What to wear?

Many travelers do not want to burden themselves with the extra load of winter clothes and therefore go to the airport practically in summer clothes. As a result, favorable conditions for “planting” immunity begin even before entering the plane.

You can’t stay warm at the airport and dream of the warm blanket that you will be given on the plane. But on charter flights, there are usually not enough blankets, so you will have to chill the whole way. And, as luck would have it, it’s still pulling from somewhere. When you arrive at your exotic airport, it may be too late - you will spend your entire vacation with a fever in your ill-fated hotel room. Therefore, do not spare space for warm clothes, no matter how inconvenient you may find transporting them.

Don't forget the first aid kit

Whichever hot country If you didn't fly, don't forget to take a first aid kit with you. Even if you have been traveling for 10 years in a row and you have never needed it. “Once a year,” as they say, and you know it yourself. Make sure your first aid kit contains:

Medicines for food poisoning;

Pills for motion sickness;

Allergy remedies;

Cold medicines, antipyretics;

Means to treat the ears if an infection occurs;

Sunscreens and burn remedies.


Take with you a couple of bottles of your usual water. In the first days upon arrival, try not to drink local water to avoid gastrointestinal upset. Wash the vegetables and fruits you buy in the markets with your water. This way you will protect yourself, and your body will spend its energy on acclimatization, and not on treating the intestines.

Start preparing in advance. A few days before departure, monitor your drinking regime. Try to drink as much clean water, as much as an adult should - at least 1.5 liters per day. After all, soon your body will have to lose a lot of fluid. And if you drink enough, you will alleviate stress.

On-site adaptation

Of course, the body experiences stress upon arrival from harsh winter V warmer climes. What advice should you take on board to make it easier to adapt?

And again water

Continuing the topic of water, if you want to avoid immune system failure and feel comfortable when you find yourself in a hot country, drink as much water as this formula shows:

X kg x 40 ml = amount of water you should drink daily.

Alcohol and food

Vacation is exactly the time when we can afford ourselves a little extra. That's what we think, of course. But our body does not agree with us. Refrain from drinking large amounts of alcohol at least for the first 5 days. Take care of yourself, your body is already under stress.

Eat more fruits, because this is one of the reasons you wanted to get into summer. Refrain from questionable and unfamiliar foods, large amounts of meat and fried foods. Gluttony can play a cruel joke on you, and you will not gain strength on vacation, but, on the contrary, you will leave it here and then go home to recover.

Time Zones

Please also take into account that if you quickly change time zones, your biorhythms will be disrupted. Especially if the difference with your time is more than 4 hours. Desynchronosis, as this failure is called, can cause stress, which further suppresses your immune system. Have a good rest after your arrival and only then proceed with your planned entertainment program. Otherwise, it all comes down to one thing: the immune system will not cope with the acclimatization process and you will only undermine your health.

Return to homeland or “rest after holiday”

Calculate your vacation so that upon arrival you can rest for at least a day or two. Never go back to work. Just like after flying into a warm environment, your body is now adapting, only to an aggressive environment. In the first week after vacation, the risk of catching a cold increases several times. If you don’t help your body, your entire vacation, all your sun and sea baths will be in vain. Now it is very important to pay special attention to your regime: eat more fruits, do not overexert yourself, avoid drafts and do not overcool your extremities.

The beneficial benefits of winter holidays

We have dealt with the disadvantages and dangers of traveling to the sea in winter. What about the advantages? We all know them, let's just refresh our memory.

Sea air will saturate your skin with beneficial elements, give it elasticity and moisturize it.

Sea salt will be an ideal healing mask for the whole body, which is so tired from cold winter. Minerals contained in sea ​​water, normalize the functioning of the immune system, iodine restores the functioning of the thyroid gland, and negative ions, which are found in abundance in the sea, neutralize harmful, positively charged particles.

Sea waves are a natural hydromassage for the body, a useful and, most importantly, enjoyable muscle workout. During swimming, blood circulation improves and blood vessels become toned.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh seafood - all gastronomic joys will supply the body for a long time necessary vitamins and microelements, filling the deficient gaps that cold winter brings with it.

Holidays at sea are natural way to relieve all the stress that has accumulated over the past for a long time. The sound of coastal waves, which is offset by the songs of the wind in narrow gorges and the restless cry of seagulls, is meditative, healing music for our nervous system.

So, we can conclude that vacationing in hot countries in winter is a truly wonderful event that will only benefit you if you approach it wisely. If you do everything correctly, then you will have only the best memories of your vacation and a truly strengthened immune system that will help you resist viruses for the rest of the hated, dull and cold winter.

5 minutes to read.

Female body exposed to various external factors. The question often arises whether climate change affects ovulation. It is impossible to answer this unequivocally, because everyone has individual processes. However, there are scientifically proven facts about the impact of climate change on and directly. Let's try to figure out why this happens below.

Acclimatization: what happens to the body?

Acclimatization is the process of adapting the body and all organs to certain conditions.

The sharper the transition, the the percentage of development of various failures increases. In particular, menstrual irregularities often occur.

The reproductive system is considered one of the most vulnerable. A change in the comfortable parameters in which a person lives often provokes an exacerbation of various ailments.

Another reason for the untimely release of an egg is the stress that the body receives.

Initially, you should pay attention for a delay in menstruation. The course of each cycle is regulated by hormonal substances.

Even their slight deviation can advance the timing of the onset of blood secretion.

Acclimatization begins with a long hike, flight or long journey, which are stressful. It happens that key hormones are not produced or do not function fully. If we talk about influencing factors, they are the following:

  1. a sharp decrease or increase in temperature;
  2. change of time;
  3. humidity and atmospheric pressure change;
  4. possible radiation during the flight.

A delay in menstruation after a vacation is a completely natural phenomenon. Hormone deficiency occurs due to inaccurate levels of estrogen and FSH. However, if they do not occur for a long time, it is better to seek medical help.

Cycle disruption

A woman’s body quickly responds to various changes.

Does climate change affect periods? Doctors answer this question positively.

They note that the shift can be either minor (5-7 days) or long-term (up to 2 months). In the first case, the balance is adjusted on its own, but in the second, the patient will need treatment to normalize.

A girl who lives an open sexual life must do homework during pregnancy in order to exclude possible conception.

If it shows two stripes, then the reason for the non-occurrence of menstruation is clear.

In other cases, it is worth talking about hormonal imbalance.

Acclimatization is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. increased irritability;
  2. constant drowsiness;
  3. and depression.

The greater the difference in atmospheric pressure, humidity and temperature, the greater the likelihood of consequences. Failure can manifest itself not only in the form of a delay, but also in the early onset of bleeding.

When a person rests without a shift climate zone, the flow is influenced by increased physical activity or summer heat. The manifestations are especially noticeable when in ordinary life a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle, and on vacation she goes hiking.

The influence of climate change on ovulation and conception

Here it is worth touching on the impact of climate change on. Doctors do not have a consensus on this matter. They are convinced that acclimatization does not manifest itself in everyone.

There are situations when time for rest suddenly appears, but this period is in the planning stage. Some are of the opinion that vacation and relaxation only contribute to the conception of a baby, because a woman swims, eats fresh fruits and vegetables with which it receives vitamins. However, here you should not forget about long-distance flights, which can negatively affect her condition.

Often a change of environment helps to conceive a child. If the problem is not physiological, then the vacation will become great opportunity for planning.

There have been cases where menstruation occurred directly on vacation, even with a sharp change in climate. Therefore, it is impossible to answer the question posed unambiguously.


After a climate change, the body will need a maximum of two weeks to recover. If there are no additional ones, menstruation will come on its own. With their beginning, you need to count down the new menstrual cycle.

It is believed that irreversible processes cannot occur. It’s another matter if it is superimposed on the disease. Then you may need the help of a specialized specialist.

How to reduce the impact of climate change?

Since sudden climate change does not have the most best influence on menstruation, then you need to find a way to reduce strong addiction reproductive system from external factors. Exist certain rules that must be observed:

  1. reception . You should start using them a few weeks before the proposed trip. A balanced complex will help maintain immunity at a certain level. As a result, the likelihood of adverse consequences will decrease. What matters is vitamin E, which is responsible for the production of LH and FSH. Also, do not lose sight of vitamin C, which reduces the risk of infection and strengthens blood vessels;
  2. night sleep. If anxiety interferes with normal rest, moderate doses of sedatives are allowed. Adequate sleep will prevent overexcitation of the central nervous system, which is responsible for hormonal balance;
  3. use at least two liters liquids per day and proper nutrition. We are not talking about overeating, but you need to stick to the required diet;
  4. quitting tobacco and... These bad habits will make menstruation intolerable, as it will have an adverse effect on blood vessels and the brain;
  5. normal This means frequent walks on fresh air, yoga, immune support;
  6. If a girl was taking medication before her vacation, the course cannot be interrupted.


We figured out whether climate change affects menstrual cycle in general and ovulation in particular. Some people suffer from acclimatization side effects, but there are also those who manage to conceive a baby. All processes are individual, so nothing can be said about the exact influence of this factor on the body of a particular person. If your periods are delayed due to climate change, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.