Decorating cakes with fresh fruits at home. Decorating the cake with fruits

For cakes homemade Fruit and berry decor fits perfectly. Decorating a cake with fruits and berries does not require any special pastry skills. And the only tool you need is a sharp knife. If desired, it is permissible to use carving devices. These are carved knives and recesses for cutting out figures from fruits.

The appetizing design will attract attention to the cake. This vitamin dessert will become the central treat at any holiday. Learn more about decorating cakes with fruits.

What fruits to decorate the cake with?

Cake decor is an art. And fruits and berries are the colors of a master. When choosing products, be guided by the compatibility of their colors and tastes. These can be fresh ingredients, canned in syrup or confiture. Pieces of fruit in caramel, chocolate icing or regular candied fruits are perfect.

It is important to choose only high-quality fruits and berries. Under no circumstances use products that are wrinkled or have signs of spoilage. Choose firm, juicy and ripe fruits.

What fruits to use:

  • apples, pears;
  • peaches, plums, nectarines;
  • oranges, tangerines;
  • kiwi, mango, papaya.

The main thing is to take sweetish pieces. If the fruit is sour, first coat it with sugar syrup, caramel or dip it.

How you prepare it depends on what fruit you want to put on your cake.

  1. Wash fresh fruit thoroughly before slicing. Dry with paper towels.
  2. It is better to pour boiling water over southern apricots and peaches. Their skin hides a lot pathogenic bacteria. But they are not needed in dessert.
  3. Remove all pits, seeds and seed cores. The exception is figs. Its seeds are the “highlight” of the fruit.
  4. Thaw quick-frozen pieces in the refrigerator for several hours. Then set it to normal room temperature. Properly thawed pieces do not lose much juice. But it is better to cover them with sugar syrup.
  5. Drain all syrup from canned fruit. To do this, pour the pieces onto a sieve.

Fruits not suitable for cake decoration

Among the fruits, there are also some that are not suitable for cake decoration. Due to the difficulty of preparation, they rarely use:

  • lemon, lime - too sour;
  • melon, watermelon - too juicy;
  • pomegranate – it is impossible to remove the seeds.

Avocado, papaya, lychee, quince, and feijoa are also not used.

But there is no limit to the art of confectionery. Would you like to decorate your cake with lemons at home? Cut the citrus into thin slices. Make candied fruits. Place them for dessert as decoration.

Expert opinion

Novikova Yana


Thick melon jam with pieces is used successfully. Or pomegranate juice jam. For example, place the edges of the upper surface of the dessert with a berry wreath. And put melon jam in the middle. Sprinkle everything with chocolate chips and shavings. It turned out to be a great meal!

Decorating the cake with watermelons is also possible. But you have to try:

  • take a watermelon that is not too ripe;
  • using carving tools, cut out watermelon balls;
  • dry them lightly with a paper towel;
  • place on cake.

The same can be done with melon. Choose the denser areas of the melon pulp. We suggest using a small ice cream scoop to cut out the balls. The decorations will turn out identical, perfectly round.

Decorating the cake with fruits

There are several popular options for how to beautifully decorate a cake with fruit. The simplest one is to place thin slices of fruit on top of a layer of cream on the dessert. We offer to complement the decor with confectionery sprinkles, powdered sugar or crushed nuts. Small shortbread or long-lasting cookies look appetizing. Place the baked goods between the rest of the decor.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Another option is flowers. Who doesn't like fruity flowers? Perhaps there are none. Edible petals delight the eye and stimulate the appetite. Especially in children. The kids ask to give them a piece with a flower.

How to make a rose from an orange:

  • Pour boiling water over the orange, cool with a stream of tap water;
  • dry the fruit;
  • cut in half;
  • remove seeds and pith;
  • cut each half into thin slices;
  • Place several slices overlapping on a cutting board;
  • roll it tightly.

A flower is also prepared from an apple or pear. But the slices of these fruits are denser. So first soak the slices in hot water for a minute. And after the flower is ready, cover it with sugar syrup. You can use lemon juice or a warm gelatin solution. It is convenient to use a pastry brush for this.

When the cake is decorated with fruit, the dessert should be cooled in the refrigerator for 30-35 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle the fruit decoration with powdered sugar.

How to decorate a cake with berries

Decorating cakes with berries is easier than with fruits. Often, fresh berries are used, canned in syrup or candied. All three cases do not require special pre-treatment.

Option for decorating the cake with berries:

  • cover the surface of the dessert with milk chocolate ganache;
  • Dip large strawberries with tails halfway into white or dark chocolate ganache;
  • Arrange the berries on the cake - individually or as a wreath.

There are nuances. Cherry pits are difficult to remove without losing a lot of juice. Therefore, in the confectionery industry, cocktail cherries with a tail are used. Or dried cherries from confiture.

What berries are suitable:

  • strawberry, victoria;
  • cranberries, lingonberries;
  • blueberries, blueberries;
  • raspberries (yellow, black or red);
  • blackberry;
  • currants (it is permissible to take whole branches);
  • grape.

Do your grapes have seeds? Be sure to take them out. Cut each berry and scrape out the seeds. Combine the berries again, or use halves.

Want to make your cake taste perfect? Use in decoration those fruits and berries that are present in the dessert filling. For example, layer the cake strawberry jam. Place the same berries on the surface of the dessert.

Similar rules are useful when decorating cakes, small petit fours, muffins or cupcakes.

Decoration with chocolate

A cake decorated with berries and chocolate may look like this:

  • chocolate ganache on cream, berries on top of ganache;
  • berry decorations sprinkled with a thin stream of melted chocolate;
  • pieces of chocolate bars or candies included in the decor composition;
  • interspersed with chocolate chips between pieces of fruit and berries.

Expert opinion

Novikova Yana


Chocolate chips look impressive. To make it, take a chocolate bar. Use a knife or peeler to trim small, thin curls.

Chocolate straws require a different technology. Melted chocolate is poured over a layer of foil or baking paper. The layer hardens a little. When the chocolate is still plastic, you roll the layer into a thin tube. Soon the tube hardens well. Similar elements are used to decorate the sides of the cake with berries.

Try melting a chocolate bar in a water bath. Doesn't heat well? Add a couple of spoons of cream or a little butter. From the resulting homogeneous mass, draw patterns on the foil. Chill in the freezer. After a couple of minutes, remove the frozen patterns. Arrange or display on a cake decorated with fruit.

Would you like to decorate the sides of your cake with fruit and chocolate? Follow the script:

  • cover the dessert with chocolate glaze;
  • While the glaze has not cooled, glue thin slices of fruit, berries or pieces of chocolate bars to the sides of the dessert;
  • place in the refrigerator.

The glaze will harden and the decor will adhere well to the side surface of the dessert.

How to decorate with cream

The cream for a cake decorated with berries is thick. Ideal options - oil or protein cream. It will cover the cakes with a thick layer. This will protect them from the juice of the fruit.

The simplest one - from condensed milk - will do. Mix sweet butter (fat content not less than 82%) with condensed milk in a 1:1 ratio. Whisk, cool. Serve for dessert. Immediately add a layer of fruit or berries.

Sour cream recipe:

  • Mix a teaspoon of gelatin with 4 tablespoons of water, after infusion, heat until it boils, strain;
  • beat warm sour cream (200 gr.) with powdered sugar (100 gr.);
  • mix sweet sour cream with gelatin tincture, beat for a couple of seconds;
  • use as intended.

To taste, flavoring is added to the cream. This is regular vanilla powder, vanilla sugar, a teaspoon of sweet liqueur or dessert wine. Cognac is not taken. Any cognac gives the cream a grayish tint.

A frame of cream is made along the edge of the dessert. Flowers, embossed edges or droplets are squeezed out of a pastry bag or syringe. Use different shaped nozzles to squeeze out the cream.

Fruits are placed in the center of the cream circle to decorate the cake. How to do this, read a little higher.

Decorating a jelly cake with fruits

Decorating cakes with fruits and berries with jelly is an option for quickly decorating a homemade dessert. Using jelly, small and multi-layer cakes are prepared. The basis is ordinary sponge cakes and thick cream. For jelly - gelatin, fruits, berries, sugar.

A semi-finished product with sides is being prepared. Thin slices of cake are placed against the sides in a tall springform pan (pastry ring). It is acceptable to use tall shortbread cookies or thin chocolate bars.

  • the first cake is placed on the bottom;
  • layered with confiture or syrup;
  • covered with a layer of thick cream;
  • then the second layer of cake;
  • again layer and cream (layer thinner than the first).

It is important that the layers are below the top edges of the border. After all top layer cake - jelly.

While the cake is resting in the refrigerator, make the jelly. Recipe:

  • Dissolve gelatin in water (ratio of powder and water 1:4);
  • after 10 minutes, heat, stirring, without bringing to a boil;
  • strain through a fine mesh sieve;
  • mix with sugar syrup;
  • cool at room temperature.

Linked thick sheets of A4 paper can serve as a pastry ring.

Place pieces of fruit and decorations on the surface of the cake. Carefully pour in the liquid jelly. Place in the refrigerator to harden. Then slowly remove the pastry ring.

Prepare the syrup for the jelly yourself (boil a glass of water with 3-4 tablespoons of sugar) or take syrup from canned fruits or light jam.

You don’t have to make special borders for the jelly. Just put a ring on your homemade cake. Place fruit slices and pour sweet jelly. After hardening, remove the ring. Decorate the sides with cornet and cream.

Decoration for multi-tiered cake

Multi-tiered cakes are also decorated with fruits, chocolate, and cream. The only difference is the number of layers. Each step (tier) is designed separately. But in general concept decor.

Often multi-tiered cakes weigh from 4-5 kg. Therefore, fruit and berry decorations should not put pressure on the lower tier. Follow the principle of placing the heaviest decorative elements at the bottom - on the bottom step. At the top, the decor should be much lighter.

Design options for a multi-tiered dessert:

  • linear cascade - on one side of the tiers;
  • spiral cascade - decorations in one line ascend in a spiral to the top;
  • at each stage in a ring or in fragments.

To visually increase the mass of the dessert, voluminous decor is placed on top. The lower steps are covered with cream - an even layer or in relief.

A similar option with jelly. Thin slices of berries in gelatin on the top stage. And the lower tiers are covered with cream.

Large cakes are richly decorated. The following is often added to fruits, berries and chocolate:

  • caramelized nuts;
  • mastic decor;
  • small candies;
  • natural flowers (roses, orchids);
  • confectionery crumbs;
  • M&M's candies;
  • Oreo cookies;
  • small pasta of different colors.

Before decorating the cake with berries, you should make a coating for the dessert. Drizzle with chocolate glaze, make chocolate drips from ganache, or cover the cakes with a generous layer of cream.

Come up with a finishing composition. For a children's party, it is popular to arrange magical characters or voluminous flowers from pieces of fruit. Complete the decor with chocolate, nuts, powdered sugar. The result is an original delicacy for the whole family.

Would you like to make roses out of an orange or tangerine? Put gloves on your hands. Latex will protect the skin from sour citrus juice.

Do not discard syrup from canned fruits. It is good to soak sponge cake layers with sweet liquid. .

Mint can effectively complement fruit cake decorations. Select small fresh leaves. First keep flaccid specimens in cold water, dry with napkins.

Decorate desserts with fresh fruits and berries a few minutes before serving. This way, the masterpiece of confectionery art will look as appetizing and fresh as possible.

Decorating cakes with fruits is the most beautiful of the most simple ways decorating baked goods. There are a lot of variations and I have collected photographs of the most (from my point of view) beautiful variations of decorating cakes with fruit. Below the photo I will list the fruits used. Some cakes are decorated using cake jelly. The easiest way is to buy semi-finished jelly in bags at the supermarket or make it yourself using the recipe described at the very end of this publication.

17 stunning fruit-decorated cakes

Fruit cake photo 1. Perhaps the simplest option. In the outer circle tangerines and Green grapes. And the rose in the center of the cake is made of canned mango (can be replaced with large canned peaches.

Fruit cake photo 2. Very beautiful and simple cake. Fruits used in decoration: strawberries, red currants (twigs) and black currants (berries). Colored powder looks very beautiful on a white cream background in combination with multi-colored fruits.

Fruit cake photo 3 ( Just a brilliant idea: a rainbow cake. There are many variations of this idea. Starting from the use of fruits and ending with the alternation of laying out colored sectors of fruits. The following fruits and berries are used in this recipe: raspberries, peaches, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries, strawberries. You can add currants and canned peaches and mangoes and more and more and more.

Fruit cake photo 4. This cake is for gourmets and aesthetes. Minimalism and grace. To my taste, it’s simply great: fresh raspberries with small mint leaves. It’s also very tasty; when you bite into a piece of cake, your tongue will feel the fresh, sweet mint-raspberry taste.

Fruit cake photo 5. What did you put on the dark layer of chocolate glaze? These are: strawberry, kiwi, mango. For greater convenience when “eating,” the strawberries can be cut and placed in halves.

Fruit cake photo 6. Red and green are a wonderful color combination. Strawberries and raspberries are a wonderful flavor combination. So just 3 fruits: raspberries, strawberries and kiwis...and such beauty!

Fruit cake photo 7. The most authentic homemade recipe, everything is simple and everything is accessible. Fan-sliced ​​large canned mango, kiwi and berries (blueberries or blueberries or black currants) placed in the center.

Cake with fruit photo 8. In this version of decorating the cake with fruit, the geometric arrangement of the fruit pieces is interesting. The fruit is fixed on a delicate buttery snow-white cream.

Fruit cake photo 9. This decoration is very suitable for huge cakes, which are cut into portioned square (or rectangular) pieces before serving. Used: pineapple, orange, grapefruit, kiwi and cherry.

Fruit cake photo 10. This is the depicted and embodied “Basket of Abundance”. A good and very varied selection of fruits: grapes, strawberries, currants, raspberries, blackberries, canned peaches, apples. All this abundance is “carelessly” filled with jelly for the cake.

Cake with fruit photo 11. This cake is for children! Cake side: kiwi and currants. Owl: strawberries, banana, canned peach and currants for the eyes.

Cake with fruit photo 12. Sponge cake, the sides of which are lined with finely chopped nuts, and the creamy top is decorated with fruit. The fruits used were strawberries, kiwi and peaches. When decorating cakes, it is better to use canned peaches. Along with a piece of cake, canned peach It will be soft to bite and pleasant to eat.

Fruit cake photo 13. Perhaps if the snow-white cream had not been laid out so professionally, perhaps this simple set of fruits would not have looked so beautiful. But in this snow-white creamy wave, they look simply amazing: orange, kiwi, pineapple, mango, tangerine. Placed “cocktail cherries” soaked in sugar syrup in the center of the cake.

Fruit cake photo 14. Despite the fact that this cake is made from watermelon (yes, from the pulp of a cold watermelon), the decoration idea can be used on ordinary sponge cakes. Beautiful leaves and flowers are cut out of kiwi and mango using small cutters for children's creativity. You can see everything else in the photo yourself.

Cake with fruit photo 15. I can’t help but post such a masterpiece, although most likely such a fruit design looks so impressive on a multi-tiered cake. But look how gorgeous the colors are: red, black and blue. This is a fruit assortment of raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. All these berries can be bought in the supermarket in the frozen section. Although the raspberries used are fresh. And this important rule, since it is raspberries that lose their elastic and chic appearance after freezing. But you can buy blackberries and blueberries frozen (but of course good quality frozen ones).

The berries are also laid out seemingly simply, but very thoughtfully, maintaining uniformity of color and taste.

Try it and delight your guests with this berry fantasy!!!

Cake with fruit photo 16. It looks like all the same fruit, it looks like they just cut it up and laid it out. But an interesting solution: sides made of chocolate bars. And now it looks like a chocolate basket filled with fruit. Great solution! The only thing is, don’t get lost in search of white fruit with black dots. This is a Thai fruit called “dragon eye”. In general, it is not very tasty and not very juicy. Although it looks very bright. Replace it with something else.

Fruit cake photo 17. The cake is decorated with citrus slices: lemon, orange and blood orange. Sprigs of mint were added as a contrasting color. It will be even more beautiful if, before placing the slices on the cake, you dip them in a special gelatin composition (cake jelly). The fruit will shine!

Fruit cake photo 18. Cake from shortcrust pastry(possibly with filling). The laid out fruits are covered with a special jelly for the cake. It gives shine and tenderness.

Fruit cake 19. These delicate roses that cover the cake are made from orange peels. It is absolutely not easy to make. The only thing may be that you will need time to “wind up” so many roses. The cake will also be fragrant.

If you love baking cakes, then this article is especially for you! In this article we will look at a wide variety of ways to decorate cakes with your own hands at home. You can transform an ordinary cake with mastic, marzipan, icing, waffles, chocolate, glaze, cream, cream, meringue, fruit, jelly, sweets, marmalade and sprinkles. We will look at each ingredient of the decoration separately, get acquainted with the recipe for making it, and, of course, be inspired by a huge number of ideas.

For some cake decorating options, you will need special materials such as: a pastry syringe with nozzles, parchment paper, a sharp thin knife, spatulas of different thicknesses.

Mastic- This is a special dough for decorating a cake. You can roll it out and cover the top of the cake, you can also create various figures animals, letters, numbers, flowers, leaves, openwork patterns and everything your imagination desires.

The basic rule for working with mastic is that you have to work with it very quickly, since it hardens instantly. But there is a way out! When you form the decoration, pinch off the desired piece and wrap the rest of the mastic in film. Large figures may crack when drying.

Mastic recipe No. 1

Ingredients: condensed milk, powdered milk or cream, powdered sugar, food coloring (optional). The amount of ingredients directly depends on the size of the cake.

Cooking process: Take a deep bowl and mix dry milk or cream with powdered sugar. Gradually add condensed milk and mix well. You should get an elastic dough that does not stick to your hands. Add food coloring drop by drop and mix into the dough. After cooking, immediately wrap the mastic in film.

Mastic recipe No. 2

Ingredients: water, lemon juice or citric acid, butter, powdered sugar, starch, marshmallows (white chewy marshmallows), food coloring (optional).

Cooking process: Melt the steamed marshmallows and add drops of food coloring if desired. Then add water and just a little lemon juice or citric acid. Mix the mixture well and then add 50 grams of butter. Separately mix powdered sugar and starch in a ratio of 1:3. Gradually add the powdered starch mixture to the marshmallow mixture and knead the dough well for about 10 minutes. After cooking, immediately wrap the mastic in film.

Marzipan is a nut mass that consists of almond flour and sugar paste. Its advantages are that it holds its shape perfectly, is quite elastic and has amazing delicate taste. It is convenient to create all decoration elements from it - small figures, cake covering and voluminous decorations.

Marzipan recipe

Ingredients: 200 grams of sugar, a quarter glass of water, 1 glass of lightly roasted almonds, butter.

Cooking process: Peel the almonds and finely chop them in a blender or on a grater. Make syrup from sugar and water. The consistency of the syrup should be thick. Pour the ground almonds into the syrup, stir and cook for 3 minutes. Take a bowl and grease it well with butter. Pour the marzipan into a bowl. Cool the marzipan and pass through a meat grinder. Marzipan is ready! If it turns out liquid, add powdered sugar. If the marzipan is very thick, add a little boiled water.

I recommend a photo gallery of marzipan cakes!

Icing- This is an ice pattern that looks like a winter pattern on a window and tastes like crispy ice. The advantages of icing are that it is quite durable, does not spread, and adheres well to the surface of the confectionery product. It can be applied on top of hard chocolate glaze, mastic, fondant. It is worth noting that the surface on which icing can be applied should not spread or be sticky. The icing is applied with a pastry syringe, then finished product Place in the refrigerator for further hardening. Lace, inscriptions and patterns turn out very beautiful.

Icing recipe

Ingredients: 3 eggs, 500-600 grams of powdered sugar, 15 grams of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

Manufacturing process: Cool all ingredients, degrease the dishes and wipe them dry. Take the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites, add glycerin, lemon juice and powdered sugar. Beat the mixture well with a whisk until it turns white. Cover the mixture with film and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour to burst the air bubbles. The icing is ready, you can safely decorate the cake!

Waffles– these are materials for decorating flowers, various figures, numbers. They are made from crispy waffle dough. Ready-made ones are also popular edible pictures based on waffle crust. You can purchase this decoration in confectionery stores, supermarkets or on the Internet. You won’t be able to make waffles with an image on your own, as you will need edible ink and special equipment. The advantages of waffles are that they do not crack, keep their shape perfectly and do not melt. However, they can only be used on a light-colored surface of the cake, since when soaked, the picture may become saturated with dark cream.

Waffle design rules

Decorating with chocolate is considered a classic decoration for cakes. This ingredient goes well with biscuits, soufflé, mousse, puff pastry and various creams. The advantages of chocolate are that, once melted, it can be given any possible shape, and when the chocolate hardens, it will not crack or spread. To decorate cakes, you can use any chocolate - black, white, milk, porous.

Methods for decorating cakes with chocolate

  1. To decorate a cake with chocolate chips, simply grate a chocolate bar and sprinkle it over the cake.
  2. To decorate the cake with curls, lightly warm the chocolate bar, then take a thin knife, or better yet, a vegetable cutter and cut thin strips, they will immediately begin to curl. You can create gorgeous patterns from them.
  3. Here is another way to decorate a cake with openwork patterns, inscriptions and drawings. Melt the chocolate bar in a steam bath. Place the chocolate into a pastry syringe. Take parchment paper and draw patterns. Use a pastry syringe to draw patterns onto the parchment paper. Place the parchment in the refrigerator to allow the chocolate to set. Carefully remove the chocolate from the parchment and decorate the cake. If you are not good at drawing, find a beautiful pattern on the Internet, print it out, attach transparent parchment paper to the drawing and simply copy it.
  4. To decorate the cake with chocolate leaves you will need real tree leaves or indoor plant. Wash and dry the leaves. Melt the chocolate in a steam bath and place it on the inside of the sheet with a silicone brush. Place in the refrigerator, and when it hardens, carefully remove the chocolate from the leaf and decorate the cake.
  5. Another creative way to decorate a cake is to use cherries and chocolate. Discard the pits, place each cherry in the melted chocolate and decorate the cake.

On at the moment There are chocolate, mirror, marmalade, caramel, multi-colored, soft, milk and creamy glazes.

Chocolate frosting recipe

Ingredients: 1.5 tablespoons of milk, 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, 40 grams of butter.

Cooking process: take a bowl, put cocoa, sugar, pieces of butter, and pour milk. Place on fire, melt and boil for 5-7 minutes. Cover the cake with chocolate glaze using a wide knife and place in the refrigerator to further harden.

Caramel frosting recipe

Ingredients: 150 grams warm water, 180 grams fine-grained sugar, 2 teaspoons cornstarch, 150 grams heavy cream, 5 grams leaf gelatin.

Cooking process: Soak gelatin in water, mix cream with starch, melt sugar in a frying pan until light brown. Add to warm water cream with starch and sugar. Boil until the caramel dissolves. Don't forget to stir the mixture constantly. Then pour it into the cream, stir, cool and add the swollen gelatin. Cover the cake with caramel icing using a wide knife and place in the refrigerator to further harden.

Marmalade glaze recipe

Ingredients: 200 grams of marmalade of the same color, 50 grams of butter, 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream, 120 grams of sugar.

Cooking process: melt the marmalade in a steam bath or in the microwave, add sour cream, butter and sugar. Mix the mixture well and put on fire. Cook the glaze for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool the glaze slightly. Cover the cake with marmalade icing using a wide knife and refrigerate for 3-4 hours to further harden.

Cream– universal decoration for cakes. It is very convenient for them to write congratulations, make openwork frames, lush roses. Food coloring is often added to cream.

Buttercream recipe

Ingredients: 100 grams of butter, 5 tablespoons of condensed milk, food coloring.

Cooking process: Melt the butter in a steam bath or in the microwave. Whip it until it becomes white and fluffy. Add condensed milk, mix well and divide the cream into portions. Add dye of the desired color to each portion of cream. Place the cream in a pastry syringe and create beauty, then send the cake into the cold so that the cream hardens.

Whipped cream– this is an original airy, voluminous and delicate decoration. Their preparation does not require special products. To beautifully decorate the cake with whipped cream, you will need a pastry syringe. You need to work with cream fairly quickly. Make sure all ingredients and tools are prepared. The surface of the cake should be smooth and not too sticky.

Whipped Cream Recipe

Ingredients: half a liter of high fat cream from 33%, a bag of vanilla, 100-200 grams of powdered sugar, 1 bag of instant gelatin, food coloring (optional).

Cooking process: Place the cream in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Pour chilled cream into a deep container. Take another deep container and pour it into ice water. Place the container with cream in the container with ice water. Dissolve gelatin in the manner indicated on the package. Beat the cream with a mixer (do not use a blender, as it will not create foam). Beat them until the foam becomes strong enough. Add the powdered sugar and vanilla, then whisk to combine. Add dissolved gelatin in a thin stream. Place the cream in a syringe and decorate the cake.

I recommend a photo gallery of cakes decorated with whipped cream!

Meringue- This is a snow-white, crispy and very tasty decoration. It is laid out on a layer of chocolate, jam, or cream.

Meringue recipe

Ingredients: a glass of powdered sugar, 5 chilled eggs, a bag of vanilla (optional).

Cooking process: Separate the whites from the yolks, pour the whites into a dry, fat-free deep container. Beat the whites until fluffy (10-15 minutes). Gradually add powder (1-2 teaspoons) and immediately dissolve it. Add vanilla and dissolve it well. Preheat oven to 100 degrees, line a baking sheet parchment paper and transfer the protein foam into a pastry syringe. Pipe the egg white mixture onto the baking sheet, creating beautiful balls or other shapes. The meringue is dried, not baked; the time the future meringue stays in the oven depends on the size of the pieces. Approximate drying time is 1.5-2 hours.

Fruits are very tasty, healthy and contain a huge amount of vitamins. They brightly decorate the cake with flavor combinations and rich colors. The easiest way to decorate with fruit is to fan out sliced ​​strawberries, kiwi, orange, mango and other various fruits. You can create a whole fruit cloth that combines perfectly with natural jelly.


Ingredients: fresh fruits and berries, for fruit jelly– light juice, for example apple juice 600 ml, a glass of powdered sugar, 1 package of powdered gelatin.

Cooking process: Pour the gelatin over a glass of juice and set aside to swell. Prepare the fruits, peel them and cut them into small beautiful slices. Kiwis and bananas are cut into circles, apples and oranges - into half rings, strawberries - in half, raspberries, blackberries, cherries - left whole. Melt the gelatin in a water bath, add the remaining juice and powdered sugar. Strain the mixture, arrange the fruit beautifully in the jelly and refrigerate. When the jelly has hardened slightly, transfer it to the cake, turning the container over. If desired, cover the edges with buttercream or whipped cream. Place the cake in the refrigerator.

The jelly looks very beautiful and has a beneficial effect on people’s joints. Jelly filling goes well with various fruits. However, you can decorate a cake with it pure form, or you can decorate the top with jelly filling, sprinkled with coconut flakes or nuts, be original and think over the decoration concept!

Jelly filling recipe

Ingredients: 600 ml of juice (you can take juice of different colors), 1 package of quickly dissolving gelatin, a glass of powdered sugar.

Cooking process: Soak the gelatin in 1/3 of the juice and leave to swell. Then melt the gelatin with steamed juice. Mix powdered sugar and remaining juice, pour into molds and refrigerate. Pour 100 ml of jelly and put it in the refrigerator for a while so that it has time to set. Place the cake in a mold that is 3 cm higher than it. Place the jelly filling on the cake and decorate the top with jelly from the molds. Steam will help you easily remove the jelly from the molds. It is enough to hold the mold with jelly over the steam, and then turn it over for dessert. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours and remember to remove the mold before serving. If you want to make jelly filling with fruit, then prepare the jelly as described above. Place it in the refrigerator for a while to give it time to set. Transfer the jelly onto the beautifully arranged fruit, smooth it out with a spatula and refrigerate overnight. To prevent the jelly from breaking during serving, cut it with a heated knife.

Candies- This is a favorite treat for children. Kids pay attention to the design of the cake itself, and not to the products from which the cake was made. Try to decorate the cake as brightly and creatively as possible. children's party. You can use all types of candies except lollipops. The surface of the cake should be thick and viscous, for example whipped cream, butter cream, glaze.

Ways to decorate cakes with candies

  1. The sides of the cake can be decorated with chocolate bars or wafers, and the top can be filled with dragees.
  2. Small toffees are perfect for creating a pattern or lettering on a cream surface or white glaze.
  3. Cut the gummies into squares and randomly decorate the surface of the cake with white fondant or whipped cream.
  4. It is good to decorate the sides with round-shaped candies, and put 3 candies in the central part of the cake.

No matter what culinary delights you see in store windows, homemade baked goods always seem tastier. But here appearance Cakes sometimes leave much to be desired: well, they don’t live up to professional fruit decor.

In fact, decorating your own dessert beautifully is not so difficult. You just need to stock up on desire, patience and a little imagination, since there is no need for special talents to reproduce such a masterpiece.

Here are some ways to decorate a cake with fruit:

1. Buy ordinary jelly and dilute it according to the instructions on the package, with the only difference being what you need to add less water. Before it has time to harden, add finely chopped slices. Now put the container in the refrigerator.

When the jelly is ready, lower the bottom of the bowl into hot water and immediately pull it out - this will help the thin layer to easily separate from the walls of the dish. Carefully transfer the resulting “hat” to the top of the cake.

2. You can recreate any figures from fruits. Bows, animals, hearts: the main thing is not to get confused in the scheme and lay everything out step by step. And if it’s difficult for you to make such intricate drawings, limit yourself to abstract options - stains, chaotic waves or lines.

The main thing here is to have as many shades as possible on hand, so don’t stop at just one ingredient. The more multi-colored goodies are involved, the more interesting the cake design will look.

3. For inveterate sweet tooths, there is a richer method - first dip pieces of fruit in chocolate or powdered sugar to make it even tastier. But remember that when using powders, the slices must be dry, otherwise the additional layer will also get wet, soften and flow over time, thereby ruining the design idea.

If there is cream on the cake, make sure that the delicious slices do not release a lot of juice and do not get too dirty on the sides: to do this, lay out the edible picture without haste.

How to make fruit flowers to decorate a cake?

An alternative in the form of spectacular buds is one of the simplest and at the same time original methods Give your creation a festive atmosphere. Take the tips from the recipes below so that you can also try to diversify your cake with cute roses at home.

To make roses from oranges to decorate a cake, you will need:

  • 1 orange
  • egg tray
  • dense jelly

Wash the orange thoroughly and cut it into thin slices along with the peel. We soak each slice entirely in strong jelly, then roll it up into a roll. Try to focus on smooth edges at least on one side, so that later it can be conveniently placed on top of the cake.

We place the twisted slice in the egg cell - a temporary form. We add the next curl there, inserting it into free space until you have a full bud. Then we move on to the next roses.

When a small batch is ready, place the tray in the freezer to harden. Once the decorations have cooled, you can begin putting the finishing touches on the dessert.

Apple and peach roses for cake decoration

They are made using almost similar technology, for which you will need:

  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 glass of water
  • peach and apple (1 piece each)

Remove the core and seeds from the peach and apple and cut the fruit into slices as thin as possible. We separate the zest from the lemon carefully so as not to touch the white skin - it will not be useful to us.

Then add the fruits and cook until they become transparent. We take out the finished “petals”, place them on a wide plate and wait for the excess liquid to drain.

We make flowers this way: we roll each slice into a roll and wrap the next one on top (it takes about 5-6 slices for a standard bud).

Fruit cakes or shortcakes decorated with fruit and berry filling lately are highly popular due to the fact that many began to watch their figure and consume light low calorie desserts. Such sweet and light delicacies include fruit and berry cakes, where the filling is dominated by jelly and fresh berries and fruits. These cakes are incredibly tasty and appetizing. To prepare not only a tasty, but beautiful and neat dessert from baked cakes and fruit and berry decorations, you should know the basics of preserving the shape of fresh garden gifts.

How to gel berries and fruits on a cake

The idea of ​​decorating a cake with fruits and berries is interesting and wonderful, but how to properly decorate the cakes with the sweet and sour gifts of summer so that they keep their shape and do not drip off the cake over time. The cakes soaked in juicy cream have a beautiful and original look, if their decor retains its shape and original brightness, freshness and durability. To make pies, cheesecakes and cakes look appetizing, you need to gel fruits and berries with colorless jelly. It's easy to prepare, you don't need to study for it long time confectionery skills.

What products are needed for gelling

  • gelatin - 1 p;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • boiled water - half a glass;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

What does the process of making jelly for a cake look like?

Pour gelatin with warm water and leave for a while to swell. After which it should be placed on the burner that is on, stirring continuously, and bring until completely dissolved and to a boil. Remove and immediately mix with lemon juice and sugar. While the jelly has not hardened, they need to coat the berries and fruits on the cake using a pastry brush. You can also fill the berries completely with colorless jelly and put them in the refrigerator to harden. If desired, the product can be tinted with food coloring. This should be done during cooking; alternatively, you can make colored jelly from colored berry juices and fruit drinks.

Secrets of gelling

  1. Experienced confectioners, before pouring jelly liquid into the cake, apply a thin layer of apple or other jam on it and roll it into foil around the circumference of the product so that the jelly does not spill out, but holds its shape. Read more about how to do this, brush the cake with a thin layer of jam, pour a little jelly, then add fruits and berries as intended and again pour the jelly to the very top. As a result, decorate the frozen layer of berries around the perimeter with whipped cream, if necessary. You can also separately coat the fruits with jelly, one at a time on a tray, to give them a stable shape. Afterwards, use the berry and fruit preparations for decoration; they will not lose their shape and will look freshly picked, which will certainly make the delicacy very beautiful.

  2. Don’t get carried away with dyes; a very dense color of the jelly will cover all the berries and they will not be visible.

  3. Do not mix concentrated freshly brewed gelatin with cold solutions, otherwise the product will deteriorate.

  4. If you decide to add yogurt or cream to the jelly, do it in small portions, gradually stirring into the squeezed, cooled gelatin.